Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1896, p. 3

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~y Tnp E<l~Udmelehey cmias1n 'I t.14 d &, I&Y Trip toour br oad pare destlned, to b. -h f home,-of future m illions, of okit pet 1 MS.B W.RS, POIt gRY, TAXIS VSàA public works, our unextcelleed ucitic>" a ~ TB OOUalCLgdLTDETALE!>ai our just la"'# and atq INCID~TS0F TB B ON£ wuo, la they vere administered in the initerestX' INCI-D"T oF TUEof the-whole people. And, as 1 ,dilatedT 05855vANT. about the minor advanr.ages which we Wew')' not dweil on the bustle and possess in this grand -Dominion MY exc 1tenWO c, scqueth~at an Wead patriotism grew fervid, and 1 thouglit ý,,iffccit o .. n of our own poet Alexander Muir and ný iig. 28twih, tnowas te tae s song that we sing: h tîunic 'flic night betur ot nd I.,an of the Maple Tee; home turc, ia in a coînfortable bd n There is ne land tu all the world. lîsî111(àta thu 1htlting of the wind, 1 We love so well as thee naile t.'urc il v, bcdhei storrny pas- Britannias crowu has many gems te be, 0 u f wealth and beauty rare ;t antI ,, t pr nd cdto our Aniong them ail thou reign'st supreme, 'hpl \W fl'ut tlt u t(d)kfn it te The fairest of the fair. riiilit' .îta'(tf ;a south wester" wh'c hdhelboighrfo v-CHORUS.u whichhad lc hl ow hr for sev-We're Britons born, are Britons Stijl, <rI Wc\s \%wr'rtsonretta And Britons aye shall be,1 t hc \g becl t, lic3 Wr, and for a The Union Jack, the flag we jovh, ~cc t l't< ilu <ather. If the Shal guard our Maple Tree. it. nî1tcliing on the great Here England's Rose blooMa fresh and fair, i,'1011111g. ani the greater As inl its native land1 Wcrc ick.And Scotias Thistle wags its head,t itilIC t'~ p~cgur wccsik. Majestic,g9reat and grand! itst ,loiIli n otrc day did the fog 0f love and mirth with glec .\ oc1 s a verY The three entwined, grow fresh n tog ]1)t) < \ t aitiiAround Our Maple Tree. han togc pi.sLi ctcbut ilt tiatL~ t1111tttnolls When iti No foreig I power shall o'er us rule,t (M (lt iizet aCsiak Fair British play shali hold the sw'ay, t 11u1sit' til u1 d kWith equal rights te ai A Irtlt' has thoroug .hly inspected No other race shahl e'er disphace ili ii\serescon nected The sons from Britain sprung;, tht ~tiI lu ~ teo e Ourischools shail teach Our noble speech, t tr, t s ~clias ermed sonie ac- The Anglo-Saxon tongue. jtîîîitll ' îrnnistthe passengers, In Ont îoved land--so vast, se grand- 'heu à ofk otn1 Àu Xî4lty~ That spans froni sea to sea h t ' < ut tai(,«ýst trl)lv. huw\cvcr, WC Millions, unborn shaîl flnd a home à't . sip or perhap'il» ce a Beneath eut Maple Tree 1) opoiss ar theThree cheers for Britains Empire vast ~, lii .1 u <g lorpise arcthe Three cheers for Canada, yi tiuipatîttns (tt the vessels, Three cheers for our beloved Queen .1<11 ( t it hete shtp jumping in Hurrah1 Hurrah' Hurrah diC e î tt. t omrut h amuse- Farewell, Adieu. an W litn ccuvun dav-s in the- an~. ~d the last tcw davs Seugog 4ýcluît ii1 'Flic cnotte.ntunîrs Mr Wni Redman bas been confined te ii 1ývî ti ur ownî lakes un a bis bouse for some tme trom au attack <i iii. .ru c xccîîttirort 1w under Of inflammation. - t thl'c avcs, whîch gave the ves- Mr Wm Irwin loti for bis home on ~uînut ttt, ne would imnagine ut was Monday after Ppending two weeksa among i <- iita 1< \S' took on oiir