Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1896, p. 5

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PR/CE. 1") loan out a dozeli Koy Wittd El- girl Rrckfond sud other Atierican Watchtsîin Siver Open Face and Illrrtirîg Crises, we are oti'ering thetn t,) vou at baîf the rogular pijaa. A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY t,- eo.cuîne tho e îey havo cveri8(t3 Il. J umpi at ItL ht-st value you Ji' S. Barnard, Wa te imai ker, W IEITBY E3-. es*, Oflewcta onnty organ.-Largest Circula- tion Get&fly local paper in Canada FRI I) AY 0 FE B. 28P 1896 LOCAL LAOONICS. Mr John. ttndenwood bas retunned to iardiwae1didning tables, 4 leaves, only $5, .À( W 1Tilis. n4 Chas Warren goes to Toronto, next wr-ek l take a situation. 1rret recrived new styles in men's bard .nd âofl haIs at W. G. Walters'. Auctron sale every Saturday evening aI the west side bcdt and shoe store. Mir RohI. Brown and Master John Sebert, of Port Perry, were in town last Saturday. i-s Shaw bas returned home, after a nurths vîsît 10 friends and relatives in Toi-- oO Mn Thos.i)evenell jr. visited Manchester- -n unday H-e accompanied bis aunt, who halt been snow-bound here '.or a few days. Nir JohnI) avey, ofîthe Town Lire, is s0 anr recovered front the injuries lie sustained Àshort time igo, as ta be able to be in town on Tuesday. Mr Frank Piper, of Bowmanville, brother "i Mi. W. Hi Piper, ofthIis town, dred ut Rowmanville on Tuesday, of a comuplication of stomach and lung troubles. He was foiý a lime loreman mn the West Durham New's office anîd was subsequently working in lo0ronto and D)etroit. Auction business. Parties wîsbing 10 employ me ta attend their sales can maire art angements as to ternis and dates at the CHRoNricLnp office. 1- F-AIRIIt&Ni<' Fiee, Fiee'! The free distribution of i)oan", Kidnev Pilis will take place ai J E. \\ilius drug -store, oni Saîurday, Match hth 'e c'Ill the attention of ali sufierers 10 this genemous of- fer on tle lpart of the proprietors of t his re- maikable remedy. The announcemneut ap- pt-ars trn anothei column. G.mo this afternoon Victoria l'niversitv will brin g iwo îeamns fibm the city to-day. Friday, to play gaines wîth the local senior and juniors.Tise first gaine will be called at 3 o'clock. The juniors played a grand gaine last Saturday and Içvill no doubt play as well this after- noon. One admission rio ccnts i pays for botb gaines. Ob for Manitoba lntended special mixed trains every ruesday in Marcb and April. See Stephen- ,on, Whitby. Also cheap tickets for Eng- land, Scotland, lrelaud, British Columbia, Manitoba, California, ahl United States and c 'anadran points, anvwhere, everywbere, bcoat, rail or ocean. Rates guarauteed rigbL rhlroughi tickets fi-ou Pickeriug, Toronto, Nlyrthn-. Brookli-n and Whitby. Sec E. ~:elunsnWhitby, before traveling. and get choice of railway routes and ten best oc -an steamship hunes. Trial of Brown and Lowr. lirown andi Lowr, Uxbnidge ip., whose a]- eged assauit upon oid mati Hamnilton and hiuý i iyear (Ad daughîeî was described ln tr.ecoltrrvîs last week, were tried before 1iulge l)artneli on Tuesday and Wednes- ,I ý The evidence given shows that the t ci- i1t hein andi aiother young fellow uamned \1-,halil liowi were aI Stcuffvilbe on the ii-t trim question. Marshall Brown swears tche wenî wiîh thein ta Hamiiton's .igcrist bis will, that he stayed out in the t o whilst tbey were in Hamilton's bouse, 1 1 t when they camne out be rode witb theni vvor or tlîree mtiles eanîward, wheu tbey de- Aed 10 go back to Hamilton's and be ieft t,'and walked home. Old Hamilton, the girl and O'Boyle, the neigbbor te, whobe ironie' the little girl fied from tbe fellows lu lier nighî dress, ail coufirin the story, aud al .egree wiîh one anoîber in every respect. ( min the cîher baud the faîbers, mothers, sis- ttrr, cousins, and aunts oftheldefendants ",wear tbat they were at home ou the nigbt inm question. No better rrowu case could be tmagined, uer could a more complete alibi. f rowu Prosecutor Farewell asked for an ad- WATOHES seldom. She was loudly applauded and en- coîed, but gave her time to the other artist.. Mi. Plants cornet solos were indeed a great treat, and he bids fair to lead aIl the musi- cians in the Province in bis line. Every part of tbe programme was efiectively carried out. Much credit is due to Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Wbitfield for their excellent judgment in selecîing such an rray of talent, and for their energeric and extensive work in carry- ing ta success the wbole work of the enter- taitiment. The late Mr. Joel Bigelow.> We clip tbe following from the Cbicago Inler-Ocean of * February 141h : Mr. Joel Bigelow, residing at No. 2449 Prairie avenue, died Tuesday, of consumpt.ion. Mr-. Bige- low was born Nov. 91h, 1828, at Tecumseh, Ontario. His prominence as a citizen of Chicago and his sterling characler deserve tbat something sbould be said of this worbhy mati. He removed from Ontario to Mil- waukee in 1864, and in i866 e removed from Milwaukee to this ciîy and has ever since made bis home bere. For many years be was engaged in the tea business. Mr. .Bigelow was quite a large real estate owner In this ciîy, and was well 'te do aI the lime of hisdeath. One of the most notable events connected with his life In Chicago was bis leadership In forcing the opening of Dear.. born street (rom Jackson -street souîh te wbere it now terminates. At this dîne the Chicago and Western Indiana railroad had an ordigance that permitted it te cone nortb le Van Buren street. and in forcing the open- ing of Dearborn street Mr. Bigelow's figbî was a double one, and in this connection he had te conîend RgaintI his railread comparay. Hic figbt agaisî then resulted in a com-_ promise by wbich the railroad nuas made te stop at Polk sîreet. Se that emoeag Mr. Bigélow's many business victoies lé -the dsbctiCtve one cf bevlug comquoeut vfIçbmoe in aetsroggle witb a ra1Irqid oetpor*Ûoi& Mr. igeloww iU be rememji.red la the lest few year~i uan arnintblumlIW. ,lunoo vay Plesedfor mowooey Np lm o t q te contray wd1 to do la wodd4fr o&,hi.b fcitdkeenl tii. aUct, m bçcWmd demallsaonof! ulw. He foma* o!# colo. by blin af O.,WMUWby bie Z *bèIê RefOm m entIètarn just recelved 3 large cal aùd chidren'. ready-xtac4 w -G Weltera'. ,"The ladies aid wljl hold in the scbool room or the on Wednesday Marcb 4. t~I~Pc * ~ aprlng fits, ait an cyster Ostpper methodjut chprwh Admission 25c. ý -AT- bas since September writteu several lover-like letters oeeof wbicb cantains an ofler cf marriage. Later be spoke cf Ibe engagement but han since declined te fulfil bis promise." The iuformationconveyed Ici us in the above quotatian is meagre, but is noue the less interesting te the people cf Ibis îown and vicintiy. This town has long been neglected in tbe malter cf sensations, but ibis little grain cf information, small thougb il rnay be, may be accepîrd as partially making pp for the long suifteriugs we bave endured for the lack of something new and startling te Ialk about. It. would appear from thxe above, thal young Mr. McCulloch must bave doue the most cf bis courting. in tbis' case through the post, having wriîîen a f'ew scores cf Jetters in the ishort period cf six montbs. In one of these mnany sweeî episties te the (air Miss Blaihc is alleged le have prosposed mairiiege. As meuîionedl aboye, the infotuation votibee -te us thus far is :meagré,, but. tit wud, further appear that he spoke-aliseté iss' Blair-actuaUy spoke te, ber about t !,liew if, e. MëCu1loch. led Mentionedu he'E11W. niatter of mariage Alix, eay 5 .ont o f the aIisged mapy soe feteslewrote Miss Blair, and lied foloired hils up by pressig words ttetre4#nd relterated i lber - era,tii damma.. .