Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1896, p. 4

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he should firet explalu what he rueaýis, fror bbyTwXM l Both institutions are kept Up by'taxation or contribution, and both are thrown open to Scott repairs ailkinds of putnpa,- the public at large. Somte coutribute muore Auto harps, Violins, and etpiall mus to ten somne less: ail recelve an equaliinstruments at lowest prices ffOr Christi _____________________ mount: of good froffi each, or at least ail may gifts at Mrs. Alluns. receive an equal amotint of good if they will Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or bi AIL) IN PE Treceive itSchools fit people to become llnings for ail kinds of nkoves, ranges AND INSP CT usefi citizns ; chrches ft tberntoIlive and furnacefrmJ cnyt to die. In any sense taxlng them would be Aes, ilpr of blck tyr wee e 01like putting the hand ln one pocket and Aealpirobac ntîwree Our 1iarge Stock~o remnoving lis contents to the other. this office for identification. arnd If the li There are miany people who pay nothing tot who owns them wlll corne in they will Pe rfu iles, directly to churches. and would flot pay any-devrdfreochg. liair rusws hing to echools if teey were flot compelled the Wabash Rallroad. 1-fir ruses, to. As R general thlng these are the people It la riow an acknowîedged fact that To z/et Articles, who shout loudest for the abolition or exem- Wabash Raitway is the shortest, besta ptions from taxation, but exemption is the quickest route fromn Canada to Chicago, iE/( orily thing that wilI make them puy their Louis, Hot Sptings, Texas, Mexico, Cý share. Of course there are exceptions but fornia, and ail southwestern points. W~hen this talk of abolishing exemptions Anerica. Full particulars from an>' R. fromtaxtio cae u soe yarsagotheagent or J. A. Richardson, Canadianp Specilly ow Prces.salaries and houses of ministers were exempt. sentier agent, north east corner Kinga ____Tiiese haive heen struckr ofi the list and are Yonge streets, Toronto. soulaeadtoewh r stsid Sale of bornes, cattie, etc. shul pin ot xatl watthy ea. The sbcie Il odasl fhorsf ijl IL /I In rivte alk wit suh poplewe aveus-cattle, etc., on or about the 2oth day wan, xcet ha ina énéalwa thy reMarh 896 a te twnofWhithy. Tt oppoed o eemptonsfro taxtio Sosale will he extensiveiy advertised and w opposed a, « fiord an excellent opportunity for parti aewe, but the ilea has been carried about avgstc10sl1 etapuha asfras it cari go. aigsokt elome aprht 14edial Hal, Ifthe churches are of any value to the Those wishing a description of their a11rnm public the public should make some return, tb be published cari have it done by enterit Erock Street, aniby.rd that returri should tri some degree be the sanie with the subscriber or with Jol __________________________ spread over ail who are benefitted. The H. Perrin, of the Queenis Hotel, Whitby. 10 reach hoped that the agricultural society w ()i-way t ec somepelei ytkn hold the ir spririg fair early so that the sa tetax ofl the church arid by placing a share and the fair may take place on same da o ton themr. The tame argument applies L.- FAIRBANKS, Auctionerer. tthe schoad muiry other tinmgs. Dbt Preaching tends strorigly to the observance () liv decency, goodwilii ad sociability The literarv soeiety of the collegiate ins neans of exemption ail pay a litile for it. arv programme on 'Nednesday afternoc i îî~v vii sThose tvio oppose business corinection be last. Subject, 'Resolved that the study 1ý1,1 3.28tveeti churcli and state always talce lte Classics is erituled 10 as important a pla( ground of objection that the cîergy are too ini the high aqchoul course as the siudyi Pay Yur Sbscritlonaggressîve it given a foothold in the state. Science " The