pilot ne. 11is intention we believe ie to depart ,,lîutîî~ tîît-i' rtm land, 1assedt wt for Manitoba about April let. 1îuJh-n arlitd cawt a 'In,' 1 ! Our pastor J IH Mallett is in Lindsay lic h rnolnded a ooi Shla hoeibis weok aiding Rev J W Totten in Tht'î aeN tam hildeipua umespecial work. No doubt mucb good will was estrîhil i m first lettet'. be accomplished bY îbem, as both are icai u'tlv Iwo imuntlis away', and zealous in religious work. t lic rc.itltrs , o t paper arecliv th 15 Miss Elva Savage, ef Port Perry, bas ~~n1 tii-lf~u inîv descrrptiuns ti)f the( been visiting friende on the island for a ý iT '~P11ý1iA CS \ it<'(l 1 cari asSaut(' '(tLll few davd. ! r1,ic trqi t a litltutie. MusJulia Williams, Who has been ab- W lî a1~tl big wi'd thîs ti:,0and gent since last faîl at ber sisters home iu -11C tit tiWt icsrcth".a 15Nuar, arrived borne on Tbursday even- i ' i iltre't.!Lit a travt'! 1' ile iniz We are glad te se ber among Us 'k' t1t i .11i litt'ralî l 'utatrutr once more. 1 .\t 'i ~k' a grc.ît nuanx u<-'- The latesi additio* eetîln tan"a u'tîrrnrî hitir ~<~amuisements is a boxîng school, and we <titv-) '< thinru lxe un are net quitO sure as te its elevating in- 'I i rec t «i isw .v ('W i lic. thuience or net, But ne donbt it will do A-r\ ii1 adpîrnut f int titv -Ut R agood service in spilling sorne of the uî~Ih .îîlapc, c tan lîe -tai rît'-bad] blood on Scogog. litrt'W tlui ii 1'ti~.it p, t à The luti meeting of the Sens of Tem- ,lîîrttM11zJ îitr 'Fielieaîtt peranc wusa very successfuî one. one 'tuti~n Ill Qe1<<lvtac 'vthI initiation was reported 4as the reîlt of t îu\t uit inig t rcau" itI river".0tc the meeting.Tbis is a temperance <'t-l-nf 1r ut u~t muhtgs i'weltwsi ndwe hope te alwavro keep it s~~~~~~~~~T' î'i ,t' bci vrsi it uu ian'.l se. a îht'iStître ) LilrîI n tIlicu111ightvy t ,tv Il i the large Cties (t thetflcud tarît n 1icitliîuik oft le'-t' hings and'1d til tttheriits Ilustury whu luli as ahi wt tcady uîarch if prîtgress. t iuliiu.2 treît 1part uf th' urlî wheu ît tsiert lut t hre xport .a nd 11tri ittraIheoft( eat Bi3mtain 1us Sutnie- <t urt du tlt 1;o nillins dollars -at ii rýra, a idi hat itS tiav">'and sh ipjping in t'rcests ur' i uudsail oi ir nations, tht-n tat it t jatt(tuant the vt'aextent ut the t'nîîîc mt' a> 'iiilîuns of Sturdt, in- 1ltait'.I ni pmttu(Ithat i amr- -'A Liîih --tiicî t.'\Vhen une has 5cen -ý)tIi tritiiii ch1-ngland's greatricss a t tri ru bct h p l I N .itN ' t lecumt'5 a rctaltit\ nt - ýthe inri1ressiunS lufi. are r t-aI ànd rltring N ()w, Mm. iV-ditt r. I have te thank vttu Itîn the space v'ou have aliowed me n 'aur valuable paper. and if lu any tlegru 1i 'iave contributed te the pleas- tire ttf N-tur readers. 1 am satisfied. Myv 'îwnru rward has bren in the deiight it lias given mfie te live îny tripever again, andtlt the tact that in preparing these etters fuor publication 1 have it more lîmrtui\ tasterurd in mv mind. The pleasures and deîughts ot my trip have ta'en giveti ytu, and 1 assure you that 1 <an bec1ardoned if i have semetimes 'uemcd te have been carried awav witb 'îghts and scenes so, beautifut un the (,i land, feeling that 1 was justified. Hitit "there is ne place like home"' -ccinîd tu be a joyous motte as 1 ar- riu Id n My own comfortable home in Poirt l>err'v. Wliile away the name Canada seemed