Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1896, p. 8

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wheri looking t'or- tg &tPure Drigr-, Perf'nmery, 14'Follet Requisi Toilet Soaps, Fancy Goods, Spertaclos, f.S1 Ryleij's Druç; Sto, OSHA Wl. MARCU 1:3, D OSRAWA PÂli OSHAWA BUSIESSNo r& r 4'shawa 'uhscri or dlve-rtî'eer mav Iran-sact amv busi, with the iuet.LC-r In«V itain r Copies at aiv tinte. *rotn . i. Rogers. Farmers wîl 10Weil o call atM. Mavq s or tîoLvs'readv 'nade clothing. If ou wish a tut e Vren< , bina dîlîn< tei set, or anivthîng n :an(v china, or g] ware, go to E B Morgan lv %(n. It will pav inv nartir-s I onteînplating1 ing an -ngagement r we-MîdIlig ring to the large ',îok d P-it [ros, )h thev will sell ibis motitih vr-rv cheap for c Centime liarnondl;4K ntiv $ý rbev aiso rnakîng -,orne mo alfers in Gi Ladies' nid H. e-.. ool .rid -ive, watc See th-m Ptll 'i vis i shau a À-iooa ind t be 't-en t t u'( '<ok .. tr rm ii tu fl . ;,, r--11a1s -'NSt-w tms, mid tisIrît , (Ui vi1 ,c hank1ujýv 7fc three weeks steady worik. Mr-. Chafer said Who le Diogenm? Ea btT~ t.fO i the damage ta the company's property in «'Who is Diogeiies?" everybody. asks. Xfet Marh sed. A commuuicauio was read Oshawa would amounit ta some StioO. NMot that bie îdentity is cf as much import- tram the Regisîrar-Genendal re registration. Ap- The Daughters of England paid Whitby ance to the,,l1iterary worldas woluld be that plication for the position of constable in Cedar lodge a visit last Friday night. After a of Junius, but merely because heiseal-mostDaie were receiired froin the foi lowing : -Messrs. splendid programme-had been rendered, re- as great a- mýstery. In the case- of junius B- H Howard, Michael Tooley, Wm, &Ilamny freshments were serveti. Tbey returned editor of the Public Advertiser, who publish- and H-enry Robins. A communication waeread home impressed wîth the fact that their sister ed the letters, did flot know his correspond- [ram the counny cle k stati.ng that W. J. Hauem odge was composed of a fine set of ladies. enVts identity, while Editor Mundy, of the bad given notice ta the county cauncil that he The wife of John Shaw, a former Oshawa Reformner, diaims ta know Diogenes. The wouid at the nexi meeting thereof introduce aj boy, was buried here on Tuesdav. Mr. walts of this mysteriaus Diogenes have been mation in favor of esîabhishing a hanse of refuge 1 -w- s wcryn o ncsflbsi- aîiimiited and trie-i upon the mental ma- in the county, Mr. Grierson moved that thef tîess in nian ufactu ring bamboo furniture at chinery of nearly everyhady around town, reeve granî his order on the treasurer in favor 0f Hiamilton. His wife has been in poor health while the word picture as proposed by Dr. Mr. Thos. Guy for $io, being t ilt thirds value af for some time andl passecl away on Saturday Kaiser is rejected by the Reformer as a bad two sheep kilied by dogs. Camred. Mr. Guy ities hast. guess. Many content theinselves by assnm- moved for leave to introduce a bv-law atiltoriz- Mr ad Ms. amul Toren wil hve'Iing ta believe that there ils a machine in the ing the reeve and Ire-asurer to borrow money for Mr nd rs Saue Toren wll av Reformer office for writing anonymous let- township purposes for currenî year's expenses'. the svmipathv of the entire