Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1896, p. 8

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when looking for... ci Pure Drugs, ci erfuinery, itToilet Requisities tgToilet Soaps, tgFanoy Goode, itSpectacles, itAnything i the1 ~~~Drug LUne, 's Rylcy'-s Drug Store, simcoe St. South, OSHAWA, FEB. 21, Oshawa. 1896.1 OSHAWA PAGE OSHAWA. BUSINESS NOTICE.- Oshawa subsciibers or- advertisers mnay transact any business With the CHRONICLE, or niay obtain extra copies at auy time, from E. R. Rogerà. Farmers will do well to caîl at M. E. May's for boys' ready made clothing. If you wish a nice French china dinner or ten set. or anything in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Sou.1 It will pay any parties conteînphatitig buy- ing an engagement or wedding ring te se the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they will sel1 thîs month very cheap fot cash. (;enuiîle diamond 14K. ouly $5. They are also making somne speciai offers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silve! watches. See t hem. Feit Bos. NOTE--The edîtor of THE CHRONICLE >slùiwa every Wednesday, and may be si-en at Rogers' book store from ii ar. to 6 p) m. 1eoas news items, adver- tisements, etc., will be thankfulUy receiv- ed. Where wilil the third fire take place? Miss R. S'haron is visiting MisSS Ykes. Mr. Tý Taylor, of Montreal, was the gues of.MIr. Geu. Rice this week. î s a blg revclvigwbeel runniig corne-.wise la front, snd the way [t makea the enow fYý l19 buggustlve of a -Whl4wlkd otne emali pie-, portions. Album it bas passed along therý is nothlug luit but the [ce, sud that la pollsbià up fit for a curling match. The fine brigade visited Mr. Jos. Cnaiig, Jr., on Tuesday evenlng of last wee k an d pe- sente.d hlm with an address and an easy chair. The addness gave expressilon te the bt igade'. appreclatioti of Mr. Cralg's ser- vices as a fieman. The wor"hy gentleman was much pleased with the compliment, and! expressed bis p leasure [n beln<t of some ser- vice to the public. D st Hockey at Whitby Saturday afternoon- Toronto G;raites vs. Whitby. io cents. Miss Mary Hoar, Myrtie, is visiting Mns John Smith litre. Mr. T. f. Bell, of Toronto, was ln town over Sutiday Miss C. Martyn and Miss Eva Worth were visîîîng friends in town last week. Miss Effie and Anianda Bond were the guests of Mr. M. A. Jamnes, Bowmanville, over Sunday. Thete are tuany cases of lagrippe iu town, Mr. and Mrs. F. Patie being among the latest victims. Mr. F. Foley, Maple Grove, was in towu yesterda y. Miss Eva Wilson is the guest of Miss Lena Leek, Toronto. Miss M. May and Miss M. Coad, who have been visiting Mrs, Munro, Torontu, return- ed home last week. Miss Alice Hobbs, after having been con- fined to her bed five months, la able to bu up a &hort time each day. Died In Oshawa, on Wednesday, Fub. î9th, 1896, j abez Cookc, aged 77 years and 5 days. Mr. John Wakely bas opeued bis talorlng business with a fiue nuw stock of goods, sud wili bu ready for the rush when It cqouçs. Mn. H. Everson bas returned trous ""lU Ste. Marie, sud reports business s u buIng' brisk there. There are a numbur et pressinag appicatits for the land iug-waitemship reu4me vacant by the superanouation of the latu James 0'Dea. Miss Wima Macdouald, Torouto, preacli' ced lu thse Simcoe et. tethodist chubkeOn Sunday evening last te a very large congre- gation. Hem address was one of great ean- nuis, sud wae very impresslve. Pastor Garrett, of Tornot, wIU coudua