Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1896, p. 2

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Resuits Astonlish MEN 0F' SCIENCE. ',w Sarsa- AY1Rsparilla A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUALS Statement of a Well Known Docter - Aer's Srapîi,; w itinont an equal nq % hiood-pnîn ier andl Spring mtedicine, and ci unot have pralse enotrgh. 1 have watched u1, efleets in chronieCcases. where other dreatnient was of ne avait. and have beeîr wýtonnu,hed at the cesuits. Nb othier blood mette (-ne that I have ever used, and 1 have) iiiv] thtent all, Is so thon oîigh in ts saction, :,rd effects 50 1nany permanent cures as A' orrs SIrsaparilla."-Dr. Il. F. MERItILL, A ugusta, Me. Ayîs nfSas aryi Admitted at the Werldi' P'air. A ye r's Pil for li rer a"i boweloe. CORRESPONDENCE PICKERIING. \1- -.ritnhr. of lBroughant bias rent- ,Ii( , P,tit lwoling and is now in M 'H'nI lre hias been a coal lwi toi 1r the past week. On Puc'e,~ tkcr recived a carload \U 'i.s retailed out to eager 1, 1 r h r, 1'liTh e neral opinion aIl crrt le \ s St batJ udg-e IFalcon- ; 1k ti\- Y'. V. Akr a sentence iu-wasproenguiîlty. We have nc I. llj).itliNV witb any atternpt te defraud, \,%(,riuîstexrs the opinion that thu t tl would bave served the ()f e usî just ais weil as seven \ .LrS. I n aIl probabilitv an attempt wni: le marde to have the termi shorten- C (. There is a ru mer that a new trial iý:: bc . askedl for. Such a runior has t n ula nmni n fact . .. The prospects .îef th at li)kering will have a bicycle (1il 1b next sunimmc, A number of \. heels bave aireadv been ordered... 1 avid llougbton, of Broadview Ave., To'ronto. was up to the police court the ot ber day ebharged %vitb feeding to hogs ibie reat of dead animais that had flot been bolied or stewed previously..-* 1 i fsjector lBarker paid the post office in t isl.trict a visit ast week. H e was ,ils() enquring into the advisabiîity of granting the tequest of a number of people in thar. place, who ask that Highland Creek be given two mails per day. It is intiniated that the office in Liverp)ool Market will be done away w i th. WVhile perhaps the office does nit pay verv weî I. it is nevertheless a v e ry great convenience t.o those who use it. The removal wilî meet with bearty opposition. .- . Mary Ives, relict of the late Robeqr Wise, passed away on Tuesday, at Ithe ripe old age of eighty-eight years and six months. NI. and Mrs. Wise carne to this coun- trv in 1853, and after residing in (>)shawa for about two years settled in Pickering, and the deceased lady has resided in titis locality continuously ever since. Mc1 . Wise died some twenty eîght years agn. v1rs..ý Wise fbad a family of eleven, only three of~ whorn survive lier. UXIDGEC. Miss E. Topping, for several year hiead book keeper in Rrownscombe's (Great Departmental Store, has severed lier cannection therewith, and Ieft yes- terday for her home in Woodstock. . M .Nr. Theodore A. McGillivray, of Whitby, was in town Tuesday atte nd- ing court in the interest of the Whit.by *Hedge Fence Co'y. re their suit with MIr. John Galloway. -Sone haif dozeri gentlemen who were snowbound in Port Perry, but determined to reach Uxbridge, engaged a liverymnan to drive them over on Saturday. Each passenger was armed with a scoo-, shovel and given ample opportuaity to shovel to, bio -hearts content. It wa» evidentlr &.case of walking to Uxbridge digging'out the road as they came, and paying the liverman to dive through after t..... . A most malious and brutal act was commkited in LindWay a few nàghts aao by some fie-# ndlhua However, ho engsged a liveryman to drive hlm ta a point about six miles froin Uxbridge, concluding ho could walk the remnaining distance. The liveryman evidently knew the road bot- ter than lis passenger, and after spend- ing some considerable time on the road, informed Mr. Dick that he had brought hlm the required