Miss Adde YpWit Sy,#PO W paSt Weclc Wltlh hrrbrothert -Who 1t> rather Poorly. M~iss Maggie Hodgson, Brooksiff i -Ufferiflg from quinsy. b4rs. Agnes Harris leaves to-day for Nerit ich, U.S., where several of lefaîYrside. Miss Mabel Harris1 nes 1wOur citizens 'vill 115a quite ohligiflg friend. Mr. Wm. îg.dreyer, has rented ber proper- ý iîj er absence. Reeiilt visiters; Miss Hoirner, New- guest of Nir. jas. Pye -,jMis Pol- lock, IPort Hope, gtlcst of her brothers; \lr. and Mrs. Jas. Berry at R. Byers; Mrs. F Rogers and guest Mrs. Tbomp- '0n 1 th pckerifg friends; Mr F Rog- crs at (-hescnFlti cfds' Grand Council 1)r Ni It (, icM has bceer in Toronto two ljj,s iih.ajpacity as examiner in final 1irant h( ilrIuln mne at Trinîty Uni- Nit K WI uhProvidence, has ,i th kmcr5homestead. \i: w Il errng lias moved into A .J4, r ieghload froni Bowînan- lie sjHnîà alivrlv evening at Dr. Pot- M rne NRevniolds whohas resided lr 1(t thirtccen years is moving to bis iitn nar Hethany. Saturday '.îîîý.l ibt ioo neighbors met to -.e ~ed-xe An excellently worded ,lîr-~, ~,'rcad hv Mr. L.\W.\Vil- ran-.lgncd hý M ess rs. Tho-s. Robbins, V irliiw, 011(1 Rev. S. Gs. Rorke, on ofu1!e thc eempanv, and a handsome (lt!.. tir.fi er set was presented. t ,<'m g I largrave, who (lied ifl Mara t lcir r: ih iflt was one of the early -.<tilems et Reah township. 1lie hewed (Wi Abrumecn the lorest here and for a rcat ni anv years was a respected resi- rIent ef the township. le lias been in \larm for about 1 2 years, having gone t ber.' a few% years after te deatb of is wife. The funeral here on Sunday frorn Mr W\. McGregor's residence to Vtica eernetery was largely attended. ,-envme %vas held in the Bethesda LINDSAY. On Tnesday. Maroh 17tb, the town wae thrown into a etate of intense ex cîtement Liv the report that -an old aný lmghly respected citizen had boen inui- derod on lime own promises the night Lie- tort. Tbe report turned ont to b. but too trup. and another chapter added to the annals of cold-blooded crimue inth ralendar of the Dominion. Tbe victim %vas James kgnew, a retired fariner, some seventy-five yeare of age, who came to reside n town about ten yeams ago. The awfmrl tragedy took place on Tues- diay niglit, when Jamnes Aguew was shot aînd killed at the door of hie stable im' the ineet cruel, cowardly, and cold-blooded muianner, mardered evidently for hie imoney, littie et which, however, ho bap- pened to have upon hie perron nt the rime the sbockinà r crime wae committed. Aýbout 9 30 Tuel3dav night the old gentie- Mun went eut te bis stable te fix up bie hiorse as usual, and net returning witbiu a reasoriable time hie wife became alarm ed and went out te ascertain whet wae 'letaining him. Thie was about tO,130. The niglît was a bigbt ene, and upon going towards the stable the aged lady was startled te find ber beloved life part- uer lying prostrate upon the ground juet n front of the partially opien door. To lier horror ehe discovered that he was dead. -She at once rushed te the resi- tieuco of J. L. Shannon, milkman, who lîves about one hundred yards south, on the river road, and gave the alam. On returoing Shannon m~ade the diecovery that Mr. Agnew had been shot. Hlle t wvo pocket booke were lying open, with papors etrewn around, the moncy having been