Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1896, p. 6

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When Whisky Billy Died. for s gent t o b curions an' pleased tbarwitb, but 1 nover does traok up By . I LEIS.witb an old lady, white-h>ared aul BY A 11.LEWi. iotberly, lnind you, but I takes off 14peakin' of lyin'," said the old cat- niy sombrero an' Baya: "You'll excuse tieman, "it ain't too rnucb to stt me, mark, but 1 wants to trespass on that thar's a heap of occasions when your time long onough to ' ask yottr lyin> ain't only proper, but goci. As pardon for livin'." That's rigt- my mind is led back along the trial 1 that's the way I feols; piumb religious recails an hour when the whole Wolf- at the mere sigbt of 'ein. The same ville outit lets go ail hoids to turn i bein' true, I>m sayin' tbat this yer âin' lie. Whisky Billy's mother can't trail in "The need of ail this falsehood hias too soon nor stay too long for Texas its first seeds wheni a drunken littie Thomipson.' party contes staggerîîî' iiito camp fromn '- 'Ev~ery gent, I reekons, feels ail R{ed l)og. WVhiclb this sot. is not I similar,' says Peets. 'An oid lady strariger to us at the tine, tîtougli lie that away 1îs the one plumb splendid hols" it reelsan lis rilenc tbting the Lord ever made. I knows Reod Dog iiiostly, ani' he goes ini Wolf- a- gent over back of Prescott an' the ville by the nainie if Wýhisky Bllv. sight of a good old wroman would stop This ver-eprtcr date when he on- his nose paint for a week. Wouldn't fers on us bis companîonship, WVhiskv touch a drop nor play a card, this Billy is shore tlie drunkest 1 eve'r party wouldn't, for a week after he sees. île amt h rigbtened WVolfviile cuts the trail of somebody's old mother. withlitbs socîety iniore'n ilan hour-liîe lie allows it revives mem'ries of bis onl ges na' ri kw li u wieîi>~ownv, an' that hie ain't out to mix no lapses lîto t1w i- d iiii uis. Ai n 1w sech visions wîth faro banks an' whis- s;horel v bias '(,I li VI ve seed gents key hottles. - as ia 1tr1îeî çoîee rWhs low long, Peets,' says Enright, Bs eittht hveipi Ae ed Liglît, w b een thinikin' hard and serious, an'ailow tt' arkee i a iîuîîai'îan' makes a break at once, 'how long lion, an'vri' for Ihlm )frovieus. But before this yere Whisky Biliy's lui eret<îrerîar'. n' ead toen-mothier's goiin' to be in our midst V forc îîy stterît-us wtb mney ~ lt'Il be about a week, shore , ans- noe îws o aewîcbi or ers Peets. 'She's away back the sipot ti Whsky h11 s. \VIlY, lie otber side of the Alleghenies.' gets so lieforoe lit c'ais ' i-h lie '«hern Monte comes rumblin' an dî>e ate frt lur' i tb nout fo wippin' along the next day, thar's Seeon davs, an k' ,aii'Tutt a' the missive by telegraph from Whisky ,Ja.'kMen' al mii'bor ono hînBiily"s niothor. She's a comin' shore. Ali' loln ii ulî'i(1(\% i Iiitbihankets This yere locoed Biiîy is so plumb in ai tii'tîie tîî i Wiky Wiythe air mointai be nover does know it, gooste ak"i iliii ofwato ti îK an' ho dies 10 heurs before the oîd lady rae iîî oli r s ie 'a i 'it cones in. ou>i' w at tu liaf So lie ( tlantin 'But Woifvilie was ready. That's to eat it goes ulit' a stiuîgirl' lizard or the hour as 1 says when the whoie (;îa iostrorsetesM piy'a b and sirnpiy suspends everything to a Grt o lîxî, or se secn' rpignant lie. Whisky Biliy is orga.nized in Doc B1h11 yStoail of'htwî on it, ' est Pes best raiment, so, as Peets says, r'ares lîack an' yeiis. As 