commu-nity in 1îers, a îîieory which is well supported by the The by-law was read three limes and passed mt hosof thirinfas n nnyed e beet copions turn-aut of that class of literature The township auditors submîtîed Iheir report. monts. he hil ha enjyedthebes ofthroîîgh that sheet. This suggestion is Mr. Grierson moved that the report be receiveti icaý-lthfi rot eeîthim causedi complications further strengthened by the Reformer>s as- and adopted. and that the anditors receive the Also hie u-fic tiectlulis lhtid and caused its death sertion last weelc that nobody has any busi- sum cil $12 each for their services, and that the t This rfîs the second child that they have lotf ness ta go behind its secret Correspondence reeve grant his order ou the treasurer for the ti a short lime.adse trped ae.Benr nth aecrried . Mr. Stocks moved that the and GÀ O n Prtdav ast the Thirty Club tendelred editor business ourselves, we can easily un- reeve grant bis order on the Ireasuror in favor L. 1. Maxwell and M. D. Campbell a fare- derstand that these little maîters will not of R. D. Powers for the sum ai sic for collecting me, wel sîpper. Mr. Campbell was absent ini stand ton much prying mbt, and, besides the balance of tixes for 1895. Carried. Mr. Woodstork so that "Larry"' was the sale this, tvhen an editor writes himsecf a litle Henry moved that the report of the commitîee ion uit the evenîng. He was given 10 un- epistie he bi;s ail the trumps in his own hand on printing be receiveti. and tilat the contract he lerqtand that he woiuld be mnissed and was and can caver up his tracks perfectîy. Fram gîven la C. F. !'Jichoison for the sum Of $7-5 çureenîd wîh arîn merschum 0 or sîndtoin otpravided ail prinîînq be proofread by the clerk of preenedwih hn marchumpipe t u tnoito viewing lhings Diogenes ibis munîcipahty--carrieci. Mr. Henry oeoved remînd hîîm of old ass.)diales in his reflective is quite a hero, inasmuch as bis little letters for leave to intraduce a by-Iaw ta appoint over- niornent sý have stirred Up 50 many foemen worthy of seers of highways. fencevwewers, andi pounti- re, - ; V.ance lainer pîcked up a traveller's anybody's steel, whose gibes he has borne keepers for the municipality for the currenî year. G ran valise iiear the- cemnetery last week and con- with remnarkably good feeling, considering Mr. Grierson moveti that the reeve grant bis cilîding il had been lost off the Myrtie stage the fact that he is safely hiddlen and conld order on the treasurer in favor of tbe following ;clt utp on a gate post that it mîght be seen have made the mnud flv had he feit so dis- indigents: Mary McCarty $3; Jas. Hobbs 2,j - when lonked for. The search party came posed. At the same time, the furore caused Mrs Burgoyne $3. Mirs 1 Dîngle, relief of John Colonistr a. back all right but not giving the valise credit bv his expressions of opinion is the natural Abraîns $3.50; A W Farewell, relief of Hobbs, for tentre cliimbing confined their search b onîucame of this anonymaous letter writing, GrandIe andi Riordan, $2lL79; Luke Bras., hur: Service foi the road and did not sec ti. Mr. Schemer- which evelry respOnsible editar frowns upan jal rif Miss Byers. $5; John Lenton, banial of horn, the driver, got the valise however, the in these latterdy.Amnw bsiesMs yes 2;Jh