Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1896, p. 1

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s s ~ s tell eelry, SUI aces at prit, V~OU. Vois welert. SIIAWA Store) ~4. rnic e. VOL. XXX.O WIIITBY, ONTAR109 FRJDAY, APRIL 39 1896. A " .1 (1fP AI Ki r %AIi 0 1 r,rirn I 1 111\ k MA (l'UT1(CAI. A N L LVtiJL ric.vy LE.UIt.hb CRONICLE CeIa]aspeîrvawCa, D EAL1,FR, 1N----'-.-- Sai Faiatsdale bas of hale been sojouin- 10K in Toranto. ______________ Mr-. Chas. MRckey speul Sabbats under càel«e- thse parental roof. Easter sermon will be preacbed isereoan /:~r',IiJr i râ Sabbath by Rev. ino Harris. Mrs Dr. F. A. Jones and son, of Windsor, is visiting aI ber faîlier's, Mr. S. Mackey. I. N. McBiyan lest a vaîtiable yaung /XîYj! '1L//-îfleS, horse a few day-s since. Cause unknewn. Mir. Lewis Rogers accompanied oui peda- t;' uc y, Igogîete lu is borne in Enfield over Sabbats. u i..e. /. Mu-s. Tisas. Stevenson bas been spending I i. L~U/ll/., Cc.R few davs nI Gieeîîwood withblber daugisîer, Mr- F. L. Green. uw~ Chas. Neai bas been sufleîing with inflam- mationi in bis eyes, necessîîating tise use cf physician's and Family Re- ghasse-s. He bas almost quito recoveied. Cips acurtel prpard.Tonimy Richsardson 8z Co. stili frequents cipe acuratly repaed. 1 Ile Tronto mairket. Tise company have' been dealing beavîly in lise poîk market of f <q;;< o!la te. 1) ' FC ,, / PlinaS/s. Vale UIC YCLE#. EU T,0 E N CT, NION," Vine DURISHI14G easaly retanurd >,it y, Irnpubett x hgai Truld m-at NuoitIve oniceable Afi h repretsa m drlJgglsta. WHITBY, ONTARIO. Manv from here atîended Smith Coch- rale's sale last Saturdav. Stock was te- porîed chîeap. J. N. Houtop purcbased an excellent hou-se. I)î. NMoore infoi-ms us tIbat a doctoi's life 'S not a ver%, enviable one dur itg bad roads. ~~ ~e supposeéuno one will raîse ail> issue witis JaesSa bo as made an assignmtnît, and we are suri y ta say it is îeported tisai House-cleaning time is here. after creditors are fully pa"d he will ilot be lef a ickl fr hmsef. uchsympatby is <hâve a largei and better a-soited stock Mil for James. et witîdow sisades Ibis season thani we Oui Rayai mail bas been of hale bauled by have ever sisewn before,.,u-Om 45c7. Up. two herses instead of une. A spant is flot W'e us;e the besi bhaud paîîîîed opaque onie îoo many lu procccd aiong tise present s'hàae loth, wîth Hiarisioru's spîîng lhorougisfares witis a big sturdy fat man ike rele-r tise irusty mail carrier. Alsu a fine 'ariety of corin ce poles. Old Missionary Mat bias been tisînugis buy- ,'-k te sce- ur .test style of wîndow ing up beel catile. He made a shipinent screeu-. tOie iii aY wuo at 30(7 eneis. (romn Brooklin last Saturday. lie sas be <ai bahv cairnages, are ail of the latest de- neyer was known ta relate a falsebood onlly "Igi)s viile doing business in ibis lino. (,\, isi a 1 hefore 1) r -hasuig eisewiseie. Mcst of oui faîmers are supplied wiîb ý\t r Aet.kiug s pt-ý ilai î.en combine hands for tise busy season, whicb la almost ciegau-- wîîlî ecouiny in ppuce ai d upon us. Wages are not su bigis as in years geirai utîlitv gone b>-, firteen dollars being tise maximîtin <JrsU i-comlot orlirse uriisiing. age, and maîîy %orking for corsdîaI less. e m- rite [1<1vers tru ome ar %1 i 1J-.e nion e y/ Leýading Undertaker,- E. j. JOHMI B3ROCK ST., WHITBY. Estabished 1849. Whitby Slea[n Marbl and Dundas u<-w stock 13 P MAIN '0RNE RB. rices. s t.) WHITBY. Chias. H11.SE 11(1Seeus. The Algonia fever bas flot >-et abated. Nlaux are talking stiourgly of seeîug ils vasi- tîess ere snow makes its appearauce another wiuîer, and sboculd gi wing accounts returu SON, vith those tisaI 2o Up to spy ouitishe land, a goodîs- number- of oui