1 intilnates,le looks professional, like a law man lie giveswa to thiese errors about bis ýshould. Bein' as we devotes to Billy food an' urîîîk for îîîelîhe soven days, ail the water the windmill can draw in îvhen B111% na'hîeraiiv ,starv-es to deatb an hour, thar's ny doubt about it, the to thie relief of ail coîîcernied. corpse is the cleanest man in camp. lis îiot lkel tbesecnd ay Enright, takin' the word from after hli 1's 'begtifi sé,ei-' things, aný Peets in ad vance, sends over bo Tucson wt' vo t'orraiied "iîiy in a wic( upfor a coffnaia, fine a-3 the d.ýnce hall 'iut i)îack f t be (jlnce liai1i,, w lien I)()c piano, an' it cornes along with Oid L'eets. wAlto's deai iii' t he idicati gaine M~onte 'est the stage ahead of Biliy's for loin. is i'i tlie Red Li bt. sorhùn' nother. W'hen she docts get thar, its 40 ros Biily'sal laid out handsorîîe and tran- TIns ver-e notions Patient of mine,' qui1 in the dinin' roorn of the 0. K. 1aVS 1 eeîs, aes ilieleans on the lbar an' Ilotel, an' themest o1f us is eatin' sup- taliks Lp-'iîî'ai ai;, fr-e to allý, tiis per in the street. It looks plun'ih i :oîy prt wlurî vo ne bom-sseiish to go crowdin' a heipiess re- 'alilili P iat i rattiesiake, lias a ,,inder that away, an' bim gettin' 'a"1 iii ilplieit aout tir-st drinik tillie ready to quit the oarth for good :se 'lus ii<rniri an'ii beseeclies mIle te send the dinin' roo îu hein' stuail, an' the 'r ~ ~ ~ A ;k 'rle' ".a~'î lias a per- I corps, mealiv needin' the space. as I fi-ct ri lît o dii't;te lus ()ow11 (r ; 1111e,I iîishat'hies a tolt'gm'Inii o thie iadtlieh nine ri s, Stl'li Id i of' f tlie-saie 1iv OId .Motif(-te !>(àtickedtît said fem:îahe's bal itat fr-oi îTtî'sî m. 1 reckons she gi-ýt s Iflhl i110w. ýs (>)]11Monte an' t( luesta.fi- lias I 'et-ni 1ri Tuîcs-orian heu r, aui a., 'lot i uIt oi me suddenî I takes it \W iîsk v i ' uother-lis In- forrieil <v n')xvlit-s a*(skin' for ber \VhW ich If lie's cailin' an' honin' for is iother that awav,' says Texas Thomi1son, who's at the bar with y<-t Yoj an gamnble be's a goner. Yo -nallers tell when a gent's down bo is las bcip an' gettin' ready to quit dtîs gainé of livin' for good ;ho rît-v (r fails to want t-o sec bis mother.' -'Bein' he's plun l ocoed,' remarks l)oc Peets, mfter Texas expresses bim- seif, I takes the liberty to rustie thetu clothes of Billy's for signa. -I develops letters from this yere near ancestor he's elaniorin' for as shows abe's as firie an oîd lady as ever makes a moc- casin track. From the way she writes to bim 1 makes eut ail easy enough he's been sendin' ber some romances about how he's domn' well an' is at this tume pervadin' 'round lookin' for a place to locate bim8e'f as a iawyer. Now, I don't figger she's the slightest idea he's nothin' more 'n a ragged, busted drunkard. Lookin' at it that away,' concioods Peets, some tbougbt- fui, I was wonderin' wbetber 1 don't make a crazy boss play, sendin' this yere oîd lady them summous to, corne.' Il'Wben she gets yore, if ihe cornes,' says Enright, beginnin' to take a beap of sympathetic interest, 'when s finds out about Whisky Billy, it's goin' te break ber heart. 0f' coure, she rnebby can't corne, which us sboroly to be hoped.' Il'You cami gan]bls a pony abs cornes,'y says Tbomnpson. 