Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1896, p. 8

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Tio PrIFOr rlci- When loolding for. 49 4 &Pure Drugs, tg Perfurnery, Toilet Requisities Toilet Soaps;, 6 4 Fancy Goods, ti Spectacles, CiAuything in the1 ~m Drug Line,1 DryStore, SiicoeSt.soutli, Oshawa. () 11 A W A,1 FEB. 14, 18(96.1 OSRAWA PAGE OSHA WA. BuSsiFýs NoTICIE. - Oshawva sîbscribers or advcitiscrs iv transact any business with the CitoNicLE. or nav obtain extra copîts lit aîîv tUrne, frotîn Ei. E. Rogers. Fartners %A ll do well Io' cafl at NM. E. May's for boys' readv m nade clothing. If vou wish a nice French china dinner or tea set. or amx thîng in fancy china, or glass- w areorg ot oE B.1 Morgan & Son, It w il pav any ptarties conteinplating buy- ing ani engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they will seil this înonth very cheap fox cash. Genuitie diamiond 14K. onlv $S. They are also in.iking sonie speciai offers in Gents', Ladies' ani Boys gold and silver waî.ches. See them ýFelt Bros. Nouit . The' editor of THE CHkONICLE visiis)slia%î i cxery \Wednesday-, and rmay be setil at Rogers' book, store from x i ar.. 10 to p ni. Pi-uas news itemis, adver- * tisemients, eti., will be thankfully receiv- col * Mr. 1) Cînriiamion is homie (rom New York. Misses 'S. and M. Urquhart are spending thenx lolidavs ini town. Mliss lattie Curtin left on Monday for Keinffvîfle, to beach in a school there. ftlr. \L Finnemnore, of Burlington, was i îown la-st week. 'l lhe Misses I)eacon, of Brockville, and Miss %Vaison, of Kingston, are visiting Miss E B Nrgan. Miss Eila Whitney, of Pickering, spent Sunidav with her miother, Mis. Whitney. Miî,s Schotleld xs visitxng at Rev. Mr. Sca les. M rs. F. L. Walton, of Parry Sound, is visiîing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miothersill. Mrs. Ruddy anîd daughters, of Barrie, are visiting Mrs, Win. Stevenâon on Protestant 1h11i. Rev. Mr. McColI will preach at Ebenezer next Sunday. Mr. Scott, of McMaster University, Tor- onto, preached in the baptisi churcb last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. JeweIl, of Batavia, N. Y., are visiting frîends in town. Mrs. C. D. Hoight, of Orillia, is visiting Mrs. Wm. Jacob. Miss Stella Scotbas been appointed dele- gale to attend the epworîh league conven- tion t0 be held ai Belleville, nezi week. Mr. IH. C. Fairbanks, wbo bas been in St. Thomas Times office lately, is in town tbis week. He is mnoving to Ottawa. The Rathbun Co. have opened out an of- fice in town for carrying on tbeir coal, wood and lumber business, Mr. J. J. McDonald will be their agent. Professor Geiger, the new organist Bt the Simcoe st. church, wilI begin bis duties on ---Marcb it. He occupied the organ lasi Sun- day, but will not be bere again for two weeks. The -social ai Mrs. F. A. Guy last Thurs day evening was flot as well attended as it ivould have been had t evenitig been more favorable. As it was euite a number turned oui and a very enjoyable eveaing was spent. A force of men is actively engaged in put- tlng Up new telephone poles around town to replace tbose broken by the recent ice slorm. In ihe meantime temporary ar- rangements have been made for the "4hello" business, which bas been dumb for two mind of Wilson Drew, the-clerk, aaved Lbe place. He tbrew aq uanty cf meal upon the fiames, whlcb bad th e efiect of stber,. ing the most of tce blaze, and finlshed the career of tbe blaze wih a few