Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1896, p. 3

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Y. IEcRR ET%'W Ontario. Sas Ever, îd's Sarsapaigl, rtous DIBê.,, IlNtî »known Ai e.îrx, (fi)'r days ata 1 and ltrivq'jlt> r> a t>ottie. tun arilla 1REs t filking half of a bel. frotn takig tlme CrI ,14'lIer. and sine eIl ai Weil Ilv!e"r mit and t mcîent. y«~ druggmâss 25C L/L REMEDYr BEAST. d re%-eg- bitatmr5 AVINcOUR or t your Rlote a gn-'at &i N of your ', ""' , ', thïuha 11> 1 .(c curd lier. I IVIN CURE, 'N, '5. &pr , 1& hNuIttles of your r..,urllloied it to 'uu tb 0uLoed wlth sta, or a.1 rue 0 L COM ilPANY, atrDo Am~.is ýQsnoy for, ,ý 'ADE MAR"S 98014 PATEUTI PYRINTS, Mt landbo)k write tqr ,wà,y. Nitw YenS .c patents la amen t1,4 's brought bott ni freeoru châmtyt 1a s pfljlape? tItt cd. Nointttg Y.à\t Z%V yurk Cityé ix Years IN'S MT FRIENI ilm CANADA. 1 ,ON'S RE PUMPI 1 17 >-ý 1) /X PRC tketti for 10 yod andJ are undon Iket, and &M- rîcc 513.501** Agt.,W)xl best by i, most d d ordin Pumps. Il e ne mpou's every das H. pipi Hleadache CURED PERMANENTLY 13Y TAING A yor'SI Puils i1s w uiç ia ion g ime.wtt.h slek P .iI.h ?Il ~s .4v , c oipanied ~rpaiIluil the temples, a éenme il anti tonderness tln one oye. a il I' t u ON nothtongue coated, Il .t 1 i feictolt, ami sk ncss at tho > i 1tirîl a gi-odl niany remedies 1 Il 1nflttfor :his c'omplatut t- but It Uliasrwth rap. 8 AMaiig tbe rm til sufak. cftour vswisties cf millet.1 4- G"rwing -tbre fodder crope. 0 Growlng L-.icerne ue a orop for gresna fodder, 6 Growing Orimon lover ma orop for hsy. 7 Testing six leadtng varietea of fodder corn. 8 Testing Byve leading varieties of turnipe. 9 Testiog fv. leading varietieseof mongols. 10 Testing 6i*v. leading varieties of carrots il Testing five les-ling varieties of spring wheat. 12 Testing 6ive leading varieties et barley. 18 Teating fiye lesding varietiea of oate. 14 Testing four leading varietios of peau. Ail matons)l will b. fnrnished eiitirely free of chargo tueoaoh applicent, and the produoe of tbe plots will b. the property of the porson wbo cotiducte the oxperi ment. In return, we ask that eaeh ex perimentor ho vory careful and accurate in his work ard that ho forward to the Direotor a complete report of the resnlts obtained from the Lest, u suce as pos- sible attor the plots are harvested. C A Zavitz, Director. G3uelph, Marci 27th, 1896. OUR BELOVED QUIEN. lier Mont Recent Photo, Ful csbiuet Sizo, Given Away. Legan i 'aking Our boloved Queen Victoria; God bless Av rs P i ner and preserve ber Lo ber loyal and tii-ii1 r,(,ive aythng ikèPoImw Few homnes eau beast of baving a reallyI 114qi 1i,'îefit A Sinlet box of tiiese plis good and roenL cabinet photo cf Her c1ý1illiho urk for me. andti1I am now free Majesty, who wl 800h attain ber 77tb fromttaahs andi a wetl man." - til IIî'Tt'HimsS East Auburn. Me year. The Wells & Richardson Ce., manufac- AV ER' S PI LLS Lurons cf Diamend Dyos, have mode Bpocial arrangements witb the publishers Awarded'Medal nt World's Fair of " Our Home," Canadas best, puresti, Alve'.9Saravaflais h4 e". moot largely circulated and most enter- 4~ge'8 arsa'Gr54 .s U4 B.t. prising family papor, ncw in iLs fcurtb year cf active and progressive work, -whereby they are onabled. to make the Go- operati've Agriculture. foilowing spocial and generons effer, good -- * for one mcntb only: COMPARATIVE TESTS 0F CViii ONE THOU- Au elegant full cabinet photo (from a SANI VRIEIES~ FRM ROP.__roceut copy taken by royal command), VARITIE OF ARMCROP.