Whitby Chronicle, 27 Mar 1896, p. 8

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Tho rOFOr Place 'When looking for... "Pure Drugs, Dg% V4,1 't t' 4' performed by thellev. J1. Ranktni of Br amp- ton, a long respected frlend of botb familles lnterested. Thç.presents were many and valuable, includ ing a handsome Cheque froan the bride~s father. Among the guests' froan a distance were : Mrs Newcotzibe, 4of Thamesville ;'Mies Annle, Mrs. and Mr. Wni McCleary, ex-M P P, and Mr Arnold E Kaiser of T'horold ; Mr and Ma-s F Hill, Ma- anc1 Mrs James Irvine, of Weston ; Mr Arthur E Kaiser of St. Catherines; Mr and Ma-s M Fisher and Mr- F Irvine, of Toronto. Mr. Joe. Houlden reports that for the - could not get te Whitby on Friday last on " Toilet Requisities account of the great snow blocka de' The Kingston road wes piled full in many Toilet boaps, places, and he hed te awalt the action ef overseers in cleaning eut the snow. raflCy' UOOUS, It le unnecessari' et this late date ta say that ont Friday last the great snow stanm Spectacles, blocked up everything that looked like a Anyhin in the piublic thoroughfaa-e, and starved newspaper Anythng inreacrs, until Sunday mornîng, when Rogers breke their fast by opening his place and allowing aIl te have Fniday and Satur. ,N...~ .L....day'e issues. 's Ryley's Drug Store, sirnco' st. Southî, Oshawa. Ëf.it (f trn cit. OSHAW\ýA, MAROH 27,1 1896 OSRAWA PAGEÃœ OSHAWA. BusiNEss NOTICE. - Oshawa subscribers or advertisers nxay transact au business with the CHRONICLE, or mnay Obtain extra Ceapies at any time., trom EZ. E. Rogers. Farmers will do weII to cali at M. E. Mayas for boys' ready made clothing. It wlll pay any parties conteinplating buy- ing au engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they wilI seli this month very cbeap for cash. (enuine diamond 14K. only $v, They are also making some special offer% in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and slver watches. See them. Felt Bros. The comîtîg Sunday le Palm Sunday. Mr. F. T. VerraI of Toronto, was bu tawn Tuesday. R. J. Uaquhart aeturned (rom Tarante Saturday - Ma-. Ben Wigg, Toronto, is spending a few days as home. Miss Hampshire, Cobourg, is the guest of Ma-a. J. Gregory. Mr-. \Vah Crewvs, Owen Sound, ie visiting 1ie brothe,-, Mr-. T. Crews. Miss Lena Wilson, of Claremont. has been visstiiîg Mise Effie Bond. Miss Gîllian is home farn England visstiug lier fathea-, Ma-. P. Gîlliani. Ma-s. anîd Miss J. Bickell, Bewmanvilîe, are the guests of Ma-. F. Bickell. Mi. and Miss James visîted ai Ma-. S. Manning's, Brooklu, last week. Ma-. G. A. Maynarv was lu Toronto last week ienewing old acquaintances. Ma-. B. Rossi of Buffalo, speut Sunday and Mouday lu town with Ma-. C. R. Bailes. Misa Eva Wilson has secured a situatiqn in McKendry's millinea- parlers, Tarante. The sta-ects aloug the railway track are alancet bare, and will be dry lu a few days. Ma-. Peter Ceulfield left this wiiek for Brandon, N. W. T. He intends te make it bis.botrne. Thse Ladies Aid of the Metcalf St. church held a very succeseful1 social et the pat-sonage Tuesday night. Miss Kate Wallace leaves thit, week for Manitoba. She %ýill have charge of the achool she had iast yeea-. Ma-. Robt. Paa-ott and sistea-, who have been aesdiug lu South Oshawa, have a-e- turned te their home, Chalk Lake. Miss Fbo. Mackle, wbo bas been attending St. Hilda's college, Toronte, aetnrncd home Monday night on acconut cf poor heeltb. We hope she may speedily recovea-. Mariled. At the English cburch aetory, Whitby, ou Mcnday uigbt, by the Rev. J. H. Broughal, Ma-. Franeuh utha-le, cf Ryk -"t' drug store, te Miss Emma Thompsoti. The Hibea-uiau Dranîatic company ai this tawn will repeat the performance cf' Colleen Bawn as Whlîby ou Easter Mouday. Their perfurmance here un Tucsday wcck was surprisingly geod, but they hope ta do bet- tcr at Whisby. If