Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1896, p. 4

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Chi res ervice ln the aftornoon M3.. At lail services thero wlll b. speclal Music ln keeplýnt wlîb the festival,, includiag Hop- kins Te Deum, and Pîurnmer's Mag Ificat and Nunc Dimuittls. Leaflets contatntigthe evening service just as uaed wili bu ditri- buted at thse church door. The so-called Arabe froua Claremont gave ashow in the council chamber on Saturday nlght and had a very good crowd. Thse higis kicking wua good. One of thse men j umped off one foot, kicked wlth the sanie foot bigher than he could reacis with his hand and alighted on the sanie foot. The tuniblin of-"à boy andthtCwratling o the e n awith the bear were much applaudted. cutter"and'ad-to give then ialf the road. When Reridy for use by mnix- *-------0 - they tursed out the cutter went down, the whif in ut od wac.GRZZNB&NYK fletret broke and they had to borrow a ekye Beginning ta fm luke spnng at last. to drag tht Ioad.nckok NV!l niot scale or rul1) off. Tht famuly of Mr lames Leask n0w Isumbers Grseenw@êd. ont more. Codhrane's salle on Satisrday was a success. Apply with ant orditiary Mr Richard Ward bas moved int tht bouse Miss Dora McKay bas returned ta her homet laîey ocupïd byW Mcay.Mn Frank Tait, of Oshawa, visited bis parents Remembe& the sang service in tht methodis, on Friday last. - church nexi (Easter) Sunday evenian<. Miss Elita Emerson bas returned ta Toronto Mn. William McKay has moved ta Sandy ta resume ber duties ibere PCOIR S AL E 5 B 3¶ Hook, a northern suburb o! Uxbrudge. Miss Tllit Tait is spending a few days in Osh- Mr. W. M. Real was visiting bis brother, the awa, with ber brother and irlends. Rev. joseph Real, ai Orono, last wee Mr. J. Adamason and family moved onto the Peope ae silin atthewavthe octr mn -Larkmn farm thteanRly part af the week, Peole re mîîng i ht .tvthtdocor an Mr. J. Roar is vlsiting friends un the city thip 41 Ea. W IL LIS' agzed to get lim's name on the anti-licesse pei- week, and if he is suocessfuî in getîing work wili lion. remain there. We are ta have a new mas at t1,e corner store. Mr. and Mfrs, John Seldon gave a party toaa CHEMIST & DRUG GIST, Mr B LePard, of Udora, bas bougbt out Mr iew o! their most intimate friends on Friday. A [-romnscombe ind wili take possession ibis week. most enjoyable eveniugR was spent by al oresent. We welcome fium ta aur town. March came in like a lion and as the aId say- MFwDICAL -: HALL, Vtisitors; Mn and Mrs Adam Hisiop, Mn and i 'lg it went out like a Iamh. The snow us disap- Mns John Kerr, and1 Frank Robinson. af Brook peaning rapidly causing the ro"data be mn a ter. Brook Street, Whitby lin,- Mr and Mis Fred fient. af Valestyne; Mr rible mtate. and Mrs Gea Asling, af Ci iffard. Her many friends will be sonry ta Iearn Mrs, Mn lames Cross bas sold bis bouse and lai to M, Gleesçon is in very po.- healîh, Miay she Mr W Love. We understand it s the intention have a speedy recovery la the wish of ail. M of Mn and Mns Cross ta spend the remainder of Gleesos and Levi spesi 8unday witb ber in the thvir lives in their native Engîand. City. O L r n c t nvinday rehraugMr Alert Akhurst Waç Mr. Geo. Law ls busy makilg and repairng becane nmaageble an drgge hi bytheing touches os by givîng tbem a good coat of lises ia sucb a way as ta dislocate bis lefi shoul- paint. Any persos wshîng t0 gel a new wagon, W IIITBY, APRIL 3, 1896. der. or an oid ose repaired, would do weI4 by givinz We have yeîta find tht elector that is satisfied hum a caîl. -wih aur miembers vote on the Remedial ill. 1 Mr, John Stewart was up before Squire Short Notes, Your Brooklit correspondent was night when he Philips on Fniday, chargzed