pails of water. The stock of feed and grain on band was considermbly in exceas of tbe insurance, and the prompt smotheîlng of the fiame save Mr. Fowkc the difference. "'Say, Mr. Editot," sad an Oshawa man on Wedncsday, -I beau you are down on lodges and ihai you say you have the muscle ta back il up. Now, 1 want ta give you a pointer. A certain lodge in town wau- ex-, pecting visitons frois Toronto the oiber' nigbt, and oîdeîed 7 gallons cf byaters to feed thern on. The grocer took the figure for [7 and sent ibe wbole cousignment ta the lodge îoomn, wbere the local lodge and' and lîs visitors spent the wbole nigbt gui- zling beis, and only eased off wben the car passed to âouvey the visitors ta the west- bound mord ing express. Did you ever hean lte like? (We neyer dld. Would bave ikec 1 t spcnd an hour or îwo ai the feed.- ED. CH. Mn. Edmoudson bas received the mnaps of Oshawa which he lias bad gotten up for h im. The manufacîurng establishmsents, churches and other prominent buildings iu the town are shown, as well as a map ofîthe routes eovened by the Oshawa Railway Ca. A directony of about foniy of the different buildings shown ilsata the bottorn of tce hanger. Several views of sorte of the pret- tiest spots in Prospect Park are msa given. The hanger is very tmstily gotten up and ought to be a good advenîisement cf lte pleasure spoîs of the town as well as of the town itsclrf Anyonc desirous of sccuring copies to scnd to their fienda, may procure them from the bookstones for 15 cetîts. The local dramatic club wilI give "Char- lie's Auni' in the music hall nexi Tuesday cvening. Judging from te dvai ce sale of seats, they wili be greeted by a large audi- ence. The tollowing is the cast of charact- ers.: Stephen Spetrigue, Solicitor Oxford, P H Punahon- Col. Sir Francis Chcsuey, Late Inian Service, J F Gnierson ;jack Chesney, Undengraduates, M F Cross; Charle.v \ykcham, St Olde College, G H Pediar. jr; Lord Fancount Babberly, Ox- tord, R C Babbîti Brasseit, College Scout, F J Guy; Bonna Lucia D'Alvadonez, fnom Brazilt, Miss McMillan ; Kltty Verdurn. Spet- igues ward, Miss N Pedlar ; Amy Spetti- gue, -Spettigues neice, Miss E Morgan Ela [)elahay, an OnJphan, Miss C Trcwîn. Business Faluj-e About thirtv-five vears ago, when Prince Albert was a fio)uishing business place, Mr. W. MI. «ightnîan was its chief business man, anîd xhen the greater part of the business section of that town was burned Mn. Wight- man moved to Oshawa and established busi- ness here on a large scale. He was always regarded as a prudent, safe manager, but extraordinarv competition from youug and pushing meni who advertised and courted patronage more freely bas apparcntly made inroads imto Mr. Wightman's tnade, until mnatuning bank securities have found hum short of funds, and he bas assigned to Mayor1 Cowan, who bias, called a meeting of credit- ors for Fcbruary 251h. As the assets of the estate fanr exceed the liabilities it la probable that Mn. Wigbtman will be able to effecb a setulement which will enable him to seli bis big stock at a reduction, and re-establish credit, Death of SL Ker Mn. Svlvester L. Kerr, whose severe ac cident in a r-unaway was necorded iu these1 columna two weeks ago, died suddenly un1 Monday morning ai bis nesiçience three miles north of Oshawa, aged" years. His injuries were very senrious, but not supposed tu be fatal, and bis family had the brightest hopes of rccovery, until a few minutes be- fore he expired, wben a