Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1896, p. 5

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WATO.H Ele, -AT- HA4LF PflICi To clear out a dozen Key Wind1 gin Rockford and other Americi Watche8 in Silver Open Face ai [lunting Cases, we are offéring thE to you at baif the regular prie( This iS A SPIENOIU OPPORTUNIT Y t.o aocure the very besi. value Y( have ever seeti. Jump at It. wi-ITBYn- 'an em 0. ou p tl n a- Ci s, e b hl er 'si ncil L( g d d leth b.1 Ch n e t. isC lan ît e eA E d thIl bMissa Ï11> Of, Toronto, vut~at. Hon. John Dryde n d Wqn. Sm1th,IrL.p. were ïaath là tàwa SMtuday. Theprüiant" tthé 01d tttmes Social wil, bgi at7.0 tis !Pida) vening. TAe Whthy orchestra wlll appear at the grand concert lu the music hall, Nêb. -*6th, Mr. A. J. Gould, thé popular baritone Sololat, wili appear inthe music ball, Feb. Mis Willcox, wbo bas spent a fe'w weeks with ber brother in New York, bas returned home. Miss Ida Hatch, soprano soloist of the Bloor-st mnethodist church, Toronto, will ap. pear ln the muusic hall, Feb. 26th. Mr. J. Casteli Hopkins and Dr. H. C. S. Elliot, Toronto, were guests of Mrs, Aunes for the Leap year dance. Mr. R. Sweeney, of QOsego, sole agent C. and W. Ry., and Mr. Bledgett, oi New York, western agent for samne road, wtre in tuw n on Tuesclay. spe oft iteni sho officiai County Organ-Largeat Circula tion of any local paper in Canada FV1U I)A Y,F l E13. 1 ,1896 LOCAL LAOONICS. -~ttrr'pairs ail k inids of pumrpts. Kit Norm.mnH. McGîiivriv, Tolonto, wa b 'n e ovu rSutiday last, flire\Vr:b Orchestra w 'll appear ai th, grand co'ncert in the music hall on Feb 26tl M r Il Canphel, Torotito titiliverSrtvy, wa her e on Fi idav to attend the Leap Year hall k1i A. J. Gould, of Coîborne, baritori ,oloist, %Il appear in the mnusic hall, Feb 76t h. Ehlere lias been splendid sleighing durini the week, with about six inches of snow oi the ground. A full report of the E-qual Rights meetiné at ltun.j. H. Long's offce will be printe( tuet week. Auto harps. Violins, and small mnusica instruments at lowest prices for Christmai gifis at Mrs. Allins. (;et ýour fire-pots, grates, iron or bricb linings for ail kinds of stoves, ranges ci furnaces, from J. Mclntvre. Mr, Theo. A. McGillîvray was at Pori PerrTy on Monday attending the divisior court in the interest of clients. Miss Mima Lund, contralto soloist in the old -St. Andrew's church, Kîng-st, Toronto, wll appear ini the music hall, Feb. 26th. The cheapest boots and shoes ever sold in WVhiy will be sold during February, at the ne w red shoe store. M. W. Collins, east The Rt. Rev. Dr. Burn, !Bishop of Qtu'Ap- pelle wlll (D. V.) preach this, Friday, even- irrg at a special service AIl Saint's church. Ail should take advantage of hearing this earines bishop who lias been travelling in O>ntario for the past few weeks. The servire will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. The new Wonder. ilayward bas knocked out prîces. Look ai bis price for to days add, Hayward. Eaton's loti groceries ir Buying Horsts. The Messrs. Harktiess wiil be at the fol- lowing places on the foliowing dates, 10 buy horsts weigiring from 1200 10 î8oo lbs., anc from S 10 8 years old : Uxbridge, Ftiday, -et). 