taken. The watoh was also gene, the guard being broken at the butten hole of thbe vest, A bullet wouud was ionrud in the neck about two inches be- low the left ,ar, and the deadly misele evidently pasod l hrough the. spine, Cans. ng almoet inetantaneous death. About ioon on Wednesday a young man ef #îih'teen, named John Kearney, was taken into cuetody by Chief Bell ou sus- picion of being the murderer of James Agnew. Ho was out on euependod sen texiceý The zenith of exitement wae reached abont 4 o'clock when Chief Bell arrested Patrick Keamney and lodged bum rn the celle, cbarged with being an ac- coRsory after the facti. This wae the ineet important move up te this point, ;Lnd lias resulted in bringing the crime borne to the fret prisoner, and littîs new romaine but te work up the miner de- tails. Chief Bell elicited freni Patrick wbo is an eider brother et John Kearney, w}îene the silver watch and revolver were seereted. He informed Chief Bell tlmat lho had visited bis brother at Mr. Logyie's in the memning, prier te bie ar- rest, and received frein hlm the revolver, watch and chain, the firet twe ef whicl he had eecreted under the kitchen of hie fatheres bouse, near by. This important chie was promptly acted upen, sud Chiel Bell aooompanied by Conetable Foster, iiroceeded te inveetigate tho sanie. Aflei locating the spot the search was com- menced, and after crawliug juteo a hole as far as heoeuld Chief Bell wus r. warded by laying bis baud upon gli watoh, but wau unable te localte ther& volver. Constable Fosterwhoilua muci smaller man, thon macle a try fpr it sui Mr John Marquis spout Bnndey vieil. îng frmede. Wsstley Acton wbo bais bean i*k for some tInt.,;bas mvreemd. Joseph Qoob is lIiionthi ik 11 Mr Thomta Milà iutastii v<rylew ndTe o. ,Mo c e bl*l. on>, whitthe toOpliel04 <its ut mi the 'rLv.Ite cri the, .duOCoi w'£Ult Ombin b)o wua bsinugorneoted tw thé Eown e -Oxpr esa. Tà a oour'tu ion ho stoppeil on to tIbo mauzraok, The express wau standing on the sonili track, Unobserved by himtheb lopi (rom Peterboro came-sbundering along, »n4 bofore h. could be appriseil of bis péril, thongh the whistle w~as blown vigorously, the engins was close to hiè He was isento m ake a leap off the Ire.i but too lats, for the corner of thb. .p ne stmruk him in the thigb sud hurled hi-t beadlong with terrifie force against a car on the express train, killing hlm instant- ly. Hie skuli was crusbed on the right aide, his jaw fractured, and this l.ft tbigh and arm were broken. Mr. Levi. Morris, undertaker, was sent tu the station te bring his deal body toe us ot. on fforsey street. No inquest wus ûebessry as a score of people saw th ii.silening occurrence, and being purely accidentai and no blame could bo attached to any one but the victini himseif for going onl the traok, there wae no reason for smn- moning acoroner. Mr, Wickett was very deaf whicb affliction no doubt was cause of hie death. Mr W Woods, station master, and several others who Baw hie peril sbonted frantically st hbu, but he beeded them not. So tearful wus the b)ow ho received that ho wua knocked out of both gaiters that h. wore on bis feet. Hie wife was gently inforrned of the sad inteligence by Mr T H Spry and Mr O-eo Varcoo, and ber grief, as ay be imagined, was heart-rending. The fun- eral took place on Sunday afternoon. The D 0 & P Co Mutual Benefit Society, the Ancient Order of Foregters, of which body the decesed wue a member, et- ton d d in a body preoeded by the band. Hndrode of friendse scorted the remains to their laut resting place. Bey C Parker oonducted the service. Hie uorrowing wife and two fatherless children have the synpathy of a very v ide cirele of a.