distance, but as a spe- cial favor wouîd drive hlm a mile nearer to hie home. When thi? -'extra mile' was completed, Mc. Dick pro- ceeded towards Uxbcidge on foot, and, aftec walking for considerable time, stopped at a farm bhouse to get bis bear- inga, when he was then informed that Uxbridge was just 14 miles ago. Mr. Dick w-ould, we are sure, relisît very miuch an opportunity of acting in the capacity of jurer on a case where Mc. Liveryman, was the defendant. -Ti nes. Mrs. O. Scott, we regret to learn is iii with congestion of the lungs..... Mr Elonza Wood, Blacksmith at Mr. R. Foster's has been confined to his bed with blood poisoning in the left arm. Mr. Wood was just recovering from a severe attack of la grippe when blood poisoning set in. ..The Orono Gun club met for regular practice on Tues- day last when a 15 bird contest was shot off resulting as follows: Thomas Vickers and C. Doncaster, 10 each; J. Bell, 8; A. Murry, 5; and J L. Rowe 4. The P. I. meeting in the interests of Candidate G J Thornton, in the Town Hall here Friday evening last was well attended. Mr. E. Hall officiated as chairman. The speakers were Mr. Duncan C. Aniderson, of Simcoe, and the candidate both of whom discussed the political situation in an earnest convicing mariner, and received a most attentive hearing. ... Rev. Alfred A, Moment, D. D., leaves this week for NewYork. Dr. Moment'sextended visit hiere has been highly appreciated not alone for his splendid pulpit efiorts but for his genial social qualities as wcll. Orono Lodge. A. F. and A. MI., meet on Thursdav evenin g next 26 inst..... Mr A Tamblyn has a Shrop- shire ewe that gave birth to a lamb weighing 1 3 lbs. on Fridav last... A well attended meeting of our citizens %vas held in the town hall Thursday evening last to further discuss the ad- 'iaîivof secu rinig more adequrte tire protection, for the village. While the feeling of the meeting apparently was largelv in favor of the proposed change from hand to steam power there were those who opposed it from a pec- un iarv point of view. The meeting atter consîderable discussion was post- poned until Fridavr evenin g 2- inst. The Secretary of the Police Trustees having been instructed to secure in the meantime the full amounit of insurance classified of the village, the probable running expenses, and aIl other neces- sarv information. Many of the citizens being desirious of viewing the engine and witnessing a test in our village be- fore sanctioning the purchase, the re- presentative of the Watrous Engine Co. has kindly consented to bring the en- gine here free of charge and give a public exhibition in our midst. Cherrywood. Frank Roadli left for Colorado on Wed t~eday. . . . Mc. Mîlîs bas returned to hisNýhe1"e in St. Thomas .... Tucker has engaged with James Thom for the summer. . .. Miss Nora Judd is visiting friends in the city this week. . ...Miss Coxworth has returned to hec home in Stouffville .. .. Old King Winter gave us a hearty fareweîl caîl on Friday last. ....B, Carter had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow last week. . . . Miss Palmer, of Pickering, has been visiting at Mr. Poynter's ... . We regret to. state that Wm. Jud-d las been forced to give up work for some time owing to ill health . ... Our enterprising bîacksmith, Mc. Poyntec intends raising part of his shop and fitting up a paint shop over it in the near future. .....James Lawson's sale has been postponed until the 3oth of this month, owing to the very un- favorable weather on Thursday of last week.. . . Chas. .Degere has taken pos- session of one- of Mr. Petty's houses, and is now prepared to do all kinds of woodwork at the shortest notice. BROUGEAN. John M Gerow was in the city on Tueaday.. .. Dr. H. Alger, of Belleville, was here this week. .. - T. B. Willis is with his people at M'alvern this week. ...A. Uiquhart has his samples all arranged for the spring