with using indecent The Dominion cail.le breeders' associati on siid tht rîding was kyrossiy nepnesenled in îhts fanguage ta ont of Mr. Pat ITefy's daugbiers voie,.lThe wicked Grits are sot backward in fie was fined $i and costs amauntiag in ail ta neet-, ai. Shaftshury hall, Toronto, on Apnil saying that the Oshawa post office had some about $4.50. Ih would be more profitable if you th, ai i o'ciock pn. tihsg io do with i, wauld try ta contrai your tangue in tbe future We hope the counicils of Whitbv town, E Mn. 1. Traop bas Itaaed bis farrn ta Mn. D. and sot bave such a tbung occur azain. W. Luke for a term of yeans. It ila his intention The creamery is givittg entire satisfaction ta %nd W Whiîb1' and Oshawa wiii hear in mmid ta remove ta Peterbono about the firsî af May, ail that patrosize it, F. W. Mlees, the mas- ýo do their part ini reference la the cuting Ail wha are acquainttd wiýh Mr. Troop and ager, uis doing bis hest to turs out the best butter Iown thtebis between Whitby and Oshîawa. [amîîy will regret ta bear ibat tbey are ta leave o! asy creameny in the country and make a irai ?he ouny curîîl ias raned 200on on-tht neighborbood, for alibougb îbey bave only clasa article. As a'resuit îhey fisd such a ready l'hecout), outcilliasgrated$20oon on-bees hear ose year tbey have made many warni market for the same lit us a difficult malter ta fili ilion tb.-t the lowns give $2o0 each and the friends. -iI the orders. ownslîips $100). The commissioners shouid e named at once and the wonk donte eniry Tht faliowing are the S o! T afficers for tht Mn, lames Gibsan bas became a besedici and n the season in order ta avoid the possibiliiy cunnent quarter: W P. Edgar Cnagg; W A has takes onta himstif a wife in the persan af ) a mud canal frorn ere to Oshawa in the NMiss Akhurst; R 8, Victor lamiesos; A R S. Miss Emma Hooker, ai Mynîle, Mrs. Gibsan ail. Miss %_jlara Penkmns; F S, Robent Michie ; treas is weil atid favonably knawn in Greenwood hav Bert I)obas; chap, John Love ;cas, Alex ing ived bene for sometime. Tht happy eves, Two brotbens nanied Finlay got dnunk inEwin; A C, Charles Phoenix; I S, Albert Ak-ocurned on Wedsesday last. UlI jais s wish0 onotto 'ast week, and one kiiied the other. hurst O S, Henry Roberts; P W P, R Cragg ; ng Mn. asd Mrs. Gibson a happy and prasper C ornmentlng upan Ibis the Toronto Star organist, Miss A Watson. ous life.T Mn Marsbal O'Neil, late o! Unionviile, bas The leagut on Wednesday was wetl attesded il ays it should prove a warnnng ta men with moved ia tht bouse recestly trected at bis ne,* Rey. bave bandled the subjeci "Watcbfulsess' id teml)ers ta trv and govenn thern. It brick and tie yard, on lot iî, con îa, and is no% in bis usual good style, h is shamefui tht w.iy e ~em t u tai soud e nîhn wnn busly engaged fitting up for a stant as soan as same ai tht boys conducted tbtm:selves autsideL eîrn 10 mensnthta ink, ud and a wan spring apens. Ht dlaims ta bave abundance af whilt the meeting was gaiag an. h almosi seems 9 leg o mnrn(ot ta dinki and ma sel n t atht nîght sont oai day, and wiib 16 years expert- thai some people are sot content unitas îhey are C nug which wii craze hîrnatnd makre him once he should be able ta îura out a firsi class raising some dsturbance or other. Any persan h ohsîit ein cnltît oranyothr cine rtile.Gîve bim a caîl and encourage a home thai bad any respect for himself or any ose tise 7C do0 nat Fee hiiw men can be expected to en terpnise. would flot be saec disîurbîng a meeting the wayS overn bcd temipers whiist boiiing fui! of Tht aid Cottage hotel wbich has been the it was last week. Now boys aci like gentlemen tl hiskev', aind if anv Toronto pIapen knows see aio many a drur-ken brawl, ts a îhing