- qtiaibtancee. n atory sarsa- icteti w~Iti îied Witt, IIP stairs k us. 1 ring read rets IlpUy 1nci A lively surprise party about seventy deightful people met at Mr EH C Hoar'a Tueeday night and epent a social evening. Tyrone lbague visired Betheeda Mou- day night. 11ev T Hl P Anderson led a bible esson. Mises Campbell read au os- eay, Mise Cade sang a solo, and the glee club sang several pieces. 11ev A C Wil- son gave an addi-es8, Misa Hadcecok gave a reading, sud Mise Bingbam gave a re citation. Others aasiated lu making the occasion pleasaut. Refres3hments were eerved by Betheeda league and a roally social time was enjuyed. Mr J H Werry was summonsd te Cur ries Crossing, Monday, te the bedside of hie moîher, Urre Geo S3art, who i.e dyiug. A» 0000 NA ME!1 Blessed in Tons of Tbousands of Happy Homes. Paine's Celerv Compound a, Blessing to Ci-vilizèd H umanitv, A good name untamnishcd by vice, evil or crime in blessed aud houored when- ever montioned. IL la ike the. refreshing showor thut talla- to cheer lhe parobetianti hrtyl ground. The. greol sud good -u»me croates botter and parer lhougts andi aspirations, sud tends te - =4 mauint botter. Tbwr naine Paine'a Oery Coffpounti" chéers aud coniforta tii. hertîs of, thonsi- --ands et sick snd disa»poople iho nov_ use il' sud trom i1. vfrlaies-a".e 1png, nev' lit,. TOeO of ! «ambisd' !ofrd me sund - woinen zýionoFi,- f ý"a ~.bsenaIeut Î84, eet li1éN Ept-'rbano. Bûtoppos.d to Brlu 8o-%Udan Expedition. AlgOt Tri tlg-Seenld ay of G. P leyp trial.-Grand jury retiaruna No billî in- ail the other oaue. Gravenburt-W J Hammoîd commit- tod for trial on a charge -of Pô Obfg hie wife, Ratie Tongb. Chioago-Sbarp advanée in wh#,st 64. Wingham-F <0 Fielda mobbei te death by bie neighbore, who suapeoî,ed hlm of izuproper relations with his daughter. Hockey Result-Wbftby seniors 10, Juniors 5. FRIDAT, KAKOR 20. Ohieago-Wbeat ssier at 62 8/8. Gravenhurat,-Hamiumond committed for trial on th. charge of murder. Whitby-The Alger trial continues. The defence try te prove soute consiump- ion, and deny conspiracy. Italy-No alliance with England, mnerely friendly co-operation. OLawa-Divieion in the House of Coni- mious this morning at 6 o'cloqk. Ma- ority of 18 for ,oecond reading of the Rimedial Bill. Thesix montha' l1oist arnendment defeated by '24. The Stormi-AUI railroe.de blocked. The worst now-in experienced for years. SATIURDAY, MARCE 218t. Chicago-Wheat sasier 62J Whitby--The Alger trial concluded. The verdict guilty. The prisoner senteneed te seven yeara in the Kingston pexui- tentiary. Lindeay-Tbe inquest on the body of Lb. murdered man Âgnew adjourned tili Monday. Damaginq evidence againat the prisoner. England-A want of confidence division taken in the Englieh pariament. The goverutuent eustained by 148 mejority. MODY, MRCH28. Chicago-Sharp &d'rAnce in wbeat 62#0c. Port Perry-McGaw block burned.