Tha Prapor Plica wheu looking for ... Pure Drugs, Iklrfumery, « «rToilet IRequisil Toilet Soapti, 1 ~ -ri Fancy Gooda, spectacles, Aux tiuig Ili ~~Drug Lit 's BLy 7' l)ruçj Stoe ~i4~ Q4roll c1e. () 1IA F l'à B. .2 l, show that he bas goode on hand to the value of about $î ,5oo, whlle bis Habilites amoôunt to only $4,.500. This homninal surplus of nearly $7,000 was a surprise to the creditore, a nd they were unamninous ini their desire that Mr. Wighttniar should accept an ex. tension of time and go on with his business. H e declined, however, stating that his trade was gradually going to younger iîaen, and that he had no hope of redeemning the stock. H-e urged that it be disposed of in bulk whilst there is enough to pay every creditor in fuil, and this will have to be done as mat- ters stand. The store remains iocked for the present. ties The Oshawa hockey club have allowed the Bowmanville and Whitby clubs to imagine they are the only clubs in the world that can play hockey, but now the Oshawa boys thir'k these clubs have heen etiuouraged long enuough by perinîtuing tiieru 10o win games, anditli i. îîw theu> nujt really play or they %i1ll tu defu.îte:d. Bowmanville club came 111) last Monday evening with trie usuai array utl rooters who were joinied by a host frorn Wlîithy. They soon found out that in pre- violis garnes the Oshawa bovs had been oniy ne, footing with themn, as thev were quite easiiy dJefeated bhy a score of four tu one. We have nio oubt but that the Oshawa boys will piove a Waterloo to the \Vhitby boys if these clubs mueet before the winiter is over. We are certaini that the \Vhitbv boys will be whitewashed iIn the next gamne bv' our local re tuam. Tliev are bu n hockey players, oi ly 1 iliev diol nul show their talent aI the begin niîîigut i lie seasun, as they. were afraid that the \\'hitbv club would he so discouraged (hihevt wv uld nevuýr play hockey agaîi, A Il 1thîîsîvould be disaster to the ()shawa 4. club, as tlley walit sorme team to practîce Ibr- sonite cross-firing through the local piess, uarrîed on bv cor respondents, '11 tO tlle surplus of proceeds fromn the dira- rîlitic clîtis concert last week. lime balance of $5(o froin last yeat 's performances was lianîdud over te the public librar>-, and tbis coupled wîîb an unauthorized statement ini t e Reformer some weeks ago 10 -time effeet tbat the surplus tbis year would aIse go te thie lihrarv lias led somre people te suppose that the nmoney would go to the library this year. The dramatic club is net under any obligation- te haîîd overilis earnings lu any- bod> , but as usual decided te render service te sorte useful concerri, an d by vote decided tu give this year's results to île Ladies' Guild of St. George's churcl, and prebably in course of lime wili assist other erganiz- ations. ' Diogenes" writes in the Reformer commenîing strongly on the dramatic club's actions, and ciaiming the surplus for île pîublic library. Dr. Kaiser, wlo deserves credit for signing lis name te lis letter, re- plies Ilirougli the Vindicator, calling Diog- cnes dowm in rather sharp language, offering te refumd the price of Diogenes' ticket and aIse the value or lis lime in going ta pur- dbase it and in attending the performance. 1896. OSIIAWA PAGE' OSHAWA. Bvsî\..'