Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1896, p. 7

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1 -ai jyVý âhpa. M.F"Uo.g Ayer's PUIS - 1wntild like to add MY testimnony to thst of others who have uaed Aye.8 1,111A. ad LO say tiat 1 have taken tern for many ytear, and always dertved the bost restait~s rom their use. For Stomnach ami lver troubles, and for the rutre of iio.ache raused by these derangenierats, A yers Iihs cann(>t be equaled. When my frienda ask me what la the boat medy for disorders of the stornach, Liver, or Bowels, my invaribl1e tns.wer is m esr'sPitit Takcn in seasýon they m,111 break up a voil, prevont Iii grippe.,<'bock fever, and e,-ziaaiet the' digestive orgaus. Tbey are emy ty ake, and Are the best anl-round fam-ily medicine 1 have ever ktiowv "-lMrs. LAY JoHNSNi, 368 Rider Ave., New 'ork City. AYER'S PILLS Iighest Awarde nt Worldi's Fair. À Versa SaraparlUa for thme blooL. LIPE ON A FARM. NlK OF HARI)SIIIP AND CON- STANT EXPOSURE. Va aqueily te Most hugged Constatn- tAons ara B3roken Dowu-A Promin- onit Farmpr Tells of the Wonderful Rocuperatave ltowert; of a Famou6 Med ici ne. Fi* th ie Asstlaaîolaa, Saltk iats, N W, T. ltveryone around Yorktor knows Mr DNar GerrvI, and ivias a pusiag active itsness fariner hie was uil ha -rppe tooktk oid of him, atnd Nvlheu ihati euemy efi ltin, how ittesand unfitted for bard toi ho becaiiaatt. For montha the ouffered from thta bartefua! aft.er t 'ects et te trouble and aIlbougit lia stil endeav- <red te take bais tihare of thie farm work, ha fotuud tîtat it wats very trving ;beo ad bacerne gret1îlveakeueI, liad Iost both appoute ai nid amitain, and was îarad wtd te eat tt.ri (tri 11 v riel several remedles miat~t bo, é,!I n I.V 1 i t, leeraî ncdte galve P r \\ ihilamse Paît trial. lio fet so utterlv worn ouit tîat geveral boxes eft te pilas were taken be fore lie founid any boefit, but with the ùa-St signs (cf imâprevement he teck fresh eourage, sud oontiuued takîing the pilla l'or titres an )nths, by tae tn. otwkich tame lhe W11s egaîn an actave liustlug man feeling bat i-r tan ha hîd for years. Mr. (oirr-vteillebis owu story ina the follow angz letter te the A8sanibohara: i ear Sir, - AfLer a severe attack of La grippe I was unaubie te reco-var my for- ouiàrtaragtit and activa ty. I had neoam ILit un for either werk or pleusure, and te nemi a popular phrase. did Dot caue -% I ehe aclaol kept or net I tried 'ariens medicinas withont deriving any 1-..nefit troan thena. With net oenoh hope 1 decidod te try Dr. Wiiiams' Pink Pille,and wîs agreeably piaased to find atter a few box"e, a doidéd change for the better. My appetite, wbich bad failed me, rettrned, and I began to look for my mneule half an heur before thie, sud I was able te, get around with my eld ime vian. 1 continued th e etý thé Pink Pille for thrée montbi, and find rnyself nov batter than aver. Yon may thérefore depend upon at that froun ibis ont 1 viii Le fenue damong the thonsanda cf other enthusiastic admirera of D>r. S William:s' vonderful héaltb restaoring medicinie. Dr. Wiiam.' Pink Pil anar aold only as boxes bearing the firm's trade Mark and wrpper, (prnti;ed in red ink). Beau aci mid that Dr. William. Pink 1>111s arn mever sold in bulk or by the dosen. ou bundred, and any dealer who offers suit- stitutea in ibis fortuni. irying to defraud you and should b. avoidmcl. Tb* publio arealase cautioned -*aini .