14thb Sunderland, Saturday, Pet>. i,5th Mlarkhamn, Monday, Feb. 17thb 'Stoutliville, Tuesday, Feb. î8tb Port Pet-ty, Wedne-day, Feb. i9th; Blackstocir, Thurs- day, Feb. 201h; Whitby, Salut-day, Feb. 2 >nd. Renaje's seed catalogue. We have just receîved a copy of "Rennie's Illustrated Guide," issued by Wm. Rennie the well-known seedman of Toronto, and il is certaitily tht mosL complete publication of the kînid which has reached us this season. Mr. Rennie ofiers a general list of Vegetable Flower and Agricultural Seed, Seed Grain and Potatoes, and in addition to a large collection of standard varieties, bas a num- ber of sterling Novelties, which art worthy of a trai! from our patrons. This handsome Catalogue wri] be mailed free 10 ail upon application to Wm. RKNNIEt, Tot-onto. A valuablt atudy. MIr. James P. Taylor, Lindsay, bas laid 'l ie hlistory of Canada in a large chat-t, "nj wlrîch is marked every important eveut -11t e is discovery. It takes up each Prov- irrce at tht time it was organized mb oa gn)vernment and traces themn into confeder- a(irin One can look at Mr. Taylor's chart aird point* out any eveut iu tht Dominion's lnstory. just as easiiy as he can go ta tht rîrap ot Canada and point out tht city of T i)ronto, or tie clty of Winnipeg. Mr. Fîvilors is a bistorical map, and exposes >istorical facts as intelligently as an ordinary niap exposes the location of plaees to vit w. lit selis it lot- $i, and those who buy it _wiiI be able 10 learn mort Canadian history lt-rn it in on bour or two thau they wouid other- wise learn in a lifetime. The address af tht publisher is Box 277, Lindsay. Hockey at Bowma.nvfle. Tht Whitby hockey teaut and about fifty rOOters went 10 Bowmanville on Manday nigbî for anmatch. The drive vas adellght- fui ont on the nice fresh sno*. At BOat-ý ville a procession was fornid and marche Sriait behlnd theb. bad,- p.nd a good crowd came ouIta s et thet-gaine. At the opening a singular tbing ha4peed- The teams wtt-e llned up, the puc vwaS placed, and the boys had put dowo their sticks ta commence the struggle as If Sdr Ilfe. AIl tars wtt-e awaltlng thé abrili Wbislo of the refèret, and aIl eyes ver, on t*puci. The whisîie blew, and--out vent tb.Ilgts laa trice. The rmnk whlch a moment vis W» a brilliant actait of lIght, M1hmd tnet, hecame a duogeon at te ii.mot .dt1lug, msoment othé inglap va-11M a; igbost wallc around ", cagk r U da couple of amali ýlampa've Oo W about light .nough toe 4taahle p43*te4"a to anoke cigars.- MÇjj7i W thteljghta fluttered eut-tb.rg ýUP ansd Tho nwthe mtnt dto'0 minutes,"and , Ce ofthe lrbe A resident of Byron street tred to stand oIff Chije[ Constable Calverley on the ques- tion of shuveling snow off his walks on the plea that he had a bone ln bis arm. Conduictor NIcMiIIants train had to plow bhrou g h a >great lut of snow on its trips to Manille.a Junction on T 'tiesday, and was an hour and a haîf late lu getting back that night. Trains ont the main hune of the G. T. R. were not affected, as the blizzard was confined t0 the ridges north of bere. Dry gooda g-o too. Ladies mens and boys Sealett caps 6o and 75c, regular $i and $1.25, lined mitts and gloves 25c and 6oc, regular 5oc and $1,20, )lanketts $3.50, for SI.90. Auction Sale. Mr. jos. Spurrill will seil by public auc ion on Saturdav, Feb. r5th, ai the Queen's hotel here, his horses and implements. The Est miay be seen on printed posters. L. Fairbanks, auctioneer. teward. $mo reward will be given t0 any person iho can bu), boots, shoes and rubbers cheap- r than they can be procured ai the west iide cheap boot and shoe store. Auction sale vers' Saturday evening rhe Wabash Railroad. t is now in acknowledged fact that the Vabash Railway is the shortest, best and uickest route from Canada to Chicago, St. ouis, Hot Sptings, Texas, Mexico, Cali- rnîa, and ail southwestern points. It's rain equiprnent is superlatively the flnest in ýrnerica. Full particulars from any R. R. Lgent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian pas- înger agent, uorth east corner King and ýonge streets, Toronto. istor-y of Whitby Six years ago the people of Whitby were )aying 35 per