Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1896, p. 1

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WIFUBY, NTAIOFRIDAY, FEMBIRIJARY 21, 1896.' i 'Iww - I- 1 J flr l;rn ilda l LOCAL NEWS LETTERS.1 guel A '4 -VOL@ r ~ EZOOKLIN. 850170K&M. me that lu the news~r proiessios tIlMO &~ I ekeptîcal mes. I on y wosdar' tb~t t3ewSpBpSt 2~ à ftftf Iuuu rSunt~ CMCucLE OJuSPONDENOE.- Gr ECLI PSE-+t,- NNBTCR Miss Agnes Pearson le vlsitlng friende in S À ~ EWhitby. da) y E s Hockey et Whitby Saturcay afteinon- bot <~' k.) ~ y Toronto Granites vs. Whitby. îo cents. Mrm. J. Warden, of Son ya, retuarned borne wll onSaturday efter a week e visit at M~r. J. Yel w ere i Oc, GDrin e Cilinesof aur junior faim Bn1 teecher the duties were perforxned by Miss thm Meble Armstrong, Prince Albert. Mrs. lou Dixon ie mucb better now and was able le Y .to resume school work on Mondey. Miss ho n10W 2 #.adSpn. saloimproving. ; ;e The sick iet etill continues ta grow. an Fresh stock of ail dye suis ter Smith, Mrs. Oea. Keeler, Mr. John lat 'VT AT .T \T the rest but cannot qualify. te, il X L LcaThe postponed sale of Mr. GOa rmistaii uE D~ k2 . 3e. caJme off on Friday lest. Althaugh the 11 I IMST, W HITBY. roads were very beavy there was a large o number present. Mr. L Fairbanks, Whitby a presided. Everything wes sohd . As the ei Corner Drug Store. stock impleuets &c wre of the best kind s the purchasers received some grand bargins. Pl -Mr. Ormijton intends moving ta Myrtie in a gi few deys. r( We cannot hase the chance of comment- 01 igpon the ludicrous statenient made by Sth e Gazette in hast issue. It telle about P~ gsonie grand mailing machine they have tL Prcbased and set up In their establihimtent. The whole storv jesncb a ýcomplicated messs that we would be pheased Mr Editat if you ti ,4 VIO TY tb atr Hafo h Gzte printed V IMPORTA Yun Toronto and nearly ail the reet oaitit e printed fo aetmte.Oeboy ius CLEAN S W.EP. kept ai Part Perry and one et Wbitby ta setc type, but wben it cames ta publication9 night there is nobody ta mail the papers, ast no hands are needed ta rus a peper alrnost PA ces tallk for Cash : entirely printeduiToronto, andý this mail- makes up for the want of hands.-ED. C.)1 Good Wire Mattras, worth $25o foi The event of the season will be the grand SI-75. Got>d Mixed Mattress, wortb Sons of Temperance concert ta be eiven in $4 for $3 Firet-clase Extension Table the Town hall, here as Fridy evenung 28th worth $6 c0fr .Bero esi net., Manchester division bas tie reputa- ,o or edrom etstion of providiag fret clase entertaintietlts, wortb $14 for $1090. Brdroc>i Set and their is nod oubt but thet the ane ta worth $16 for $13. We have notbing corne off, wilh be the best in the history af but fint-cless workmen in aur Up- ail. The programme wiil consiet oai: songe recitations, tableur, dialogues, selectionS hohsteriflg Deperttuent. fnom the division orchestra, and a short bt Leading U dertakicy pley, entîtled the Limerick 1Boy. Leadng U dertker,9 UVerybody came and enjay two or thret boute of good solid fun. The concert wiUl E. . TOHjN SICN, commence at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission * i only 10ocents. BR O TWHITB-Y. The mass meeting of the Refarniers ofithe BROOK ST.,township ai Reach, wes beld in the Town -Hall here on Saturday afternoon hast. Al- though thc roads were in e bed condition, -j silîl a large number werê in aitendance. 