Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1896, p. 1

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/10 w 0 0 2c' of ail dye stu fs. WI1I1T BY. Cornier Drug (,AAwi.- 1. Store. YIT GREMNBANK. Mr. Wm. Janson bas been on tbt sick lisi but is inpnoving. Mrs. Hilson of Newmarket is visiting ai her sister Mn. Harman. iJoseph andi Jane Ann Watson left for their home ai Clifford the finst ai the week. Mn. and Mrs. W Toucher ai Sunderlandi were visiting thein fienâs hene on Sunday. Mn. E Hilson and E Ward have gonetot the old country with a shipmtnt ai horsts. Mr. Williami \Vhalen ai North Bay is down on a vîsit to bis aunt Mns. John 0. Neil. Mrs Roundtneai Uxbridge was visiting her father Mn. E. Dustry tht finst ai tht week. The Rev. Mn. McKamus ai Part Penry. will preach a Missionany sermon in tht methodist church next Sunday morning. Mr. James McKitrick wilh sehi bis fart- stock and implements arn Saturday next, those wishing ta procure goori dairy cow shoulri niake it a point ta attend. Wben a young man undertakes ta drive twa young ladies home irom tht d4ivision during those bad roads he should be sure that bis harness is equal ta tht occasion. The roads were blocked again on Thurs- day and Friday ast, sa that the mail car- rier did not gel thnough and it is wonderful what a fuss sarne people make in a case ikte this. On Sunday ast tht Rev. J. M. Catneron made a stinning appeal in behahi ai tht suf- fering Annienians snd ta, give ahi an appor- CLEAN WEE Itunity ta show tbeir sympathy lu a practical CLEAN SWI Pi way, iL is proposed ta take an offering ior thein relief on Sunday March i5th next sud iolowing Sunday envehopes wilh be distribut- cd ta everyone prescut andi it is hoped that Lfor Cash ; ahI wilh set their way ta give something ee if it is but huItt- There is no doubt but belp r,'rafn_ ert ,',m fol is '.,tasureiy needed. SI.75. Good Mixcd Mattrasa, worth $4 for $3 First-classa Extension Table worth $6 So for $,5 Bedroom Sets worth $14 for $10,90. Bedroom Set worth $16 for $13. We have nothig but i-t-class workmeu in our Up- holstening Departmnt. Lea.ding Underteker,- E. j. JOHNSON, BROOK ST., WHITBY. WLILL BUY THE Weekly 0 Globe CHRONICLE FOR 1896. --"'u*See our Club- bing Lista. Henderson d Graham. WNESTERN BANK 0F CANADAs Capital Authorized $1,000,000 100e,000 BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. oHN COWAN, EsQ., President. REuBuN S. HAUN, ESQ., ViCe-PzeS. T. H. MCMILLAN, - - - Cashier. General Banking Business trmnsated. Drafts isnncd, payable in ail part» of Can- ada, United States, and on London, Eng- land, payable lu ahl parts ai Enropo. 35 pet cent. allowed on Savings Banik Deposits and credited half yearly. Special attention to' ColLet"onof Farmers' sale not4. E. D. WÂBBEN, Manager ai Whlitby Branci. Farm for 8aIes That desirable tarm, nmiaing pS aret% us centre of Lot a la the. »d Cocïàesulcet "t Township oa i PWoeng ti e stMoro WT Rts. McCuhhoukh, tiret utisfroin Wliioy sor.< Pickering vilage, and xs5aiu' m ls a bug ý sud cburch. The graunda, brick bousm, 4"4 *ua tion are usurpasU& od. od «chre ud osi- buildings; oo, bain*6x6o wIt, bmex« - haros3a1 wth sîoe st*Wqe ý .i&MÏR&s. Tht tarai s vil ieco4, fedll 4.4 A hJet gond stats of cultivatlm oipII las apply on prmimor biIU1 BOX 4u- btiy .Q,* on- wel$tod"J-.