ùiA n Amt-ht &w iv fotd, 'n a' //,LF T" kocke mthot-y bgtnntnig At 3 Il Mis. Robt. Ellcker, of Manille Jtt., la et Mr. P'riýnk Ellckere. 6 plece solid walnut parlor Buite, pluab, wltb sllk plush bande o 3,wrhMe W. TII's.. s o 3,wr ,e Misa Beatrice Dartnell returned home on Saturday lest afler having spent a month vislting relatives anufrena in Guelph. Don't forgfet to attend bargain day sale of dresa goods at W G Walters' on Saturday, Fe b. 29th. Read advertisement for prices. A Blelgh load ot the fair young ladies of Pickering visited thd rlnk bere on Tuesday evening. Alter enjoying the skating they were entertajned at Sherif Paxton's. We extend our congratulgtions to Mr Guy Dartnell, son of His Honor Judge Dartnell, who was a player witb the Dominion Bank team, wlnners of the batik league champion- ship of Toronto. The course of lectures at Onitario Ladies' College, which was interrupted last Fi idav to enable the young ladies t0 'isit Toronto and hear Albani sing, will go on as usual on Friday MaIrd-i 6th. A litge number of hockey enthusiasts visited ihe Oshawa rink, on Monday night, 10 sec the ý.ine between the Oshawa and Bowmanvjlle sevens, but were flot very well pleased %with the exhibition. MrWin, J. Lawrence, for years mail clerk on the Whitby-Manillia line, has betn transferred to Toronto as his headquarters, and is for the present sorting mail inatter on the Toronto- Lorneville tri-p. It is probable that lie will spend some time as relieving clerk on the several lines running out of Toronto. On the invitation of Conductor and Mrs. McMillon a number of Mr. Law- rences warm frietids in town met at Mr. McMi.,lan's residence on Friday night to say good-bye and Crod-speed to Mr Lawrence. He carnies with hinm much good wishes. Dofrt forget the great sale to commence Saturday, Feb. 22nd, and con- titiue for 3o da),s. Boots and shoes at auc- tion prices. See the bargain table outside. îoo pairs ladies' house slippers at îoc. per pair. M. W. Collins, red shoe store, east sîde. Canadian Pacific Ry. Settler's freight rates to the Canadian Northwest have been r.'-duced 40 Per cent. Settlers' excur, ions every Tuesday in March and April. Ask or write for pamphlets "Settlers' Trains" time, freight and Padsen- ger rates. E. R. Blow, agent C. P. Railway tickets, Telegraph and Dominion Express Co'sr, VVhiiby, Ont. Leap Yea.r sleighing PsxtY. A number of the popular young ladies of the town invited the boys to a leap year sleighing party on Wednesday night. The gathering took place at Mr. A. G. Hender. son's where the girl's had provided sleighs. After driving to Oshawa and enjoying the ride around that town they returned to be entertained at Mrs. L. T. Barclay's. The Onta.rio Loan & Savints ComPa.ny. The Ontario & savings Co. beid its twenty- thîrd annual meeting of shareholders in the office of the Comnpany, on Wednesday last, which was Dot only well attended. but the proceedingu theref were of a bighly gratifying character. The report of the presidence shows the total earnings for the year ta have been $49.711,57. and the disburscments, including two dividends of $1796570, to have been $45,71Lý57, leaving a balance Of $5,00o ta be carrîed ta the contingent account, wbich now stands at 8x9,ooo, witb an unimpaired rest accotint at $75,000. The in- terest recr'îved on loans was $44794.80. showing that greai care bas been excerised in that selec- tians of the r .sks, otherwise that amount could not and would not have been iso promptly re- turned to the company. This institution is in a fiourîshîng condition, and wîll bear favorably comparison witb any similar concein in the Do- miiiion. For this satiafactory state of aflairs no smnall share of thanks accorded the management ,,, due to Mr. T. H McMillen, the bonorable 9 new and more interesting-arriving every day. **e Saturday- - -Special Barqain