Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1896, p. 5

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N y NATOHES -AT- !AL F PR/CE. To cl.'ar out a dosen Key Wind El- gin Rackford &nd other Atuerjoan Watchea jm Sllvtir ()Pen Face and~ liltlllg Casesi, wte are <ifféring them t4, yi)u Id hbai the rogular prie". 'Uhie la A SPLENOIO OPPORTUNITY to socure ther voly eat value you liai e oer rcell. Jump at IL il se Barnard, Wia tch ia k er, otentaiC.omuty Orgal.-Lwwget Cirou.la.. tieof anj local papes tu Caa FRI)AY, MARCLI 200 1896 LOCAL LACONIOS. ~--~~lot emsences aud pure extractr. d y tu à' 4 Par patit W. G. Walte. SAutI sale every Sattîrday evenlng at « Itie west bide boot and sho. store.. Mms Thos. I4Aw, &peut Weduesday with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Sander%, of Audley. XMss ectrice Dartnell left yesterday to spend a week with relative. and friends ln Toronto. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite, tuait, witb silk plusb bands, for 832, worth Z., et W. TiI's. We would furtber reoeind our readers or the social at Mrs. Paxton& en Good Friday night, April 3rd. Mr. Chas. Etnsheimer, (Duke ofMarlboro') or New York, was in town over Sundsy, the guest of Reeve King. Mesurs Buckle and Mr Wm C-reenan. of Port Hope, called on old frit.-ns here for a few days this week. March, 1896, spent the fir-st half of its lite wearing a lions skin, and hais uow donned the laml>V%î fur its dectining period. Meu's Kentucky gean ovieralîs and pants. Notbing equal to wear like thean. Try a pair soc, ;àc and #ia at W. G. Walters'. A lot of correspondence and local news crowded ont this week which will appear next week. Correspondents please write again. à vey fine election of auto-harpea at pesty reduced prices : $2 aUBURInce $3; 1.Paual price Ue5; $5usual price $6, at $io reward will be given to any person who can buy boots, shoes and rubbers cheap- er than they can be procured ait the west side cheap bc t and shoe store. Auctiota sale everv Saturday evening. Staif-Captain Hargrave, in charge of the salv-ition army work in the East Toronto District, in which Whitby is included, wiII conduct a special meeting ait the barracks here on Weduesday, March 25tb, at 8 p.m. There will he a lecture at the O. L. college March 26th, at 5 o'clock p. rn., by Miss E M. Ladd, formeily a teacher irn the univers- ity at Tacoma, Washington. The subject of tb1e lecture is George Eliot. Admission 25C. To subscribers. We have had sorne com plaints from people who subscribed for city papers through us, that their papers have flot started yet, or have corne a week and then stopped. We would be glad to hear of aIl such cases. a . (uy I)artaîell, Toronti), spent Suta<ay 1 Domt for-get the great sale l. i 1 ne1 1 14Aidw>ur.1 lidniug tables, 4 leaveb, only $, à: 'l&L-- 111 ', bs>ectail bie men's fedora latsait Soc. worth ,.x a W tGWalters' Mca.s j S Barnard is visiting friends and ie-c.4tives in Hamîilton this week. 4t thie service this aftcrnoon ait Al Saints' laui ch the Rev. A. J. Reid will preach the f 1110 Il AIlare welcone. MISS H reena, Torouto, lias been visiting foS Ille passi week waîli fraends :n towîa, the gu(ràit of Miss l:dith ;ross. The sociaI to lie given by the ladies of the WC ' at irMn.Tamnllyn's on WVedues- da.% tbe i si of Api il romises w lie thie suc ( ts Of tlice season E verybody corne, as a ia.'dl ine is assua cd lu all Tbe pro gramme di lie gîa.en iii a trx) el and urliquc sityle Tlie congregation ofthte tabernacle are Laivng a bread snd butie-r social on WVed- esday evening niext, lu which aIl their (riensa are iuvited Tea will be served iii the aclool-roonof thbc clurch froua six tW eighit o'clock. Tbis social as for the direct purpose of promotîaîg good fellowship and hetter acquaintauce. The admission is tell cents, The beat Anthracite coel. Nut, stove, egg, $4.75 ,No. 2f nuitt, $4 ,At yard JIf.I>owney l'Co., opposite post U dfice 3Sticahaag party. Two large siergb i oad., of youug people dtove to P-ickering aiu Moulday evening and en their returri touk possession of the resi- deuce of Mn.. A (. Henderson, where sev- eral botirs uf social arnusemel-it were îaîdulg- ed ina Na.rrow escape. While Jolin Watîsun, eldest son of Mr. julin \atsuii, souuîb ward, wastryiug to pick upa iltier fromn under the lorses (cet on ý,urday lasi lie was kicked an the side of the lace Thxe w und was su deep as to require seveîal stitches. \.