- John Mesure, yegd 22, killed.-The Standard and Waillistailoring slhop burned ont. Whitby-John Tremeer killed at june. tien at 9.10 this momniug. Newcastle, Ont-Another big fire.- Chandler block deetroysd. Ottawa-Meesrs Dicksy, Dijardins sud Sir D Smith gone te Winnipeg for con ferences with Greenway on Remedial Bill. EglptBrtish army being mobilized for Soudan campaigu. rUESDAYI xMARGE Q4th. London, Eng-Bill passes Hloue. of Coem- meons excluding live Canadian catlLe from Great Britain. Ottawa-Offlcisl announcètnent that Do minion parliament expires April 24th. Montreal-Condnctors MnUligan, Tamb- lyn sud Defries again on trial for cOu- spiracy te, defraud G T R.-Verdict of $1000 againet Kerry, Watson & Ce. for mielake in filling a prescrption. Raihwaye-AII hunes new ruumung. W EDWRSD, ,MAio 25. Chieago.-Wheat higiier, 6%,c. Wiugham,-The Fields case net yet in- vestigated. Witby.-Alger was taken to Kingeten yeeterday. J. BA= Parry dead. Windsor .-Stephen ButL, a semnara bulist, shoots himsesf while asleep. Winnipeg.-The firel conféesce of the Ottawa delegation witb Lb. Geen'way goverument, te take place te-morrow. South Africa.-Repomt sdates Ibat tb. Dutcb are pieparing for a struggle with Lb. British. How Wise Women Economize ini Hard Times. A Tan Cent Inveetment gaves Dollars. Who business mou, fermer and, mechanie complain et hard timea vwonion of lhe country realize the faot as quicklyý as the. men.- Wheu imes axe really baxi, the wonien are the- firalte atudy l*ueù edonomy. This work begins i z i lii home circle. Instead cf buyiiw a, nov dreus for, hem- soif and nov cbthiuoý for-the children lte- thrfty and ecouo mng womon usesithe Diamoud Dyes te e-color old fédqdY drossesasd suite, which ame made te look> as gooti as new. The Diamoud Dys are Imno eaide to, oconomy; they are speoiafly proparod for home usé, and ra-guamnteod th. sliroufg- est sud fastetit f #Ukuowu dyes. Wier a grment là ooored with Dismnd Dlyeêa inh cee athore to, iay, sud *11B hot wsai wr or, fade ont.> Seo that your dealer sella yen tbô.]Dia- moud'Oyes; refusali ýimitation sad crude dyea,, sud se avoid hxrving yüar watomiala sud gjamments muinod. Mà iss FIe. Courtice was, guest of -Miss, C.Ashton- Newastle, 1gst week..' "Thestock, iplemetus 'fax;,âr' d the'lateW. G.5 Sýhortwiu pé.o1s auction, Wednesday- -ÂprWrtù, - 'The hcavy sîcinin pfttd ou i V-. StckFatti,»ý'-hus old -:tWO thôo4ed Shorthorn heifers fôr-the snug sumeof $200. 1 Recent visitors: Mr. Eli Oshorne and bride, Ebenezer; Mise jenninge, Bpw- manville; Mr. Frankc Wilbur, Tyrone;- Mr . W Carroll, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs Jas Moore, Hiaydon; Mr. and M-ts. Jno Hall, Enfield; Mr. Geo. VanE)yke, Courtice; Mr. 0. A. Gamsby, Orono; Mr. D. F. Walsh, Starkville, Conser- vative candidate for t.he Commons, and bustling Alex. Taylor, the beef-ring man from town. 1£ampte1 Mr J Cole, or, Mrs G P arish, Edna Spry and Arthur Wîkeley, are under medical cars. Mr A B Olarke left for Midland Thure dlay te fill a situation. Mr T Allin and son Philp, Fenelon, visited at W Alun'. last week. The 25 membors of Bising Star divi. sien wbo viaited Maple Grove report an exceedingly ploasant lime. Enfield brasa baud gave a firaît clu. su- tertaiument lu the town hall Tueeday eveiig. &Mr E Hastings, Home