there je an erganizatîcu in this tewn which deserves credit for the good it bas donc and 15 sîbldoing, 1<la is h crwer mul sien. Every Friday afternoen, raja ol-siine, thcy meet at an eppointed place and froin thence go with titeir bequets toalal the sick and agco in the town.. The Reformeras anonymous better ma- chine turned out two epistles lust week, one for. Diogenes and one signed "A. F-tend cf the Railway, " who had a friendly suggeé- tion to maire to tbe management cf thte road aaîid could not go Sa the bead office of the aoad and make it. but showps bis fricndship t?) by publisha.ng a complaint and suggeution iii the Reformer. Meu bave very lttie coeur- itge or else a deal cf modesty who cannet go sîuîetly lu person sud perfornu e favor, tisai v%. what they cali a favor. I n anticipation cf oua- icw remarka for bis btnefit in the lasti isue 01 Tuz CugomvÛLIC, Diogenes requeste the readers of the 'Re- former t a t.ci for bis briliant re>Iy in that journal this weok. 1Tbe mnlbus no pour opinion cf lnself wbo ibinka h. can, forêeail another pemsargument and eau ahmm blowba-ds, but did, suny Uslig t a equalibWis? z ral Ilhtlbu ye wacs t«4 "*# vê SbIt >, uàa - . k1* " Diogenes, of the Reformer office. must be a happy man. He bas been leeking for a slang-whangiug match with everybody who ecold be hou nded inta one, and has succeed- ed in stirriug up haîf a dezen who have a weakness for newepaper writing. This week a ncw mani turns up in the Vindicater, calling hlmseîf -O. T. T.,' sud reads Diegenes clear eut of court. He is deiug exactly what Dio. wants. The death of Couuty Registrea- John Hamu Ferry and the appaintment of a successor were the subjects of a good deal af conver- sation here on Wednesday and Thursdey, the lete registrar having maaîy warm friende in Oshawa. The general feeling her e seeme 50 be that Dr. Rae has the appoint- ment iu hie pocket, se te speak, aud he cea-- tainly appears te have the pull, that ie, se fer as polatical setvices go ta entitle a man to public prefermeut. The Vindicatea- publishes THE CHRON- ICLE'S perfectly fair- report of the chicken case, Lenton vs. Smith, and then adds te it a paragraph couteiuing biased stuif which Justice Falcanbridge le alleged te have talked when addressing the jury. The Vin. sys the judge'e charge wae favorable te Smith, which is pure fiction. If anythlng it was favorable te Leuton, for whomn the Vin- dicator appears te have a knife lu its boot- leg. A very readable article. Oua- old friend, Ma-. Thos. Couent, had a very good sketch of the lue and work of Ma-. Edwerd Carswell, in Satturday'e Torocnto Globe, accompanled by a large and liflike portrait of Ma-. Carswell. Ma-. Conant gives a splendid history of the upsansd dewus of the life of a worthy mian, and places Ma-. Carswell's work before the public in a way which cannot fail lu flnding appreciatian. Liberal clippinge are thrown in from the great temperauce lectu rer's ecceutric peeme. Aa stated by Ma-. Canant, there le little doubt that Mr-. Carswell is fer more honored among staangers tItan among those who have kuown hlm aIl hie life here, and whe know the purity cf hie heart. A meeting of the Oshawa base bail club was held at the Queen's hotel parlers on Monday evening to re-organize for the cern- ing season. Aftea- the preliminery business was attended te the following officers wea-e elected: Pres, E S Edmoudeon; iet vice., H E Moaphy; manager, James Fair; sec., l~J Nott , treas. L G Casseis ; executive cern- mittee, W French, j Fair, j Nott, J Boue, F Hobbs. A fee of 5o cents je te be levied on each membea-. Anothea- meeting wilI be held at the Queen's this Friday uight at 8 o'clock, te receive applications for mem- bership, and 15 is hoped there wîll be a large attend ance, as there l'e ne reasan why Osh- awa should net have a wiuuîug teami this su mmer. -:000:_ Oshawa Business Dtrectory. 