Whitby Chronicle, 20 Mar 1896, p. 8

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~ho 1ro~or Puce when looking for. tg « Pure Drugs, di tiPerfutnery, Toilet Requisities Toiet Soaps, di iiFancy Goods, 4( tiSpectacles, 4& 11 Anything ini tl he ..Drug Line,1 's Druy Store, Sirncoe St.. Southî, Oshawa. OSHAWA, MARCH 20, 1896 OSHAWA PAGE OSHAWA BUSIESS uTi~ ()'hawa subsc 'bers or advtr rtîers m iay transact any business with thc CItRON ICLF., or mav obtain extra copie,, at any tUnie, frumi E E. Rogers. Farmiers wî!l do vvel to cail at M. E. May's <'r Uos eadv made ciothing. If you wiîsh a ni e French china dinner or tea set, or anvîhing in fancy china, or glass- ware, go to E B Morgan & Son. It wîll pav an%, parties conteinpiating buv- ing an engaguineîît or wedding ring to see the large stock of n Bros. Oshawa as they will seli ibis nîuntli very cheap foi cash. * (enuitie dianiond i4K. only sS. They are * also rnaking s;e special oiers in Gents', Lai<anid vsg id and silve- watches. Sec theii t-nV Br' No î1 I hte ciior of THt-. iHRoNicti-, visits kh.sý , .. v VWednesday, and may he .secn .<i Kogi boo)0k store from i i a mý to tp ni 1nsoas.uews itemis, adver- tisencn1'. etc.,wiil Uc îhiankfully receiv- ed. Mr 1 Pineen rettiried home to Chicago, Mi [ l ti Ingin tof Toronto, was home Miss 1i\Wak1 i-, s ptndiig À few davs in Port Feiry. N,»s (.)lrsii oi N orit .i-. visiting Miss Mliss (;race ()fiig e orouii, spent Sun- (%AN, in town Miss Too)le. ()shlawa, sp.>it Sunday ati Mrs. Hugoj Mr. J. Wý Murray,,lias re opened business n his old stand Miss Wilson, Claremont, s the guest of Mrs. l)oriing Mr. Tom Seoa spent Sundav in Bow- inanville Miss Chrissie Mcl)ougall returned h,;me from Toronto iast week. Mrs. iDr. Hoig and children are the guests of Mrs. Loscoaibe, Bowmaîivilie. Mr. Rose, l)akota, is spending a few weeks with hîs uncle. Mr. J. Daley. Mr. Crenan is spending a few days ini îown with bis cousin, S. Warren. Mr. John Alman who has been very ili is now on the hîgh road to recovery. Mi. and Mrs. M. A. James, Bowmanville, spent Sunday witb Mr. John James. Mr. W, Chaplain, of the A. S. Whiting Co., spent Sunday in St. Catharines. Mr. J. Hodgson is ln town this week in- specting our high school. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dingle, of Detroit, are visiting friends in town. Miss M. Camneron, Toronto, i the guest of Miss Ida.Reynoids. Mr. A. Mackîe purchase'd the WVightmnan stock last w ee k for 583ec on the $. Mrs. John Nott and her son Earnest, of Welcorne, is visiting Mrs. Nott, Celia st. Mr. W. Alguire and wife, Brighton, spent last week visitîrîg friends and relatives. Mr. WiIi Hobbs has bougbt the house and lot, the property of tbe Late Mis. L. Scoit. Miss Maud Waltirrs bas gone to spnd a few weeks with ber brother, Mr. G. Waiters, of Whitby Miss Nellie Con nor, Brock Road, and Miss M. Iesmond, Pickering, were tL~e guests of Miss V. Troy last week. The Peterboro collegiate institute hockey team played Oshawa club List Tuesday vuvenîng, resulting in a score of6-". The editor of the Vindicator is patiently waiting for the snow 10 nîeît away, se, that lief can agaîn ride his femnale bike. R-ev. Thonias Manning, MA., of Whltby, preached an anniversary sermon in the Met- calf st. cburcb lait Sunday môraing. The case of Lenton vs. Smith for damages fur tmalicions prosecution vas tried at Witt- b>- ibis weok. Tise report viU ho fowid In anoîbor part of this Isaper. Miss Wright, of Picton, le in charge ci F. EEls&CYs 1ror ts ol 5on, ad Mm atiabW.il= i. Of the dresmnking brauch o i .busines. Moins.Hosalewood, PuMnshogg, Std, MeLaugla, Couithard, 0e o ÇDa SYMMOode, Gregory, PoitrZ eêu . thepsst wa.k Wbu-e u. FPo L« eprujtgg' f- t Of lie Wlmamwitlg ti u ofthe iUa t rimdhoum Itvo..a~î. Parents of childeen along Athol street are warned to keep tbemn off the railway tracks, as there have been many close