ai the and don't cause any more trouble. Mn. F. M. re w mn at gîven he trni-n ttîerpasi, havîng been campletely detnofisbed Qhapiunsoa Audiey, wililiead the league onsI ch cenîcnancge h sfîuldte1! tîrîtiltrMont than ont occupant ai tht bouse have mad * Aprii 8 b. Ris subject wiIl be «'Private Prpyer di 'c ret. ihoîr boasi that îhey would SOOn accomplisb thte s il td. e teeb go ted dawnfalai tht S ai T division, but lhey laugh mn ce that night and the best o! attention so îhaith~ Tht State ai New Y'ork has passed a new- hest that laugbs lest for thtdivision .s alive and M r. Cbapman cas ga away a.nd say tht people Ot erise acc, known as the Raines aw, which weIl wîîh a membenship ai aver 200. while the of Gneenwood know how ta appredliate a good n a ver>- advanced measure. Tire f,îiiauin., iiiuon tnaffhc ta routed hanse, foot and aruilenv. - thisg when îhey hean it. d 1 ~ T, ~Mt3u pu* ~ ~ I Mr. lJob. Sonti vusthoestOfMs&tg on Sunday. ,. t Mia, R. Brown àsuffedghmaser&t' tack of lagrippo. Mr. Tate, of Mont Albert, upeit a few daye vita Mr. Wm. Colleran. Mr. Prank McParland left here on Wednes- day for. Mounit Albert,, where ho bas bought a farm and worklg it hinelf. We wigh hm suc. A ratber'usad accident happened ta one of our young men Sunday afternoon. This certain Young Mau îaking advantage of the fine day de& olded ta take hbstî-girl for a drive, but wben tc di t-i of fi Tl Ili go wf Si. ta a Sumnmcny oaitls provisions Saloons close AssBU, m Mie. Mitchell is vis'îing ber friend, Miss at mi(ight on Saturdays and open at 5 a. Miller. m. Monda vs , muai close frors itot 5 during Mn. G. Savage Las moved int Mrs. WiI- each niglit '; no lunches la be given away ; snshu no womnen alîowed ta seli intoxicants ; finoSSbue unlocked doars on othen open entnances jimmie Rouîley has hired at MnI. Balsdon's during ciosed houtns.-fia curtains on stained for tht surmmer mantha. glass ta prevenit people inom iookîng mbt tht Tht roada are almoat impassahie, and in preinises froni any, direction dur ing close<I somne places have bad ta be shovelied, hou ns,-fine ai inom 8 oincou ntry places Tht school la closed for tasten holidays ta $i6oo in rities, a n 'magistrate may add and Mn. Clarry is visitiug at homne in Ton- Îimpnisofimtnt less than ont yecr, two con- onto. victiions cancel license, anti sanie pantv can- Ms .Sehnfl n uthrefbd nai get anotîier for ive years; ont violation Mrs.bD. he ehoen Ilan ut heef bad- in persan by license-holder cancels bis are glbutoepo ecrt. rm h ffcsw licetîse for five years, and leaves bim liable ardldt eot ta imprisoniment. Those who know anytbing Mn. and Mrs. R. R. Heron are visitisg I about tht tremiendous strengzth, unscrupul- friends bere. We are glad ta welcomne them Oua conduct and defiani lawlessness ai the and wisb thers every bappinesa.a New YYnk distilling and brewing interests, Tht endeavor societies of Ashbura and t nia>' be chie ta fonm an idec of tht change Myrîle bave postponed their debate until tht wlîicb sncb a radical measure wilI entRil. roada become better so0 as ta allow aIl to gel Among tht candidates mnoat prorsinenîly ta hear il. An interesting limne is expected. t ySubject, 'Resolved that country life is pre- ntntioned for tht countv registrarship are fenable ta dity lifé. " Asbburn society takes Dr. Rat, af Oshawa, tht favorite in tht bel- tht negative, Myrtie tht affirmative, tc li'g. LdWyei (,'. S -~mth, ai Iis town, fon whomn a big fight iii being put up, Mn. Joseph Bigelow, Pari Perry, E-x-Wcarden Gillespie, Uptengrove, and C,. F. Bruce, Beaventon. 