trade,.... Thos. Sanday lias engaged with Harry West- gate for the .....n.... *Mrs. T. C. Brown, who has been indisposed for somne days is now mnuch better. .. .T. s... Brown so arranged his parliament- ary duties as to be able to be home Sunday and Monday.... R. J. Price h"~ returned from Hamilton, where he was a delegate from our Home Circle. He reports having lad a Iovely time. i Gives Hlis Experience With Orgau lleart Di8ea8e-The Dread For many years my greatest enemy haa been organie heart disease. Froni an uneasinese8 about the heart, with pal pitation more or les severe, it had de veloped into abriormal action, thump- iug, luttering and choking sensations. Duli pain with a peculiar warm feeling were ever present near the beart. 1 bave tried rnany physicians and takien numierous remnedies with very littie benefit. Seeing Dr Agnew's Cure for thA Reoart advertised in the Kittanningz, Pa, papers, I purcbased a bottie and began iLs use, receiving almost instant relief, I bave now taken severai bouales of the re- medy and cari speak mont hiRhly in its favor. Ther choking, abriormal b;eating, thumping and palpitation have almoat entirely disappeared. The rernedy is certainly a wonder-worker, for my case was chronie. Rev L W Sbowers, Elder- ton, Pa. South Arnerican Nervirae, Ag- new's Catarrh cure,' ARnew's Heart cure, eold only by J E XilIis. nie Chronicle Bulletin Board. THURSDAY, MARCH 26th Cicago-Wheat firmer at 68. Toronto-John Finlay elaye hie brother with a sabre-Botb beloDg Lu Gov- Gen's Foot Guarde and were drunk. M1ontreal-W C Macdonald gives 0500, 000 to MoGili University. Ottawa-General elections te, take place in June. Lindeay-Coroner'e inquest finde that John Carney killed old Jamaes Agnew. Winnipeg-Oonference on Remedial Bill tait.. places to-day. South Afrie«a-British reportsd to have purchased Delogoa Bay, key te the Transvaal, for 825,000,000, from Por- Winnipeg-Manitoba will offer te secu- larize echools, and abolition cf religious tioxt bockg. Galt-John Goîdie, manufacturer, dead. Chicago-Wheat firiner at 68J. Kingston-Reyal military cadets erdsrsd te have tiheir hair eut. Toronto-Board of Trade favori; doser tirade relations witih Englsnd.- Ot tawa- Centinunous sessions day and night, expecti on Remnedial bil-Oaly four weeks te pase it. Washington-Senate motion fsvoring in- terference in Cuba withdrawn. It ie qui te within the bunde oft tru th to, say tihat, nover witihin the recollection cf" 111t. oldest inhabitiant bas libers been snob a depth of anow, huge driftu and complet. cessation cf traffia as during tihe winter which la now lingerinâ in the lap cf spring. Lindsay, for the .paut few days, ha. been completely iselated froin the enter world, se far as rail.road traffic was oonoernod. The. bad roada of the past week have been accanatable for numereus mnishapa. A few day. mgo a young man left by the. river road te deliver a load et hay ln the vicinity et Oameren. Comingte a par- ticular bad 'pieoe of read heo aecurd a rail, attmched the ame te the rack as a lever. R.efthon got out on th. rail &bd atartd hda team, but Only sucoeedl I Soiug a shortdistance e, heele se muddouly eut off te fthe oppboie 'and -"",0 lh.1oad t rwlgthi.4lrldver freni EAOOOTSVILLE CONCERT. On Wednesday night, to Baggotsvf île, We wound our eager way ; At elght the bashf ni Chairin Will Hie welcome rose teamy. Hie speech wu.e brief, as such ehould bel Hie form, divineîy fair; And frein hie hand s0 nervonsly, He called for <Welcome' there. Just here in marched the Greenwooditcs, Pull twenty-five I ween. The brand new seats ! ne happier siglits Sure neyer now were seen. The three trustees with sober mein, Adorned the social hall. Our lonely Alex., was net seen To keep the girls in thrall. While to the riglit was Papa Mayne, Ris whiskered face in joy; Wiîl Bayes, also, couîd not refrain Mfr. T. . Doncaster, thue genial <io prietor oit the. Q neena sotel, ile spen ing a few day. la Orono. W. deeply regret to record the. death cf Wm. A.hby, au old and highly respeti. ed citizen cf North Brook. Dougal William, youngeet son of th. 1mwe Duncan Carmichaei, died at the farauly roidence in Mariposa on Monday aflier a prtracted lmes. Mr. IV. M. Purdy, principal cf the public sebool, i. offerlag sa siver medal ta the pupil that ebtains the higheat numb- or cf marks Bt the midmummer entirance examinations. Mesurs R. J. Htirwoed and stauley Brown represented Loyal Beaver Lodge, C. 0. 