sturdy sons wîll go up and pessess it. Trulv Mfarcis came iii like a lion and jusî as trulv P. weni eut like a lamis, causing great floods in our streets. Tise ieuse anîd siîop on tise cornier weu-e almost submerged, but it lias corne Ibrougis manqv inundations 'et a sillai nature, and we doubt n00111 wili vet stand the storis. Rev. Jno. liai ris wisile on bis pastoriai Iwoîk ou Sahbath la-st out near Glen Major got ie os>m- veu-v deep snow, bis boise sev erely cuttîng hismselt, caused hlm 10 turti Iatoutid and get the atinimaIs leg attended tou'. I hi was tes red le would bleed lo eahl but lie will after a short rest he ready for work agalu. Brougham.- John Whitîe iad a laîge sale on. Tuesdav W. E. Holtby is going te give up lise Hub- ____________bard (ar-m. E. Holtby is quite recuveu-ed (rom bis mnith, Fou-erl-y Wotfenden Works. inii- porte'r and Dealler in MARBIE ANI) G RANITE MONUMENTS. Etc.,- ot tire latesî mnateial and deigns. All - i nds et Ccîteny work. Oui we k t-o a ran t.- d. r--i DFOR Di-SIGNS AND) PR 1C ES. Hotter and AT 1h, kînds 1 in t] wori Better Goes the Battie sNATifARD I NII-W SPRING GOODS AT HAYWARD'S -cseaper tissu ever, notwithstand- --ng tise advauce in priées. New Dress Goods. - 1~ New Prints ........ Sbeetings-----------. (,înzhams ............ Shirtings ............. Tweeds ........ ...... (?ottonades ............ Tickings, etc., etc.. New Rats and Caps very cheap. NEW~ DEPARIMENT I LadieB' Tritnmod Hamtaheb very latent styles, newest de- signe, froua a large ciL>' bouse. This enablea s cet soll fine goode a4 leu prie.. than ever uma in Whitby. OPEN ON -%r,-+ Saturday, Mar'. 21St, '96. $2036 worth of Grooeri.s at 37 eta on the Don"a. yes, they go quick. Na voder.S. som o thsepries: s% lb. jýbar~p R-ict 4cTaploqa e p o îg, Raisense3c, seleedmui 01fl8toes 8r, Tff e = dk* 15e, ýWorthnt-m Worth SmoC $èyfog »0ý4- 40C Worth se, In la eSLr.., 'U l Gr ve t a nd ie4 , S~t~ nicèsto pewie. recent ilîness. Olui pastraster is seemingly ebout tu juin tise benedîcîs once more, sud Why not ? M an>- (roisehre still patu-anise tise creamn- eu-v at Gîeenwood, and dlaim good profits tu-uni tise patronage. Oui pedagogue seenîs ta be doing weibl i the scisîol. He seems to be tise rigisi man in tise r-îgbî place. -Oui village was tise scene of much lestiv- îîy une evening last week. There warquite a dance given aI John Hoed's. N. L. Stephenson lest a valuable herse hast week. Tise anuimal breke ils leg geing aloug tise îoad, and bad to e h ot. i was valued ai $ioo. Norman Pencher was borne aver Suudsv on a visit ta bis parents sud lookiug afteî somo iutw business. Norman says he ex- pects te ho ready 10 piactice law on bis ewn accountinluMay. Herbert Harris sud John Gerow are going ta have quite a baw sisuil uext montis. Tise trial cernes otaiaItishe ceuuîy town. Ouir section seerns te be furishiug quine a numbor of cases for tise iawyers iatehy. JOui represeutatives lu tise local bouse, Tises. Brown sud Frank Gerow, weîe homoe ou a visit hast Sanday. Th. ike paria- mentary bile "e..Th iset igsork tisaI îisey sue asked te perfoimn seeins te suit tisem admirably. John Cowau, oui popuhar caipeuler, wilb have a vory busy season again. Ho bas two uow bouses on tise lient ioad loeieect for Mu. Richardson, sud eue for a mnan in Davidtowu, Irons wbençe he journeyed ou Sabbatb st. John as a bustier witbota deubt. Tise Clarement Arabs weuî Ibarougishoe on Suuday last u tieir way from WhiIby. Tbey were a meut wîetcbed okiug lW. Tisoy lad been dowu Ioth ie town te glve thern one of tiseir performances sud Iooked as iflthey had net beeu.n ade r"ci by thiri show as yet. Mrs. Bouis condition is no better, we are soii3P to 55y. The rush of water ou Sunday kept most cf us ai berne. 