Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1896, p. 5

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PR/CE. T() cîtar out a dozen Key Wind ]&J. gn Rookford and other Anierican Watches tu Silver Open Faoe and FIutititig Cases, we are offering thein t<o you at bal the regular prices. This la A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY to scure thei very best value you *avc ,r sen. JU filp at Lt. S. Barnlard, WŽtchmaker, W~IT~Y. ~Il~e ~fhr0uicIc. OM.&a1 Gouuty orgaiL-Largffl0&=b tien of &ni local paper La Canada 1896 VRII)AY, MARCIL '27, LOCAL LAQPNIOS. .l - . 1lett, (Oshawa, spent Sunday 'tuldwxA i(initg tables, 4 leaves, onily $5, Mr-, Anne% and Miss Maud Annis have ne- turnIed fromu Port perry, '~cin.,ale every S-',aturday even*ing at Wiý wet s.ide hoot and shoe store. lleserve Crood Friday eveniug for tbe oa t the house of Sherifi and Mrs. Pax- t u ('tidIatimaieverell had a gang of mnen si~rlng .nw on the stree.s on -Saturday Pie îretîîest styles ever produced ini I"k»tàb ad shoes cari be seen ai M. %V. Col- Adl(1vert rsemneits, like the Amerîcan izirl's wvatit are often squeezed into 100 sruall a lu be attractive. Mrt (eo Vhompson, alter spending the winher wmîlu his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 1-bompsoit, left for Owenu Sound on Monday m centng. Mrt. F-rank McCarin lias severed bis con- mecton with Messrs. Ross. Bros.' establish- menut.-He goes 10 [Detroit, where lie ex- pects tb takre a situation. Mr, Anderson, of the bead office, Toronto, i n charge of the Dominion bank agency hbee white Mr. Thornton is sojourning 'in rae .unny south on a holiday. We have as many pretty styles as uny ihboe store in Toronto, and our pices are away below. Cali and inspect at M. W. Colimao' New Shoe Store, East Side. A great many of the fuir sex took a deep interesi in the assites beld at the court here lasi week, somne of them claiming it was te irsi "cou ning" they ever dîd. Thec Ka-No-Ta concert company wound ap a successful fortnigbt's show here on Monday night. Their performances are ai- ways good and they have a variety of medi- urnes and toilet articles which seli readily among due audience. They will spend the ba"ace of this week and nert in Oshawa. Cbeap Easser holiday tickets. school vaca mon tickets to pupils and teachers ai fane arnd third, goo d going from Mancb rçth ti11 April 4th and retunn till April r 3th. Public ucikets good gomng Apnil 2nd 10 6th, goed te reurn titi end 7th at single are. Get thoe tickets and ail paticulars from E. Stephen- -eu. telegreph, express and ticket office, Whcitby. 3ekoniNotes. Principal Tamblyn was off duty Mronday auJd Tuesday suflering Com a severe atîack oi lumbago. N'ot Cro88seiBus Royal Templars of Temperance wili hold a kot cross bun social on Good Friday even- kug, April 3rd, in thein rooms, G Y Smnitb's block (amnes and other social amnusements wilt he provided. Wait for it Alil wel- îo(>e Admnission roc. Hsyward's Iocals, 'Arw nikweiiry, ladies' bats, flowens, etc. ',aturdav, March 28. N, '...-. things iin dress goods from 7 cents wpriies., crepons, etc., fnom 5c. Up. \t-cw nens'and boy's capS, rom l12lC. Up. O 'en on Saturday. 'lîg sale of grocenies on1 Saturday. 1 eggs wanted. Haywand. A Les bo Rev M Geld. Butter1 '. large number of tbe baptist people met c tht. chu rch on Wedncsday night, to give M- Goid a grand serud-eff on thé eve et -depanture for Medicine Hat, N.W.T., miere he takes charge of misslonary work. MIany kind~ worda given with full heurts were teudered thc reverend gentleman, and te, '-onucl ude with he vas mude the recipient of a weit bound copy of the revised edition of thc bible. Mr. Goid's neply was moat cloquent a.nd uti oCf feeing. He icCi or lte north- west yestenday. Aneother oid lady gont. The death of Mrs. Darlington, at Brooklo tbisi week ai the advanced age Of 79 years, emeves another link connecting thus gener- a lion with oee iice removcd. 