'b Thefret order ai business was the election ys Un ices tii TT. alids le 'HING npaed rube utritivc e sfte ERD ng Life îabiity rnpanloe ii Bak. DYER. à 'ta have been completed by the local imnft<è for the entertain ment ai detegatea' rhlcb there wll be e large number îf the atber la -favorable. -. - ~ W. A. H. Lesidenos opposite Town Hall. Brooklux. uRN o oà-D. HoLiDA le in ow prepureti odeliver, or oe t <led, Brookiu station, o6r iff cars, the celebrated Soranton Ceai at close )rces for cash. IThe bsst la the cheapst.) ept. Brd, 1M9. A MoNEEzLY, D V S..-4radi&te af the On- ýaa veterinaiY Catiege, Toronto; Honora'> cueniez' of the Ontario Medical Society. 'reste ail 4lsessea of tube donsestics.tod ninrale by the mast appno#ed metht. -Atso, particular attention t10 surgngl-i perations and deutlstny. Day or night paoel porpy ttendod t. Office andi re"lins rooki,4 Ontario. "If Caudlemas be bright andi fair Helf thse viater 'e ta comc--oid main." min eew hie slsadow on Sunda>' without any Uifflcnity, and bas naw returncd to comiplcte hie-long uap. - There je stifl a lot af cold weatiscr before sprlng. ff e Are Giving-0- Bargains ini ,Blankets, Bangains in Underwçar,t Bargains in Ovencoats, ,Bargains -irn Slawls, Bangains it. 1oods, Bargalus inaCaps.. «cts ta make money eut of it. am E. Holtby le laid up and bas beauý for coae foi ime with e tumon ou bis bead. Hie ho w %Se lo epaired af, but et time ai writing be is soutmW )etten. Our wîoiesale butcler. -J. H. Wagner, fa ia becu laid up for sonne little t.me, and le nat hi nucl better c The Hogle fanai was sold lest weck et anctionW realiziiig $3500 ton 70 acres. Hellelujeb Jim being le punchaser. Re hast sold part ai lis ewn' fart, WiIhui Wilson bonght thc 25 acres sext ho chu 'rol for $e per acre Williamn je going <o G farm on a smail scale- John Phîllips bmtght the 2o acres adjoining bis own fart fon Uic snm off. Ic combinetionu aution saescam opff lest Saturda, as edvertLsed, anud thiugs, -solti vc-y wenê Tom Ke lt is driver, a. Çlt. omlng the (iledton carnage Ho exemfltstabeev ncxt yean, andi he thought <bat lho.goulU havtu <o put on mo 1re, style then coutnon. Jl- WWhito l-at at. <ho sale viI&a smaUt r"dtou -w, li, tuir andi solU heuui lRe linys m"t of ^tIe prk' comem into <ho tawu off 1Jiidgcin"..slipls <beas, t it>' bcésidhs wagon boats of poult>'. Mme. Conley af Madock,.ii À vluitinEg inonde lui tovu..,1 Mn. Alex. Hegry-vas a gucieoai Mr. W. L. Panrish <bis week. Miss Mal enenl 'slgwt ned atBrooks' Pîso Cottage, -Roach. witb is. Mhm> bwo 7klisoSd<f Porth Pennyon the.-ah t Mi" Flore cRyaolds 0< Lin dsàL vishuas Mpnviag he cds f< haJtba , ceus;e fetevda.i t ttàno u )r bon before bresking. The lge tMî.; R ,farÉmeinW4 f - tmlly lu <bei aud soe tiher iedl couu outnbutiaoff d ibîg ed port Pey m PmflïS .E.WiLLIJàxs50, batber, nseeloD, Oct, ltb.