Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1896, p. 2

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UI.&qp WIM Lier .#I.er. « weU $"gt W.0 no, of shawa. tewaa here à MrsJom s it '~conitinues Very ii. BpidIy türndbg ,tp a 3r c>tthe wekta f HEer re oovery te anzioaly aw afted. r-o t.- pr-iounoed w>'p. Mns. Thos. Uickingbottom le wfth ber l'h. ?v.spe Butil.;cf Lor»eviII., Joie. tachtord, of Toronto. was here riuns people in Ashbura recruiting er béaltb. 1 utady in town. "*tthis week wit4ý,his mo*er. 5r Tbere wae B sociable OYOD<t hold at the Mr Jno Holmos bas ooso from Abn Geid wifè, of Toronto, are M rosfidenco of Joseph Pilkey on Wednea. bis recont ilinoas and WM ahi.v O h re wih is daentgjat ow I ' \ZS da ev ni R. n M nda la t.G . W . D ecker and J. Johnston -w ere eau' ~<~. Thro were a few or the lite of tigi Mr A D Morrion'bà'-bee» viaiting down fromn the City the other day buy- frm' Place at Stouffville [uesday ovening at. frionds ini the viony fCbrgdrg ing horses. They secured a numberof rong tnika grand baill eld ihere. the past week. choice animais hereaboutsq. rd Mr. Anderson, of Woolert ile brs wih Hannah O'Leary, beloved wife of Iwor bis cousin MiséA Anaie Oould. Together vuocf awrence Furiong, died at her resi- whont theyvisted rioda 1~QukerBih f f C8 6Q dence in Toronto on Thursday of hast weh~ amesGibo&shi~Ie irl as urtthe~L1JV~week. Deceased, with her busband, baso other day, but flot seriously, we undor. left this place for the City about ten ro"d standt Wbile Playing upon the roada >yeragwrehyhaescer- Hn rig ran ovr ber. iet<y sve l th8 ys aed. of getavtiicer- ]q Mb Bth iflmm on th e bs ho. for The accident that befel young Ed- ncoss Reifto aBr i w is Dowmatineott i boed or A iin g, N/ne mon th wards, of Fairport, last week, seems to Ho bas R eÀat f aW o t m e , i h o e&Il ebist i m p r o v e d ,h a v e h a d n o te r r o r fo r o u r y o u n g fo lk s , t l W O Negflected CoId. The b1cieors' oyer supper was welI He/p/e88. as they sillpersistin jumping onSoi D I S E A S _ _ _ _ _ m atton e n F y e en cTh , b i gW e -fear another accident iim ediately. L t LUNO sor8 even ty reans pe Ti. por i ies Pronounced Diabetes and Wmn. M. Clark, Of Mount Clair, N. badlyb Whic Dotor vaied o X1ýTii. baptist choir bas beo» invitod to Incurable-Given Up by Himnself Y., was here Iast week Calling upon out aga his son, and other friends. He is em- Miss CURED B A NQ nconuct th on e apit hre 1» OO» Boxes of Dodds' Kid- icans have no desire to fight England. of wegk B Y T A I O etin wîb ti. a titobicb a ni e Chy PuIs. The better class over there pay no at- M.J Y EW S C 1herry NtryLre. Murray, who reeided here utl ~ tention toteMeotso.robe Petra. Brn hrteen years ago wben see e. Richmond, Feb. 17.-(Special)- John Mclntosh, Onaway, Michigan, out o0 h brntltd oved o the States, died the other day. This has been a day of unusual ciowds f rerl 8t i O n hp n e h w M.J tqnr,<. r eerold, whi e tt. . d . lT e hop occupied by W . J. Graham be.