5h. vas the dangitter of Dr. Hunter, a pioncer physiciani i a Ontario county, vhose home was opposite tlmat eccupled by Mr. Jerry Llck ou thc Kingston road between Whltby andi Oshaa. Mrs. Darlîngton~s son Arthur was for sose- ti re pestmaster at Brooklil until lies deatb about te ycars ago. Another brother lsa a druggist living in Buflalo viiere Dr. Hunter 11 ved after his departure frein Canada durlng tke troublesome tunes of thc rebellil of e11. Ne mos-e Garden Clty - Those oatour dtlzens viN>enjoyed tbe trIpÎ by ibis splendlid steamer IsatsumU#,Wit learu vîtti regret that tii. GardesyQbu been soid te an AmnelSu oPaiY for «ý ooo and wililu fat= .py beiwsemýWd and Crystal Beach a omm« eM uIt S the. Canadian ahom ;îet akz&ir Jackson ha*t bees r4mrnd of the GaTi tyIlUWP blýt inducement la a #w * Mosey point of lçw, ovu terme for the ewlsg to tb4pl"b« tile;Whlth ib"M àw WATOI Genue and doncei. Mr. Frank Gutbrie, of Ryiey's drug'store, Oshawa, formnerly of W. R. Howses dnug store here, was marrîed on Monday lasi at the parponage here, by the Rev. J. A. Broughal, 10 Miss Ernma Thompson, of Osh- awa. WVe extend our congratulations, and hope Frank and bis fair bride mnay live a happy and prosperous life. Succeas Abroad. We congratulate Mr. T. H. Greenwood on tbe success that bas attended bis labors in the cause of temperance in England. We see by laie despatchea froni London that Mr. Greenwood's abilities as an erater and teni- perunce worker have been recognizcd by a weaiîhy teetotaler wbo bas made him bis pri-. vate secretary. Tom, as he is more famniliar- ly known here, is a bonn orator, and we bave ne doubt will make use of bis powers in a way that wihi bring bonor te himself and credit to bis native town. The Lucky Winners. Miss Eva Wilson won a prize of $5 ut the Ka-no-ta ententainment on Saturday even- ing for guessing the Pearest te the number of candies in a pint gemn jar, she guessing 1.521, wb:lst the total was 1523. On Monday evening Mn. Chas. Burton won a box of cigars for being the winner in the wheel- banrow race, whilst Canleton Sturgess was awarded Soc. for being the champion pie eater of Whitby. In the singing contest tbene wene ne competitors. An interestlng slght. Saturday nighti ati ri o'clock the station at Whitby junction presented an unusual and most interesting sight. The yard was ful of blockadeci freightis and the great snew piow with two big mogul englues pushing it that bad just corne titrougit froni the west after having been battling for two daya and nights wiîh the aid of an army of over twe bundned snow-sbovellers, and ail these had to get eut of the way for the fiast train te pass fer over So heurs, the night express troni the west. This arrived shortly before midnigbt. h had îwo mail couches which disgorged over a cord of mail matter for Whitby. Mn. McGanry gel it ail up te the post office before morning, as well as that rom the next mail1 train wbicb arrived from the east ai i a. m. These trains were crowded like excursions ut fair time in the aîl, and each was dnawn by bwo engines. The station was filted witb passengers who bad been storm-bound-Judge Falconbridge, Mr. R. Clute, Q. C., the gentlemen of the press attending the Alger trial, and others wbo had spenitte week in townu uthie assizes. King of Storm&. We have bad stonms and storma in thia viclnity, but that on 'Tbursday and Friday last was te father ot then alL It coin- menced on Tburaday in a very mild wa>y with an at wlnd and soft anow, and vore gradually arouind te the nort, increuslug lu istreugt as it vent. Duriug Thuraday nlght it grew rapidly in volume every heur, the wlnd and suow cometng wlihecd other as te performance. Tt vas an avini night. Next uiornhug there vas a aliglit abatement, but h vwas only mmentary, Newa came by vire 'that cvcry raltay in thia section Zet Province of Otalo vas biockced, aud hi was asccrtained that Con- ductor Wbte's train, wblcb loft ber. at 6.55 on Tbursday aigu bad ired in thie mev a uit. seti e tle station. Nex v icaroed thatConductorMMUllas tra%, vhich vas duc here atg.4o TbiOandlIt had foundered seat M-cheester., raU. vay authod riteld to hblrmmsites tm v t'Oaut wM aovluiQv#but nomt maisnstrestaof the tm dt hwai.r. iii. plaaIs byrtii.