Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1896, p. 3

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p ,ber, tee. turned eut tu the afternoonan retis.Wge. eveaaaaag services, when the eloqnent and Those o! us who have had but a Mr. Kegan, of North Claremont, bas earneist addresee delivered by the Rev vague idea o! men and things have re- left, and J. D. Forsyth is now an full Mr Dewey i.n the a! aern),tn and Rev P A i peatedl\v wondered where ail the clouds charge o! McKay Bros. elevator. Macdon~ald in the evening were greatlyi corne fror)n, and froni what source ihey Frank Denton, of Toronto, haF justu ~itireciated by all. procure their suppiy of rain and snow, returned from bis trip to thbe old coun- A Vinion nieetiaag atf the Epwerth Lea- particularly wi1th regard tua the latter try and was here on Tuesday lookîng flue o! Christian Endeavor societies of during the past few days. On Monday after bis law practice. this place was heid an in the I'resbyteriain the mNysterN, was solved to those who A isnls.oeo i uln church on Tuesday evening, Feb il. 'chanced to turn their eves in the direc- soe hi on oSofvleo Sorne very instructive papers were read titan of the lake. Ail along the caîtire sTuesa. he same waS found by a o o)n the topic, -'Loyalty wtrie Churcn.' el-aure that dav fog or rnast arose and Dutcban wboTh ught wasaweighty On Saturday niorxing Mr Otis %Veese o f vredsaboe he ak ! ou Ind hre to which to tic a horse. receaved by telegramn the sad and start- o! ya ds aboved the a.i at ther Market Tuesday was well attended. liaîg aews that hie father in law, Mr Wm Were sulffic'en'tcodsfrndttda Muar of Clinton bad died suddenly. to last tlle storin king fer many weeks Following are some of thbe pnices paid: Mr. 0 Lw i brekingin i8 fçm-Butter 14c. and t5c., eggs 17c., tur- MrWOa sbraagi isfr Ci _______ keys 7c. to 8c. per lb., geese Sc. per ous 1prazewinning Dennison colt. lb., and cbîckens 35C. to 5oC. per pair. J1 ust think o! it EILht % cars hefore there as an other' Such as t c, exclama-iI1 ,Id hL The band boys propose having a con- tii) (ie i sur tohua at ny art orcert during the fist week of March. so0cial gatherng in thlis place where thereThprgam ilbofa isean are latliaeassenihled. Atiother what ÃŽ Cok'u CttS RssiCGPOSd eous character, yet during the evening W hy, leap year of course. Wben those Manufactured b y T he a drama will be presented. aeby creît ures the mnaare aupposed to Cook Co., Windsor, Ont., Our curlers were defeated by four ta'Pe a back seat. WVhen the girls go pro- and Detroit, MiCh. , isthe shots at Stouffville Tuesday. One rink qpectig anad Cupid turne pale. Yet why only known safe, relialble do t hey risk those long years ?-lest te inthly medicine on which ladies was 13shots ahead, -but the other did cerne cornes the ttne : When pussy cat can depend in 11 le >-mr nd jim not do so weli. We are pleased at the and clover tea their isoie companiona then of neecà7' Every lady who eads resuit as the fellows here are but be-. Rhall bo. Wbea thbe dim sbadows of the this is reqnested to incîse twoPost- ginners. They were at Uxbridge on pastBhal acen lie apanarmc vew ae aqupt wth er ddrssfor Wednesday but we did not hear the re- îaast~~~ haacndieapnorii 5W getepwhbeadrsfr suit. (if bli ghted