Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1896, p. 4

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tives are trylng to pull theineelvea together for the purpose of a general electiorq. Re. cent events have brought the Manitoba W ILL S ~school question into promnitrence,' and I overshadows everything cisc. The Mantoba people bad a dual- shool system. A bill was passed in 1890 to reorg anize tbe schools on a national basas. This law was sustained - by the privy council, but admitted that the jrf inority bad a grievance. The Conserva- M edica l IH all tive government then lssued a remnedial order commanding the Manitoba legisiature M e / a i a to repea the Act of i z an orstr h ment should bave muade enquiry anidecid- j THE LEA DING ed as to wbat grievances sbouid be redresa- ed, and should then bave muade fri-endly sug . S DR UG S TORE gestions to Manitoba. Manitoba asked to .A . N TH COUTY. have a conference and Investigation Into the IN TE CONTY. facts, but wete refused, and foilowed bya second remediai order, Heedie!is of the fri end ly suggestions of the Manioba Gov- _ erniment, the Conservatives went on, and on ~ l>es<iptonscareftully anid c Tuesday Sir Charles Tupper moved ibe 'riratelI' filled................... second reading of the rernedial bill. The Liberals believe in conciliation, not cuer- k*J-F HnffllRcceipts, etc., put up cion, and are anxlous to sustain each pro- ,A ih cdre and none but pure vince in ts right to maintain its schools as it OrugandCliinials sed......sees fit. Tbe control of Manitoba's local ed- 1ruts ard Ccmialsuscd......ucational aflairs should be left to that Pro- j-< enirnel'ateit Medicines.. vince. H rn. Wilfred Laurier took issue witb the Dominion government in par- liament last night. We do flot want this Remedial Bill engrsfted into our legisiat ion, wltb ail the troubles which would grow out Ja L W ILL /S of it. It establishes a school bqard ina the Province of Manitoba which would bave ai- 'IiEMIST & DRU(;GIST, parliament. Iben we have another spec- tal tOttawa-a goverrment divided against itseif. So littie confidence have thei ÎIEI1)I1C A 1, HALL, members of the cabinet ina their leaders that tbey cannot carry on legisiation, After Brock Str 3ýt, - Whitby rnany resignations Sir M. Bowell finally ei signed, but Lord Aberdeen refused to accept it, tbongb many Liberais would have done so. Then the "net oftrai tors ":sent to Eng. land and hrougbt over the ocean that old ~Ii~~e ~wreck of political corruption, Sir Chas. Tup- per. Later aigain we bave beard of Siri D)onald Smith. Before long we shall seei that oid bulir, tbe Tory sbrp, sunk to the1 bottom of the sea, witb the Liberais ina power.i WherV Is the wbeat that was to bring to t W H IT3 Y, A R H G(armers Si to Sr.25 per busbei? Wbere aie ail the otber T'ory promises? Tbe N. P. Short Notes. bas faiied to increase our trade, has failed to increase our population. Go to American Nu. A~' Blow, son1 of 0111 wortliv towns.-- cities and see the many Canadians wbo bavet mil, ]-x NMavor John i Biow selnds tis a very deserted our country and abandonied ail it.st ;Isnp~r fM Wni Smiith's speech niturai advantages. Our expenses are in- n the- budget debatc, Ottawa, which we creasing yearly, our public debt is growing t, nrblislîon anot ber page. very fast. The spectacle of the amount ofa nioney stoien (rom tis country to pRy thep ý,i irnteresting inticetrîtin tire reign of expenAe%-s of government candidates is ap- s ,ereen Victoria occuri. îhni vear, in tbe fact l)allng. The people wili soon be called s Il;", if sirec ei'bes m-111 be tbe long- upon to pronounce a verdict. Ibat verdict wilI be dismissai to the Conservatives. The -t -eigr of any <r-gr within those is- duiy of(the Liberals of South Ontario is to anis' litbe(rtctieloge reign has been raiiy round the candidate and Win the com- b at cf 1G erge .11,1wbo .seteeded tire throne ing contest. 