when looking for... cc ciPure Drugs, di di Perfurnery, di " Toilet Requisities ",Diogzenes," wboevér ho la, bau set the tows, suire wis luterest by vrltlng bis leiters to the Reformer crlticisi gtise disposition made of the funds of the dram atlc, club afier the receli Per- foimane. He la bound to stick to it that the proceeds abould have gone to tise mechanlo' ln- stitute, sud ridicules the idea tisai tise roney sisould b. handed over to a lot of wealtby ladies Who could weIl afford to subacribe moneys Io their guild's tieasury if they required it. This ta good reasonlug, but it bardly disposes of thse dramnaîle club's rigist to do as If pleases wlth ifs own Iu tisis week's Vindîcator Dr.Kaiser draws a word picture of "Daogenes" and tisepublic cau readily se. the pIcture of Rev. Fatiser Jeffott ln tise description. Division Court. Tllet Soaps, Webster vs. Faiiow.-Adjourfled by con- (a s ent. J. F. Grierson for pUft., L. K. Murton ±'aucy 'JOoUS, for deni. Olmstend vs. Si n monds. -Actioni a' ~ 1on two buis of excliange, C. A. Joues for Spectacles) pIff. The deft. pleadeti infancy, but did not " Aniythling in the appear. Judgmeut for pUti. for $23.23 sud costs. Fowke vs. Brown.-Actioni ou an ac- coutil. Judgment for pIff. for $R8go sud cosis. Dismissed as to garnisisees. L. K. M urton for pîfi., J. F. Grierson for deft. D Arug Lne Cooney vs. Coryell Seed Co.-Action for price of Seed pes d.lveied isy piff. 10 de! t. Is De(t's. paid imb court $17.17inbulnl, sud de- fended as 10 balance, aI eging tisat the peas delivered were musty sud damaged and nual maîketable. A great number of wîtnesses were exaiued. sud tise case vas' B yle 's D ug S ore eseL.d K. aMumonfoets. . Fareweltock ~ J9rua S ore .e L.edKior rumnt.orJ. Et. Farevellfo IMotor Co vs. Henry.-Action on two notes for $-70 eacissud interest. Tise deft. couniter claimed (or commission sud expenses iu re- tpect of sales of tise plaiutiff's windmblls. A SIMCO( st. 80UtIlî Oshawa. large number of witliesses vere examiued and documents put bu sud the case stands for argument. T. McGilîivray for tise pIffs., _____________________________J. E. Farewell for deft. There wore two judgment summons. An Annaiii M u nu U 5Vriabni OSHAWA, MARCH 6, 1896. VOSHAWA PAGE OSHAW A Busi.NEss -o-c- O-bawa subscribers or advertîeers may transact any businessý with the CHRONICLE. or imay obtain extra copies at any tline, frotm E.'-E. Rogers. Farmers will do well to cail at M. E. May's for boys' ready msade clothing. Il you wish a nice French china dinner or tea set, or anything ini fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan &S on. It wîll pay any parties conteînplating btoy- ing an engagemenît or wedding ring to see the large stock of Pylt Bros., Oshawa as they. will seil this mî(rx h very cheap for cash. Genuine diaînond p4,tK. only $5. They are also makîîîg -somneýpecial offers in Gents, Ladies' and iBoys' gold and silver watches. S See theri Felt Pros. D iî- Fe ed tor of Tiii-. LHR N .F vîsits t)sbiawa. every W ednesday, and max be seen at Roge-rs' book store from i a.nî. to 6 p)111. V>r'onals, news items, adver- tisemets, etc., will be thatnkfuliv receiv- ed. Miss 1-.. arNin, of loronto, was tbe guesi of Miss Pedlar last week. Mfr. j os. Richardson, of Brampton, is spendîng afew days in town wth bis fiends.. Mr, \V, .. Mclean spent Tuesday in Port Perry. Miss M. \Vhitînev is in TForonto attending the millinery openîngs. NIrs, F'd.ard Vý,arswell