--o BROOKLU4N. Miss Wiliamson ai Tara, is visiting ai Mr. Robt. M. Mathewsons. Miss McCLella, ai Bowmanville, is visinuf ber fiend, Miss Bîngham. Dr. 0. L. Starr sud Mns. Stant- ai Toronto, were heme for a few days this week. Mixtd pickles, ten cents for s lange battît, ar fiteen cents pet quart at Holliday Bt-os. Messrs. Thom-as and George Little of Scar- bora, have been ai Mn. John M orisons ona visit. We are glad ta know that Mr. D. Mortisan, who bas been seriously ili in Toronto, is somie better. Mr. Matthews ai McMaster University, con. ducîed bath services in tht baptisi church lasi Sabbath. A second instahîment of tht Braoklin lettez was mailed on ihursday of lant, week, but the snow blackadt preveateri it reaching its destin- ation in urne for that issue ai tht CHRONICLE. Rev. T. W. L.eggott tias called ta Toronto ai M.onday ta attend tht death-bed af i hs uistt?î Mrs. Brick, who bas been i for some lime. HE has tht sympathy ai many fnxtnds in bis afflic- tion.- Mrs. John Slater, who was sa severly injured by being caught in tht tumbling t-ad o! a ma. chine about six weeks aga, is baving a muct mare spetdy recovery than was expecteri ai tht unaie o; tht accident. Mrs. Byers, whost uitle daughter was but-nec ta dtatb near Oshawa hast Thunsdsy night, bye( in Brookîtu until a tew ytars ago. Frank Har ris, wbose feet wtt-e so badhy Inozen at tht sani trne, alsa ived bere in bis younger days. .Mr. lames Skinner- is movxng intobis ne% home, tht hanse thai belaugeri ta tht hale Thos Couttice, thîs week. Mr. Chas. Arnold o Whitby, is now living in tht bouse just vacateg by Mr. Skinner. Mr. Arnold was a resîdezît c Broukîli a number ai years ago. Tht distreêaing accident thai beit Mr. Chai Sarnburger, on the C. P. R. usai Raglano Tb'unsday al lant wtek, bas been tht occasionc many anxiaus enqui-ses amang tht mnanyt whom he ia known here. We sincertly hal tâtia tht caret ah attention he îs reoeiving wîl rt suit in bis restoranaon ta beatth andi aojvitj Latent reports aretot tht effeot that bis conc tion has maîerially itspnoved duuing the last do or two. Tht meeting sdvtntised for hast Friday evei ing by tht misson band of the baptisi chutc wasno uahehd shen because of tie bad canditio af tht roads, but was postponed te Mandai Oh that evening tht church wan crotideri bya audience that very much enjuyed the programa presentcd. Most of! n was given by membersi tht baud. Perbape tht most interesting lue wuâs a dialogu entitmîed IlThet Home Miss Locomotivel1' la which there were nearly tîWeni participants. Each chifid rpreetd a part of rauway locomotive, and repeated a short quâo tion froni scxlpture and a verse that çarriedco the idea that wanld bec cnnected wlth the, pi apprestated, sucb as the bolt-tht miery lV the drive wbees,-strontb; thtwatc, righteousness, etc. Hoa. cJob >yden i atidresa sptciahy ta tht chiMiren. enour*gI themnin theworkithey pru doiug. . At the- ci luonof the meeting the ehilien veto trasi to empast la the basemnent. A cîflola w taeduring the eveaing for tht fonds cii Rer. J. &BMLaien is atpresentgivhuiga's les ai dL«soo nretheslb.bok ofi al*whi are escecdlngly lutemdesu nsd vo =chii prciated by bis c ta.10 ti. coUjo. fea te tha questioS ibt h wnov .soil$o mach atmstion-4t msa* *0* ch Mds a remeialord Re H. d atot iwm ft ist ias poillos bauW ,bout 4sssstudMSS Ï] au"" dof cuiand tsums aede cm othmbsn)emew W FEBRIJARY' 1000 ofJBeaverton convention WUt Obe ldin 'aeptmer frigtri uiso con fhso M.g this yca. Rev jSI Wilson waa appaînted toa sd the ste ofthe roads. on represet the uin at. tht internatioWa conven- Qf mt-f h smr ao~ tina b he laWasingan is uly iêreihave comm!tp49eid toharýè4t'ÜbeI*r îie_. f8W. A. H. ts flot as thik- p.ýjtSUkIy is ___________________ Master e.,8onIîýy bs4 tboWI to, * rain is foot lat. wc bâtit ba6 îfèatJý OUT a ço, riw bèYem idgesul aull [g, suidm.opposite TOI ,u, 4rophUn. ~o the=auwO-ter cS ce --tbe b" be4aýu*twuetb.. tbe a4sb.4, 'on,üt, T.- R. SonIésj, tht~ ~~&e> mi bmit ll. o, -c"It> ul)ti- 'cl o-W A- ý V $..