- and excitement here. The talk of the fof Jm e L . Palmer, dnie ad a he ab ve Me r.is ro awuch ases ngîe td thirikin it would be. armersan othersintw for holiday Place on Thursday, February 6th, of tnlé % n.il nd Ifdid i d Is f r ad oA l n m e ted t a n d nlk snoi nfth e tra d inMg i g o n e d n c u ' t I l o n a L n m e f t e o n o k'f h r d n s m o s t l y a ll a b o u t t h e ric n fl a m m a t i o n o f i t h e l u n g s , e a v i n g a E J i uh t n t i e s g h e t e eto n M t h o d i e t s a b b a t h s c o o l m e t a t t h e p u b l i s h e d c u r e o f W mi . MrC r i e a d 4 c j d e e e s d w s n . i Ia ed e thnresidence of R. p.IHo pper Orb Mondav c od flm r iin ot far out and one of our 42Sts o g ,a dleth r o h o d ConsuIted a Doctor eveninR and re-arranged the books in oldest inhabit.ants. sae bu wofuoneantii n xFq htte the library. Thetasabu fifteen years ago. Bc e ceseLedf r.McCord md Oeover-zealous btmiscruided V.o on oForstjn ny uthp he VOf Gagosold a bpres efM.md oebtBce n l yw r Ip n e s e t i i t c i n e i i h e r s t b G i sgi, e r e a s u a ncav s i b e , f o r v e r y m a n y w h o p e r s o n , t h i n k i n g t h a t o u r r e r a r k s a f e w ga'e e 'ft )ItI 1fotrne e il o d hok a s d. teGraham Bres. on Tuesdav. hado i uethought recovery im- weeks ago with referencet oa p FoitInVII 'p ýeue ite re llh>e le geL borne he fournd that a $50 hill was Possible. tcon, dldoinlSopn Vertr-i haj Ol 011es, nd m'8'nz- H is Dow adv rti , tondidin omemysterious way reflect l'c torî hsi~ n fl a i ternin c e W S8fl snow adver i8ng for is A m ong other things in praise of upon the tem perance cause, and feel- Alman.w t' thec ct thet A~er Cherrodds'U Kidnuey ils he said: 'After ng that s me in cu e a d tr bl , evI ac! fn R . *P . H1opper bas b en appoin ed e. th e d o cto rs p ro n o u n ced m r u l h u d b o e r m d a r s l t o k h d t u tO n t~ e s e d " . L F . A , p r e s e n t a t u v e t o t h e 3 A . O . U J W . mGr a n db e d i a b e t e s , n o o n e t h e s o l t i o Lodge from here. GrawI at nd habe ued.noon tought 1 should ever censuring us and had the sarne inserted Ayrs Cer etra oyiw. ~Iwas PartlY Paralysed, and to get thsrslto a h perneo Hlgh m t A a r d a t o r l ' g F .j. 1 . h rses te W as n in e m o n th s u n a b le to d o ev en h ere, ev e n to th e se c re ta ry 's sig n a tu re , PVraFil Cure ',,digefl.. understand the animais are for Eneland. a chore about the place; could barely it neyer came before the lodge. Out ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ T ey aie io an dtt waf etem ang ri m si ao gof respect for other members of the br g be _ _ _- theîooghb WRds To a O ta a e n leC ran d o w n in w eig h t an d th ere w as lodg e h ere, w e refrain fro m fu rth er M e t o i O R R E S O N D~ N I~ W EI K V A L Elittle left of m e but the shel. c m e t u fi e iMos y h t s c ods or 0-("But when I commenced taking conduct is dishonest and cowardly. or sbodie T few days with friends here. RPSOM. ~E, A. Thornton, of Toronto, was i ieto s n ol see great imn- Thursday of last week abolishi ng ail tiaevre etltertainnients eft the Vale oe Tucsday night. i provement before the first box was toll gates in the county, and placung nateswhen Jienture are (lutte riUmereus. The Misses Poucher, of TorontarfInil oo in oxsan rna the noads in the hands of the variousfejne peeple n eraglo re "nai to in oxsanur a émnn A ursîr ttjse