is visiting ber daughter Mrs. 8vdnt-v Milis ai licauport. SC. Mr, E. Rundi4ýe of Port Perry, is wurking in Mr. WakeIy's tailor sbop. The Misses Rîce sang in Greenwood last Thursdav evening. Miss WVatson, who bas hcen visiting ai Mrs. E. B. Morgan's, rrturned to Kingston last week. Miss B. Pollard. of Myrtle, spent Sunday with ber oarr-ý, Nr and Mrs Pollard Centre St. R e-IsS 1 Lasîr-nan of tbe presbyterian church, and Jas. Kere's of the Sirncoe St. rnetbodis, cburcb, î-xchariged pulpîts last SUL-. day evenî.'e.. Wt- regret so bear that Mr. C. L. Whitby, mierchant taillor of Port Perry, had bis stock damaked by bre receutly Mr. Whitby is well- known in Oshawa. The mem bers of the e'pwortb leagne of Sîmcoe st. methodist cburcb enîrertained the league of Dernîll coUlRge ai a reception last Friday evening. A very enjayable atnd profitable evensng was spentIL Misses llopkirk asnd Rice and Messrs. GeiMe and Punshon have been secured to assist Miss Jessie Alexander an ber recital next Thursday evenîng in the music hall under the auspices of thse ladies' aid society of the preshyterian church. Oshawas fir? engine returned from the Water- ous repair sbcp on Monday, and is in ber old quartersasa newspangled as nikjle and bright red paint can nmale ber. Mr. Ilenderson vus ai Breantford and subjected the, boilier ba cold water pressure of i 8o pounds. Z In epeaking of Miss E. Rice who sang in Port Hope lau- Wednesday evening the Port Hope limes says The audience soeoeed mueh im- pressed by Miss Rice wbo bas rare vocal powers which together with a thoruh musical educa- tion enabled 'er to bring ou te bfreebeauty of the music. Mr. John Bale is fixing up bis store on SI St. soutb wîtb the intention of openingcou weil assorted stock of ready-made boots rand shoes in &bout ten days. Mr. Bale will con- eown bus been vlped ont. The staff of tise baw R«ully Co. bu boss veyanom isu .Mr . 7.ouWgbmey viso bb had p cfeitise llwaym iIlbqp QII bk t owo bus bomtSamIfIt 1~ lna s~k allb lh.iaiap taa rom Tise Reformer of last week prints a long paragrapis which bas been going tise rounds of the local press, urgbng people not 10 buy goods from pedlem wvio psy no laxes, At tise end oui cotom. reacises s very abrupt conclusion hy recomimending its readiens not ta boy THE CHRoNICLit. Tise Reformer knows tisat people's intelligence bida tbem patronize THE CHRONICLE, sud it dat-e fot even appeal to their selfishness in tise mal- ter, for tbey aIl vaut a paper worts their mouey ; so il appeals bo their uarrowuess. Tise samne argument visicis would excînde TaHas CHRONYCLE front Oshawa bornes would also sisut out the Globe, Mail-Empire, sud other Tor-onto papers, but still one who is naîrow enougis 10 adopt Ibis view bas no ueed of daily papora. Tise Reformer would about fill tise bill foi sucS s man. Il is nar- row enougis, dea r kuowe. Last week's issue contaiued five anonymous letters, visicis is tise principal biIl-of-fare. Tise vouder la that oui cotem did not write itseif an anony- mous letter urgiug people not 10 take THE CHRONIci. Evet-y cowaîd visa wauts t0 bit at otiser people from a safe iiding place findsa scoward 's retreal buntise Reformer. Tiser. are ten or twelve local papers in Ou- tario counîy, sud tise Reformer pt-mIs mot-e anonvmaus letters tissuaIl tise others com- bined. Besides this back-stabbing il pubs- lisises uothing else but a page of poverful articles on the political situation. Que baîf of tise