**stD V, tbp O0i- < Si ià'" 28, 1896. PORT PEEEY. .dwatrd Rundie bas ganetot Oshawa ta rk with Wakeiy the tailor.. lins Urquhart, ai Oshawa, visited Mrs. d tht Misses Paxton last week. aort Perry sent three ninks ai curlers ta eonta ycsterday (Thursday) ta play the snite ai that city. 'aber Brothers, ai Reach, cheese mnakers d farmers madie an assignment hast week the benefit ai their credutons. Mr. J. H. Brown was tht delegate ram tht ).U.W. lorige ini town ta the grand lorige Id in Toronto hast week. NO. î: M I Packages.'OCAL NEWS LETTfERS.1 CRnaNîcLE GUM CozoNvzrCzîC, EC LIPSE+ until -then-shahl we as Cauadignes se 9our- goveruments bew cdoser to thte'aiéojuýsticie and rigbt. We want men wbo vIl-_not onty' be layai ta, Great Britalu, but- loyal- ta 01W owu beloved Canada 'and loyal te, their christian prî.nciples and- loyal tW theifs-ýith. Another fire.- + ID Y E S were 100cf Scugog. Three better apeakers i t -would be bard . M TL to flnd. Thetatpics tbey had selected were Mosti Our echool' was clôsed on Thursday, of E appropriate and the addresses fitted loto eacb atw,,o con o h eeeaom o other beantlfully thougb tiiere bad iedn no atw.ko von fh eeesom previaus arrangement atnong tbe speakers. Mr. Ancther car load of horses shipped here M McAulay, as the first speaker. took as bis subject for tht east en Saturday laut by Mr Hark- n 1Entbusîasm in C E work," and expressed the' nesa. Pi hope that enthusiasin might be the key note of Mrs. Prank Harrison and Master HryTi the conventiotu. His desire mnust oertainly bave s pent 14t Sunday and Monday with friende n been gratified in this respect. Re naid tbat in Toron1to.Gr christians have tht best cause and the best Mast Tr oel arnc a nridt er, but there is stili much coldness. Christian lady froin Dletroit, Midi., last week, and of " work was too mucb on the detensive. The word coure 1-8 happy, for enthusiasm, sa mucli used in a worldly sense, Section Boss Francis, on tht C. P. R. here, V i teral ly ineans fillec i wth God and so as a mnatter lias had about a dozen nien shovelling snow A.( of fact has its proper place when used in a meiet- since tht big drifts came lest week. btli ing of ibis klnd. Mr. Fowke rejoioed ta stand i on a christian endeavor platformn, in corny Miss Ida Briags returned home from Tror- witn a mnetbodist on one side and a preshyterianotoo Tuesdaa fthis week, where she neir on the other. For the spirit of union in chrîstian had been visiting for the past three wetks. 19tl work naw existing be gave tht creclit largely ta Pive if flot six of the passenger trains on maS the C. E. movemnent. He referred ta tht recent the C. P. R. on Thursday of last week were ss threatenings of war between Greà%t Britain and tacl drawn by two large engines. ThteS the U3nited Statee and stated bis belief that the snaw plow was pushed 'by two of the saine We spirit of Christ alone averted this calamity. To kind and et niglit the local gaing tant got frie sbow tnat he was not atone in sa thinking he stuck in the snow between litre and Ponty- brii read an extract tromn an article by Mr. Andrew pool and the section men from here were U1h Carnegie, in a recent issue oi the North Amen- oont nearly ail niglit helping to dig lier out. teri can Review, in - which the wrter after quaiting A new post office is to be opened near tht 5tv despatches that passed betweén endeavors on C. P. IL. station here the first of neit month b bath sides of the Atlantic, during the time ai with Nfr. W. G. Armour as P. M. Thus itpu trouble, gave fui credit ta ibis organization and seeme that the post office department has 1 cer tht influence it bas cxerted, fr tht peacettIl favared tht people of the north village be- 'oî seulement of the dîfficulty th it is now in pro- side the people near the ridges, by estab- e