-8 mS. - - dR* v 4 1.,I w »- im es ar T-Y ânue qtiatl50 hast.w l'ho piece of gWiztcr GocdW befgre*l~~r ft We have nov Cottqznad"o 1i*gs c nov instock. LoIiday, Bros-, x-vVXrY 4 evcry member of the chu rcb. This evil Ca. Y P S C E. accoste n be gaining ground and Iow ering htanu cvti oteOtro ithe mnaiuncoshe hrthe epnle.Tes Ca. Union Y. P. S. C. E., will lie belti ini c things ought not ta lie. The discipline ta ehde buc eso uedysr n which aIl memnbens vaw alleglace speaks 2S, at 7.45 p m, wben a ublic meeting will decidedly an this point, and, when e persan lie oetiU o 6e aU esUby Rev A McAu lay or member becames canvinced that tbese Pîcjoeing, Mr F L Fowkc, Oshawa, and thinge art harmîes, and wishes ta parteke Re¶p:j H Mellet, Scugag. Thc convention thereaf, it'wouhd seemn better for sucb to jalu 'll e eontinued on Wedaesdey we saine church thet doees ot prabibit tItis kind marniflg,. afterùoort and evcniiig sessions af amusement. They would sot then, ta will be hotU, which wil1 6e fuît ai intenest say the Iet, e violating the lwe <ey haU bth ta the endeavors and tbegnrlpb __ lie. The nnnortuityVoaiattending t ee s, WA. ,ERS, our, le La for a .174~J. ofF. M ai cens whlcfl resultet i n th uv olesoc- si%; ft * ~ ing aain placed lu their former positions. pluinî ta obey. Tiiose wno dirai Dehegates wene epplite t t represeni ibis frorn the sweetcst pleasures af 111e aretbeylaie towsship et île county meeting ta be held thal dwvell fatheet fram île euee lime, by *1 inWhtb' n etrdy 18 mt.Speeches As the math that loyers around tlhe lighted ment wene delîved by many ai the cîbusiastic candie le sure ta bave its wiags einged r-so icoin workers, and in all the meeting wes most those wba rny ta sec bow near-thcàà r» geats IUT T B TV '~E harmanieus >thimitghout. The business ta <6he devil'5 camp go home cerîryi'ng.-%cara T VIL L U Y TH wound up with three cheers far the Quecu or as Mn. Manning said è'they esave4at. and the chairman. soule by the skis ai their teeth , and their P. C. GRAHAM. religion les ot the weight ofa efeather" Mancester BusinesS Dlreotory. EGLNGUY Mas. «R. S. PA&RKs, Manchester, repaire, ner n.Ptrorcibsbedt.r.W.BL sao nvates or re-fiishians &Il sorte of lune noen- M.PtrGiehs ie oM.W . Re r1~~~1 dering them in mollt cases s goodandea Bright, sr., for anc year. I. 1111.5 faihionable as when new. Ordere sollciteai W oaur hatelkeeper le laying la bis iOR ***** *~, Now is the time tc look aven your furs for st o!ic o h o esa d umc. t ML~ V their salety, and to have them renoated. stcofieorheotdyofnx um . TusUNias TATe LrE NSTÂNC co .Our entenpnlsing miler, Mr. D. Christie, 1 Pr issues the masi libt rii policy in the utarket.unnngouaittbce P C &RÂBÂAm, agent for theocousuies ai on- catli p fiaps et wholeale and reteil. Fetcb wj AN ~tori and Victoria. Local agents wanted in on youm buckwheat. ta evsry t.ows sud hamitTa sucI agents wîfl m be offered ftrst clues contracta. Write for Wc usdcrstasd the Raglan Division Sons Ti (I T n f I T fI 1 Jprticlfl.i. We start y u; anfit ree. ai Temperance are çoing ta have another s I~~IE~ H lU E i contesi. Mies Anmie Maffatand Miss P '4YUI Ih IN~EII1J YRLE Minnie WYlîadgc are the captaine. And stili 8 1 Twety lgh deree beow eroher latbtey came. Almast evcry Setundey night 0 Twny melightdges o ea e etthere are anc on two sew members added ta - Mr. Henry Briggs fram Toraonto was wlîh tedviin lis fathers fuiy heme for e day lest week. Ose Friday luet the remains ai Mn. Mich-1 fermra istitte eId ere n T es- lcO'Boyle, wbo dled on Wednesda)i