'If it vas a 'wifc now like mine-whicb goes ropin' round for a divorce over in Laredo re- cent, thar rnight be a chance out agine the advent of thils yere lady. But h)ein' sbe's bis mother, she'js bound to corne.' Il I don't reekon thar's no doubt of it, neither,' replies Enrig'àhtý, dravin' a sigh ; 'which 'hein' the case, we've got 'to organizie Thias carnp's got Wo turn in whoen ahs gets bore, aud doloode tat Pore old mother into the bello that ber sou BilIy'a been tho prop'an' ,iin Iight of Arizon., 'au' thatbs 4çt1ti 09fia blo tothe gé Wl«4> Rde Monts trails in. TIaea* ut6 -MS wl toi ekpot. rIà &0 =18~ ou l, j o' hw~ra*x»a thanka us ail special, I was proud of the old chief et Wolfville." Miss Webb, of Toronte, a rising elocutionist, was the guest et Mm-s. P. Crosby over Friday. On the application of T. M. Higgins Fmiday of Iast week befere Chief jus- tice Meredith, Mary Ann Meed and Frances Meed, chiîdren of Jos. Meed, fam-mem- 6th con. of Mam-kham, were committed as lunatics,. The act te consolîdate the debt et village of Markham was intmoduced and met with approval of the standing committee in tbe local legisiature Fri- day, and on Tuesday was intmoduced in the house by Mr. Richardson and read a fimst time. Miss Steele, riaving meceived the ap- pointment as tea.cher in Stoufivilie 1ouhlic sci ,ol, lef. th is m eek te take up liem- new duties. Sudden Dath Mr-. Thos. Thomson, post-master at Buttonvlle and for rnany years assess- or fer the west haîf ot Mamkham town- ship, died suddenly earîy Thursday ex-en ing îast, caused by the bumsting et a bieod x'essel in the brain. Deceased was one of the best known and highly respected ment in the township and bis Sudden taking off was a sad bIow te bis famllv and fmiends. His tuner-ai on Sunday was lanrely ted. says, the rest of Us vam'oosCs into the A Serions Charge street an' is husy with our grulb NNhen On Thursday'last, at noon. Constable the stage oones in. *ewrh of Stouffviile, arrested "'But we ail goesl over to meet an" Amnos Ferrier, of Markham, on the cheer up Whisky BilIy's mother when serious charge of seduction, preferred she gets out. Enright goes tirst ail' by Florence Bruels, of Ringwood. the mest trails in an' pîays bis systern Fer-rier was taken te Stouffville and shakin' the oid lady's hand an' givin, brought before Magistrates Sandert ber the word what a success ber- boy an oughem-ty, who, after adjourning is whiie ho ivs an' what a Ioss ho is the case until Saturday, cemmitted wben ho ii.es tcmsube, the young man for triai, bail being re- phtnedt-s. Lt corsl Tbeasfused. He was perforce caken te Te- thatmenacit dos, or, s Txasrente goal, where he was detained over Thornpsen surmises, she is shorely th, Sunday, bail being finally accepted on beautîfullest eld gray-bared lady I Monday. Mr. Ferrier is a young man ever sees put a handkerchief to ber of twenty-four or so, of quiet, gentie- eyes. manly disposition, and for several Il'Don't weep, marm,' says Enright. years has assisted bis cousin, Mr-. Bert "This yere camp of WolfvilIe, knowin' Ferrier, in the butcbering business Wiiiyum an' bis trandèescent virtues hem-e, and bis fmiends dlaim the charge weli, by 'ppreciatin' its own onmeasur- is utterly without foundation. Miss ed ioss, puts no limit on its synmpatby Bruels, who laid the charge, is Fer- for you., riers fimst cousin, a girl of scarce six- "'Deth ove a sini' mrkteen, daughter of Mr. Timotby Brueis, Deat lovs ashinn' mrkof Rirmgwood. She dlaims the offence rnarm,' says Doc Peets, as ho presses took placé last Thanksgiving day while the old lady's baud an' takes off bis she was out for a buggy