Wthnul us more ihan usual. and as we 'nia;rgedl upon the natural beauties ot ,>ur i untrv te many whom we met. it Ri e.1 Ilt a good d eal te u s. I told them oftl tct xtent et my native band, and tlîat thie thrce thousand five hundred indles ot country lying between the At- lait and Pacific oceans had a congen- i 0clumnate, was beautitul for agricul. turc, rich in minerais. and that im- mense torests o! valuable tumber of al ~-'kunds existS, aise that we had great railroad's, one et which was the iongest in the wonhd. 1 did net lerget either te tell theni et (air fisheries and the great wealth we have in eur lakes and on our lakes and tîn eut sea coasts. I toîd t-hem also of a)ur climate, efthtle beaut-iful spring, the warm summers with their blue skies, and the lovely autumn with ils changing toliage and indian summer., and et eut winters with the cold and' sbeighing. I toîd t-hem t-ouof1Our citi which aithougli net as large asS in*y, ofe theirs were model cities AIW ofQ eut great inband lakes (or(.8MS), It-O b. found nowhere else in, thé oddOMI811( et our mighty St Lawrence 1viioe tbroad and deep watswohldfio.t the lagsl ip. ftold th we iem a, wetk», 10Oung but vWSaousarpd r making bis way upward as a pulpit speak- or and will ne doubt figure as one et eut very clever and popular vouug minieters in the near future. Our christian endeavor secieties are growing in fayot every week. The meet- ings are fat botter attended than former- ly and everything points te a greatly in- creased euibusiasmin i his yeung pee- ple's movemeut. On Tbnrsday evening of luet week part et the report ef the Broolin convention vas given by the delegates from the Foot socioty, and on Tuesday evoning the report was given at the Hoad chnrch- Ont yonug paste-, Rev Jue H Mallett was elecied te the of- fice of presidout ef the eouuty union, and' ho wilî ne dorubt put forth every effort in prometing the interest oetihe cause. The memberehip boeebas been greatly ir- creased, owiug teontu special services iluis wiuter and now everything appears favorable for a prosperous year'm work. Your clear skln ? Mother's. Your volce? Mother's. Your slight figure? Mother's. In- hcrited weak lungs? Then protect vourseif. Live out doors ; get the fresh air; keep well nourished. and 5~ 4~f1 of Cod-liver 011, with Hypo- phosphites, Is the best known preventive to serlous Iung trouble. It supplies just the klnd of needed fat; preverits useless waste of tissue; malces rich blood; and fortifies the body agalnst attack. You should take it at once If you feel weak, have no appetite, or are Ioist-fes. iIIIï SS ;-0- -omb o ýéhn" ndcol piktéioý% i aad. t qpsolar.urprise lu' regainglu th~e "ono alet a report thail stouffville badvon the game by 4 shota-, Ri4lamI MutuMi Pire Il». OWy. The first annual meeting of the. above namtd Cunçauy was held in the market hall, un fiiday lut Feb'y 21&t. The preeident, Mr Raynilton, ocoupied the chiair, and Mr H MoKay acted aM See'y Thle impassible condition of the. ruad pro. vented the'aitondance of members out- aide the town which wau unfortunate, as the Directors presented, a report which waa croditable in evory-way. Tho amount insured uince the Co'y began business, up te Dec 31st, about nino menthe, was $448,090. After paing lbases and ex- penses, which eueluded organization, the Comnpany lias a balance on hand of over 1500, whist the total assets excood 13000. Such resuits in a-c>short a time prove bliat there wau need of such an institu- tion. The aggrogate saving se for te its inombors amount to about 1100. The savings is te be attributed chiefly te the caret ul selections of riska that resulta frorn moat of the riaks being thrown te the officers. The Midland is gaining the confidence of the public and se it de- serves-Tinies, Frozen.