Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1896, p. 3

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ren s fro m Sutton, ' thoirgran 011,1 11i W Sudelaldwee jitiflg at Mil. M-W te'FI*ivilletqa4Is Lellan's o aura The Mismes £Ainrnare '#eilthy and thytwek ite siigWlf Miss Flora Oafoe is agfl in our deseve it, for both are good. industrius 'M midst. Young > »*IlU b h01.nbdÎ à-Ir Tuue i?-liott isin iprovsng 814Wly MrsWilon ai fmil Of oun Thro ls bme alk i apubic hll e- Âbout t«nyears ago 1 irxt becameaflàote4 but inot able iD be out y8t. Aiethv takeu' up their abode with ing ereoted here. It in muoh needed M wt uaimsu oanu r'ngte M hsHrie inbslae lier mrnther I, this plac. the 0one we have il too amati for lamge a-laut en yerla Yhave be-Ti tretebyo#eeralTo6HriTroe a ee u stfgher pairents semubljee. lisoasadhyalavsdntitta er lhouée and promises Lo M vgt The Sons of Scotland here are doing ipossible Lo acure n here, and that theol rvsdwiîem eto eto or- I ra 5 r Il l1.tî tiC e leting on weli. The meetings are well attended remedytfor me wustogo to a warrner clhnate. Bide wiih ber sons. \ýiI \V1 dttufl(1'(i 0tunl the and rnuch intereat îmanifested in the wel 1 wus confined to my housejuet December Mr George Short, CourLice, had the rat ~' h'farmers fav of the society. o'winR to this disesse, and was unable te do fingers aJI eut off, his riglit hnnd upto the tl carn, Mr P Thornpson visited the city on afly work whate'ver. scn onwiefeigaerwcte ',jlc hc\' l i\ antd farrn on Monday. Peter is a fine fellow and well 1 comnmenced taking the Kotelay Cre which Saturday week. alidll(t 111gr sicklikd ad rspetedby Il ho nowMr. S. &. Ryckman, M. P., gave me about the w' t"' ~~fl I fltic)Vongv e stiklkdadrsce yalwomiddle of April last, and atteraboutone week's A, child of Mr à. L Brunt's was recent- t il c I 1.11 Il 1 (Imean119im. uaing this medicino 1 wus ly bit in the face b ybis dei. Blood -. it' (\>( 11111g short ad- - efllciently oured tob poisoning was feared for Bsm re, but W( I~l, \ y tii e speakers, but Wastiflg Tour Lite able to start drlving a we are pleased to Bay sbe in ont of dan- ~~~~ ii(,t 1t.' f x.'.torc hestra Falîre of Physical a - eàalFoc-To bread wgol, whchWPrkr îwsof the add to LenRth of Life-Use Dodd's required me oonstaatly gettilig on and off =y Dr J C Mitchell, Enniskillen, returned ga u. intder Th paisis ch aays had in =y sidesfrom New York Monday week, where be Wiîh a pathetio igb how often itthait heen are now competey gone, arîdî1am now able to bseal forentheeye tsix d e, ar. g R aid : work wlthout any pain whatever. seilcus nteeeader tI -f cc jnilninber f "Wel, thn, 1 suppose 1 rnut lt o rn uteptIbaesfrealot indcsrlb Mr M B Cryderman returned from, lit --ýaidford o l-riday To f atherB and mothers of upreared ohilâren able agony from this disease. My general Sutton Saturday, quite indisposed. "t t tntil(i t llad t thi@ ie tragic. health haa wondertully improved siuce takiiig MrJsnHCaTooopoiofc it l I\ ili (,'\ unung Sandford Bit whence couneth sure and ttuwely help ? this medicine. Bworn to by MICHAELIH. MreasonHClarsTodrntohepesturdfic e lIe uit ,Is it was, If deatb s preventible, how ?D'Ft 2LeigSreHmlo. dprmnvstdfini eeStra rwl The program The tirnoly auswer uiés By scientific and suc- anE,~ erigStetHmlo. sd Sunday. lit îk ' tFetstul kidney treatment-bv usiug Dodd's Bond fur pamphlet to S. S. RYoKx-&I< MILDI- i. 'i a ~tt l itl cuit te Kidney Plls YE00,Bmtn n. Mrs E Hastings has gone to Rochester, t k 1t.