0. F., at the District Lodge meet ing in Lindsay on Tnesday. A sessiou of the Divieion Court was held hers yee:,erday, Hie Houer Judge Dartucîllpreaîding. Tbe docket wsvery ligbt, only a couple cf cases coming be. fore the court. The bar wae ropreseuted by Col- N. F. Pattereon, Q. Gý, sud Mr. 17. W. Chapple, Q. C , M. P. P., and Meusrs. Reid and Noble of tii town. The euow etorin which sot in on Thura-. day hast, and continusd until Saturday, we.e the worst that bas visited, thie vicin- ity in thirty yeare. For three days Cari. nington had ne communication with the outside world. The express train whicb left Toronto on Thtnrsday sfternoou was blocked at Stouffviîbe until Montlay morning; the train froin the nortli ow. ever, reached here on Saturday nnglit. The first mail te rescli Cannington was troua Toronto at il a. mn. Monday. The concessions leading into town were aIse completely blocked,-Gleaner. Buthe'ary thFba lie se. And h erk "thabiashinW1 ai9 And Pellth er thdlis wig ou ba, Se e B ih hdde, ant boe s ut ah, Te crain id es th jig Reite ail did terrify . Ddthellstag. or fireta enmde,' Didn tel ushow tbe 'Renmedie, Thenente, bow teJosh as ed The sentr frothnorth extolle Thedvuto n r poor wo-rd n le AThPu inroilian.od erhe he negro aips a man h cn Thet oricpiesaehind tesen TheLorce-hest a opeteidls e Thet musi Wheuharp ad fdes ea .H in 'Emily and John,' Dici sucli we dare net tell. But, moments when alonie, upon That quest, it mnay be well. Diana shoots lier "'lovely" dacta The Indian raid scarts Bell. )ddfellow's te -it amites our hearts Beg you r ron-weII Fair Edith entertains a seul, 0f misaionary fame. )hio's mardli seen 0cr us stole Putained bya norther ngame.t But tierlias fle My s s . Wroee uirilyhoewead odh. Proceerelsfe wehv.oob .1 Yet o'er this scene îy îemory flues With one ceaselesa implore. May musical Madill arise To please our ears once more. H. A. WATHA. An Easy Head Clear Brains ! Ie Aetoe SUND BwODYse Ai P,ine's Celery Compound. Sweet, gentile spring is with us, pre. saging leaves, bude and flowere, and, of course, happier times. Thoutîande will welcome the balmy air and zeplîyr breezes, while a multitude, hovering be- tween lifs and death, are unable to enjoy or even appreciate the blessinge of a kind Providence. A host of men and women and Young people are laid îow owing to diseases contracted during the winter season. Impuritios cf the blood cause it to flow eluggishly, and the resulte are, con- Linual headaches, heavy and clouded braine, neuralgia, rbeumatieru, and a bost of other Bymptorus that endanger lit e. For ail these troubles, Paine'e Celery Compound je the great and unfailing cure; it acte like a charm on the nervous sys;em,-producing pure blood, a cool and eagy bond, clear bramae and a eon.nd body. Paine's Celery Compound is as super- ior to the ordinary nervinos, bitters, sar- saparillas and pille as istrsngith i8 better than wsakness. The use of oe bottie will soon convince the ailing that Paine s Ceiery Compound bas virtues unknown Lu, any other medicine. «« CasiomplotelynoowuIbd Ot. ieu wok ad 1selmaucflifeua ot w hd 10 ive Upi wrk, sud I W.lT asifhis n t ephrGth ivn" wtee oe W ToeottaSraail ndZepam, nt. "aiu tao Icoît'. ars aarihlota ars arnnow feeig upe did ys ago." Scotth aeparih a nd up the atre ssîe1 purianes the lopoand es racts sadt i u crflu pIe Mr. Roche Nation il was returned to