affirmative was uphield b PayYou SusorptinThe sanie parties usually admit that they Mr. Sidey and Mr. Chas. Smith, and th ,~.iî îaîn on n iliat lallé wuuld be willing to have the state assist in négative hy Mr. Dent anid Mr Remme as .uts~ iîer. ni araî~' lea on urthe spread of religion if by any means it Mr. lHerderson acted as chairmriand telif I) ftntIlr1lil couid bt safely done. Now, exemption, Tamblyn and Mr. Hogarth assistedp k ai Iilî.. r mn <i cUr ma ,et frontl taxati-in is a method hy which the state iudges. After a mosti nterestirig discursio AU i]rillilIhat e never ail tireru cari assist the church without running any the chairrnan sumnmed up the debate and dt il%ý- arie lmg evra hn redrsk of thre resuits complained of. cided in favor of the negative. The oth lbes it tto îîapersdutt>bed ( ilMo'j jSudzes concurred a:h stating his specia liciter li)")e thiîn, ;,11( D.CHj -LSIR-Let mie through War or Peace it' ail the saine. ri() attenn tion o hie ml>ney Yo>' cotunîns cati attention to a short article The war in Corea is now over and th sitain the issue of Pickering News of the 13th Manitoba struggle is on, as well as th, \\e întlui sri~sr îuîîîrî .ue ~1î.d mt. estsilncemigî b inerpeîe asBr tish elections. M tirdering is still in vogw ins. Lst ilece igh beintrprtedasand on the increase. The muan Who thinu 111)II loa' li tisîjal thiC. vea. rlcoffie conirnîatory of the statements of that art ic le, he kriows a solution of the Manitoba schoo qppar u lav tl()lev(o evly thr pr-permîit me to say: At a regular- meeting of question, doesn't kriow how much lie doesnp aPosc ban - 9 (4mal ,ve , <o r e eîo h era pur the R ITT., Pickering, your strictures uporik ow How it will be dealt with ls a vexec is,, tîn .. o n nian ap e r b ha e a o question for po iticans. T he B ritish electio ni lio tht îitrîr cari bye on the fine aneitorial of the News toUchîng action are sure t go Conservative, and conser-va weaîther. We elieve we cari saY that THE okn to the repeal of local option, and tiani as carried on to-day means real reforir your vindication of the temperance senti- We cari stop mîîrdering to sorie extent if w( CitRONICLE la neyer sloiw or rieglectful tri ment, anîd action of the electorate of this nail every blood-stained monster to the masi is ireatment of our readers, and it is noth- township in the past was subject of convier. instead of making theni recipients of sym. ilig more illan fair t bat they should corne to sat ion- A resolcition expressive of regiet at pathy and Outraged justice Readers are linie the sentiments of the News, and commiend- favored with these philosophical observationâ lim prmut V ng those of the CHRONICLE, was moved by purely with a view to reminding theni that an '«overzealous and misguided person,, im- E Flart still sella the New Williamns sewinî Short Notes. mediate Past Councillor, and one thought machine, which is ahead of thetn ail. worthy to represent the order as its delegate Hce oe Lieuit Col. N. V Paterson, Q. C., was on at Guelph in the Grand Council. The reso Hce oe S.iiurdav last nomninated 10 run against Mr. lution was discussed and carried. It cari be Whitby Is hrying ho indruce the Dominion found on the records of the counicil ini the bn encaposo h aklau 1) Edgar in Osî(ntario for the Con,-hnwiigoîh erîr.Asmî oi bay htere bcorepiong of heMonrea e mions. Thus it %kr11 be the Soldier and thée adrtn ftesceay ml o.t lyhr eèegigt otel for it mitee-with power to add-was struck, to Oshawa defeaîed Bowmianvulle 4 to i on formulate a short article embodying the ac- Monday night. R. Birrell of the Whitbv H. l'ire late 1,o1(l ILeighton, president of the tion of counicil, and send the sanie ho the C. referreed, and gave good satisfaction,. CHRONICLE for publication. Lt was found Po h ucsfî aeteOhw Royl A ade iy as w ndefuly atisîc difficut o gel the m em bers of com mittele 1- hockeyites are playitng we almost fancy that al iter a.s weii as paînter, and could use gether, sa three of theni were each 10 pré- Whitby will have to taIre them in hand ('itiier prin or brust;i with equal facility in pare an article, arid at meeting to Comae gi. îlcxhand. Iivcry child shîîuld be tagh merits, and décide which article of mplie ttîree to Use its s;ioîîhî ith eitber hand, and should should be forwarded for publication. Onie OnTedyngîteWlitos h .