1 Spîing bas corne ai last sud thet robins bave appoaied. Mr, Mercer bhas moved bis eflecte to tise 3rd concession. Messrs. Guthisue, Bray sud Frank Smith 'ntertained a few of their younger friends ou diflerent evenings of last week. Very pIes- saut evenings woro spent. WIOK Brtb-On Sunday, Mai. 22nd, tbe wifé of Rev. J. M. Cameron, of a daugister. The collection raised in tise cbuîcb bore for tise Armenians amnounîed $29 o8. Rev Mi Cameron goos ta Boaverton ta preacb on Stunday and bis pulpit isere will be occupied by Mi. Cameron, bis nepbew, a student of Knox coilege. Moved Mi. Frank Breaugis bas moved la Sunder- land ; Mrs. Isaac Vipond bas moved ta Lay- ton, to the bouse of Mr. Wm. McLeod; Mr. John Sornborger bas moved fram Sunder- land ta bis bouse iu Layîon. Far Manitoba A week ago Tuesday Mr. Isaac Vlpond beft for Manitoba. On tise same day Mis. Peter Leask, of Manitoba, wise bas been visiîing fiiends bore left fer home ; Mi. John Cummings accornpanied themn te tîy bis for- lunes in tise north-wvesî. We wisb themn suc- cess. Parties Wiihin tbe last fortnigisi twe dancing por- lies have beon held in tise neigisboed, une at Mi WVm McLeod's s week ago Tuesday night and tise other ai Mi John Beaîon's on Frîday nigisi. Large numbeis weîe present an bath occasions and they tripped tise ligbî fartastic tliitishe weo sma' hotu-s of moru. Dehating Despite lise almest impassable condition of tbe roads on Tuesday nigist, the Mutuai Impravemerît Society bad s large attend- auce sud by far its most interesting meeting. AA debate lent the additional interesi le tise proceedings an. as well il disclesed tise fact lisat there is a good deal of debating tlent in tise society. Next Tuesday nigbî anoîber debato wihi bo held. NI, ragofmboroKLis oingot r Mi Chnar, of Saro w18hMorinBent as u. Koee'd am.rmwîcsM elhsjs Amovedo. Odelosfrr hr ttnp Ah fnsîrlof Ode llows1.fH.m brelat Feudad afiernoon. TFie membeus of the I. O. O. F. enjoyed an oysteî supper ai the Seberi bouse afier their regular meeting lasi Fîiday nigisi. Mi. M. Vahieau, tise new prapiietor ai tise ciseese factory bas moved in ibis week. We ex tend a beaity welcome ta hlm and bis lamîhy. Mi A Ketcisen was.-dowu towu on Tuesday for tise first time since be was taken sick lu Jan- uary, We hope bo will soon ho restoied te good heNIr. DvdMrio a o oefo o Mont. David Moris en bwa gaIbrnhserm To- nta. Houtis slîl pver- wak flMis s ee Mre - rsnes, wbut is aihy imp rongtis ennfrievMoi- weeks. bas alsa ieîuined bome. hIntise Globe of haet Saturday are several il- lustrations showing tise effecîs of the big sIIow storm on tise ( T R near Osbawa. lu tise fore- gr-ound of ans of tbese we noticed oîsr fîieud * Bily" McBrien, wbo was waiking an tise snow banks for a few days. Owing ta tise almasi impassable condition of tise îaads, tise meeting of tise Libeu-ahs of Wii- by township isad ta be postponed tilt Tuesday next. April 7th, when it wilh ho held iu tise Mlasonic hall. It is haped there will be a large atîendanc2, aa business of importance will corne Mr Wm Bell and family left on Thursday for their new bomne near Pickering. We ver much regret their removal from oui midât, they bave made many friends during the years tbey have been here. They will ho specially rnissed by the members of the presbyterian congregation ; in the regular church services, the Sabbath scbool and iu the différent societies connected witb the cburcb. We wish tbem health and prosperity in their labors and hope tbey may soon feel rigbt at home in their new surroundings. eThe Royal Templar concert and lecture on Tbursday eveninR of last week was poorly at- tended, but those wha were out listened to a very