cent. more for their shoes tban hey are to-day. To day Whitby is the ieapest town in Ontario for buying boots Mîd shoes,. We started cutting prices over ix years ago, we are at ih to-day selling ,heaper than ever. We have saved tht >ople of Whitby thousands of dollars in tht ýast five years, and now we start on Satur- lay our great February sale, selling regard- css of profits, et the new red shot store, 1.W. Collins, east side. liecker M atch. Tiie Whitby checker club went 10 Dun- ,t-ton on Tbut-sday night last, Feb. 6tb, nd wtt-e beaten by eleven points. The Alowing is the resui: W HtTB5Y. Robb Pardon Paquette co Whitelaw Howell Whitelaw Pardon Gortzig Won DUNBARTON. S McConochie P Morrison H Barrett T Henderson W Craw R Anderson I Pizer J Atiderson D Morrison Llnbarton 15 expected to play itch in two or three wetks' limie. lighlng parties. Won Dr 1 4 2 1 5 1 4 1 2 4 4 I I I 2 3 3 I 24 17 a retut-n A jolly load drove out 10 Mr. McGuires t week and tt-ipped tht hight fantastic tl ie wtt sma' 'ours. Sleigbing parties are numerous these casant evenings and so, long as tht good eighing lasts will no doubt continue so. A -ge party drove out to, Dr. Robson's at ospect on Friday last and speut a most ijoyable eveuing. Tht roads wtt-e in ex- flient condition save tht hast two or three iles over tht ridges, which tt-e heavily rifttd, but tht warm reception accorded te party by tht genial doctor's estimable dy and ber accomplisbed daughttrs mort îan made up for the slight discomforture cf elast few miles ride. The evening was Sut in social enjoyment aud after partaking .their hosts' hospitality to their hearts con- nt tht party reluctantly started for home )rtly before sunrise. Baptist church re-opening. The interior of the baptist chut-ch bas been artistically painted and decorated by the Messrs. Wilson. This improvement added to the brilliant incandescent lights mires it ve: y bright and cheerful. The re-openiug of the chut-ch was celebrated with a concert on Friday nlght at wbkbh the attendance was very large. On Sunday the pastor, Rev. J. C. Sycamore, was assisted in the services by Mr. McAlpine, of McMaster Unive.rsity, a nephew of the late Hon. Alex. Mackenzie, and by Mrs. Miller, of Uxbridge. The musical contributions of ibis accornplished couple were highly appreclated by the con- gregations both morning and evenîng. Mr. McAlpine preached in the morning and at night the pastor made a powerful plea on the prayer cf Moses bo establish in bis (the great leader of God's chosen people) life tbat wbîch was gond. Now, pD.7 Up. We send out a great lot of snbscription ac- counts this week, wbicb is a method we are conipellcd to adopt when we want oeoney. Some do oct 31ki ta be donned, while others, take it 1k. sweet miIk. Some 6ud-there is' a mistake and fly off thé handie. Others fancy there Io a aistake, but on comparingr notes wtb us admit they are wronîg.No4 of us are Infafible. W. hope .1 wll Mbq reasonable, and uend us th what they owel and some who are wefl able ta pty and who are gettlngr far beblud vilib. consultig their own fintereste ystlua elta bo Stick ta thécletlgbsness this Yeau until we get aaur uaccou.tthd. W. have Deflover stop 19 . ~C~itomIcLE ,b.- cause a man aspo«, 'a" w. publib a gaod enogb paperta bê ýable 1 o ask 0W money froist thon wbo ;are &tÀ>êpayï-. if subsc" isare ubôre of mon.y tho migbt bave tho cortoy te.as7,.. ?hbeto'wa of Whty 4otwsI. , JusUuç. Wb= ftken t ç, oý i bX, onm, Cti*#Ig-obw waq, lu tù 'n o ' nday- ýlat. ., friide lu tàroïto this We.