~NoTIc O"lawa subscribers or advuriisuis nîav tran saut any business with thu HRNILE or inav obtain extra copies at ati une, from E.E. Rogers. Farmners will do well to cail at M. E. M., G-H ~ii JV iCdUA ([(dUC i"inai5 nMna vnigjs stemra If yNou wîsb a micc Frenchi china dînner or jewels of tlhe heavens came fertl in lier tea sel, or anvthîng iin fancy china, or glass. Itheir) fllest resplendance, maylap te wit- ware, go te E B Morgan & Son. ness and vivify the coming everît' -Ihis is tlie brîlliant language in whicl tle Ebenezer h wîîî pav atîv parties conîeînpiating buy- correspondent of tle Vindicator sets out te îng an engagement or weddîrmg ring to see descrîbe a tin wedding which took place the large stock of Fuît Bros., Oshawa as there the ollier nugît. The myriad jeweis they wîll seil Ibis montl very cheap for cash. ef thc heavens came forth in île evening on ;crîîiîîe iiiattiend 14K. only $5. T1ev are the occasion in question, te witness and also niakiimg some special offers in G<ents', vivifv île ceming event. If one were net L-aies' amd Boys' gold and silve! waîches. told that the heaveniy jewei-case wasaopetied Sec thern îuîî Bî,os. 1 witness and vivify a tin wedding, le might suppose that an angel fromr abeve lad swooped down upen the mederni Ebenezer, No ir., Feu editor of THE CHRONîCLE or that a prophet or île savior lad appeared. vîsuts t stîawa everv \V'edtiesdav,, arnd ma>' To say tlat tle myriad of jewels of île be seeri ai Rugeýrs' bock, store froni i i arn. leavens came forth te wîtness or vivily a 10 6 p ni.I--.tas news items, adver, lin wedding is ratîmer hifahutin, and ieads lis-muîl, c, , wtlbe hakfulvrecîvone le wonder wliat sert cf language this rd, Ehenezer writer weuld utter te tell that Mrs. Ctîills of \\îiîbtv, is the guest cf Mrs. Christ lad come again te save sinners. The \Vin i. )ckie tin ceremony is given in language a little Miîss Ida.1Clark, Cobouîrg, is the guest cf less grandiloquent, but wlien this Ebenezer her istr %rs ( comes te a description cf île leave- 1er îste Nîs (,egor. . taking lie again bursts torîli and soars amid M WhRs it\'lîe, tlowmnanvîlle, is v]xsîîing the myriad jeweis of the leavetîs and brings Mis k ouiufe l e parting as follows: "The postilion's N Js 1înîus v\ iîîd iri liowmari-nville Mon- bugle is heard at tle doer, sicigli belis jingle, dva merry adiuad alt deparit oe ir hemes we Il pleased wiîli tle evening's entertain- NI r. NI. K V. ld cf Iotinteuni versi>-, nment. 1- spuililig a few d.îN s iii town. F tliie Mliss I-owe daugliter of Al derman Lowe Faaie Toronto s bu gi-s t oi Dr W Mc Bricri. A fatalîîv occîîrred at a fire easî cf this MI îss itarnlelt rcîurîîed froîn a three weeks visit l tuwn anv et uesda v Prof. i îg ur,,tie nu w org.-inist ef tîme Si ni- due street ii tîit rt ichtu rc b, rnved 10 tewn this week. 1sl.îwa ls bcui clîusen by tle grand iloge 4oR r\ ail leniplarýs a.,,thtîirtiex t place of rneeîig Nit A. tlins, ill at once commence to rebuild un ithe site wbcre bis residence was reueiîtly buiîud. Mliss Jessie Alexandier, the weii ktiown eiocuti<)iist, wll gîve a recîtal in the music hlaI, Mardi soThue ladies' aid ofthe presbyteriaii churcli arc bringing lier le town - The Wellanmd \ale MIfp. Coy's bicycle may he seeri at Raglans beokstore. Tîcîr wheels bave niany points cf superiority ever other machines. Mr. W and N <irese wlio lave been con- fned te îleeIouse thie- past two weeks are able we are plcased te sce te be arund ag a in Since the advent ef the snew plougli the Oshawa raîtway las been kept in running erder, arnd timîs île prophets are mîistaken as to ils lavîîîg up during the winter on ac- count of tiee unes being bhocked. This is a great winter for snow. lie mai-carrier between Oshawa and Raglan was stol)ped fror.