ébte W ~K<~u~et Claoi* peflt lest wek Mr. -and MsW.RlwýOfr>itn Uàugh and grow fat. -nthe e. i ittApril. Ail for î cett at Mis. Tambli 6 piece golld walnut parior sue, p wlth sllk pluah bande, for 832, WOrt . W. TitiIs, -AT- Each morning finda an illuminated bulletin board la the office window ef THit CHRON- ICLIE, announcing in brief the important news of the day in every part of the world. So many bave enjoyed anîd admlred tbese bul- letins that we have adopted a friend's sug- gestion te, publisb them, and they will be found in another columa. If posted in a scnap book they would prove valuabie for reference hereafter, as they git'e more news in tbe sg.me space than can be bad other- Wise. Remoyed to Kiagitoa. The sheriff conveyed Geo. E. Alger te Kingston on Tuesduy, a change which the latter had strengly urged, as be was anxious te face the worst of it, a feature whicb bas distinguished bis conduct- tbroughouî Lthe unfortunate business whicb led to bis pres- cnt position. Whatever else may be said of Alger, he certainly bas that particular kind of courage which enables a mnan te face his accusers, even in denylng bis'own crimes. To be brave in the heur of trialiIs a grand tbing,; but If that trial be ene for violation of the country's laws it is a difierent thing. Fatal accident. John Tremeer, of this tewn, was kiled by a passing train on the Grand Trunk rallway on Monday morning. He has driven E. R. Blow's ceai delivery team for years, and on Monday was hauling a load up town. As the ground is bare on the approaches te the bigh bridge crossing the railway, he had been hauling loads around by thc Byron Street crossing, .which la level with the rail- road track or nearly se. Deceased 'bad two tons of ceaIlu bis slelgb at the tme, and feared that tic might get atruck in crossing the bure track, so he urged the team te bigb speed. He evidently heard a train coming before he rexcbed the truck, but if so be was looking westward for ht, lustead of watching ln the direction of the. station. Tbe local trom Peterboro was juat moving,,ount o the junction station at the time and tvas whist- ling a great deal te get the semphore lowcr- cd, wbicb vas finally donc. This continued tooting posslbly caused Tremeer to fancy It muet be a train coming loitoei station frein the wcst instead ef one golug ont that way. Besides, deceascd ceuld net sec a train coming ftram the at until it paased the' bridge, and was then wlthîn one atreet of bilm, and ImreUi other aide ofeti. -bridge the whistle sonde as If it ver. a trainfrem the opposite direction. Tii. thiory that Tremeer was watchlng la the wrong direc- tion tor atrain. wben béwaaklled là-borne out by the . ttmeats cf som chidrpn wbo' say h. vas urgln.g. is bo#aes whist lookizg te tuie wctwaïd Wbeuthe trAinftSthe ii eut bit-lita dg. Thsary ifir ii- on outby the fa4ohsbê tai. h ïf lie ha ii ara i 00t M4h u d"m With Years' Trial the best TEMA before the Public, Sho'wroom if fi HALF Oshabalibeen in town, for a à<iw days. Mr. Jos. Ruebottom bas leased 1tue station liOtel at Bowmanville, and will conduct it in future. . 