local temperance visiting friends in the Vale. mwell as ever I was in my lifeveinfiitel Peope t tis epnRageang of Lbda vis o municipasties T1 by-winill hve lflfuiitely assaiaopnnotnoftdivision Rev. Mr. Oke is conducting revival past sixty years of age. thtghto boprvc fb teLgsaue~ us siknes bfbe aPe o fning tae, and of c ureeis Oeq services in the methodist church here. "I alwayssythtDd'Kd e sae obectmiong lw e leaaistes t h e r e . H a t t i eYo f a y t h a t D o d d s d o fi o u g r e h e b ii t at 1" b T' idneysameobjecionthel m mat unelies budget ef la8t week fren Miss Hti Burton, o Toronto PuIs should be bought the saeas or this hurg caued à goed deal ef interest ad vstn erga d ae MandndMrs. groceries and kept in the hous'e fras i rndgurpotiong o the odwa. Pck- t a cir pa erw rei ire tde a d. Th s B rto .colds, and the first signs; of rheumatism ering will fot co s n to ak g th lave the T co es f h. po ent were in oreade anl h s B ro .and such like." o d iho t acons et to n o c n- h lo s h T i e o r e p o s d u î e l n a f a o c l M r s . M . E . P a r k s , a c c o m p a n i e d b dby n e ayss i e a l e d m n s o sa gth Y o k l e e s ene e. t î greateet fea ber sister, Miss Nettie Cooper, return- .rugiss ver- le f pape are pro p rlyw h ere, p rice 5 o cen ts, o r by m ail . Ae bedimety co n i ns ,l t an d m aYo k e f e re s Tralusîp have been nu:rerus lately and Junction. Ont.1 ed astwee he atColeîîdress Dodds' Medicine Co., Toronto, sorne bargai souat he aesma a i The wo»a have ber) well treated by the people etonfrdyevnn fOatwe n t. The e rmovd t oce this viciîsîty, whto putY the poor wander. g i n T e d y e e i of thi week , nar eronS le t Kn g ts wa ha p mo d a tone . a o a t o u y ~ ~ ~ tr1y tr Hagerma atWehhave been told more than once suade l'or to ing Wsl~ feyplunge thr ugh the Lieut, W . . H g r a t h r o y An ozed un fth e vllet Fridaght n ar u ae a ersn bs b a t u~ h ,u enow. 11)e gens -)'fthe road &Il seemed Toronto, deliveren lecturesato the non-avest. to b e n c h in er U b r d e.o t i o m is s i n e d lc ue s f th e ov. G n - i s L e ae, o h e t h g a p h a m t a k e, th sey h a v es uo a u th o rit 7 shovel sveing a n ow hetecsar. Thi sù. iic C h a r l s G u b o r s , I n g n o r t h o h i e r a l ' s B o d y G u a r d s .o f i e s p t u d y w t r n s i n a d f t h o e s e r c o e s e n a y e b v f a l d iplace, had rather M isnL naeasan. f t ,.-perie nowcee &100pluceng vent tok paer on Tue -T enext summer road WOrk was done Iftefrtmn-wowoeo t ep.u prewvMxuuv ld(hepwitrad o-nddrw' RlCacuchboein ue just the same. The people thought it OCn0»mER il he ma wo wote f 1Lb -D LiagerIgUe day mnorning r tth inst , we Miss t'e'- duty to dlear the roads and they 'r E Eso», tna u sohatiful'dha v e t ubedn a consummatf c hargz e ) n L . x el nt wri. tàB id e ll » M ga aitlt d i did it cheerfully. W e e the str y b, hoi'f c Bas h woud ha e cubod is p otiefaney done WitbIL u arnige t Mr.Patrick,- Kely. T be sons of 'G rY aOy the worse from tis bl d et 8 j J far enougzh to have added a qualifyi A largeodleighIosai of ont young folks ceremony wau perfQrMecl bi the Rev. profiable pastimeNte realfDlLOmb. phr se o he vrsiied ad laton o L , aten ed