î malring lis trips twe days hast week. htins reported tIat hMr. Prospect Park Ed- menson las succeeded ina inducing île G. T. R. emptoyees te bold their annuai outing here tîis summer. Ibis park will suit their needs splerdidly. Mr. J. Proven is mak ing arrangements wiîh Mr. Houiden for a forty acre sod field for tle Oshawa golf club. Ibis suggests the passiliulty tînt in tle near future Oshawa wili lave a field for basebali lacrose and cricket. The report was circulated Last week that Ira Hall, wlile corîducting a temperance camnpaign inj Batavia, N. Y., feu où aplat- formn and broke both bis legs. - Enquiry proved tlat there was no fouadaticu for the rei5ort, but lIat Messrs. Hall and Cumminge were making a barrel cf money in thein cam- paign of American citie.-Vlndlcator. jt i. stated that Mr. Campbell, of Camp- bell and Eiliott, fleur miUler, vil sooa witb- draw Iron: thein business bore, and vl go inte a larger concero ai Woodstock..Mn. Whlite wiil retunu to the business boe, wblcb wili conducted hy Elliott & Wbit. in future, if present arrangeeints go tbrougli. About roo pensons gatherod at te. home of Mr. and Mm .Pioe EbVenenenMonday inighî bo belp thota ceiebratetho ttiell sai-r versany of <hein weddlng. Tlscy v«npro. sented with a handisme silvor tea ervc cake knlfe anu at andi peppr * "L . Aftor the muner ùman batiboom satlsfldvatons g9nses0sd Pasu Ures venu ludulgetila n tui abot four a. Ms Doatita idtou'ii On' Wednetà day. Pelitrsans aab. BMesia town on Tlursday nîghî last. M rs. Byers, a fermer resident of Whiîby who moved here sonme time age, lived on Trennum 's ilI, and siept in'ý a bcd near tle kitchen steve. On Thursday night at i xo'clock she awcke and discovered that the hbuse was brxrning. She roused a bearder named Harris, aise of Whiîby, anidlier little 12 year old girl nanied 'Maud,' wlo siept in the same bed witb 1er. Mrs. Bvers seized -the bed quilts and blankets and ran for the door, calling te ilie girl te foleow. Tle poar child became bewildered in tle excitement cf île moment and test ber way te île door, anid as a result perished. Harris missed lis way te the door aise, and lad te break through a window, in whîcl operatren le received several deep gasles in bis legs. He was naked wiîh tle exception of a shirt, and in this condition le sel out on that awfui rugît te look fer assistance. He first went te Trennum's bouse, but could net awaken the inmates, and tlnally lad to make for Mr. WVinter's, a hall mile furtlier. By the lime lie get in there lis feet had been badly frozen, and the blood from lis weurmds was frozen on lis legs. Wirrter went te île rescue cf Mrs. B-,'ers, wlo was wrapped in tle quilts, she lad saved from îlhe ire. Meantime the bouse lad burned away, and the child's body was reduced te a charred mass of fiesh. it was feared at first that H-arris' feet would have te be amnputated, but bis case dees net look se bad !Iow. la coanectien witl ibis tire there are some ugly rumors afleat. Many people feel itat Mrs. Byers would lave beeri better employed lad she saved lier child instead cf bending ber efiorts to, baul the blankets out of the bouse, and that she mlîght at leaËt bave returned to the door fromn whrcl she, escaped to eau te the cbiid and give It the right direction. Most mothers would have eitber perisbed witb tbe child or saved il. -:000:- OuhranouNusSseDlreotory. 