-cf Rer Majesty Queen Victoria ; a four 'jALVAiiLE, REPORTS FROM ONTARIO page pamphlet giving dates cf births, 1 4RMKiRS-KXIIERIMENTS 1N AGRICUL- marriages and deatha, sud other items cf TIU ý,FoR 1896. iuterosting and useful information relat- A premînent feature in the work cf the ing to the Royal family, that but tew Exporimental l)epartment at the Ontario pAnple bave acoes L; six Diamond Dye Agncultural C ollgeGuph etees-dls with six extra dresses, aud a card Agnu a ofdfoevetiGelpoffrm cre.tet-of forty five samples cf dyed cloth, show- ihnto iie t vton esrsfupard cf e.ing colors cf Diamond Dyes-wili lie sent 1.o0tO kinds have been grown n loz re t every man, woman and child whc similar ti sîze and shape, and siLuated wîll Bond in 25 cents in meney or stampr t4ide by Bide. FuIly 600 of tlhis number for eue year's subscription to " Our have been grown from four to seven years Home," a paper "ut tbousands dedlare in successionl. Not only have all th to be worth a dollar. available varietie8 ini Ontario been te8ted The cabinet photos cf the queen are but simitiar testa -bave been made with worth 40 te 50 cents eacb, and eau 3 varietieis from twetty ene foreigu conu- obtain ed cnly as premiums wîth " Oui c.ries, A few im2ported varieties ini near Home." ly &Il classes of farm crope bave given If you desire to have pure and wbole- botter resuits than the best Ontario kinds some reading matter for eue year, -nd in the average soven yeare' experunents. the premiume as promised above, sond After the varieties have been very care- yeur name and address at once. The fully tested at the College for about five whole ceet, remember, is only 25 cents vears, the best are selected fer testiug in Address ,Wk-llà & Richardson Co., a ce oporativo way tbroughout Ont.ario. Miontreal, P. Q. These co-operative experimenta are car ned on cbîely througb th. medium of BEAVICERTON. the ex-stridents' Experimental Union;. but any fanmer in Ontario may jein in Mir. A. Doran. our dog-tax collector, the work, provided ho applies for the is out with his annual spring cîrcular tc seed early, and agrees to make a careful the owners of dogs in town warnmný test and-to report the resuits accerding te them to save costs by paying their tagý s pecifîod instructions. Within the pa8t before the tst of April. .... The littl( tivo years, we have distributed t0oIPOflri pleasure yacht, the Siesta, owned by meiors upwards of 82,000 packages cf number of our town gentlemen, ha! choie e eeds, wîLh very gratitying resulte. heen disDose~d ro a uentleman up a LEADINtI VARIETIES. For a detaîled account cf the various teets cenduct.ed ti 1895, the neader is re- ferred Le the report of the Expenimnental Union, whîchi is publisbed au an appen. dix ce the Agriclturai College report for tho saine year. Thiseoet is new being di8tibuted by tbe Dopartmont cf Agri- culture, Toronto, te tbose who reportod the retqulte cf thein co-operative expeni- monts in 1895, aud te the memberu cf .he Formera' lustitntes in Ounlo. Our Âgricultural Cellego haimponted intoOntario somo foreigu varioieg cf faim cropu, vhich have made high ne- acide bcth at the Celiege sud tbrougbouî the province, sud wbîcb are beeeming quute popular for general cultivatîon. l'homo which we wiil mention in Ibis bief article are as tdlews : Sibonisu catie, Rus- 8as; JeaneLteoaete, France ; Pclaud white ots, France ; Mandecheuri barley, iumsa; Henison Besrded opring whest, France ; Miunmotba Cubai cern, U , ; Wisronsin ealiest white o Det corn, U S, ; Ss.zers North 'Dakota corn, U , ; -Jersey Navet tunip, U S,; Salion's Dakota Millet, U S ; etc. Among tbe loadiug vs.neties ef farm eioi, the seed of which vo obtaiued in t ntaro, Lb. followiug bave made higb records : Dawsons Golden Chaf vintier wheat, Bavaanu aLe, Red Fenu sprng 'wboni., Prussam blue pesa, Canadian hoauty peau, Egyptian mummy peua, liartiey's Bronze Top Swede turnip, Iw. proved short white carnet, Improved rnammotb saw log ma.ngol, Empire State potatio, etc. Thene ai'. othen varieties both foreigo and Canadian wbicb have given excelleni resulta, smorn f whichhave not bme used in co-operative expeimenta. EcmXRZIETa rn 1896. Any person wiahmng te jomi i the~ work, should select oe eof the experi, monte for u, w6 sd inorai th. Dirstor Of lis choîce. As :âppisations for ""urai t.housnd packages bave air.dy ben ve- eivsd, Wsu s be supply la Iimissd, thos whc>spply am vilibsihe sursOftOb- tamîug the diâsw.d o uti.hmînghb. vonl for eobappflmt 10 mab.asc choceforfo' b. ias iuld Mt b. grnted. à shéo 0tbb"tIUP m5bO for omuo*du ie xpIhso s1 sud the blsik foas uvbabt.»Pmt the resuli ô! i>. *, iibu »M o eahexpslm.ute,abtb *0 tb*0.Jrg by eqm.S mal fw " 4bé I B o0 ig le a as Baia. As a financial investmnent the Siesta has been verv successful, but the young folks of the town have had many pleasant trips with her, and we are sure they will be sonry to heu~r of her depature ... . The lacrosse concert Monday evening was well attended and the programme was very creditably carried out. The boys are to be con- gratu lated on the success of their en- tertainment.... Mr. W. S. Bell, on Saturday last, photograpbed a group of gentlemen that we think is a record breaker. The group was composed of the following gentlemen:- Messrs. Mc- Gowan, Thompson. Mclntyre, McRae, Duncan, McEachern, Overend and Pope, and their fighting weight tallied 1825 lbs. - - Mr. Neil McEachern, of Point Mara, bas sold his farn te, Mr. Don. McKay, of British Columbia, an old Thorah boy.... Miss Kate Mclntyre returned home on Monday last from a very pleasaut visit to ber friends lu the neigbborhood of Argyl.... Mn. Alex. Hamilton, of, "lEthel Park," is at pre- senit dowu aà Ottawa. being one of a deputation appointed to interview the government on bhait of the botel men of the Dominion -.... Ik is rumnored that the yeung ladies bere intend giving a leap year bail in the near future.... Miss Hopper, Mn. J. J. Holmes à popu- Iar milliner, bas retunned to town once more, and will be pleased to welcomne h er many friends.... Mr. Heck Thomàp- son, cf Toronto, has been spendng the 2past week in- town- .-.-Mrs. Leacock, t ad family, o! Sutton West4, bas moved into Miss M. C. MdRae's handsome residence, t"Cedar Bccch" on the lake shore road. JO tii ci fr ho ol T A la y ai w a fi r urney, tttélte Ha nee ie spirit world, there la otten anfn ueî it-cle to whom-they tell of severed îendshlps, of broken.ties, of imitten ,arts. Such la the notice of the death ,fMrs. Darlington which appeared in RF, CHRONICLE lait week. Sarah knnie Hunter, eldest daughter of the ite James Hunter, M. D.. was born in orkshire, England, Nov. 8th, 1816, rid died lu Brooklin Ont., March 23rd, $96. Dr. Hunter came to this country vhile the subject of this notice was stili Lchild and settled for a time in the Çiagara Peninsula, fromn whence he re- noved to the neighborhood of Oshawa rhere he lived and practiced his pro- 'ssion for somne years. Sympathising uith the Reform- party he removed to State of New York, after the rebellion f 1837-8, and hete his daughter Sarah A.nnie was