îfterwards bc îaiight 10 be equally dexter. was authorized by the others to send the ar- were defeatad here on Saturday bv Our club, Oust, îl . i isn nf ndfrwiticle which h a rord.Tesceaywon thé city championship o'e pe aigît of ci t lvarnng to ue a b oh ha , i nscri ed. I ihad ntia T e w secnot a n h re i a p o ab lvyo e rg McMj about equally hable ho lie seeri. There isb>' unsanctified hands, their public utter- OI'andkWhitby's II will be called about 3 however, one great disa;dvantage atterîding ances are above and beyond criticiani, andoclk.Teenrsiltyisuabt il would seern that one such ails in the chair 4 o'clock. Ten cents covers admission t0 the Rosedale route hi> etf-rnilîy; for, lhough .I both matches. t saatt oui iii the direction outhue probahle ofîthe News. Iiini>' sinipiiciîy I had thoughî h obemthonStra feno future homme of s1licides, t leaves a body for that in this free country utterances of poîitic- Touhdoutblegmac ouSattrdy aferoo intermiert anid a cin-iequent amnounit of heart- ians or editors, or even the pulpit, were open broath unortbgcoda the krinkhlere buruîoîig to frienîds, a1hch ik enireiy dispen.t- 10fair criticisni, in respecîful language. boysthe ir maththack rcigColwle se<I wiîlî at Niagara, ard, besides tbis, fuîIl More anion, if necessary. R.T.T. the Whitby youngsters worked like a piece et-at experises are inctirred at Rosedale. At of machinery, and gave the spectators sucli Niaeg'araebdusua're ake n imsfiurd hotMANCHESTER. an exhibition of team combitiation work as theyaie sualy nked nd isfiuredtohas neyer before been seen here from any such i a exîcrit as ho prevent recognition. Misa Lena Hodge, of Myrtle, was viaihing club. The resuit was a score Of 14 to 1 auîd of ( rý,c enîquiries are not very ur- fniends here last week. against the Pickering boys, who played hard gertiv made,- wbile at Rosedate the bodv is Remeniber tht. Sons of Temperance con- and manfulîy, but were out.-classed in the sure ho he 'tîscovered and identified by the cert to-nights and act accordingly. malter of skill. The second match was be- anî thni her isa bg hb- pene, eretween the Wellingtons, Torontol and Whit- irst passer-b,ad e teei abgh Mr. and Mrs.. Wni. Sec, evisiting by seniors, the former club having been se- bnb raiîsed and ail sorts of rurnors and sY<u- frienda in bbe county town last week. cured ta take the gce of the Granites, who paîhy to,îned tîîrough the press and pulpit colwr aabnnetodysfwr ohvee Upon fI l] investigation of the mater we- colwrh~ aadndtodyso eebhv ele on Saturday but de- have decided thal the Rosedale route last week, on account of the snow storm. faulted. Theï/ellingtons are a club of should offly be takeri when Niagara carinot Miss Naomi Ewers, who bas been spend- equaUly, good standing and played splendid he reacitedl or when onei in a hurvy bo gel ing sonie well earned holidays visiting ber hockey, their conination work beingaàlit- down 10 bus future abode and canuiot find i parents here, returned on Monday 10 attend tle ahead of any Toronto teai we have had con venu-uit t take the great waîer route. ber duties in Toroto. heme. Lt was hard.ly expected that Whltby conld beat sucli a crack 'team, but our boys The great flght between Maher and Fiz- Mr. John Tennyson