èk. Mr. Ai. M. Ã"orr1tfor ýlcist, wy1l appear in thd muait hall, Pcb. a6th. 1o00 Packages of eclipse dyes, were toc. a Package, tor two weeks 2C., at corner drug store, A. H. Allitn. HoLr"-In Cartwright, on Monday, Feb. rotb, 1896, Charles Hoît, aged 79 Yeaa-a 8 months and 22 days. Go ta the rink to-morrow afternoon and et e the hockey game of the season, u. c. college will be there. Admission to the grand concert In the music hall, Feb. 26th, wlll be reduced to the popular price Of 25 cents, with ail seats reserved. Miss Mima Lund, who appears in the music hall, Feb. 26th, was the winner aI a Contralto scholarship at the Toronto con- servatory or music. The baptist churches of Ontario couuty are holding a conference at Claremont Thursday and F'rlday oî this week -and the B. Y. P. U. a meeting In Oshawa on Friday night. We are requested to advise those pur. chasing railway tickets for the annual con-, ventiot, of the county union of the Young Poepýle's Society of Christian Endeavor to be hel dat Brookîlinon the 25th and 26th of Feb. Services at St. John's churcb Sunday next 6th. Mr. Ten-Eyck. Stinday 23rd, the Rev L. E. Skey, MI. A., St. Peter's church Tor- onto. Tuesday evening, 251h, missionary meeting. Tht Rev. 1. O Stringer wII11v amissionary address, subject, -"Life within the Arctic circle," illustrated with stere- optican views anti interesting Eskimno curios. On Sunday afternoon nexi, i 3.30, a meeting ofte mission band wiIl be held in the baptist church. Rev. H. F. Laflamme, a missionary to the Telugus in India, And who is home in Ontario for a short time, wili address the meeting, along the line of <child life in India.' A ver> enthusiastic meeting may be expected. Everyone is very cordi- ally invited. Old tinies social. To night, Fridav go 10 the -ocial nt the residence of Mrs. A. G. Henderson and get a valentine. Everybody welcomne. «Scranton Coal" 'There is no better Anthracite coat rnined than this. - Grate, egg, stove and nut $4.75 at barbor; delivered s,5. 25. NO. 2 nut $4. Office opposite CHRONICLE. H. R. Blow, Whitby, Ont. Liberal Convention. A convention of tht Liberals of South On- tario is called for Saturday, Feb. 22nd, to deal with the resignation of Mr. L. Burnett, their candidate, and to nomimate a success6r if it is accepted. Couversazione. Whitby public Iibrary. Monday evening, Feb. 17tb inst. Tht members of the public library association wiIl give an entertain- ment lu tht oddfellows hall and library roonis. Games, readings, instrumental music, songs and ligbt refreshmeuts. Tht chair will be taken by J. E. Farewell, Q. C., tht president, at 7.30 P. m. AIl friends of The personal side of Washlngtou. General A. W. Greely, of At-tic faine, be- gins, in tht Mat-ch Ladies Home journal. his articles on George Washington. which are expected to ct-tale considerable discus- sion. General Greeiy bas read over 2o0e cf Washington's privat letters, and he writes in a frank, unbiased way of tht personal side of Washington. His first article will deal witb tht loves and courtships of Wash- ington and bis fina! mat-nage to tht widow Custis. Gentral Gt-eely's articles are not likely to confirm the estimat of those who regard Washington il) an ideal way. But they are trutbful itu4- admnirably portray, tIîç The Dryden trophy. The competition for tht second trophy of- féred by Hon. John Dryden commtnced at 'Oshawa on Wednesday afteruoon. Whitby was drawn to compete witb Millbrook, but the latter did not appear and ont- men had a walkover. Lindsay and Bowmanville play- ed their draw. the former winning. On Wednesday night Port Pet-ty defeatd Port Hope by 10 shots. Yesterday morning Oshawa dtfented Port Pet-iy by r6 shots, and Lindsay beat Whitby by 2 shcts. This lefi Oshawa and Lindsay to play tht last draw. Iu tht final Oshawa defeated Lind- say, anp holds tht cup for