services lu the Cbrlstian Werkee' ircbl, Satumday eveuiug sud Sunday, lPeb. ssid, sud 23rd. A cordial Invitation la exteuded, to aIl. The Proveuder Mine Edmondson's provender milis are d vemy large tradu. -They grind fiune ail klnds of grain fluer than a0Y sto>< in the county ns doing, or Cmo do. coru nulle are doIug spbendtd worké Our hockey team ind * isrge-er friends drove tfÃŽbowmamvîbe àV day ulght to play the' clUb of that The gauue wsa bardsud, doMo miembers of botb teame dg hui tu win front begiuulng to tei At St. Gr«egy' J. jeOçot: mitd BuhI'ah@j end b>Um Dale.'*IThe odai large, sud ûlcb M mayweddgL- Ou Tuw48te y 'ance at the Piano Works of the year. carne off at the R. S. William's piano f actorv on Friday I ast. The attendance at these hig dances is purely voluntary, no invitations be- ine issued, and the resuit is that the companr is demncra tic in the sense that it embraces capital- içss professional man, merchants. affists, me- chtuiics. and ail otihers who see fit (df attend. Gliona furnished a band of filteen pioeces. and the music was or a rlass wbich one does flot Ibear very olten in a lifetime. The managers had averything done uo in grand style, the immense hall being decorated with thousands of yards of bunting. while the immensp line0bof small instru- ments manufactured by the firm were hunq Up in large numbers. and aftorded a treat of inspec- tion tn those interested in buch matters. On the second floor refreshments were served'tbirough out the niight; the management being entrusted to Mrs. Manning. who wau ably assiteby Mesars. Gregory. Saunders. Wilson. Man, Mil ler, Short and Tucicer. Messrs. Quigley and Brown did the honors of the door, while the care ni the floor was excellently peiforme, by Mr.' Wheeler and Dandy. Mr. Geo. Burt had the eenenal superintendence of everytbing. The dancers could indulge in a cap of coftee at any timne tbey saw fit. Besides thse splendid meanage- ment Civen to things b-v thse employees of thse factory, Mr. and Mms Williams exercised sup- ervsion over ail thse aisugments. and aIltIse meuibers of tbe family loiued ia thse pe-rformance To one vho bas neyer before, ha& the opportun- îty ofjoining insuch aSclelwstlou tbea sbw grand beyond description. 1 1, - round ainqug sncb a lauge oompany it limpSsibl x ,a.reporter to note ail tIe a tie naedne lbut'we give nas s wY e coudobin1r ntù-Mr aud Mrs R S filin an, sd Mis _1etWihliams.MusMômre, 'MrChnate;» Ut« -Spsth, Miss 'Nupu, T H'Bl'l,'N F4rewel4 N R:, J& MWorris, MUis fBortwick. Oshnwa- Myor nd Mrs 1W F Covmn. M sund Mn F Cnwau,. Dr Hulg, lino Talbot. Mr sud Mn Dr Rite, Mr, àud l M* . Gin, PMi sud Mi M1w, gsn, Mr, and6 MmIdMuidy. M ud Mis Nîech@l- sou% Mtan su MýsMtt m su:id'UMi akg Dr and Mme BéIt.-UrMs'sd;UMm.,Týhompnqi- avÃŽ4 M Miller, '=sdlM,, OhfInd rMansd Mmri' iielding, bMr md MiUst e Mir, and Mme Q'Conuot. MUr and Mrsis ndi,'Ur and Mri Pewm, Meurs1H E UMOrpby,1P Qwèos C Oe08. W H Thomas, &MA*Xe. LX Boobs, $!Cculdbad, *w A VA WIliamu&F psu, Dr K*m.A IIs~w RIfé. C UB IFTs. 14 A Lv ~SMmonds, TMUer osttr. .1 TWO arnes Shortly artermimdnlght on Saturday ire vas dIscovered lu the merchiant tahlorlng us tabllebmetit of Mr. J. S. Murayon% King et. enst. The blaze started uieam the stove, and btirned the floor and coutitet 5way, but was put otit beforu the building vas lnjumed. Mr. Murray'5 stock was destroyed, bis loei being $zooo, witb an ineurance of $8oo, part cf whlch le disputed on the gmound that he bac! net understood the