iîerle ) rs. nexî day. deserving cf publication should try ta work Byers and H-arns, $x8.8o Roatis andi bridges, To accai The O)shawa hockey club plaved a close upmrlcuae1 acadtemnPîi apr 7.10; A W Farewell 4.50; Canadian N~ game with Cobourg on Monday night. The who has brames and na pluck is certainly to Fowler $2. Salarv of late Jas 0'Day. $4; Thos îended, cor visionshav agav tiniformnof white, arnd be pitied in this age, when people's intelli- Luke.cutting woo, Soc; C F Nicholson, prnnî- and every T1 payaVr atgame. Tehm emhl gence fre hmt supportth right, Ing. t 5 e n, R andi Bý $z. The and April, up its end with vigor, and, only for a cosîîy whether it be on the side of the weaker or Council ibm adjourned to meet first Mouday IDnTorouta at 9 mistalce rmade by one of the plavers in tak- the stronger party. We do nal assume that Apnil ai one o'ciock p. m. with their st. iîng the whole game iuta his own hands, Diogenes was night; in fact we feel other- by ensuring mîight have lied the Cobourgs, who have a wise. If the dramatic club's productions l ion at the si 36verv good repu talion. As it was the score are not woarth the mouey, and people orily:SIT EL have good ai Was 5-4 attend becanse it is a sort of mack dramnatic Tae¶gbsbcm ut o o f social functiôn, then they should have an Wedding belis iu the near future. Coloniet 8e f atevor besîde h e rin ten ommTos.o authoritative statement of the intention of Mr. Joseph Town bas moved ta Epsomn. trains, the b, laeCoant somente grinsîte Thos .rtv' the promaters as ta the dîsposal of their sur- Our villagers and farmers are now bnsy COL.ONIS- IE i premîses st ee viand To o. oe hkes plus befare paing heir monev ta be nat laying in their ce harvest. gers witb orc when Mr. Northv got on their trait and vr eletrand ignsapast Mr. Wilton McLeod, of the town line, bas la Winnipeg frghtened thera off by firing a shot at I hem. assume that people would ual have patron- been visiting on the bill. ig Toronto Daniel Hinkson, on'the base hune, was alsof ized the Oshawa dramnatic club's show if it Patsy, the Englishman, bas engaged for visîîedd a set o ans ae.H were ual that the club's surplus was expect- th summer with Robert Wallas. For fulli and of arnsstakn. e e 1 go to the public librarv, which is rather W. P. STE swore out a search warrant on Saturdav but e a Ofie I te ariee asno onth pemse sarh ard on the club. Mr. jabes Crosier and daughter, of Scu- o sOfie the arnss as ot n th prmiss sarc- 1gog, formerly of this place, have been ne- ed. _- o:- ewing acquaintances. ies Mr. Prospect Park Edmondson visils Tor- i inem Mr. John Horne bas moved on the old Ib f bers onto daîlv booming bis park. He savs he is homestead commonhy called the Hill Top IR. C iXtra receiving Zreat encouragement and experts g L. VICKERY, barber. Simooe gtreet. stock farta. Success ta you John. large crowds of vîsîtors this comîng summer.