&U Ï" er ealled blood builderi and nerve touios Put rap in similar for-m intfflde*d o'e cev.They are ail ita @u iWuI maîkers hope te re&p SjeuaUy advmfl tago frein the Ocow Iq gîâ achieve,! by Dr. WIlhauaaPik P*II& Aak Jour déale for iliemX. Thes. Pilla are uuua.omd..j4 Dr Wi'lttamràM'î n-09ýf-Y eile, Ontarlo, andi9 4nn~.q-, I-i Pill =ah r.a ooor ef raL- ment oomparativ.ly inexpenaiv. Bs etA, Bunde$landOonse.rvative trites compared witlà other remedies or mle&d ltio the. Gannington Gleautir, expreaslng trealunent. plsur. that tbheLiberals of North O>utaro have honorod 1fr. Gillespie with Er. Brandon SUUl Writing. a banquet and Ptesented him wth a purs, and continues: IlWel done, Grits. LastweekMr.Branon, he atro tsi net rigbt that one man shouid buar candidate, had another letter in- tbe t espoe oiall e o n eeted.N Cam Beaverton Express, defending hiausfpi, seif a a lowmetocai u e ate.noo againet the Oannington Gleaner's chargeplb. oevatiwes to their theatentcandi- of double dealing. The latter is, more teCnevtvst hi eétdcni than anything ei.,, a serie of conund- date. I have no hesitation in sBying that rums, much more puzzling than the there i. flot a nman in Brook that bas writer bianself. For exemplie:-11 Have served the to wnahip and the Coneervative ,we flot fonght the provincial cernbinitî n party more taitlifu1ly and honeatly than fron Trono îýhaIlite- ofegioàlMr. Jas Glendinning. While reeve of ernbeilishments until the sBad w'tîl of Brook the affaira of the township were melncoi depirrevrbraedthuu<hcareflly aný ntl stntyconduoted 1h.ala o ouydsr oountbeaoeing hrtu "Now w; kut.tv that eleetions are expene- dth anle of urforlnt q-oepeudclaha.ive. Mr. Glendenning b.d Lwo election1 iegielagoniesof a fplce cfoeyafne cus.campaigns, and enly 0on0 term in parla- inginu do1,, bu t A hat iof ey itnean? tment. These two elections muet have Ras Mnu .oBandon hmudeit nyies of ceet bim a large amernt, and ha Look what aalM. kno ig fant.?or eaofgirest interest in theliset election, travel- wealy, as t boys a beois ho lii-gat bie owU expeUSO, organizing oom-t witb ,sthe bof ta, 1hewisin op m"rittees and epeaking iL differet places.1 wihtehope hf iding th sseinaNow I have net hoard cf the Conserva- cloud of lather ? But if Mr. Brandon's tives as caîîxng any meeting Loeaven thank n3aaning is obscure in the foregoing para- Mr Glendinrîing for poist. services, or te graph, wbat Blail ha said of this: "A offer any remuneration for disbureemente sixth session cf parliamant je uow in during these eleotion oampaigne. How-t session at Ottiawa at a ceot te the country evar it is net toc la.te yet; and, as the cf 8700,000, the opposition neyer oppoped Grite have set an exaniqpie, I hope the this mongtreeity aud bectarian etrife but Cnevtvswl o eso oso Camo tholdaîag a baly atnce cf toethat thev are able te fil a bisRier purse Commnti oldiiz balnce f poerfor Mr, Glendinning than the Grit8 filled neitlias an extra session or a national for Mr. Fillespie ; und I again repeat, di8grace would have fallen upon the Weil doue Grits, yen hava set a good ex- country to-day wbich is net enly thwart. ample ing the designa cf a great people but also of a great Providenne by deception and hypocricy wlaich finds ne parallel in STOUF>'VILLIC pariiamentary history. Tharakiug you Dont want is. for your space and aIl bouest criticism," There la a strong feeling ina York county etc Mir. Brandon is tiaankfui for ', ail tliat Hon. Mr. Hardy é; propc!ged bll for bouest critaci8m.- It is a pity lie should te reduotion of tth, nuinber of c,«aanty net Lyet a littie, aven though as usual. lie cuunciller8 18 net the thang for the couaiay construe it as an attack on -t Patrotism." and an agitation for nany importaut le iL conceivahie that a main who writes changes ie on foot. The objection je net anch ridicralons ronsense should be an a 4aiu1st.(lie reductier of te size cf the improvement on o'xr present legisiators ? ceuncil, but agairtet the manner of their Let any reader of these lunes aittempt te eleution. Ilu brief the bill proposes that fatlbom thlemesuing cf tîejutuble quoted, counties cf not more than 40,000 inhabit- anad titan pacture the writer of it pesirag nata shall bava nine coranty councillors ; as a Daniel orne te juiigment!1 Truly' between 40,000 and 60,000 inhabitants. this Dominion bas faliera upon evil times eleven members; 60,000 inhabitante or if tha Brandons"- in politics are to e h ever, thirtean members. The names cf gavera contrel é ite destinies.