%e art pleased to learra that no bories wrre broken and the youuig id as doaaîg as well as can lie expectcd con- sider-ang bis îîarr-ow escape. Daag-hters of England The tollowitig aie the oticers of Prancesai May lodZe for iS96 .Sîster M Cooledge, îrcs. , Sîster Statilack, vice-pres.- Sister Bateman, p, [res. ,Saster Robson, chiap.; 'ýiâter C Smith, sec. . Sister A Warkup, treaà.., guides, Sisters E Heard, A Cool- eilge, Cornîsh, Bell, Creswell, Hurnm inner guard, Sîster A Smith - outer guard, Sister '-Iater , audîtors, Sîster Bravener anad Bros. Smith and Rowlarad; trustees, Sister M I'r;tper and Brus. Hallett and Baternan Tlie executive officers of Empress ut India 1lodge, Oshawa. paid Prircess May lodge a visifor the pur-pose of electiaxg a district dieputy for this district. Sister A Cooledge of Prîarcess Mav ludge was elected to that pxiition for i À,afier whicli a ver-y pleasant bour was siacut ini singling, recitations and dialogues, with boili lodges tsk ng part. At o i n. refre'-lments were served which t >, 11 t lu a cll"se a most enjoyable meetinig. ~'A Notes. "Irs. Adjutant Miller led the afterroora éli-ting ait Brooklira on Sunday. \dautant Miller wilI lead a Coritthian rntateng on Sunday afternoon ait the bar- r.-tks, and un Sunday night at 8 p. mi. wiU V -lie ait sddress un " Trumpet cals " as 'unded out in our local weeklies, the M RONICLE and Gazette. The S. A. commence this week collecting lot the talent scieme. The amouet reallzed wîil be divided amongst thc soldiers to in- vest, and the proceeds 10 b. declared on 4 Pril 23rd. wil I be handed over 10 the S. A.. ofilcers clohing and pension fund. The S. A. as evidently awakening to the fact that the officers nee.d ielpiug and the friends of thie army ira town should nt forget so wortby an object. Adjutant Miller assure. us that he reccntly received subetantial help as te result of tast years taleft (und. The talent scheme is isîso swelled by tcm per cent. of the War Cry and g race before aneat boxe.. Ibis clothing sud pension fund vas inaugur- S ated by' the present leader Commandant Her-ber-t Booth. A Ha&rd World On Tuesday an unfortunate couple amed Dancey arrved bere le a condition whlch would make one's heart sort-y. Mrsa they came frme n i eghborhood cf Owen Sound sud are worklng their way «si in hope. of the husband gemtn work cu a canal down about Mnral Wben th"y had traveled as fat- as Clareosoot PM .Dan-, cey made a anisstep oeeboW iu. a de hore-tracke, and broke ose of tii..uUI boues of hé' r leg below the kmr-e. 'boy' needed help b a f couruebut c",itsa their effforts t tir op*7"Mjthy for tb*& pitiable condition '.Wied. »,r tbayt tried to get aifttie bop to py tbolrv"Y' aciDe IL..pied or ut K V reevt Of Picketingbelug. wdtè slolgb and hanléd bisofla to commence Saturday, Feli. 22tid, and con- Wme for 3o days. Boots and slîoes at auc- "as prices. Sce the bar-gain table uutside. mo pairs ladies' bouse slippers at ioc. per pn.r. M. W. Collins, red shoe store, east side. Highla.nd Club The aninual meeting oi tlie Highland club will be hcld an the club rooms un Monday eveniug next, wlien the electiora of officers wvill take place and other importanat business will i e îransacted. A full attendance is earnestly requested. Clubs on a cash basas. Those who have sent ina for papers on our clubbing rates sliould bear ini mmd that we have to pay cash in idyance for ail papers ave order, and expect our subscribers to pay the miouev in advance wîthouît ail. WVe trust that no person avilI overlook thîs notaice Wood-sawing contest Mrs Richard Collins camne off vactor- in the Woud sawing contest at the Ka-No-Ta e-nter- taîrament un Wýednesdav evening, tbereby wiunine, the