ia giving up farmmng. are bound to be invincible, and afler au simmovîs for the chaunpionship of the world As his healtb is failinig him tic is forcedt 1 do hour's hard play had matie a score of 8 to 6 so. His tarin stock, etc., ja offered for sale against the visitors, which wa.s a remarkably came off on Friday last among the moun - on Tuesd-ay next,,March 3rd. good showing, considering the fact that tains which wall the Rio Grande river, on M.Jh otybsbe ut ikfrBitreil was sick the day previous and'Char- the ordr btwen te Uite SItesand 1fr.Joh Hotbybasbee qute ickforley Stewart was put on the team that day theborer etwen heUnied tates ndthe last two weeks. He receiv-ed a Qlight forhef s ame as a seniot. The viators Mexico. It took Fitzsimmons exactly 95 strokre of paralysie a short lime ago, anid bas were ac j idby their. manager,> Mr, seconds 10 kuock the seases out of Maher. been confined 10 the bouse ever sîince- We Morrsen who looked after their intereet 10 A crowd of 182 pugilists and betting me,:>. are pleased to say tin improving 00W. the emallest particnlar, anti who took theïr tramped the mountain aides and muddýr On accouaintof tbe severe store, on Wed- defeat Îfa truc sports»man style. river banka for miles to se the fight. 14 nesday evefing of asat week, the attendance El55c tde URwy On 1 £ý .&cc seenas a litile odd that nations sucb as the 1at bhe social heid at the residence, wss not U n ited States and G reat B ritain, w bich are gol r e a a e a t c p t d l w v r T e ro c f p r n U n h e G üd V8 spending fifty to one hundred millions each so lre as abair bepentaoa nd pae4 Hoevo, ruThe projeCg of pralleulng bom in randy year 10 eeare for war and the slaugbter of Ibegeenwafi rerosTatton, ani aIlsp untti CPlde r. . aiIwngau * frm Mc>n*ay aly mankini, sbould have sncb fine feelings in a mîeenn:T i rcecsaion- the inds ohId nro eet allayÀ regard 10 a private boxing match as t10 force "'n<> iOintbeing *afxer #r ns W. udcrstand alocthe Leatonshredof lak theOntarow 'i the Principals 10 seek mountain passes for sinl ner hgmegoimr nekudwlt> Obinco, ldrtin bor o Ithe th #sjp their show, but Christian nations dosîtraugen mea oevo~po.ft>tec Orti on e ofCto, Rat~ on thîngs iun the naine 0f rood luw. Iu inof Îà' finour painfül 4uty <fWek______ cm-Wi<fusay. The.billsl ou on c ê*s~ more importance to know whicb of these ie the deati lueoot ' S o mada EcrL a twt u bruisers can lick thai in la 10decîie where citzISute ppug oflits ,f 7 Ud P>W81Cc. e iot a r9f $ i the Uine fence shoulti b. built Bifoig the gd 5J years.For sote m. Pgct 1%bé l mnsquio flats of Gulana andý Venezuela. been Sufirng very'y nchfroguOfX s- Nobody la pernnaneuliy hart by oeeof tises. a tumor, and about t*i rom tk# t, uLYert prime fighte and the great moral queton of tereut te Toro o mgnoM'dw ýoniýL>nJt'ot whol th LUDbty of ttîp rofessi ou la ba"&. an oporadon. ,iêir h" li » Wid'O'ûà *wtb.a-Ï dml - W souicly sud clcverly decidoti.. Itcraatlon.. proue, but â** <be o- *M al war doc« Dot luvolvo tte uoestity of week lait. b t ,mb'tan raerasoiug luto thse field, but i decldcidby Ont et pugîof tbe blood of Inuocent uurnem.1 àu Most Qces U1.4 mb d4auyl4=>d- tr.-- <t i coo~puders Pr1~ Iqh fos,"uo0.y W- mottre. It la - rnang t«Pulusoss « mdbied n1oi f heb â....êiA ~ -1 New- Sprin g..Goods-_, ~JIT TO RAID FOR TEE 7RIIG New Cottons, New Ginghams, New Cotton Shirtings, New Flannelettes, New Carpets. New Hats, New Caps, New Shirts, N ew Ties, New Tweeds, rentin ll inesto hoew ricek, lente n il ins ato hor*frm.L ~Tinoz' oodsat Pices neyer b~f~ thought of. ~4Grand Assortnm P. S.