- It is rumored that Alex Wright, wel known as a kuiglit of the road, lias been dug out ef a snow bank in Scott, frozen to death. Doubteiesa le lad st.arted on some journey and wua overcome by the storm and snowed in. Lacroase. The Cxbridge Lacrosse Club was te- organized on Friday evening with the following officers : Pros, Chas Kelly Vice-Pros, E J Brecu ; Manager A E Pirt ; Capt C Ed Rainey ; Se'y-troas, W GoId. Excutive committeee- J A Ker, C Plauk, H Chaptuan. The prospects for a good team this year are about the 'sanie as they were this turne last year. Somo of of the eider players are talking et dropping eut, but iL romains te ho seen whetber they will do so. The younger players who figured on the sen- ior team liat year will certaiuly be strouger and more experieuced. Just at present, however it ieB ad te say what the composition of the team for 1896 w111 be. The Mayora4lty. Mr H J (}ould having disclaimed lis seat as Mayor, it has been awarded te the relater aud defeated candidate, Mr F N Raines. Mr Gouîd it will be remember- ed had 27 9 votes and Mr Raines 64 lu the January contest- A regular meeting of the towu council sbould have beon beld Tuesday ovening and the uew Mayor was on hand te take the seat, but therd wa8 flot a quorum of councilors, only four members being present, M essrs Fester, Nix, HI A Crosby and Richards, After woîting the customary 6fiteen minutes the clerk and mem bers weut homo-Jour- nal. AVOID DANGER AND TROUBLE. Beware of Substitutes When Package Dyes. Buying1 Wheu danger aud deception threaten te disturb the peace and happinees of wives1 and mothers, it le but right that they shouid be warrued aud advised. Crude and worthless imitations et Dia- moud Dyes are put up by some manu- facturera for the sake et profit only. It matters little te them if women have their material spoied iu tho dyeing operation. their tempors ruffled or seul worried as long as their cemmen\producte are sold. For easy aud profitàble home dyeing, the Diamond Dyee to-day command the admiration et the civilized work. Imeut theretore thet your dealer provide you witli the "Diamond" that are abways a success. The Diamond Dyes are the favorites wth al vise women. HTAIPTON. Mr. M. B. Cryderman is visiting bis daughter aI Sutton this week. On Saturday Mr. S. Pollard eftIy- roue, was appointed collector for Dat- lington for the year 1896. Mr. George Cornish lias rented the Osborne house from Mr. John Cow- ling, and will move soon. Mr. Frank Parr, the pepular cheese maker of Hamptori factory, lias been re-ëngaged for a term et years. Mr. Thos. Elliott lias been confined te the house with la grippe. Mr. Theo. Salter, Greenbank, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Lilly McLean, -Bowmanville, visited f riends here recezitly. Mr. Edward Hastings lias been ap. pointed delegate trom the Hiampton Circle te t.he Supremne Circle at To- ronto this month. Mr. A. Pennington bas fiuishe re- building 14r. John Robbiiisbaritwhich colkaped sotue 1e v eeks fgo. Mr. Fred. Howard h u rettirued atfter a pleasant visit ýwîtu fric 'nds at Keenë.