hopes anad neglected oppor- ka_____________ lnnities. But say, girls ; dont try te domotclaS~W i worlt any of the Zephyr boys for a eilk 'snd patclas ila HUMO»rou aetu dreas as they have been awaiting this send by retumr mail ini plain. *eaed About Hood's Saraparila-it expela bad year and neariy ail say they are goang to envelope. humer anad creates gocid humor. A battie for accept tube iret offer. So when you go Au oid physician, 35 years SOn- bloed le what Hood'eSu pà'l 4ru isbing you will probabiy land a sonfish at tinùed practice treating diseeises of fights, and t as alvays victorieus an eipelliug the tirst bite. vomeri, has charflof te office, and foui taluteansd giviug thbe vital fluid tbe qualjty ___________can beconsnlted by letter or inu sd qusutufty of perfect heehi It oresOscro- persan. A.ddresa aur main office fuis, sait rbeumn, bous sud other blood dis- THI COOK *OOMPANY, BOOM 8-19o. 2 58a Wodwmiw AIes Hood's Pilasot eaaiy, yet promptly sud effi- Vi iDctroit, Ma%*. cientiy on the bowelu sud iver. 25c. I1V Cookas Cotton Raat Compoa4zi A dreami about Xothar Eve mu"asurmi tku us sold by ail responseible wh6lesade tubat u OU avtheait 's incere. aud retail dru gists in the Dmfini To dreso tubaI yonr hourd bau growu very ona nie Satsfo Oe long nieass umeea li buluns.. er TO dresut of beluudreueld là Uwbt. mais a Tl% leQuicklyua NERI A large umuber of'tube promînent citi- zona of thbe towcabip of IMars witb uusIu frooseotbor psrte of thbe cou" ysud O nia attended thbe camplîmtary banquetu bo Mr F J Gillespie, given ba.o dY .vong. A vry pi«Onast un' vau spent sud die.n mmy Sdb whI wer.mdvent to pro 'tabi fbPm bw i r o o W b .t â é P. b spr ,M ditor, 1 will duèr0le spont the ESabbaifh witýlie jte rFakSoti pIOOna - i iSDinygl~ ~iI#~het ~ ofthe grand 1bd eý 7ý ,lü ship of Ultbridgabu ~Mfiss Jessie Kerr is stiil confined to onto à Toronto and 8 from Ulbridge. Tihe G. the bouase with a severe attack of A few Sabbathis ago a deputm#ion froni T. rail way ru il 3hrough t h ilg luiy Markham 'niited Broohlin unteud î oan boset of LwO o tels, Lwo ohurohos, Isaacrisey. i oot hswe evcei h ehda uc.A (mnetbodist anid bptioti) 8 stores. a oandy saWieiinTrnohiwekeviei he ehdithuh.Aa etro W a iltw hall. attending the Grand Lodge of the remut of tuis Rev T W Leggott bas re- are stor, ti sho' " towWorke(.eived i unnnimnoua invitation to hecome ,,,brk rn cn . ruo t u or i f üe pa bor oft ü e ia M ark bùa m fl o l$ of1 flli TmlAdr, the grain buy. Miss B Ilia Little, of Hamilton, spent ehuroh, which hoe bas accepted, subjoot Torotto Iuyile ao1 hipping to this week with Mrs. W. J. Clark, to the rln ftestationing committe:. are clo'el.l'tent price uýc. per bag. Captain Gibson, of Newcastle, was of the Brooklin churcb was beld on Wed * [lidivi ti ne wcolnpany ar. here last week with his daughter, Mrs es. a ev H ke, anf Witale, to VB n ROI~~~ ai MI iItL ~~Nonday, Fpb. J. A. Hilts. 11\ it juI t:VO i WdîsaFb Mrs. Wise, sr., is seriously indispos- become the pastor of the chroh bere. [ng ao Caemnl.c(ti week.Heraflicion ae tos Mr B F Campbell, the new township go i, j.l*,,'\,f ,r lrmIt dti ek He flcin r hs ai§Qeeor, ÃŽe now at work in Brooklin and Wn lîu\~ ~ ~ : ~ v eeniig consequent to oid age. tXî' \'.jîtatndCU Saturday and The heaviest faîl of snow ever known city o ~ ~ ~ ou Ii' u l\ ugcieOf their Mr Blair Ketchen bias engaged to work e le.etafynLciaein these parts, that ils for the length of witia Mr Perriman, sr, east of Columbus. t tirne the storm lasted, carne to us onHe c'ommenced hie duties last Saturday. 