-Now is the time ta buy Dry Goods. - - iReady-made Clothing. Grand Trunk Railway, was beard sbortly in a vigorous probeat against the passage of tbe bill. Mr. E. Bristol explained that the JU ST ]L]XdjZjaVg[17 IDIU scheme was a bona fide one, and that il would largel>' develop local traffic. The tume limit for the building of the uine was ( placed at five years. He also pointed out(j that the compan>' did not ask one cent of ) subsidy, but onl>' tbe charter. Several mem- O hoice j bers spoke very sîrongly against the bill, as being likel>' 10 kilt the two great roads of Ontario. Both the Grand Trunk and Can- .idian Pacific Railways were unable ho pa>' China Glassware an« dividenda under existing conditions, and could neer stand such competition. An Dinner and Tea Sets understanding was finally arranged by which F ml the measue was allowed o stand over for Choice Fam . Groc( fut-ther consideration. It la Iikely the bill will be aniended so as to charter a conipany â q QFutE ceE ho build an electric line froni Kingston to CLeaplorCasli orTi the F alls instead o f t e above. wt~ r a 5 i o a / r i Prospect.Pri M rs. jas Vernoni as been under the Dr's D nt bu be o e c li g a d e min g caerthe pattw wek, u i 20 1 the stock and prîces for yonrelf. Lr- lkLb uaeo(eninatigutful state Seveal fom this neighborbood atended ( lW M the liberal convention at Whitby on Satur- day last. Miss Allie Wether-ton reîurned front Tir- onto ou Satumday last, and we are pleased 10 hear, greatly impmoved in bhealth. TAUNTON. fl od W «l e ' Measies are prevalent, scarcely a family having escaped the scourge. h n a a n m l i a l ru d o , h s a Mr. Silas Thomiasu' httle daughîer neamly ro he a ania is- hdailrnydon, hasa tw o years old, had a nar ow escape fro ni r u h c a n ig t h d n n n w choking. Suie had eaten sonnething 100 his blood is out of order. To keep an ani- 0 rapidiy, and clogged hem Ibroat, she was mial economically he must be in good heurt almost strangled, became black 1n the face when hem faîher fomced a passage wiîh bis finger and saved the child's life. She was' apparently ail right uext day, D * l ' COURTI -. Rev. and Mrs. L. Phelps, Millbrook, have been visiting fiends heme. Blood Purifier Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Courtice visited m-a M r . W . L . C o u r tic e , N e w to n b mo o k . I e e s t l e e t e b s e u t r m ' ~ - ~- M r . h s a d l i s s o fr en l i e s h c , r e e j y n s a n é s i y w h r h e t r s l s f o Mm. and Mtaiofrelaies Boc, reejyn feeding would be obtained. It tones up the systema, rids the.atomads of Maple Grove league will visit Ebenezer bots, worms and other paraites that suck the life-blood away. Thursday niglit.______ Nothing llco DIck's for AUlch Cowee. Sale Eegbster.. or S=toule bydsgg s i u celn o £II C.. P. O. Bx moue POSTPONED SALE.-WEDNESDAY, MARCH Î " 4th, 896.-Auction sae of ood hores, cattle, sheep, pig, mplemients, etc., at Vew Goods. d Crockery. 8, Cheap. ,eries, Teas, Coffee, rade. ces /0 Suit tue Times. in the 9U1 con. 0f fthe tp. of Pickering' Sale at zo a. m. ; lunch at ii a.m Thos. Poucher, auctioneer. MONIDAY, MARCS 9th, z896.-Credit fsale of .horses, cattle1shcep,. pigIpements, etc., at lot 26 un the-Sth cou. W-hxtby, thc property of A. 1ÉL.Delong. ESle. ati o O'clock. ]Q,. Fairbanks, auctloneer. ITUEDAT, 'fARCE lbIh, XSg.-Autjon sale of fint-class milcis ccws, hay, oats, .péta- tocs, impleurents. etc_, at the pr=mises, Of Mr. Geo. IL Bcktt, lotru. l ic 3ed con..Whitb,. ScWe at 1z.o'cloék p.L<u L, Pairbanks, auctioncer. Feai nto fient The south..cast pa'rt of lot 9~3, lntie second Conccaion cf the township, of Wbil1by, cou., Wulnig% acres aillun a Isign utate.of culti- aioz., shll: fisn-e..A4at -t'Il FREE IFREE I nment cai neys Qrul fomu~4e Il r; min MMmMMmmzMý -x-T ->-f' '41 '-#À ig:4 - :4 - X>M4 Nee,# Z)MZ IN'elt -IL lý r-ýýESTATE OF il" qmw :rniyu TRADIM ZMZ\ D'MM Dry Goods, TOffil 1 el Ready-made Clothing,

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