drive with the hat, an' the same hein' true, it's no accused on the 8tfr con., early in the niarvel the destroyer experiment8 evening. around outil be gets your son Wii- w a mckms iyuum's range. We was like brotber's, In the civil assizes court iast Thurs- WiHlyum an' me, an' froni a close, ad- day Mrms. Mary Hurlburt, the vife of mirin' friendship whicb extends over Mir. Thos. Hurîbut, living on con. 4, the year an' a hait sino ho leaves you lot 31, township of Scarboro, brought in the States, P'm shore qualified to action against Magistrate John C. state Willyum is the brigbtest, bravest Clarke of the sanie township, in whichý man in Arizona-' she claimed $2,ooo damages for an ai- "And do you kuow, this yere, wbich leged assauit and trespass. Mrs. Hurl- seenis like mockery while I-repeats it but, a delicate-looking little woman, now, lu like the resi thing at the time? gave evidence that on Nov. 6 last the IPm a Mexican if it ail don't affect defendant, who, besides being a jus- Texas Thompson so -ie sheds tsars, an' tice of the Peace, is also a farmer, took Dan Bogg an' Tutt, and Moore, an' ber a load of cordwood, wbich she had Cberokee 151911, is lookin' far frot bought from hum. Her husbapd being friolos a" gy aouttheeye thm-away at the Lime working in the lum- fsrivoeos. a'gyaottes hm ber woods, she paid Clark for the wood selea.inuthe yard, but he followed ber -into ",We ail goes over to the 0. K. the bouse, and -fiourishing a $5 bill, House, follovin' 7the comin' of the spoke insultingly. This action- of the stage, an' leadi the old gray mother in defendant skie says, frightened ber so to the' side of her son an' leaves ber znnch that skie vent înto. several faintï- thar. Enright toila ber, as wo turu ing fits, and is stiil subject to them cat-foot to trail out so ah. 'won'î b enever the naine of Clark is-men- pstered by the-preaeuoo of-us, as bow tioned to ber. The defeoce of 'the Doc Peets' oD Se oveýr ,in an bour to magistrate vas a total denial oif the see br, a~'~bt as il o ~ ~ plantîffý's allegationa. Justice 'Robr- « son, an hiachgtothe jury. saldthat acroeS h-urss yaitliia "4s» v-in cthrMrs. l*rlburt ,or Clark bed fetb u i alo-W&lta '>'P1Y' committed "black, fou!, perjury/ limhe "Arwe starte for tbÏ e Ld Ligbt to jury were out about- an> bour, ý -ter c getaWmettog to e ooruupe I e" turned with à verdict in favor- o th ber wif v oe hsi&csoaiiwitb be«arumsa intiRf Or $300-A-1 taA st oy W-bmt the -os I wuj ai nx>th 'v a imed..Mr4 F. R,.ýP vork~thoub, ~as lis wetoUs an'appered1 for the p1sliWl Mi . 1 oe K1the tIlxobn' $<l. oves' whst a good' 04' risin' manh er son ha' bsrn- hant W&Y. Osâmitevan yv*th ibo grief ' T~*J~le "Thaa 1ie 7Oaig*lObiubitel oc àa w$lfn OM, bmm l M- A Chat WIth, a Vetw.nu Who W.. ln the Mernopable Battis. British valor is the theme of many a thrillirig story and strring sang. Mr. Ge. Kingston, cf 136 John street north, is crie cf Hanuilton's best known veterans. A mnan of martial bear- mng, ruagnificent physique and genial person- ality, he is a splendid representative of the best cla.ss cf British soldier. To our reporte-. Mr. Kingston readily gave an interview. With all the prnde of a citizen cf that empire cri which the sun neyer sets, Mr. Kingstoni said: -' I amn a Devonshire man, barn near the banks-of tic Teign. I entered the British an-my ati xy, and served fourtoen years in India. W'as through the Abyssinian campaîgri, and fought at the storming and