iaw sud bac! not notified the cornpany holding the rlak wbuu lucreas- iug the amount in another company. The damage to the building wil1 not uxcuud Sioo Or $300., On Friday nlght about 9.30, Juet as the piano works bail vas commencitig te whinl, the fire alarm and bell began to ring bniskly, sud word pnseed aroundf that tbe residenct. of Mr. A. Hinde, Simncoe et. soutb vas buru- ing. There was a great rush lu that direc- tion , but befone tbe brigade vas able to do any thing, the wbole bouse was gutted, ouly a few bookesud some other articles beiug saved. The lois on building and contents was prebabiy $4,5w0, with $3,SOO insurnce. The H inds famîly venu ail at the bail, aud have no idea as to bow the tire originated. Vindicator: The Baptist Young Puopil's rally ef thie district whicb met. at the baptist chu rch hune, on Friday uvening last, vas a great succuss. Whitby and Bowmanville were veil nepreseuted but the unfavorable condition et the roade made It tee risky for the young people ef Breoklu to venture. The church was weil filled. Mr. F. L. Fowke occupied the chair. Afler the open- ing exercices Rev. Mr. Marshaillu a vemy neat way welcomed the young people ou bu- hait et the B.Y.P.U.A. te wbich Pastor Scott, of Brooklu, nespeuded. Addresses wene delivered by Rev. Sycamore. et Whitby. A paper vas nead by Mr. Williams, of Boy- manvilie, ou "Christian Citizensbip" which wus much aporeciated. Mies Lillian King recited '* The Whistiing Regiment", in good style. The choir rndered some excellent selections. Rutneshments venue erved te the gueste and ait left fer borne feeling well pleased wlth the bospitality received frorn the B.Y.P.U.A., et Oshawa. On Monday eveniîîg Mise W. Macdonald, ef Toronto, addrussed a meeting lu the in. tenests et the womeu's missionary society of the Simcoe et. methodiet cburcb, ln tbe lec- tuîre roorn et that church. Owing te the In- disposition et Mns. Kines, the president of the society, Rev. Mr. Kines occupied the chair. The foilowing programme was giver besides the addness: Duet, Miss Hopkinl' and Mr. Jeblin ; recitation, Miss Archibald; duet, Miss Lune and Rev. Mr Nonnes, and a solo by Mise Park. Mies Macdonald's ad- diese was a mnissiouary addmess and shE made a very deep aud lasting Impression ir the minds et those present. lIn moving E vote of thanke te ber Rev. Mn. Clarke spokt iu very feeling terme of ber f ather, the lat' 1Senater McDonald, wbo bac! been the mean! of converting hlm sud bringing hirn into thq ministry. Should Mise Macdonald evei visit Oshawa %~gain lt is doubtful if a cbuncl .ceuid be found large eneugh te ac-cemmc date ail the people that veuid like te hua ve* ïx? ilmauactmr ofor ne os inabkindà e t o$tt hvlsiiùng ltie 1 relatives in Woodvilie, bas neturned home. Missese Nellie Ormnieton aud Emmit Harper are collecting fon the bible eoclety this veek. Mr. Walter aud Miss Hattîe Moore, vIse have beun visitiug friends in Little Britain, have îeturned borne. Mr. Wm. Dyun la attending bbe epvontb league convention lu Belleville this veek. Rev. H. J- Allen te aise attending. Mise Coma Guy eutertalued about forty et ber friends on Wednesday uvening aset, ail present spending a vury enjoyable evening. Mr. Hubbard and Mr. R Beckett, wbo have been visiting with relatives bure. ru- turned to their bernes in Owen Sound on The 'funeral et the late S. J. Kerr vas very largely atteuded, shewing the respect lu whlcb the deceased was heîd. The court- cillore, Royal Templars, and Chosen