Circle deleçate ,o Supreme LDdge, Hamilton, arrrved home Suaday morning, having been storni bound. The funeral of the late Mr@ 8kelding aged 85 yeare, il monthu, took pl'e froni the residence of S Taylor çaMon- day te, Orono cemetary. Sbe leaverêbree sons and two daughters te moumn ber loge, Remember Luke PotIer'. next Monday. stock sale looks like creamn; flows like cream; tastes almost like cream. It feeds your strength as cream would feed -t -if you could asim similate it. You can assimilate Scott's.Emulsion A habit of constipation is most daugerous te the bat.Tk Esljay'sLiver Lozenges. Tbey are pheasut te te.. Mfrs Agues Fez-bes wau arrested at Hamlton, eu the' charge oet dosertiug her child. ohonic eaneientsof lbeSomcb Lver aud Blood, are speedilP reoovd bythé active principle of the ingrelits édt"t iml compoéftion of pumelé p V4golable' PlUs Thesé Pillaà e-ciliehy onl Ê.&«-dr puas,1 elwuulatieg te isti*- ,he'do2-n=mesr- euof the systeni, beeby ýreiuovbhi diefflé su ewig-lite aýî vitaâtyt 4W là *4. In ti lles he groit -usretOfIýbe oi ulanitY of Parmo1eÉar YegOtbl Pille. Th nulmesting of La Banque'du Peu-- ple, held lu MopLtréalpuse f quty "ýStucceenlathe.revend of, menot e of ý smpbtion. ,Popula prcain sbttlm la the long mue. For flftyears pcf erav bool> usig -A ý e'la splan ad t""ay ir public. 1fr Sq Ommthere le ametad as a probable (Ion- servative candidte for 4fge. ena and: kludred =Mw«meeo00, wght bave:boon save if, îOperrý=ie&ý ad! been naeed. -If ata*o ýitil )à ip2!l &abeIlle of Dt.,J,. D.KlcWs-'D dlial, lbe, -iedicine tlatý mysr taie 46 !Ncti cure. Thés.wbo haveltissd kit seY t ù protnptlyî and th eg~, u-.bueth e :l" à Ù& dissuas. wmnuitted tulide bysehootinig ad. hidreu. 1<1-aun aneither Ouium, Morphine nor Otiier xercotl substnce It la a biarm1s upu for paregoule# Drffl, Soothlng Syrupo, and Castor 011 Iti la 1ufaqt. Ito gqgrâltee .» 8tbfty 70B15' use by Minionsoflffothems. CatortadestroyaWomssand aaYs foveiïshnes.Cmstorla proveuts v0nà dMbI Sour Curd, ,OUMes Dlfthdegà and Wind Colle. Catorla relieve *eetblng troubles, curés constipat'on sud llatuleneye Castorla at~maates the food, re&ulw'es the istomaeh and bowelos,«iving hea1t1hy and U5tfllleepe Casa toria is the Chlldren's Panacea-the Motherys fniSed CastoriL. 'o la San oeseantmioaimfor diii drei. XothoM ha» ropsatedly tbld me cotite good ~effupcm tbew auldrmm2' DiLS G. C. Osseos, "Outcria la t*boa Zrmudy for cbidrm of whloh I amn aoqumlnted.1ihopo tb. day la Sc, faa dWttwhoemethoeswillcaldrthe ree lutorem of their cbldren, Mu sCg-asin - steed of the varbflumuck o lUu hkhrre deutroylng ther lovMed byl bfaridngoum Mmrhiue ooU&iig symnp sud other hurtn agent down tbmfr th.*oâtsihereby ueadi Oiem to eatogté' Di.. 3. Ir. zKmeuoz QMea, Ârk. . Castoriab dicustoe-lalseowell adaytedtochlMioethal 1 rectuimmd itasmpoelotoaoyyr-o - .. . known to me." go S. OzfeoetBt., uoly,.. ou r i u ioa n the cmmmtui'sdepmb met af soke. higbily ett bsr 1xzferi- esuceln tbefr outale pracUoe WUt stra âam altheugh we orly ha»eâment Our! MOMeIasupplies wbat 10a owu am reguiar#ý. p zmbetismteo « " at the melts of Cntozla bus yen u teJlook wftla fa-veruew t ALLia0MSUC E 19 . Th.e0CeataurC.vm, pTiffmuws frt 1m ok I Faco about Tom,. 110W THE <HInE8 PLANT 18 GROWII AN» PICRED FORMRE. 