shaves'thee lately in the accident lne. Four Oshawa rinks deféated four rinks from Prospect Park, (Toronto, not Elis park,) by one shot last Thursday and in the evening Oshawa did up Wbitby by about forîy shots. On Tuesday nigbt at Whitby four Oshawa rinks trimmed Wbitby by 21 shots. On Tuesday a large party of oid people were invited to the residence of Mr. J. O. Clifford, Harmony, to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Lorne Drew, Mrs. Cliflord's mother A good old chat and a merry time was in- dulged in, and an eas chair was presented to Mrs. Drew by lier friends. Mr. W. E. O'Brien savs he is putting a telephone in his photo studi, , so that be may put the X rays on the editor of Tix CitRoN- 1 (iL E , Il order thiat he may be able to see [ihe workings of the editor's mind when hie reada the word piclures of him that Diogenes is painting in tbe local press. The presence of the railway îrack has a tendency to cause a quicker thawing on the main streets, and they are already quite muddy. In a day or lwo there wi il be no sleighing on these streets, and the back streets wili have t0 be used entirely. 0f course the natural result will be that the streets having railway lines will dry up ear- lier. The choir, of the Simncoe st. methodist church, under the leadership of Prof. A. O. Geiger intend giving a grand concert on Easter Monday evening, April 6th. Pro- grammes will be out in a few days. This will without a doubt bc the finest concert lield in Oshawa this year. The Oshawa or. chestra under the leadership of Mr. Geiger will make their first appearance at this con- cert. Mr. 0. Pascoe traded horses with Mr. R. jeffery on Saturday, and drove his horse up îu Elliot & White's milI, leaving hlmn stand-1 ing by the door untied while he ran in to see the firm. The horse started to move and walked over the side of the platform, falling a distanoe of about twenty feet thereby end- îng ils useful career. It is understood that1 the horse was biind, which account.s for its acrobatic performance. Brth-To the Diogenes family there has been an addition. The Reformer has had a monopoly of the original Diogenes up o10 date, but now a more conceited and self-as- suming Young Diogenes has sprung up in1 the \Vîndicator claimning 10 be the original turned off by te Reformer's correspond- ence inill. How to distinguish between1 them, or how 10 maké sure which is the spurious article is the trouble. Married-At the manse, Oshawa, March iith, 1896, by Rev. S. H. Eastman, BA., Richard Winac.tt, of East Whitby, to Annie M. Davies. Oshawa. At the residence of the hrides parents, 1664 River st., Detroit, Michigan, on March ixîh, 1896, by the Rev. Jesse Povey, Anna, youngest daughter of Frederick Opp, 10 James Russell Dingle, Quartermsster's [ept.. U.S. army, fourth son of the late W. T. Dingie, of Oshawa, Ont. The fire and water commiîtee, composed ()f Aldermen Henderson. McLean, Craig, McCaw and French, met last Monday even- ing to open the tenders received in response of the advertisement for caretaker of the town hall. Some twenty-flve tenders were received rangîng in salary from $300 to $450 per yeai. Afttr a hot discussion as to the necessity of having a caretaker the commit- tee adjourned until next Monday evening. M<ssrs. Hendersoxi, McCaw anîd McLean are in favor of having a caretaker while Messrs. Craig and French think that a care- î aker is not needed. Last %Wednesday evening the members of Rebecca iodge NO. 3, gathered at the homne (f Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Dickie to spend a so- cial evening with Mr. and Mrs. McLean be- fore they left îown. They were presented with a beautiful dlock as a sliiht token of the esteem in which they were held by the friends and members of that iodge. The following address was read :'Having iearn- ed with deep regret of your intended re- movaî from our mdst, we, your