Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1896, p. 1

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-4 1 XXXX. WHITBY, ONTARIO, FRJDAY, MAROR 20e THIS CA N BE DONEfl 7 7 7 9 99 A~ditiorîn mke it.] Inv ix OIf th( If you eau 1' " k tlIs Ill. t, cal a AILIN'S R K H. LLIN, c 1 V \1 1 ST, WVHITBY. Ivorpll olao A.'> iMPORTA XT CLEAN SWEEP. Pi-ices talk for Cash: C.ood Wire Mattrass, Worth $250 foi $1 GodMixed Mattrass, Worth $4 lot $3 First-class Extension Table wotl $6_50 for $s. Bedrooxa Sets worth $14 for $1090. Bedroom Set worth S16 for $13. We have nothing but first-class ' workmen ini our Up. hbIsteriug Departnient. I3eading Underta.ker, E. J. JOHRNSON, BROCK ST., WH-ITBY. Emtablished 1849. Whitbý StBam MaîbIe and Gfanite Woks, Du ndas st. WH ITBY. Chas. H. t Fernerly Wolfer porter and Dealei GRANITE MON the latest materia' kinds et Cemneter, guaranteed. 9A:fSKNI) FOIR lî Hotter and1 Goes ti AT*s 'A N FW SPRING GOOD LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. C1MIoucLU OROs'ow»xsci -:0:- laYRTES A few from this neighborhood attend- ed the funeral of Mns. Burnett on Saturday last. jStage driver Scbemerborn was on the sick list two days last week, and Mr R. C. Pike drove the team. Mr. N. Dehart from the Brooklin Method- ist Sunday sctiool paid the scbool bere a visit on Sunday last. Mr Nelson Gilroy and family have lately moved from Mr. A. B. Fisher's bouse at Ashburn into Miss Etta Hoitts house at this place. Since our last items the post offiice at the south village lias been removed to Mr. jas. Kent and son's building just a few rods north of the four corners. Those wanting good stock should dnve over to E. W. Evans' Salt, lot 14, con. 9, Pickering, on Wednesday next. Mr. Evans bas rented his farm and everytbîng must go. Mr. William -Hoar has been confined to bis bouse on account of illness for the past iliree weeks or more. Hope you will soon bc &round again, William. We think that with the experience that we had last week that now we can tell how a person (or at least one person) feels with an attack of thc grip. Our friend Richard Puckering le bere again after bcing absent for some weeks and wc ho pe that lie will sec bis way clear to stay witb ns the coming season. This neigbborbood is or bas been loosing one of its young ladies in the person of Miss Mary E. Hoar, wbo was marricd to Mr. M. L. Lick, of Darlington, on Wednesday of last week. Mns. Luke Francis lias been very 111 dur- ing part of the time for the. past ten days, but we are pleased to say is rccoverving at the time cf writing. Her daugliter Lucy from Toronto is at home acting as nurse. The C. P. R. cexnpanies snow cutter and snow plow that was at work along the line a few day days ago was quite a sigbt to sec >wlien at work, the snow cutter drawn by an engine scraping tbe snow into the centre of the track to be followed by' a covered eu- tgifle witb a large wbcel at its bead probable nine feet in diameter wbicb gatbered up the snow, and tlirew it eut of the company's night of way. This rotary engine and wbeel was pushle dby another engine. Wedding A most pleasant event took place on Wednes- Iday evening, March îîth, ai the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. iloar, ut being the marniage of their daughter Miary, to Luther Lick. The 1 bride was beanîxfuilv dressed in creamn cashmere j trmmd with lace and riblion, aise wore and car- nied roses. The ceremony was performed by the kRc. :\r. McLaren, of Columbus. There were about twenty-hive present, being only the nearest relatives, excepting Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smnith, ef ()shawa, and Mr, and Mr&. R. G. Bedson, of 1 oionto. After having given many hearty good wi3hes to the groom and bride îLe compàny were nvuted te the drning roorn where the tables were laden with good thiogs, and beautifully decor- ated witilfiowers. The Rev. Mr. McLaren pro- posed a