Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1896, p. 6

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r seynVeriTon for Alpr. which wltnews deolihed -t. ýdo.'ri oéy held the poliâq -,on ]m A. g.t,, TRIAL FINISH RD HRFRIA NGTand 'would flot give f u1it DENIAL 0F CONSPIRACY BY ALGER, bad paid thé firat premiumn7btw notes, whaoh he hm. ince taken .Up. ALSO 0F ANY KNOWLEDGE THAT Hée had neyer eagree tany tir4e to- MIRS. ALGER HAID COt4§tUMPT ION.gvéFrnea>khàgnay f ALGER'S STORY 0F 114E TRANSAC- Witneu did net knew thst th b1 n>.ý TION. -HEAVY SENTENCE 1IMPOSED. Wems made in the report as tehie The oniy additional point brought wifo'e health wero falis., andi as far as eut in the crewn's case and net given ho knew hie wi.fo answered truthfnlly. in our provitnis issue wae that Alger Hie had eigned thé application when forbade Postmno8ter Willis, Brougham, ho was asked te do se. F'rancey had giigMrs. Alger lettere, as he didà told the witness that the Equiteble go iv hle sesingdouensissued the only incontestable policy hy mail. WilIis forgot. about this, leke f u ins a o but Alger afterwards toId him that it agriped that ho would net take any tumned ont ail right, as Mme. Alger diii action in case anything happenoed. flot happen to be home wheîî the mail He had ne reason te do se, fer hé <id 'natter arrivcd. net expect hie wifé te die within a Mr. B. Hli Brown, Montreal, Mani- year. Nothing wus over said te wit- agrof the London & Lanicashire Life ness about hie wife having pueumonia. C'ompany, gave evidence te show that inshapidtewo fte lDr. Eastwffld's story 'vas correct as second premînrn. Hie did net know to te icorectexamnaton adeforwhere Truil wu., and had had ne cern- tht otil.i n the inorctraiîîat e for munication with hirn. Francoy had t}îa copan. a th prvat reortnever said anything te, witnéss about .sent iii 1)vtDr. Eastwood whieli set it being dangerous te, pros the Comi- iiiatters right. pany, and always seeied auxieus fer TE [EFENCE. biu te get the meney. (;orgf, E. Alger entered the boxl rancey neyer preposed te witnes and was sworin lie had lived in te0insure in the Home Lifé, whicl Pickerî ng for t wei ve or f ou rteen years, Would ave te be consumtnated b had ]îved t1ve at the time of bis forgery, and did net agree te pa. wife's iath. lie had heen miarried Francey $ 2,000 to got the pelicy eigh tee n 'vears, ad(]h4id a famnily of Wîtniess had nover suggested Le D tive children. the eldest 17 vears and bastwood OD say ehe had diod of pneu th~ ounestneaiv egbt Befre onia. J. N. Hortep solicited thý iîovii. g to 1'ickering lih had iived ini ineurance on Mrs. Alger's life in i \V'eit Northumbierland. lie would London and Lancashire, and as far m ilot s,;$IVwhetier ht, and his wife had witness could remember hie wife hac t\ etr leer separated, but they had al- made the same answems then as eht 'vays cerresponded. D)urir.g the year had to Dr. Francey on the previeui 1I S 9)4 hb'ý w h did ai] the bouse work, occasion. Mrs Alger did net knom 11,1b(jl efteîî îuiked flNw , ixte she wue accepted for $,0.8 twetve cows liesides. She had done thought it was for $5,000, lat~ witnesm the housework for three years at did net want any léss ineuranco on hiE times when they î'euid net get a girl. wife than ho ha.d. Witnese then She coutinued to work bard