sudden change filled the houschold with consternation, and he passed away in a moment. He bas fie- quently scrved the township of East Whiiby as assessar, anid wiihin the last iwa years bas beeu mosi active la ihe form-tion of a local flue insurnce association, the bead- quanters of wbicb arc locatcd ai Columbus. Deccased was a bntght, active, enieîprising and etiergetic man, and waa posscssed of sufficient tact to manage anything he took in band. H-e is the eldest sonofithe late Mn Kerr, who died last ycar, and wbo was one of the solid pioneers of the Province. The town- WHThomas, W .Bumbridge, J Cowan. A letter was read frais Mn. J. Ellis, pnclosing picture of the Toronto junction bigh school and usking ta be remembercd la case the board decided on building a new achool. The finance committee gave their report as ta value of achool property. The furniture la thc difierent scbools wms val9ced at $4zo2.- 84, and building at $aj,ooo, making a total of $27, 102 84 The total inaurance on tbe properties ill $17,400-It was declded to re- fer te matter of adopting the vertical sys- term of* wrlting ta the school management commiîîee. Several accounts were passed after whicb the board adjourned. U L VIOXEIkY. barber..Bimeoe -Street. BROOKS' IVERYr, sbaeo stresS, orth. WM. EOLPK, bharueusmaker.@humaSstreet. r.- B. XOTREBoI34 butsher, Klng t%.'Wu&t Du. PÂTTZRON, Don"l; oes es ~.ROWse $tom& A. J. SWALTU-DO=bdiOnpianos ad ergs,. simeo Sstreet. Wày~UmlgJ. » ruàNN lsmuo u 'sa 7 -PU.an Nçod= rs bustIinom Msd *1tv4pI. ÂUct~roxq SÂLC St 112 trot» &ngotitenta' L YÂxztnalq Br viJi be tui Oui Yrlday lot.e«ch m-», tonihe %>' ng to have slua. P. L»»IT &?Jo»--ýThelesdln¶ .tatloMug Splendid smlortmnent 01 tweeds, worétéda, -t -owserlng@, shirts. oolle.setc, alwaym kept U'STBaos -- Watokunakers and "Jewe1eni. t2eslers in watobs, locke, jex.l*xy, slver- w-are,Sp6etacles, etc. fllg&-,'old and mUrver platlng, and oid gldtrlngis.nt4e o-ver. Fine watoh, eluck, and jêwelery repàiring a upectalty, *§vuao & H*wxmer - Importera and dealers in tarmera', maxtufaotnrers' axd housefurniah- ing supplies. Manufacturer@ of tlnwam .Bay-e troughilng and other oontraottng done. Pur- naces chandeliers and lampe. Â stock 01 bioycles kept on hand. ENIELD Mr. G Morris of Oshawa la vl8iting frienda &round here. Mr. T. Hall bas returned from -ngland looklng hale and hearty. Mr. Vancamp, Simcoe, and Miss T. and W. Bradburn are amtbng the visitors. On account of bad roads and wcather thc band concert bas been postponed until Pcb. [9. Several of the nienbers lof the Chosen Iiriends attended the funeral of Mr. R. Kerr Columbus on Wedncsday. Mr J Sarks sold one of the largest hogs that bas gone out of the neighborbood for some trne, weigbing over 700 Ibe. Oui village blacksrnîîh J Aulburt, is busy burning oui barrows ai preseini and will be until spring ai puices to suit the imes. Lasi Tuesday nighi tbe relatives of Mr. and Mis T Woticn met ai this residence as a sur prisc pariy and puesenied them witb a length y address and a chinp set of dishes and glass ware. Mr T Woiten muade a suitable reply after which they sat down toa a sump- tous repasi and games weue indulged in tli the wee b ours of morning. SIRaLEY. Mrs. J. Jackson, Scugog, spent a fcw davs ai Mn. R. Grabamn's 1a week. Miss Nelle Barken expects to neturu n om the hospital in a couple of weeks. How wise those prophets wene, who pie- dicted an open winier and no snow, for wc have a pretîy good supply of the