* BROOKS' LIVERY, Simca. atreet., north. A sîcigit hoad of young folks one niglit re- Feb. 24ti We understand that Mr. Edmonson bhas etylffoPrneAbtad yth E. been in Toronto every day for a fortnight Wl!. ROLPH. hameau maker, Sitaco. tre ceulyhftil forna PrinceofMtereand byathe past seeking t0 purchase donkevs to trot r. B. MOTRERSII14 butalier, King 8kL, West. aged ta upset the sleigh but luckily no one er or back and forward on the sande at the Osh-DR TniesDntf:Oicovr oa% was hurt. After enjoyring a social hop at awa beach, for the children ta ride upon. store. , etit ofceoerRvesMr. Kirby's, returned in the wee sma' houfrs 1lass- ît s tatlc that, faiîîng to serure the- long- '" of the morning lookint samewhat sleepy. earnied animais, Ehi will trot up and down k. J. STKLTE-Dominion pianas and argans, hulv- the beach himself wîth a couple of kîds on Simca. street. Kedaro]C We ha sce bîis back at a Urne. The carnival must go àý. C. W>jrwÂ, Veterinary Surgeon snd Dentist, Weaesrytsaetht r.JLues stock a as on sornehow. King street west, Oshawa, Ont. 111 of inflammation of the lungs. anid fit ash I Tbî rectital ai the music hall last Thurs- Wru.u.M J. DIIÂNB, Dominion and Omta.rio are (j ai evenîng was a greal success. It was Land Snrveyor. Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- Mss Landier. of Oshawa, bas returned nts, Iinder the management of the ladies' aid of awa. i ome after spending a couple of weeks with Tl%ýe ts the p re sbyteria n ch urch in aiid of tht- buîld- nz fiind, and il is a pleasure ta announce tbhat as t he re-,ult of the entertaînment the adtes have added some $i ýta the fund. C: 1- Prof. Geiger opened the programme with a înaiv piano solo and was followed bv that prime iL M, 1avnrite. Miss Jessie Alexander wha con- i ver irrbîîted five nutmbers 10 the etnttrtaînment. 7et-v i his is the- thirci time Missexatî-nd-er hric I. .îppearpd here in as manv vears and on eacli Mr \iii tarif 'peitl "ndav il Mvrtle oi-casion she bas been greeted bv a paving bouse. Mrs. H. T. Carswell, Miss Hopirirk, Miss ticv liîwlein s vislîrng !n rooklin. Miss Rice and Mn. P. H. Punelion also con- Mr. i~l c-rn FIroti s home for a short tributed ta the success of the evening. Visit. iThe- Scatchmen of Oshawa are preparing Mis Rigs.f Iîni.k hen sas the gut-ýst i ftr a big smoking concert in tht- music hall Of iss irk .est verk. 1 ht-rt-to-nîght, Frîdav. The- arrangements i) fIl eptriiuîn h .. .rïrînti r)ent 'un- ii11hie îargt-Ivin imitation of those 50 suc- <tacn rwn rotîui t-uiscessfullv carrîed out hv the Wbitbv High- 1 tnd club at its annual smolcers. Carde and Miiili \ls rtt vtri ik tri.we.î tw sai! oîhet- table games wîll be providt-d for, %lst s - i t 1vis . mas1thet-est of mciarrangem ents w 1 l he com plete 10 en- Missh b, i hut -gîr: s's tt- ut- t ertain ail who ste it ta camne. The tradi- ber tr)o!ht-r, l l11vatw-- tional clayvpipei and twist of tobacco will be Mr . and Mrs Imiusîin fitigb mît hitevale. it the disposaI of ail who have acquired the were ,isiting relatives ri own u)n -unday. art of discussîn.. tht- weed. The old Scotch Tht-e' n fh-prnr'rnteriaint-d their s;ongs, varns and dances wili be ireard and tienda '"u).i frofuri ile .tt Moday ven seen from tht- platfonm. and the audience ionayevn-wîl hie at liberty' ta have as mnuch bilarîîy as ng.