up te wanted te cancel his inenranco in thE wjthin tlîree months cf ber death. Equitable and go inte the Lendon and fls wifv's father died in January, Lancashire. Witness remembered a 1,S94, and was otîly 111 four or five conversation with Mm. St.ark, banker, weeks. \Vitiless ani bis wjfe did ail and had given bum sowe pôlicios ýoi the nurxîng. During his ilîness she ss.fo keeping, ameng which was a pel took %,çrv lîttie re-st, a.nd would net îcye n one of his hired mon, on whicl allow any other person te wait on bin. witness was paying the prémiis, and WVitness was nt his fathemin-laws had paid $56. This policy wau foi bouse bouse part cf the time only. $'-,000- Witness said hoe worked 160 ,Mrs. AMger neyer undressed for resac"res of land, and that $6,000 haci durîng that tuae. This constant bee n s pe n t on the place during his strain ran ber (0w n, and she caught wife's Jifetirne. NOt all had been paid 0oid when a rest wouid Ihave stopped off Up te, that imne, and $1,000 had t. She was laid up, and att.onded hy been paid since. The place ceet $9,. a physlciian for a week or ten days in 000- His wife's fathor lied paid $3, Febrtîary, after hem father's death, and 000 on the condition that when they was tweo o thre-e davs in led. She paid the other $6,000 thoy were te had never i}rev"iously heen Ili sic have a deed of the place. They did 1soriv wîth continenment. 1)r. this, and ho deeded it te witness' wife. hEastwood reî'er exaiiizned her lunge f r. Clute-Is there eue word of when lie attended lier in 1M88, and truth in tis8 charge againet yeu ? and had nieyer t.old witfless tlîat his Witness-If there is any, certainly wife had î'onsurption. and witnec.s I do flot know it. 1 did that a never thoughit she had uRKil Ju11e, stmaight as any deal 1 ever did in my 1895. Afier Nlrs. Aiger's recovemy life with those two mon. frominilness, after bier father's death, When cress-exawined by Mr. Fare- 'ihe was iiot so robust, but did ail the well the main test.snîny of witness work up te iuiy, "'hen she went 'as fairiy well maintained. ilwav, ald "as m i good health when LAWYER FITCH. ,lîe returiieîl froin the \Xest, Ili fact, Lawyem Fitch, of Stouffville, Lesti- witiie.ss iifever saw bier look botter, for fied that during the conference held at hivd shwe ver feit better. She bad StouffVihley with regard te the bona ?,dhat I ai n vne Pt fides of the Equitablo policy, Francey the sprini4of PK9. maintained throughout that there was Witness was first spoken te by Dr. no fraud in cennection with the effeet- Fmaivey about ilisuranice lte ini the in,: of the Equitable pelizy, but fa1l of 1S84. lie had ne intention of stne that hoe feared any attempt placing anly insurance at thîs ime, ruade te collect froni the Equitable and teld theni se, asking tihelni t would lead te an enquiry inte the oali again, as ho was engaged. Dr. Home Life transaction. Francéy aise Francey and Henry TrulI calied again etaLeci that if trouble arose over thei n a few days, and witness said to Home Life riek thé probabiity was thern that if he decided te take any that sotne of thein voulti have te suf-1 insurance ho would lot theni know, as fer pu".smenù. lié urgéd that if4 hoe was thon carrying $8,000, and had stepe were taken to, colleet the Equit-î aise appi ied for $2,000 niore in the able pelicy ho