Reformer la printed bu s Torouto foundrv, so it is at least haIt as mueS allen as THE CHRONIcLE. We do not feel lisat tiser. is any fear of tise people of Oshsawa taking tise Refoimer's sdvice, until sucis time as somneone pt-buts a paper lu Oshawa witis somethiug uewsy, brigist sud manly about it. If any Oshawa man la good enougis 10 pay us bis dollar we leave uo stane un- turned to give hinu value for bis money, and as soon as THEt CH-RONICLE (ails 10 be worth its subacription price ve doubt not that oui Oshawa (t-bonds wilI uîadersîaud Ilueir busi- nes elI enougis 10 withdraw their names, and commence reading tise Reformer's sec- ret (?) correspondence. We are not afraid t0 discuss tis subjecl vils the Reformer. Tise philanmisropy of tise Hon. isos. Conaut 's nature bas again been put 10 tise test sud Sas triumpbed. Ou.e au sîvays make .ure visen Se sees Mr. Conants name intise Oshawa papers tisaI hh as been and gone sud doue somnetbiug else for tise benefit of isumauity. This time Se has presented tise Cedar Dale public sciscol witis tise daîly Mail aud Empire sud tise Globe for a year, to tise end tisa:tishe pupils migist have tise standard of their intelligence raised a littIe We learu from tise Vindicator that tise teacher is ta take up tise <aiîy papers eacis morniug sud read them ail over ta tise pupils, explaiuing sud coim- meutinR upon tise mauy points of interest an tiseir oolumns. Tisus oui cotem. predicts, Mr. Conaut's action vili resul: luntthe Cedar Dale pupils becoming tise most intelligent men sud women lu tise couuty. And it lu fittiug tisaItisey should ho. Residing witisin tise sigisî of tisat gi-est traveller, capitalist, pbilauîbîopist sud iiographer (of tise Conaut family) tise childien sisould ho drilled into a suipassiug state of intel- ligence. 1: cuta no le. for people to insinuat. tisa:tisose daily papers must baye been secured-- fiee on some fake witis an inid. istory ta it. He viso plants a tree vhere noue grew before sisould not bc harroved vitis bo many questions as to where he got tise plant. Tisat ail tisese lit île acta ot philanthropy on tise part of good Mi. Conant sisouid ho faitbfully recorded an the local press lunisis owu vends, is exceedingly prop. er, sud vhen oliser men blow tbemselves tbey are at liberty 10 edit tb. same sud bring it out lu the papers. A man vho (cela that Se bas doue a fine thing for benigisted maukiud naîurally fuels tisat the recipieni of bas pbilantisropy sbould know it. but tisat it shouîd ho expîlued btb tem exact- ]y boy they are to ho benefitted. If tise young ides ho slow bn receiving ils lraining boy 10 shoot politically, or in any other public sense, the presence of the great dailbes vi» ai least prove a worderful coinfert te the sehoolmaster, vbo vill ho able to save five cents per day. for vhhi e yull blesas the naine of tb. pbilantbropisi, W. could suggest tbai sortie otSon ibeM ansd public spirited individul preseutthlb. mser witS a pair JAVS damerli ls 1 w reoe. Large stocà k k~-oat~ty Ntar uo con euse>&o. >t*ney té lad.Office over DmninBank, Simca. Street, Oshsawa. Whoun oontemtplâtlng Psttlng on Lite Insurano., seceW D EtrtTa, ef The Ulnited States Lite. Thair polioies arc the meut attractive. Larges" guarantôes. b. . MÂ.