interssting programme, given by several mem- bers from Wbîtby council and a lecture by Rev. Newton Hill of Omeince. Mr. Hill had for hi subject, "The use and abuse of the longue,"' and for fifty minutes held the undivided attention of bis audience At the close a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the speaker, and tihe friends frose Whitby. Rev. T. W. Leggott officiated as chairman, We hope that whea thse Royal Templars have their next public meeting the roads wilbe good and allthse conditions so favorable that it will be quite as successful in point of atténdance as these gatheringa have usually been in thse past, and as tbey alwaye de- serve tW be. W. A. . Guy & 0Co, am buyo.s BEALL, S-&- Imm « urag ionu BosIden.. oppoMKir T oms, Broclin. W A MoNuxm, D V tS-Qrafuate of the. On- larlo V*t.rfmary C-ollToroto; Hurr mmnbero!th* -è,OnWaro MiuaI oesi Tratsaul tlsea01athe b omestlcated anmaisby fte zmoit pproed Me$OUL.Ali» patiulr #etion t1Ã"eurouqen101 uddetsl4y Day or aneigisl0ý Mr. Robt. Grahsamn sbipped a c a o~m fT fiue bers.. front Claomet station Iliag Tuesday. He oulh f uthi-vdn. John Milie7,.boughîîemn I MoorePaulo sMd C. otdaireec.ao. arll» e mwh,, and IfkhzuaP-o o TWMI% os boue Wlb bis PtereawfS a oouI. of 18 ibto WuI 4ie tw avs id» dîhdMwsn.Lw AUIDLICY H . Bee has gone to the city. Mr. sud Mu-s. Wells, af Reacis, spent Sun- day visiting lrieuds ounlise lsland. Mi. Howard, of Toronto, is visiting bis sister, Mis. Wrn. Aldred, af tise Centre. Tise Misses Savage, or Poil Perry, woe visiting friends on tise Island on Suuday last. Mi. sud Mrs. Albert Hadley, of Seagrave, spent Suuday on tise Island, renowing ohd acquamntauces. Rev. J. H. Malbett failed le reacis the H-ead churcis on Sunday afiernoon, owing te tise state of tise îead. Mi. Geo. Jackson accompanied by bis sis- loi, Miss Leais Jackson, dlove te Bobcay- geen on Friday hast to visit friends. Miss Lily Phillippo, of Bobesygeon, wbo bas been visiting ai Mu. fDavid Jacksou's for tise pasî mentis roturned to ber borne on Fni- day. WlaePatni ufrn tma Mis. WaflinlammPaien is frug frmtan caîacof Diueflamm and Sh s nerolie caee o Dry.euenadweoefobr Mu. Wrn. Todd beRt for Manitoba on Tues- day morinug te -spend tise summor lu tisat country. Ho carnies oui good wisises ton bis prosperity. Tise Contre Sabbatb school la flouuising. On Sunday, lu spite of bad roada aboute5 were in attendance, Great Praise la given te Miss Mair as a bible chass teacher. Conslderable disappentient la oxpressed in POb' itical cduce. as to the stand taken' by, our tneuther, Wm. Smitha, ù IbeRemcdîil Bill. N o doulat'be zPecwts te ueïire bih. OshawA Post ofilce.ý Mr. Gkendonnig bas betn bully migaged forti som. tintepat eudeavorlng 10 organize £' court_ of ie'For"r'_ - od -go Sr4I Of is adcRot ueetiu ws ed n ria e menin a s h i , he M t ê$. ufit- The Patrons have been getting a car load cf Salt. Men of every age an~d description are out look- ing for a summer job. Mr. and Mrs. Osborne Frave a Crokinole party for their son on Tuesday evening. Mr-. W. Carruthers spent a few days last week in Toronto with bis brother wbo is fii. Knae oung peo ple came down last week and gave Ueo. and Ida Lee a surprise party. Th votngesters were favored %-itb une more evenlng's skating betore the 'lion" departed. A few from Almoud's congreization attended the bread and butter social hieid iu the tabernacle tat Wednesday evening. On Thursday evening of last week the church choir Rathered by invitition at the residence of Mr. Kempthoru aud had a general pracuce and social chat. 1 The TownU Lne cornprs were favored witb s concert from the Ciaremnont Arabs and their hears ou Saturday iast. Tbey were en-route to Whittsy. In