6t' rtnhtr lu ees, peupleThe feu liaover i nhes Mr David Morrison, whoseehealtli barD lii ~ ~ th v('iWpaan n heehu1.Te dba.ehvdbeon unsatisfactory for soine timeisvya 1ut mi 1in antd sîck just now. His sister, Mise Jennie * lI ai i «( (,?) wo l w st ro ds ha e vod d bî ok i t and M orrison, went to Toronto on Friday to (,.N Ml ~, 1Ina Ilh s tua e regretted that Il, was found ansist in caring for him. *1He has bepn 'i t. k-elN would neî'essarv for Mrs. James lirien tua go suffering intensely for a few dayt; but the tuit s alîinli i'tirn.ttu hospital-this week for treat- last reports received stated that ho je r i i as f0r tii,alobt lmen'It. lier recoverv is afnxiOUSly- wish- sliit)htly better The techuicai namne of * Htito i hWi'U and hosts (if friends await the 11i8 dasease je eppendicitis. I t il Wa. Wita .-tontlii oftvutwelcoming lier back to NMr Wm Bell bas commenced moving i W~'tbt-hindaEa d li er former health and strength. to his newly renti-d farm near Pickering ,ut cet il anti thanke :\n(rew Forsyth. sr., aged 72 y'ears He sent two loads of implements, etc, on t ttit trc T cire averand 8 davs, died on \WednlesdaN, at the Wednesday. loaat, i ftulli an 0re w resadence of bis son, Andrew, a short Mesrs Jno Vipond, G W Arnod, S Vîl i ., ils l t advertise thear distance east of here. l)eceased was Medland andi otieeaedaighyt Is lrnenolnced l tilioge for niany v'ears a resident of Whitby Toronto, takiniz about two loads a week. O k o.~ as~I tA Therk, are no and viciniy, and at one time was very MrCESotpeabd aslesr i.t . t1~tl~ttlnow. The loO- promînent in orange circles. Ile leaves mon as pastor of the Brooklin baptiet îa\tlcket,ttlone dais, a widow and grown up family. The clîurch on Sabbatb evening, frotn the [i t~ it îîtw eoras hve cîtthefînerai takes place to-day' (Friday)at i text "Be ye also ready, for in snob an ru 1a ît iiUsto itsaé leoaititon claack p. ai., when the interment willî our as ye.think not, the Son of man M, alinostifrei gel)lfa.odition 1w made at St. John's burving ground. cometb." Tbe speaker delivered a very iu1le oftu'roA 5 on M t o. \bi deep iAsnecasd a ama mpressive sermon, in whicb bis earneet 111ia l.jofrtheaond o t ethodiet iblv respecteAd asedcocos ofndesire for the eâlvation of %Il bis audience Ple ýlwrtlileaue o themethd f igl en s ad eigors arecosure ofaywas made cieariy inanifeet. It wae a fit- 'et iHeiàsandneigaorconcuert aing close to a ministry that bas been afree aiterary cneto the last sad tribute of respect t the characterized by zeal for the Master'e ( whi' vening, Feb. l8th. coneasting departed. cause and a genuine anxiety to make erenit1tl8, dialogues, recitations. etc., ty IscîLeu talent. The atteudance was Pickering is to the front as usual. men and women botter. Mr Scott may gtuttl rtt)Sadering the roads. On Tu.esday evenin g the enterprising depend on receiving a hearty weloome at MreJons ad br onshav reurnd oung ladies of our towfl visated W\hitby any time he may revisit our village. NIrsJ ,eandlCercaonehv rtre rink