br( thers and sisters of Oshawa Rebecca Iodge, find that we could not alîow this opportunîty to pass. without addressing you with a few parîing words and in somne way expresing the fraternal feeling in which you are heîd by the iodge. We wouid ask y0u 10 acr.ept this dlock as a slight token of esleem, and that when you are far from us you wiIl often caîl to mind the many happy hours we have spent together. We wisb you God speed in vour new home anîd may the Grand Master above long spare you in heaith and happi- ness to enable you to meel with our order and assist in exemplyfing our great princi- pIes the father baud of God and the brother- hood of man." After supper was served the ev'eniag's amusement was brought bo a close. On Tbursday everîing a sleighing party was gotten up t10 escart Mr. and Mms. McLean 10 Wbitby to take the train there 10 Port Pe"r, but wben tbey reacbed Whitby they fouud there were no trains running. Mr. and Mrs. McLean left on Friday for Port Perry. The Reformer of lait week prints anothfr of ils ambiguous paragraphi about THvE CHRLONICLIE, wbicb starts nowbere and* ends there. Il takes care 10 keep wide of the sub- ject of anonymous letters 4bout a year ago it had ils anonymous leIter machine running weekly, and bad raised ils average up 10 five or six a week, each hitting somebody be- low lbe boIt. We calied public attention to the extent of Ibis cowardly slashing, and n another anonymous letter appeared in the Reformer for over tbree monthi-until ils editor tbougbt the public had torgotten about it. Threo weeks ago the Reformer had five of these fatheriess epistles, and last week there was none left to keep the machine run- ning but Diogenes, whose main object ini wrîing appeapd to ho to try and put a face on this namelesse dasa of literature. Have not tbe results in every case shown that THE CHRONICLEL is right in demanding a more manly class of newspaper comment ? How hs it that no poison e-ver seeks go stab people secretly througb THE CHIRONICLE. They know botter than toeoven suggest sucb a thing. We do net , know what the Re- former means wben ft says we are a peddler, but we readily understand and agreo vitb il wheon k says vo want money. Evory busi- ness man doos, and v. go furtiser than somne of tbem-we sUivle to esin it. The sotcbmes s igt «Oshma aIn~fdu insomething new and unique on anlght lait. The srit of bîly wvb l Dtbeiurgesî comro ey Scotcbman'e hbeart bassoIouLboeu dormant In Oelmva the tii. Srthe own hock. le e ttia lsilOP Îan m gaeb a show am was novér beforéea the i.tovu. Our Oaw frimetde Wied themuolW s je ona w!ýbli .46.4p!qUs h e wbole p ga. bis song Mr. H. M. Rois danced-,the sword dancç brisklyj, but it %vas v;hen té reel o' tulloch camée'on îhaIitheboysw wild with deligbt. The artisîs were in blgh- land costume, Jno. Bail Dow, j 1no. Buruns, Tbeo. A. McGillvray, and H. M. Ross, -aIl of Wbitby, and tbey certainlv gave a per- formance the like of whicb this town bas neyer seen, and which had t0 be repeated. Mr. T. A. McGillivray related a special as- sortment of yarns for the edification of the crowd, and certainly carried the house. Dr. Patter-on recited some pieces in the Irish dialect. IJuring aIl the niçht's show card- playing and smoking were indulged in, the fumes of tobacco fillin g the air 10 such a den. sity that one Bîad to re ly upon the chairmanla announcemnent to know wbo was performlng on the platform. There were only tbree men who didn't emoke, and they stayed at borne. After the programme had expired, and the midnight hour with it, the visiting Party from Wbitby and other oulside points were invited 10 refreshments in another hall, where a rattling wind-up vvas indulged in. Oshawa's first oflort at producing traditional Scotch performances may be rated as a tremendous success, which will be repeated and iniproved upon many limes in future. Dlog-enei dies bard. It