toast to the bride in wtucb ail heartily responded. The bride was the recipient of num. ero us beautiful and useful presents. At a laie hour ýhe happy groom took his bride away tc her nt2A horne near Columbus. SCUGOG Mrs. (;eo. pettut, sr., still continues in a Rev. Jesse Whitlock preached at thé In- diauî village on Sunday last. Miss )essie Pogue s vusitung frientsis n CRmbray and Lindsay. S m itl, Rev. Jne. H. Maîleit was in Kinsalé as ndenWork. ý ni-week, where hc gave an address ai an Ep. ndein WoRBkE AI)worth league gathcrung. UtMENTS, Etc., of Miss F.dith Finley, cf Lindsay, who bas aîl and le-ignis. AIl been spcuuding the winmer meonths heue with r' work. ()ur work friends, bas ieturned te ber berne. Mr. Wmr. Redmnan bas been confinedt t C.NS A NI P Ruic as. his house for over two weeks, but hé la at present rapidly regaining stréngth. Mrs. Ge. Sweét4man, ef Oillia, ia visiting Better triends on thé Islandi. She ia at présent helpîng un caring for Mrs. Stephensonu dur- hue Battie ung lier illness. There will be a social at thé Centre next Monday evening. A gooti programmé wlIl Sbe provideti. Be oin the watch for funther anneunicements. Mr. Dan McDérrnott la very low from an attack of iniflammiration, but under thé able cane et Dr. Archer we hope soon te have M.Jameb coelhsrmvdt >S AT HAX WARD'S Cartwrighut, and Mr. Peter Lansing la now ocpigthé house t*hicb Mn. McHowl's --cheaper thana ever, aotwîîastand- ing thé ativance ini pnices. New Dress Goods. y' New Prînts.... Sheetings, Shlirtings 4Ç Tweeds.. Cottonades Tuckings, etc.. etc. New Hats and Caps very chesp- NEW DEPARIMENT la Ladies' Trimméd Hais, thé very lateat stylés, néwest dé- oigne, from a large City bouse. This énabies n8 W, seil finc gooda aM lésa pices than aven seen in W itby. OPEN ON-'--+ Saturdaye Mar. zist, '96. $2038 worth of Groceries at 37 ota. on the Doular. Ves, they go quick. No Wonder. Sec so.ne of thèse prics:- 2X lb. ban Sp Rice 4c, Tapioca 4cs 800d okn Raisins 3c sctleie cmc CS" ut béat &, red ffmou îOC, oeused onatoes Se, Tesa (pem sud blac), 15Se, Worth 2,Wc-M046. Vu* 4S- ; 3W venrth 5=é ;Ceykon te"6 *Sri,1Wtb 40c; I 40e Woth Sor, lu poùkqee. AUl Groccnies ah sand bsbo wKc.. Speelalpriléeste petW * b XMg larg b., Highcst priées for Btex.d,ýwil àdS4 Au tgoodsmu m The spring exod us to tbe northwest bas begun. Mr John Coates started aset week, and on Tuesday of this week Messrs Wm Scott and Richard and Wm Colley got away. Wm Robinson goe next Tuesday.. Mr and Mrs Trueman Williamnson, of Orangeville, who were residents of this vil- lage twenty-five years ago, bave been visit- ing here ton a week. Some of our readers will remember Mn Williamaon as tbe builder of tbe Masonic hall. Mna. Richard Hockin, is taking consider- able interest in the newspaper talk ncw going on concerning the big Dutch fortune- soon to be distributed. Sbc is one of thc descendants cf thc Croukhite family who are said to be the heine to the fortune. We hope sbe may be successful in establlshing ber claim to a ahane of the millions. We regret to learn that Mr. Craig, of Scarboro. who is coming on Mr. Ketchen's farm, soon te be vacatcd by Mr Wm., Bell, met with a sericus accident a short time ago. By a mistake be tell from the loft of his stable and struck the stone floor below, breaking the cords cf bis knce. It is feared the injury mav be permanent. The management cf the concert given on Monday nigbt did a very commendable thing-from vour correspondent's point of vi-w-when tbey presented hlm witb corn- pllmentary tickets for the performance. This is the first time the writer was ever so favoned during aIl the years he has been booming ententainments and setting up late at nights writing reports of tbem, and we certainly muet find room te make mention of it among the important occurrences of the week. Another cf our old résidents bas passed over te the great majorit>' in thc penson of