that las been vsiting as W ko a ff premises, oeneeived a sud den <c~n. vatg MO*.i 'o ha0 been foronlryrisied rs Daid n vsi eold Ibe for some, timn aho n achan itou el o an¶ leftfr r<nto hM iday hlae killed seventeen of ber cholce fowl, Thi lÃ¥ Visetdria ie oe mamne four oorDered animal remnoved the *onday as ooking well, after a long ite from a number of W. J. Dal's prise wînter in tihe shanties. s ohickens. Mr. Woodruff dispute. the Mi, John French, of Beaverton, ws in ownership of tihe dog, yet Mrs. Annan the village a few day. last week. and Wm. Dale require remnuneration for Mr, W, J. MoPhee spent a few days their poultry. There promise. to be with frienda in Orillia last week. trouble over the matter yet.-News. Miss Ida Halley, of Atherly, is the OLAREKONT. guest of hier hister, Mrsi R L Gaughan, in Miss Alberta Palmner, of Pickering, was the village, here Sunday. Messrs MoeRae brothers, of Thorah took Mîss Lena Wilson is with Oshawa thei r englme ho me Monday on the bump- friends tis week. era, it being impossible to wheel. The Misses PiIkey were with Whitby Our new sawmill, under the construe- friends over Sunday. tion oif Ainstrorth brother, is being rapid- Mr. and Mrs. Poneof Cherrywood, ly pushed ahead, and ail will ini a few days. mE. NLeholgon. were bere Sunday, the guestg of Miss Mering asi. fuler b pn udylast OSt ~~~~~Ella Patterson. Ms aseMlensetSna at R Eansismovngthe stableh the guest of her sister, Mrs. M Kelly Passes Bel jef tobhieownprem 'e.fro James Jo bbitt, MPerroFred Bennett and Thomas Joshua Bundy and wife are with frieds aope letMndy to attend as jurors Er. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florenceville, in Harriston and othler plce ws Lt te spring asizes at Whitby. N. B, Stru glIe foSeven Lons' fact they are on a westerna t s. I Mr Peter Kelly arrived home from the CA NCE R ON T HE L P, Tuesday w'erhe i.auÃndingm ohe grn B"° ar ad n Unsuocesstul atter t AND IS CtURED BY meeting of the flôme direle order as re- to raid the Red Block Thursday nigt A V E Rpresentiative for the Circle here, last, f~~JIZ~ ~Miss Leura and Hlugh Pugh, of White- Mr W J Barker spent Sunday at Vic. parillia vale, visited bers on Sunday, being the toria road. Mr boensa ." rcosute dc. guests of Tomas Pugh and family. Sugar mak is in tull sway in this vic nos o pu e ed feer nie, b ut to There was a small party hel a T.J intty. E no pu p s t"'a'r e a o to M o e l' T eday evening, and t hose Mr H arvey C ooper, of B eaverton , w as ~ Eat ito the Fiesh,, weepesen had jui s lovely turne. the guest of hi, parents bore Sunday r a w e ~ d t oy eh a n c nuT e e 8 h c o n s a M a r C a r s o p ' a r n o r e h c o n t r a c t i f o r u t t i g n a n e w f r n Decided Improvemnent. Mn. and Mrs C. H. Pïlkey were ,ur- Mr'. Pat MoLean left Tuesday morning c veoae" y this resut. I perse- prised Friday evening by a nuamber of for Bay City, Michigan, where he intenda C ered myii a mnh or o0 the se their friends, who called and spent a few to reide for a whie. We will al niss w niontha my lip began to beal and after ors 11n sociability. Pat,as he was a whole-souled fellow a e las the Sraprîa fr si xnt>s L. Kennedy, reeve of Scarboro, accom- th lsitrce0ftu %IfOOdI&P65't.' pnied by Mrs. Kennedy, also Mr. and AN OT TAW A M EOHA ICQ Ayf ..i. sa rila M. orfar, of Ellesmere, were the • C, ra nl gusts of ,Joseph Pilkey and wife lst caE W IN TT IN A mt tteWoi' 'f. Messrs. W. Dowswelland E. W. Evans THAT HE HAS GAINED 27 i Y R' P LLS Re utg. eh. Bo .L. were at W hitby lasti w eek serving on tho PC UIN D 8. t3 jury. Charlie Maenab snd Dr. Eastwood ---r 00 R SPND N - buae asoÃŽ at the county town on court And This, Too, After Having Been Con- Monday evening a sleighing party fromn Rbeumt Bed fo WTw W nths Ewithin o her. visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Millard, uaim e ete fet COLUMBUS wbo reside just north of Altona. This Knocked out by "Kootenay Cure." O Mis Mad Tole ofLononwho i vsit bas been contemplated for some County of Carleton, to Wit: .aB ia nd n ingd Tcool of L nd n O b w v ise i sud it is needless to) say Was ex. I, M artî Ws ou o Lbant f t * a t en8. H u g s oon a t O b w , iied cee digly enjoyable, M r. and M rs. • sonluofhteoCity of e o d a S. lu rno tt o f Onsd a w a, Miit d i T e fll d ar o a•ne t i e s solem ly declare that I live at 112 pa * Wr o un day.f O~ a a, vsie i ere Fria ress assem bly held in the hall Cathcart-street, in Lb. city of Ottawa, in~ M.