îtt. Htndreds write t:> tbank us aud tell of their _________________N Y, to visit ber son, Fred. !lý( ýý1itc as b v vr cure' but noue to say that Dodd's Kiduey IM rW Ic*a reundfo ee '-. Pille haveolekce fupiuts Mboro after a pleasant visit with friende. sc nd n-cpsuneten Mr, Thornaa Ballard, Syracuse, N.Y., d ~Ili ii ttredan neet wrtes - "I have been âfflhcted for ear1>' a Miss Hancock and Mr Sani Hlanoock, -~ t ~iuna.year witb that moiat-to-be-dreaded disease DYs- Bto at hgyoistdu r .LBui Kc ~ v. G . Dewey d-pisdea re ~uon ib ~ ~Sunuday. iblue dscource from the w&nt of sloop. and &fier trying alruost every- ethinr recommended, I tried one box of Parme How much may depend upon a glove Mr John Elliott has returned from tilt,', wagcs of sin is death, lee's Valuable Pilla. 1 amrnuow nearly wel atngwsilurtea oefth Bavtnfe ae ek'sayit >tutî ui> lit eternal.- The and believe tbey will cure trie. I would atenn a lutae toeo h evrostrafwwe' tyw t rîanv s that so manv be withouitbern for any mxoey." Monson siate quarries in an adventurc hie son. tu t---gspi, ---«M- which the peuson concerned would not Mr Jarret aud wife, Orillia, anud Mrs J i tAni ttltt istgoteLIDSAY. care to repeat, says the Bangor Daily Rowe, Whitby, viuited at Mru W H pttlugaaus orCr tr A trying Ordoal. News. He was a derrick man, who Roger's this week. âais uCrao. The many friends of Mrs, Keeve, for stood on the brink of one of the great- DrFnk oadjenjygabre ' m~rerly of Lindsay and at one tinne kept est chasms from which the slate rock is D rn oadàejyn re the jewelry and fancy goodas tore on hoisted. filis duty was to catch hold of holiday with his parents bere, after tak- ~ t~ Kent St, will be or to learu of the the big hook depending from the end Iing Dr.J.nc. in e l'Yora c urn >o > ' ~~i~i~UUemewhat distressiug occurance she met of the boom as it swung over the bank bis bsen Lr sqe in iNew York wuth in Toronto Junction Sunday March and attach it to the crate to be sent i MsJh odwsqieidso l'it. Mre Keeve je visitîng Mrs Heintz- back into the pît. Standing upon the Saturday. ToThse Wh se Sot mran senior inember of the Heitzrnan & very edge he reached out to catch the hev A C Crews, era secretary of American Nervine. night burgiars entered the bouge and winter and he wore thick buckskin gave a very interesting address in the f aucceeded in forcing an entrance inito M ra gleves. The hook slipped from him as cburch here last Thurday evening. Keevs room. Keeping a revolver at ber he leaned out, but caught into the fas- Aot1 e ebr wr ntae ALD Or8 VAR PE-head the burgiar muade a through searchAbu19nwm beser ittd A LAY O 80 YEAS PE R of the rooru securing a gold watch and tening of the glove. The swing of the in Solina division Friday night. Splendid MANENTLY CURED. chian, two dianiond rings, a broach, a great boom took him off his feet in an programme wbicb lasted tül after mid. set of earings a gold pin and a knife. instant and carri1ed himn out into the night. -- ~~~Mrs Keeve who la an elderly lady faunt iddy -pc it i ledpndn n __1____ VutrîV(i-hsPeaks of -'\('A 'tld 19e ed under the trying ordeal thus enabling the glove's holding fast. His whole -'rt, atui i rrght. andIIVI a the burgiar to make good his escape. %eight was hung on that button, and U AIL t qllniglit,- and elscwherc tis" No elue bas yet been obtained of the there was a clear 175 feet Of space be- V iit ~ fO I I U irtie C riicr utîk ef "An oîd ,ti.c, robbers. Theshock t>o Mrs Keeve was tween bim and the floor cf rock below viaeHe _ d teittiii, utîulandlu-te These au-e conÉ&u- very great but ber many friends in town The moments that passed before the n1 11M î'> t!lutu' tu the itan ti r the will be pleased to know she bas recover- boom could be