~i iletases-more or lt-se. bbc Whitby con- rit- ;)t-ipli--1-r regurv bhurch intenci lingent or visitors wihl be a large and ively hold111iZ tfîtîr îiinual îIoncert on tht -/th of uone. and manv are expected fratn rural M~~o artfponts. Nil C .1tlo . l l'has izone - îo Cam pbell- fordi laku'charge of ainil: hnery business in that lt wn. Miss Vtta james, Howmnanvîhle, and Mliss jEnrma Cornish, Courtice, were tht- guests of Mfiss Ellie lames last wt-ek. Mr. jas. Richardson who bas bt-en vîsiting fJfnîends in own hie ;past few days, hefî for Torontorion f iesdav aiternoon. O)shawa curiers under the command of Skips Putiîslîon andi Rowse, defeattd! Whitby on Monday atternoon by i shot. ManniedBI3 Rt-v. S. H. Eastman, at tht- manse, Oshawa, March 3rd, Gavin Hender- son ta Mrs. Minuit- Hastings, both of Osh- awsa. Chie-f Constable H-anan has bteun under the weatlfer for a, veek, be havîng been %eized wîth ulîzzines:. He- s almast himself again. Mn. A. 0. Geiger, organist af the Sîmico st. church ententained the congregation toaa - short orgàn renitai aften peachiug service last Sundav evenlng. A sleigh-loadi of young petople from Picker- îug were tht- guests of Miss Viola Troy last Sunday. Tht-y atîended service lu St. Gregory rhurch and were bighly deligbted wîth the singing. Indisposition rendent-c news-gathering in O>shawa a partial impossibiiity Ibis veek, and we have ta ackrnawledge our indebted- tiess to tht- Vindicator for some clipplnp ta complete oun budget. -- Did-l-l 1Hamilton, on Satnrday,PMai-ch 7th, i8c4, Annie Tueker, belaved vife Of John Shaw In Oshawa, on Sundav, Mai-ch 111h, îSq6, John Edwand, infant sou of Samuel sud Jennte N. Torrens. Tht- Cauad ian Order of Foresters purpasei meeting every week instcad ai twîce a1 inonth ou accaunt of the- press of business.( The order is growiug both inancially and( zîumcrically in this ,tawn- David McKewan vba bas bot-n in Massey>s1 wonics fortbe past thi-ce on four ,year s"mid t bas bt-en ln the htospital for aommrnoths, ws brought hub oin, a bmother% ,on Tute- da.Hlmco"dtt.a-crticaL gemise-i-ttai-y of 4U0 W lys«: ie leam lecuci 'bueuh mte rk) ?Mmmoili Cavo wlth Scs EpwonbLuguwm Asoclal comuultt.mmo<ugs the OIQPuinS CueueCoupo.oof Ri". N Cà ipbli Plcto, Roi. T. Mauulu¶,W IIby sÃ" j, mest oefveuar Mat hu hmou t atou fou&. Mr.W Mebeb. im*t four î.ý Oue day hast week a boy who works fon Mr. A. l)earborn, 3rd con., was hauling a haad of hay into town from the wesî and toak tht- north side qf tht- railway tnack ta avoid the danger of capeiziug at Hare's ci-os- stng. At the bridge he met Mn. S. Glidden dî-iving wîîh a cutter, who claimcd the right of way, and demauded that the boy should then crase the track wiîh bis hay. The lat- ter trie-i hard to persuade Ghidcien that the- danger of upsetting was t00 great ta nisk crossîng thet- rack, but there vas no soften- ing taGylîiden, who threateued ta go up town ant ibnug Chief Hainan ta back him up in his demande that he had the- tight of way. He ie avery poor interpreter of law, but tht- boy was flot aware ai tbe tact, and finally attempted. the crossing, wuîth tht-rt- suit ti bie load toppled o-rer. Mr-. Glid- doç's cauduct lu thet- atter la the subject of tmai y _uucomplimentary remarks round towjG The ba\ao nto dailur papers have recently publishe4several items conoertring a large fortune af came of $îtz,,oo,ooo wblh as left a hundred years ago by a. Hollander af tht- naine of Crankrite. Hoe wit bhis two broti- ers camne ta Arnerica aver xoe yesrs ago fi-ou Holland but he- did not like--this contry as well as bis tva brothers dld and ho returned ta iisnative land, vhilo-thoyrezained bei-e. Ife entered Iuta the --a- facture oi gin wnth