Whitby Chronicle, 28 Feb 1896, p. 7

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d /4 & /7 7' Il A Common Affl1iction pgrinanontly Cured by Taklng A~!flb'C'Sars- A CAB-DRIVXLR'8 8TORY. 1i fflcted for eliht eai-s with ISait noi. pi >ring uiit t timte ,It rif(1 a great nii m ti~ îo~iwhioh were highl v rec- m)nîi i, (11' tt noile gave nme relief. 1 was atiýit ai' î&sed to try A yers Sarsa- pi l. a triend who toiri me that 1 inwlvit 'tcame six botties, alnd tise theni i',,ord îng to directions. 1 ytelded to his 1 "' " g ltitgt the six botties, and took thicotents of three of these bot- tie n oî noticing any direct benefit. ij~ieri' ihadt fnished the fourth tboutle, rmN bands were as Free from Eruptions wq f-vpr thpy were. MY business. wbieh is tihat of a ca1i-driver, requires me to ,' i na cold and wet weather often wthouit gloves, andi the trouble bas neî ePr rttrned."- THOMÀs A. JolHXS, :4'(ratford. Ont. Ayeî s --..,Saîsaparilla Admftted at the World's Pair. A4ler'a Pill1e Cleaiste the B9wei.. NERVOtJS EADAOE. A TROUBLE THA~T RENDERS THE LAVE 0F MANY WOMEN MIS- ERABLE. A Sutierter for Twelve Years Whoee Trouble wae Aggravateod by Kidney D)ieeaee Telle How to Regain Hes.Ith and Happiuet§t I rm the Srnth's Falls Record. Sînce the Record began to publiglh ac cn)unt8 oftbue ecnre8 by the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, its rêpresentatives htive found that half ibe wonderful cure& oetTected bv this medicine biave flot yet b1eoti given to the public. Womn as weil as men wbo bave found relief are eager to let. the lacts be known for the benefit of other sufferers. Among théru ie sMrs. James Cotman, of the towns8hip Of Wolforci. SUFFERED FROM 6EVERE KEF.ADACHE. The lady referred ta was for twelve voars a Constant sufferer frein nervons- noeItadache and kiduey trouble. lIavin4 ,read ce much about Dr. Wii. l1aiant' Patk Pilla she determined to give hiatiii. Their use for a ehoît ime brougin a ireat impravemeut, and after taking them fer about a month the nerv- ons beadache and kidney trouble lefi ber. The d#ý,ree of thankfnlness foît by one wlto rêeioves such benefit8 as the above cw: botter be imagZined than de. scrhodl Here are Mro. Cotmuanr's worda: \f V1 Oit cuhu ly know or if 1 oonld but ol 4 rb it Le uae Sufferinz whieb I have t'1lured and the many sheepleas nights I I1ive @pont in mental and physicai agony ný-l woiild not wender at the dee of thiinkfulness I feel for mv restoration ta licahth.- lier trouble was a continuai Irenad to ber, and for a long turne prevent- 1- ber from doing any work. Since lising the Pilla ah. in as weU as over-or tut use ber own words,-" fully restored." ln this honuehoid Pink Pilla are now looked upon ai; on. of the necesauies. As is the caue witb every good cause Piank Pilla have wuoh Wo oontend witb ; apurions articles bave been plaoed on the mnarket, and, thongb in appearance aud color they may resembie the genuine, they have an aitogether différent effect on theestem. The writer vas once in a store when Pink Pila were asked for by a custorner. Tho dealer 1badn't theu but aaid that ho bad aoznethlng 'juet ae geod." The publie are warned against this 'just as good # acharne whh t too uften reaorted to by smre store keepera It should be borne in mid tat -Dr. Williams' Pink Pillearan fi for au1 diseasea arising frein aM poisrisbod, condition of the blood or *ahassek on0-4 dition of the nervéo sforces, siiob 'S 3L Vitun dance, looomotor atazia, nb.uoea- tiea, pia.ralyioi shpa.* ev of la gippe, les' OUi#0"11t, us~' dizzinuschrolo eryi * êk etc. They are «6al=s, çc* trOUables pSuliwt o ~ i thealth ofteualemny OMM a in au *"MIetwaf~ yO~i a*a4 Shoâi1d bl ohê p»l'Uo oald boo4buildm an*d neros toiutoà put up i similoir fonn nt.enaid to de. oeive. ýThey ère ail imitations whose mekers hope to reap ar pecul21ary adva- t&96 from the wonderful reputatao, aohjeved by Dr. Willi as, ik - i &sk your dealer for the. These Pis are marnlactured by thoe Dr WVi Lam'e Medicine Company Brook- ville, Onatario, and Schenectady, N. 