lurty-four piece tea set. Pr-of Barîey aitnouuiced that she was now cham- pion waîliuut a doulit as she liad corne off first besi at a wood bec on two difierent oc- casions. Leg brokesa On Friday last a n rmber of children were eoasting down the stèep banks uf the ravine neax the residence of Mrs Geo. McGillivray when Ro y a six year qld son of Mr John MeCari, bruke his right leg near the thigh. The little fellow will be laid up for soie tinte. Mr. and Mr-s. McCarl have had great troubles with their childreai. The eldest, a girl, was murdercd by a lunatic nurse girl. Another boy had bis leg amputatcd because of an incurable disease. Thbe Wa.bash Railroa.d. It as now an acknowledged fact that the Wabash Railway is the shortest, bcst and quickest route fr-on Canada to Chicago, St. Louis, Hot Sprinags, Texas, Mexico, Cali- for-na, and ail sout.hwestern points. It's train equipmuent is super-tati vely the finest ira Amnerca. Full particulars fr-ar any R. R. agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadiara pas- 'tenger agent, raorth east corner Kinag and X'unge streets, Toronto. The Ka-no-ta Co Who have been giving their ertertainments for the past tavo weeks, appear to have taken a firrn hold upon the good wiIl of the people uf Whitby and for miles ar-oued, judgimg frorn the number of cutters, sleighs, etc., that corne ber-e, particularly upon their spec- ial nights, and they are thoroughly deservtng of the patronage tbey receive. Tbey are a gentlemauly lot of fellows and give a really splendid show, certaiuly better than most companys cbarging much bigber prices. Their remedies are also beiug most bighly spoken of hy the people using them. Prof. Bailey, the genial proprietor and manager, seems to have bast noue of the magnetism for dr-swing large crowds sud entertalning them with bis descriptive talk regardiuag bis preparations. Qne would have thougbt that he had extracted alI the bad teeth of the peo- ple for miles around upon bis last visit, but there appears to be stili large numbers of people wlshing to get rid oz their trouble- soie bad tecth, and he la again relieving Uic achieg java of hondreds of people. There i. no doubt the drugglsts will reap the benefit of the tkorough manser of adver- tisîng the Ka-no-ta reuedies, We under- stand Satur-day nigbt yul b. Ibeir last niglit ait the music hall No one sbould miss see- ing their first class show as the pri lawltb- in the reach cf ail, zo cents. ,W. undorstaud they go frou bore tW Oshawa. We can higb- ly recommend theun to our neighbors. Obituar. lu sosie way, tbrougb associaion with te tet-nbly sudden taking off of Mm~. Burneft the day before, a story obtalne credence as to a similarly unlooked for ending of am 11f of another lady well known te CautomrCLx readen, Mn. Wm. Williox,. of Port P"rr. Thse deceased lid been ill for moSe Urne, suferng froan la grippe. Lest wok -tus, peaet mdlAtterl vnynalatMai-. dy lnduced eurMaaOf =.evsu e Case of Mm Wlléoex, wbo uccmbçO4to tiislttaeis M«ou FnldUr1amir ber mun bouse, am udd mni04 relatives. Mi. WMloeg'amalis n .oeew CaroliseHowurd. Ebe 'vas tbe fMb daugb teote eUh e. ratul'How~ard~, one of** eml lyoen rs 0< Otlo oua7,,$b.h-lu stesd boet h. <urus of diSds t.uathe kiàilmIad mtb, o Alli rafor dyàbXitan 'ükyý AMile fo bakleg pawde rrî oihing but Mr Ww Wilsoni Port Perry, was ln town où Wednesday. Alin' for physiclatu and famity recipes accurately prepared. Tbe Dunlap, Knox and Yeomans styles lu black and brown bats at W. G. Walters'. Reserve Good Frlday evening for the social at the bouse of Sherifi and Mrm. Pax- ton. Mrs. 13 Walker of Oshawa, visited her daughter, Mrs Tios. I4aw ou Monday of this week. Mrs Rcibt Wilkes left bere on Tuesday for Toronto, praur to returning to be:r home ina Clevelan d. New mohair dresa goode, Sicilian cloths, fancy crepons, priestley clotha, etc., at W. G. Walters'. The court report and some extra advei- tising has limited our space-for town news this week. A full budget will be given next week. A few of the members of the Whitby divi- sion Sons of Temperance