main- Tefrir nttt ehronT ue-ig the îstb Fnb., was buricd ila Rernden"'s FOR i1896. day efternoon and evesiflg ai thie week wes buryn grounds west ai Ragtan. He ws prettv weII ettended and îhe speeking wes 82 yeare of ege, and althougb b. ball been Br said ta lic good. : aflccted with sickness for sonne yeare, bc, Quite e number ai people iroin here went passed away witbout mucb pain. He leeves -q q See our Club- aven ta the Asîburn Qyster suppen lest wcek e îoving wife, 4 sonsn aubest and sanie went aven Stunday nigît ta beer mours hie lou. He was ighly esteend-by '«V bing Lista. the tempeirance sermon.t ieon hntal bis neigbbors, being one o theo he the weatherisl fi ne bui -- not any better and sympa<by of ail la <heir inrepâable tous. nn,/tD'Oèfl l0ere'anm we regret ta say that hre is scanccly any on WednesUftytfot! n1 the 2th day ai H u~ui;, ~ LJIUUUII' rosectai lm ccr ettng ellFebruary, ett<he, résidence ai the bride'e Armouis store for ba-gains during tise parents, Mies Saiih Mn Thonipeoitof aieg- et ai <le month. AU1 goode et cost pnrarlan, and Mr. George Corner of, Reacb, were C~T DI lCta stock teking, Feb. ist. 5o overcoats andi united la marriage. lTe cercsqony was per-. WESTERNI BANI OF CANADA@ 200 pairs winter bootsg must aSue"iS formed by the Rev. Mr. Wtbcrall, of MyrtIe, Ues in ordercd clothing. W.. Axiot.txinlutîe preence oiea largo number ai Tel-ca Capial Athorsed $1,00,000 This seems ta lie qulte a shipping point tises ai bride end ¶goi, Miss Belle judging from tIc put fcw days.. Oùtt Fril Thompeon, sistç« 0<-.i bride, acted as Surplus 100,000 day lest Mr Herknese ehipped a car loaU brideemeld. 1fr.,Frank ,TuOttie f Oshawa, BOAR OF IRETORaiofharees, the saine nigît Mr. Ward shipped acted as goomea. ltbe heeirty congratil- BOAD F DRETOR. wa car load iorsoes, Satundey somo oone jtions-of thoe àssembled fflendsbe<ng ovCtr, OHN COWAN, EsQ., President. shipped part oie car laU of fat cattle andthe c=-" kp0y r apred-. to thé' 'dà1og rooIU RItBENS. AMtIN Es., icePre. on Moda y asother car loi ai horses ewere d perà -iof a imoat ltmptlng ;atiti eutppt- T. H. McMILL.N, ---Casher. shlpped lueudensted hee-ilte tok elvedin*tpat. a General Banking Busi"ness tansacted. fittoc a neddin<eadcutylrge nutâber aIvalui l'OlS ep~al Dratis issued, payable in ail parts of Cas- imarket. a handsome present frm ber fathor,.,lTe ada, United States, and os Landon, Eng- The Iong-erpected bau bappeusti following sare <b 5*niâmes on. iofthe reae- land, payable lu aIl parts ai Europe. 3% Ever since tise C. P. R. throngb bere waesespeet:Mr n r.Janmes WhitO pet ceý t. aîlowed os Sevinga Bank Deposite buit there has been a constant ex ett<iiapdti 1-I o4gWnî C*Od o lumbus 1itA- Mr' qùâ asd credited haîf yearly. tisat somcwoywi dgtkfl4 t Mr oo- is. .EdstM- si~.j <1i Speciat to coUection of siag. That esa isp .fu~eIg a u i.at r~T~MUZ l11~ ~ atenio ot teken place in a wouder. llowevEr, T Thompsoti, Goderici;- Mr und-, b Farrpera' sale note. an accident occuned yeaterday. rC 8o r tJ~te, 'Oàeaws; M- Comn.,sd - teÏttê E. . W&»BBN coWns he =kbi asdriving a lIttie -glnl ta o i, 1Mts*Corner, -uso t'rW 0tI#Io Manaer ! WitbyBrach.leg wes broken but tisere belsg no,,roitI- Ca mCo=uintflcet i oti ln re i ao 4F r for 8a le' -On Monday last a meeti as holdtu ,l *0 t 1 hai desirable farm:. contai s o ases, the-CuClhuot rag O 5STU <0- centre ai Lot 2 ln the sud Càomsof d 0h 1 f <h circisoft Ibo eleste ït bls*.d' r«n-s-v Township af Pickenieg tIe estate ria. ho lais Jno nict. Tisera van. - - - McCuttougl. <brecles r9thum tb tows orice Albert, Mbga Wç.