is often the experience of obscure men to corne suddenly mbt prominence somehow and cut a greal figure. Then, having shot their boIt, and there being nothing more in themn, they go back forever to that obscurity from whence they camne. This must neces- sarily prove the fate of one who is unknown, like Diogenes. However, he feels that he cannot die so soon, and seeks 10 rescue him- -self for a short spell fromn oblivion by turning froma bis war with the drarntic club chamn- pions, whomn he says lie bas demolished, 10 THE CHRONICLE. He declares the doctors and aclors were an easy mark for him, and his bead is so swelled by bis stIf-assumned triumph that he is looking for a champion slang-whanger to measure his wit wiîh, s0 he pitches int us. He feels that he ia great hero, and no doubt he is a very brave man-his hidden position behind the oîd grsnny women ofîthe Reformer proves that much. We agree with Diogenes that an un- known person may present valuable consid- etations upon public matters and hold legitimate ground, but we fear he will he making new doctrine if he assumes that one mnay indulge in personalities fromn a hidden place and relain his dlaim 10 right or cour- age. If he be as clever as he assumes lo be, lie must clearly see that there is no issue 10 discuss between us, except personalities, and if we deî-ired this we do not know him. Therefore the brave (P> Diogenes seeks 10 fight where he will be entirely hidden ail the while! He had better have goneinto oblivion without rTaking such dying kicks. He has enîertained us aIl for a short period, and ba% furnished a subject for conversation and newspaper talk. Up to last week he used decent language and had kept fairiy well within the bounds of proper discussion. H-e became Diogenes for a purpose, and tbat purpose be has accomplished. He now maires himself ridictîlous by trying to fit himself 10 a rew underîaking of a difierent character. Even though aIl he says about us were true, truth itself does not excuse eiîher a hidden coward or a known combat- ant for indulging in gross personalities. Like his original of olden time, Diogenes disdains to be guided by either literary or artistic ruies. That is one of the thinge which will prevent him from becoming a junius, which {ae admits he bas in view. There have been len t housand spurious Juniuses, but only a single real one. There will neyer be more than one genuine Diogenes. Neither Junius rior Diogenes were men to be admired, nor are their imitators. Asto0whaî Diogenes bas to say about either THE CHRONICLE or ils editor, we have nothing to reply. The pub- lic must De the judge of sucb matters. AUl public men or publi.. newspapers of any ac- count have cowardl-, hidden enemies. They bave none in the open. Men of courage are usually on their side, and those whu cau-not -000:- Oshawa Business Directory. F, L. VICKRE, barber. Simcoe street. BROOKS' LIVEBY, Srmcoe etreet, nortmh. WM. ROLPH. harnes malter, Sirnooe stroot. r'. B. MOTHEBBILL, bubeher, Ring St, West. DR. PÂTTEBiaoN, Dentist; office over Ro-wse's store. k~. J. BTLTZR-Dominion pianos aud organs, Simooe treet. h. C. WÂK>ZÂN, Veterina.ry Surgeon and Dentist, Ki.ng street west, Oshawa, Ont,. Wn-taÂau J. DBÂNS, Dominion sand<Ytarlo Land Surveyor, Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa. CouxusEi.OL HoTzt-J. C. Woon, proprietor. Modern hosteiry, neat a.nd oomforta.bly equlpped. D. K. ToD. -Caterer for BaDIs, Assezublies, Wed- dings, Buppers, etc., etc. AloaIl kinds of flowers. 