Friends attended iu a body, aud penformed the lait rites fer our brother.1 Mies Wood, of Kirkfiuld, le vieiting at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Suggitt. Mr. Harry Dunslow 1dbt on Saturday attemnoon for a trip oven the vide ocean te bis home lu London, Engiand. Wu understand that Messrs. Quinn sud Taylor bave dissolved partnerehip ansd that heucefontb Mm. Taylor yull carry on the business alone. nthe e bildiigof Mr. Sdam tei Shppard, the ompbuletely destr.oyel Sfie wicb, wreute foman unknstown causfe. A nm- berue ofrgmsanp ud ns eriused Ain te be flames Tenheelssi.prty oeised byinstr- dame.Th osi atycvte yiu- aOt-on Miss Dottie Beer of Hampton, lias been visiting at ber grandmothers, Mrs. -George Beer. Mns. Miller, Park Street. bas purchased the Thomps residence, occupied by Mr. E B Nash. Dr. A. C. Beatty, of Gardenhili, vas un- tied in marriage on the 5th Inst., to Miss Sophie TrulI, daughter of Mr. Alfred Truli, of Lesk ard. Mt. Richard Hill fe4l on the slippemy walk while on bis way borne the tber evening, and fractured one of the stnall bounes cf bis ar m, whicb be [s now c arrying in à slingr. The Quartemly Board of the Methodiit church bas extended a tall to the. Rev. W. H.ý Adams, Ivanboe, in succession. to Rev. JH.Rawhose tertn as supet 1- Ãœudeat expires in juue next. Rev. Mr. Mlams lias accepted tIse calli; subject to the saction Of. the sitattouiug comusittue. During tbe patt" we'ek tbree ,veli known fbrmer lresidefits, et fOrono bav#-iWassewy :In thu p efon'of jobla ,L ynesuat .tirotiïou Peb. th ùf'who Bt fone' tie conýducted.ageh leral store business here ; -Mis I*arvïejyat, Portage la Prairie; sisterofMrWtM- Commack of- th i ovuù; a&Mre fluai Pontypool, on the 9th lnst-, W '"hoeue band for many years conducted à telorn business hure. Prayer méotltg at Mr. A. Moores Ibis- Themmuomters regiter this ýtisecldt wuuk this wîntur. bMr4 jas. Coatessold a finelsorus laut ws for- theéibuat sui c f $aoo00- A e larg c jload cf onr Iong folks t. tenad the 1auui#urflsary sursà aI 'the C bbat ast. I- upfuesre aceoe Samenbthe isal e fols tmareluan plae bung tooues isalvfos t wlln as mlace lesoner, we uudestd aeble geing te visit Toronto and retumu te bis occupation. sudn the thbac!cstatuyet the dsIet ek athe b ocity eofeting v as t eldT, sp Beaer teetipglu due tme. btLeb nipetkertrneing induesls e.ufaorbtboe tofdmet ofhrmetin a oufvrbn ulbe called this yeam. Mm Orvis, eut geusetorekeeper, le talk- iug about eecuning a butter business ceutie and removing elsewbere. We wouid mach regret te art witb oun storekeeper as be bas been found by eue and ail te bu a pen- fuctly reliable man, eue ne person need fear te deal with. We hope bu rnay reconsider aud rmrn on In our rnidst. The oic! Salurn ceteteny now bas a spien- did new funcu on ail sides, and le a credit te ahI coucerrned. Somne excellent meonu- meuts cari be found within its cacred precincte. The uew grouud lately pur- chased by tbe officiais le buing apidly utilizud, but silil good lots can be procured ut ruasonablu figures. Appîy te Mn. Gib- sou. oseng for godahre srnd te pctungtoy Iooin fondoo purobses adem fr ec ittie rno nd ufewhave tbemer ipoe of, bt prîces Ae lw.haeQue n dredolars prees tore a gret prne, evnaed dplrs- sento m ben good ores eea thewhat saent ut we reodc hat 'rer te ea hcarc, u pas e ardic hors e wil corn ad good price. Strange reports corne to us trom our next neighboriflg village west. A few weeks ago a -mari. deserted, bis wifre, -and a few days, ago a wife deserted ber husband. If. these stories prove - true, «aS circumstances, would -almost confirin' we would advise a slight reformnation among our neighbors west. Of course we do not feel called on to give any particulars,- further than state sucII things should flot occur and neyer will, in Kinsale, we trust. Mns. James Millr is now onner the doctors care.