9 L. VICKERY, barber. Simce street. BROOKS' LIVERY, Simcae etreet, north. Wl!. ROLPH. hernes makier, Simcoe street. t. B. MOTHERSILL, butoher, King Si,, Weet. Da. PATTEnsoN, Dentist; office over Rowse's store. k.. J. STÂLTER -Deminion pianos and crage, Simcee etreet. 4.. C. WjimÂt, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentiat, King street west, Oshawa, Ont. WILiAx J. DIIÂNs, Dominion and Ontario Land Suaveor, Civil Engineer, Box 57, Osh- awa. CoxxencxÂ. HOTEz-J. C. Woon, prop)rietor. Modern hostelry, neetiiad oomfortabiy equlpped. D. M. ToD).-Caterea- for Belle,&assernblies, Wed- dings, Snppere, etc., etc. Aliseail kinde ef fllowers. Osn&wA Ba>oKeToaB-Fn Unea of lbooks, statlonery and f ency goode. B. E. Rogers, Simca. utreet. les. Hounzurn - Whitby-Oshawe stage lune. Leeves Oshawa st 8 a mi and 2 p m,. and Whitby et 10 a m snd 4 p m. JOSEPH CnAiG, manufacturer of fine cariages, carte, wagons, and &il kinds cf cuttersansd sleighs. Repairlng e upeoWaty. lcnv Bnuwna. peiniez and decoaetor. Dealer in Wall "pMpceillng deoorations, peinte, ail, vazn1abineà, brushes, wlaôow ahsdes, etc. Jâxze PBLLO'w, deamler in stoves, furnaces, lin- ware, etc. Large stock kept constantly on hend. Jobblng a .poclsty. Simcoe slreet narth. L. K. MuaToit, B. A. - Barristez, Solicitaz, Notai-y Publie, Convoyencer, &o. Mcney ta lend. Offce avez Dominion Bank, Bimce Street, Oshawa. When eontemplating puttlng cn Lite Insuranos, see W D Buman, cf The United Slalem Lite.j Their policies are lte mosntatractive. Largeet gusaenla. M. B. MAY,-feaier in Orooerie. Panay (china, Crookery, Tinware, snd Panc Goodi. Pure Tees sud Qoffées. Boys' readymude galle e speolsly-vee.op. ÂluoTIOMSazAes-Tb. uubeca-ber Viiib. In 08b aveet lte Central Botel, Irldsy ce«ch weok troni Que ta 8 o'olook Pm., tameake ar. angemnents vitit parties wlshing oh"sle L PÂZRDaEKSSUoeoD.r, t hvmis F. LÂN.EET & IIOx-The leadlng tafloz-lng sud goute' tui-mIshing hous et Oshawa. Splendid &susolmt loSt $«wee s orida, trqwftruaegS, i-le. sollats, ete, aivays kept misA A tu plwdfield. Competition' rud no facililtes for trasportation are the cause cf ik. down- Farmers in this section of the county are cornplaining loudly of lack of feed for sieck Nie out of evea-y ten have nôttfood to lest until EAster. The sinail yield of hay with short su-aw last summea- te the cause of this. Beaides turnlps wea-e a smail crop last season and the farmers are vMa-y uch discouraged. 'those whe have enough are constantly hesieged by the others and begRed for a few foa-k fuillete keep their stock from starvlnR. AsseFsor Geo. E. Mowbray bas finished hie year's returns for 1896. He niakes up the following etatietice : East Whitby.-No. acres. 31,175 ; real paoperty $1,6.52,845, pet-- sonal property $4i,6.5o, real and personal property $1,697,990, population 2685, cattle 3927, sheep 918, hoge 2023, horses 1573, biathe 26, deaths 12, acres of woodland 763, swamup Si, orchard 763, faîl wheat 544. There is a decrease fromn last year in real Property Of $7,070, ln personal property $4,5oo, but an increase in tazable income of $500. G oodwood. t; t, Owing ta the severe ssea-m of hast week. ail the trains were cancclhed and the aoads blocked lnecessitatng e great deal of shoveling. Old Ma-s Hargrave who for se long a time has been living with hem grand-daughter, Ma-s. G W. Sonlcy, snccumbed te lagrippe and was buried in the Utica Cemeter a week age Sunday. Ma-. Charles Sonley bas recently been te Tor- onte looking for a position as Boek-keepe-. We do nos know wbat bis prospects for getsmngz sncb a situation are, but we wiebhihm evea-y suc- CMs. Owiug tatce bad state af the roade oua- pasmor the Rev. j. W. Stewart, was unable ta -get here Sunday. in bis ebseuse Mr. M, Howsam teck charge ai the service basing hiesrcrnarlcs on tbe S.4tb Psalut. The ser-vice was a profitable onc. Quite a number of young people from bei-e as- tended the Leap year carnival heîd lu Sunder- baud lest week,-nat lu a citttcr built for 4 titis time. The ladies cnjayed their privileges greatly sud we hope se sce startlang results as ts oui- corne. We are vea-y soi-ay ta record the ratber seions illness af Miss Minnie Pinkitanitite efficient and desea-vedly popular teache- cf thte Royal Oak school, wito as aS paesent caulined at borne by lagrippe. Hea- mauy trieuds wish ber a speedy aecaveiy. We extend.