-Dele in luGroceries. Flunechia Orockary, Tinwara, and Fs.uoy Goode. Pure Tous andt Coffees. Boys' resdy made suis a speclalty-very oep. AucTion à »ics-The subseriber vili b. Iu 0mb uva, ait tisa Central Hotel, Erida.y of osch week frin one to 8 o'olock p.m., te moka as- a.ngementm vlth parties wtshihg tb haveaésues. L Fà mmNwÂaKsautionear. P. Là .BonuT t&ilois-The leadlng tailoring and gent.' turnlshlng bouse ef Oshawa. Splendid assortmant of twepds, worsteds, trowaariugs, shirts, volure, etc, uivuys kept Lu stoak. FERLT BnS - Wutchmakeru and Jewelers Dealers ln watches, elooka, Jewelery,esilver- ware, spectacles, etc. E ngravlng, gold and silver plating, and old gold rings made o-ver. Fine wateh, oloek, and Jewelery repauing a speclalty. EvXsosr & HÂWRxxNe - Importera and dealers Lu farinera'. maufacturea, ansd housefuru.iah. lng supplies. Manufacturera of tlnwar. uy-e troughlng sud other cootructlng doue. 8'ur- nucos, chandeliersansd lumpe. A stock ef bicycles kept on haud. EnspiELD Mr. C. Mackey spent Sabbats at bis home lu Kinsale. Tise youngest child of Mr. Nichols tcok ser- iously il1 wiîis fits tise otiser day, but is uow in,- provîng. Norman Niddery bas been confiued to tise bouse fot several days with another attack of rbeumstism. Several of tise friends o! Mr, R. Pascoe sud family, f rom tise viciity of Solina, met at bis place on Monday eveuiug, aud, notwiîhstanding tise severe weather spent a lverY enjoyable even- ing. Mr. Morris, o! Toronto, an optican. passed through here asat week. He tested many eyes, sud as a consequence, several more pair o! spec- tacles are Dow to ho seeu. r11e eye is a delicate organ sud must ho protected. Mr. R, Pascoe met witb a painful accident, wile tryiug t1 gel a load of grain out of deep snow. Tise chain used t0 haul tise load ont lu some vay slipped sud caugbt bis second fingZer teariug tise flesis avav to tise bon.. Dr, Archer, Of Port Perr, dressed tise wound, sud it wilI soon be alI right. Tise band concert came off at last. Lt proved 10 ho a success beyond visat was anticipated. Tise singiug of Mr. Balfour and Soucis aroused tise audience f0 îond appisuse, wbile tise recita i ions of Miss E. Rossansd Mr. C. Mackey, were bighly admired by a very attentive audience. Tise baud excelled all previons efforts, sud lu- stsred a large crowd if eveî tbey again hold au- other sncb a concert at Eufield. Thoruton's Cornera Thse follywiug is s report of Union S. S. No. for tise montis of February. IV Class-Vasbîe Palmer, Winnie Laugmaid. Gerty Mowbray, Hector Cooper, Lillie Langmnaid, Nellie Gar- raid, Edna Smiths, Levanais Davis. III Clas- Sydney Drinlule, Lillie Luke, Loîs White, Malt. laud M itin, James Hamilton, Fauuy Annis, Yeoman Luke. Arthur Mowbray, Richard Mc Milisu, Mabel Morris. Sr. II Class-Bentie Orton. Willie Langmaid, Alice Maidens, Robert Flintoif, Viola Short, Ida Mowbray, Robeit White, Frank Hamilton, Thsomas McMillan, Katie Banner, Nelson Smith, James Norîisey. Jr. Il Class-Fauny Mowbray, Ethel Stephens, Sarah Maidens, John Brown, Russel Luke. Floi- ence Garrard, Cecil Moi-ris, Laura Bailey. Cora Bailey, Maud Platten. Part Il Class-Muriel Cooper, E-ditis Hamilton, Walter Brazley, L. Gairard. I Class-H. Stephenson, J. Har- lock, N. Martn, A. Cochrane. Number ou tise roll during month 48, bigist attendauce on any one dsy 45. COLUMEBUS The E. L. of tise methodisî churcis bave a literary entertalument Weduesday eveuing vison the delegate wbo went to Belleville wilI give bis report of tise convention. Report of public scisooitfor Feb. 1896. Clans IV-Jennixe Minty 940, Bessie Smith Maud Wilcoxou 934., jenisie Longisurst &2, Albert Tink, 738, Barnest MeLaren 711. Clans IV jr.