Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1896, p. 7

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chart e# K. KW#449b Headachie CURED PERMANENTLY BY T&XMN Ayer's Pis 'l wà#4 trouhipd a Ion gtime wlth sIek hf'adache. It waas usuavI accompanied m i h I svere paiw; In the temples, a sense of ftlli 1ss and tenderness in one eye, a 1il f aste In ni oth tongupe cOted, tndtis and( feet eod, aud sickness at e '11,1 h.1 trled a good rnany rernedies i ,,,miniwntdpd for thbs complabut; but lit Began Taking Ayer's PUIS that 1 reeeived anNîhitngz like perma i <ccltA sbng7le lbox of these pil s i hwm ork for me, anîd I am now free 1'ti r<aaices, and a mell man." - (il IIUTCHIS'GS, East Auburn, Me AYER'S PILLèS Awarded Modal et World's Fair A ucr'a SaraapewUa de*.the Bet. A FÂRMER'S ADVIOE. [I1' TELLS THE PEOPE TO SHUN IMITATIONS. lie IIad Been lImposedilîpon hy an Un- nerupuloet»is ýaleiWith thd Resait thiat at nearly Cost The Life of a Loved mem ber of Efi. FamilV. Prom the Woodstock, 1%. B. Sentinel. A reporter cf Lt.he gtirq.1 recently dropped into the Victoria XHotel Iooking lor general newe and ta seau the register for arrivais. Among those presènt ho noticed a veil dreeeed farmeÈ" eîtLing reading a smali pamphlet. Tii. r«poýter asked the laudiord if tiiore wuaanything new, and bcing ansered in Lb. negetive the famer turned and addrossed hlmr. -LookinR for noei, eh?2 Well, ait dawn and I'il give you samnething-worth pub- lishing." The reportor vas ait once on the aient and the fanmer continued, "«Yoa Seo thie littie book I bold in My band? Weil the tile cf it ijeIlFive Prize Stane" and tbene te more good sona. in iL ihan in haîf cf the philosophlcal works of tb. day, andi iL don't lay in any af the stories el, ber- Weii1 about 8 ypar ego I got bald of another littie book.' by the sanie autiior entitled" Four G.enerationsi" whieii 1 Tread carefully througLi and oan very im- portant ting 1 read in iL w&8, beware of imitations; just as I rcad i1ýth' l ittle bock. Nov i wiah Laa bow 4jj. fIhad been taken in (deceived> and boy I found it out and boy near it came La, costii'g mue the dearest rmem ber of my boa.eeiild. Well te bogin at the. begmoning. My name is Siieppard Banks; I reside 11& miles fnom the village of Bristol, Carleton ('o., N, B., and ami a, veil to-do farmor. 1 or several yeare my vile va. troabied with pains in the. back sud veakuese cf the kiducys. About tva years ago te was taken very iii, Lb. trouble aking the form cf acute rheumatism. We consuli- ed no lees, than Lhreo difforont doct.ara wbo, bovever, failod ta belp ber. 8h. oontinaed La grav weaker and wouker, and the pains she endared wsre eome- thing terri(lde. For aven a year ah. vaS unable Lo do a single thing about the bouse, and se bad fallon svay in weigbt f ro ru 180 ta 130 paunds, and w. deapaired of lbpr reoovery. I bappenod to notice in 41) f Lthe new.vpapore a eetimonial cf a cscîîîîIar cura Lhrougb the. ue af Dr. 