-Orîllia I these nominee@ are te be forwarded te Packet. b mnicipai counacile cf ths couuty, and 61011ia the firet meeting the ree vos and deputy Councils.reeves will vote for tbe eloct.ion cf the Reducing (Jounty nii-. ceunty counoillors. Each reeve and deputy reeve will have a nomber cf votes tHon Mr. Hardy has Introduced ino equai te the number ofcoiounty counciliore the 1Local Legisiature a bill for the pur- to be eleoted, aud ha may give ail te eue poeo eu4 gtenine fnei candidate or distribute thein amaong the beose roduing the nuntyr o mcm-. varions candidates, as ha sees fit. This i vetetu cf elAction je etirring np tbe The mieasure as a good one, and wiIl noI .î*i (it)Ui mci waî poplar aprovl; a county inte opposition, and bîrdly doub niet wth ppula aprova; aperson can ba found who irai accord whatever opposition it nay recelve with the bill. Ina the first place, it je iltcr i heconics law wil!l lrgely corne poîrated eut that the connity counceiliors froua interested reeves and depuîy- will net be the choice of tha electors, but %N hes ' h whl e denied the pleasure cf te reevesansd deputy reevee, who may j ol Iicir ,(-iii-aniikal jaunt to the couinty ilt uiey see fit elect a person outside the îown aiîLhe p'abliC expense. The (;:ýobe municiple council, and therefore ene who gav-es ile followng excellent suninmary bas 'lot in a ay way subaiîted himsecf te of the provisions of the bill- the electors, froni wbom ho wiil have ne -Mr. Hlardy's billito reduce tle nurn- inandament. Another objection, the i)er of ceuncilors makes provision for mos general oe, iB that the reeves aud cil-, of twenty members or iess. Ina counities adopîing the act the councils shall be cornposed of rine to thirteen une mbe rs. accord ing to population. Nire councilors are aiiowed to counties of less than 40,000l inhabitants, eleven to counities of f rom 40,000 to 6o,ooo, and thirteen to counties of more than 6o,ooo. Candidates for the counicil board in such counties as are subject to the provisions of the act must receive the written nomination of twerauy five or more municipal electors, the nomi- nation papers te be deposited with the Gounty Clerk on or before December i st. If more than the required number be nom inated the County Clerk is re- quired ta notify the Clerks of the local municipalities and forward voting papers, the forms of vhich are stipulat- cd ira the act. The Reeves and Dep- uty Reeves at present constituting a county counicil have under the propos- cd law the power t.o elect its quota of members froan amctng the candidates nominated. Lt is provided that each Reeve and Deputy-Reeve shall have nine, eleven or thirteen votes, accord-. ing to the number of councilors to bu elected, and may give ail te one candi.. date, or distributé theun as be desires. 'the voting papers are to be filed up' -and signed at the meeting of the local counicils held on the third Mondayi January. Provision is made for for- warding the voting papers te tice County Caerks aný or counting, tbÎi vots i th prsofbeof the Cowity Judge or sherifi, or in tiiir absenice the Cierk &c îhd CountyCourt.Al the detuils for effectaiope -to f the ract have beeuiW.