beautiful just uow. The Rev. Mn. Wbiieman bas conimenced a series of prayer meetings lu this neighbon- hood again. lb is ai Mr. Archie Weir's ont Wednesday ibis weck. Mi and Mis. R. Pollard of Pickerinp, we nenewing old acquaintances over Sundav, and paying Mn. and Mis W. Cotes a fane- well visit bt-fore tbey leave us. Mn. Walter Coatc<' sale was postponed on Thursday 1ai on accounit of the storm. It was well aîtended on Sturdmy, and bis chattelu, sold firly well. Mi. Gco. Jackson %-ielded the hammer. Mn. J. is getting to be widely known, and isl weli apoken of as an atîctioneci. We were all taken by surprise wben Mn. WVe1ten Cotes announced bis intention of leaeving for Manitoba tbis week. We tboughit to have had them wîth us a fcw weeks longer, but as tnrey have lots of fiends there, bhý y thought it would be beiter to go before the spring rush starta Tbey leave ou Fni- day. Oui be-t wishes go wtittemn,and we hope they may find a pîcasant home lu the land of their adoption. COLUMBUS Mrs. Allia (Rer.)' is risiting in Km gton. Mr Frank Luke of Oshawa apent Sunday ai bomne. . Miss Minnie Doubt of Port Perry is visit- ing with ber relatives bere.1 Mrs. J.Hortop sad daughtcr of Port Perry are visiting s-t Mr E Tinka. Mus Wm Doubt has-been spending 9 few days in Port Perry with ber mother-ifi-law who ws-s ill. By the appearance of the achool the other morning tramps bail been there but it is mistrusted tbey belong to Uhc village. t çms with some difficulty that outcach-' er, Miss Sti11, reached scbool an Tuesday niorxling owing ta Uhc duxftcd state c f Uic roads. mlaokstock Quite a number of Blackstock folk werg to J. H. Willimm's surprise party and reponlV' a rattling good time. Miss Laura Fairbura bus returned ta Lakcfleld after s- pleasant visit ta Mr. Neison Marlow's and friends in Cartwright. Blackstock Division 883 S 0 T will be beld on Tbursday ibis weck nstead of Fni- day, as Jauctville Division is giving a con- cert on Fuiday. Cartwright bas sustained the lasa cf îwo more of ber oldest and most respccîcd resi- dents. la the pensons of Mr. David Hooey and Mn. Chaules Holt. Mr. Han y Alexanden, of Bowmaa'#Ille, graced teisethodist choir witb bis presence 1ai Sunday. Harry bas a good voice and knows how to use it. Mr. Bruce Fergruson bas gone to Bowman- ville to take lessns in .showing Stantey's travels ia Africa by limeligbt. We Wish hlm succees in bis new renture, RIS performances at White bouse certainly show talent lu ibat direction. SenLtitDrigà Ouu ncw teacher is giving good satisfa- tion. Eveuybody in ttis section seems 10 be in lte beat cf healtit.j Mr. Thos Baker and vife were viditinug receully at Mr L Yancamp'&, The Patrons in Ibis, ueigtborhoo=ax holding meetinja regulatysandsemoe boomiug. Thesideroada la thia ývc=n1ty re u> ive%=odsipe. Eeavylaagelu Mr'. and lMm S Peufouad andilesa and William Rundie were m isa ela a Mz.auaipe As1upne Pr7at 74r. Vaey T Son, wedeidy -=vglst viken a.vryplêas- att time weenient. 'Oui'nov ~*hboa It se lake em. 10 bave lots o<*ieân' da, Ju <on heflue - ber ofvIltasvioweua tti y tlueis. Umm i Farm [or Sa le ioo acres of good land in the 7th con. Darlington. First class b.ildîngs on stone walls, two good orchards, besides wclls and fences. Wcll cultivated. No bad weeds. Eighi acres of faîl wbeat. Easy terns. PATRICK FARRELL, Enfield. Feb. .5, x896-10-4rn. - ~ IMM por lnformttoBsd free Hanabook write tb >IUNN &00. su1BEDADWAT, Naw Tout. Oldest bureaultt6o ecring PateMtsla Amerlos. Xveryp tent taken out by us in brought befci» lxe m y a otlcge «"froe oZouazviathe L Rti om'Al t Orfaalmfenlf pape, In the worid. 