spite of the had roacis a goodly number turn6d out to the endeavor meeting on Tuesday. Next Tuesday eveung will be rail call and cou- secration meeting. Ail corne. This is raîher a bad time for moving but neyer. theless pleuty of it is ta be seen aionsg the front roud. Mr, Banks and Mr Cornish bath tenants on the Hayden farma have moved awsy ibis week. Mr. Fred Rowe bas bired with Miton Brown for thse summer, aud John Draper bas gone 10 the lake sore. Things have turued around this yeaî sud white we are sorry for Fred, we do ual blame John. We understand that Mr. A. Post aud famnily intend going ta Buffalo ta live. Mr. Post bas long been a rcsident of ibis vicinity and the best wishes of ail who kuow hlm go with him sud bis ta their new corne. Thse Town Line wa.s pretîy weil flooded on Sunday last. The water was so deep across the road ln front of the church that ail availabie meaus was secured for those on foot to gel in and out of the church yard; many weuî home with wet feet ta say nothing of mud. The morniug of April zst dawued coid sud bleak. tbus sending itiste thicket and hiding plnce luho spnngbirds that were sa liNely sing. in nevery treo top and Nash on March 3ist. Wedoubt not however that they were giad of a rest for their litile ibroats muîst have been tired afier their jubilee conert-"but they'l corne again, " Married ai the homne of the bride's sister, Mrs D Bath on Wednesday March 25. Miss Lizzie Stark and Mr. John Almnond, Rev Mr Manning officiating ; oniy a few of the intimate friends anid relatives were present. A numbor af usetul and vaitiable presents were îeceived. As bath hride and groom are well known and most higbly es- teemed by the people of ibis vicinity the congrat- ulationis ibat are tendered tbemn are many and heartfelt. Mrs. Aimond who bas lived bere uearlv ail her life is possessed of the most sterl- ing qualilies anid whatever place she may ho cal led ta fll, she will do her part faithfuliy. Mr. andl Mis. Alusoud are occupying at present a hotme on thse Ariage faim. -Now thse noisy wlnds are stili: - April's coming up the bill: Ail the sprirg is in ber train, Led by sbining ranks of rain Pit, pal, patter, clatter. Sudden sun, and clatter, patter 1 First the blue and then the shower, Buîsting bud, aud smiling flower; Brooks set free with tinkling ring, Birds too full of sang to siug, Onisp old beaves astir witb pride, Where the tîmid violets hide. Al things ready with wiil, April's coming np the bill.' SCUGOG Lydia Redman read a very interesting paper on "The Society, Before, In and Aler a re- vival." The speaker of the evening, Rev. J. B. McLaren, of Colu<nbus, thon gave his re- port of the Internationali4onvention of C.E. held in Boston last July. It was tulI of ln- terest from one end to the other and the speaker had no diticulty iu holding the at- tention of thse audience. Mi. McLaren wili always be a welcome speaker on the Island. The Maple Grove choir îendered some very choie music, the duet by Miss T. Williams and Edith Fralick being highly appîeciated.1 Refreshments had been provided by thse ladies ta which ample justice was done. A silver collection amounting t0 over $8 was taken. PINE DALE. Mr. Fred Patterson bas gone ta Buffalo. The tbaw bas corne at last aud the roads are utterly impassable. Oui new blacksmitb reports trade fully as good or botter than ho expected. Mr. John Hill bas rented the Richardson faim, and his sor David is now moviîxg auto It is 4 years sin e the S.O.T. division was organized bore and ual 5 as was stated last week.