-Jennie McLaren jg4, 14111e Ham 46o, Rachel Bekett 452, Ueo Brown 417, Violet Luke 416; Lawrence Ormiston 4o2, James Luke 4o0, Mannie Stabback 393, Muusai. Harper. Class III-Chas Wilcoxou 482, Mable Oldfield 413, Hattie Richardison 381 Jessie McLane 273, Nellie Nicols 364, Roý>ert Smith 347, Edlna ~Uems 342 Violet Luke 34oi Tom HamîÎli 308, Han-y Wilcozon 301, Hlaase Elems 372, Tennsyson Pereman 2469 Wm. Richardson 248, Kate Harper 219, Maud Parrol 192, Juo Nichols 145. Clasa II -Bickle Guy 364, Lou. Mel.ane 29o, Annie Purves 278 Annie Tiuk 276, Geo. Htarper 246, Milara McLaren 216, Pred Farrow, ÃŽ88, Gertie Tink 1184, Tom Plowright 12&. Clas II-Irwin Oraniston ffl, Agnos Hérn' 36. Ciass 1-Paul Puries 124 Cecil MeLaren 107,- Sams Nicols 93. Number on Ral (x4 average 4e, wICK The roadsamarein a very bad state jasai nov.- Thyare fulaf saovdrifts, piteis ioles, etc, andi pasdin ioadsiuMlise preseutdepth of sow is al- p"l.W. cab look for litti.leian- Provement lu tiseir canditioti durlug tihe promeut wiIIICL - Mi. Isaac Vipom ula sold out bis thingsand decided ta s-mmeta Manitoba. lus maie- aent very loai, Owlng probably tIohart rouda, scardt beisard b"nies,2rW. rmgre tsa yit bas bnks huardeuro in,Éb t rhe u1s1y , spent. Miss Cors R. McAvoy spent Sunçlay aI home wiîis ber brother, wbo leaves for thse Nortbwest Ibis week. Mr. Ed. Graham wbo bas been ailing for a couple of weeks is not any better we are sonry to say. We hope he may have a spcedy recovery. An oyster supper lu aid o! church fuud is to be held here ou Thursday eveuing. A splendid programme, provided by foreigu 'talent, will be presented. A good crovd is expected. A surprise party (rom Mauchester took place aI tise home of Mr. Birkett last Tuesday evensng. Tbey enjoyed themadives by playing gaines :111 the vee smiall boumaof tise nigbt-vhen the party broke Up and dispersed ta their several homes. A crovd fracs Greenwood drove through our towu ou Tuesday ovening to the residenoe of Mr and Mma G. Matchs- ef bain. A pleasant turne vas spent in playing gaines and dancing. AUl report having a good lime nesd returned home attise là rgebonis, of lnorning. ViSraCormers Mr. John Collerais, who bas been sick for saine lime la slowly reco-vering.- Miss Lizzisa Cook ls spenading a few days visitlng ber. sun4tMrs. R. Action. Miss Madili, ofOrillia,ý is visitiisg some of ber old frienda andi acquaintances.- Mrà . Hall, who di4d Frîday Feis. &h, was buried ut St. Jmes cbûrr.ls on Sondav., Thý,erC -w- Ma very large (unera4L those -boys *hso.- ad sattel i evetçu tins. Wedé"edaye-veng, "ffade iiltezitwî lug for a young mans (rom, saisis of Uxbridge on $unday. - THýE ARCADE nie Mîsses Intôi, 8casboro, are spending a lew days Bt Maple Avenue, Ur. Earnest Artimucla Thoraston bas been ped- dling pills ln Ibis neighborhood for the last few diays. . Rev. Mr. Gake is holding revival services ln tbe methodist church In this place. Quite a nunuber from here professed ccnversion. Lieut. W. B. Hagerman. of the G. G. B. G., intends leaving for Winnipeg In a few days. hav- lng been tendered a position in the permanent militia. We regret the absence'of three estimable young ladies trom our village in the persons of Miss Flossie Smitb, who bas gone to the city, Miss Maud Mathewson 10 Woodstock, and Miss Windsor to the windy city. A convention of the baptist Sabbath schools of the counnues of Ontario and York, was held in the baptust chur.