1 usdtrated.NO Intelligent etn d 12e w 11oul6.Week1<8.a,0 ar;"gOuxonth.& AddmmsuN & 00., . &61Boadway, lNew York City. PRO A MME 0F MEETI NGS. CLABEXONT, FEB. I8TH. z896. - MoiRday afiernoon-x o1clock. question drawer;- i.3osilo, Prof G' Harconyt; 23o, apple ouchard b1)w Beadle M A; 3.15S. cu.livation cf field roots, W G Haycnmft ; 4. cernent concreein relation t- o farm buildings, les-m Usher. ,Evenm8g-ýizo boultry on tue fana, W G Haycrsft ; S a. tl dion of stables, lama Usher; -8,o, Opsario Agîulua Clee,?fG Harnt; 9., Funrgi iairesocrops and fruit illustrated wiîh ntàgic latrxDW Be4dle,, MÂA- MTETLEx, Fai ITme. X81-TUçsdaýy aftep noon-z'#iaock, uesti o srawr; i p olr on tcefait»W JHaorat;231, , beuietus of sprîying, DW Beàble5 M A; -3-15- Scecnt con- ciets la relati on tofann buildings. Isaac VsIer; 4,,dgiry faing rfG acoi.-Eeig THE AROME. Mr. Ellis la ln *Bamagab. M r. S. D1ne, Àld a valuable teatn last week. Mr. Satu. Disney, wblle driving frais Ux- bridge on Sunday, up?et, breaklng bis cutter soxnewbai. Mr. John Cassie is off from work for a few daymi, and bas su.ceeded in getiing J. W. Disney to 611! bis place at Mr. W. R . Jones. A party of young people took possapsion of Mr. Burkett's residence last Tuèsday evening. They spent tbe evenlng ln games etc. Mr. Hubbard lnvited bis schuol to bis home on Tuesday evening. A pleasant lime was spent. They presented hlm wh a bandsome fruit dish. Mr. Crossman hlred a man called Robt. Barnes for tbe teris of ten montbs. He worked a few days and then skipped, tak- lng with hlm a suit of clothes beionging to J. W. Disney, and some other tblngs belonging to Mr. Crosemnan. Look out for hum ; be is a shark. Eampton Mrs. T. Robbins is visiting ber daughier ai Woodstock. Mr. W Inch has secured a situation in Peterboro. Mr. Hurîbut of Owen Sound, visited friends lntce village on Mond ay. Mr. Wm. Feris, of Holiand, Man., visit- ed friends last week. Misses Mundayyand Simpson, of Maple Grove, are visiting Miss Rosie Robbins. Mr. Jabez Elliott, of Brandon, spent a fcw days at Mr. Thos. Elliottas. The Epworth League memrbers have pur. chased a fine large lamip for their league room. This week we have to record the death of Mr. W. Juil, who was well known througb. oui the bownship. Mn. C. Johns bas been elected delegate 10 the methodist young people's convention, to be held in Belleville next week. The snow and ice proved Loo much for Mr. J. Robbin's barn, the we-;t side fell oui, when the roof caved in breaking all 1 splint- ers. This will be quite a loss as a stone tounidation was buiît only last sumnmer. CLAEMONT, To THE PUBLIC -We are informned tbat other newspapers are oflering to supply the Weekly Globe in clubs with iheir j mrnais. AIl parties aFe hereby notîfied that we hold the sole agency for the counxy ot Ontario for the Weeklv Globe. Any person can verify this by wrxxîng t0 the Globe, Toronto. Our canvassers- wili be -îround in good time. and those who wani the best paper and the best prices can have both through us. We shahl take sîteps t0 preseni the fil ing of orders for the Weekly Globe except through us. Henderson & Graham, publishers of the CHRONICLE. MYRETLE. Arxnour's store for bargains during the rest of the montb. Ail goods at cosi prior to stock taking, Pcb. ist. 50 overcoats and 2oo pairs winter boots must go. So>ecial