swung back over the ~>.n.ti tluiiiîr veau-s nav lu ru(er ed Bufficiently to be out once more, bank seemned luke heurs te bimu, but he i ,' uu ftiur\-, when in- th(, en- BurgiarS got there at last safe and sound. H e -1 tarît il ý i lth. Ili tact II is Burgiare were at work laut Friday explained that. he did net dare move luIu ttl ii fsri u h î iht, ebtainin' urne te thuee bus'- bis hand in the glove te attempt te Il liiii'> uI tflie stage cf te- iness places, Sadier. Dundas & Flavelle catch the hook wîth his fingers for fear '11 t I Itac. there secnlts te ht Cos mail office, Rathburn C' -Àfficeî;, the chanve of position would loosen the il eretîr111iîa licthfiiiiiess about and Cowdrys grain warehouse. BY button so it would give way. His pres- iinruv'r ttu> u-ie nt anti act. srnashiug the wîndow sash lbey obtaiued ence of mind in keeping as stili as pos- NI s2~lin I it WO tlvlia bet ~an en .trance into the mail office and next sible may hav'e helped to keep the )f()t, uýr ovur il ln htdpartmnent wLtuld lead one slendeu- thread from breaking. i. as, an ti ',c:ro is un c pe-son n t i'e jtu beleve that a cyclone had been dis- uWl anl etiilt\ sclearcuuil ettr sortngthere, sn tbrough wau the search ttt ttle> Oif the> ti-diunt?, witn the re- - Iýjt ithat he us, to-day completely cured employers, merchants, bankera, em- to carry you over mhe Qanger- THOMAS SLATR, Box241 fthat breakuig ulu of truc svste'm that ployees sud others to obtain during the line. If you could onlv go Shipper of Famous KalamazoVeRsus gummer unonthesa haIt or a quarter hoi- &' KALAMAZOOS MICH. 'hreaitened heu- thu-et years ago. day -oncesa week for the town. The ides back a few weeks and make 'F lieu-e is nothing wonderful un the as far as we eau mêeat prescrit is an ex- a goo tryumgtwn *utt itiilat Mus. Dinwoody would pro- cellent one. The différent athietie un- Swee aplesceoed, re ery asyof dges lailito hethousands o! old people stitutions, bicycle, cricket, basebail, foot- tiSerequirîng but eaner n a ayo it. tiru~ltutthis broad land that with bail, lacrosse, and canoe clubs desire the C//tiIVL on, ngbu au ver and a tle ou utti age ih tes net necessau-ily (eomne de- holiday in order that they may enjoy â f -lier 11,wit Hyo- tn allasuuhfoavag, ea wori m - hlue. decreptude and disease. Why their favorite sport ; those deiing fCdlvrOl ihHp- ta af»mc oda oiigmn 'iîuuld we net luve into the> eigbties change fromithe bot suffocatiug atmosp. phosphites, is for you even Beselja>'rsLuver Lozenges are pleasant te «titi puneties and cross the> border o! here of the office or store would like it te you~ are on/va fl ttihin, tae. They are laxative but etrengthening. t 01i» eêtuuttry enabie them to get awsy te the lake and SCOTT'S I1'UL5ION bas been en« The average man, consumeu about 66 ounces SttAmrcnNervune. whether the wood h oiaywudb eu- dorsed by ýhe medical profession *u)r ef water or-other fluide per day. tht tue -son be young or old, gets at the abe to the employer as hie eznployees twenty years. (Ask yocur doclor.) This fyutogejceedrnEsly'Lie lerecentre-:, and when thev are. kept would be more fitted after a short outing is because i tjîs always palatable-alwayS Lozengea. They ill set -you liver workmgK ilî>-Pt enitof hesytm1s ste do better work for bu», thus scores Of uni/rn-always contains lbe Purest Nor- hegithfubly s«d prity the blood. wcIl able to withstand dusease at go as people fromn scores of different and equal- 1wegan Cod-li'ver Oil and HypopbospbileS. Bie pl unUg eùr rj be ut o. Wih hî pr sp ct in vi w, lyi good ressns would like to see the haf Fut up in 5o cent and $i.m