the Cemmons in ïsst Kerry. There le net a more daniere clasn ef dig. erdore than those which affect the breatbing orwans. Nallify thie danger witb Dua. TRaMAs' CLEaOTi O-a puloniç let ack- nowlIedge efflcacy. It cures Immenses and soreaesq wbsn applied extefinaly, a» wel -s swelled neok and crick mn tbe bsck; snd, as an ii apeiflo, posemues mont autuîmutial claius to public confidence Sixçeeu Pbiladelphiabl locomotives have beec ehipped to Ruas Onlythoe vbho 4bal aexperience oa tell the torture orne caMse, ainwlthyourbbota on pain witb theesoff-pain nl4t suad day;- but relàief ure to, theew*ho Use, HoUlowiayl 1corn ours, er Bramptonansd k!Whd. A woman's head- aches may corne .0 froni several causes. Sbe may bave a 4? headache arisirng or from digestive dis- turbancea ; juat the sanie as a man niiglit Ssuifer for the saine reasons. Nine cases -.1 in ten, however, lier headaches corne froni disorders peculiar to ber sex. Possibly the apparent cause of the headache will be nervousness or indi- gestion, wbile the cause of these is not tbought of. The organs distinctly femiriine are more vital than any other organs in a woman's body. Any trouble of tbose affect- the whole body. It may show itself in the symptoms wbicli are cliaracteristie of a dozen disorders. Tbousands of tinies, wo. muen bave been treated for the disorder.- thouglit to be indicated b y these syrnp- toms, wben the real troubhle was much deeper anîd more serious. Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription was cornpounded for tlî sole purpose of relieving womankind of the ills and pains very commonly considered the uncomfortable inheritance of ber sex. It cures where really zood physicians have failed. Thousands of wome.n have tcstified that after taking treatient froni several physicians without benefit, the "Favoritf Prescription " cured thein completely and quickly. It lias becu uscd for over thirtv years, and has an unbroken record of suc- ces. The afflicted woman will fid m- mcdiate relief and ultiîniate cure in the 'Favorite Prescription."' There is no douht about it-there is no question about it. The wornan who hesitates is in'eited to send 31 one-cent stamps for customns and cost of mailing a copy of Dr. Pierce's Comnion Sense Medicai Adviser. Thîis celc brated work contains full infrmation about Dr. Pierce's xediciîîes, with the reproduced photographs of bundreds of people who bave been cured by these world - famed remedies, also giving their naines and ad- dresses, besides plain, clear information about aIl of the organs of the hunian body and their functions. It lias reacbed the un- precedented sale of 69o,ooo copies at $i.So a copy. Thus the expense of preparation lias bMn defrayed, and now 500,000 copies wilI bc absolutely given away. Rememnber that this book is not a mere advertising pamphlet, but a genuine standard work of ioo8S large pages, over 300 illustrations, soie of thein in colora. Address, World's Dis.. pensary Medicai Association, Buffalo, N.Y. FivE HUNDRED DOLLARS wilI be gi ven to the chari- table institution in Canada if any ingredient is fou nd in the new mredicine, that is injurieus te the system - 1. Besides curing chronlo rhe matisnm and blood discaset, iL hiae a wonderfui effect upon fever and malaria if t.aken in tue, anzd wE challenge Le production f a case of long standing sere, or beinerrhage oftLhe kidnes K9ooenay w-i1 flot cure. . It la a splendid tonle and makes you Sat and slesp. It ui es lndigestj)n. &. It i8 a microbe killer and whenusedt for the effets followinge the Use of merphla pre- parations reznovee every traeo tepison troni the syst cm, as aise mer ift epsitand thes reults of nicotine from the cigarette habit, 4. Mr. Chas. MoCraken, M5 Adelaide Street West, former nîgit clerk at the Palmer Bouse, Tornto, says that ho wae et troubled with ei9lptions on bis f la t au y skin was llterally cov wt U:n"es and blotches, which was-to elgawette smoking. Ordi aymgod- l boUtle e« Kutenay lefh11 kinentfryfre from vr taee them Write the 8. 