011 25tir of (ctober, r17(». and reigned till 2oth of Jarirary, îs2ou lie thus occupied ie tbronîe5() ears, (:O days. Queen Vic- toria begair to reigu on the 2oth of Jane, 1rq37 In ber case sq years, 96 days will ex- pire cri tire 24ti1 of Septeniber, 1896. At that date bevr rergn wiil, if she be stili with ii,, equ.ai to that of George III, and ater tirat ht-r'-.s i be the actuai ionigest reigu ina Brîtarr, aiready she is urow the lo-ngest ac- trvuly rvrg-nr'ng ',()Vercig-n, as for severai y( bebfori iris deitb, George III was a Rgenev. LIBERÂAL CONIVENTION. tceAtt-ndance at Port Pen-ry on Wednesday Election of Officers -Mr. Leonard Burnett R e rroznnated ;týt ir ii-anblrcuriglb roni Oshawa .' ri r ri Wdrîedayafternoon tb t"1. se r'.rarinand carried about rtri r cepeople (-u( there. The meet- "'r: .'.' Led 10 eider at 3 o'ciock by Presi- (,r. - Nl. owbra.%, and an hour was iri readitig ever and passnng a new %v-huînn~.ircb bad been prepared by 1 h- nI>". rr rof idelegates was then c:- ,ir co rrec it >bawa-Dr. Rae, M. Fmiiga. j () Linr~ .. ( all, F. L. 1 c'.'.kg- F- Mui,vW - Luchind, G. NIc- i .riauhin, F. Rae, R J. Macirie, A Mlackie, 1Iheinip-fi, r IL (uthbert, R. McCaw, VKmnu 1) iý k, _j Lnck, L. G I)rew, G. t' Ui ý ' i J MlcI.auglil,n and Phiirp T On c f WrtyWNoble, J IFerguson, J sbaw, t'C Estod W H Jobraston, J Nlcinîyre, (,e-o Cormptck, Frank Hatch, W P Pingle. Charles King, J Noble, Wmu Rob- se)f,, Dr Carson, J F Paxton, S Quigley, G A Re-.ýs, W H Rewt-li, G Y Smith, R Wi!his, NI Goid, T G Jackson, T Morcombe, A Shar- i.,rd, j Palmer, R L- Huggart. P"ort Perry-Joseffl Bigelow, John Powers, A j Hartington, WV j Nott, Andrew Ross, Robert McKnight, Hieniy McKnight, Henry Grahama, (eo Reai. %V Rolpb, M Williarns, W Quackerabusîr, M Swan, jas Carnegie, W R'sJ Il Brown. Scugog -S W Fralicir, John Foy, John (.e(row, Isaac Rodmara, Nelson Jackson. Reâch-R Walker, M Wilkinson, Wm Srrnth, A Stevens, T Platten, A McGregnr, Tl> obson, 1 Ward, S Page, J Nicholis, J \Vaison, J Allun, R WaRtson. J Clyde G Allin, T E- Cragg, \Wm Phoenix, W Luire Geo Lee, R Cragg. Robt Holdershaw, J Wallace, E Boe, E Vernon A Orchard, Richard Brown, J G Holman, jas McCuiloch, Wm Vernon, J C Campbell, A MI Williamts, R M Hoitby, J Vernon, J Thompson, W J Gilroy. W'est Whitby-W H Wilcox, R J Oke, Jas McGregor, A V'oung-. E Licir, R Rogers, C Tyrreli, A M Deiong. W A Holliday, J F Pirie, 1) Holliday, joseph Bel], S Beaul, John Sinclair, Ml Squires, John Waiker, John Davidson, James Lawrence, A Kerr, W S Park anad J Hunt. East Whitby-Jobn Luire. John Clarlt, M lIolliday, Henary Dearborra, S Stocks, A E Htenry, Phi up Conhira, John McGregor, jas Stocks, D Dyer, M Doolittle, R Angle, T Dawson, J P Dawson J P Haraden, E D Holliday, W L Ormiston, Thomas Canant, S Johnason, W Dearborn, H Dearboîn, jas ('roweil, Robert Hinton, Jos Drew, T 0 Clifford, E Annis, L Rogers and E H Lick. ELECTION OF OPPICRRS, Presiderat, W. A., Hoiiday, Brooklan- vice I)resdents, Robt. Mackie, Oshawa, Fr. E. Cragg, Reach, W. B. Pringle, Wbtby; sec- retary, F. Howard Annes; treasurer, Wm. Ross, Port Perry; directors-Reach toWqu- ship, Jas. Watson, Greenbank; Part Pert-y, Wm. Ross; Whitby townsbip, Dr. Staff Whitby town, G. V. Smith; Oshawa. Dr. Rae;- East Whitby-Gcof. E. Mlowbray; Scu.