-.e W . o fufat le vsfrbnlnoti hre F rdy ee ng was a hapy success. that I amn 80 years af age and a tinsrmith i week. G lî luck will. ail Lbe neigh~ ring lages, nmei emi a eee flce ihl MF sud Mrs. E. J. W heeler sud Miss in al about forty couple. The evenin that I ws o fie o a n bas for case .l Ioirenxce Harper, of Prince Albert, visit- passed off pleasantly, sud ail would hail months Ja fne 189o my beafo twon wi e<1 fr-tends here on Saturday and Sunday. with delight a simnilar occasion. " Ryokxnan's KJonea CurIegan tIn edo bMr. . Arkhurst, of reenbank, ha. Tuesday afternoon Mre, J. B. Madil, two bottles sud ar no eCurey Iused h beeu viîsing friends bere. of the 7th cou., drove int the village' sud free from Rheumnatim I rel avued Ki Quit a umbr fom hre ttededtheand tied ber borse opposite Maouab Bros. SinceS been extposed to wet weather whicher concert in Brooklin on Monday night ione, while attending to momne sho ping. has had no had effects on me. I oon- mu necton iththeChoenAriedier s Lime a piece of paper was 0oWn ie Kootenay " a great cure for fmu Thnecdeoate inh the Cteon Fi-i.a asti the anmal, frightening iL. To break Rheumnatism. I bave also gained 27 fuen was er wll attnde and tepe oaudienae Lb. bhode was the work of a second and pounds mu weight. rull ws e e i te dsd toha laelyiiscusion.. hrs. dashed south at top peed. The. Iti i* a grand tone sud s w ndefl ofa Rumtorehas it hatl dosu sion.e M.PTic nimal ' idaptured opposite blood prifer. I attribut. my cude sdié-of W m r bSm it h i beoui' ostm aster at, To ba the i ll 's resience sud returned 1y to the use of "Rooten.ay Ctre," snd mae Os W . .îii, wI o o u o t aîr a a th v age. The hors. sud cutter make this solem n declaration conscienti- stre Tshe oylTeplrswl were not lu Lb. leasti mjured. ously believing iL tic b. true arid knowing ' Bouie to their triends ou Fniday evening - ade lhe s sudfreean viteeoft assi at hiher hall.Canadian Evidence A t. ox Cherrwood.(Signed) MATIN WATSON est, Mis Galloway is visiting with Charles - ~- the City ofdOa nw dge be. Crt me anmi Mr. Mil, of St. Thomas, is visiting Carleton, this 19th day of Feb., 1896. on wit hs ucl, Fan Jud.(Signed) DANIEL O'CONNOR, Sait h e r I l u ,i s Li , F a u J u d d i i in w t hA C o m m is s io n e r . lis te M P - .mati Mr. Petty has re engaged his brick ENaI..n i yadmnfraohe esnswrVisitons : Miss Wilisa, Whitby, sd him son i Stover bas vacated James Law. MisSuh roiecgesso e so ions. sud removed to Whitevale. -Such. . have his d Quite s number of frienda frein Centen Ms end oefo •• a ud Cherry wood spent a verypleas- - non'iids in Toronto, Oshawaanu Bowm- Mi k Fridaây night.eroalat.asz O hMiss Keney JaN omnileus f.N Our secool was closed thbe greater part MMsKnnd.Eie of last week owing to oui- teacher, Mw Wila Drumond beng omeattnd r.isa Knapp Brooklin guest of Mrs C saib f uealofd h i h omete ing the W iha s sb fun ra ofhi faibn.M rs d M i W Ban a d ds g tr Mr. Hare lias taken possession of Taunro at Dr aintandaghlr, of Mr. Petty's houssa his week. Thene sutonatDr Mr tellns. eru are still one or two empty bouses in town praroPr opgeto i ren we shîould like to se. ailled. ite MrsWele GRLbbivns. OutfrMaîoa Thore was quite a gathering at Kr. Mor sy obbianm ef yr WMatoba- pare Ferguson's hast Monday evening. I amn TM 85 