% Mr. George Cunningham and bis sîslors are moving into the bouse lateiy occupied by Mi. Gilîoy. Mrs. Isaac Vipond and ber cbildren are living in part of Wmn. McLeod's bouse dur- ing ber husband's visit to the uorthwest. Mi. Howson bas four ewes tai bave pro- duced ii lambs, îwo pairs of twius, one sot of triplets and une quartette. If any one can beat thai we would like ta bear from tbem. Thse delegates wbo wenîta othse opwortb league convention gave th,e ir report lasi week in a very cieditable rr$nnei ta tbem- selves and to the edification of tisose wbo listened. Tise Rev. Mi. Manniug of Uxbridge, oc- cupiod the pulpît bore ou Slpuday and preacised a sermon on educational matters that was mucis appreciated by the congre- galion. The followiug are thse officers iu tbe S O T division for tbe ensuing teîm: W P, J Baird: W A, Minnie Piuklîam ; R S, Wnî. Rundle; A R S, Hattiè Pinkbam; R S, J Hoskîn; treas, A Sonley; chap, T H Sonley; con, J Roach ; A C, Martba Martin ; 1 S, N Fraser ; O S, C Senley. The young man wise was îeported as bav- ing sucis trouble lu tise snow drifts wisisos us ta state for the information of "Oiceburgis" tisat unlike some otbois ho bas beard of he shed no tears over it, and ho does flot con- sider it auy worse to be stopped witb snow Tise sous of tomperauce bave a debate on their programme for noxt week. Subjec:- Reselved, that we siseuld bave a prohibitory law. Captains Mi. JGsepis Baird sud Miss Minnie Pinkbam. There are ne less tissu foui sciseol teachers on tbis debate. îisree an eue side and one on tho other, sud wo bave ne deubt but tisai they will makeit-4iterest- ing. We weuld like ta correct su item which appeaîed in Pine Dale news lasi week stat- ing tbat tise epwortb beague had raised $6o and bad a neat surplus an baud. Tisey bave paid eut cf wbat tbey raised $39 sud seme cents, sud bave in thse treasuuy aI lise pro- sent lime about fi vo dollars. Wiie wo do not wisb 10 take any-credit fîom tise bague for what the 'v have doue we tisink il just as well te state tise lacIs as tbey are. J. C. BOTT. Mr. Gea. Asling is able t e ouot agalu. Bad roads aud lots of waîer is the eider cf tise day. Mrs, J. Town, of Epsonm visited ber daugister, Mus. Samuel Baird hast Saturday. Mr. Sandy MeHoulh, of Scugog, is stopiug wiîis bis bretbeu-in-lIaw, John Miluer, at'preseut. Ou dehate is piogressing nicely. John-Horas sud John Mîlucu are captains Ibis week »ud Wm. Raines chairnian. Mr$ James Coppertbwaite s going -to ove mieso bouse near Suciderland, sud Mrs, Scott wilh occupy the bouse ise vacates Jas. Home iad tie misfortune f utting bis heg wuth tbe adze hast week but witi tise skitfui trealunent cf Dr. Park is doing as well as cas be expeçted. Mir. Gee. O'Leary bas- moved ýte Robert Brabazou's fan uin Brock, wlere'e ias engaged for tise summer. Ho intends renting the~ fari -à tise fahi. Mr. G. É4. Wallis, tsilor, Port -Perry, Who baud tie mifrtune of being bumt ot last Saurday uighî -weok, spet a few days wh. b relatives here hast, week POUT PUEUT. Missm'uwe Héiian was viiing frieds lu Orono hast week. Dougless Adams s hem Port HOPe, la- hombôSe for the eastelblidays." Hairy Brandoi, Mo ffalo lareaewing olid acquaîntauces lu Is locallt. Mr., Saiuel MOsabure wtli be the newd Cerk ttiseSt. Chaules onnd after' et Moma 0 u d a o e c ô s d l e st n ig l k fo r .' o asI t er hohiday4> au4 opèn egain . on -Md.pdayji 4prU Mu. Editor: Kindlyallowmeasmalis iu your cobumun, wiseuein I uMay express self lu regard 10, some ili . reportswhich' been circulated in Port ýPeiiy by 9ppoS agents lunlise bicycle business.