8 RYCKaMAN MEDI(JINRCe. Hmitd ,for Ipam- phleti of txtlig curs Agitation ia the world of hoiaoepathic niedi- ornes bas been ia ver y seul ef progress, as in politice and religion-the difflulties of opinion and the indiviuaIjtY Of men have been parent te the. disgrees by wbioh the standard ef tbese bodies -have been elevated. Boe with rnpet of our faioUB Preparatitie.foremqtin illustration ef whîeh trnth stands th. world- famoue remede te general debility and lacgeur ,.:Qumana Wiae,"-and wbieh, whien- obtala- aeinitq -gennine atrength, la a mipaculone creator ef appetite, vitality and etimulat, te îbqe general fertility of thoe ystem. QUinineý Wine and, 14. lia împrovemint, hm,, frin thé, iret dîfcoyery etflb. great virtues of Qtuinne -iamedical !gent, been oeeOt.tb mut lber ,uhy dios e r<EdIo& ver Offered te, publi. It »eofilieireait 1011c. lld, lit.- glviug eUmuI. bt he bm'edical, prôfemimes h.vbsnooupellod te vecognise and prescrîbe. ý Ksr.Ncribrop & Lynmaî, ot Tormnto. ha"e Cured of a Serlous Disea, "1 was siifftrfing froni wl.at 1,9no~ Iiriglias e f or fi ve years, ane! f, r da ys aa lime 1 have been unable te stra'Igîte lye n tUp. 1 was in bed for thiree W 1' Thrgu tiine 1 had leeches applie(l and l derive'î no e6 lit. Seeing Jlootl's Sarsap-Lrîîîlta. r izjj tepapers1Ideclded to try a bottie. 1 LO«j HOOD yS Sarsapari lia beoeCURE$ relief bfr had flnisbed taking haIt of a Wt tie. I got so, mucfl help froni takirig the fg bottle that I decied to try another. and sie r.akin~ the second boule lIfeel aa3 weîIla.seMe 1 dnniyIile." GRO. MERRETT, Torot,)u Hood's Pille are prompt and efficient, y% easy of action. 8ol4 by ail druggists. 25e. Tif E IOST SUCCESSFUIL RI FOR MAN OR BEASI. C < CerWa n a 11effecta and neyer blIsteru Hed proota blow: KENDALLS SPA VIN OURE Bo 2Carman Hedermon <Co.,M e2,I ~Dr. B. J. tpa<DAM ,èq SDearS&va-Please send m n fyu og Books and obUgpe. I have u=e ra da tyu Sw onderfuàLffed1cine. I once had a mare thQb ad OulCavin and five botties cured her. * ,eb= tnbadal h ime. KENDALLSSPIV!u (O5L Dear Sirs-I have iifed several botles of yu "Kenda1*e $Pavin Cure"Ilwith mneh suceem I think It he be iniment1 ever used. Have me moarLoneCurb, uee IBlodSpsvin and k<iW two Rouae Spavliti, Ha" e ecommnended it le evrlfmyfriende wlo am men pleased wUi Dr. B. -. KEND.dLL COMPÂNIY EWOSBURGS4 FALLS, f? A&snoyfor-,& For nfoaItI ugefrocH dbeok write ta >ITNN& (O 6BuBOADWA-Z, NaW- YomI Oldest bureau or sec lnWputentg laAre Every Puettakenu tbY ne la breught bed the ntcefeog w0orild.Splend1iflSt, eltil Imfuahould be el N1~ o Jim<$3 Mý.suagffl361Broadway; jf-er YOIk Cliii, FrTweiity-Six Yearsý' AND?] Orono. 1 FRMAY, MARCH 27 Read Completely Knooked Ont REV. L. W. BROWERS WITH A SOUND BODY 1 500 - 1 rm,&6-mm 1 Freinlamiling onhie oy.-ran he Thenpayges on. Moutorganschee PhnsouWte s wit go oojoeba Flinga ot th ontil spooriw ea Orval Kester's spent à day with S. B Hoover's this week.... S... Hoover's spent a day with friends ini Stoufiville not long ago... . J. Burkholder of Stouffville called on N. B. Hoover one day last week ... . C. Nighswander spent a day with Mr. Seth Wilson of Whitby flot long since....... George Sanders, cf Orillia, was visiting at A, Lott's one day a short time ago..C. R. Nighswandec apent an evening with S. B. Hoover this week ...H. Leh- man, we are sorry to say is not improv- ing vecy fast but we hope soon to sec himn in our midat again. . .. Mcs. Fuller and cbild, of Green River, spent a couple of days with hec sister Mcs. A, Nighswandec of this place.... S. Mor- gan, lias returned home after a foui months sojoucrn in the back woods in the vicinity of Sudbury. He reports having a very good time. Il -- c 1 1 1 E(R ETT Toronto, Ontarto. As WelI as Ever 1 1 . 1 .

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