ý Rev. b.E Iwr as'closed tbe revival Imeetbngswhiclibave beenir- progresa here ,for sev-eral weeks.- Mr,. A. 'Cartke liaubeen ga d' Wr QChu. Rogmrswill*st f6r -Ma:ni Mr. . J.P .Lâôof 'utLocust HiII, je visiting relatîies for a few days. Miss -Lee of 'Greenbank is the guegt of Miss Thornley. SMiss E. Camýplin of Toronto, is spending a few days among acquaint- ances around here. Mrs. John Johnson, who was sick some time ago, is again very low. Mr. John Neithercert of Peterboro, has opened a tailor shop over Mr. Carey's candy store. Mr. Albert Caster, who has-been suf- fering with conýumption ait winter, is very low. Mrs. Elliott is attending the Epworth League convention in Toronto. The crack shots of Goodwood have organized a gun club. They shoot at dlay pigeons sprung from a trap for the purpoSe. The Rev. Mr. Thorney give an ad- dress to the Sunday school scholars on Sunday evening, the scholais being ar- ranged in the front seats. EART DISEABE 0F 20 YEÂARB' STANDING RELIE VED IN A DAY. Oue Farm for 70 Hie Knows ef Dr. the Heart. Yeo as TàseWlon Agnew's Cure foi two bottles of Dr. Agnew's Cure for the lleart for my wife, who bas; been troubled for the past twenty yeare with heari dis- ease. The firet few doses gave relief, and she hai; had more benefit from it than from ail the doctoring she ever did. The remedy aets like magie on a disea.sec heart. I am pleased teoive this certifi- cate. " Sold by A. H. Allun snd J. Eý Willis. AARON NICHOLS, Peterboro be qnlckly andpermanently cured byme t a hltl> y, vlgorous tate. 5ufférem trom.... MER VOIS DEBILITY, VARUSOSELE, RIUT LOSSESo à&" &K-1-WASTfflG DISASS bOUld wtIW te me for adrice. I have been a close student fer manyyarsotthe subject et veaek u nmen, the tat Is,Iwama unierer mysel!. Tee baabtut0 tîhe aid of elder menor reputable physiclans 1 Inves- tlgated tbe subject deeply and discevered a simple but meut remarkably sucemful remedy tha.t cern- pletey cured me and uiy enarged me freDaa srn,stunted condition te natural strength sud mise. I want overy youngerold iman te kiow about IL i take a proa Interest in such cases and ne ene need h~t ewleeas ail communications are beld strlctly ceufidentlal. I seud the recipe et thbis remedy absolutely freeofetcast. Do Dlot put ht off but write me tnlly at once, FeU WiU I ways bleu the day you dld s" Addreoe, THOMAS SLATER9 BOX 2049 fhipper of Fumons, Kalamaxo Velffle KALAMAZOO, MICU- huards Linmeut Cures Colda, etc Ail the powere bave recognized Prince Fi dinaDd as ruler of Bulgera. et- ÂRD'S LINIMENT. Bay ot Islande. J. ML CAMPBELL. I wAs CUERD etf Facial Neuralgia by MIN. ARD'S LINIMENT. Spriughil, N. EL Wu, DaNMBr. I was cuagD of Chroma e um miby MINARDIS LINIMENT. .Aiuert 06., N.B. GnoBGa TuriaLt. Botbweeil creamery sondaeout abouct M0 pounde of buter per week. IDM4a eLl=at OraDptu Tii. Baptimt oburob ut New Glasgow N. 8;, vas mmcmd. Tne Precoh Soute bhu e omwd.&cmou Ii position thbe deadock is over sud tlptioau tiurophaut.