shenld 1)é allowed oe1 Independent Order of Foresters. On month in which te dispos of his prac-i this vi8it both mon geL eut Of the ice and beave the country. buggy, and tbey had a long conver- EPR VDNE sation with wîtnless, whoni they want- EPR VDNR ed te Lhmew up hie insuranco in the Dr. Anden, of Trinity Medical socieLies on acceunit of increased rates, Sehool, Torcnto, gavé expert teeti- . and insu me with thoru. Ho had told meny for the defonÃŽ>e linthéir attempt'T hie wie f tho"fact;_-. T rn.nLwst ese b au f h vdne ,,ouse. I'ruilia.ndt .rancey came te 109AC UIttlejehn wasthen callod. wvtness' place when hé vas getting lie asangbretkewMs i ua dy te go te Barrie. There - was no e r Weil. - When Ilut ho mw lber r'.lei*ecy in coîînection with the huai- ah. irasd e u esV* th Iwas nover arranged bet«veen wit- Mr.AioeÇxmýteO ~ OfrS.Iady Iîeffl and Francey that the latter vas n Itg h l~th" to maké a favorable,- report At é ku>eM aAe frmi ev. 'd imé Frs.naey called adsu m«d * sa "9noighýber- ilJ. .rzg an the hired mon fer insurâa , A wave thought ^ MmrAl &ger te b«. i k of înurance hvopt the nftgbohod. un~ Tv UULI AtmYUlger. applistioi'e flhled eut witûies vouldti ttsq est the a«MomJtvus MW1.d 1;but b Iovl lî*r tISq"teSt a *= enSv *me lieirs .tig bIau r.The >ym tt'O bom .ou a 4i a#td M'tn e-that her 4« diesewÉçhif mftiirPtion. 'An adjournmn.t aM mis t 10.3< Mms.Mary Hubbard, ntother oi Mms Alger, néxt teck the'st.nd. Sbt SwOre te the goneral good hep.lth ol Mms. Alger, and did flot know she haý coneumption. Witnéss had knowzi some difflculty toe xist between busý band and wife, but did not know what it was, but suppoU0d that raoney wai at thé botteni of it ail. Alger had never asked assistance froni Mr. Hub- bard, but if Hubbard saw fit te give it te hirn ho pid wo. Witness had often seen Dr. Eastwood at Alger's, but ho did not always call profession- aiIy. Witness and Mre. Alger once went to Claremont, and saw Dr. Eastwood at Mrs. Aiger'e request, who said sbe feit week. She did not see any mnedicino given on that occasion. t i r S Nellie Alger, daughter of defen- i dant, vas noxt caiied. She said ber r' mother was in good health up te the ytme of Mr. Huhhard'e beath, and was timed eut and net well when she came homne frein nursing him., ler inother was semetinies in bed two or thmee days at a ime through ber ilinese. 3Witnees went Lo Illinois with hem ;miother in Auguet, 1894. W'hubo theme h er mother had greatiy improved, and awas able te Ltake a eixtY mile drive, and returne o Ler homo in Bmoug- hani a few weeks later in splendid health. Dr. Francey and Henry iTmuhl had oniy visited thé bouse once itogether in hem knowledJge. The ex- atnimation of Mme. Alger for insuranco teok placé at that time, and about which theré vas ne secrecy. lier mot1her's health cOntinned geod until May, 1895, when the weatbem changeti, aud' se tec0k a sévere coid whilé bouse cleaning, which stuck te ber, and ehe néver recovemed fremin i. Witness nèver he4rd of hem mother having con- sumption, and thought se. ias in goed heaitli down te, hem exarniaation by Dr. Francey in April, 1894. Witnese remernbered ber mother aaking Dr. Francey at'that tume te examine hem carefùlly, and Lell ber if there was anything the maLter withbhem lunge, as sho wanted lier husband and chiid mon te know it