- Mns. Ale% Gorden sr., was visiting friends in Toronto last week. storni sud the roads. We are pleased to'learu that Mrs. Ashton and Mis.Luýe are improving iu bealth. The roof of MrIT. Bensbarn calapsed, partly swing to the accumulation cf snow. Mrs. Taylor liaszone, toilive for a -ie' ibli lierdaugliter bMn. To wn'cf Sakravu. 14, W. Vendus hasrented S lYuty s, bouse la tbavilagemd.viiài takuposscson- as soo as à,Mr. ÂDusptove t.tréfÃ"w, .1 . , -.. 1.>A b . r tt h et --rtied front tir ir oëeyMPPsôn1tnP and. baeuar boaéuepingîbtis ue latply occupîeod jby J Leu,, mjvthey bu blessd vithl long life Our mail carnlqr Mr.Pusty lsad Àa lsàd cuuntr. road as bad tbatJ"Èe wa,tiot iÂ1 to get t1.*ough ,ôsW Tuésday,,Wýduuà day ,aie Frlday- and on Saturday it *w alW std r befdr 1r e .ari ffld withstbe- W ~ ol imue 3om B~1ms, ptats' ud eo~O?,- e~ .- M~# etiluFoley and' brôtheïmiiam, ouv »wàli ppttgMdeooritObt*, 5 vst uaueon sbbi b ýOa brshefi WinCOw Rîckey at Whltby SatÙ'disy a4ernoon-1; .34S0Praw, dealerlin stoyes, furunèe t60 ootoGaiesv.Wh1b..ocns vîr, ec. args s o#ble .eo rnily<1 Two-young ladies of Bowmanvllle, frlend8 1,u Jô isiai n .polty. 0nas c fdr rgat hv enspuuding a 1ew not. MycI,. .-rrur, days with ber. Ow.lng th thetMI l4tnyPublie, Oonvu'yauoe, *oa- ous c abbah le uxteu o id vetiserao leud. ffce oqýerDo ininBsnkuis, suooeourcgnatti-asaitesnal Stnrof ..Ruv-. Dove uiffclated. The choir was ab- When eoutempIStlngpnttluR ou Lue insurs e t e, o as Con en e -r oeeW D SusTaII, o1rfTise Ut Stasem tdfo. Mm Wmrn woi a omecdwr Thels' peloit are tise mOstatractive. wltli Mr- Wagoncr for another y.-tar. Wmi. Largest guaranteOs. sru i tm lbBen., sud flude tihe bM. la. MÂr.-Debierili roorli,7PM Mtu&,'situation quitu bemnelike. Crookers', Tinvare, snd Panay =Gos ur Terne su Coffss. Boys' readY mIntélsatis a Misa Loulsa Stevenseon la at piesent In speoîrly-Wry oheap. the city viti ber sister, Mme Miller. Sb-e lu- AucTion &ALr-Tbe .ubseriber -il ho in GuIstends fAearlng the great Canadisu soloiet, swa, as theCentral ot<el, îrtday <e »h Alabanl, butore ettznig. ipeois rom ou. te B o'olook pm., tomais. ar- jas MdcVid, foimsely of Greeuwosd, late gageuiuuts with parties wlsbing to have sales. of Toronto, who died some fev daye since L E'zEEAlEDsuotcueu.in Toronto, vas interred at thse Salem P. LÂMBES? *à McNO-Tb* badin - tlorinsgcemutemy Iset Saturday. sud geulU' furulihlng houges ciOebnwrn. Asseseol -Mowbrsy le rnaklng napid savides Splendid aiiOito3it o!tiweeds, vorelieds, teecl as eatcptsabte troweeilngs, shirte, collaise, c ays kept htecl as e niiae etr lu etook.- record bv came day tban last year. Prac- ftIT B]308 - Watnhtchkor sud îeWeleum. tice and pennevemance wlll accomplisb Dealnstu vatobes. clocke, jewelery, silver- tmuch. -vire, pectacles, etc. Engrartus, gold and Mr Chapman took charge of the epwortb mUrver lstugsud odl gold rio" macle over- league hume on Weduesday night last. He Finse vtois, eiuck, and jewebery repalriug 'a hanc!îec the topic vw 11, as he usually doua, apecwty.buing fuil cf Interest and iliustrative bibly. 