- gog, Jno. Gcîow. Messrs. C. King and F. L Fowke tho= conduicteci the newly elected charuzen to te platform. He' nid that ho baci bos greatly surpriscd at belng électei. lRe n»d be ils aoung mnan, but weli broubt =p-la ;be Prl1rcples 0a i Ut>oaln. ne mmve that the future off Ibis country dopodi lurgeiy tapon the Manne« iat-Whlc L 1er prIuciples werc carried out. Ue hopod tha danlg the year Of hI. prdncy M Uhierul g'ntam Wm. RBsmaveci Ibt a vte of du.uks be teadeedta retlrlug offiotra.- A. telegram W" red *(MM Flou' i Dryden stadn44a deoelanded hiepr esenéutI ibtdeclarlntorithe Unsul*osM of~. whwoeOt *-cm. a atu ma de lapon.LZ'$»Ue, SPEECHES 5V CANDIDATES. R Mackie said bie would not mnake a speech now, but would maire about 5soo dur- ing the coming camnpaigra. But lie oniy wanted an audience of one at a time. He boped every Liberal would foilow suit. He said that no doubt a gcod many shaky Lib- erals would be bougbt over by the Tories, and the Liberalr, would have to try to wira over enough Tories to make up for it. Mr. Mowbray declined, followed by Mr. T. Conant. Mr. King said the Liberals had made a rnistake a year ago ina getting a candidate too soon, and when they found there was no work to do bad quarrelled. The fault was that of tbe Dominion Goverrament, wbich had given out the cry of war too soon. His name bad been mentioned in connec- tion with the littie difficulties whicb had now passed away. Sucb was a mistake. He is a supporter of the Liberai candidate, who- ever tliat may be, and be hoped Mr. Burnett woold stili be the man. Dr. Rae said he is not a candidate, but will give bis time anad means to beip to eiect the candidate selected. Wm. Ross said be couid flot accept the candidature even if hie wisbed to. But the Liberals are sure of carrying the election, and he expected to see Mr. Burnett elected. Mr. Fowke said he was flot open to accept an>' public office. Had aiways been ira favor of Mr. Burneit, and is so stili. Mr. Burnett said he felt flattered tobe for the second turne chosen as the party candi- date. He would take a (ew minutes to con- aider the matter. When be again tooir the piatfornt alter ten minutes' consideration, tne said that on seeing the unanimity wbich prevails ina tbe meeting, and having beera pressed by friends, lhe would accept the nomination. He believes that Soîxth On- tario cara be redeemned by a large majority, a-ad be hoped that every Liberal ira South Ontario would do bis duty ira securing bis electioa. Theri Chairman Holliday called for the hearty support of every Liberalinir the com- irag election, said that the sympathy of tbe people is with the Liberal cause, and the re- suit wiil be a sweeping Liberal vmctory. Mr. M. GoId ntoved a vote of confi- dence in Hon. W. Laurier and Hon. John Dryden, and a declaration of the Liberals of South Ontario to stand by Mr. Burnett and carry bis election. The meeting then adjourned after singirag1 God Save the Queen.1 Whitbyân $haro ta Xr-. Maa.eys eMllUin ED)-ritR CHRONICLE. Siît,-Tbe noble pile of buildings wltb their splendid equi- ment raow compriaed in thc Ontario Ladies' College is Whitby's real shaic-<(in so far as Mr. Massey's gilta ta that institution during bis life time aided in the bringing about af the scheme af the eniarging atid modern eipment thereof, s0 ambitiously under. taken by some of aur cltîzens)-in the great fortune of the deceased Siiionaîre for there is now known ta be little doubt of titis firet practicai step tawards a woman's universi:y in Canada, whicb Whitby pro:udly poseses, having bosu lost tb us lu rem not Toronto but for te