married to the late Rev. Robt. Darlington, who was then en- ýaged in business in the village of Pickering. In 1840 there being a caîl for men in the ministry of the Wesleyan nethodist church. Mr. Darlington, who was a man of education and a very successful local preacher, felt thagt the ca11 of the church was the caîl of God, and ejicouraged by his ever faithful wiife, entered the ranks of the itiner- ancy. For eight years she stood brave- 'v by his side, sharing the toils and privations incident to the work of the herald of the cross in those arly days, ane thougli delicate in constitution and 'rail in health, by no word of bers did she ever seek to win him from the work he loved, and in which he hoped te spend his Iife. While stationed in the village of Markham his health failed se completely that he was compelled tc retire to private life and settled ir Brooklîn where he lived tillinii April, 1 881, the Master said,- It is enough, corne up higher." Here too, the sub- ject of this sketch spent the lonelI years of widowhood, growing more arn more feeble, and for several years year% suflering intensely, watched over anc eared for by a beloved daughter wh( has given the best years of hei life t( the blessed work of ministering to he parents, to both of whomn months an( years of suffering were given. Endoiw ed with more than ordinary abilities Mrs. Darlington's mind early open ed to the reception of religiou truth. When only a child of twelve package of missionary literature cor taining letters of those missionar giants, Carey, J udson, Coke and othern, was the means of directing her mind t the world's need and the world's nc deerner. When about seventeen yeat of age she became acquainted with th~ Lord Jesus Christ as a personal savioui but so spotless was her life, s0 sweet an pure and true ber thoughts and word! that this change, so real and blessed t herseif, made little ditierence in h( outward deportment. Mrs. Darliný ton's religion was not demnonstrativ but it was an in-dwelling power, comnfor ing in sorrow, sustaining in trial, ar fihîing the future with hooes of imrnorta ity and eternal life. Four children, tv sons and two daughters, made music 's Cod-liver Ol M witb-out- the fisý~ fat taste. Yoi M get ail the. virtui of' the oit. Yo skip .nothingeb the. t'aste. M I k 0 e 0 rs id n- as a n- ry -S, Lrs me r, nd s, ier ig- e -t- ,d ai- in of int of .er 0f er- nd ire last .A ' Well Knewn Denmark Nobleman Makes a Stâtement Wbicb Wil Prove of Great Interest and Value te, Many. Under date cf Beptember lot, 1894, Oout de Dery wnts au follows frous Neepawa, Man: "I bave been ailing constantly for six on seven yoars witb severe kidney snd bladdor trouble. 1 bave doctored during ail this tume witb physicians in différent cuntries withont any relief. During my travelo I vas in- duoed te itry South Amentoan Kidnoy cure, fnom which remedy I neceived ini staut relief. I meut besrtily endonso tii remedy, as I do net think it bas an -ý.aI " tnth Amrn Kinonwce- QLÂ~&II& Eheuwmstism Gonf e Rg iin 014 Dânghiepterto-Ihr B.d. but Two Bell1es cfl 'ýK.oot1.nt cou" Oom- pletely Ttetired har. Oonnty ofOarleton, te Witý: -, Francis Dsay, of the Oity of Ot- tawa, in the qounty cf Carleton, do soloenuly delans, that 1 live at 227 Churob-street, City cf Ottawa, snd that my daughter, who ju fifteen yesrs cold, was afflîoted with Rbeumatism. Be bad wss ber case, that ah. was eonfined te ber bed. She began taking IlRyokman'ei Kootenay Cure," in April, 1895. Two bottes of the remody wu' used by ber, wbich