if theme was. Thé dector had then informed Mme. Alger that bem lunge were wcak, but net affected, and te, takre good came of hersoîf for a year or two and ehe would be ail right. Wi tness nover knew ber mother te Spit biood. Mr. tinte asked that the court ad~ journ until the arrivai of thé traj f roui Toronto, as he expected. Dr Teskey and another witness. Hil Lordship stated that as the Crown ha' lost a witness in the sanie way yester. day lie would have to proceed with thE trial. This closed, the case for the de- fence. Dr. Warren, of Whitby, wus called in rebuttal. H1e was a phy-sician of '25 years' practice. When questioned ho said oil of suioke was given largely for tuberculosis and cod liver oul for eonsurnption. Dr. Eastwood next took the stand. 11e testified that Mrs. fubbard, mo- ther of Mrs. Alger, had told him at Wilson's hotel, after the funeral1 that ber daughter had no right te b.e ingur- ed, as s>ie had had consumptien ever since the twins were, born. Mrs. Hub- bard had aise roepeated the statement in the présence of Mr. Wilson, a.nd had aise said Mms. Alger had <lied in the last stages of consumptien. To Mr. Cinte, witness said he had been in Buffalo ini con'mection -with this [nsu rance matter. Hie saw Irancey in- Buffalo) and both camne te Tdoeto on the sanie train. Hie saw Francey îh Toronto at Beattie and Blackstock'e ice. Witness was there in connec- Pon with thé insu rance ini théeBquit- ible. He h.%d fot got any mone for nservices, only hie ticket toBuffalo. Mr. Oite-De yen expect any- thing?1 Wit»e&;--No. Mr. Clute-You havé te take what bhey will giveyo? That wilI do. To Mr. Faeel-Dr. Francey sent l>r me, and when-I saw hini I dvised im to, remaiu where hé waa, as*dof- làe hlm flQ!inducemçnts tocom sck. went te, Buffale in th&~ inter- %s -of ?rar&cey and Algér. MiL CLUTE'8 ADD)RE8s #ais Closed ,thiae , 2heu 4. Olute commanopd bis,_ d nie*s rna o WÈ pli"44IQ Mr. F'arwell -thon teck u,t idwelt atmost entirely throughoqt his addres8 upon thé cenduot of Dr. ?rancey, avoiding ail refèencete the post morteni examînetion held upon Mrs. Aiger's romains and the spectacle presented by the unfortunate woman's emaciated and diséased body. Coun- sel for the dofence left this evidence sione, becanse ho cculd not handie it. This evidence, above'all othors, preved the cause of Mrs. Alger's death. Hie Lordstiip, in bis charge te the jury, complinMented theni upon the unflagging attegtiou tiioy had givon te the case throughont. Hie explained te the jury the swern duty thoy had undertaken te dischargo on hohalf of thouiselves, the publie, and the Crown. The ur Ntrd GItY5.1,ad t Th5 e jury otirerdit 5.15, and t 6,45ns re pnod erdito "uly Hgiet th pieor.sne Hitandrship tnd thase pifonor to sand up, to ad whon skeed I ho.ad nHing te say, tho n swed "e."g Hlie lerdshptona fair :triGeorge ElishaI Alger, after avefaimtral, in whilih I met seajrofyou vehada n brilli ante fen ajuy ofgy ofteun thrygenladhavefond yn uilty f t charge lawidagheineiten 1 cano qarrl e wthey verdtadeIcan hoady eee hontbesion.ld hacre te anyd outhe colusion sI aveo pointeut, he forn fonepgiacy of whirchirouihave benfeund guilntyi far-eaing ino ishefcte. I an notar lese sigltof the atmthatin doingtas ye oid yen wer af1ckieno in the lîf e yo x ifem, ente 50nesonl why teaximdum ntu eneel neuto e peoupye n. Ihenrovncea yenitensevenyeasinte rvica pTentiory." n ehr h sthéncrisner wnhee and the saientene novequinced, ud m tan tand teisedquie t denieanorthat hearctriaethegou h enen triAl eBonadHr Qo.