'Y., and are sold only in bones bearing the firn's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2 50. They may be haa îrom any dealer, or will be sent by mail on reoeipt of price. Dr. William@' Pink Pille anay be had of ail druggista or direct 1)37 mail froin Dr. Wjilliamsi'- Medicine Cor peny I)ýri oither address. The pricevmiî which tfip pilles are isold make a conre of treat- ment <'tiprativeivY intxpensivG a@ compareti with otiser remedie8 or tuedical treatulent. MAM&RKRU Emima Thaxter and James Thaxter Of Scarboro, have issued a wr;t against Charles Murphy, merchant of L'Aror- eaux, in the Township of York, daim- ing unstated damages for the alleged seduction uf an unmarried daughter. Eirma Thaxter lias also issued a writ against Murphy claiming unstated dam- ages for alleged assault and slander. A\ close caîl fromi fire was the ex- peiience ot the faily of MIr. Hughi Miegili, Munday night. It appears that hefore retiring pine was put in the uven uf the stuve to dry, and about i arn. Mrs MNegilI awakenoed and could snell sumething burning Further in- VestIgation found the kitchen full of smuoke and the pine in the oven in full blaz7e. Fortunately beyond a burnt oilcloth nu damnage was dune. This town is afiicted with a host of gossips whose busy, senseless, ill-bred tongues could well be spared from our midst. The old Roman punishment of cutting off the tongues of gossips and scandal-mongers eould be almost de- servedly resorted to in the case of two or three about town who make it their business, and when they could be bet- ter providing for themnselves and family at home,to trot about telling malicious- ly trutbless stories. A young lady walked into a Mark- bam store, and after selecting a piece of goods asked wbat it was worth. ~Four kisses per yard," said the polite clerk. The young lady stood abashed for a moment and replied that she would take four yards. The cloth was cut off. nicely wrapped up, and hand- ed to the fair purchaser, who received it with a smile and said: ',Send the bill around to my grandmnother, she wiil settle it- Master Edmund Burk met with a most painful and distressing accident on Saturday, at the farni of Mr. Toby Mitchell, Claremont, where he went on Friday to spend a few days. He and bis young cousin, a daughter of Mr. trict are suffering, ahl because proper care was not taken* to prevent its spreading. The youngsters around town are hav- ing a serious time these days. The snow having drifted so high makes it possible for them to sleigh 'ride off the bouse tops. A finer toboggan slide iti would be hard to find. Maine newspapers are telling that a Caribou clergyman, iast Sundtay, notic- ing that the choir seats were unoccup- ied wben the time for beginning the service arrived, rose and remarked: -see al the singers are absent this morning. Let the congregation- rise and sing, -Praise God from Waom al Blessings Flow'." That the merchanr.s of Lindsay could flot live very well without the countryt trade was well shown within the hast1 week or so. With the roads blocked4 with snow, very few farmers cared to make a way through the drifts. Con-1 sequently but very littie trade was done1 in town. Not a few but very nearly1 every mercniant ini town bas feit the1 depression.1 A brutal stabbing affair took place at Peterboro Wednesday. Mr. Bowman,i hotel keeper, refused a man namned McGee drink, whereupon _McGee stab.ý bcd him in the neck. Just then John Arnott,, a boarder, came forward and attempted to gzrab MIcGee. The latter drew off and sent the kuife iMtoAràot"s c groin. Bownun's injury was, ,siLffi but gave hopes a=e entertained of A.- nods lUfe. 'McGee wus arrested and& brugprbpo pie ag'tm±cDumble Tha M~ovMent W T i& ta*oe bof c klnrmifnaont. t ulanied Mligs Cr el h~pârents- reside about i12 miles north eüst of Wil. berforce, in the towrnship of Cardif(,, It appears that Mr. Peel and a'young Italian named Gahi were driving to Bancroft, when met by Lulia -and De- marca, who informed Gahl that bis brother had been seriously injured and was dying at a point some miles distant. They volunteered to take the young woman and the rig home, while Gahi sought his brother, and it was while doing this that the alleged assault was committed. Thte story about the in- jured brother proved bogus and was simply inv'ented to further thfeir pur- pose. The), were arrested and taken before a local magistrate, Wm. Field- ing. and ec,ted to be tried by judge. Accor ingly they were brought to Lind- say, and came before Judge Dean, Tuesday, Mr. Michael Basso, the Italian consul at Toronto, acted as in- terpreter, and looked afterthi ntcrests of bis countrymen. Thcy werc found guilty and scntcnced one to six and the other to three months in Centrai prison. -Watchrnan. GIREEN RIVERL Atter the blizzard of last week our roads here are again in fair condition for travelling. AIt. Hoover had a very narrow es- cape the other day while loading logs, the log that bis team was bitched to rolhed over bim. He certainly had a very close caîl. Mrs. Nighswander, of this village, says that ber brother, " Sandy " bas been presented witb a young Kilmar- nock 'Jock-.' Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett Wilson, on tbe eve of removing to Wbitcvaie. en- tertained about, hait a hundred of their young friends on Friýay evening last. After partaking of su4h- a repast that the table groaned undjr the burden of thc luxury, and atter doing ample jus- tice to the good tbings provided the company asscmbied in thc parlor, wben various intcrcsting games and social conversation occupied the time tili about midnight. After spending a very enjoyable evening wc cach wcnded our way home and sometimes -"two. " The fruit festival and lecture given in the baptist church last Monday even- ing was enthusiasticaliy received and with appiause from the outset. The little churcb choir did well, Mr. Clarey's selections being well rendered, and the cornet solo by Jas. Fowler well recciv- ed. The attendance good considering s0 much sickness in the neighborhood and the weather bcing extremely coid. Upon the whoie there was more to be learncd at such a lecture than I have ever before bad the pleasure of hearing. UNDER OATtI. Thse foilowtsg testi. mony of 1rers.argarot ker, Notary Public, marks thse amto f- derfui cure In thse h4h f tory of.eaoy anedcia«W "Before 1 finlahed the firet boUle 1 iiotleed a getim rovement ti n y condition. I have Dow eo thetuse eeght. the nue of Mny hearlg udthe.use o!my limbe, and body, tiheadach disapeared and my arntbscr n ffe b Ickalmo completely, and, in tact, though 62 years okLd,1 tel amosti a new woenan. Mi's. Margre Patterso, % viJe S&rMtHarniltmon O On account of reent heavy anow storms bloeking up ail the roada Be&ver- ton bu. had a very duil week of it bu.i ness being almost 4t a standatilil. Horne bayera have been. around here, for the. pait couple of 'weeks and 1<turing that time they have aecuWe quit. 'a few fine amimals .which are de.eed or iâ. Glasgow markit. W. understand it in thié intentibn Of Mr ThoeWarren, - of Thorah -Island te bufld an elect1rio Iaunoh -for the cmln togoiat Seaao. k ""a b. rUn '00-'n*'à- tion With hlm large SUMMer :te 4 î;"" 'h Imdland -1Mr Warren le, iowhi éifn4ae.6M Werégettou""Y. tthel 24? Dr Itla the Patteriiof the heel otthe <lraby Rubber an'f4 Overshoe. The next tie you buy a pair of rubbers or overshoc.9 ask for Granby's and look for this patterni on tahe cl. There is no need to take n Gr-anby that is flot Lie sanie shape as your boot because they are made to fit every shape of shoe. A rubber that does flot fit the boot will draw the foot. Graniby Ruabbers are thin, light, ehastic and fi?'. perfectly. They wear like Iron, ~ooooooo BREONIN. Mrs. John Stewart is at present in Toronto attcnding ber infant daughtcr who is very ill. Mrs. Ambrose Kelly returncd home Monday in response to a tclegram stat- ing the sad accident which b)efeli ber mother, Mrs. Tedd Clithero. l'be residence ut Mr. Chas. Albrigbt had a narrow escape from fire Monday evenine, the ioth inst., thechcildren in some way having upset a lamp, causing it to explode, fortunately it was extin- guished before much damage was donc. Mr. A. Talbot, of Toronto, was in this vicinity Friday last, purcbasing live stock. Mrs. O'Malley, of Ncwmarket, re- turned home Friday from a visit to friends in the village and vicinity. Di. Gilpin is, wc are pleased to note, around again after a short ilhness wbich compelhcd bis rcmaining indoors for a fcw days. Mr. Josepb Barker is at present sigbtly on the sick list, a severe cdld. A number from here attended the banquet in bonor of Mr. F. J. Gillespie at Uptcrgrove, Monday eve last. Mr. Thos. Malloney, of Shingleton, Mich., ari-ived home Monday last. A very sad and pitiful accident oc- curcd to one of our young men in the lumbcring districts in Muskoka a few wccks ago, in the person of Mr. Ted Clithers. In some way a binding pole slippcd which caught him on the head, stunning him for a short time. Having recovercd, he resumed work as usual, but in a few days he was taken sick, and it was at once noticed he had lost ahi reason