- *uat, 4t1 Pickering village,asti W > k m a o.soho«Mu Raglanl, Btbanb.u>t beMU bitte, churcb. The grounda, bi eusadsts lat t<Ms s 0ôît1-11R »Îff tion are tisepaSSSd.Gowd orchanti sud cet- front buildings; ome bans »x6o setti bapusa, o rduu.4# T~~~ banl Sozào witb stase stablftl .dnssi.wete mp0ailmnt.1 * m tm The fâtnt le wo1lmoiest 51o oamd goad tinte of oultvtls Fou- lasapt>'moupu-cu i & bè#latio ta, 1..> MCLUUGI,- Box 421. IU-1 .Ot ~ Loat. Mitchell's andi Dr. Waftstp,a woned oe leu" - wiII el Bcks Sassit- 1 Bok* <y. We tet aur k. W@ et. We rARIO. Iloilo A .Mammon-= fiss Minute Coakwell, of Brookli, is a et at ber uncles, Mr. Gecx Coakwells. nt. john McGrelgor, of Toronto, spent lai niy e't bis fatber's, Mr. Walter Mc- egor. T c lelson Davey, who la attendlng Torontot iverslty, was horne ou) Friday and Satur- bc ylast.Idi Sam. Kemptborn took ln the city on Satui* y', and ?411ton Brown on Monday last, , li ;bh on business. fo Milss Della Brown, wbo bas been living ýtb ber uncle in Picton for the peet two b, eare, la here visitlng ber mother, Mrs. Asa ql rown. e Milts Lizzle Stork bas given up ber place, îat she bas so faltbfully filled for tbe lestn ur years, ln thborneof M rs. W. Grold, and a now witb ber siater, Mre. D. Batb. Wê Dpe Lizzie won't take it into ber bead to, go, ery fer from the towu .hne wheu she takes other position.f Wbilc ane of our ice teatusters was loadingc .e et the bey lest week he slipped and fell Lrikinghbis face on the edge of a block of re, he cam.e home minus some of bis front eeth and considerable more " ip " than eu al. The Patrons of Industry met et the borne >f Mr. and Mrs. John Davey last Friday vening, and presentcd tbem witb a hand- ýme set of dishes. After tbe usual addrcss, resentation, responses and speeches were one through witb aIl repaired to the dlning ,oom end partook of refresbmeflts such as )nly the town line ladies knew how to pro- ide. The remainder of the time was occu- pied with gemes and social intercourse till the small hours of the mornitig. We were much pleased on Sunday lest to see Mr. Mathias Mackey, oui S. S. superin- endent, so, far recovered as to be able to take hie place again et the head of the, Sun- day school. This le more than we dared hope for, et least during the winter months, owing ta the criticel condition he was in a short titnc ago. Hie presence le a stimulus :o hie stafi, and we sincerely hope he mey long be spared to belp on the work. The Rev. Mr. Manning etter a brief but very appropriate address lest Sunday on ire- sponsibilities and requirernents of truc methodism, rccived into full membership of the cburcb about twenty young people and children, several of the number receiving the ordinance of baptisrn. The remarks thet werc made conccrning members of the methodiet cburcb indulging and countcnanc- ing card playlng and dancing were very -la tad niht tn gn home ta the heart of Mr. ~d olldaywaehom fro Toont Mi. Go. irion l vey eck itbinfam-mes bel iteey=Wg.Oe fth'Irttras ï t*>4san1to vs.