oéizes. Th o e our e p l ursfrprpeig esti ohrq al cld neWth lu-cprotectn oh aewndholiday systeru established. Other towns snali size may be enough to cure yen> efu ouofrpo 1adgsin Idhe pleasues tofamoll, freands such &asWhitby, Port Hope sud Bowman- COugli or help your baby. A ae.Sr085. crjthepeltuyo frilfred ville, together with many et the cities, BSct & Bo'wU.5.IlEh(",4sedb eu and Society, and take part in watching have tried this hait holiday snd flnd thuit P fleIyRfls. the niarvellous progress and deveiop- it *sorks te the mutueal advantage etf!'A. pDSr' emraleFa. oser Vr E e**Ior vlal ae . tuc t tf hseclsin dy o awn-oncerned. If other place have experi.1_yuvoabeP derful century, wbich marks as flot the ~»iwt u on htti a ~ l4 sd 'RB- toany,. sufferer frmn Loslt Mâauhod, -Nervous -I)bitY, NIht eatof its wonderful discoverics the worked succeaafuily surely wecan do th. Somne years ago a Spaniard namned' loe*es, Virloocele, J.os-t -C 1y..and ibhers1tts ulusco eu-y o! South American Nervine ? »me. W. are net behind neighboring Martinez gave one of the most extraor- -of youthfnl fohy, ariclao f a elipl1e' S14 S(içld by J. E. Willis, Whitby. municipalitiem in other thingi. -tu dxay exhibitions on record. It was IIIezpe=5veiC0~fS0Y ~ihmt o net be behind ihem and ithe imes in at the "new TiVQIi, il'Patta,- lu tbepres' -In hmsu d Ind .d upon f~>i* tPEGOE his. ence of an audi ence- of sepieltifi m,-mein a fw-* av ,7 Mr John Clarke of ibis place happened & ugu sn h hv ict1io cuas ey>dwe wlnv'aaI54 #p witli s serious accident in the inuber About ten o'olock Mouaday night ire doubt- A i e aven )zadbeen heated iiedne<bUt Wii1 -0 iO t< wode iebok hele rile rvig broke eut on Kent street over the Ontario by a turnace Tor ueveral lhburs. 7This =cwant. xo *hm-1 jj. 7expw sl-* i s Iad f aw eg. Mch ymatb "Bwan d but for the prompt attention the,,Spazïna'd estered', -IothCd in'aîfia 1t 1,l~ sê pu#sI . felt for hitu in bis serions illneas. W, -e !ëe mtvenlto s n hr, wlrecôko i 0 hope to soon hear et hie recovery- giefl te iudr th u îrrme wgtl*oM to. ted "m ~aze da fHn reda bav e o X iscd*bg1IRW b=- reutdVery dstrult SurN.tes niemterial and- à elt sombrer, ý1- Rev. James Hogan, ef Uptergro"vu WSS l.ws bidn.IL s06Ms tha 1=1? pHe an a souig -whJt"afowl was xiI u4as o~si4 buried on Friday. Thro wa a verylapepoWdnhWb t aodSpu4b rntd basd.~'tw1 16 atteudance ai the reqiemn Mass, Whic M nedy, carotù.r f ýthe bo. o auê tee cà».>,et,. -~Agaiý te o=4 Cr wu celebrated by Re.v Vioor-Gen<îrulhis vile, nd othn r emn lJ. ep4bIb L ~ a McCanu, andtihLb.fun" 0D gii serraolepb w qicky uelp reg". éï(d$îW4a t #W74> preached by Rev FiitRa. aler &.<j jthe fi 291 ai Fer. Hogan vwu respeoted, bysi classesýtecp«we fWîý lovod by his parishionera Esa nto, M«tb. t owtag to amvl *4*aHeenedstesoe profouud soholar, an eloquent Prasoher, aumcf «ra, ý j4im, ,m>thuc tc, ow a dignified yet modest gentleman I*thqVer »àlé * o ,Wstt*@ûM asgenune ypâfbelli 495 * lruehman, generous, kind tligeeai Iton*-,~,~é b . vays at woxtka asy o MUMt he*wa fui. St Columbkills 10 Ibu*m te deeply lamtentt h(lfrle hLa ~e t ý t»b ieýXkW1a u priesi. dampab t* * 9Pwi Mr cillesiespntSoWOf Wi w4 Western Nev York wbere h. vus .e4 in lookillg atethe tbA» The Misselennon, ' . A, ..~ - utw tbir iner ina, ~- -t- t t t- t, w Castorla tg Dr. Samuel Pitclier'5 prescrlptloufor Inaats and Cbildren. h ceontains nelther Ooiun, Morphine nor other Narcotto substance, It la a barmless substitute for ]Paregorie, Dropo, Soothlng Byrups, and Castor OU. ht la Pleasant. Dts guarantee la thirty years use by ]Mllions of Mothei'8 Castoria destroys Worms and alis tevertahfles. Castorla prevents vomltl.ng Sour Curd. cures Diarrhoea and Wind Coll. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cureis constpqt4"of and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulaes the stomach, and bowels, giving healthy and- natural Bleep. Case. torts is the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Friende Çastoria. au u u k e *tdii $ it M O M M for ciii]- hm. Kothifi have repeatedly told me etlIts ood e~Oct upS tdueIldrea."I Du. 0. C. Oeooe, ljowel4 MSI "cutcnla in Oie bea reoedy for ebuidresi of rhieh 1 amnacquainted. I hope thes day te ni rar latent wheimotheoU1fleRrhr tSait of their cbildru.u, andtune Castons in- otesd ofet luqac otumw r destroyingthfdr leved eues, by f«crclfgpumf, norpilne, moowhng ayrup snd oSier hunifu agemiludowu theirthroea, 4th.rebysundlng hum te premature graes." Du. J. Y. KncBoHm.ou Ooaway, Ark. "OssiorilaS00oWeil adaptadi cldn th" 1 recommneud 15nesmupettotoauy preSpU05 k uno w u te 111 & 91 .L A . A cR ama , I L D -9 Ili ge. Offord St., Brooklyn N. Y. "éOui' phyuIen5 la the. ohfldfoe5depszt- mSs bave epoken higbly of Umgr epeui. once lu their outle practS ice th Osatorla and altboehweoonly bave umg oui ,omecal supplies what la kuown as regular products, ye« we mr feshWte contais thathéRi montg et Cascorns bau wSn us te Rook wMt favor upon IL"' UNMTE» OSPiTÂLA» D DzsRaEe BBUX M ALLUCM EtE te. ,e C.atau oea',T u ySet New Yok G±y. Varicocele, Bmlsslons, Nervous Debility, Sema" WakuCSS, (Ileot, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Dl»4Wares, Self Abuse, '(iduoy and Bladdor Diseases Pqsitively Cured hy nie No IIeIa raIin* olrflDessu sezl A bu, zcwan sd Blood D<seasebave wmed the liveset theusauds of young mmi sud middle agedmon. The tarin, the workshop the Sondas' achool, the offce tueprt sions-all 1uvei its victims. Ym 9g suas,, iftou Luave been Indiscreot, bew»re thhefuut Middle aged Mten, yen are growing premaurl weak aud old, both m3knaily sdpyial Conguit us bef ors tee late. NO N MES USED Wl THOUT WRITIEN ÇONSENT. Cnfli PI VARICOCELE, EMISSIONS AND SYPIUS CURED. W. 1S. COLLîINS. W. S. Collitne, of Saginaw, Speaks. W. a. COLLIN« "I onu29. At 151learxted abad"habit whichlIconilu-- nedttIi19. 1 thon becarne "oe eof the boys" sud ed a gay'lite- Exposure produceS&SWilss. I bcane rr - o us an±d despondent; ne ambition; memory poor, eyes - red, snnken and blur; pimples on face; hair loess, bons e paine; weak back;vecl; dreame snd leosesai -> night; weak prtdepo51t in jetc sen I n sucie when s frieud recomm= d&Du Kea.nis Ye Met.hodTreatment -Thankt ee la t o iouth I weu ured& Ths -wusiC yeas ugo, and nover had aretur. ,WsamsriectwC> YM"ag5àn.anba »i>'F» Dr5.& me&~r ="w an efor giing aýiPZtoe. 421 ST. "'When 1 consuiited I)re. ueneib& Kora, 1 md q>littis hope. I 'vus urprised. Theiruew MethodTret- metumproved me the. &-et wesk. Emiasions cesed, nevsbecame strong, pains disappeared, hair igrewiu 0 eye bc ne riht cheerfd iu compa»>' sud stîrong seuail>'. -Having tned idnu'Quacks I eau bearti»' recommuend.DmsK«gnedy & Kerganas veliableid b SpeciaiBtB. Tho>' trea±ed me houerab>' and ekmlI." T. P. FMERlOi4. A Nervous Wreck-A tiapey I)fe. -1. N T~i. P. Emn u a £Nàrrow Escape ti¶[live on the fan-A.&t sohool [IernAd amer -I habit, whieh weekcied unh<plqsisfl -. aboue bd saPPed n'itelit '. I ook ltee w- 'va sU W. ourde o&upii.I aesn ýo-ièeoMooA b" i lu" Vb" ta1 merW t say enu lu MYj cies wl Mer. o tary ce~ EDY I of Y=u ' tl 4 ber.I URE. r. , la iof your Hill. r"-1 4 kUedê -.cd wlth IEND ft- PRIC 'o yes 1

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