8 L. VICKHRY, barber. itaco. street. BROOKS' LIVMII, Bmmec tresS. noriL. WM. ROLPI!, harasse mker, Bimoo iÊtret. r. B. MOTHESILbatelie, Kiuig St.., Wet DI. P&iruau, fletist; OMMiceovni BoWSe' A.. J. Suà x4-DIomtn" apiano. sd cgns Simeo s mIren 5.C.W~vÂ.Votse'naa Sigonad »oatui King atres vot, Ombaa, Ont WnLtxâm ir.Dia,,, Daia$= lms Land Sumywor Cviluà mo. n modem bob7l nSsS mad eWheu oontemplating Upllttîin On 1«-o- Inauruic. . well prepared programme. Everytblng went t s»W J30XTÇI04 « OThe uflhed Bt&tM sLité. smootbly, Several mcors and the chairman ç Their poliele BWbth*iflO t ~i&OY. falled to appear, but the curtala axcise at 8 à aga urnos o'clock and tbe show commenced. The home LiM . R. KÂ.-Dealer in Groceries, Pancy China, andI foreign talent sbowed great care, and Mr. Crookery, Tlnware, and Pancy Goode. Pure Madiii is to be congratulated on his success as Teals and (Joffees. Boys» -ready made suite a a ntutr a eb aoe ihami apecilty-ery ceap.favotable evening next ime. The reality of tbe IAUCTION SALE-The usrb wlbeuOb dt*logues anid tableaux was commented upon by &W&, ut tîhe central flotel, ïriday of each ail. week from one to 3 o'olock p.m., to make ar- angeinente wlth parties wishlng to ha ve sales. KNAE r L FÂImBà N-s autioneer.. Our pedagogue Sundayed under the par- F.' LAItREEaT & bims-The leading taaîorlng etiro nEfed and gents' furnishlng hottes of Oshawa. Mr. F. W. Chapman, of Audiey, visited Splendid assortmont of tweeds, worsteds, (riends te the west of us on »Sabbath Est. trowneringe, shirts, cellars, etc, always kept MisFoecMaeyasrt edhm In stock. Ms lrneMce a euindhm FEL Bios Wachmker an Jeeles.after a two weeks visit among Whitby FELTBits Wtoh&kes ad Jvelrs.friends. Dea.lers In watches. dlocks, jewelery, silver- ware, spectacles. etc. Engravtng, gold and Mrs. Brignallis niece, of Bowmaliville, who silver platlng, and old got d rings ruade over. hus beeti visitiug wiîh her aunt, lias returri- inns watoh, ock, and jewelery repairing a ed home. speciaity. Mr. and Mrs. John Emerson, Greenwood, Evznsox & HÂwxiNs - Importersan5td dealers visited friends here on Sabbaih, also MIr. ar'd in farnr', manufacturera' and housefurn jal- lng supplies. Manufacturera cf tinware. Eay-e Mrs. F. L.. Greeni. troughlng and other oontracting doue. Fur- Mrs. Ro>,al Rogers returned home lasI naces, chandeliers and lamps. A stock of Saturday evening, aller spending a few days bicycles kept on band. with Toronto friends. CedarDale.Marty from here aîîended the liberal con. Mir. and Mrs. Conant visited Toronto this ventiori aI Whitby on Saturday iast. Every- week. thing is said to have passed otH satisfactorily- M r. E. Baker of Toronto, was visiting friends Mr. Ben WVagner visited his br ther, Mr. here lasi week. Wagner, of Brougham, on Sabbaîli He Mr. W Stone and wie have removed to Rn- has been quite sick of late, but is riow chester, N. Y. slightly irmproved in healîh. Mr. Arthur B<ooks -f Toronito, is iisining Mr. Nathan Richardson and Sterricker frierids here. have been cutting woc-d for Mr. Wrii. Per- Miý,sKate ndeso ofMaysvll, i vsitngkins. Anybody havtng wood lu cul slioold beMisstAnerso .1) . n ayvil,1 VStt give Nathan a chance. as lie is a thorougli ber sster M r. 1) J. ai.w ork mari. Miss Maud Bailey, dining room girl ai Cedar Mvr. E. A. M.. Bryain sold a Wvaluabie horse Dale hotel, i. drsngerously ili, le Harkness Brus., and willdeliver the same Mrs- M. J. Tooley has gorie to Port Perry ofl at Myrîle on -Saturday. As Ned is a guod a visit tohber cousin, Nirs. 1. M. Brooks. feeder hîs animais arc: always in prime con- Mrs, Geo. Stacy of \Vîarton, was called liere dîtion and cominandîng good pnices. to attend the funeral of her father, jas. Fernas, Mr. James Salton advertises al l is val- on Monday. uable farmn stock and implemenîs by auction