OBJS LriT. PILLg bina. alynapanieroby friend wG R o re th y had just a (C i-acker Jack) f a e eAA g owns~ aTT OWe*T i Ml oively choin r e e nder will ho Me- Ton s . w oa po sat k w 1.eH us that ' ~ W0SO n. C M A y n sPe t atry pe a a tu lame laoe beforbe spian ypowing was don. A capital programt was furnished at the r isat the. E L Friday Livr debate fa *idd l Ib cyfosme months, lft Mr- and Mrs- 8amue Evenson enter- gar each sidea ee nbe e ia tempat residing tswee hycn anty at thir pretly hoe ape eaf~ f chtj side an delent numer Bo dt th8 be tofbs m si re sp n . MFarlane, of Alona, was here her, Trc speni Sanday twith frie ex F rid. y ikit. sualylc for Ib urpose of renting a Eva Cou>rtIo lhas ben visiting her. sis- ipblemn paen f Wo nTr on of an ter, Mrs A E Clemens, Tyrone. Ta eeÃ¥a mes lihlas rented part of MiMr P..pen er a o Werry oh Hoods oa uni- The ila farm was rit up for saie by o1îeaIEuaenxiSd. auctson on Baturday at the Gordon OoeinatEnernxtSdy HouseA and although a number were.o &tetmnaaÃ¥e therePre to bih vle as with- M a oeSotTr (,wntn drw, eUnderstand 'I~ a Jon om-a$ei bò srs, bas since secened the farmn fo h asdnt'e8 r Ti.nOVeyane will be made* withoutl fatalb. d.&y andMrs. Mrvn Brk f ar ofMAm &na.... î .. . .. .,lhl sea rowaded t stig h seek.)rs arder uto Matowea.) mon Do aver preactascal nermoSeel of r. urs Anern hs goe htv oin wise admonition to the young. h s. r as.e inderoas oetoji On Wednesday evening of last week hsbohri aoa a circuit convention of Epworth leage Messrs. John McKay and Sandy workers took place in Kinsaie meto Grey and family have left for Uncle dist church, three leagues being repre- Sam's domains to take important posi- sented, viz: Kinsale Mount Zion and tions under Mr. Andrew Davidson. Greenwood. Rev. John Harris had Mr. Wm. Draper, formerly with Mr. charge of the meeting. After opening Isaac Birchali, left on Saturday even- with singing and prayer, Rev. Dove lng to accept a position as coatmaker gae a report of the great Convention with Messrs. Hobberlin & Co., Toronto beld at Belleville, whjch he had the Messrs. Matheson and Patesn pleaure of attending in the capacity of with their families, have moe ittero a deegate. This report was an excel- our village. i lent one, indeed, going into detail Previous to the deprueo r minutely, giying a splendid report of Geo. Routley for Meature, of nMr. c dl n sogM s at f Gen - c nnec io em by or t oba ap nmberia oo, Mr. Mc Avoy, president of our church, of which be presbyatheran league, gave a short address, followed devote meme met a faihfu andp of a chorus, after which the president, Bafours on Mndmat eMr.g a tosp ofË Geoo ege, Ms*irr W ard, a- spn na aasueasant eenin.T add toet malbe dercibly with the good that presented George with a beatheyl ad ay be drived from league work in drs ad C. .pna s ugh t ad-o weneal fhleakerby song service, after thir esteem. E annst slihtto beiev ~vic te peae ohe evening, Rev that suc h on e s hs h trduce. of S vegg islan, was in- have left us this week, will give :a rdured.s, bi gac e a slendid ad- healthy influence in building up theg udss ien muh ppreciated by the welfare of their respective neighbor madne. areuma kabe attiyoung hoods. We wish them all God-peed. t man e ha r k among ad pin pd o r t he oads are n a ve y bad condi- ireuv G W Watson, formerly of this John Harrin' We trus ift ewill recei.esm r cu, visited friends here and in prom pt attention , ad wh s i d civ f reenwood a few days since. He is, cidents. ,Lntu vi c e understand, much better in health, Mr rakHrsmewihapiuL- ndstill continues his studies in Tor- accien ran kudari ofet wh. O anu. nto. g~oin g to h e b na thfr sa fw e ps On Rev W A Bunner, formerly of this leading ero arn, ptheia dowt ste e rcuit, bas received a unaiimous vibrngad from the pathg coven tothe tion to the Myrtle circuit. nie banadso, athsed bing toveredwith- Mr