Mns. Wm. Nicols who died on Mouday asat. Bbc hati been in poor hcalth for some tiane, snffeing from dropsy and heart disease but ber death came rather snddealy at last. She was bora la Uic townshi of Ernestown nenth cf Kingston on the 26th of A ug. 1812. She was oeeof a family of urne cf wbich enly oae uow is living via, Dr. Nathan Birckacll who resides at Clank's milis near the p lace where the family were born. Mrs Nich ols fathen came te Kingaton in i8oe when that place was a smnall hamlet. Bbc marnied Wm. Nichols on Sept. 24nd 1&46. Mr. Nichols died seven years ago. A concert andi lecture, undér thé auspices of the Royal Templars, will be given in the masonic hall next Thursday evening, 26th inst. A gooti programme wlll be provideti including a lecture by Rev Newton Hill, cf Omnemee, on the subject, "The uses and abuses of the tongue." -Mn Hill was here two years ago for the Royal Templars and quite delighted the large audience which hé addressed on that occasion. The concert part wil1 be fully up to the higb standard cf these popular entertainments. The admis- sion tee has been placeti at thé very low jprice ef ten cents, anti there shoulti be a ange attendance. Victerroa Corne»a. Miss Maggie MadilI, cf Orillia, idt here on. Saturday morning for home. Mrs. James Page, et Epsom, was the gncst ot Mns. Robent Acton ene day last week. Miss Eliza Rinard, cf Scoat, is visitlng with Mrs. Robent Reynolds for a féw day. Mr. Wmn. Murray and Miss Lizz4e Murray, cf Scott, spent Sunday with Mns. To. Ment ick. Messns. John St. John and Mute Brethoun, cf Valentine, apeut Thunsday with Mr. Jas. Brethour. Mn. John Brown, who for the last six menthe bas been lumberninl the uorth, bas returncd borne te spcnd the summer in this dIstrict. Tbunsday evcning a party ef yoting folk& lef here for Mn. Geo. St. Johu's, of Vallen- tyne, -wbere they spent a veny pleasant evening. The Royal Arch meeting efthte L. of Li No. 45, located at Victoria Corners> came off on Fniday night, instead cf Tbursday, owlng te tbe state cf the noads, The five who took the degrée wene Joseph Cook, Wrn. Wilson, Geo. Brown, Samuel Brown and Wesley Hodgson. The visitons wénc from Toronto, Sunderland, Vroornanton and 14dora. Aften thc candidates wene Initiated addreses were dclivened by some of the rnot preminent members cf the differént lodges. Thé L. of L. in itsecf is a noble entier, but some cf thé membera are a dis- grace te the lodge. Wben they join tbey takre an oatb te, respect their maker, anti miany other such agreements as 1 mIght mention, but it would flot be wise te do se and wben they come eut cf the lotigé soe even go se fan as te curse théin makén. Now such mnen should net be allowed te even jein the order. while some are wonking thein way te the black degnec. Then they diagrace, théin lotige by getting timunk on the twclfthl day ef July. A truc onangéman would net get drunk. A man wbo joins this orden or any other christian association shoulti respect it by keepiug its ruIes. GOODWOOD. Mrs. George Sharp présénteti ber huabanti wltb another baby girl. Mns. Fred. Lavery, cf Cannington, la visiting under the parental noof. Our doctor, who is becomning more pepular evcry day, is s0 nushed he had te get anotb- cr herme for a fcw days. Mn. T. Carey intends remodelling bis farrn this aummér. Mn. Frank Flumenfelt bas coracted to suppli' the matenial. As March came in like a roaring lien surely it will end up like the gentle lamb, and we will yet have a littlc fine weatben. Ç;lnls dnt forget this is leap year. Now la your chance as it don't corne again for eight years. I arn ready and waiting to be asited. Thé concert giveui under thé auspices et Soreéoe thé tarmens are lookiug eut for thé Chosen Friends, by theé Breoklin their men for thé summer. Thé early bird Spécialty Co." on Monday evenicg, was net gets thé early worm, se those who hire first langely attendeti, but pesseti cd successfully' have thein choicé. otherwise. It was advcertised as thé "mlost Thé baptist church hati a specal service laughabîe entcrtainrnt éver givén in last Sunday mrning arîtiévening. As their Brookln," anti certainîy thene was much te asual time is ln thé aftémucon Uic services laugh at, rather tee much, perbapa, for it vwére, conducteti by Rev. .