favo,-lng circutustances ai Mr. Massey's personal lnterest la and gifit t th callege at a time of doubt and trial. Haw trucit better cff we arc than attier educatlonal Inatitutim on owray beaeglc. taries ta, a simili citent as the Ontario> Ladies' Coltege la apparent whoa a momotqt' copaideration la glvop té the condltions of the wil!. Twenty years is the lime the. trustec« Ma yteke bre rai qfg te «dro» legaclesm T in 9Za ictrn, wvildm noa latereat. Iprbe it value Of 87 0 boquêatw ed *der te Uic # Iahta ocoi, Nor la telemoatutsU ndi tios toexpectant bms.Ici4The. 1ýn& toalppy those boue dmtebe tkuout 0(th bomInff f exmwy3ranqds OthrcSuçum wltb whib le .4coed w» ïdeUtlhd, , Rt bm .bustgousesproç«,-, l thefue ta beyve t tbepa.utbtise s ten Wilhbe able o MI>tise iOItom 0o tire'wSi bt Ifti bey doi. ru w thit *WP Lt mu be thai la Wbâb-v m"h. .k&hL The defendant, who is aged 27', according to the plaintifi, was violently amîtten, and the affair went along with much smooth- ness. He visited bis charmer, both when she was staying witb ber aunt in Wbitby and after she had returned to Toronto. The young lady aiso, on several occasions, went to tihe home of his parents, who are weli.to- do fariner. residing at Columbus, near Whitby. Then- afiaire du coeur was a srnb- ject of conversation inaai the countryside. The infatuation of the defendant ira- creased. Numerous letters passed between tbe couple. Botb written and verbal pro- mises of marriage were made, says Miss Blair. On one occasion tbey were out waik- ing wben the fair Edith casually expressed the wisb that she possessed a certain amount of money. "Oh, V've got more than that," repiied the swain, anad (rom bis answer she beiieved bhat his fortune exceeded $75,00o. The course of their love ran wltbout in- terruption. Miss Blair dispensed with the attentions of a gentleman to wbom she had previously been engaged and wbose loss bhe now deplores. Not to be outdone ina self-sacrifice, McCuiloch in the month ol )ctober last wrote as foilows: «'I was out to Port Perry the other day, and while in the drug store I saw Miss _.She invited me to the bouse, and Iwent. When we got there I told ber that ail was over between her and myseif. She aid she would forgive me everything." Something was aISO added to the eftect bat the young woman couid keep ber money as the writer did flot want it! si ti (e ai A feature of tbe courtship was tbe great anxiety dispiayed bv the lover to have bis letters returned, but the plaintiff treasured thent too mach to reiinquisb possession, and there is now deposited witb ber iawyer a large bund[e of episties whicb wiil no doubt be of immense intert-st to bis Lordsbip and the farmets of York township who wili try tbe case. Up to about a month ago flot a cloud ap- peared on the amorous horizon. One day at the beginning of February McCralloch camne to see the plaintiff at ber aunt's bouse ina Wbitby. "iEditb," be said, "I bave sometbing to tell you." THE MOOY AItOVE THE BARTH. Ina a letter written subsequeratly the de- radant, who was now beconting sentiment- 1said : "Edie, I think you are as far above me After bis fiancee had entered upon a couîrse of coaxing, expecting, dou.btless, somne pieasant surprise, be proceeded : "'You Must consider everything between us at an end." Close quesrionirag, plaintiff says, could flot elicit the shadow of a reasou for this course, and none bas since been given. The sudden announcemnent was sontewbat of a shocir to Miss Blair. She re- turned to Toronto and was for some time very iM. Her quondant lover was telegraph. ed for, but did flot deigra