Isaac Barkey bas, according to loceag td sn cap. himto prasen hes e latest information recie •r pr ges n e ca p. fa o A tl as entu be y his friends, joined thecebenedictr s, eproessn atavrbldsoldb nd as a oken unto hisef a wife. He We understand the C. E. society are tis aloualty mand wieraenderespected contempating holding an open meet- bh alo is an y tndaer to him, ing in the near future, when it is ex- r behst ofwise fory imsefariens, pected a debate will be given by mem- arkes, hoingshey for haef an Mars bers chosen from Myrtle epworth drey pr op ingu ftre ma aeahppy league and the home society. Fuller M r s e ou u u e particulars later. Miss Annie Rodd gave a birthday Mrs Thos erowobsbe rty on Tuesday evening last. The c'nrs.e tos berson, who ars been vited guests numbered up ntthe tckonfe inolammatio wih apeidus at- ties, ail young folks. Mant excel- tcofinfnolongematin the rpdlytre- it birthday presents were presented caerg olne edn h oco' Miss Annie, accompanied by best Mr.Tvswa itngfedsi shes of ail. Every kinds of games rs.a ari fwasiiifins ofint ee. re heartily indulged in tili the small Mshwa Ja fewdaysiofslstneek.. Alx uirs of morning.M.Ja.MfaissstnMrAe All the older residents in and around Smith for a few days. nsale, after a prolonged residence A sleigh load of our young pep re, say that they neyer witnessed so attended tbe concert given at Brooki ch snow in our roads from fence to Monday nigbt, ce. It is onîe solid bank of snow, M r. John McKay dipsdobs , y level with either fence, llling the farming impleens y aspse athi di Up entirely. When the bo ray Wilso ~ poc omnt bat a e Fair an April sun appear on the sceje ee figure wer hed nSaudy.Fi y look for good floating in ou4 MisCaran M.Sepnonv- ets. issedMr Clarry ond Mor.tpesnv- r James Saltont eig a e t ed Mr. Clarry hon M a y.vre atcko et bis liabilities hbas duly made anl Cronsequentîysevere a aso gn en M ch sympathy is felt closed M onda an Tu s . w are him ber-e as he was always an lyîon- glad to lean ay i ab c Tusatt e are b fortun f havig oo may reths duisaa.eibl oatn ohs seemingly some who would flot Ta cuuostiSwibbsb Dyu ond w ou them selves so long as poor I.<, > a~ y uar w e b ex.t ar bye in youg n to uthein bski go natred way Hood's ksarsaparina, the great baud u er . ters have came to a sudden ter netig ia us, and as the sayn os aer- T po>e the ateh self is found in the hole. Jes .e PJse sftem are ino ay, after satisfying al claimants, outside No not - une woman msay b any from this vicinity attended the 10kotaabe- es in Whitby this week to bear ....tiful landscape andt Hortop'i. trial and other cases of seall the beauty est.and restfuness axsI prnduess that thier~e ss Rodd, of the front road, spent noottthern L t h t h e n c e s , J h n R d d . s a n e s c e n e a n d s e ~ - - ss McCulloch, sister of our- teachi- ir; as been spending a few days wth erlinj omnt ian, ds here. lurusc h d ac yg r peagoge Sudaye und h i an exquisitely prepared diniier. Anotheî tial roof at Enfieiderttee 1 le t et ai.aet gsta e op--a WJRogers purchased a valuabl e warone isi>dee dt on te aoil at' Mr- David's sale a f ew days Coîîdton upeds upon te capact4i esumer monh asa fanm i~tm to n fmul le A w r. stebal eaH do struggle for ?roeuiri pleatre lstrnth to use ast bam tii oth r day an impounded en bi lu tngh. ect oo t s lieca oy.onodd ew ras old or ~ ~ i pei «ly ~ 1l iha caused by Inflammato SWeling A~ Perfect Cure by I4ood's Sars par ita. "It affordsmne inluchpleasure to recorno Hood's Sarsapai1la. My son was affi<'teî w reat pain ln the joints, accompanied w o bdwthoue rwlingon0bands andkes aseraniu abu hl, andbv r~ o mnuch, aixut Hood's Sarsaparila, I det ineti to try It, and got a half-dozen bottl Pur of which entirely eured hlm." Ma.s. G. centlii~y, on the liver and bowels. 2se. 1 - s r[y a- th ead er- -o -pfiq~q _ I bJ 4~4'~57* Ptifr~fà IItN. o su il