unaccompanied by any of the maie W. A. H. frorn iioCiao sex save Mr. Geo. Gordon, who kindiy CLAREMONT Niré; C Cocking le at pressait visiting supplied the conveyanCe. it is even Morgan Evans is able to be about friaitis around Goodwood, as thbe Bey Mr rumored that one of the young ladies again. c Clockîug has taken a trip to Californiadrv.Te rpothvghda Massti ta McGuchin, who bas beer ,lorious time ail around and an extra WdigblswI onb ign verv Iii witb inflammation, as recovering. fine skate with refreshments afterwardsanormdt Mr Hugb Watson and Wm Lewis, wbo at Sheriff Paxton's. Mrs. Eastwood John Howe's children are indisposed went to 'extîs, U S A, somns two weeks chaperoned the load and the girls sav this week with grippe. ige, remkmbered corne of their friende she was somewhat indulgent. Mrs. W. Dowswell is indisposed this wtb ai Valentino. Jane -Sellers, reîict of the late James week, but flot dangerously so. Thle Goodwoodi publie achool le pro- Stott, aged 79 years, 2 rnonths and 2 Mrs joseph Slack is rapidly improv- L'es ufavorably under thes manage days, daed at the residence of her ing from ber very sertous llness. mient of the Miss;e8 Dickinson. daughter, Mrs. James Shepherd. after The Baptast Mission Band will hold ZEPE ir an illness of several months. Old age their entertainmient about March 3rd. Mr 1) S Hlorner je visiting relatives in and a collapse of constitution was the Mrs. Siater, of Michigan, was here Vaughatn. cause o! death. Deceased has survived last week with her cousin Geo. Gerow. Mrs J Wilsonî, )t Mounit Albert, le in ber husband sorne three years, they MrF.anlbs ucseArm the village attendang Mrs M Grahani who both being old residents of this place Mudr. F. Mnle basd purchasteArm as very 1.'and vicinity. The funeral took place Bnyresenc n w ovtee Altbough Sunday was a cold day the on Tbursdav to the methodist burying In next wek atteidace n te MthoietS Swasground, where the interment was made, H. Astridge left for Kinsale Monday, 'a i.. ...-. d i ta Mtoa dAcylst S S am in te reenc 1 ahot-oÉfi --sAnd whee he eters thlplo of% MMr. B Dr cold, or useful as a trial for )abies and children. In .other conditions gafn miust be slow, sometimes almost Imperceptible, health can't be bult up ln a day. For this Scott's Emulsion must be taken as nourishment, food rather than medicine, food prepared for tlred and weak. digestions. SCOTTI5 EMULSION bas been eudorid by thbe medical profession for twenty years. (Ast year doctor.) This la because It is alwaLym pmltabl>-aways unif-arm-lwRys centalflS the purest Nerweglan d-IIver OU1sud Bypen P osuu in 15o centtand Sa.oo sizes. Thse "aa may b. enougis te cure your cougis or b.p your bay. m. bOit & Bovue. BleilO1 Choiera morbus, crampe and kindred ceom- plainte anuuaily make their appearauce at tube ame time au tuebe ot woatber, green fruit, tucumbers, melons, etc., and many poisons are debarod f roma eating those teanptuing fruits, but they need na) abstain if tuhey bave Dr. J. D. Kellogg'o Dysentory Cordial, and take a 8ew drops in water. It cuaes tube crampe and cboiera, iu a reaakable ananner, sud in mure te thecb every disturbance of thbe bowels. To dream of cutting your tunget means yen a'ill shcrtiyiabove a I;wisuit. A dreani about a fox means tuhat yen are sbortly te be beset by Swriudlersi. Cannot Be Beat.