-h uenv.ger row nd No er- itoTe randjryes. e i in g thvecs e.-Ato o eo Pumagh vs.nGree.Atin dipte asecoe prce Jargin on heatut adseaidt pvre tnury sitkt nd ctiase laid A CITIZEN"S STORY g) i. as 6d as le ie :1 >r Fe NT eED TpIREp. Re Mr. James N. D)avis, or 15 Wellington St., St ThoniassPeaks Of an event o1 late occur- rence, %which should be rof interest te many of Our citizens. Mr. Davis, in conversation with our representative, said : e "-Doans Kidney PuIs are the best kidney remnedy 1 ever heard cf. 'fhey have removeri the distressing kidriey trouble with which I was afflicted, and inadea stronger, happier mnax of me. For corne years I have been troubled twith severe pains across the lower part of the back. nhe urine was dark in color and cause,! me a great . dcai of annoyance, being coin- rpelled tDOget ýUp a nurnber of tilues during the night. r wà'aise a gret sufferer frein severe cramps 14n ÃŽy legs, which becamne se painfil thatl1hadj'tôc , t oui ef bed anrub tmiii> ith linimentmn orer to <teven monIentary e ase. I had a great dca of Éick headache; was troublod wjih wcakness ef the èes and feit itired, weak and'wom out. WalkinË distressed me because of- the paini 'and general weakness frein which 1 suffered. 1 got three - boxes. cf Doan's Kidney Pills frein Mr. E. C. Hatrve a his dmug store, 'and have iiot taken the third box because ithèe ekas ne necessity te do se. The two boxes 'have had such. a sùrriîsngI eftect fot good'that 1 did net need the thirci. Vos, srItake -pleas.,re inteiling ýwhat jeel have do nefcr'thébecause of the heth'tÏat new enjoy theôtugh heir us^ýe.'AilUMy dffic-ul- tics have vaeished ; 1 have noe pain in the back ;no, sick-ieàdàahe; My 'eyes.ýdo neit trouble me; I haàve, had ne crampe since 1 begn taking the 'Oi;sleep Weil, -and the tieplayed-outfling- - -as al gene. 1 believe lall these trobles were cause, simply from kidney 'trouble; Yon zmay say-.that I know Doans, KidUe pilns te be a specdy and wondefuî speci&U for kidcey and urînary die cukis. nd motmrogly recomcendtcf lse tc anyone afiicted-as I va& -FOR SALE BY-_ Chemist and Druggit, Brock Street, Tii oont buldngsetb-Thomas are te b T Barrioter, ote. 0Qtce fortùei!y09011 by PareweIl di RUtlèdge, Doit Z I yl d Brook St., Whutby. DAVID OJUIISTON, B. A-, Âttorney-at-Law, Solicitor inObaned Gonvoyanicer, etc. O£00 - In the CH South of te Post Omce, i McMitu Block, Brook Street, Witby. G. YOUNG SUVITE. LL. B., Barristej, etc.,-Money to I4Joan. lIe of Main ae ILicenses. Office - sxmll Block, Souih cf MarbÏet, Bi ock St., Wit DOW & lacGILLIVRAY, Barristérs, $olicitors in Ohancery,e Office'iiaMi.thison & Bmwkeu'is new b]i Brook FXLt., e'hitby, South of Ontario bomJ Dr8 Wrrenbdt Moo. I. J. J. Moore, M -D. Brookiu. _j-Pr*waie Tekep/one Communeal, D. P. BOGART, M.D.,L.D.0. Physsean, surgeon and Accoucher el Offce and ouideue next te AUil uai~ Church, Dund"s Street, Whitby. N. B. Deutal Surgery in ail its branches promri attended te. Dr. H. Wightm& F. Warren, M. Whibby. Over GTou & Gangr'.WiL t1 iJU-iotantous. W. B. Y ARNOLD,9 D.L.UB.. (Jounty Surveyer and Drainage Binginee