1Mrs. Nat Baker of Orillia, is spendlng a few days at the residence of Mr. Harry Walters. Be sure and buy the Siater sboes and pro- long lite. On exhibition at M. W. Collins" New Shoe Store, East Side. Seventy-five men partook of aupper at the junction botel on Saturday evening lest, they being the G.T.R. snow sbovellers. These fine days have caused ail the small boys to hunt up their lest yearls top, as peg- ging tops seern to be the rage nmong tbeni. Miss Tavy Walters ha een on the sick list for the pat couple of weeks, but we are pleased to be able to state she is greatly im- proving. à verv fine selection of auto-harpea t ýe aU reducd prices : $2 auual lrice $3; 1 ousu price 4.5o ; $5 usual price e6, t ru. AIIit'S. Mr. James Shaw, who spent the winter witb bis father in town, failed to secure a situation in Toronto and has gone to New York, where he expecte fortune to favor him. Ail the bousehold turniture and effects of A. A. Post Esq., Kingston road Pickering, lot 3, 2fld con., including phaeton cari, valu- able piano, etc., Thursday 9th April 1896, at t o'clock p. m. IDuring the last three months three men have been sent the central prison and one to penitentiary from this county. Those who feel tempted to violate the law sh~ould take warning. It is being strictly and fearlessiy enforced. A unique entertaininent will be given by the ladies of the W C T U at the residence of Mrs W W Taniblyn on the evening of April the ist. One dollar's wortb of fun for i5th cents, with refresbments thrown in. Don't miss bbe treat ot the season. C. H. Nix, Uxbridge, had a fine dog which had the habit of jumping up ut bis horses nose and barking whilst out driving Some person îold him to shoot it with wads of bro"npaer when doing the trick and it woulro pait He followed instruction and kled te do4. The paper wads caused in - ternai inj ures. Mr. G. Y. Smith represented the Whitby Home Circle at the supreme meeting in H-amilton, and was elected a supreme trus- tee. Mr. R. R. Mowbray represented the Kinsale circle, and the two of them were fortunate enough to arrive here on Thurs- day night's train, thus eluding the storm, which swamped the very next and ail suc- ceeding trains from the west. Mr. Mow- bray had to stay here until Saturduy nighî before he could get to Kinsale. Coileen Bawn.- The Hibernian Dramnatic company of Oshawa, a local organizaîlon recently per- tnrmed Colleen Bawn in the music bail there. The affair baving pîoved a success, it will be repeated here on Easter Modday, April 6th, wben Irish wit in its essence may be looked for. On, Tuesday Opei7Îu~ and Wodnesdayr,: -'"Mar'oh àl1st and April blà3u We extend a special invititien to all w visit our Millinery, Costume, Silk and Dress Goods Showrooms. Taste and fashion combine to make this a unique and most inviting exhibit, We are prepared to show the NEWEST CONCEPTIONS of the FASHION WORLD, and you C vtx SiFî HERE the CHOICEST NOVELTIES fromn Paris% London, New York, etc. It la true that advertis:ng as a. general thing doca flot sell gooda, but it brlngs the, buyer to the seller. Rev. T. F. Ockley bas been invited to re- main for tbe fiftb year ln Euc!id Ave. meibodiat cburcb, Toronto. A load of voung people from Pickering were down bere on Monday evening taklng in the Ka-no-ta entertainment. My Siater sboes are so comfortable I sleep in theni. Go down and see them at the New Shoe Store, M. W. Colline, Fast Sida. Mr. Chas. Bates ha opened ah agricuit. niai implement shop in the building north of the post office. Hia binder will be the Noxon. Make no engagement for Tbursday the 9tb April 1896, but attend A. A. Post's sale on tbat day at bis residence Kingaton road, Pickering. Valuable furniture to be sold wltbout reserve, furniture neurly new. Residents along tbe base line east say that neyer before during their recollection was the base line so blocked witb snow that it could flot easily be dug out for traffic. At preseni they bave to drive t.hrough the fields a good deal. A wee rubber wus left at ibis office tbe other day for identification. It was found between the foundry and Mr. J. S. Barnard's