- (J?4.d~yrqw 't. s 0 ICaflorisinsowefl adapted tocbidrea dia 1 reeomnuni tasgupertortoauypreulPtU know tome.11 EH. AACuM114IL. D., Ili 9e. Oxford SL , Broobimn N. Y. "Our phydeJe n uthe chilMo's deparb. meut bave speken hbhlyof their .elm- eSi luder outalde practUcewM COutoe sud aithouehwe 05117bave amoeg ou mediaiuppameswbat la kuovu a« regular products, yet vo ame flo eceu5su th"a " menits cf Castorla bus won us to look viti faver upn it." ALLEN C. xrPe 1Lon. ut.uw COMPM7a, T7 muww i 8r..tNew Yrk Gays WEAK, MER VO "Q$j DISEASýED MElt ThOWId etYesg md Mdifle .dged -Mesem na l vy es~mtr thogherl ndsrein u lao xes ef v a buesd osxtoa lTe hace ron risa Ngt aies egr aok n dfoce oe Ennr ud Sletrgh. OtNuMmt frai mn vi îttyen up mautaly, Phyaicsfly sud fexualiy. Chas.a Patuo. odOsa KENNEDY & KEROAN on, -"At 14 yerm cf ane I learned a bad habit whidh elmost, rnined me. I became am-vous and weak. My back tronbled me. 1 cunld stand no exertion. Head snd eyes became luIl Dreame and drains st night weakened me. - I tried moyen Ifedical Fîins. Pele. Itrio BoIta, Patent Medicine@ and Fainiiy Doctere They gave ýme no help. A friad ad'vised me to try Drs. Kennedy & Kergau. Thor mut me one mouth's treatuent aud it cured me. f I*cônU là fél, mysei galning ey day. Tkeir New a .fiodTeamim ewnwA*MW aU .um aCs.', They have cured man etmy friends." "Bore 8 yemr ago 1 dontracted a serlous coutftutionai biood disee»e. 1 vent te Hot Spring e treamt forsyphilis. MerOuy alit klfled me. Mter a while the sympteme agaju appeared. Throat became sme pains in limbe. pimples on face, blotehes, eyea red, Is et hait, glandse larged. etc. -Aetemialienadvlsed Dri. Kenuedy & Kergan's NewMeothod Tresimoatiý ItcuredmsandIbv haduenoyptoma for five jours IJm en ealao.m deetor. wmend it to aU viii>have this teri z sis4 aypliUU." Sz mdcate the poiso rothe blod. 15 YEA1RS IN DETROIT. 1000CJEI ý"I am U83 eu tage=,und ma > Wid.Whei u . I life. arnl*iudiscreti n a tstex'- 0 me. 1 becam* weak and nervou. -MIdduejeboaioe:, affecte d ud feoedBlkight'sdiseue.lit'vs ueais II teck treueuMMfrauDis. eneyaf and MUUWea man ià6v7WWt1ieSp5qem or'.No- Ramfe Usod ,WlthoUt Wrltton. r iRe rua nie Castori&. - coerlaan eceu iei m lefor Chil- dren. Nothm Shave repeaiely tbld mecof itg gond e0eect upoa tbir diidrem.", DpL G. .O. cSen, « OmtcOilaaMe bout ipudY for childxuiaof wbihhIa=n acqualnted.Ihop e .day la net for âo"t nwhen met1ioewil1omiddBthe rSI kteMof thOlY eblldren, and ue C"a In.alu stead of the vanlous qoackfnostrSu i h amW danoeiyngth"r loved eesby foringopldm. morphine, mootlng Dy rup &md ther hutfu agM devu their IbroOtA, thereby seudfng mm e pmatmregrave&mu DiL J. P. KnSCHELO, Ooaway, Ârk. CAWs la Dr. Samuel Pitchei's s&Crixaàpt~lilmh for In*mts, and Ohildrene If;<onan neither Oi>IUmT Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. It la B a oes ubtte for Paregorlo, Drope, Soothi-ng Symupa, and Castor ()I. 11 in Pleasant. Its guarantee la thlrty yeaW 'use by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and ailays everlshness. Castorla prevents vomitlng Sour curd. cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collc. Caiotorla releves teething troubles, cure@ constipat-lou and latuleucy. Castoris asslxnilates the food, regulaes lthe stomach sud bowels, glying healthy and- natural uleep. Cas- toria ls the*Chlldren'. Panacea-the Mother's fflnid. b

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