the nesuli. that he asti large fortune. As h-e vas a bacholco ,mloto f l>i bis brath- ers ta corne back and sbate bi fortune but this they refused- ta do, whtch se incensed him nithat lie wado- a- w04. la whiLb ho lti mouoy in charge af the> gaverument of hîs country ta be dtided anog the 4th sudCWt generàdm of i*brothors.Thre iii was to' b. resd in& u huoed yem stlme whjch fala ou Apru t M, 'ge lTii. ioncy vas depoeutodý lu tire Bsnk coff lolausd-and nov amounts te oves $4pooooeo..It lSundemsood that soin.- Of, Our- léespeoplêwlU rank.,s-helrs -tohthis, vaiabi.esetato, Iammilnteresged. ilhe Province areomaklug mangprentst theïr claimnd auê. ope e. godly ulsre-cf Lh.rOoeY wia ou Ourtogu. N.Jameu Lgm hba .a- fri $beo ýdMtmqgWaMUt J. Wý dae wbhhi sc*ýur ushe«udmsý Bad IsutL t mof. Cow ià Ho'rsr-J. C. Woon, proprietor. Modern hosteirv, neat andi omoirtably equippeti. I .M. ToD. --Caterer for Bals, Assembles, Wed- dinge, Suppers, etc., etc. Also &a itnds of flowers. 98HAWA ooxsToRB-Ftll lUne af books, stationery and fancy goatis. E. B. Ragers, Simca. Street, las. HaouLDs - Whitby-Oshawa stage Uine.. Leaves Oshawa at 8 a m and 2 p m, and Whitby at 10 a mu and 4 p nm. JOsEPE CBa.i., manulacturer o!f fne carniages, carts, wagons, ar-d ail kinds of cutters and sleiRg. Repairing a specialty. JOHN BUZ'wRIe, painter and decorator. Dealer mn walI papera, oeîiiîg decoratiana, paints, oùl, varnishines, brushes, winaw shades, etc. L. K. MUwRTa, B. A. - Barrister, Soieîtor, Notary PublicCoanveyancer, &c. Maney ta Iend. Offie aver Dominion Bank, Simaca. Street, Oshawa. When con2templatlng putting on Liie Insurance, see W D fftrwrsn, of The Ulnitedt Stat.es Lite. Their palicies are the inost attractive. Ls.rgeat guarantees. M &. E. MAY.-Dealer in Oroceries. Fa.ncy China, Crackery, Tinware, andi Fancy Gooda. Pure Tes and Gaffée.. Bays' rea.dy made suits a specialty-very cheap, Auc'rbn ffSn -The subseniber wiil be in 0mb awag, at the Centrai Hotel, Iriday of each week f ram one ta 3 ooock p.m., ta make ai- angements with parties wiabing ta have smies. L FAinuauxs auctioneer. F. LÂumEET &iq aN-The hea.ding taiorîng and gants' furnishing hans, of Oshawa, Splendid aasolrtmnent of tweeds, worsteds, trowseringa, shirts, cole"s, etc, always kept lI stock. bVELT BnaS - Wahchmakera and Jewelerg Dealers li wuthes. docks, jewelery, sivor- ware, spectacles, etc. EnB] fn, aid su sil-rer platingç, an" oad god ringuz»ade over. Pine watoh, cdock, and jewvoemy-repaiing as-ety. Elvunsai, &tHÂwEIN- Iniporter. muid dealers ing supplies. manutactuars Oftln.ware E tîraughing andi athercou 'sàig dons. Vus- nace, chandeliersand hampe.- Â stock Of bicycles kept on, huani. MnI. Jamnes Coates taak a, trip ta Taranto- au Monday. Mr-. and Mms.Wm V#Weir htebm bo-speudu" i ag two or thi-et days wth friendaut Epasmi. Mr. John A-. Castes - as homte oan a- v"-" last week proa'hiedearuor Mauitoba., It st-oms alIt o=,- yoong mcua :ai-e taki Horace.GrEoýIoaadvacoSuMd "ilg u$e" Tht- aldeat Inhabitat caunot remombou oves- seelieut-k e- tisse for stotnmea&thre lut six woeke.haboem, The-famcrS ha»e doue ifttie-elu butatouel sow -foàr the lest Mr- e. Rompin- le*vuS theso -purt a&-,a tbuw week for hM*itabs. liemay&;ho meW toingup- laudL.wbeu ho-gos.bacud, »trumai n«W ookihi, IM lent Mrs. F. Werry. Mr. J. Mauntîjov, who bas been laid up with an abscess on bis side, is able ta be arouud again. unuuer ed, an4 metho4 Last Tbursday evening a saciail ime was' Pictur speut at the- home of Mn. and Mrs. W. Lee. fato of Pickering, it being the- aupiversary of their weddiug day. Among the guests vwere - Mr. Fred Lt-e, Mr. J.Lt-e and Miss Gertrude fthis place. TIffARUADE4 JFN IVî argain s U4L-1 V ~ I y L. SITOCK- TA K/NO SALE! il !i~1mr hé --"%AT BELOW +CQ$STI, Tgamm o o o'-MLE R&S NEW SPRING SHOFS.