Mr. W. 1. Chapman, generai manager nofriext Monda)- afternoon. He is giving up Cedar Date Works, who has been on the sîck farming, corisequently there will be no re- list for some days, is improvîng. serve whatever. Mr' Poucher will conduct The Rat hbun Co'y are loadîng coal on cars at the sale. the harbor and shippîng il 10 different points J. Wý. Salton, who got snowed almost It is just possible that Oshawa harbor may yel under whîle making pastoral vîsits on Scu- be a general distributing point for material g,,g Island a few days sirice, turned up at handled by this co'y. Kinsale a fewv days ago apparently ini a good Messrs. Hunt and Ingersoîl have cempleted degree of heaiîh and strength after his lieavy their apple shipmnenîs from Ibis vicinity. The encouriter with the northern snows. contract bas been awarded for the erection of a ayfo he tendteep rh large fruit house which this cc'y întend ta es- Meany fromnereioattened ine othe tabliali at Oshawa juniction. methodist church, Brooklin, on Tuesday and Ilirougli the death of jas. Ferris On 22rid Wednesday of this week. A very interest- inst., Cedar Dale has lest one cf its most respect- ing and profitable time was enjoyed by those ed residents. For a number of years lie has who found it convenient te gel over. been foreman in Cedar Date Works, and always Re performed bis duties in a bigbiy sarasfactory Rev.Jno. Harris officiated here on Sab- -nanner. He was a regular attendant of the bath, preaching an excellent sermon. He Presbyterian dhurch o! Oshawa. and teck a great announced a concert to be given by the iterest in the churchia advancemnent. His fun- Whitby tabernacle choir at Greenwood eral on Monday was one cf the largest seen in dhurci on Thursday evening 27th inst. We this vicinity for some time. îîliawing the esteem trust Kinsale wiil send ever a good rep- in whîch lie was lield. The funeral arrange- resenlation. ments were cenducîed by the A 0 U W and C. C. Gooda lias departed fromn our midsî i O O01F of whîch secieties lie was an honored and his whereabouîs are unknown. We member. He leaves a wife and two dauighters trust le may find as mnany warmn friends in te mouru the loss cf a kînd husband and loving lis travels as he found in and around Kin- father. sale. Chas. is a peculiar mani, but a very COLUMBUS conscientious one, and is exceedingiy well Mrs.L. ickryof shaa, isied ereversed in Scrlpture. onrsun..iceycfsawvseder The heavy blocade ef snow during last on Suday.week caused considerable snow shoveiing Mrs. J. Cole, Oslawn, visited at Mr. L- lere. Mr. Tripp atîended te his duties as Grass' on Sunday. roadmaster at the earliest convenience, so Q uite a number around here are sufferlng aise did cur easîern friends, and the road from the efiects cf la grippe. was aimost immediaîely ready for traffic. Mr. Leonard Smailicomlie, cf Marîltoba 'It is wortli someîhing finding men like Mr. lias been visiting lere witl lis brother Mr. Tripp holding positions of this kind, as you J. $rmallicombe. need flot fear but lie wiii do lis utmosite Mr. G. Coakwell and the Misses Coak- keep the roads in order. weil, of the Town Line, visited at W. Mc- The pedro cempetitioti that lias been geing Lean's on Sunday. on lere fei severai montîs in Bingliam's Mr. James Hobbs lias been fortunate in slop is said te have coliapsed, there being a securing a situation as liook-keeper in the disagreement amorîg tle company, causing Pedar eefng c.,Osbwa.We il isla hait in the gamne to be called by the pro- Peim success.gpCoeorshThis is net î lime-lie--as-set We