-'7wOl ou t- The election of CuûtcUotu by 'l'1 e nomination and indirect votéWin eÀ most int.erestîng. iwMaOO.. u1ý i aff«da metliôdocltalt Cult"eLmnepsamle c ft= ç *eni Victoria Corners. Mr. B. Cook, of Uxbridga. spent a few daye witb bis brother Mr. Joseph Cook. We are pleased te learu that Mrs. Rgbert Reynolds who bas hean uick for soe is recoveritig. .Mr Joseph Blêndérson wbo bas bean a resident of this place for soea ime bus taken his depart.ure from hère for regions uuknown. Miss Annie Sanders laft bere on Wed- nesdîy for Teronto. Mr Frank McFarfand intende moving te Mount- Albeat tbis menth. We wish bim n Sccées in bis new home. Mr Stewart McKay and family intend movi.ug from fbere.n Theroadsat the present urne &are e worst ihey have beetu- ibie wmter. On Sund*ay morning lir R bert Parko presented ber huaband wkL \oncw. baby girl. There is a new Par In tbu. On Friday evenimg a DUnMberOffred and neigbbors gatheredMr H& eni*y tM... K... where tbey opent the, eveming kù' dancing Mnd other amn.emenle. Brave John Gilpn erorediv herolo ded -one d*y lai" week Wheo o ine home frounUxiM@. -Brave Johà thinke Tommy cnbttbi eod Mo year t latest Extra and h~ of Pm eRubiier. Thin, Light, idelle eachElastie, Stylish, >deled achDurable. to fit ail the shoe shapes. ithick bal SoId cvcrywhoee.' Thoy Wsar Mek Iron. I PIOKBEAING (Jasper Stette continues very iii, yet his frhs-ndm ara iopeful that ha may rally. Owing to tbe inabiiity cf the judge te ha prea.eril. division court was net held at Broug<Lrw on Tlaursday as anraounced. The cameti wPre tlierefore adjourned to thoe next 'Itiug wbich will ha beld un Mti.v 5oi Uext. Rumor tells us that eue of our citizens bas falien hair te about 815,000, tbrougb the daatb cf a relative in England. Par- ticulare are somewbat scarce, therefore we withhold names, until macters have somewbat more advanced. Michael Kaura, soutof the village, ha net ueinar eue of bis arme mest now. While cliimbing over a fonce Sunday afternocu lie elippedd an ialiing broke both boues in blis rigbt armn below the ai. bow. The fracture was rednoad snd the arm is uow progresahng as weil as eau reasonably be expected. A noble yod min coompsnhed by twe squaws, ahi seated upon an old jurmper dIrawn by the rotary frama cf a once ronid grey borse, drifted into our village Sunday evening frean the omet. The weatber being saverely chiliy the trio weré almoet frozen. After getting thaw- ed out the man expiained that his home wîs in the vhinity of Caledonia and that hast fail he want dowu to an aucsmp- ment near Belleville in searcb cf a wite. Ris vieiL was succeseiful sud oeaof the women was his newiy found wife, while the other was ber sister. They were en route for Osiedonia where they will re sida. Both man aud woman eeemed pleased that they had found a source cf liveiibood in thé other. John Rhdley, east cf the village, who bas beén in poor bealth for soe time, died at bis rosidence Monday rnorning, Marcb 2rad, at the ripe oid aga of 87 years. He beaves a widow sud eight grown rap children, who feel keeniy the lose tbey have suetairaed. Arthur le the only une cf tua cbildren now residing in thie local- ity. Deceased was a native cf York- bire, Englarad, und came to this country whan about 27 years cf mga, sud lbas beau in this townsbip contiuuously evér since. Ha was a consistent member cf the methedist chnrch, sud s man much re- spected tay hie large circie of acquaint- suces. The funeral teck place en Thurs. day, wheu the romains were interred in thé méthodist oemetery hare. The cor- tege was a large one.-News. Di:hanemi haleor:. A Special Fature Adoptêd in Their Business. You Trust/n gly ask for Paine's Celery Compound. BOr L ES are particulariy disagr -,,abile because they are noticeable a nd apt to cause co .mment. Purify the biood with Scott's Sarsaparilia and remove them. Ail this class of diseases, as well as blood putrefaction and bone decay, ane usually of scrofulous origin. Scrofola and scrofulous compiaints of al kinds, biemishes, pimpies, biood eruptions, biliousness, dyspepsia, indigestion. heart disease, syphilis, or rheumnatic troubles cannot be warded off ini the spring if the systemn is flot put in good order. A Boy's Life Savod ,'One day my littie boy, aged 7, got a fali antd hut bis knee. Inflam- mation of the knee joint set in and the decay of the bone of the leg rapidiy followed. Doctors removed over a huradred pieces of decayed bone, but the procescf decomposi- tion continued. Ail attempts to stop it failed. The boy had but a few days' life before himn according to ail human expectations. Ù;. Denham, druggist, Petrolia, àdvised me te try Scott's - Sarsaparilla, I dîd ,ao,and not oniy saved but complete- ly cured my boy."