-Mr. D. Steinbach, write.: _"I have used DR. THOmÂs§' EoLEirICJ QIL in rny family for a number of years, and I eau safely say tuhat it cannot be beat for tuhe cure of croup fresb cutisand sprsins. My littie boy bash ad attacks of croup several tianes, and one dose of Du. THoMAs, EcaLwt(rBîoOI vat sufficient for a perfect cure. I take greatpiea- sure in recommendiug at as a fauaily anedicine, and 1 would not bo vitheut a bottie in my On the 6th of July the earth is farther away froua tbe sun than at any other time, clies bas besu ica ver y seul of pregrees, -as in politica and religion-tis difficulties of opinion and thbe individuality of 'gnon have been parent te tuhe diaagî-eeienzs by wbich tube standard of thsse bodies.- bave beon elevated. So with an-st ef our famous preparatuieti-foremOSt in illustration of wbacb trutb stands tube vrld'- famnan remedy to general debility and langour "Quinine .Wine,"-and vhicb, wben obtain- able lu ita genuine strength, la a miraculeus creator of appetite, vitality ànd stimiulant, te the geaieral fertiiity of the systusu. Quinine Wine and, its lts improvemont, hms fiîr the firat'discovery of tube great virtuien eý Quinine as a medicaý agent, beeu eue of tbe*uaÈoà tuber- ougblyý disemussed reanedies ever offered it ub public. h la oeeof the greatu toàiia - sud ifs- gi vbng stimulants wlicb tube aedical prof ession have been ceuapolIed to zenl«ýn prscribo;ý Moesis. NortbroÃ"p ofya~,e Toronto, bave given te thbe prepar>uion ofthei pueQ eunn Wline tube great caro due t ita imporanci nd the standard excellen f the aricle w*bich thy effer t.ýtbe pblic- cooepa litoubmaku purged of ail thb e feos ià b kI observa- tiin d seleatific -opinion hem pluted éeut la the lews perfoét Preparation Mcf tube Ào. h Xisa D."tV a"I4rieride of Tloroutoire tid, iith INjr and )La Doty. The Miues -MoRays, of -Onnington, re thbe guesis of Mna Hènry McKpe. John Henry SteNvart je visiting a fow hie friende and relatives bore. Mir Alfred Speiran and bride. of Mars, onût a few days with Mi Wm Beynoldi. Two of our proxainent young mon, by Lino John and Bert, attended the carrai al ait Suanderlanad on Wodnesday oven- ig. Tboy report- having a good turne, ood roada asud plenty of snow. Wbat 2oro wouid they warat ? The ]Rev. Mr Powers delivered a jery loquont momoriai sermon ira memory of he late Miss Swanick, who died Feb. nh. Mies Swaraiok was a very higbly espected young lady, arad her death is ueh regrotted by a large circle ef frierads Lad acquaintaaces. Castoria. teCaetSod a an «eze11tt mxlkne fer eh! 1. dren. Mo4hRS have repetelY toId me of Its geed oeta upo Ied olaciln. Dia. G. C. Osaoon, LoweIl, XM eOt sori1a la the best reroedy fe childre of which I amn scquainted. I hope the day la net far dWeant when mothewi~iodethreal iteemof theïr chiien, and us Castorta in- tead 0f thevarIousquw ou5cklwhichw deetauyiflg thir loved euesby forcing opumf, morphine, ootblflg syrp and other hurtuful agents dcvi their throats, thereby sendlng daiu W prernature graes." DL J3. F. Knomoz, COonway, A.rk. "custoda la sowell adaptedtochildWeflth&* Irecommnd t assup&1or tOAnY pi8tiip-l frv,,,n to me.u" Otar physicim n thbe childr' depat. men bave spoken higbly of ibeir epert. encq in thef r