îtéMr. William Rundle ana- sincere and beartfelt sympathy lu bis sad misfortune, The roada were so blocked by tite recent storan tat it wam iimpossible for hlm se get f.arthea- an bis trip tetc north titan Ma-. Weddç'e auntte 4th conoessýpn- Wc hope te disappointrnent wiU be followcd by ne very serions cfects. TTy a weck day next tinte WUIh. ~One cf thc young feUlows fa-cm titis x~ighbof-' bood passed titrougit a ratiter novel, an~ somo.î what exciting experience anc Sunday emcinï- recently. 1< uppears <bat a coupbe cf yoUO gentlemen went ttaIîimderland» te church ad- star it mas aver went in different directions add by sorne rnlsundca-sandlng as t te tomeeting placeno el lst. fliuking bis frleud bid gosse started off walidngand ýjus reacbed hain ebn tie atiiç-,drffl, W. Dàn't talk se mg#<-h # adti-stie 'abmns Of RK :Vsww. icLâ ýthat tha pple f-Wick IaYé st4ý&: 1, S3.17 s i Movcla theuithî "and ve W5flbèe er'acs.W t a for' fiyeyeus ncw. It i muterly if ý In e$smàîe4e f meoa i Ms Miss Lana-a Smith cf roronto, bas been visit- lng friends on the Island. # Miss Jordan cf Valentia, has been vlsitiag at Mr,' Pogue's for some tîme. Mr-. Peter Hood was in Whitby last weela doing duty for the Queen. The Misses Harper of Raglan were visiting their sistea-, Ma-s. Arthur Bryant lest week. Mr-. Wesley Irwin aud Ma-. Levi Stephenson spent Sunday at Mr. Win. lrwin's of Glandine. The Sens of Temperance are flourishing. Look ous for a sugar social in the hall the sec- ond Weduesday lu April. A vea-y auccessful local union meeting of Christian endeavorers wua beld in the centre church last eveuing (Thursday). A fulIl report will be given next week, Ma-. Fred Baimacembe met with rather a ser. lous accident last week. While sawing wood ai Valeutie hie hand slipped against the saw, dut. ting ofi the end of the thumb and mnaking a vea-y painful wouud. The CHRONICLE af lest week did net put ln an appearance until this week. You will have te send thean by special messenoger next lime, Mr. Edîtor, as we must have the OHON ICKE 10 read on Faiday eveninga. Rev. W. J. Cragg af Little Britain, preached here last Sunday. His discourses wea-e prac- tical and right to the point, beiug isiened se with close ibttention by f air congregations con- sideaiog the stase cf the roads. Instead of going one by one the fashion now is 10 go two by two, and now we have 10 report the matrimonial venture of Mr. Frank Brima- combe and Miss Annie Pearce. The knot was tied by Rev. Jesse Whitlock at the parsonage, Tbe happy couple departed on the evening train for Bowmanville and other points. Who's next ? On Monday evening a very sucoessful parler social was beld at the residence of Mr. David Jackson. About ninety people were an kallen- dance and ail report a most enjoyable evening. Mr. George Jackson, our favorite auctioneer, occupied the chair to the enlia-e satisfaction of every one present. The program consisted cf readings, recitations. instrumental music, solos and duetts, every selection being given in a mnosi brilliant manner and thoroughly delighting the listeners. More than one was led to exclaim, "What's the mattea- with Scugog ? After the programme the ladies proceeded to serve the moss îempting viands, te which ample justice was done. The paoceeds, amounting te about $10.75 go te buy supplies for oua- uew Sabbath schoo 1 at the centre. UX BRIDGE. Division court was held March 24th. Story v3. Smth.