-h bere on Tlhursday aud Fniday of last week. The 'attendance was large. Aantng those who read papers on different ad- dresses were the Rev. Messrs. Bates, Kennedy, White, Booker, Siple and Sycamore. Mrs. R.amsay, Misses Macklim and Gould, Messrs, Hughsen and Birnie. The two latter for lay men, delivered very excellent addreases. Mr. Hughson desît wlîh, The Sunday Scbool of the Future, wbîle Mr, John Slogan Birnie bad for bis text, The Sunday Sebool as Conducîed iu Chicago. Having been an active Sabbath school worker ln tise windy city for the past seven years Mr. Birnie's address wý s of great interest and frequen tly applatsded. Hec referred briefly to the Armenian borrors, ani the boundary dispute, and said tbat the many Canadians in Chicago were truly loyal to Englandas Queen. 'Mse Whitevale debatlng club receutly organ- izeci under the auspices of thse checker club, held their first debate on Friday evenin g, tise subject being: Is Marriage a F'ailure? The affirmative was upbeld by Messrs. Wm. Miller, Robt. Nolan, J utson Pugb and Sami. Slapp. The negative by Messrs. Gea. Whitecross Birney, John Besse, John Calvin Burkholdeî, S. B. Lynde and Sam'L Sykes. Althougis Mr, Birney in an eloquent speech depicting the borrors and disacivantages of matrimony, created a feeling in favor of bis side. yet thse speech of thse evening was madie by Mr. Wmn. Miller, who proved 10 the evident satisfaction of thse many ladies pies- eut that marriage snd failure are non synomonous ternus. Mr. Bun Lynde condemned the Ontario Goveru ment for placing a tax on marriages. Mlauy poor people would wed, but haci no two dollars with wbioh ro purchase a license, and as for banns it csused sncb a detay that the girl was apt to change ber mind. Mr. John Be8se was no speech malter baut would give tbem a song, and reudered in good voîce, After the Bal. Thse question was left 10 tthe deoisiun of the ladies preseut, and thcy declared the affirmative t0 bave thse best of thse argument. GREENWOOD. Miss Editis Gutbrie, of Audley, speut a few days of List week with ber frieud Miss Lena Gîbson. Mrs. R. Gibson, of Toronto, is visiting ber parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Tait. There was no league ber. last week owing t0 thse cous-euuion ai Brooklan. A load from bere attended it bots nigbîs, besides somte single rigs. Mr. Walter Gleeson, of thse Queen City, speut the early part of the week under thse parental roof. Glad to see you an our midst sgèiin Walter. Mr. William eilsou is recovering uacely from bis severe attack of inflammation on the bowels. lus place in the Suuday school is filled by Mr. U;eo. Law. Paddy Ryan 's an oui burg uow. Paddy is thiukiug seriously of caking unto binuselt a wile. AIl be is waiting for iB for some of the fair sex to take advautage of leap year and propose to bim. A couple of the Arabs from Claremont visited us on Friday iast. Tbey were a bard looking specimen of humanity. Between them and tlieir bear there was quite a lively lime for an bour or sa. Thee be cutters are busy gettang in their supply of ice for tise coming summer. The receut cold SALE! Ail linler Gouda --lrAT BELO W + OR'" GOS T. Tha:. Muelr a soêDl Gall et PELLOWSý and sec his Wrought Steel IR?.AT G&zEnS -AT- i50.00. Mlso bis COAL 011 and GAS STOVES -FR OM- ,p5.50 to $25-00. Grand Trunk Ry. Colonist- Trains and other Special1 Service for the Canadian INorthwest. To accommodai. selîlers going 10 the Canadian Nonlbvest Ibis Spring, it is iu- tended, commencing TuesdaY, Mar. 3rd, anti every Tuesdsy thereafter during Mat-ch sud April, 10 t-un Special Trains, Ieaving Toronto aI 9 p.m., enabling settlers 10t-a'veî 'vils lieir stock and bousebold effects, tiser.