capture of Magdala, King Theo- dore's stronghold. Here the king and hun- dreds of hîs army felI. Napier, the 'Hero of Magdala,' was created Lord Napier of Mag- dala for his splendid services. After this I me- turried to Old England, remaining about five years, when I was again sent to the sunny south until My 21 years' service was nearly up. That is the place to get kidney and liver troubles, and I was no exception. I was sent as an invalid to the Netly Hospital for invalid soldiers, and for months was a suffening inmate, finally being disciarged as a hopelessly incurable invalid. Two years afier I sailed for Canada, andl have suffered more or less ever since from the constant misery that kidriey trouble entails. Piercing pains in the back, headaches anid urinary difficulties were seldom absent, so that when I noticed Doans Kidney Pill advertise- ment I got a box from Zimmerman's dm-ug store. Relief came from the first few doses, and before I had taken two boxes, the pains had lefitnmy back and I felt like a new mari. I consider Doans Kidney Pis a wonderful medi- cine, the more so because my complaint would flot yield to the skill of thc best physicians in one of the greatest iospitals in Queen Victorias dominions' Continuing, Mr. Kingstori mid: -I1 rn sre- commend tiem as a quick cure for kidney troubles without hesitation. How could I do otherwise when they have given mue back tie hoelth and vigor of long'ago?" -FOR SALE BY- J. EMI WILL.IS, Cbemist and Druggist, Brock Street, WH ITBY. Green corn, propcrly manticated, viii be di- gested in the and a baîf heurs. Thc fact that Hood's Sarsparilla. once tairly tuied, becemes the favorite spring medicinep speaks volumes for its excellend merit. Thc dcvil nover bas muoh trouble ulti the man Who luin. love with hitafflf. I w&s ouam cf Asute Bronchità by MIN- ÂRD'S LINIMENT. Bay of Islande. J. M.CAuid. 1 wts cuBzm et Faial Neuralgia by MIN- ARD'8 LINIMENT. Sp>riùghfl, NB..Wu, D&mt.. I wAs OIIID of Cbronio Risumatim ,by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Albert Co., N.B. GnoomTiu.r * Live seciably ly witlryout ne vftb yotur f ae.ysdpecu , y.* bd, ail Wolves yereV ho demandta,, am-ho comed' siammin'i mb the Rod' Light. 'Where's ail youi hd*ls?' "'Toisa Thompson arises from where he's settin' with bis face in bis bands, *an' wipin' the einotion outen bis eyes, softly an, reverentialiy 'bonde a gun over this yere party's head; which he collapses into a corner tili called for. Then we-alI sets silent an' syrnpatbetic ag'in. "lIt's the next day when Whisky Billy takes bis last ride over to Tucson on a buckboard. A dozen of us goes along makin' good our littie bluff about Bil]y's worth; Enright an' Peets in the stage witb the old mother an' the rest of us on our ponies as a guard of honor. "l'An' it is wk-ll, rarrn" says En- right, as we-aII shakes bands au Billy an' bis bis mother leaves Tucson, an' stands b'arhead to say adios, 'an' death quits loser haîf its gloom when one reflects that while Willyum dies, he leaves the world an' ail of us better for the inflooence he exerts among us. Willyum may die, but his shinin' ex- ample wîll live long to lead an' guide us.' 'I could see the old mother's eyes shine witb pride through ber tears, wheni Enrigbt gays this;- an' as she cornes around an' shakos bands an' Atiother I.ruible storm and blooJmade oosUng ibe (*.T.R. 