Lb.da» o o t a Mn Arh Ma- Father M cRae. The bride was assisted the better neighbo rs'for it. Notî» ab Ie te wo k, f ss eoffect that a uperflity cf chili la acde Fady.cs on P'riday oveniiig and enjoyed by bher sister, Miss Sara'Mauan, whilè frequently did these road bees termin..o- oduKde cided nuisance He having taid toic m- tbeiselves very mach.Mr 4l* 'bfD ODd 4prosu that faot it remains for us mn this Who soya Boaverton là not keep1»ng n èMi- i, h cogahj acted as ate in a party at whicb there was music aii~ble-tx4j prosalo agae Le noe»ize and asent it. with tb. imes 2 Nô leu than tht.. . maan. After the reç=n> the and dancing W.r-ews.i Thon. is talk cf fonming a society hon. dingo and two births -ooourred hrPie oLt eieceo h ________i 6lu brdsfathèr, where the viedding break-. doar. (iIg the United States te thia country. Meurs W Benl and jas B Warren A » i a sociai way.- Mr. and Ms.Kel Dnad , mt»st SW by not annex thoz» ?-uiôt lott Liez Iooking orpý than usu&l « Preent, have the hearty- congratuIa:tîons of al]. b to onMi< annx z W'ska one sturdy Britiiser. thoy oeh>1'îng the rceo f an obfld Tis "woulâ 1e» xqu$or cf a cou p nanifi- dit ion to their famihies hast week. The auctiorr sale Êt Mr. -Ainswonth's o.V h,«thed. otihors around him and mt eh otr onF has wa well attendecl and IAbi ~~~~~~Oc mOitjqpoebsvo8wh rb ~ oretowe have'the stock and iniplements averageci a IlbOegt ýýxbY b. tgnized. If in-4heu tremble cfLb hida > ' Prim &t4b reddecoe o the brid'à. Xi 1 A. monoas for the safoty cf your free a~t.,ohrare . Mr-. andi Mrs. -Patrick Cuddiear ititutions. The vilage politiician in a Oampb.1î VYS& uoited Ano thetti ried li rokths- W. have in- this burg an obsroperonu of thie town. .,-in Toronto. ifldividual whe is semewhat cf an original lEr SudMM j~Hjj, M.J > ~r4,websbe i eoharactor in hi. way-but hie way inas g nt4an<I .ofU fls4 nfor Borime , s ea- laelt ood b.ated, long, lban andi ahnowd, h. ý , ç ~trange n,. Neigborîy god naturo w cflust w.à. - stte4, î ah .!>r at work again. s.b b ietiaken -for a New England 1rWGIbbs j; of Brookaswu ntovn Miss Jadn uh~ pn LYane wreI ntfo L.fat ht oon SaUeFdai lait. da8 has week visiting- friends at Sandy P a no'btheLb.civility cf -a yello* dog. Rbs Mi- 811aBuOkO«wbo r-'des à *u Point. ivers. le loud, hie bauzbter boetrom1808ift la lamviNIEλ9inaU- ,.vst ài a.Lukarul454ff bis jokes mulgar. But tLe.mn»mght bis parenté, 1fr and 1Un neka, Sc Uofp be&raÎl, if h. voul go put 14 eny Mi- treet. b i s o u ' b s i n s s . T b B , 1 f H e ' b o t p . m j , ~ fT h e p e t i t i n i m c d t o t eçc perastentyrefuses tic * sénu tfW dayg Pl'# di ei àani 1'U ' ý ;4lu 1 -ha». bis Dmos. nsd in a... ai awllypbaa*4 ê'glu id bis neighbors mest cf ttîi lu.ia a hoary wie. not beatat. to pubuliIiit Popbl. xi _ r» a long. tîins uic.. bo kuw h £IW1UA~~é!mImm intune. oih9s ws»a14Wallê wogt 1ttom à MAIS.i "sec e atu lt * 1y .s '* D'mmh >18111wCý la pooù g, fôrJàs «Ave bhM ana biÎ& aily. sacrmentai services held bore I e. wero well ropreeented, by friez IFroenhauk, Marsh Rqu, Wick,t1 and Prince Albert. havre wint.r in earnest. Roa aust made passible on Saturas ýo evorybody'es srprise ou Bond, Lbth greatest downfall of enow tI mIe this wintor, blooking