0813AWA BooKs'om-Fuf l ne of books, statIonery and fancy goods. B. E. Rogers, Blimcoe street. les. HouLDzN - Whltby-Oshawa stage line. Làeaves Oshawa at 8 a m sud 2 p m, and Whitiby st 10 a m and 4 p m. JoSEpH Camae, manufacturer of fine carniages, carta, wagons, and a&l kinds of cuttrns and leighs, Ptepairing a specialty. JoEm4BEEwEE, painter and decoratoi-. Dernier in wall papers, ceiling decorations, pSintS, cil, varmashines, brashes, window shs.ea, etc. Lumas P&7.zow, dealer in stoves, turnaces, tin- vare, etc. Large stock kept constantly on hand. Jebbing a speclalty. Simcoe street L. K. MunTon, B. A. - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Couvoyanoer, &o. Nouey te lend. Offie over Dominion Bank, imeoo Stîreet ,Oshawa. When contemplatlng puttlng on Lit e Insurance, see W D HuNTRE, orThme United OtatesLite. Their policiez are the mout attractive. Largesi guarantees.4 K. BE. MI&.-IDoa1er in Giceenies, Pazrey chi»a, Crockery, Ttnware, and Paney 00048. Pre Toaeand Coffes. Boys' ready made suits a specwahy-veny cheap. AucTion SALu-The subsoiber vM beh' ln Osb wsat the Centrai Rotait Ylay 5eel ousmete a. o'l"x pm., tomak. mm. L 5nuu loim.ï Greawood Tom Catherwood lu a il emiles these days. It's a boy. Miss Dora McKay is borne visiting ber mother and friends for a sbort time. Mr. Lyman Gleeson, of Toronto, is home attendlng to the store, wbile bis father is at- tending the assizes. Messrs. Smith Cochrane and Frank Thomson intend to sell their farm stock and implements in a week or two. A few fromn here attended the concert in the Pickering Coliege on the î7th, and re- port having qpent a very enjoyable evening there. .The choir is going to get new anthem books. I suppose we may look forward to bear somnething extra good from that coin- pany of harmonious singers. Mr. WiI Clark had a few of bis young friends in to spend the evening with him on Friday last. Amusements ot ail kinds were indulged in until the wee sniall house. Tbe x7th of Ireland was spent In great style in our village. Every Irisbman couid be seen wearing a green ribbon or a bunch of shamrocks in remembrance of the day. There was a meeting at the Gleeson House Tuesday evening for the purpose of reorganizlng the foot bail team for the codi- ing season. A full account of said meeting next week. Mr. R. E. Johnston took a load of the young people of Greenwood to the concert at BaggotAviile on Wednesday. Every one was weli pleased wlîb the concert and give Mr. Madill great praise for the excellent programme he had prepared for the occas- Ion. Much to the pleasure of the sports, Mr. S. Adamson's hounid is recovering from the accident that happened to it. By the way, it is reported it was one of the Kinsale boys who was mean enough to shoot it. Take warning, boys, and don't do the like again, or it may cost you a few dimes next timne. We noticed an item in the Kinsale corres- ponpence of last weelr regarding an item our Gazette scribe wrote a short time ago. Now, I have nothing more to say about it than this. Everybody knows il is worth far more than 1,5 cents to listen to such a choice program as the Whitby choir is able to give, and aiways do give. The reason buch a smail charge was made, was so that every one, old and young, wouid be able to attend the treat of the season. 0f course we were anxious for our Kinsale friends to hear it, and are very sorry they were unable to at- tend il. NANCESTECR. We are pieased ta note that Mr. John Holtby and Mr. John Graham are able 10 be out agin. Birth-On Thureday 121h inst the wife of Mr. Thos. Forman of a daugbîer. Mr. Frank Lamnb has moved la the houee next door to Mr. las. Parkins. Mr H. Lock wili move in the house lately occupied by Mr. Larmb. hirs. Ponson and Atkîns wîil lîve with Mr. Lock. The sad death of Mrs. Leonard Burnett last wsek cast a deep gloomn over our whole corn- mnunity. A large numnber froro hereattended the funeral on Saturday. Our deepest sympathy is with Mr. Burnett and famiiy, in the loss of one who wili neyer be forgotten. About the only excitemnent around town ai the present urne is the organizing of beef rings. Fhree have already been formed, one ai Pros- p-ect, one by Manchester and Utica. and one at Greenbank. The farmers are surely going to economnise in tiais line as well as others pertaining to their position. Ini each ring theTe are twenty members, a beef is killed each week and divided equaily, aad the average cost is about 4 cents per lb. This new mode of doing business shows that the farmers know wbat they are about. ASIEBURN E. W. Evans has rented hîs farm, lot 14, con. 9, of Pickering, and offers bis stock and impie- menis for sale on Wednesday next, tbe s5tn imat. TIHE ARCADE.