Port Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, Architeet, late with Langley, Langloy Burke, Toronto. Désigna for Churche Villas ana Cottages a spelalty. Drawlii prepa.red f or remodeling existing structurei 1 21 gi M L@ le A o WU. CALVERLEY, HÂMBOB 5 MAIRE, WRITEY. Having moved iute our new promises, 'w are propured te, exteud te range cf business AIl work pertaining toLte harnese-makinf and saddlery business will b., donc te, satis. W. CALVERLEY, Second dloor west of old shop. Dundas Street, Witiby JNO. NOBLE, Lumber, Shingles, $Sim, oors aund Blinde, Turang and Yret4Saw2ng. _20-Ail orders or information can be obtained from JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Street, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wil- son' s residence. Whitby, April 4th, 1894. 81 per a&nu= in advauoe, olewa 01.50 SubseriptIon. al 4»'#qa i Lte office et #ttbliatiozý. Th6e: pibeo 'do not ýundoetske to dIyr tb ppfflt nyeb p6atfioebu Iity.Mw net" -fàmd a en~t, .gE1P~1b relidgo. otfb* s I~~o JOuRN Tes.AdeTÃ"Shigrea*weo. y o tret, Q.ut pr i,, abile.£stn GeSUNsD T5 CentApi N , gDA»~ ;ie G~AI4iD TRUIX &ND MIDLAJ» "TEAINS GOING~WU5TWg3J.' EJress~'Daily MSi.l------- mii~edlRxpi~as ~oési; exeepi W.xcé~ Bun.. I JO No 8, -3 Roi mier sq etc. look Dy. te. Ca 'Y. 1y go i 9.( Lg ta le WC w C. ýor. King & Yonge I$t. Toronto. For the udxt threo menths I &Mn giving pecial attention to patients frorn a dii- Lnce. Amn stil making plates in rnbbe, B, celluloid #10. Gold and silver fhIg 'ork crowning by first-claas operator tâ'ýi e mont reasonable rates in the oity. rhen in the city calu in and let me elsae- ke our teeth. 1 make ne extra chu*., fl.BIGGS, Dentiet, soutit eset eor~ér un H. WARNER;ý ;AT. B 119 LAM~ EauNGLEE) CôRDwmeD, GENT For the- PEOPLE'S, Efice and 'Yard, just U-ptown Station. East of ~hltby, O.k 25tb 1a94. ABK YOUR 8TATIONER -FOI- ~PÂ~RTIOÂ, TRI w Two ape i Oler,-Mroh 7; ay 2; Ily o27: Ot 1 Enough. 1. -... 1 1 Oetober 7th 1895. New Llvery and Sale StaN,: Dundet St., Whîtby, J. T. NIEWPORT, Proprietocy. Commeircial men liberally deaIt witib Teaming done at reasonable prices. Preight and Bag&age houled at reasog. ible prives. A e41 solicitéd. tOVYNTY op *A 1k Jan. Si:Peb. 3;Màarch ;1jYCw 2 J« uly 7 Bop. 2; O)et. 5 j"a. 4; Feb. 4; Mdatch 4; âpril a litl M June 3; July 8; sep. 8; Oct. 8; Nem. ! Dec. 3, 4 BlaoveffÂx- IL Gléeson,Gre, Olerk.-Jan 6; Mmrgh 6 &My;Jl ' Sep. 4 ; Nov. 6. *'jl ' PORT Pg»a' J. W. jl3rij PX Perry, CIei&k-Jsin. 29; Marc,,h 9; î 0P Ju]y 20; sep. 28; Nov. 18. '&y U «UXB]lnoz-JosePh E. GOni d, T-7biidg Clerk-Jan. 30; March 24; Mdýith 14; oct 14 ;Dec. 16. ,YI WY, CANMG**-GergeSmith, Camnin<..om Jan 31 àfrch26;lkay 20; July jo.1 15; Dec. 17. BEjvzaTeuÇ-Geo. F. Bruce,Bavr, 'Clerk-March 26; May 21; July 16; Oect 16 Dec, 18.y UPT14UOILOV-F J Gillespie. perî~. lianult&cturera' Lifé & Accident Insitrance Co., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lite ineurance Ce. m the continent. Nivety per cent. c aà mcomulatione et surplus ie returned te lb. >olicy holders. AUil aime are paid withoejl [elay or discount on Droof uf death or naturity of endowment J. B. POWELL, '.1,. les, 93. Agent, Whitky. POUND 'GUILTY. NELLIE ALGER'S $TORY. -:o:- 9ENTIST. 0 1 1 1 XVIDENCE IN REBUTTAL. -East èf ,ly.

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