-Judgment for plft. by covenant for $to. 5e Fenton vs. Crozier.-Judgment by cov- enant for pif,. for $21:12. Pattersota vs. Fraelick. -Judgment againsi primary debtor and garni- shee bill for $52 50. Campbell vs. Fralick.- 1Judgmenî for Si . iîi and costs. Dismissed as te garnishee. Campbell vs. Graham. -Adjourned for settlement. Campbell vs. Weir.-Withdrawn by pIff. Gallaway vs. Rurns-Action against the secy. of the Whitby l-edge Feuce Co, dlaim- ing damages personally aRairst hlm for -raking a contaadlu excess of bis authority, which con- tract was subsequently repudiated by the coin- pany, except as to $î5o which they paid, and a furtiler suan of $5o upon which judgment had finalgy been given against them. Iudgment re- serv*d. T. W. Chapple for plif.. J. A. Me- Gilliva-ay for def t. Todd vs. Fralick.-Deft. Welsh garnishee. Judgmnent for piff. for ôi.o and againsi garnishee for $5. N. F. 'Paterson, for deit. Fairfield vs. Reid.-Claim for $63 40. Balance on contract for stone work. Deft paid into court 043 50 and pleaded tender of that amount. Judgment for $55.5o and costs up to date of payment int court N. F. Paterson for pIff. T. W. Chapple foi deft. Ceuithard & Scctt vs. Mr-. Waîn. Action on a note. Action dismissed, pIff. net appearing. Ma-. Chapple for deft. Tolmis vs. Anderson. Action for $272 on a note. Judgment for the deft., pIff. not appear- ing. Ma-. Chapple for deft. Miss A. Thornley le visiting relatives at Sandford.- Mr. Geo. Sharp is et Mantreal on the potato business. Miss Ethel Todd is at present speuding a few days lu Toronto. Mr-. T. Wagg ie away te Montreal with potatoes for J. L. Todd. While Mi. John Stewart and Tom Stoner were falling a tree in Captain Colliu'e swemp on the 2nd the tree went iu the ep p celte direction striking and instantly kil- ling ene of Mr. McLeren's herses. The one being badly cut in the head. The wandering Gipsies, or perhaps the long bast tribe of tereal, who are camped near Claremont, gave a concert lu the town hall on Monday eveuing. The preg-amme coneisted cf dancing by the blac k end griz- zly beare and performance by the moukeys anad beboons, songe etc. The Ladies Aid social given at the home of Thoe Robinson on Wednesday was a suc- ceas. A goodly nunber took their tee aftcr which games and socialibity were iudulged in. It would be well for the ladies te have their sociale epen te ail as often as possible as they are always patroni.zed and enjoyed by ail who go. Another snow-slide, the greateet blocade known for yeaa-s. The car track wes se ful that two snow plougjis were engaged all Sunday ta get froan the grevel pit ta Good- wood with about 75 Or 1oo Men shovelling, elong with enother ico as lookers on, quite a number walking froan Uxbridge te sec the sights. PINE DALE-u. Miss Epton, of Prince Albert, is visiting friende here. The worst block.ade of the season. Snow- banke îo feet deep, if yen don't believe it cerne and see. Mise Pinkharn has been unable to attend te ber dutie as teacher of the Union echool for the past few days, on account of poor health. Mr. Cunningham's sale came off on Tues- day of last week. The day was flue and a good number wea-e pea-esent and thinge sold very fair considering the times. The epwerth league held anether social lest Wednesday cvening et the home of Mr. John Scnley, which was a succese in every way. Quite a number came over froan Suu- derlan aund helped with the programme, and aIl express therneelves as heving had e good time - Proceede 510.35. The knowing eues who prophesied an open winter and ne sleighing hit the mark about the saine as weethea- prophets gener- ally do. We do net rernember ever seeing as much snow lying on the ground at one time. It bas been a wintea- that a good mnanyî will remember, on acceunt of the var- ions experiences they have passed