gress. Ht spake af the many definitions of a lishing another post office within about Gi, christian contained in the bible but took tbat in thret quarters of a mile of tht south office. Be, 2nd Car. 3rd chapter, where tht christian is re- The new office will be called Myrtle Station ferred ta as tht epistit af Christ as ont that and the mail carried ta and froin tht new covered ail others. Tht Rgt of Dogmatism and station wifl be dont by tht C. P. R. stt Ecclesiasticssm are past and in this day it is con- thesad affair mentioned last wtek about ofl »duct tbat is considtred. As a summing Up he Mr. 'Charles Soruberger was only too truc. trc took tht word struîghtforwardness and showed It stems that Mr. Soruberger starttd with As' how it must prevail in home, business, Palitical his horsts and sleigh ta carry lis two young bis and church hie. He made a stirring aPPeal ta girls ta tht Raglan school. Afttr crossing lOi electors ta stand truc ici tht best intertats af Ouf tht C. P. R. finding the roads sa badly drift- ter, country in tht present crisia in ber affaita. Mr. ed turned ta go home, and on reaching the Mallet's theme was "Spirituality in Christian C. P. R. crossing the horsts passtd over the wI Endeavor work" Tbis rnust always be kept in track, the snow being sa deep stopped in the fr ont place. It is tht root of tht movement, leaving the slelgh, or part of tht rlg, on the au, witbout whicb ibere can be no real life. By ap- track, and before Mr. S. and. children gat on, propriate illustrations, taken froni historical fret from the sltigh tht local from. Havelock an, events, he frmly fixed bi% ideas mn tht mindis af drawn by two engines caught tht sleîgh WC tht large audience and by bis vgorous. tarnest îhrowing Mr. S. sud chidren some distance, ab tmanner kept ail thorougbiy interesttd ta tht Mr. S. had his leg broken in tiret places, Pi, close of tht meeting. At tht morning session on thret ribs and bis nase broken, while ont of,,, Wedntsday tht secrttary.trtasurer's reports were tht girls was sligbtly cnt on the iead anda presented. Tht former showed that only .38 of the other getting ber bands very badlya tht 57 societies known ta be in existence in tht frozen. . Dr. Starr at Brookliu was telephan Fc county had sent in statistics. In these there are cd for,- and tht roads being blocked by snaw Co gio active and 48q associate members. Sixty- drifts tht doctor wau forttinate in getting up be nine persans became church members from the here about noon on the belated train froin an society duriLg tht year. Dtnominationaliy tht tht soÎtht. Tht doctor stayed until tht nezt W] societies are divided as follows: Presbyterian 13, day wtt the affiicted famnily. It sttmtd he methodist 29, union 8, christian r, baptist z, very fà*hsnate thiat Mr. Sornbtrger's hired Co congregational i, iriends i, and 2 junior socittie, 1mans *à with hiim at thet tue of tht acci- bath methadist- Tht cash balance in tht treas- dent o# Mr. S. and children might have been rury was $28. q5. Bni reports wert given by .ba&y iozen before lielp readhed themn. representatves froin tht different societies, which -were very encouraging. Two excellent papers TOWN LINZ. a were read by Miss Marie E. Dyer and Miss Mr,. sud Mrs. C. Kempthara visited friends in bc Lizzie McLatighlin of Oshawa. In the afternoon Hro~o usa.e Dr. McKenzie, af Cannington, led a discussion on &"&Taking part in the prayer meeting," which Miss May Davey is visiting in the City. ebrought out a numh.r uf useful ideas which will Miss tillie RLodd is spending a few days with wý no doubt be taker ' v'ntage af in many of tht Miss 'Ia Lee. st, k. societies. This &1 wed by a carefully prf Miss Mockie af Kinsale, and Miss flchart oif t pared and wt -r, paper by Miss Annt Brooklit, art visiting the Gold families. k Smith, af Colun,_ ~ Tht best metbodsof 1i .r promoting and developing tht spiritual sie of Mr.ged- . 