-JosEPH DUN- CAN, farmer, Lambton County, Ont. Doubters may write either Mfr. Duncan or Geo. Denham, druggist, Petrolia P.O., for verification oh these factis, then they will immedia- tely purchase a bottle of S SCOTT'S .171 tectcrs. $1.00 per large bottte. Sinal 1 teaspoonful a dose. ScoUt's Skiln Soap cIoars the skUn. Soeaparsons bave periedical attackî of Canadian choiera, dyseutary or Diarrhoea, and bave te use great preautions te avoid the dis- ease. Change of ..water, -oooking, and greeni fruit, ha sure te bring on the attiks. To snob persons wa would racomrnend Dr. J. D. Kel-1 logg's Dysantery Cordial as being the hast madicine ini the market -fer &U sumarer cana- plaints. If a iew drupe are f aken in :water whan the syanptoes are noticad ne further trouble wiU b. experitmced. IThé minas of New Zsalnd hava turned eut The Dealer Often Gives You 1I s5o,ooo,ooo of gold. ACommon S ubstitute. As the sun rise.. i theeaute obrighten and enliven thé day, se tthe mi.ghty faune ef Paine's Celary Oompound eiproadasfroun dsy to day,. giving counfort, and gladness te ail wcary sick aud diseascd people;_ -Ail popular and fast selling-articea are imitatad from inne te turne. 'Liquid pro-, paratiens, using the saun e, .àlery. Cern. pon"are on thé markcet. &Ù&are, often dsnastly fohsied on the.inisuapctig customer, who asic. or nature'.a great healer, PainW~a CeloryÇoun»pound. Tiare are, unfortuinately,, toe na dealers who worktbi. nmble 4qcS064o a&ctuteci bV a .edy dMiri for large ro ciupay mu i',mmecu. PX0 Ù p t P»ain&. Celery OCou nd- whelk'l bokgrôuànd,. uiunply, bedau». 1h pays a si, llXrofit.,- t 'Unequaflled-Mr. Thon. Brunt,.Tyndinaga,' Ont., writes-.-Ilha-v. e tutk yeu., for r e-, commsnig Du,. TEqIIAS'Bd uuraIcOmLfor bIeed piles. I vas robladwith thein for- c6uld bear 'or think,-of . 8oue9ft, euimwoultd -Rive me temporary -but uaaiê Swoul4 ct. fect a cure. I have nov hbesuzfrefremt» 4 dtàresin coplantfor- n*aly ýeiRgà inouibe. , hopW, yôe viU cotinue-t. reSon- On. hair et a maid"ee éIMMuls bur than ton yoke- et oie». liii We have th.eiFlunt selec - tion ini towzi of thos. BEAUTIFUL AMERICAN WALL PA PEN -WITH- Borders (o Mva toh, LowEST -.PRICES.ý Cornesarly and get firas choice. P. B. WARAM, Bru'.old 81-ndt Bokst., Wbib IlH. SCOTT, N PUMPMÂKEBP., WHITy-.- (Successor to H. 7'omp Son.) Tbe Subecriber bas agan opened bui*a» bere. Hie office will be at E. R. Blow'is telegraph office, factory at Mrs. Newbory's bouse on Brock Street, south. New Punip 1s manufactured aind old Punipe repafre Firet ciase material used aud work waun ed. Wells dug or cleaned out. Orderî eoiicited. Feb. 14, 1895- Wyhitby and Oioha* DOMINION BANK. O apital Paid up, - S urplus, $19,00s, - - 81,500 Whitby Agi General Tranefflted. BnIdng SAVINGI DEPAITEENT. Interestaflowed at hlgheu$ craiet t r No noio. of wittadrawal roqut»d. IRADAM' S MfICROBE KIL LER REMEJ J. 8. EDGAR, Mer hnWi Bor: M. K. acted irnarvelously iaiwy. chronic stornach and bowel trouble WM.MAREL.., sbire, Que.: Was given Up to die frarn a comlrti IDyspesaý and Liver trouble ith çonwujp Amn aswellas ever now ; ih hatruiy :worM. T. HL LUBOOMBEP Lonldon: Chronic cough aud hdeoà hug eehurrying my wfe tod but thanks te M. K. she ha as we Wm. Radam.Micobe, 120 KZNG STEET 'W For sale at aIl echemild w-

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