were sorry to hear cf the deaîli of Mr. Ut Vernon & Solina Wm. Moore, cf Berlin, Ont., son cf Mr. los. Miss- M, E. Stevena, of Bowmanviiie, is visit- Moore. We extend aur sympaîhy 10 the scrry- ing Mrs. Geo. Argue. ing friends. About twenty-five members of Solina division Mr. H. Burton, wle was se long and favor- S. cf T., visitied Mt. Carsweli division last Wed- abiy knewn as miller for Mr. T. Goodrnan aome edyngt yer gis again filling that position during nsa ilt thearssao Mrs Eber Milîson is seriously ill. Dr. Beith, tue nsyseasn.of Bowmanville, is atitending her. Hope she SIRELEY. will soon recover. The roads are just beginning to be passable The severe sDow stcrm from thie north last again. after lest veek's stormn. week fifleCI the cross roads level witli the fences Miss Neilie Barker nas arrived home from To- in most places, and everyone liad a good baste ronto. She had quite an expeirience in gettîng cf snow sliovelhing 10 get the roads tn a passible home through the storm. condition. Some of the drifts being ten or MissC. enryof ortPerr, i vistin t weive feet higb. Mis C.Heny o Pot err, i viiîig bis An interesting event teck place at the home of, week with Mrs R. Graham, Miss Lena Clarke, on Saturdal night, when a) Mr. W. McConnel was in town on Sunday. numîmer of ber frienda of Eldad cougregation 907-1 There was a misprint in last weelt's cor. Mr. sembied there to show their good-wil and es- W. Coates' destination was Carman, Man., in- teemn by presenting ber with an e.ddress accom- stead of Cayuga. panied by a dosen silver knives and forks, a doz. AUDLECY. silver spoons, a silver cakte basket and slver pic- kle cruet, for ber services rendered to theru as To.rnorrow is D'et>. 2th, Write some letters. orgfIiIst for the past six years. Âfter thme pre.. This date wiU not re-occur again for Bysars.. sentatlofl Mr. J. -4- Werry on behaîf of Miss MissLen By ha, rtured romhertri toCla.rke thanked the friends for, the manifestation Miss Lenaye wnina re.dfri ir n of their appreciation. The remaiader of the ber lCI ome own n Olrke.evening W". qpent in games andi social chat. Rands were busy ou the roe iastîliday. < AUDLER1y. Theroads are ail open n0w. f Our tenial Pms masier and famiLÀ ar Can iayone mecwbere charity would be joyful- sick times of ÃŽh. Measies wifi soon be over. Mr. Thos. Puekrin i. vWstiug frfends in West- Sohool resumed on Monday after a two woeks em ru nao. domras. with 30 In attetdanoe. 1 Suadar sehool tmemeruae asked 1toauet la Mi"s Lar)dus, Of TOruto is vWstiug haerun*iete hhUrcb ou SaturdaY .euw% t M7,30 PKU.- Mr. T. O' bere. The roads are la a gond state for travelling. The scibe bau been sowed in of lI&e, sud Thanke <othose 'who assistom.a rnking ethém readers please aee the absence. O -125 . i, ybu ecoer fi h ,,h i. aQuit. uber from 1here Jistened <o, 'e fine dUPQtkm CÃ1 tOMO Ûn atmdagab seom t ?lckertng on Bunday eveaing Wby W. wouder wbeu eh. choir aregoguwg10 eh. poposei ~ee sippr. ~Mr~. Pm*ak Smiteh a"dbis. -bride bav bwcouie 1 ~~~fairly faoul.d nla iat Mr. -Smilth ia vol- biM b = rLM SLGo U -Tore "d. 1to u ti«ook lc ~d. y siiaIan ol à de-t toe Tbe aMnisd F<S*$SII<ah ibabei a.4m xeoaiwty soi- l be- ' acineýtflt W TuE ARCADE. 