'sCkothl ,"Mti. 'UkwllbisO endeavor wor k. " Next came un optn discussiounae tdsc ite, u.sokel ra on 46How. best to interest -as=ocatewaibtm ' m i n w h c ba n u mb e r too>k ,pwarL ýC b ina t e -wor k 1r~S~vùs~.IC , êg~t, was iben taken up, Mr. J. F. Pirit, Brooklin, Dominion Grange dt. Landon. Ont. this wek. ýn speaking for tht look out, Mrs. W. Purves, M 1r. and Miss Birchard, aof Petîrolia, are visit- !s1 , Columbus. for tht prayer meeting, and Miss ing relatives in this vicinity. h ýe Clara Wilcox, of Demill college. Oshawa, for! Milton Brown took a Ioad of barley to the 'W tht music cammttet. Dr. C. F. McGlhvriy, ai:V Whithy, conducted a fret parliament-Christian city t us week. reiving 41ic. pet bushel. ' dj endeavor and missions. Many af tht socitties af There was au oyster supper at J. Hallett's on thî contyhae dnt nd il cotine t[d Tuesday evening, ta give Mir. Ed. Orr a send e h grand work for tht cause of missions, and those off, as be intends ta statorMntbsan le who have nat devoted much attention ta this Those who attended the lecture and lime light a important branch are now coming into une. At views. on ipjur ans fruit insects, given at the; ,d the close ai this session tht denaminational Monday evening session of tht Farineis, InstU- ild rallies were hela. Tht attendance at tht aftet- tuts, held at Picmceing, were both pleascd sud r-noon meetings was very large but in tht evttiing, profited. As this is a subjec oai tht day tht- hall Lt. thert was a crowd sucb as is seldom seen in was densely packed. I Brookln. Tht first part ai tht evening's pro- Rev. Mr. Manning bting éÀlIed ta attenda go 'XXXr voL. Mrs. Forneri, wife ai tht Rev. Mr. For- ri.,ai Adolphustown, died on Wednesclay, th inst. Deceased i ll be remnembereri ta any ai aur citizens as Miss McDermott, ier ofiGeorge McDermott. Some ai aur cuniers went ta Uxbridgc ou .dniesday ai hast week and .phayeri two endly matches with Claremiont andi Ux- dgt, btating Clanemout by 6 shots andi tbridge by 8 abats. Tht cunlers hari a rrible time getting home on account ai tht vert snowstonm. M5anchester Sans of Teniperance division! irpost glving ont ai. their' enjoyable con- ets this. Frlday evening. As tht members thiqs division always prepare a goori pro- -amme the concert wilh be a good ont. ve thetn a good hanse. Granîd-Secretoryj well wih occupy tht chair. K mnonstnasity lu tht guise of "a strangerl" ruck tawn hast week, evidenthy cant up by ie of the blizzards af this mouti, and 15 oubled wita palsy in bis ri-ght baud. shameri ta sign bis awu naine ta bis rub- ili lu tht Standard, lie shrewdly unes tht )i de plume "A Strauger" (?) I shah eat- id ta bis case next week. Mr-. J. M. Brooks, ai tht Oriental hotel, bie on a step ladder arrangiuz somethiug tht hanse an Tbursday of hast week, feul d broke bis shoulder blade sud injured te afie swrlsts aud is couieri ta hie raom id wil l te able ta do anything for some ,eks. Mr-. Brooks la progressiug fayot- My nder tht care ai Doctors Chemens sud octor.ê Tht Royal1 Temj3lar councl, No. 69, held very successful meeting an tht s4th iast. 