tht ye ýr. There is considerable dissatisfactlon in tbis district tegarding tht conduct of tht Oshawa club iu claiming the original Dry- den cup. Tht regulations stipulated that tht cup was ta become the property of tht first club winuing it tbree tUes. Oshawa won it twice lu succession, and by sanie process af reasoung figured it ont that. to win twice band runnlng was equal ta win- Ring three limaes off and* on. No circular was issued ta tht competing clubs explain- how tht cup had thus became the property of tht Oshawa club, and ail were patiently waiting for the notice froni Oshawa sum- moning theu tot tht annual bonspiel, wheu to their surprise a circular was issued ta play fat- a new cup, and nothing saïd about tht aid onte. Tht reguain for the new cap are the sanie as for tht original ont. It must be won thi-te times before becoming tht property cf any club. It is singular that Oshawa did not put in a clause making it the. property of any club winning it twice, running. This wouid bave put a face on Oshawa's action in seizbng- the firzt'cupý on that plea. It -is expected tbatenough pro- tests will hé put in by other clubs ta, render- it necesary for Oshawa 'b issue a 'cali for a continuance cf the coinpetitlnn. Chas. Hoit, an oid and vMry el resident of towu, -died it the reidep son, Mr. P. Holtti neài% rnacltstdck,:Cýàt ways a manoýt great physical vigor, i day. On 1M=- -day morning b. foIk»c he oeuld atâmoveoSe of lits legs w attemp tedtadi r* heayaii 500hdiamar~dthat ha hsA .g.,iAa c~~a-UxÙy Feb. 15, DRESS GOODS. 54-im, Box CJoth, black and oolored, regulai price 25c, Saturday 19c. FRENCH FLPANNELS. Beautiful lino figured F'reneh'Fiannels, regular 50e, Borgain day 85. DRESS GOODS. Lot of Dres Gooda, regniar 25c, 35e, 40e, ta be aold on Saturday l21. FRENÇH HENRIETTAS. 44-im. FrenchHIenriettas, silk finish, staple and evening shades, regular 75c, on Saturday 50c. I5REMNANTS. Remuante in Coating, Serges, Friezes, Meltona, etc, to be oleared out at hslf-prie an Bargain Day. O)AS E RE Hj OSE. Laies' ashmere Rse, Special lino, ouly 2me. APRON OHEORe. Apron Ohecka only loo a yard. FLANNELETTE. See otn, 5e F1anne1ettee on Saturdsy, Bargain day. FLANNELETTE S. Flannelettes.8ft- finish, newest pat- terns, regular pricDes 15e, on Str day 10c. MILLINE RY. Ail Millmnery at cost. We keep the eheapeet aud best Corsets Ail Remnants Bt Haif-Price on Bargain in tovu. day. C. F. STE WÂRT ~Bargain . ... Ail Fors redueed for Bar piday. our Fur Cap« es, roe$8 Baturday 8$12.pn MEN'a FURNISHSINGS, Saturday isnithe day to buy au<ai. low price. Regular #12 an $14,ý nuits redueed ta $10, an Bargain day- only. MEN'S FURMSHRINGS3. Ail Ties, Sarfis, CoUsn, COu,# Shirts, Drawers, etc., at yery close prie.,, MeryN'8 liefUGntlemens Captery a nicey n.of G.ntls. CassE, aNTylo rcs. All emnats n Hal-pri -OnBat., REM yTS Day REMNAMS....PF&ICE. SmýAler ýgSat. .AT. IRemuants of ail kinds including Silks, Satins, Dress Goods, Tweeds,Copt- tons, Flannelettes, Tiekings, Towellings, Ribbons, Laces, Tirimm*i-g*-à&c. urday, Febe I WALTERS' One Table of Dresa Goodu... Regular Prices were 35c, 40c, 50c, 60o and 75c., 25 cts. a yd. We will offer balance of our Mon's and Ohildren'g Overcoats' et >,One-haIf RegulairTIca.forti ~O 'zTiekets will not be pioked for Art Pietures on Barginam scy ail reduoed to one price, iw. N. Go WALTERS, Whîtj JarseSliioNtr PPTERSc,C. etc. Money ta Loan. Hay yart.d GRAND Y RTBBRS inlitpe -.:au tie ýth*t has-t alwayî ean bre Jl S. Barnard Watchma ker, big - RAt«-ý best Cometa 15th < 2 ýzl, ý- PA TERSOIV, U X-BRIDGE9 ONTABIÃ". Sale-...,,,,,,, ý i Go SPECIAL BARGAINS IN OVERCOATS,

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