ail t] n eveny direction. ry Gibso -n who bad tb. miefortur ing bis fingor smashed found 6ry te ha,. it taken off lest Fnida e uffered a great doal and w. bcç rat is no'w paut and that berma able te resurne his werk. of snow. Roads have beel lIocked up, but are ail clearel ,n. Bertha Raine bas been visitinI in Fine Dale for the past coup< 5, as. Coppersworth bas under operation of cutting a growing is ear. as. Goudy, of Port Perry, has iting friends bore lately. tewart McKay heft for London, ith a shipment of horses, hast lor's baillbas another boarder. The =mn»wbç stands idly by and sees the life fading eut cf his wife'e eALface, sees lier liealtb a going. sees bier be. 4. cenIng old andi faded and wrinkled when she should s tili be in the perfect enjoyxnent cf VIg.- erous, useful iealtb, lse ither less Lhan a man or else does net know of the oee renicdy which vil]i back te bealîh and strengtli. en do not understanti their ow» the things that make thetn wt-I] 7he ulost frequent cause cf sick- ýMc» us thecause hast Iooked for. will go te a doctor wben she lia, Old, Or Borne acute digetive dis- but she hegitates an dcprocrmsti- the trouble is with the distinci7s ganiain. And yet thc latte-r i-, ci-e sericus. It Ia thie mos t iacri- e' that anY Wctlnan Can have. It dreadful - the most dangWerous. aences are alwa'rs .4einous, andi it at the begîninr because it i% %It sapis the life and stre»gtî, on the nervr,-: te sucb an citent ole bodY Is disturbeti. Appetite celer gees frain the face and k intio the chveeks. Irritabiity Od teniper and freifuiness tgkès, contentincnt LiC'by Utle sMore anid mcxci-. ierî is killing h-rseif with gIc y as if she ;Ivere taklngr deudly rhaps lier hbmbando»t per. >o e li er doctor- bccatise she tads the inevitaiLle exaija- ,nl Itreatirnents'Be van per. :L needs persasmion, t0t-k Ya ole Iýrcicription . hf Cful urwdicie lias ureti um sen affter the besiphys ma "duy-p» and, V Consumption '-Lqw Cond W@nd.s1ui Resuft ,prrom rT Noode teapariliL n T_;ro:.o, ont. PFour yeard à9cu-lbije iu the nl,1 ul~ Elaend), mY daugh t gis ah W55 ,Ist aa (rtuom tise hospital; in a Yory low e wlth cîsisumPtion cf the lungs aadbO'--elsand weak action cf the h.atn The trip ftcro3s the Ywater te thia countury seemed te minj AXî sr feel botter for a While. Thon sh. began Le g«~ worse, and for 14 weoks ehle was unable to get Plffh Lb d. -Sb@ greWwwOnsee r five meontbs9 ana lest the use cf hon limbe and lower p2rt cf and If Mabsat up ine led haci to be pi-eçy up wlth Pliowa. YPicians P4 SaId She Was Past Ail 14e1p and wanted me te send heu- te the 'Hfomne for Inctuables.' ]But 1 sali as long as 1 ceulId heMd my haiid up she should flot ge. We th.nr began HO d s" -oitC ures te gi-vo ber Hood's Sarsaparilia. Bhe lu gettîng strong, walks around, >a eut deors every day;- han ne trouble wlttu ber thu-cat and ne cougi, and ber beart seemns to bo all ight again. Shte bas a irst class aPpotte We re-artd ber cure as nething sl-rt cû «,%'-' e" wp WYATT, 89 Mu )on rl2a1c.Turont,Ontario.' 1400d'S ~ ~J1- ;î:reîy ver~etabîe aud perfectly harinless. onlU by ail dn.jgss~q. ~ Of as t ro e~V rO-ad -' For Pl 12

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