- Tisse a are weil aware tiaI oui ïwheel, tise Bsal Red Bird, is going te take tise. lad ber season, sud Iisey are doiug ibeir best'. us dowu. One of tiseir fkl.'e statemt tisat lbey cau purcisase and sit 11Our * w at a mucis reduced- prce frei what.v askang. This is false. We are in ii l a loUter from tise cempany, b ., ing:uÙs-- tise same, and aIse statiug ,,tth 1k ing te give us suy anunt oQfh7 - corne tise opposition. We caiii< best made, easiest !runuiug, aria wbeeh..on Ihémarkel, sud aregoîngî rIê best te pus i I letise front. ThrwEke is stricîly higis grade and ses- Enougli ssid. Ykïurs-simoerely - ý . lWuî.ràszgr, -barber, nexê o -pffl titra out firet-ciaff I tg order. îBepI.ti.-Sme W HCLAK lasfer" Ial baud mwlo,. h*,am.n 8 lai will be divided ilrnong thse creditors. If tbe creditore of that osiate isad an investiga- tion ino thie affaiçe of Tabor Bros., they mighî gel a laigerfjividend. Mr. Cuits bas received a boîter fîom W. Smiths. Y. P., tisaitishe electîic railroad charter has passed ils Ibird îeadiug in tbe bouse, soa ta the prospects are that tise îaad will bo stagrîed this season. Tise directors of tbe Pine Grove cemetery are renovating tise caretaker's dweing aud making a great improvement in ils appear- ance. They intend as seau as spriung opens to put in a large nuniber of ornamneutal trees. The concert on Wedn esday evening given by the pupils of division No. 5 of tbe public scbool, under Miss Horton, was a success in every way, tise chiid ion îaking tiseir different parts in tbe programme aud acquiîîiug tbemn- jselves very cîedîbiy. Mr. Robert Brown, weil known te tise travelling public as tise abligiug cierk of th e St. Charles botel, lasooSn to leave his pres- ont position. I-e bas boîîgbt ont Mr. BrOad, of thse Orean bc use at Seaga-ave, and lakea pussession ist May next. As tise genial, Bobbyis a popular boçelman, ho will, no doubt, do web bi bis new rote as mine isest Brown ai Seagrave. Almest a fire . A bouse on Rosa stroot, tutil last Thurs- day nigist bad been eccupied by A. D. Saw- yoî and belonging te Mr. Burr, was found on Sunday to bave been sot on fire betweu Friday uigbî aud Sunday, by wisom is not kuowu. Whoever set it ou fire did flot do tise job coiîectly, as lise flue burnt itself eUt. Tbieats had been made tisat Ibis bouse wauld be fired and the incondiaîy partially caîried eut tbe design. Tise only reason wisy tise flue did flot gel faiîly on ils-way as most fires do, was, because the wood with' wbicistise roorm was oeibed is basswoodif il bad been pitre another building in Port Perry would have burued by ihe baud of an incen- diary. Is it net lime semeîthing was doue te find eut wiso are tise fiebugs who are hurt- ing aur lown's good name?- A case of furious driving bas been before- Magistrale Nott since last Saturday. It ap-_ pears Mi. Pearso isad occasion to go iato' Tuuarnonds' gioceîy, beaving Mr. Soper and bis son in lise cuIter, White waitipg, Ja". McGaw was comîug toward the Iown aid i some mariner tise cuter in which wert- Mr' Soper aud bis son w,)s run againat and. broken by thse otiser mnan's horse and cutter, As ies usualin similar cases there bias been a good deal of swearing tisatssowvs-a grieat. conîrast lu giving evideuce. There lifgs; been considerable fturlaus driving goilg On' lately ou Queen street, and whaî a good many people of good coimon sensectait- furieus or fast driving, tisese who do lthe driving tbiuk they are ouly going aItithe rate Y of foui or fi ve miles au bour. Probably tise botter way would bo for tise lown cbîuucil to> shlow thse fast driving, 1 continue until some child or womau iha been huit, sud thon the~ authoritios will awaen to tise fact tisaItbereY' is a Iown by-lîtw probibiting sucl iLst drivin on ur uiain streels. -McGaw, wa-;ü sud cests- for turions dîivIrn-g; - i cosîs sud $9 damages f & r breakinî :th toi. There were twe charès aais McGaw. 1 VIA Q-- - ,wwmý 1 NO. la là nr

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