's grt doal to lkiep the railroad ahoveled oui so the trains con gsi ibrough. The wezgh freight vu stuck between gruvel pit snd Goodwood, wben the oeixed train came along and both were there te, stay for omre urne. They sucoeeded in getting throngh te, Goodweod a littie aftt. 10 p m., ibhe sec tion boys sbovelling from 1 p.rn. tili 10 p. mn., without any supper. This is bnngry work as une of tbem pronounced, as they were np 2 nigbta in succession some tirne ago. The lite of a ns.vy is net ail the pleasen tout, as has been provedl this win ter. This je the fourth tizne the trains bave been biarckaded between Uzbridge and Goodwood lat1ely. The Ioad of cat- tic, sbeep and bogs on the weigh freigbt snffered severely during the storrn, but were somewbat relieved by their owncr's tramping te Goodwoôd and securing sjome cotten to cover outside cf the car. Tbose wbo went tosee their fair one on Sunday would bave a good tine of it a~s they aould stay tili Monday. Mrs Elliott, wbo attended the epwerth league convention st Parkdale, gave ber report at the leagne on Tnesday night It was an excellent report and Mn Eiliott was tendered the tbanks of the league by Bey Mr Thornley. Mns D Field who gave birth to à baby girl, is slowly recovering. Miss Minnie Lewis, who bas been stay- ing witb ber aunt, Mns David Walker, is witb ns again fur a while. The section boss Mr Davey, is âown witb a cold at present, s0 Will Pearson is taking bis place. The beys say Wil makes a good boss. Mr Wm Lawrence. formnerly teacher, and latterly post clerk on Wbitby brancb spent Snnday with oid acquaintanoos here. Mr Wni Bastings sale vas a succees s far as it went. A HERO 0F MAGDALA. _'M Prk'aie Te lehote Commrnicatwn.a D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D-0. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office and Residence next te Al gainv's Church, Dundas Street, Whiiby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ai is branches promIptly atiended to. Dr. H. Wightman L)ENTIS T. Over Orass & Granger'u. Whltby. F. Wariren, M. D. Whitby. Oefce heurs Il %.M te 2 p.M. I"Open every Baturday night. W. B. YARNOLD, D.L. B., Oounty Surveyer and Drainage Enigineer, Port Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, Architect, late with Langley, Langley& Blurke, Toronto. Designa for Churches, Villas and Cottages a specialty. Drawinge prepared for remodeling exiuing structures. Oflice-First fiat ove: W. R. Howse'sg drug store. Le-P O Box 202, Whitby. WM. CALVERLEY, HÂRNMII MAI11, WEHITBT. H.aving rnoved into our new prem.ises, we are prepared te extend the range of business. Ail work pertainixig te the harness-making and saddlery business wilI be done te satis- 'faction. Collars a specialty. Call and sec ny ishop and stock. W. CALVERLEY, Second door west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whiiby JNO. NOBLE, -DEALER IN ALL K[NDS 0F- EstabiJshed 1856. il per annum in adysueel othervise #.50 Suberiptions alvays payable ai the ofioe of publication. The publisherr do not underiake to deliver the pa sta 'uy pet offiee but Whitby. Any pape: whio f ails te reaeb is destination vhU b. replaced upon notIfioation as a ma#er of oouruy. Aei1ng rates umIss by cou- tract, 10 cents per li.9 noupariel, Anutin- serion, aud 8 osutsper lin.o.euh subse. quent Insertion Lcals, 10 cents per lin. E~'Âll c n fyearly adverUlements must be broughi lunot laie: than Tàesdy mornlng.. HENDBSON & RÂHÂX. JOHN STANTONPrua~ Iailway Tame Table- GJLANqD TRWJN AND»MIDILAND» Nos LBxme4R YXpr M.....4 NO, Loütaz.cPtud..f.G 30.6Rpru daily, xept Sun . 