-Wateh for them. Lower Prices and neater Styles. You run no risk here of getùtin Boots packed up in auction rooma. ait PELLOWS, and see his Wrought Steel EN*-* G-ES -AT- 5000 GOAL OIL kS STOVIB -PROM- 50 to $25-000 d Trunk Ry. ir the Canadian Northwest. ýrimadate settlers going ta the gorthwest ibis Spring, il is iu- mmencing Tuesday, Mar. 3rd, ruesday theneafter during March ta run Special Trains, lea-ving 9p.m.. enabling settiers la travel nock and household effeets, there- g quick fime, neachiug destina- ;ame tisse as their property and ccommodation en route. leeping cars will be run an these irths in which will be FRRII. r SLEEPING CARS, loT Passen- -dinary baggage, will raun througli g iuring March and April. leav- at 12.20 p. m. every Tuesday. information caillon or w-rite ta :RICKER, at Oshawa Raihway Thomas' blocir. Carter, Agt. Special1 th 8& -OSHAWA. ave always a general and varied to select from-latest designs iishes. Prices right. rtakmng department fully stock- id embalrning according to latest )ds. ire frarning promptly and satis-1 rily donc. Bras., - Osha wa. -i It isyeur attenUicnîhat 1 wa nt a- nested, andl1wa-nt you 1tosîay m custody long enough ta teil y, Icnftelilte, but meirely selîlug you a finer class of goods rew than ever before. h have arrî'ed at the ...... ........ 1 cati do this. I have a nîce l'n of Watches, Cloche, Jewelry, suIi- verware, and Spectacles, at prices that will surprise Yeu. Yomi are wanted by ..........-. Boyd the Jeweler, KING ST. WEST, Osha wa OSHAWA. Book Store, -AQUARTBRS-- FOR-~ Welland fIIGH ::GRADE Vale :: BIC YCLES. "PERFECT, "GARDEN CITY," -DOMINION," BEAUTTs 0r 1896. Also One (ood Skgnd-hand Comel for Sale. E.E. For Delicate Children, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSONOS Nutritrye Wine Thtis palastble and HIe<HLY NOURISHING Wine, prepared with Cod Liver Oil, is easly reuaiMo and digesesd bytei moat delicate. For Wasting Diseases, General Debility. Impic Die onClds, Ca±arha and Branchia Toui Zrd L of Muscular Ton.0f greac Nutritive value ta Aduits and Cbildren. & A marked increnseti in welght is noticable after taldn a few battiesaf tiis Wine, which represeunhsa equai quantity of Cod Liver 011. Ail druggists. CORNER SEflE ST@EE~S We can prove now Our Stock-taking is the time to buy Boots. Sale is in full swing... at, 50c., 75c. anci are Cheap and Duirable. $ ip1.00. Fresh every week. TR UNKS ASPÈCIAL TY Burns & Co., THenE PRO- VENDE/I Oshawa. Rdmoudson's Provend&r 3MilkÉ, Oshawa, are doing a. very large tradeï. They Grid~ ine5'osT~and, aIL ~nof Grain flerthan uy stone -.Miii ùithe county ls- doingï or can de, T1amir G ORNM ILESare doingspiéndi' 'Wrie PR-q ý 1 w-ý OSHAWA. Trains and other ;l Drùg Li, ROGERS* 1 OUR RUB«RS MILL Si OR.OMF"-

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