-Rois of Me- ail te hé fully appreciateti. The ov«ertn ITetg ieU, Toronto. -A- 'quarttefrn wéré prementet Ilun egular mntstrél style. thé bapýtist choir, Uzxbritige, grcst.ly .belped Thé two farces, "Thé long distancé télé- thé singing. phone," anti "That nascal Pat," wcrc giveti Thé extra force shovéllîng snow on thé by thé mcm bers of thé cornpany anti wene arodweontlWdesywh hy both very amusing. Thé first nauéla sinoadtheéG.eBonbtilee illétiaesa wen the a one written by Mn M F Chian sud is cen- gthé . u were w hi o.Igt ét isnt ast taiuly a veny creditablé production. Hé telay oerebsiyscfhé jo t e bart h as given évidence et spécial talent iu this téll r any et t boys hén yeuhvet be e line, both as a wrimer sud au acter. Théeteyar taed nitteanly facksai eé baé sem other membens cf thé company, Messrs Ge cyca, ethénfolthe trhi acs alpél p Wilson, Geo GilI, Albert Chian anti R C S uhfrtéMnhwns Skinner, wére gooti, both lu théin makéup Seméeof thé young people arounti hère anti in thé mnauner lu wbich théy pénsouateti Indulget ini an cyster suppér last Thurstiay thé charactérs wbicb théy epnsentéd. évéuiug at thé home of Mn. anti Mms.Wm7 During thé cvéning Rev H I Allun, cf' Wagg. Owing te thé previeus snow aîonm Colnmbus, gavé a short atidress lu thé in- seméet thé invited dtid net get thére. but tencst cf bencficiary seciéties in général anti those who went report a most excellent time, et thé Choscu Fniéntsin l panticular, wbich stanting at olti dusty milIer anti ending at was much appréciateti. The musical part . Jcnusalém. Thée ystcns aîong with évery- cf thé programmé coasisteti cf sougs anti thîng élse that coulti hé wishéd for wené quartettes by mémbers of thé ccmpany, and'~ senveti at 12 P. aM. Thé ouly miabapa weme instrumental sélections by an orchestra con- a féw upsets going te thé party. si stiug cf Messrs J W Stevenson, W Lyndé, ]Et Veruou and BoU.. Mn. Rogers (Oshawa), J Whitefonti anti Mn anti Uns A Wells. Thé weedchucks are eut. W. A. H. Mr. Wm. Werry lest thinteen fige young Businss »tecaiypiga last Tbnrs-lay. OU'Y & 00., grain buyers. Mr. sud Mrs. Shontnitige visited irM. S. rBZALL, S. -ue ofMarriffl L o» KiveIl, Enfiélti, Fniday wcck. Besiené oppsit Tev Hal, Bookta. Mn. William Carrol, of Columbus, paiti a 1W A MONmELY. D V S.-Qre.duate ef the On- ,ligvstt red eeMna' tarioe Vtenlnary Cellege, Toi-ente; Honorai-y 1Mn. John James, of Oshawa, visitcd his meniber of the Outario Médical olt. i son, Mr., T. F. lamles, Mouday week. . il removal matie vacant. M- . Milnen bas moveti inte thé bouse formerl3 occupiéti by Mn. S. E. Fnalick. We ex pect soon te be able te report that part et thé family bas neturnedti tethé olti home- smteud. Mrs. Chris Stephenson la impreving véry rapidly. Dr. Clemna certaialy deserves great praise for thé akill shown lu bis et- tendance upon her. Hé la fast rnaking a name for himacif on thé Islandi, as a auccéas- fui surgeon, Mr. John Collins, an., bas been laid up for some timne on account of thé accident te bis éye, neponteti soeé ime ago. It still con- tinues ne bée thé cause ef much pain sud it seema almost certain that the sigbt will be lest. thé Centre cbuncb wltb Mn. ino. Plougumau as superntendent, anti having under hlm a strong staff of teachèra May succes al-. waya attend it. Rev. W. J. Crng, of Uttle Bitaint,WiU occnpy d4e pulpits of this circuit ons Sada>' neit, preaching misslouary sermons mol U-ý inp anti aftcruoon. Mn. Crm« il -the Unior asînister onutiLae Britalu circuit s-as Ic cornes te us b15bily spokeoofamapnada wé look foi-varnwitb pl*easIo tbis VIs* with us. Mn.. MaIlt vl take Mn. Cragg' wonk for that Sanda>. Mn Blair Ketchen speut 1a9tSind"a>' Uias Mm s Ioorebasbecs bom .