'our uew members vere received imb aur auncl sud -st present wc have a large mecm- ership aud aur conucil ie ërosperlng. We re ahways glàd ta welcomc n ew members eho desire to jais aur saciety. Meeting eld tbis Frlday evening, 28tb inst. -Rt- ordiug Stcretary. Mr-. Fe Broophey, ai Toronto agent for lysiop, Son & McBurney's bicycles was, in own hast Monday aud appointed Messrs. FP. SMcMillan sud Johnson Goudy theÏi agents- Dr Port Perry. As this firai bandit tht very est bicycles that are -manufactureri any ane strust!ing an. order->wli th teabove agents viII ' be îbérly-deait -with. *Sa>tbesiof bheels can te seen at, T. H. Pbihp & Co's. ;îpie any drne after the fi-st of Marcbl. Zialai hPollard for many years a wehI- cnown resident-, of this town, but latterly ai rorontoï di -ppe4 de.ad hast Friday1 aftér- oae ât Toronto Junctîion . l was erppley- dÀ at tht C.PR. 'orks sand. tisahurry ing to thb u- pliMrPilr:sd0ad beicreile truck tbesidewalk.. The bodywàbroughtý herefor interment hast Monday .nwrning and was accampanitd- by hWe sans Russel aid, William nand other relatives.1 Tht Lindsay Post Pori errycorrespoid nût who iigus bis namne 'Spectator" -$aysý 'bTht newspaptr corresponiden.ts- oftbîs towu are -ýlways lu trouble:; <(Are-you nrobe toa, "Spec" ?- Now itis the correspoodent' Of tht. Uxbridge jourual whobas been get ting, himself l=tô d'i-culiyl. -Te-, m-ake mat- cers worse, fiela et iogge 1rheads-witth 'tht oalwriter for tie'Wbitb^y CaoscL i sd .h*re -is Uk*ly to-bea hçt t,ùebtents .gçad.-briother. Alb t u e t hewoo, ios, -i<Spetator"l tooýbuzsily eugaged evéry 4ay at- ,Printe, Albert É, bhk sç hool ini'ëteeayi- îng tô insétil into th midcs. ai they,.oùtliof that scbSol:biight itas,'-that be hbAîn rm ýt give anytbing but nice Uittle ditiau I -way of.,orrespondeisce fronv tbis tow a4 ý-ier)rio#flnsive; . Bother Miller oiwu WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRIIDAY9, lhe town wss again called odt by tht clang. :laug ai tht fire bell, whtu fire vas discov- ered iu C. L. Wiby's merchant tailorlng establishment, iu the Blong block. Mr* and, lt-s. Whitby were awakened by- their hit.the child crying, beirig stifieri by smoke. Mr.ý W. cshled Lem Donairison, when he gave tht alarm tu Chief McKnigbt ta ring tht bell. la a iew minutes wiiling hauris were taon at work, at fi-st forming a. bucket brigade ntîl tht englue could be- phactd._ In a -vtry short time tht smalhbaud englue was throwing a g am streani and did good work and was a fterwards reinforeed by the'. fire englue, sud thte-two stîeams, soon bad the ilire under contraI. Our brave firemen worked bard and did excellent work, and, those citizens who worked soisitbfuhly *itb, tht smail englue deserve pi-aise for tht good work accomplished by their efforts. The wind was blowing a gale aud it was vcry coîd. Every citizen present -did ail in lis power ta help and each onet wae-aaànious- as if tht property were bis own, Tht opin-ý ion was freely txpre îssed uhat thttwo engînes more tbgan paid for theaislves-týwict ove? <t the fire. While aur townmspeopl regèuet ta, set the loa Mr. Wbitby. bas austalneèd we ure ail pheased to know - it -,is -,ne- verse. -It -as thonght tht lire caught fMinthe.c 'oàl stove falliug over and the hive coals falling'an tii, floor. Everything was- lu'a sae condition' *bon 14r. Wbit!>y heAft thtstozee- ou- Wéducs- daoveniung, tht -part ,tlona-wè rê -, safe dia-- tasce -from the stove-àund tbe"&»r'wa"--leasi oa ay itter.. Tic Ios ta the-bildifïg inside will not ainouW th amèîé than_ $ 40 or--ý$9w- thean lm ewillbe.on thesiockramvter, sud . semôke. 1fr. Wbiîby Ivéèd o'c' 1-the store and none. af tihousehold gdids _-wero sometime before th storeis rcady agan, buit ,as soon as tic Ions -la adjusted Mr;,bitJIy%-_ and hie -bauds wdl >be. redy-»fr work>,'asthe workraon i e àaged ,sut-ver-Y lt The lasses have ,bçtù,u.,a4justedi *496-'on-,:ý bt-ilding aud $sz,oaQ mstock,- sluw ef -For the< !varplly wocomo. AsN IMPORTAJ Pruces talh Surplus part Pew % sn.. G. 191 UL5MO, 5br~nr 02 qdý i iowest 1:1c'-Il stock, N h ti b C t .Ax Hm ALLIN5

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