either to present bimnself or send an araswer to ti e su mions. At the beginning of iast week be wrote urging the plaintiff to returra all bis letters. This letter and the one froin the iawyer de- manding compensation crossed ira the mail. The day following a writ was served upon MeCulloch. CoUncil met on Monday iast. Petition aslcing council to dispeàtise witb dog tax was presented. Also one from hotel keepers praying for reduction ira fefo be paid for license. P rayer of petitioners was not granted in cither case. Clerk was instrract. ed to write m unicipality froin whence the Rex family came, and demand amount of expense incurred to this township by their ilinees during their stay in Atberley. Qn motion of McPhec and O'Donneil, Curran Bros. were given the printing for 1896. On motion af McPhee and Reid, Colin Smnitb was granted wire to fence the north portion of bis faim to prevent snow drift blocklag Up road. On motion af MeCorkeU and McPhee $6.81 of T. Shear's taxes wierc cancelled. Auditor J. E. Elde3l1jresented and read audltors> report, hc was adopted.' On motion of 0O'Donuell and Reid, jas. Foi was granted thre timber on cou. 8, opposite lot t6 and 17-, On motion of Reid andi McCoa'. keli, Jas. and Peter Corrigan were graùt edi tlmber appasite.lot r8, con. S. By-iawpuassed fi *inumber af tavera licensci a: 5 ,ad the fere mfa t fi 2o, aund the flamberaif sb-p hlcenses Lt 2, and thes fetvobe paid thereor. it $mo. -.8y-law pesseci appolnting w the following chane were,.madeiînht - ster. :-S. Fn nu teaci ofW Glâver, Al. McNabb--lnas o "I;iLMcLernuani -C Kc- l>oMMald atead «fÇ, Gillespi. IL. cCan flaSMad atTIV -v r1 1896 e 1 manper as to make so Istrge a fine noves- pary., Mis# Edlth Blair, hgwever# Who boards with ber mother at 2W7 Jarvis street, bas recently tssued à writ claiming titis large amount from John McCulloch, lateiy carrying on business at Whltby as a drug- giat, who, she says, bas failed to keep bis many promises to mnarry ber. Miss Blair is said to be twenty-one years of aie and ha. an aunt residing at Wbitby. She herself up to a recent date was tmploy- cd la one of the Toronto departmentai stores. She became acquainted with ber gay decelver In rather a romantic mariner. In August last sbe went dowa to the Von e street wharf to bld fareweil to ber aura, w9o was returnlng to Whitby after a short visit to the clty. "Don't go homie."l sald the lat- ter just before the boat starfed ; "come down to Whitby witb me," and upon tbis short notice the fair piaintiff embarked upon the steamer. In a few minutes she met ber fate. She was introduced by a female frlend from Whitby to McCulloch, who hap- pened to be on the boat, and thus was form- cd an acquaintance whicb rapidly ripened into frlendsblp and then inbto love. It ap- pears that the young lady wbo perfornted the ceremony of introduction was the friend of a girl who lived at Port Perry to wbom McCulloch was at that time engaged. [t may aiso be stated that the aforesaid young lady subsequently expressed deep chagrin because of ber action. Scott repairs ail kinds of puntps. Get your fire-pots, grates, iron or brick liirings for ail kmrads of stoves, ranges or furnaces, front J. Mclratyre. A sntall pair of blackr mitts were lett at this office for identification. and if the littie tot who owns thein wili conte ina tbey will be delivarred free of charge. The Wabash Railroad. [t is now an acknowledged fact that the Wabash Railway is the shortest, best and quickest route front Canada to Chicago, St. Louis, Hot Sptings, Texas, Mexico, Cali- fornra, and ail soutbwestern points. It's