- by ensuring quick lime, îeaciig destina- tion aItishe same lime as tbeir property and bave gooti accommodation en route. Colonial sleeping cars vil1 b. ru's ou tiese trains, tise bitts lu viicisvill be FRtEE. COLONIST SLEEPING CARS, oi Passen- gens wils ot-dinst-y baggage, willt-un Ibrougis 10 Winnipeg curing Marcis sud April. leav- ing Toronto aI 12,20 p.m. every Tuesday. For full information caîl on or wriîe te W. P. STERICKER, at Oshawa Railvay Co's Office, Tisomas' block. IR. C. Carter, Agt. Peis. 24tb, 1896. - OSHAWA. We have always a general and varied stock to select froan-latest designs and finishes. Prices right. Undertaking department fully stock- eti, auid ensbalmmng according ta latest methods. Picture fraaning factorily dpne. L'uke Bro8ï,,e promptly anti salis. -Ogha was Aretd e It is your attetioin that 1 want ar- resteti, anti 1 want YOU ICI stay il, cuiody long enough to tell yun that it 18 flot ............. 1 ofmpae but merely snk ,you a finer class of good' now than ever before. 1 bave arrived at the ......o...... ............ 1 can do this. 1 have a n 1c e i of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry si- verware, andi Spectacles, at prie« that will surprise you. Vou are wanted by ......... .. ........... Boyd the Je weler, KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. To the Faz'mox'sm CAMPBELL & ELLIOTT, 0 o 0 MILLERS, will give 38 iba. of lot elas Flour, 18 Ibo. of Bran, and 4 Ibo of Shorla for a bushel of Wheali. They hope by this inducement to draw à large ishare of the trade of the distnct about Oshawa. Flour, Bran and Shorts always oa hanti at Iowest wholeaale prives to Farmers. %AMPBELL & ELLIOTT. MILL,-KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA. For Delicate Children, Invalide and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wi ne This palatable aud HIGHLY N0URISH1LIG Wine ' prepared with Cod Liver OÙt, is easily retairw d and digested bym:the most deicate. st.ug Dsss General Debibty, Impawed DiestîinColdsCatuanud Bronchial Troobie sud Loo, of Muscular Toue. 0f great Nutriti" value to Aduits and Children. ,à A ruarked increased in weight la noticeable asuer taking a le-w boules of this Wine, wbich represents an equal quantity of Cod Liver 011. AUl druggisss CLARKE & DYER. INSURANGE AND COM- MISSION A GENCI. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada', which is to-day unquestioriably the Leading Lule Company. Canada Accident and Employers' Liability Corporation of London. Eng. Among the Fire and Plate Glass Companies we handle the Lancashire, Guardian, 1 Mercantile and Hand-in-Ha&nd. Aid Savings an3d Loan Co., Toronto- OX'FicE just north of the Western Bank, 0 e OSEWA O * JS. CLARKE. WE.DYER. A LETTER LOST OUT 0F YOUI ALPHABET if yau do isôt-' boýy yor Scisool Boebs fros us. -We -carry tise largeat assoit- méait of HIgh and;Puiblic ScilBooba aud sehool su'pplies lu tise couaity. We invite every schsolar fo-nspewoa Scribllug -sud, -ercise-bok.W. - ave lhsêbesat nes l ise ë,murket. W. :lead in kweési'pÃiceà . ROGER'BOOK, l-I"TJE. OSHAWAks ONTARIO. F - - -- m - etzme oui"~ THI aB.' not AN leîf BE GENUINE STOCK- TA KING. e t (i ronttleo