of mind. He was at once rernovcd to bis home wbcrc he is in a vcry low condition and slight hopes are entert.ained of bis rccovery. It is fear- cd the severe stroke bas caused blood to chog in the brain in some way. Mr. James Smith, of Orillia, is at present putting in a bot water system. of heating at the prcsbytery here. Mr. Ed. Kennedy's teatu ran away twice Friday hast, iuckily no damage occurred. A sleigh load of pleasure seekers were sadly disappointcd Friday cvèning hast. The weather Iast week was very osevere and stormy. Parents in the village should sec that their children attend school when sent. We notice a number of smali lads who bang around the streets and sbops. They flot only deceive their parents, but thcy are a source of nuis- ance to the different places tbcy bang out at. Mr. Patrick Kclley bas a bouncing baby boy. Mr. Nichols, reprcsenting the Peter Hamilton Co., was in the village Mon- day. Mr. William Malone, of Orillia, is the guest of bis brother John in the village. Mr. N. Donnelly is visiting bis many Most of the roade in this section are tunnehed no deep that a rig can hardly be been pBBBiiJg. Mr Thcan failed te make hie appear ance with the mail hast Tý-nrsd1ay and Friday. The school was i . on Thurs- day owing te the severe x. h,,r, Pathmaster Pasone ;*1 --F;credlit for the prompt way in w1îîu ýiutttends ta the shovelling of the quoio i or streets. We are pleased to r- I1 ;. Wm Hum- phage from our midt He wili ive with Mr T Hall this year. Mis Bryant, of Oshawa, litae been visit- ixag at Mr D McCulloch's. Mr Donald MoCullooù FsoU a horse at Port Perry aset Week for tbe handsome surn cf 0115. At the present 1trires that in considered an extra good soin here. The prize fight in Mexico last week seems to lave etirred up tise pugilistie ideas of somo of our sports. Nothing serions bas happened yet thoin'!b. Mr J Dyer spent the most of lust week snew-boun-d in Port Perry. A large congregation turned out on- Snnda sd lhstened to the discours ocf Roi gr aBorke upon the determination and oonatanoy of Danial. Ho warned being drflfed about by the. winds of cir- oumàtknoea Wo govern our chrintian hfe, and oaid that adhering to right wouldl look after the oireunàïtancos, as wua pro miaed in the book. PÂST YOUR PRIME Perh.p. aot in yem.rs. bit la euergy. TouLr health is o.ot good. yet you lj&rd- iy know what in the autter wlth yen. Tour buiine.em too, ta on the declille. People mine the aid eIautie spirit yoii showed lu former yearm. lThe secret ef ail tus le that your constitution in wceru eut and your blood la bad. $et both rlght by the us~e af Chase'u Kid- ney-IÀvetr Pille. One box wilI cure yen ZDysppa. .,éîjments peculiar te womon. S crof na. J,E nervation. Sciatica. «Poor biood. I ndigsi. :Liver complaint LAmS of appetit. 5evere kidnev disum Thouiqands of sufferqrs have pubLftly testificd te the effic-acy of Ch.ase's tid- ney-Liver PlUs. They are the bat, nô use the best. One pi H a dose; aie cent a doma; 25 cents a box. For sale by ail diealers, or by the m'anufacturers% Edmauson, Bates & Co., I'oroutob Une Chams' Limseed amd Tiirpeîxtiuie for .111 throait anud hzg trotibles. LargO bottie, amai done, amati price, 250. To dream of birde flying through the airb forebodes a journey or voyage. We have the Ifinest Sehee- tien iu town et those BEAUTIFU. AMERICAN WALL P A R f Borders to Match LowEST Corne early and galfinui ckoioe. P. B. WARAM, Bryauus eld _Stand, Brook St., Whitby H. SCOTT, PUMPMÂKFIR, WHITBY. The Subscriber bas again opened buiness bere. Hie office wili ,be at E. R. Blow's* tehegrapb office, factory at Mre, Newbery'f bouse on Brock Street, south. New Pamnpa mnanufactured and old Pumps repalred. First closs materlal used and work wrAnte ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. Orders Feb. 14, 1895. 1 Hl. SCOTT$ - Whltby and Oihawa. Capital Paid tp, - 1ýowOOê GeneralB nig anô Tra.neacted. a. i. ?UOU 'MICROBE KILLER E E J.' & EDGAR, Merchaut, Wù sor M. K. _'acted rna"'dloà1 y- iu--my cîýcý cbrouic stomach'and bow4eltrouùblé,' WM. MAClI ..8,# Was Égïve up itý die frorna omrplicafIî Dys1ppsa ad Liver troubewtcssi Arnm wf as ever now ; it istruly -woudati T . LtBGloKIc af Crc cougb and 7 beîlih'age leg yawrhun ' Wm. Radam ýMioobe- 120KNO For aaIe.a* W. R. HOWBWB, UR'STRU E'>GUI DE. TU Kil O f, DYPPI4 DDOOO= :-: PRICES.,

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