train equipmnent is superlatively the finest ina America. Full particulars front any R. R. agent or J. A. Richardson, Cana-dian pas- senger agent, nortb east corner King and Yonge streets, Toronto. War or Peace it's ail the sanie. The war in Corea is now over and the Manitoba strrrtzgle is ou, as weli as the British electionis. m urdering is stillinir vogue and on the increase. T'le man' wbo thinks [he knows a solution of the- Manitoba scbool question, doesn't knos bow rnuc-b lie deoesn't know. H-ow it will be deait with is a v-exed question for politicaras. The British elections are sure te' go Conservative, and conserva tisin as carried on to-day means real reforni We can stop murdering to some extent if we nail every blood-stained moraster to the m.ïst instead of making thern recipients of syrn- pathy and outraged justice. Readers are favored with these philosophical observations purely with a view to reminding them thtat E Hlart stili seils the New Williamns sewing machine, whicb is abead of then al. Sas Rogister. MONDA.Y, MARCH 9th, I89.-Credit sale of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, implements, etc., at lot 26 iu the 5th cou. Whitby, the property of A,. M. Delong. Sale at io= o'clock. L. F~airbanks, auctioneer. TuESDAY, MAR.CH ioth, 5896.-Auction sale of first-élass milch cows, hay, oats, pota- toes, implements. etc., at -the premises of Mr. Geo. M. Beckett lot i9. in the 3rd Jcon. Whitby. Sale at i o'clock p. m L, Fairbanks, auctioneer. TENDERB Tenders will be received up to the ist ofE March for the sale of the property in the towr of Wbitby, known as the Robinson &Granger's hardware store. Address JNO " Ul I IIlluî ' ml Wua ROBINSON, Amn St., Toronto. Rug Patterns. RE -FE -- ~Ta o ni SEIdu , JUST RECEl VED-.ý Choice ffew Gi ods. China Glassware and Crockery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family GrocerieB, Teas, Coffee, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Cheatijor Cas/h or Trade. Pri" sto2ui th Tme Don't buy before caling and examing the stock and priees for yonreii r-4-iý~ESTATE 0F Tee . 1 a ~nImm mnmîunmnmIIîIaIImumnIuIImg---------IwîI-me---l-- Suit you exactly, Sir!1 bon said he was idhurc to keep. " 1 knew whcr - the tbouble dui*à.' H theW&aOthif4 Ot1 xüC "bredsdc n. Ye Si i roghthanhç'-a uner blnkt-was asibl with' hm-.-gve him Dick's Biood Purifier and now aftersix weeks ilusec-hum.. Yes.Sir-jua six weeks-You can't ba ikstrpypt ; ma n * tgh Its woeth dlsil wherc it costs cents. You can get k 'fro dugium, ~~a storesbutif thèy don't have ik don't let tls',n palm off sometbm h en ico-o~~u il= caa uondi o cents ta Dick & Co., P. O. Bo; 482 otis at- ~ m you a trWaipOmkag- p "~pii W.have M- stock a Beautif cl I ssortmeût of Bug Patterns, Swhioh -we, offer to the public st ModIerato Rates, Please gîve us a CaIL' PIOKBRING, But -EUd.. Feb. 25th, i896-1-4n. Tow ot o Sa f you enfler f acDiabetes, ment causeci Iiy ns Klduey D1seas~. L I ~ j Hats. LAD hr Itylos wsgi Gur Fric : sri RIi us. Newost s are s thi < Chamberlain, '~ur Stock includes ma CAP INSPEC T/ON Caps of ail shapes and patterns are going to be in great deînand for the coming SPRING and SUMMER trade. Our stock of such is well 98sorted in shapes and priceis.. IN VI TED. Valley, Newport, is complete in ail the different uines and ifln N ov elti1es:..... ...... Its. to your interest 1. 1~ au E uru'~ WE Whitby Town LocaU. to buy fromn 1 1 The -s SMITTEN BY HKR CHARMS. HE HAD THE STUFF. IT MADE HER ILL. Nara Mara Conneil. Manhattan. TALK 1 iaff- fflffl quo i ý? %a 1

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