lines in ordered clothing. W. G. Arînour. £11 11:1er hoûi ~AT BELOW + OR~ COST*. Tii:. Muerna§ Cali at PELLOWS) and see his Wrought Steel IZ >.A IN T.Ej -AT- Mlso his COA.L OIL a and GAS STOVES e50.00. -FR CM- $5.50 to $25-000 Railway and Steamshlp Agoncies have been tranisferred ta tbe OSHA WA RAIL WA Y CO., whose offices are a fei* doors soutb of bis former place of' business, wbere be will be preprdo supply ail required Railwayan Steais- sbip Tickets ai ratesguaranteed to be as low as tbe lowest. The best steamship hunes on the Atlantic are represented. Special railway rates are given ln con- necîlon with Steerage and Intermediate Tickets. Tbrougb Railway Tickets are sold toa il points in the United States and Canada, including the Canadian Northwest. Baggage is cbecked through frois Oshawa to ail points. Passengers for the United States may have ibeir baggagc examined in Toronto, tbius saving any inconvenience at the frontier. AUt information cheerfully gir'cn. For tickets and ail information cala nd se-W. P. STERICKER,- at Railway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshawa. R. c. OARTER, Agt., OSHAWA. Nov. I4tb, 1895. We have always a general and, varied stock to select fromi-latest desigas and finishes. Prices right. Undertaldng department fully stock- metho. ipicture frAMing promptlyadsai. fcoIà ly d. Lrke B,,ros# r ~ KeJ ON dyo Thisi is not Greek or Spanish; but ra it from--right to lefi and find out where to get tihe bigcst. bargairt ever offered in Oshawa, in Clookei, Jewelry and Bpectacîe8s our 8 day >4 hour striking Clocks, Oak or Wainnî, ai The best value in Canada. $2.9# -.AT- OIOS JFWELRY STORE, KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. To theo FrZmersi CAMPBELL& ELLIOTT, o o o MILLERS, will give 38 Ibo. cf Ibo. of Bran, and 4 bushel cf Wheat. lot clama Flour, le lbis of Short8 for a They hope by titis inducement to draw a large share of the trade of the digîriet about Oshawa. Flour, Bran and Shorts always <n hand at lowest wholesale prices te Farmers. CAMPBELL & ELLIOTT. MILL,-KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. For Delicate Children, InvaIids and the Aged, JAC KSON'S Nutritive Wine This palatable and HIGHLY NOURISHING Wine, prepared with Cod Livtr Oil, la easily retained and digesed bythe most delicate. For W tIn Diseues, Gencru Debiiy, Impaired DiesioColdaL Ca=aria and Bronchial Trouble 2n Loos of Muscla Tone. Of grea: Nutritive value to Adults snd Chldren. 9 A marked lncressed in weight la noticeable afte iaking a few boulies of ibis Winewhich represents as equal quantiiy of Cod Liver Oil.'A druggists. CLARKE & DYER. INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION A G.ENCY. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, whicb te to-day unquestionably tbe Leading Lit Company. Canada Accident and Employers> Liability Corporation of London. Eng.- Among the Pire and Plate Glass Companles' we bandle the Lancashire, Guardian,- Mercantile and Hand-lun-Hand. Aid Savings and Loan Co., Tor-onto. OFiicE just north of the Western Bat 0 09HSAWA 0 * J. S. CLARKE W.E. DYER. A LETTER LOST OUT O? YOM.7 ALUABECT If yon do -ttbyyour School Boc ft» uS. ,W. -carry lte largest. as ment of Higbýan&-Pobiie $Chopl B« aud scitoolSupplles lte county. 1 invite .everY .sclbpI, [aspec Scril>blihg sd bed e bks.1 b"tsihti èBJI&* itesak i rtP Bylcy's CEN UINE STOCK- TAKING SALE!a ý r-ýwat-ohef4 Ë c (i roniclt.

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