'Wil- liams Pink Pille. My vifs began taking t 1c om, and by tb. Lime se. ad used these aýie began to gzain appetite sund ber pAwa wore macheoued,, and v. began ta o Rzreat ho-pe4 cf an ultimate cure. I thon went for another empp1yof th. pille. Tille ime I ptuchaedhm in bulk 1pay- 'DR 80 conte for 100 pilles which woer. takeonftromn a largo glaèss ottle. I tecki t h a inhome aud niy vif. begau their uneo. Soon after se began to giMw vouse again; the old pains roturned seerer than ever. W. etilI coutinued tb. useoof the- pille - untih about a third of them wers sge.j About tLii, ime L gai lhrough th. mail,4 aiong witb my noîgbbora, ithe book sn- - titled, "lFour Generationea, .- &Adby1 the Dr. Wiliîame' Mq#dlivq Co. on reading !t le didi net t4ij.m. ue ag iêê'fiu& onût that Lb. pille I h,,adi bou.h i&r-.l were a fraud, a. Dr. William' Pink PNUs are flot eold in bulk, but i box« wUitA tiie trade mark on bh. wmrepir. 1 veut1 ta Latao upbord and, 4own 1du box in vhiobheh. pill __ver. IlAnd 1 and *~te so lle usIqg~II. went')and.proour.d a h*f tssabors of au m ied atti"Ve « -k*!« toY4AY there le s m~die u~ l lie Tes, ~lt înala" 1te hoble Oeloeedi a label 'e,= te MO'radle mr, uWlime'ù Pille for PalePeap1ie' If you ai& medicine that *411 oure ail .dlaeste@ due to poor or waieryb1oodt or shàtered- nervea, ak for Zs genuine Pink, pille and takê 4othib '61060, no rnatset wat $Omo itflereeted dealer Who je looktag for a larger proffit may gay. Dr. Willîamei' Pink pile are sold only i boxes bearjn4 the firm'a trade mark and wrapper, (printed in red ink),. Bearj in mind thast Dr. Willlame' Pink Pus arej hndreod an bydl r w he osffre b bnve od n budl r by h ers @uo etitutee in this fôrm le trying to detraud you and ehould be avoided. The public are also cautiousd against ail other 0o oalI.d blood buildere and nerve tomacs, put up in imilar form intended to de- ceive. They are ail imitations wboe makers hope to reap a peouniary advan- tage froini he wonderful reputatior achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Plie. A£k your deaier for the'- These Pille are mancfactured by the. Dr Wi'lîam'o Medicine Company Brook- ville, Ontaîric, and Schenectady, N.-Y., and are aold only in boxes bearing the flrm'a trade matk and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. They may be baci mrm any dealer, or will be sent by matl on receipt of price.. Dr. WÇilliam8' Pink Pilla may b. b.d of ail drnggista or direct by mail from Dr. William,' Medicine Company fromn either addregs. The. pries at which the. pills are eold makie a course of treat- ment comparatively inexpeneive as coonpared with other remedies or medioal treatmen t. Epson. The tent of thie Maocabeee recently in etituted bere is progreeaing siowly, but it ie believed eurely. What do the. people eay to establieh a wveekly debating echool in tb~e village ? Lt would be beneficial I think. The sceeme of building a temperance hall here hae not yet ripened into action and it is questionable if one wil be erected beforo neit faîl at least. A pigeon ehaoting muatch was hcld bore on Wednesday of hast week. Lt proved aucceseful, and some good ebooting vas douc. Most of th siioôters wcro froin Uxbridge. Choster AaSlinj- i. the Mnost entorprisiirg individualinlu thi. cammunity. Beside@ maanaging a atore, toaching sohool and acting as posLmater, ho la going to manage bis fâam noxt summor. Lt bas been Ipropoaed that an oreP*etra b. organizod l is iivillage, and, Lbojo being lots of fàir material, it in possible t-bat the prapôsft ion wiii b. oarriod into effect. Tiiero isno reoauwby it ehould nat. A regular oldestyleoIlragbee " aud "boe down " tooôk place at Blackemitb Wm. Torry's là.et Friday evoning. Lu addition ta, some ci the local mvains and lases, a- nambor' from Part Perry were prosent. A high -old ime wus had. At tho last moetiùg of the local divia- ian af the. Son', cf! Temperauce, one cf the leadiièg menibers wus impeacbed for indulging in part, wiue. Ile defended bimeelf aad 'a live1yr tikue wae tho reult. AlItbougb' nott ox'olled, iL i. likely that ho wiiirtrlrl' bdciin A movenxènt ie on foot ber. ta, enuni- craie the mariageabie- maid8, bachelors, vidowesud wida*ère, with a view ta tho establishmeo a I ta bbeof matimouy. Tho vital etatisties olOhýtiaiio show that the manniage and birtb rité là faling off ta ap alarming oxtent, and tie. Epsomite. bave r.solved ta do their sbare tavards the reetaration of -a normal rate afinw- crease. Ronce the inooption of the bureau af mstrimony, whicb, it mnay be remarked, le a secret body. lu i. val! knowu thst the. eligiblesarem numeoue. A number of the belles cf the burg bave dec!ar.d tbeir intention of taking full advantage cf the peculiar pnivileges acoordedi by-ioap-yo.,,and k tin'exezpted that th.y viii econ repori propose. - -On. young* farmer h.ae alroady been appn ized cf the fact that, possesson aI liii covetsd by at leaet half a dozen biomring maidens, and h.e wi what he, styles a làblooming predicamont." Ho lis been advieed ta arbitrai. lbe vicions claiete, and vil! probably adopt Ibis courses t diapos. cf theseuperfieiou. aaari offe.r- luge laid ai hieleest. A poor ions Amenican citizen who. has been rustioaling in thie village bu bad a hard lime cf il during th. reoent excite. mont of the dispute bstwe.n the British and Amerloans o!er a fev ares of fer*- îâfeseodSwamp in South Aers.'O fourteen different esparaS OOooasbelh ha. been told ia levolt eeoab allowed to returu aliv. t h. lantofie lre% 1andi, bside.. be îhm boom Ue.Id upon le argus iithe e m- Othe Uiii Bia ais iOPPoellot te' Orat m',I, he While oomuaiê>.8 w ~ i ha. esepd ithot a sscraté, and nov, poeton tita . of the Maure. docrin in orne p>okt and cf the, coueti. tution of th. United, Statue o<&eet.a in" -M SWil'ebGlaen lai *ho W for foiday. JI.t~êai È dk th Ri Ch VICTVORIA 4 ORNER. Thoro wus a amail attendanc ,e at church an Sunday owing ta the bad roadà. Mr James Ruddy le alowly recovering but i.s till in a danpreroas coiqdition. Mr. Thomas Milton Sr hae beon doing fairly well anti' lately when hoe has beon taking waak espelle and is gradually grow- ing weaker. We are isorry to announce the death of Lirmie Swvanick who died Thursday. Feb. 6th, about half puit two in the afternoan. She has oniy been about twD weekis sick. She will be mach missed by everyone a. ehe was a friend Lo ail. The romainis were interrod in Whst Brook cemetery <iii Saturday. There waa a very large luneral of about 100 rigs. -'ear i'entzon Falls. M r, J. A D' , wee 1e t i D tic Worthy ?atrlarch a ie e8« o hld So ' inalast week, We aendot butttX it e yl 5.11 ýthe' pôsitljôn in a manner creditable to aur division. Lt -vas decided ta hold th"eet district division at Enfield. Mrs. A. McCulloch spent a week with friends at Manchester. We are glad ta welcome back from the «'old sod" Mr. T. Hall. He looks. well after bis trip, and reports having had a pleasant voyage. Ri