Daye.Al. AL GOODS-See our Dress Goods, regular 25c, 35c. and 45c. goods, go on Saturday for l2kc. ()AIE. FLANNELàS-Very best in the mnarket ; regular prices 17 cts. te 20 ots.; go on Saturday for 121c. CASHf. NEW PRINTS, NEW SATEENS, NEW CHAMBRAYS, Special lins English Printa, on Saturday 5c yd., CASH. NEW COTTON CREPONS, etc., julit Two rinkcs of Whitby's Junior curlers wenit ta Osbawa on Tuesday niglit sud left their scalps there by a large majcnity--somewbere about 1,5 or 20. The mild weaîher has made uleigbîng amang the snow drifts te the norîb of us rather dangerous te boises. Several bave been corked in a manner qulte severe. Drivers sbould be careful in turuing ouI. Blrtb. At Whitb%, on Tbursday, Feb z7tb, ta Mi and Mis. Clrib Perry, a soit. The best Anthracite ceai. Nut, stove, e9g, $4. No. 2 nut $4- at yard. J. H. Downey &Ca., opposIte posî office. Reward. $io rewaîd will be given te any persan who can bu y boots, shoes and rubbers cheap- er than îhey cati be procured at the wesî aide cheap boot and shoe store. Auctiori sale every Salurdav evening, Victoria U niversity. Thene will be îwo teams sent from the Univeîsity to play hockey here this (Friday) aftemnoon, but whether , ither teamn will be a junior team we cannot say. It may be that oui junior teamn will have to face a senior team, as il iWfoutnd difficult ta put anl inter- mediate team fnom here on the ice. The Victoria seniors have given a good account of themnselves and will give our seniors team ail the work il wants. LiberiI Convention Arrangements have been made with the Grand Trunk hy Mr. P. Howard Aunes, secretary of the South Ontario Reform as- sociation, foyr a special train ta Port Perry on March 4th, next Wednesday, to enable anyone who wishes to go 10 Port Perry for the convention to do so for single returu fare from any station between Wbîtby Junc- tion and Port Perry. Conduclor McMillan will have charge of the train, whicb will leave the junetion ati.30 p.m., up-town station at 1.4,, and Biooklin, Myrtle, etc,, at reasonable intervals following. This special train is available for any one as well as tbose wishing to attend the Liberal con- vention. This single return (are will hold good for the morning train coming (rom Manulla Junction to Port Perry at 10.30. Missions St. John's church aI the bay was more than comfortably filled on Tuesday evening, when tbe Rev. Mr. Stringer, returned mis- sionary rom the Arctic coast, delivered an interesting and instructive address. The rev. gentleman took bis audience by means of maps and lime light views, to the <ai dis- tant noîth and gave them ideas of life among the Esquimaux and Indian tribes, such as few present bad ever before enter- tained. The address was made doubl y in- teresting by the exhibition of curios and im- plements mnanu<actured by those half civi- lized, unîutored creatures of the frozen north. Arthu-i Taylor and Artbur Howden dressed in the native costumes added point ta much the rev. gentleman bad to say. The Revs. O'Mally and Southam rendered ma- terial assistance. The way te keep wa.rm. Somethingnwin the way of warming a bouse han ben successfully tried in t.he Annes home. BuilI three-quarters cf a century ago and of wood with plenty of doors and windows in it, the exposed position made the problem of beating a difficult one to salve. An exhaustive enquiry mb tiste varions systems of hot air, steam and hot water led Ttiste decision in favor of the latter and Mrs. Annes commissioned thse Bennett & Wright Co., of Toronto, the con- traclors who did thse splendid work of light- ing, heating and sanitation at the Ontario Ladies' College, 10 select the besî hot water heating appliances made in Canada and to instali them in ber res*dence. The Daisy boiler made by Warden, King & Son, Mou- treal, and the Safford radiators of thse Tor- onto Radiator Co's make were thse ones