8.0 p a- Noj4Parn -'y u m'S'i Nio. -4 B L4 , ' tâ*op 'sge awJ . PAJwWSLL6, Q.et Barriste:, Oounty Crown Attone, md Coanty soicior. Offoe-Soutb Wii of Court Mue, WbItby. JAMES BUTLECDGK, Barrister, eto. OfiRce former] occupled by Farewell & Ruiledge, nexit Royal Hoiel, Brook Sc., Whitby. DAVID OIMASTON, B 1. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chanoery, Gonvoyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south.'of, the Pont Offie, ini McMMilla' Block,- Br9ok Street, Whitby. 6. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., Ba.rrister, etc. ,-Money to LoauI. ssuer of Marriage Licensef Office - smith'u Block, South of Market, B) ock St., Whltby. DOW & MeGILLIVRAY,. J3arriutero, Solicitors in Chancery, <ftc. Office in Mathison & Hawken's new block Brook St., 'Whitby, south of Ontario bank. Drs Warren d2 Moore, New LiyGIy and Sale Stables J. E. ARE WELL, Olerk ethe Peaoe. ]Dundas St., Whitby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprieoy. Commercial men liberally deait wîth Teaming done at reasonable priceis. F'rl»ttasd Baggage hauled at reaeoia. able. prices. ÂAosl solited. LIFE INSURAN.CE. Manulacturers' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto. l.argest Capital Stock Lif e Insuranee Ce. on the continent. Ninety per cent, o a&l accumulations o! rurpinz is returned toe policy 'olders. Ail claitruare paid wiltt delay 'or discount on pri of of deati or maturity of endowment DENTISI. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next thîce menthe I arn gi-riug speciai attention te patients freim a dus- tance. Arn stîflrnaking plates in rubiez, $8, cdllnloid &10. Gold and silver filitg work cro'wning by firsi-claseg operators at the meut reasonabie rates in the city. Wben in the city call in aud ict me exam- iney our teeth. I make no extra charge. O. Z. BIGGS, Dentist, south est cormer King sud Yonge S., Toronto;, Nov. 8bh, 1892. Wu H. WARNER J. B. POWELL, LUMBIR, CORDWOOIX BLABB, EN. AGENT For the PEOPLIE79 GOAL Co-# TORONTO0. Office and Yard just« East of Uptown Station.. Whitby, Oct 25th, 1894. A8K.YOUR 8TA TIONER Moneyto.Lan Lumber, Shingles, Sash, Doors and Blinda, Turaing and rrt-Sawng. DALR Iil AgIm Ail orders or information can be obtained froru JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son's residence. OOUSTY 0FOUTARIC 18U., WMaww-D. C' MaodonelWhitby, CJkIk JanS3i.Peb. 3;March 3; Apuîi2; May 2. -JUDO . : ly'; Bop. 2; Oet. 2; y: Dec. 2. OsnÂwà-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, Clejk; Jan. 4; Feb. 4; Marcb 4; April s; )May Jnne 3; JuJy 8; Sep. 3; Oct. 8;1 Nov. 4; Dec. 8. BioGàr- M. Gleesea, Greenwo<,d, Clerk.-Jan 6; Maroh 5; May 5; juîy q' Sep. 4; Nov. 5. PORT FEuil - J. W. BUrnham Pgt Ferry, Clerk-J&an. 29; March 9; May 1,6 Jnly 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. Uxzxmez-Jeseph E. Gould, Uilbmtdge Clerk-Jan. 80; March 24; M.ay l9thi; 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. CÂuqNWubTOsR-George Smuitb, Canninugboa Jan. 81; Mardi 2b; May 20; July .1;(>et. 15; Dec. 17. BEÂvzBTON-Geo. F. Bruce, Beavet5â Cierk-March 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. Um'rnouou-FJ Gillespie, UPt4'rgm,5 Clerk,-March 27; May 22; laly 17 ; Oct. ird Dec 19. By order, J. J. Moore, M. D, Brooklln. office heurs 9. a. mî. Oetober 7th 1895. 1 Feb. lot, 93.

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