completely oured bier. It aie improved ber general health. I recommended the modicine. And 1 make thie eolemn deelaration conscieuti- ously believing it to b. true and knowinir it is of the sane force and effeots if made undor eath and by virtue of the canada Evidonce bot. (Signed) MADAME DERY. Taken sud acknowledged before me at the City of Ottawa, in Lb. Ccnnty of Carleton, tbis 21st day of Feb., 1896. (Signed) JOSEPH R. ESMONDE. Justice of the Peace for Lb. County cf Carleton. COOtNT DE DORY. Castori1. el CWaglà, l an excellent imedicine fer chUl- dren. Mothes have repeatedyly Lie et ils good eee upou their children.", DIL .O..Oso, Lovetl, M O(àstorla la the bout nemedy tor chilrm of wh Iamn scqustnted. 1 hope the day la Dot far itanlt hen motheswilI00ialrtdOhe iW luterest of thefr ebidrea, and une Castoria in- etesd cf thevarlousqusck nostrums which are destroying their Ieved eues, by forcingeplnm, morphine, soethlng syrup and other hurtful agti dovu thefr throata, thereby uendlng amte premature grave&! Da. J. F. KmnoaLom, Ocmvway, Ârk. Castoria. 46Cantorns la soweladaptedtocbildemtfl 1 recommend iL as supeior toany prgoetppto knuvi Lu me." £L . A Ânonna, ILD., U 1 Su. Oxford St-, Broatyn NM T "Our phystiin uthe children'sdust- ment bave spoken blghly ot their expeni ence lIthe"routalde practice wU h Oatoda.,. and althougb vo only bave amo.g Our medical supplies wbat la keovu am regul« products, yet vo are freS tluconfeest t h. merits of Cstons as won us te 1k v iLl favor upon lt." ALLEN C. Suffn, Frea., The Oeutauw OoMPM7y, T urway sfret , Nw Yr«ctr. invaniably gives relief wthin six heurs The secreti of the great succesu of Eseijay's after firet doue is tahen, South Ameni- Liver Lozenges je lu the faet of their not re- eau Nervine, Âgnew's Cstsrrb cure, Ag- acting. Qîber laxative medicines destroy the uew's Heant cure, sold by J E Wilhuz. normal powers of the digestive systesa.- The) builâ it up. They are sold at 25 cas. a box, ____________ai $2,50 a dozen boxes. Auother IHarnilton Citizen Cufed of Ebeil- Mr. David Bakin, a prominent resident of ma.t1815 ll Thrui Day&Unionville, wau drowned in a oeipond at Ibat Mn I MoFaniane, 246 Wellington lit, place Saturday. HamilLon : "For many weeks 1 have suf- fered intense pain froni rheumnatisi- was eo bad that I could net attend te business, 1 procuned South Axuenican Wb..Baby vas eck, vo gave her Castorla. Rheumatic cure on the recommendation Wben she va a CiId, she cied for Ostoti cf my druggist an~d wau ce pletely cured When she became Mins she clung touCatonsa. in tibre. or four days by the use cf this b s hdCUesegaet-Cscrs neoeedy enly. It je the beat remedy 1 ever saw," South Amreican Nervine, Aguew's Catarrh cure, Agnew's Honnrt cure, sold only by J E Willis. e4i A convention of South Middlesex Liberala -11,e el a umaar o - LO- A-1417 CURES CTARRIUÉ DEAFNSSI Strong and Uureserved Testimony cf tue Curative Powenu cf Dr Âguow's Catarrhal Powder. ÀActions speak louder thon words. Mn John Maclnnis, of Wathabuck Bridge, N S, made use cf Dr Agnow's Catarrhali Pewder, and uys: 1"I used the niedicine, according te directions and found iLte be1 a wonderful cure fer catarrh sud deaf- noes. I can hea as goud as ovor, Yen will find 60 ceuta enclosed, for which please send me anothen bottle, After ne- oemmending the cataral cure te my neighbor, aud ah. seeing the wondorful good it ha doue me, wsnts a bottle, so you will please send a bottle snd blower to ber alse"', One short puff cf the brestit through tb. blower, suppliod with eaoh