Àhitby. lacets.yths wee. thanany o herpoeo. Tbluevy hi p os apero fioedyasfh odm eg aI1 d i waToro nto- The fpýrcufyjworked down to 25 degrees john Patterean bas movod outt o<bis 'a" bn per offcedaI te veaitigo lthe at. wàt1 of elowe -,. o n onday morning, the colde t te 7thb hue. pufled. ail the revengeithat wast to be -, rèapd, ip of th~lt Mies Gullet. of Osawa, Is here on a iisit t e il the mistakes that went'<o be txctd 1 M. At'y(etcben le etilý quite sck and it la Mr. Dnnam, the duil speakers wbo wat, <o be tbought ic- kcly t t he wi11 be confind ta the bouse Mrs Dr. Batesons fether nd mother were quent, al Uicthe annesi thet wats 1.0 get Is ci br e t of tbe winter. beio avst woresnotlced gratis lun order ta sa". the tex of Mr. Jctn Medland's illness bas proved to Nra oce a oeoe udy~ the o4vertîsing columu, aIl the mes wbo wactoe jveryýserlous, btbscnii ano stt i aet.be st rigbt, .al the crack, braiae pbiloeqpbmr but emroe adbis oditjn e no irnt ta bi parente.witb stace as long as theirbÏand as giswsW ~ and bis ecoVeiY ~e Mr. Iohnston, of Toronto, lvistngbr their lnger lu the mornig bereft of soap--aU grendmothr. Mrs. Dundaq. te bores who corne ta stay fie minutes, but talk Rev. f. E. LaFlamme, wbo bas been a Miss Jenny Jackson le on the ick lit, but et five boums.Tbrough the ditorial nd repor- mlssonry in India for eigbt ycars, dcivcied ume o writing le on the end, toilI ooms all thc (allies anid. ebame oi the a very nterestlng address in the baptiet Mrs, Winn, of Wbitby, le visitng ber brother, wold arc secs day aiter day, and the temp ttoù Mi.f on SNda orot l sferng.c Mr. joseph Burke, oai dis place. ilis neither ta believe luin 8,man or woman." Mr.ereohn rom thect b acdntr- A load off youug folks went ta Cbie.rywood The Refores Convention- poed rlesrote e t lefeaethait ie- Tuesdeby eveniug ta attend a dance. tMeets il, Wbiiby tai-morrow to sélect (?) e a s- covry e aspedy nc.Mr. Coltman bed same triends vlsitlng hlm dnct? WbT e n off Mn. Me c cegr coeywiîî nck east donidm ounSaudy n una.nte Wat e toe Mralc lh Leagr "Beantiful Canada," picturing oui borne fo oureuda n una.-hasbecu mentined as acandidate an wbom the' lend from Halifax ta Vancouver, given free Mnr. G. E. Alger, af insunance famne, bas got penr conîd succesefully usite. ' Messi. Burset ta aur customners. Enquire for particulars back, and says that he is going ta figbt it out. and McTeggart are fi class agricuhturie, sud nd have a lok et the fret number, juet Miss Bestrice Stephenson bas gat home from mes af bonon and integrty. If cunrent rèparte, publisbed. Halliday Bros. visiting frlcnds and relatives in Whitby and are true there are enougb political aspiran ts'for Mr.Chas. Çoakwell Sr. le recoveriiig from vcinitY. the Reform nomination la South Ontario t0 ber recent illness. A few weeks ega ber Teechers meeting et Mr. Coltffian's lest Tues- stock half-a-dozeii ridinge, snd if they ahIsick friends bad little reesan for boping that she day. Neit lnesdey ît will be held et Mn. ont. they will camne out like the-Conservativcs. wonld get better but she bas given evidence Waguer's. witb thc Wardensip-et lcf t. Let «MrydWl of wonderful vitality, considering ber ad- ms nwpdaouecet t le doing weîî in gate go ta ubecouventionunuplcdged. and ,,ho vanccd ege. the school. 