Lagrippe seems ta be visiting here again, Miss Edith Wqtten being the victim. Our league has decided ta hold the meetings alternately an Sunday and Thursday evenings. We think thie a good inave, as ail have long feTt the want af Sunday evening service. A mast enjoyable evening was spent in the village last Tuesday at the resi- dence of Mr. Wotten, it being the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the ýmarniage of Mr. and Mns. Wotten. The friends enjoyed them- selv,ýs in variaus ways until the -"wee smali hours " and departed with many wishes of a long and happy life ta the hast and hostess. King Winter is ruling here with an iron hand. Lt is impossible ta keep aur sidewalks cieaned Irom snow. The tops of the snow banks is the preîerred way aI travelling. AlIso Paralysis. The Strioken to ho Sean ini Every Comm un- i tys Many Cured af This Appalling Form aI Living Death by Usiug Dadd's Kidney Pil1s, 1 The mast standling example af human belplessness is the parahytic. The victim excites yaur commisena- tion, but wi'th eye clean and mind stili unclouded he resents youn intenest. The mast hapeless sufferer af ail la he of ti-et tottening gait and dnagging feet. He ai' fh 'â ~lsied hand stifly pres- sing the benuirnbed aides la ta be seen everywhere you go. The mast canvincing proof that this pitiable condition is the outcome af kidney disease is the fact that Dodd's Kidney ?ills cure it. Net generaliy recogftzed as a kidney- disease, it succumbs ta kidney treat- ment. And that is ail Dodds' Kidney Pis wene ever claimed te be. That paralysis should even be. placed an the iist af curable diseases stands te the credit af those Pilla. Did you ever know ofa cure ? Just tbink a moment. If you do, it must have been the wark af Dadds' Kidney .PuRs, for no ather medicine ever yet cured. John Coxwer th is spending tlie week vith. frienda liere. Miss James, cf StouffVIlle, is visitinig her fiend Miss Nettie -Cooper. H . Cuibert Little BHitian,, is sped- ing a fev days withi friendsiii the Vale. Miss Ella Robson, of ,TOronto, i18-the guest of ber friend, Miss Olga Htage- man. Mms M. E. Panks and Iltýle son, Of Colwell Junction, are visiting the fer- mers sister, Mrs. BeatoIn. R. B. Varden gold ýhie bldc drIvhi hersé Isat veek if<w ship-m«czýt te -Eng- ' -Lud» $130wasthe pnriceaîd. Mis Mtcgof Coboug, 1u1S'paying, affying visit te lier brother,,'W..H :Meeaf.,,principalof tte pqibIicchoo Mis anz Ti ulrne4 tiis we ta ber home i'Dakot. Hër inaay frn:here Unitîed -inA 4ebMa lrt a EËctÈa ýthick -bal .Sold evcywl ~~AéId.~ ti ~ ~.A.*..A. A. ~ A. A. hon W g h.>rWear ber Zev. J. M. Real,, pastor of th i metho- ist church, Orono, and formerlyof hle place, occupied the pulpit at thie narning and evening'servic'es, and the tev. M. E. Siplè; pastor aI the baptist iurch, Whitevale, filled the place at he alternoan meeting. Bath deliver- Id able and instructive discourses.