boutle of Dr Âgnow's catarrhal powder, diffuses ibis powder over the surf sce of the nasal passages, Painlesu sud delightfâl to use il reliev#o in 10 minutes, sud permanent- ly cures catarrh,- hay foyer, colds, head ache, Boro throai, touailitie and deafueus; 60 cents, South Amenican Nervîne, Ag- newVicatarrh cure, Agnew's Heart cure, sold only by J E Willis, The, Attorney-Gefleral bas ordered an in- vestigation in connectien villi tbe de" hof Misa Reichant at Hamilton. And those who are aU tired out and have tuaI tired felluîrfeeling or sick headacbe cen bo nelved of aMthese smjtemti bY tskng Hoo'u8snspnilswbicb gives nerve mental and bodily strengt sdtberougolyp iie b. bleod, 1 5 cot esa -g apntcae indigston, heariburasud dseua Hood'$a Mille e sy t. tket easy lia acton. and sure efeut, 25e. Wm. Albent mmoftwiwa tmSWuco tvo yem sloeu tweek la jail M Bt. Thonâts-for A Generous Offer. (Published b>' Requesi.) Dear Mr. Editor :-Will you kindiy n- rormn the readers of your valuable paper that I yull gladty send FREE te any siiflerer fusa Lost Manhood, Nervous Debility, Nîght Losses, Varicocele, !oepotency and the rnisuits cf youthful folly, pariculars of a simple and inexpensive mens cf self-cure which alier be- ing humbugged and imposed upen for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks, cured me in a few weeks. 1 have nothing to seli or give away, uer am 1 advertising any patent medicine business. but wilI be pleased te hear- frusa any sufferer auicus to, find a cure for bis complaint. te wbcmn I viii. expiain ceufiden- tially how and by what, means 1 was cured. Hundreds bave been cu-ed threuRh my ad- vice. Coets nothiug te bearn what I pailbn- dreds et dollars te fiud ont. Address coufi- dentially aid enclose susmp if convecient. D. G. OWEN. j Tonronto. Ont. Riverside P.O. Grand Trunk (Jonducters Mulligan efis sud Tamblyn have beon acquitted et Mont. io n ).- '1 HEVVANTS OTH ERS TO KNOW@ DerEditor: Pisas stato in your valuabis journal, thilt 7,y ufféerrfrom Nervous, Dsblity,;gmis fflaÏ3 mket EBsg and Alàbipon* me in confidence#1 IwilIl ierm i!lmbyuOesled' letter.i, res of chaqs, how to obtWslnaSfe Cams 1 A*k for no money. hsVitg sobigt seiL 1 know -hov b qlsmpàtliisê ,witfrIthue âeuers i sdaim oly too, glad tô be ê ble ,to s 4t~ ~~~f ehmv x~ilioery ose àheolute'es- crée and asi do Dot, oteourme wiali b posinsifether , I o t ivein Dame. yow desire ti o, umW., ica sd stÀme 4nd iiddreu ~ : . -.Box 388#, LOS..,ON~ TonLots p r881ë» Lots NO. 3Qoxs»d .oaws-of Brockstte5t WILL BUY Woeldy G ~AND#'~ FOR 189-6m. our.C Yendeèr8on Money t At 5sud, 6 per ceni amounýS sud secrety, ofi Appraisejr for Canada-] -Decmber teex8g3. motber Grse'W oem xteninon&. marelbus saner, tt* el oui. riv psaenpr teaBnI mndved aI Yotk larilug ,M emuniganau. Am&te azawead s» o4tbeL $1.25 THE castoria, le Dr. Bamuel Pltcher'ipesepio oluat and Obildren. h contalas iueither ouium, Morphine uer other lNarcotia substance.* It la arnle substituts for Paregorio Dropa, Bootbing S7rupsio and Castor M11 It le Pleasant. Its guaantee Io thirty years use,*y ]Mllions of Mothers. Castorla destroys'Worm and alsays feverlshness. Castorla prevents vomlting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colle. Cantoria relleves teething tiroublesl, cures constipat'on and fiatulency. Castoria asslmllates the food, regulaes the stomaeh and bowels, glvlng healthy and natural sleep. Casa torts lIo the Children's Panaeea-the Mother's FrleÜde 1 la ti N«Volm r»Ple-

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