chosen. Mi. Wright is giving his personal attention ta thse mai-ter as this is tise fi-st experiment ta be made in this Iown in a LACES, EMBROIDERÎES, We must make rooru for new NEW TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SPRJNG OVERCOATI NGr , etc., just in. A special fine of Tweeds, suit- able for Boys'Suits, etc., at 26c. yd., CASH. Ail.'Soiîs, Overcoats, etc., ma4e te order much cheaper during this sale. Corne and Examine our New Goods. C. F. 8TEJW~A2RT. C O NlqýTIYQ 118, TDRIIYMII Borne very close figures for Shrewd Fehruary Buyers, who know that there is ne duli Seaso n here, but, thst when it is duli esewhere it is the time te, find the greatest Bargains here, and who are wise enough te buy now at Half Prie for future needs. On account of our -0F OUR-_ SATUREDÂY * BAREGAIN 0 DAY O0 SALÉSP, ws have decided te, continue them. Those who were net fertunate enough te g9et here laist week portunity te buy better values than those cf last week, as we have added many more linos te liet for Saturday, DRESS GOODS. 40-lu Tweed Effect Dress Groods, value 25C Saburday pnice-----------------...z9c 4e-lu Black Serge, value.............. 6oc Saturday price .................43 42-iu AUl Woi Plaid, value ........... 6oc Saturday pnice .................4c 42-in Ail Woot Creppon in aIl tise even- ing sbades, value 40c, Sat. price.. 23C 52-lu Black and Blue WMale Serges value Si Saturday puice .................59 46-lu Black Henrietta 01dbh, value ...Si Saturday price.................. 79c :February ONE TABLE 0F DRESS GOODS. Regular prices were 35~c, 40ec, 5oc, 6oc, 75c, ail reduced te eue price 25 ots. per yard. FUR CAPES. 22-lu Greenland Seal Capes, value.... .$20.oo Saturday puice ............... $14-99 25-lu Black Ceuey, value.......... $16.oo Saturday price................ 88-49 Ladies' best quality Persian Lamb Mit, reduced te.......... Ladies' Greeulaud Seal Mitts, real value ........................ Saturday price................ 0, $4.50 $3-49 28th, have the o> our Bargdalu :: 1896.. LADIES' MANlTLES. (z only) Ladies' Mentie, Size 34,a5110wý Saturday-price......... 4 Ladies' MenUt ize e 3 6, 38, hargeO siceves, neveat style, !valuet&. . SatVrdaYprlce....... 2 Ladies' Mentles5 ase,34, 36; velue.,t Saturdaylprice ....... i Tweed Golf Cape, velue. ... 5 Saturday -price ........4.'f Balance of Misses Tweed UIsterd -te fit,- 5 te 12 ages, te clear ae....- . .* eacb. 0CLQ0rIImN-14 Soins very special Bargains will be eftered, for Saturday ezily, ini Men's, Yeuths' andOhlie' -Suits and Overcost - Men's Black Worsted Suite, reg. price $16, Saturday '0e$,.9.Y Tweed Suits, reg. price $12, Saturday prie $6. 49. Men's Firieze Ulster, rg rc $.Q a $4.75. Children's Overcoats and Uliters at ONE-HALF PRICE. Space will net wý AN.FE permit us te mention ail the lines ws have te shiow yen Saturday. and ses Bargains ws offer for Saturday whether yen want te WALTERS, PA TERSON, Q. C.,i Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, etc. Meney te Loan. UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO.1 Haywardý 1148 -DONEIT! Que/en fSteet, Ba»kri p ALL HIGHER, Now la the time to buy ... .AT.. .. Right We cerdially invite purchase or neot. Whit Baok lu WM. TILL, - o o S TOPn_ Beforyé u- iii will »P 'tr~Fom * e I Price8. w 10 mee t a . ov a e, ?atPt t'*3 P.u.H o u.Joba W '6 4 Mdh clubi voe pramîtut, it *bWim cad* log sp*sees *",ts la. NEW FLANNELS, COTTONS, PILLOW COTTONS, HIUCK TOWELLING, etc., just in. Ses our New Towelis 5c., 10c., 14je. a pair ; great values. goods. Corne ta this Clearing Sale if you want genuine Bargains. New .Goodsa arriving ýdaily.*, Money ne ebjeot. Mag»etio Pl DRESS ~ts. 0 0& 1 j ýý,e Ail Rémn&nts, etc., te, be cleared ont regardm.ieuso brces., Temptations yen cailnet. resiat. Aiwaya sonMtE 1 1 i::?J:m -&:E) -y- - m -& ID:E Go

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