0~~ GENUINE STOCK- TA K/NO --"qAT BELOW+ OR,***' Go-ST.1 Tho:, Millar A n: Gall at PELLOWS) and see his Wrought Steel -AT- $ 50.00. Al1so bis GOAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- $p5.50 to S25.oO. Grand Trunk Ry. Colonist Trains and other Special Service for the Ganadian Northwest. To accommodate settiers going to the Canadian Northwest this Spring, it is in- tended, commencing Tu.iesdiay, Mar. 3rd, and every Tuesday tlereafter during Mardli and April, te run Speciai Trains, leaving Toronto at 9 p.m., enablirrg settiers te, travel with their stock and household effects, there- by ensuring quick lime, reaching destina- tion at the same lime as their preperty and have good açcommodation en route. e Colonist sleeping cars wiii be run on these trains, -the birtîs in whidli will lie FREE. COLONIST SLEEPING CARS, Ier Passes- gers with ordinary baggage, wili rua Ibrougli te Winnipeg c uring March and April. leav- ing Toronto ati12.20 p.m. every Tuesday. For fuil information cali an or write te, W. P. STERICKER, at Oshawa Railway Co's Office, Thomas' block. R. C. Carter,- Agt. Fet>. a4b, 1896. - OSHAWA, We bave ahways a general and varied stock te select from-latest designs and finishes. Prices right. Undertaking deparinient fully stock- ed, and embalming according to hatest methoda. Picture fr$Ming factorily done. Luko Bro8., promptly and satin - Ohawas It i. your attention that 1 want ar- rested, and 1 want you le stay il cust 'ody long enough te, tell y0X that it is net ..... ...#........ ...... Forgory 1 Contenmplate, but merely selliing you a finer class of good' nov than ever before. 1 have arri-,ed at the ................. 1 can do this. 1 have a niîce linei of Watches, Clocks, Jewelrv, Si]- verware, anmd Spectacles, at pricee that wiil surprise yeu. You art wanted by ........... .. ........... Boyd the devveler, KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. To the Faz'mers. CAMPBELL & flLLIOTT, o o o MILLERS, wil give 38 ibs. of lot elass FPour, in Ibs. of Bran, and 4 lb. of Shorts for à buahel of Wheat. They hope by this inducement to draw à large share of the trade of the distrn about Oshawa. Flour, Bran and Shorts always ux hand at lowost whotesale prices to Farruers. CAMPBE'LL & ELLIOTT. MILiý,-KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. For Delicate Chlldren, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine This palatà ble and HIGHLY NOURISHINC Wine, prepared with Cod Liver 011, ia easly reeained and digested by the niost deicate. For Wastin Diseases, General Debility, 1maie Diestion, ICOLd, Caiarrhal and Bronchial Truble cA f Muscular Toue. Of gpeu Nuuitive value to Aduits and Children. A marked increased i eight la noriceble afkr taking a few botties of this Wînevbhicb represets ax equal quantity of Cod lver 0Û1. AUl druggist. CLARKE & DYER, INSURANCE AND COM- MISSION A GENCY. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, wbicb is to-day nnquestionabiy the Leading Lite Company. Canada Accident and Employers' Liability Corporation of London. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Companies we handie the Lancashire, Guardian, Mercantile and Hanâd-iu-Hand. Aid SaVings and Loan Co., Toronto. OiFicE just north of the Western Bank, 0 0* OSHAWA 0 J. S. CLARKE. -W. E. DVER. A ILETTER LOST OUT OF- YOUR ALPR'BECT If you do not buy pour-Scho Books froni us. W.ý carry tb. largest assont- ment of Rfigli and Pubhic School Bcoks andi school supplies in thé county. We invite every sà cholar, Jo inspýect ou'- Scnbbungaud»i 'exrcise bockts.-Wb have th eý1st liaiestu 'te market. We lead ini lo-west puces. - ROGERS'BOOJ-K STORE* One'door nofth o Post offioei OSHAWA, - ONTARIO. Le'wis1 Februe vearu 'j - 'r j g l~i lit ýob clin mm - - - Il 1 ý f iý- - . - 1 - - ý 1. l ý mzg;ffl Purnîture. SALE! Ail VInIor Goil: i S i nic, ý( ý-t. ý-(,Uth , () S 11 ýL ýN ýl the lait ttardtv. 1 ý la