ý GENUINE STOCK- TA KING SALE! £11 Vilor Gols --qvAT OR**" BELOW + COST. Toeý toiioazmm oR'e i laeof o o ra Mf IERSj .Abou Gwvé 8 b. f181oimFlu',1 O EiL et PELLOWS51 and see his Wrought Steel i;>,A i*F TE -AT- $ 5.00 MISo hie GCOAL 011 and GÂS STOVES -FR OM- $5.50to $25-000 Grand Trunk Ry. Colonist Trains and -other Special1 Service for -he Canadian Northwest To accomnmoclate settlers going to the Canadian Nortbwest this Spring, it is in- tended, commencing Tue.rday, Mar. 3rd, and every Tuesday thereafter during March and April, bo run Speciai Trains, leaving Toronto at 9 p.m., enabling setlIers 10 travel with their stock sud bousehold effects, thers- by ensuring qulck time, reacbing destina- tion at the same limne as their property and have good accommodation en route. Colonist sleeping cars will be ruri on these trains, the births in which will be FRER. COLONIST SLEEPING CARS, tor Passen- gers witb ordinary baggage, wili run through 10 Winnipeg curing March and April. leav ing Toronto at i2.20 p. m. every Tuesday. For full information cail on or wrile tb W. P. STERICKER, aI Oshawa Railway Co's Office, Thomas' block. R. C. Carter, Agt. Feb. 24th, 1896. -OSHAWA. Fpurnitux'eU.. We bave alvays a general and vanied stock to select from-latest designs -and finishes. Prices right. Undertaking departmnent fully stock- ed, and ernbalming according to latest methods. Picture framing promptly and satis- factorily done. L ukce Bro8., - Oshawa, Fighting Against KING ST. WEST, Oshawa OSHAWA. Book Store, -HÂDQUÂRTR- FOR MRR Welland HIGH ::,GRADE -: Vale :BICYCLE8, "PERFECT, -GARDEN CITY, -DOMINION," BEAUTIES 0P 1896. Mleo One O.ood Second-hand Co»M for Sale. E. E. ROGERS* For Delicate Children, f nvalids ami the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine This palatable and HIGHLY NOURISHING Wime, prepared with Cod Liver OM, in eaaily retaincd and digesed by the most delicate. go asîDismmess eeral Deblisy, Impaired Digestion, =od, Catavrha and Bronchial TroUcl and Lou of Muscular Toue. Of greac Niuveî vaiue to Adults and Children. 0 A marked increased in weight is noticeable afker tang a few boutles of this Wine, which represents as equal quantity of Codci Lver 011. AI] druggists. Toron to, We are selling more lines of Boots and Rubbers ait practicalIy cost price than ever befor. We know Ait You can sce it! Our great flow of business. Everyone admits tt. Our large assortment al styles.. Our close-cut pruces. RUBBERS-Fresh every week. NEW SPRING STYLES--Now being delivered. TRUNKS AND VALISES-A large new stock. BUIRNS & CO., 08HAWA, AT THE MAIN 4 CORNERS. We do repairing at 10 per cent. lees than ordinary prices. THE PRO VENDER 0 MIL L8. Edmond son's Provender Mils, Oshawa, are doing a rery large trade. They Grknd Fine 8..de and ail kinds of is CORN MI1LLS Grain finer than any Mtont county is doing, of can -do.- are. doing -Splendid miii in the Their work.' Ryley's Arresc Il is your attention that I wami ar- rested, andI want you iostaym custody long enough -to tell yoq% that ilfot . -.. Forgery 1 conlemplate, but merely seliar you a finer clase of goodi ne. than ever before. 1 bave arrsved at the ...... .. ... ...... I can do this. 1 have a ai'ce bt of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, si- verware, and Spectacles, at pr*m that will surprise you. 'Vou a"t wanted by...... ...... .... Boyd the Je weler. ï t «, ront*tlt.

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