visited Harmony divisiotp, on Friday night st, and teport having had a good trne. Miss Iadd, a poetess of g7reat talent, author of "Cherry Bloom" will lecture at Ontario Ladies' College on Thursday, March 26th at 8 p.rn. We hope to see rnany town people present. Neit Sunday evening ~n the mnethodist tabernacle the Rev Mr Manning will preacli on '<Social Purity." This will be tfie second of a series of sermons to young men, which Mr Manning is preaching. Mr. J. W. Thompson has finished his lec- ture course in Toronto niedical school, and is taking a few weeks vacation before coran- mnencing lias summier work of preparation for the fall examîinatioras. Auction business. Parties wishi'ng to employ nme to attend their sales can maire art angements as to terms and dates at the CHRONICLE office. L. FAIRBANKS. April Fools day. A social wiil be held un the above date at the residence of Mrs. W. W. Tamblyn uxîder the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Refresh- ments will be served and a first-class time may be anticipated. Major Farewel omzated. The law society of the couiity of Ontario lias nominated Major J. E. Farewell, Q. C., as candidate for electiora to the benches of the law society of Ontario. He carne withira a vote or two of being elected lait year, and his friends expect to mire a gain this timue. St Johns Church The Rev F H DuVernet, B D., will offici- ate on Sunday next. 22nd inst. The holy communion will be administered at the mnorning service. Supply for the following Sundays: 29th, Mr Noxon; easter Sunday, Mr White April 12th, Mr Major. War or Peace it's ail the samne. The war ira Corea is now over and the Manitoba struggle is on, as well as the British elections. Murdertng is still in vogue and on thie increase. The muan who thinks lie knows a solution of the Manitoba school question, doesn't know how mucli le doesa't know. How it will be deait with is a vexed question for politicans. The British elections are sure t go Conservative, and conserva- tism as carried on to-day means r-cal reform. WVe can stop murder-ing to some extent if we nail every blood-stained monster to the mast instead of makirag them recipients of sym- pathy and outraged justice Readers are fa vored w itli these philosoph ical observations purely with a view to remia.ding them that E Hart still selîs the New Williams sewirag machine, which is ahead of them aIl. The Lectures at the Coilege The increase attet'dance at the lecture in Frances Hall ait the Ontarilo ladies' college Friday nigit rmust have been gratifying to Rev Priracipq Hare. Prof McCurdy, of Toronto univer-sity, the orientalist of tbe faculty of university college, gave an ab- sorbingly interesuing exposition of social evolutio-n, tracing the progress of humau civilization to the Isr-aelites as recorded in the history of God's chosen people rccorded ina the old testament. The text subjects treated were : slaver-y, caste, woman, the poor. Mr L T Barclay, viee-president of the college board, ivas chair-ian. A motion of thanlcs. proposed by Rev Thos Manning, scconded by Mr- F Howard Annes, was en- thusiastically voted the lecturer. This Fri- da,%.right another- treat is ira store. Prof Needler, of Toronto uriversity, on "Mar-tin Luther-his part ira the development of the_ Germara laraguage and Literature." Hockey Notes. Osbawa played a draw wltb the Peterboro coll. inat. on Tuesday right. The gaie stood 6 each wbeu the visitors bad to leave te catch the train. Oshawa led until witbin fifteera minutes of the close ; at une timeth gante beirag 6-3 lu their favor. The ice w tua beavy for dlean hockey and the pu had ta be driven by main force. The visit- ors did nul play up 10 the reputation held by the hockey tuwn of Peterboro. Oshawa bas a new goal tender, who did good work, sud the teani generally showed up lu better for-m than wben tbey visited here. The Wbitby seniors and juniors have each played a successful season, aud woùnd-up on Wednesday niglit with a match against ecd other. The struggle was a bard one, and at the ed of tic first hait tbhe score stood 3-2, but the superlor weight. of the seniors told in their favor after that and they won by a kcore of ie-5. The teas lined pasfollows : juniors-GCoal, A. Taylor pint, Jeo. Brant; cover point, Jue.