residence. The' small pair of black mita recently advertised in tbese columna re- mained unclalmed but tour d:2ys, which shows tbe value of THEa CHRONICLE as an advertising medium. Tbe snow hlockade prevented the ex- change of mail matter bebween tbis îown and nortbern points froni Thursday until Monday, and by this time so mnany baga were piled up here tbat a ieamn was blred and a mailing trip made to Port Perry and return by mail clerk Wilson of the Whiiby- Manilla lune. We congratulate Co. Attorney Farewell upon the able rnanner in whlch be bandled the crown's case in the Alger trial. The main evidence in that case required a great deal of corroboration, and the evidence te verify it had to be brougbt from a good many places. Mr. Farewell presented the wbole mas of evidence in a most systematic way. and bis address to tbe jury was a master- piece of analysis. Had one of the big-w iga of Toronto handled this case great praise would have been accorded, and probably not a lawyer in the ciîy could bave made as clear a case as did Mn. Farewell. The best Anthracite coal. Nut, stove, egg, U7. ;NO. 2 nUtl $4; at yard. J. H. Dowxxey &Co., opposite post office. What 18 the game ? As the hockey season is now over, wbat is going to be the game for tbe summer ? We bave splendid grounds and bave good material for eitber lucrosse, basebail or cricket. Corne together boys and organize. The Lake Ferry. The Rochester Herald of March 17th gives some particulars of the building of the Bata- via and Northeru railroad, which is design- ed to connect the coal mines of Pennsylvanie witb Oak Orchard, the proposed American terminus of the Lake Ontanio railway ferry. The engineers are under orders now to pro- ceed witb tbe work of laying the track as fast as possible, and the whole railway wili be built inside of eigbteen months, if the Herald's reports be truc. Chronicle Bulletin Board. Po i: ad oc ci' m Fi URGING At w. ONLY LOW PIRICES IDEIE;mSS a3-ooIDs. Weleome to *see. Not STEWART., TO. BUY G . WALTERS', AND NEW .DRE:o:SS GOODSO GOODS~ Our Sprig Dress Goods display speeks volumes for the taste and good4 judgiIettc of our buying. We have made s;pecieal efforts to outdo former seasons im point-of variety of styles and richness of Fabrios. How well we have suooeeded we 9&1: you to cati and judge. NIEW ÂRRIVÂLS @Imm& Ail Wool Serges in'Blaok, Cream, and al oolors. Sheperds, O1becks-,.Sti Cloths, Priestlys (3loths, Silver Silks, White and Colored Dot Slriè,ew Mohairs, Plain Mohairs, solid colors with raised figuresMohair and silk. n-«. tures, Mohair Checks, Mohair Fanoies, etc., etc. New Styles New Fedoras in Blsok at 50c., worth 75c. st 75c., worth $1. New Fedoras i Black st $1, worth $1.50.. Men's3 Nutria at $2.00 and $2.50. and Soft Ilats. New Fedorasin Black at 75c., worth $1. New Fedorasmiii B- Blaok and Brown at $1.25, worth $1.75. NewFeooU DUNLÂP, KNOX and YEObINS Style in: Blaok, rw If yen want te ese the largest stock ana latest styles and newest shades this is Uie store -for yoiiýo, Yi 'ee Bpecial Fedora this woeek at 50 Cýe. 1Men'8, Men's Men'a Men's ýMen's Meu's men's w Youths' and Chi/dren'8 AUl Wool Tweed Suito at....... $5>0 411 Wool Tweed Suits at ....... 6 50 AlWool Tweed S uite at ........ 7 50 Ail Wool Tweed Suits at....... 10 (0 Grey Worated Suita at......... 12 50 Black Worsted Suits et $10, worth $16 Go WALTER Ready-made Tweed Ohildren'a Bluie 8SeeButs 8 Childrena -Tweed Buits aSt... Gldrek Tweea "u Ohildren a Tweed. Enits a... - To-fit âges &to4ýl2ýyarwe hivea a"sortment -te select, .from. s * Whi Haok t ML WMbr TILLm,70 W. wm reay i tur, NO We extend a hearty welcorne to ail to visit the Store. asked to bu>'. ce 'J .A~NII1 r~s4 ~ :tan. J il id for in, Hard hiter. eted. Can - Eniz- 3%, >06115 1 of Free '! Samples After Five ý'Fm qi

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