*ue b te wuoqr U# la Treats ail diseases et the dometîcatét n t.Bod tCahmat isM animis y th moa uproved metho&d. A M .W .Bno hahm n sM atiula- &tamw% 16 i'0rgical Ooértions Bond, of Brooklil, visitéti Mr. S. Shortritige aund dentistry. Dp" salla htromtl sat week. sttendé . Of àdréiene Mn. S.WilHams anti iss B. Ashton wcre Ontanlo. uests of Mn. sud Mn.. J. Ashton, Columbus, iror some weeks nmew goode bave been pouring in on us. We have theiu al opndont and now invite your Iû- PRINTS.--Sevetnty-five yatterns to choose from, the neatest, nicen, and best that money Sun bu>', at front 6c to z5cpVer Y& WALL PAPERS.-tu large ~reya MB4rC dato matchamrL H ATS- liftdes 14 I. Sunday.- Mn. OGo. Reeti anti Miss Lena Clark viaiteti Mn. andi Mn.. Je- Cameron, Clark, Suntiay. POSr b~y usband and daugbters in their sad bere-ave-. ment. The funeral cortege to ~h~Pn MIis Alice Parrlah, of New Yoerk, la gilest Grove. cemetery last Sitturday w»a"Oe e0f~ of Mn. and Mrs. W. L. Parish. the largest ever accu here and neanly'a tule James Black, of Michigan, is borne on a long and wae evidênce cf the bigh esteentin. visit to hie parents and friends. wbich tbc deceaeed and family are held iu town and adjoining townships. Died, in Port Penny on the î8th inat.,i Mary, daugbter of Mr. John Calver. Det of Mrs. Wlilcoz. 7 Mr. and Mrs. D. Whitney have been on Died, ln Port Perry on the x3tb mast., the sick list and are now on the menci. j Caroline Howard, bcloved wife of Mr. iW. 'M. Willcox. The deceased (had béen a Mn.. Vickers (nec Beatrice Billinge) snd citizen of Pont Penny for many years and Was daugbtcr are borne on a viuit to ber fathen well-known and respected, aud though of a and brother. quiet and nctiring disposition, was ever Died, at Seagrave, on the z6tb lnst., Ray- willllng te do what she could to those. near, mond Vere, son cf Mr. Thos. Midgley, aged and dean te ber by thé tics cf nature. The 8 mes. and 2o days. late Mrs. Willcox was P fsitbful member cf_, Mra. Dr. Clemens neturned from Ottawa the Anglican church, and wben ber~ healtit last Frlday aften a six weeke visit te ber Ipermihtted was te be found negularly in the sister, Mn.. Wonkman.1 fainily pew. The rnourning relatives have The methodist endeavons held an enjoy- the sympathy of our citizeusin l their sad able social asat Friday at Mr. James Ross'affliction. The littie grandaughtersansd an., reiec onthe lake. ony daughten will mniss the motherly care_, resiencedownand affection of the deceaaed lady. The The Sons of Tempernce luteud haviug a funenal on Monday te the Pine Grove cerne-, concert in the Sons et Eugland hall, ont tery was a ver>' large one, sbewitig the'- Wednesday evening, 25th iiiSt. rçspect and esteem ln which the deceased Miss Rachel Mesure went te Toronto on and family are held in town. Wednesday te take a situation wltb a leading W. J. NOTT* wholesale manu facturing coceru. hmemdWat. The electric railway charter was given Ui habmadWatd go-by, the ministen. of railways was dend Apply at the Orientai Hotel.. againet it, se that nothing can be donc te- PortP.nrySSimOS. Director>'. wards it this year. G. B. W7A*xoi, barber, next te post office"- Revs. Whitlock and McMechan are per- O.k, llth.-8 mos. sonalîrv soliciting subscniptions for the Ar- Mwe isTauEPs has reoelved ber' menian cause and bave bad good success. new fall steof etmIMhnery snd la prepared to' Already they have made one remittance te tarn out first-olase miillnery in the lateas the treasurer in Toronto. styles and low prices. Stamping dône te The Ladies' Aid cf thc metbedist churcb order. Sept. 19th.