--Rie; torwards. A. Paquette, Colin Stewart, Wm Barmes, Eddie Nicholson, (captQ Seniors- Goal, Fred Lapham ; point, Geo. Thomp- son; cover point, Chas. Stewart; fowa0s Paul Gordon, Robt: Stewart, Geo. Bannes, (capt) The.-lust Hockey match with a foreigu teatn took place on'Saturday afternoo sud considerin g theshort notice waur , f att.ended. ?hey ver front tise CrAlela Insîtift tLTindsay and ver. a 'M"17 "»t of playsin very senn. of the. vor Their, firt apea ceon thic flo -cdfoth peina. mand tse(W m ofuea W t*1*dme prciecaused CMauimc1wune»s ëf Our teM uto =~te" da ouabteý« o-tes r suit. Mr Waikes - UngsUtr 4f thç clý e aSompaeuicd theiboy» .and iooked tber ntët,1 hixame wuvas oe *=t p- m ý»d î -mt, a '. u lmton 4 t.vaes ut ee temUb l nni NEWý -a 8P11INO' DRE88 - NOVEL Thf. EVERY conceivàble weave and ail the newest efeot s SPRING DRESS GOODS. Many feminine eyes sparkle theRe days at our chic dl#'-'y Every day brings sômnething new-and f« To-day we uncover one of the grandest disiplays of Blick, Colored and iFancy CHAMBRAYS, P}LINTS, etc., ever shown in any âingib store. COTTON CREPONgo., Look in the window-You see 'onif a few compareci with the bewildering variety within. New Laces, New Lace Coliars, Butter-colored Laces in ail widths with insertions to match ; very newes&. New Hogiery, New Gloves, New Trimîininge. Very tinest Line of New TWEED DRESS GOODS and LUSTRES SICILIANS, etc., ever showu.. New GOLF CLOAKING at very lowest prices. Ail styles and colors. G O nLF 'ERb S.= Ladies' Fine Wool GOLFERS, fancy stitch, large sleeves, tight fitting under sleeve, ail colors n very newectt ideas. Ladies should see our FILO FLOSSES, ail colors, with Crochet Silk to match. in Drawiug Linens, Doyles, Table Cloths, Fatioy Tray Cloths, Five o'clock All are invited to corne and Inspect ~~An Apprentice NO URGING At w.. ONLY LOW PRICES IDREvMSS GOQ00DS6 Wanted Aise beautifium o Table Covers, etc- aur St oc k~~ in the Millinery Department* TO BUY GO WALTERSý- GOODSè G00128. Our Spring Dress Goods display speaks volumes for the taste and good judgmeni of our buying. We have made special efforts to outdo former seasous lu point ô. variety of styles and richness of Fabrica. How well we have sueoeeded we as] you to cail and judge. NIEW ARVLSSmal Ail Wool Serges in Black,> Cream, and al oolor Clothe, Priestlys Cloths, Silver Silks, White an4 Mohairs, Plain Mohairs, solid colore with raised tures, Mohair Checks, Mohair Fancies, etc., etc. Nfew Styles New Fedoras in Black at 50c., worth 75c. New Fedoras in Black et 75c., worth $1. et 75c., worth $1. New Fedoras in Black and Brown et $1.25, worth $1.75. Black at $1, worth $1.50. Men's DUNLÂF, KNOX and YEOMAN'S Style Nutria at $2.00 and $2.50. ro s. Shepeirds, Checks, -E Colored Dot Mualmns, figures Mohair and silk: Hats. New Fedoras 0nB< New Federo Us in Black,- Brown: If you want te see the largeat stock and latest styles and newest shades this is the store for youfj-,, ~'See Special Fedora this week at 50 Ct.-IPO fren's. Men'a Men's Men's Mens 'J Men's( w Youths' 11l Wool Tweed Suite at....... $5 0 Ail Wool Tweed Suits et....... 6 50 Mll Wool Tweed Suits et ........ 7 50 &Il Wool Tweed Suite et ... . .... 10 00 Grey Woread Suite t. ...12 -50 Men's Black Worsted Suite et $10, worth $16 rG Tweed Children's Biue Serge Suite (IhiIdren's Tweed Suit# at.....oéÏi 00 Ohildren's Tweed Suite at..... Children's Tweed Suiteet ... To fitages 5to12 yearawe have assortment te select fromn. Whi Blak i wM TILL,. o o Furn.tuo STOP À XD Lt is safe, more convenient and almost as cheap: as Coal --OÎi., Corne .and gel pricesi onzirnl yu House or (j'Ligkts rientillie >O Ctock, .. O.LLT.4- FERI BAIL 0F alÂuthortzd , AND NEW- jin Hard and -Soft and Chi/dren' s Re ady-made WALTERS, * NOTE UGViiCDall For Eleotrie Light.

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