1 notice the by go in now wben ee acocsai yhmsdwr ntdy bun oy wreexecedhreonthc>lirigsend not say after the convention lu aver, <'Ad The Abhbnnby eeepce eeo h elrns not lntend ta do mch work. 1 shouhd have bad Seturda7 ta Play e a nme with thce chool N L Stephenson le prepaning ta put stone the nomination, as 1 bave doue' more for ie: team, but they could sot get their players stabling under hie bain next summer. He le party tbeu tbe candidate chasea."' There, la no together and thc event heU ta be postpoaed getting the isitff on the ground. nccessity ta go ta Toroato or any other outside for e week. AI' being well the game wlII Persan Hogle sa) 9 that he le gong ta kecp a place forea candidate. There are pleutY algaod, take place In the fieId opposite the schaol tavern somewbere. He thinks there le no mney men right ia South Ontario. Ail tbatr lsiequired b o u s e to -m a r r o w . S a tu r d e y a t e r n o o n . l n fa rm lu g , a n d th e t b e c e n m a ie M o re se liin g is fo r so m e m e n ta p ra c tic e a littIe s e if-d C d!il a o m n t k t h h e r e s v a f ty o .a d t r w s lf o o e s c e a d l t t e h e à a l' animais, hanses aUd cttlc, belaiigigtaa LsSudybing sovey uoai there were strofigeet man be choses as the. Reform, nom-- resident of Duke St. that are literally sta -veny few out ta cburch. Mn. Haris preached inc. LUt the officeeck thcma.anduMot <h ing tadeatl. One le already dcad aUd the wel, aîtbougb the congrgtion and choir wcre mssc i fie greet pity le that the others stili live. This' bath smoll. Fire. is surely _,L ett.cr requiring inveEti-tIn 1t . Piphen, ai Newmarkct, le hcre visitiag et bis Le1Sna ons t6ocokorii once ta establish the trutb or talaity af the friend's, S. H. Stenhensans. jan looks as if were aroused from t<heir slumbe's by, the-clwngo stane thet are told. Whose duty la it ta hotel keeping was e good business as fan as the fine bell, when , i was soom i6tv Onsdotba"f aamoney meking us concerned. the bouse occupiedbTMî,; Wss. Dviuo . An open meeting af the Lend-a-Hand A couple ai the young Uxbridge hycuas weat family, on Bigelow sincet, was on fn.1iub Society mission band, of tbe Broakli baptit thnongb bere on Monday lu chrge af Constabe MasterFrkWaste c ag& 4W churcb, wi1' be held la the main body ai the Rynolds an their wey down ta Castle Decken ta ho be u hlruyn r o'clock. The chair wll be occupied by Mies Ethel Linton le down sick and the pros- The marnisg was, ony coId, suad th fiWa Ho. John Dryden wbo wihI addresa the pects for ber necovery arc very poor. Her nugs mde sncb progness that no fos héof ic mneetlsig. A collection wlll be taken Up dur- le the trouble. Bert Lintou ile going ta tDetroit cupaut& saved but vesj' littîc of thcir clothtu%!"ý ing tpe meeting in aid of the funds ai the ta talce a position that bebas bocu proxnised oer f ew things inuthe kitchb e-_Wîësved; uaWMi socley A lar cy cordially invited ta uhere, contente- fa ef r n t part,à[ < th, attend. Cwnl eybe hs asgettini ont buned. It le thougbt the- lrectîgh< froïm Cowan e vewasa < tes- das -1,1 1ie ac bc uUbIre tp., sud le pkr or zv- ohin" tcoàc'fur ,l 1 6

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