--8-mon, will boid a social at the nesîdence of Mns. R. W B CLAUK baa fer sale tliree goed second- had parler heaters with aoens, whiob h. wM'l Harper, near Manchester, next Tuesday ssiI cheap for cash. Cali andi Inepeet thlm evening, 24th inst. Sleighs will be at the se they are good bargains. chunch at seven o'clock. M__________________ Miss Florence Denuison, Jones' fashion- able tines anauç mandeé maken, is ln thé city this week attending the openinga of thé big meail stores, sud seeiag cverything new lu this apring's styles. A meeting ci thé bicycle idéns cf Port Penny was belti on Thursday of last wcek for the purpose of onganizing a club. The following officens wene elected : Hon-prési- dent, T. J. McMillau ; captain, E. Ebbcls; Lieut., J. Bravenen ; sec-treas., J. Goudy : buglen, W. G. Ro-sa. Thé namne chesen, Port Penny Maple Léaf club. Whitby, thé tailon, movét Inlto bis elti quarters, which have been nénovateti se wéll that thé inténier looks like a new store. Hé bas placeti on his shelves a bran aew stock. Mn. Whitby and hi. excellent staff of bauds are as husy as bées turning eut suits. As 11Cham 1 is a popular man anounti town hé gets bis ahané cf tradé, anti what la bétter, hé turfs eut good wonk. Nabbécl at last day, that Inspecter Watson had laid lnama*_ bush ail night on Tuésday aight andi Wed- uestiay monning and hati caught sévéral parties in thé act of snaing fish, sud after hauling thé fish ou thé icé saw thé samé peni- sons bide them lu thé snow. Inspecter Watsen la neportedti mehave saiti, tbat hé ticI net lie- all night on seven mile islanti for nthiag. "'Verily the way ef thé transg;res-, son la bard."1 1 would respectfully caîl the attention of those persous wbu have thé runuang of thé englué anti thé booking aftén thé électric lightiag in tewn te thé very tiirn lightgie eut by thé incandescent lights for* séra aights past. 1 have îound it necessany ho use a lamp, as thé wavening'of thé light was a strain ou thé cyes; for a tiniee k would bura vény brightly, sud lu a féw minutes it wrould go dim again, se that it was impos- sible te reati or write with satisfaction. The Red Bird la net a bird that fies, but a béautiful bird cf a pmétty shade of ted sud nicklé on- namenteti sud cailed the Brantford Redi Bird Bicycle. Marshall Wells, ex-champion bicycle rider, was hère on Wédncsday as-1 sisting their local agent, P. C. Grahant, in showinIr te thosé interésted i n bicycles tbe gooti points ot their machine. The ipéal agent informa me thé>' have smeei e-ea bons fidéentiders. A suiple bicycle îs fnow on exhibition in Clarkis, show windcw, lu thé Blong block. Cai andseé kt. WVeduesday night antiail day Thurui-da'r, of lat week was a trylng tinimo Urrailway, Une. Tt relred'two sunciw -1l> .cd wlthdQ~bleeus tf lear théerakfroin. ~Lindsay -te Wbitby. -Earlyôon Fnday>' nr- ing Roatimaster Ferguison'sud-tblrty flvc'of- lis men after a bard'twelve boürâ - work're. ,turnaed te Port Penny sd an çs arly break-, fastàtathUerSt. Charles hotéeThse umen ad had ,,nothiag ho est fronisi 'z i k of thé day, prevIons.andti tby relishq t=e.apetsn meal prepanedi rtisen,.t at a clockt that moruig bymine -hast'Sebert and his -,sù -i« aller- which thé- sen preedeti homéw*atd' For. tb-e fi-at time in- ayear 'I'failed to-get, -*19 ...L1k...4 A.i.*iïi >in ltiss For the largest and finest stock Of furniture and lowest prices go to Jessop Furniture Co., Port Perry. WuXxNo 6T, w 15 Cords B v.. W. L.- PAR HARIDW/ -of Herses. atte m,ç » Young Mn. Howard, et Hampton, occpled the pulpit at Eldadi Sunda>' afterwoon.is , father, Rev. W. H. 4Howand,, bavlng i t c tend Mra, Mercier's funeral. Mn. HHopér boot and slioe- makesr bas gene ho réside in OahïwN,- bavlng gone, lu' partnershlp *wlt b is son w*bo bas stozteê tise 6àe aud:sie business there. We wish them evèr>'succÇs!e. EnfleltidilvionS. eof T. vluted Solino division on Fzda ight 1 at and u ver> enjoyable tnt.Mt. Carwelld ù vishèr n tnis FrnlAv nirhI la h.t attractive -lot., for euhb tt 3 ~te~ VOL. 1896. NO6 y-j I"N. ! &IV r _m;zzmulk

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