4 The Chinene tes plant in a pmetty ever- lz green froni three te seven feet in het »overed ln the wint.er u'nths with lfa grant white or yellowia)g bhqsoiýi' me- sembllng these of the orange ôr black- berry, The first crop of tender unexpand- ed leaf budai. i gathered lu May or June and la the fineet quality beiug resemvod for Lb. use of the mandarins and other individuals of authority aud selliug sà 8 a Pound. Trhey are gathered by baud with the. graet cars, aud often with a mongh eorof bve, while the pickers are for- bidden te parae of auy fisb or streng- smnelliug substaces, fer fear of affcctiug the. delicate flavor. Much dépend& also lupon the exact time 6f pickiug, as a de- lay- of even 24 boums may produce ,an in- frnom grade of tes. No leà se than five uccesive immersions eau be made, from, lb..lWve, while the-other cropa aoûpply but on. or-two, The. second sud principal harvest in ln early summer the.tes selling at $.1.0 a pouud, sud the third and last cmop in, gahred iu auumn. lTus i. whtj usuafy exported ;se that, unlesa dealing- ýwith well-kuo-wu .tes ïhomues. jie -seldomÎ obtain-ýthe choioest brande. - Green, tes 18 miadeb'y ma the ti leaves over "hot" ies iuedinftely aftor picking, -but, those latepe orb ktes, are, allOwdo »a f _m-t fôz #0- oral day. in tlii.-opoen air .i ith.y tuni yodi, whén liye"ld vrfrse cf hninghrcà . th Aetaa, and m - th e e a- ,iiwOcOn8UMeL. fà uïr timea a, mnon edttadrink ,ight'-tin'Mes -more iioffe ê the' ertýo ur eu# Xpe -îýe h' -W fi gtoe a ~vaway;-,-Yor ,mIý£ à ,m.p v e ets cütëd6,>ur gb. My à âtýpd;tW Ttitr - - ~ P I~tetkeni ubP"e *y à t ýA~ What for? Because it may save yourliel FlIow? - I is the baromecter-that- izdicà the state of your hat y shapes, coratings and.çôlors For exarnple?, Well, a pointe- tbn-gue indi irricatiop and disorder ',in the ach-an-d boweh".1§ The fuie o4tongule sh-ows.- of pr p rdigestive-action. Th e dry, pinched' ton gu The- fissure toigue-provs matory actic f theékIdneya" A dry toriguc é_evienoe4 stornach ,ýan& intesties ca nw'c d much dges ve wër rk»ý sult6f intempe ateeatiý g aým à ing #Me Livér- -iagefl > waint of Mt,âlile-ç Jed -p red t9ngue.ýg ness, and- diseasesofý b.. trem verse HE WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW. Dear Editor : Plase state in your vaiuable journal, that if any sufferer frein Nervous Debility, Sommnal Weakneus, La.kok 0 Enermy and Ambition, Lest Manbood, Night Losss, etc., will write me in confidence, 1 will informn hlm» by ssaled letter. f roi of chat-go, how to obt*Mn a perfect cure. I ask for ne money, baving nothing te sel I know bow te sympathize witb ibese isufferer8 and am Sony toe glad te be able te as- sist them . I promise every one absolute se crecy and as I do not, of course, wisb te ex- pose myeeif cîther, I do net give my nanie. If you desire te roet welI, semmd stamp aud addreus Simply: P.; O. Box W8, LO.,DON, ONT.- .arc 2, 96.-ly. Mise M Hayes and Miss Armstrong and Mr J Belfour, Prince Albert, vieited ber. hast week. Mr B Powell ie at Grand Cduncil of Chosen Friende in Toronto. Mrs J Ormiston, sr, je vieiting her brother at Tilsonburg, wbo je dangeroue- ly ill. Mrsr T Hall bas hs.d a severe-attack of la grippe but is recaveriug. Dr W J Bray is home but intends e- turning to Detroit soon. Betheeda Mev r4 u 10xr