1vaSsOl & EAwKIsU - Imiportera and dealers cal instruction. ifarmers', ma.nufstrre'arnd boueefnznilh- lng suppua. Manufacturera of tinware. p>rn-e Clanksu Rogers stilI senda bis rniik to ts'oughlig aud etitr cotitrrnclilig done. Fur- the Gruenwood creamery. He le well satis- naces cha.ndelieresud lampe. A stock e1 fied wir.l- Its workings, and aIse with bis bicycles kept on haud. silo. He woul svise evury farmer te ColuEIbU. [ ulld onu. It is a move in the nigbt direc- Mr. Wm. Doubt, et Pont Penny, spent Sun- ti <, we aise believe. day hure. T1 eAlgoiDa lever bas struck our villagers Miss Mary Banker bas gonu te ber borne qute forcibly of late. Should future ac- near Prospect. counts eUhl continue favorable te this nomtb- Miss Ida Babury returned te Toronto on emu point, a great xodus et irst ate Wedneday.settiers for that district from the Pickering Wedneday.township rnay be expected. uJi J, i. e 3a11 at anad CEN UIHE STOCK- TAKINO i 'i E Ail Yi~or Imok ~AT 3ELO0W + COS Te This is n t G eekor Spanish; but ead, it froxn ight toIc it and finc oX,- where t&get the biggest bargaint evejr-off-réd in Oshawa, in Jelwelry sud Spectaclee, OUr. g day 3' hour strikiug Clocks, Oak or Walnut, at$29 The best value iu Canada. -AT- OI1S JEWEIY SIORÃŽ To tii a'8, 0 o 0o MILLERS, wili ive 38Iba. of loti elas Flour,jI They hope by titis inducement to driwý# large share cf tise trade of the distMj. about Oshawa. Flus', Bran and Shorts always a PELL0W sý hud at lowest wholesale pricea to Farmers. see bis C M L & ELLIOT?. EJSF 1411cý E13s $50.000 Ldso bis GOAL OIL and GAS STOYVES -FROM- $5.5oto $25-000 balwavbend traered o te SHA W RAIL WA Y CO., wbose offices are a supply ail requireci Raîlway and Steani- ship Tickets at rates guaranteed to bu. as low as the lowfft. The best steamship lines on the Atlautic' are represexted. Special railway rates are gUven in con- nection with Steerage and Intermediate Tickets. toints in the United States aud -Canada, nludiug the Caziadian Northwest. ail points. Passeugers for the United States maybave their baggage examined in Torouto, thus saviug any Inconvenience-aI tic- froutièr. Ail informaHion ceuygve For tickets and ail information çeaU &Dnd sue -W. P. STERICKER- s: Raiiway Ticket Office, Thomas' block, Oshawa, 4- -.lk W hravays a e«d ýsise ztôtk lto sçectï fieom-Waittleaîgns "ud nishes. Peces ri b4t,, For Delicate Chlldren, Invalid and the Aged. JACKSQN'S Nutritive Wine.- Tus palble sud HIGHLY NOURISHlNGý tin Wmeped wztb Cod 1iverOup intsewaiyretaiwu and dieted by the moSt delicte. For Wsn DW*esueGem. IDebffity, Ip1is su ocf MmcuW rTon*. Ofgret Nuidulw value to Adulte ud Chldie. #A msmked lscessd lu wet la »mUceul t f ling a few bottlascfth"Wine,whiclrepremmuts qPua qnutity of Cod UVmr ou. Aul drmggt. CLARKE & DYERIý INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION A GENCY. Sun Life Assurance Cc. of Canada, wbicb k to-day uuquestionabiy the Leading. Il Company. Canada Accident sud Employers' LiabilW Corporation cf London; Eng. Among the Fine sud'Plate Glass compsas we handletise'Lancashire, Guardmý Mercantile sud Hand-ill-âand.' Aid Savings aud, Lests Ce., Toronto. I vctejust--nombli of; the Western E*5" iJ. S. L RK - mlCt4oÇ W.du. ekIU m Ii-it-.Am 1 A LBTTER LC i orono W. 1 àâuïi ilà-il Ë f (t ronidt. ý 1 1- Mi 1 c J A SA LE!1 - 1 1. i à 1 'l 1 1 i 1 - 1 l à 1 f t e I s e T h i. -I 1 OSHAWA. KING ST. WESTP --qqr*AT & BLLIOTT, 1 OAMPBELL Wrought Steel -AT- olonday. Bl&o"tock

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