tha-ough. Sonie have went from home expecting to re- turn in a day or two and have beAtu snow- bonnd for days; others have gone on),jour- neye and get bewildered and if kind friende had net corne te the rescue wanld doubtless have been lest. Others have on more than eue occasion been glad te put up at half-way bouses for the night, and return te, their labors in the rnorning - oabers have started te go on important business and after rnek- iug every effort have had te return, while a great rnany others have left a life size photo in the beantiful snew. Altogether it has heen an eventfnl wiuter. J.C OT ARCADE. Spring Stock01 complete inl every department. Ln/ersingNove/t jes î DLress Goods and Wash Fabrics. W'E HÂAVE OUR- SPJING MIL LINFIY OPEN/NOS TUESOAY, WEDNESOAY ~5THURSOAT of tais Wsok. EveryÃ"ne Welcom e. îTo theFPaxmzm OÂMPBMIL&ELO¶r o ogî o MýLLR wiIl gAve 38 bfltapYoz, Gall -at PELLOWS, and see his Wrough t Steel IRi ANIT GEMIs -AT- a5.o Msoo his COAL OIL and GÂS STOVES -FR OM- e5.50 to $25-000 Grand Trunk Ry. Easter Holidays For the Public@ PARES--Single Firet-class Pares. GOING DATE.S-Tickets Thnrsdlay, April 2nd, te FINAL LIMIT-AIl tickets good ta retnrn leaving destination net later than Tues- day, April 7th, 1896. SCHOOL VACATION Tickets wiIi be issned te Teachers and Pupils of schoels and colleges at first- class fare and ene-third on surrender of certificate si d by the Principal. Tickets goo going frein Thuaday, March iqth, te Saturday, April 4th, 1896, inclusive, and good to return leaviug destination net latea- than Monday, Apr. i3th, 1896, inclustive. For full informatien cal on or write te W. P. STERICKER, et Oshawa Railway Co's Office, Thomas' block. may bc sold Monday, April IR. C. Car Mar. eeth, 1896. ter,- Agt. - OSHAWA. rPUl'ntUl'... We have always a general and varied stock ta select from-latest designs and finishes. Prices right. » 10 s Undertazcing departanent fully stock- ed, and embalming according te latest rnethods. 4 » Picture framning prompt!" and satis- factorily done. L uke Brou, - Oshawa.1 Fig n /lgainst CORN MILLS, are 15 yo ttentmon that I ws»t restcd, and I want you le sta, custady long enough t tell' that it ie nos------------... .... Forgory 1 confemplate, but yon a fiuer clasa than ever before. at the ............ Conyltion t ea-ey sel cfgod IhVe arn .. . . .. . . l 1 can do thia. I have a ),ce of Watches, Clocks, iewela-y, -ýverware, asud Spectacles, ai Pt that will surprise you. you w a nted by...... Boyd the Jewele Oshawa Book Stol -XADQUARTRS- Welland H/OH -:GRADE 1Mslo Vale "PERFECT, -GARDEN CI' -DOMINION," BCA UTIE8 0FP1896. Ore Good Second-band Coi for Sale. For Delicate Childreui, InvaM and the Aged. JACKSON4S Nutritive Wine Thspitble and HIGHLY NOURISHI] wne prprd wab Cod Liver Oil, is easily retan and dlgested by the most delicate. FogW-DbsssGeneral Debllry, Impaà Destion, Cold, CMiz-ha and Bronchial Tino and; Loa f Muscular Tone. 0f greaz Num5 value to Aduits and Childreia. 9 A marked increased in wdet la nonceable al saking a few botdes of his Wlne, which represenu equal quanity of Cod Liver Oil. Al] druggists- Toron to, We are selling more lines of Boots aind Rubbm at practically cost price than ever befo Wu g ekfow o i es You can see Ai! Oua- close-c ut prices. RUBBERS-F-esh every week. NEW SPRING STYLES-Now being delivered. TRUNKS AND VALISES-A large new sto Everyone admits tt., BUJRNS & CO., OS SUA WA, AT THE MA We do repairing at 10 per cent. leus than ordinary prices. THE PRO VENDER .MIL L89 Edmo'ndson's Provender MiIIs,- Oshaws are doing a verylare -trade. Orind. Fuie Ooý and ail kinds Grain fi.er'than n 8oueemii-1 in tij c.Their I., i.. .distril is vwatla brd.ttt lvWdog ber bwotbpq THE county is doing, o KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA We know it! Th iirug iLéine, 1 ROGER

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