out"ldepnactIce wM th Jsodg, and altlaough we only bam auaog our aedicaisuppliaswbat la kuowa aM rgular' producta, yet w. ame frO. t. confiaith& baute menita of Castoria bas vo» us te ook vita favor upon t." ua.rx uHosrrrAL £» IPNam gY, Ion Ma ALLEN C. SuiTE, PrCa. Ti.Catunomea ' mystwoete New Yok oey.d Varicocelo, Emissions, Nervous Debllt SM"la cki stricture, syphIlis, unnatualIcb8rgOS, SefA scidney sud Bladder DiseacaPosltlvely Cured- by ~'Ya es epoitThUOIs uYu u raisYU ~tsO to be pald us mter yen are CURED under a wItten 6urmuttel 8,91A busu, RzEa'es and BWod Dfoea.baveokedlthelieaioftthOnMdSt f l m and middle aged men. The taxni, tii. vorkshop thbe Sunday sohool, tue offime thi iion--aUt have ite victime. You.ng Mais, Iîf yen fave been indiscaeet bevureo1 Ig M*id! oagcd n e, yen are growing rema t =--lMwe ak nd olbotu eka3i0n (Consultu usbefore tolate. NO PIAMES ISED WITrHOUT WRITEI( <NSNT.Co VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS ANI) SYPIllUS CUREbft, su amn 29. At 15 IIourmed a bsd-habit which 1 connu_- uied tilt19.. I then becamo "oe- of thb ao,,s"and ioda gay 1m1. lFposure prodflced Syp4itit. hecme aerv- ousaund despendenii; no ambition; meanory par;ee re maukea sud bi.ur; piplaÉeson 1à;ui loebn ain ; w ek ba th; vaic cee; diseaune s d an es nivi~eahprt;deo in un etc *Ipeut,~ra -, redo ola vti help,011 wsceepltn ucdewheat s ia id eomedêDia. Ke"2 tried it.'lu I vas ehs 1 wm Thia asx yemr ago, s"d nover laad -a rétumil.Wa m'arfoed two' '.yar go end aUhappy .Beys, trY Is. Eennedy &Ker- *BEILOEE TREATM'T ginbofore givizag Up lope." Varicocele Cured.' 7< U' When 1 eonsn]ted Druý Kennedy &Kegla, 1 bsxl littie hope. I vas suriaEd. TPheirnev MetuhocTrosa- nmt improved me tuhe fret veet. Enaissions ceased, aaerves becamostroiig. pains diaappeaed, batr gre'w i ap fflin, oyeu became bright, ceeif id In conpany aid: *4stong exaily. aving trieà my -Qracks.ie cë n "heartily rîoommnid.Dit5. Kennedy & Xergau asrelable T. P. Eb!ERSOIN A Nervous WWek-- tHappy Lifew tiait v ii- wekenéd mepbysio- lySemexailyan mentsfli. FmJ oiot rdIvs ou ii &Y* Mouto,"fiedy lmnal "The Gohideta -. -ahuahadOaepe my vitslity. I took tiat e - vas cUroê o luConsmaption. -1 have sent theaix msxq patintssUov0Uofw s'pa io,-nat n = New LU theIffe ota *hle ýmaY ttend oô-ver, eid exceediug 1.,os yas then tuereaers ôM your.,yaua4l bs 'lviitidl and FIRZ & ] 5. A. Vastorltb Is Dr. Samuel Hitcher's presciIpttpn for IDfat& and Cbildren. It contains zicither 0Dtuni4 morphine inor oýther Narcotie substance. It ls a harmIles substitut». for Paregoric, Drops, Soothlng Sympa, and Castor 011.- it Io Pleasant. Its guarantee Ji thfry yeaWs'use1 by IMIlions of Mothers. Castoria destroYs Worms and ailays féverishness. Castoria prevelits vomiting Sour curdý cures Dlarrhoea and Wind Colle. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipattoR and latulencyo Castorla assimilates the food, regulates the stomaçh and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas- toria is the ChUidren's. Panacea-the Mother's fflend. In some conditions the gain frorn the use of SCDtt's Ernulsion of Cod-li=veri01 is rapid. For this reason we put up a 5Oc. size, which is c:lIUUnii lui ii t i rv cAoAJ lh c t r c ai à ,W.'B.-o 1

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