- North Ontario* Orangemen. County Orange Ipodge af No~rth On- tario held their annual meeting' in Temperation Hall, Uxbridgo tho 4t1i inst. Wor Brou W H Pangman, 0 M, andi J R Stevenson D 0 M, presiding. There was a large attondance of mem- bers fromn the different lodges throughout the county. Among thoso p rosent were Bras W H Glenîdcnning, P> O M ; W. Thonîgsont P D 14 ; Shier, 670 Vrocman- tonl;van, 129 Beaverton ; St. John, 674 Sunderland; Wester, 571 tTdora; Hranu567 Derrlyfille; -R 8 Webster, 571 Udora ; J Brethour, 673 Sunderland; V M Hano, D 0 L, Toronto, One af the important mattere w&& fix. ing of place of meeting for demonaîration of l2th Juiy, whiab, -aîter -a bard fight, vent ta Sundenland by &aemall majonity, tho old and reliable Bro. Brothour chai»- pioning tho wishee of the Sund erlandits. Oslebration at Sunderland an l8th JuIy, 1896. zElootîon of officera vu, conduaed'by Wor. Bro. W H ,Glendenning, P. .M, H.isé ÇrÉyB 'V . 584 UTro;ide'~ WM.-T Brithour, 6 uncIajnd D M-J RSteveneoxi', 71dora yKS 8.J'T Ellioti M88Uxhrdge Rý'S-Wnxliarion,56Deyvl Troa-R S Webuterï,571,.Udora D iof O-H MadÂi, 5U Ubridge ton. -a Leot.-Wm ýThompaon, 678 19undr- land. D Lect.-P R- Ptorvii, -673, Bunder.- hi -D Loct-Wm EDoblet ,8 Bunldernd; soie 4e -la e eeting aI Oounly og vil b.U doa nul it Oirne u IR P. 13opper i. ati homeý these days wilb lagnppe. Mie Alias Gilinjan, of Pickering, le here witb lier sunî, Mr@. Pailloter4 lie. buyers-were hore last Thureday and, purohased a number ie.-i! o animale. Mn. aMi Mr. B. Crutuî , r and family, of Brooklm, wre be, l"esday %itb Lagr*Wpe le13vsry prrv.:JtnIt bore just now.Bothphysiciait; ure cntnually ou the go. R. H. Oanning, of Hagerman,-and J. J. Gregg, of Uxbnidge, were here with thoir uncle, Joseph Gregg, la"r week. F. D. Hutohison, of Stoffi. wa e be calling apon hie uncle, F. fluioin. He hbu been vieiting wiLh easera trienda. Grabam Broe, shipped severtteen borse. ta Montreal on Friday, They intend ta make another shipment of a bimilar size next woek. Joseph Law ha. baid a cao or enocees fully rem.oved from hie lift vheek, by Mr Boyer, of Stouftville, thé cancer doctor. He je progreeeing nioely and will bc hum- self again in a few day. The foreign oolony at North Olaremont i. etiI1 exleting.. Anotber 'Contingent' is expected ta arrive within a few days. The report of them oommitting deproda- Liane ie, as far as we know, entirely groundless. Judeon 8. Bundy réturned frai» Mue- oka on Friday where ho ha. bepu- for a tew mozîthe. ol-reports tb. snow vory dsep. and of the, thousands of winters ho ha. paesod through ho nover experioncod mach extreme cold, as dnring the prese*t on,. Wbem Bab? wa' u 04 ve Save hoCauboulo Whesi e. bom I f ik4e atra Oaoue. Wh& Èh" OLa 4ipav. Owo6 -Th enplu cfthe sarnogeof thsILutèr- colnia wilwy'ovoér, rp.nditnne for li, <in, .-the. h0*-4aelqa 1d Isatrelief; eapesdily _ouresi eve WA LLPAE8 Border8s to Matchý ÂTCZ 7 Consarly and geefiras 4oice. P. B-8 WAAM ByneolaS1ad (Sccessor to H. 27torpon) The Subseriber ha, again apeae bniï4 bere. His'office will be at E. 'k. BIoi teierap offcefactory eât Mirs. 14ebae bous on Bok Street$ soutra. NewPu: tnanufactured î and aid. Pumpe.repaib 1First clas, material used and iWO rra ed. Wells dag or dleaued ont«Lr SCO TT. 'I eb.i4, ted . D'OýMIlN-ION BANS Capital 'aid up,ý Surplus, w2ene '. : Bank~g Iaier.*. Sou#loe o1 MICROBE ~ wî Dyaj the. «reug Mau1gaA0 ~.ve i c yoU OÂ~RH? ~c B RemB~y-*'Obtu&n itfout 41 i y, >rietoe. wltb î.s. i reasea LL, whitby. n a die.- i ru"b., h. oit:ý le *IAk* b chars*., et eie R, OODV £TU; ast H. -Zý- Soi -WhîtbyÀýý 1 .K- 1 1 LowEST

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