1'xbnidge dorsnfot app)eata have a man ta spart for tht place, but teetmcv be other strntg aspirants besides those mentioned above. We presumne the appoinîment wilI be made, as stich lhings are usuaily dont, on tht grounds ai partizan dlaim, but any af tht gentleman named above is bigh- ly qualified for tht place. If the new officiai -"be a man fit la take nank with t present excellenît stafi ai county officens, he vil! do, no malter what may bave led ta bis sëlec- tiais. The court v cotncil recently passed a report requesting the government bo appoint a Iawyer tvben next thene would be a va- cancy of'this kind, in order that tht Tonrens sysîci» ai land transfer mighî be put in operaion. Under tht Torrens systein al titîes have ta bt passed upon and decilaned -good-quieted tbey cal!i i-before being ne cordea, and it requiros a lawyer ta do Ibis. We do flot. know whnt weight tht county1 council's necommendation vilI carry with the Provincial government, besides we hear Mr. L. T. Barclay bas Iliat place. A good many dlaim ta know for a cor- talnty that Dr. Rat bas a cins-h on tht appointment, and a close relative o! Mr. Dryden whospenî Monday in Toronto, and who is also a candidate having stnon daimus bo party consideration, stated lu, a frlend on the train here an Monday evening that he tinderstood Dr. Rat is ta be appoinîed. Tht Dr's close friends appean ta have no doubla about the imalter. Whftby Town LOuais. Hardwood diuing tables, 4 ltaves, only Ss, at W. TiU'ls. Mn. and Mrs. James Rutledge have goat to Newburg, N.V., for a fortntght's visit. ý(r. Geo. Cormack je ini Osvelro ibis week - eeking autiets for the lumber t.nade~ for tbis seasoîs. Mly Slator shoos are socom(ortabiel leep leih.ew. Go dowa audmsethmet :tht Nov Shoe Store, M. W. Collina% East Side. Mr. & D>. Warren of thse Westçgn batik, wuamM.nddtlycalled ro Chaham ton\Tbtuts tay Iw tiseohis father. We ýextend Our =ula ympa:hy te Manager Warrn. We ane tun reýteo f thse 3oisNnes tg, Soutis AIrices $W 'sud S bsthA(rlem ItepubU ie fFois. a*Mt' ubichorere screly fi,. wé4l Inubb" tmeou " Cnaaby mai. io mward wli b. gives jo a"I peu Whoeaub"bocos, shoos sudrub6erï* tr- th»tb_" cn ha..e wce !uumimi Mn. George M-edley lu visiting bis brothers here. Tht epe eO! Goodwood are thinking of building au mrk ready for the spring flood. Most of the farmers bave engaged thear man. or boy, as the case may be, for the summer. Are we not going to have a bandi this summer? Corne, boys, gel 10 work and liven our town up with some of your new music. Mr. Geo. Sharp bas leased bis farm to Mr. O Smith, late of Mouint Albent. We welcome him to our midst, wishing humn success and prospes. 1ity. Tht crack shots of Gcodwood and Stouffville had a -shooting match here on Tuesday lest, Goodwood beating by i. Some side matches were shot for, but as I ama not a member of the club 1 cannot give tbe hgures. Atter tht match the shooters induîged in an oyster supper at Mr. T. Forsyth's hotel, given by the Goodwood Gun Mr. anid Mms Geo jarrett. of Dalrymple, were herm lut week visiting frlends, Miss Miaie Fitcheti remurned borne lust weel atter a fow weeks visit witb finonds in Newmarket and Aurora. Mr W Holid3 and famlfly moved ta Brookiu on Monday.;Fe wis temmicp j.Ét i thoir nv homce 1 ohn Mitchel, Of Rochester. vas bore lIM wek On business We urid=rtand ho basisold bis fa=m bere to WuS. McCllagock. Having finLsbed thd 'r exoeinatIo Mathe Trlnity mieicat col.e Torcnto, Meas. Geo and Archie Ewers ame ipodtin &me WOevoS, bolidays wlth tbeir "is b=4q Henrp BroSdbroalc. bamn singer in tbe Brimd. wsy methodit cde, vas bcS oeS &d&y aDd took a prSuiseu: pantvidta ou choir M:tbt servicela theevxotg. Corne mpm Ia »ny. Mr. HE De, byrle »d'SN.. ce Rao- division, S. 0 . ,psI a ncousdivisina ve vwst s Ma mdo. -ne ve a npjfoa hep. be m mm_ c o~eu4.< AUmDu t*pmewiltStly b.rc mbe Mm W<TMpW fosso bouts osa,Cb *çSs": %WP. Winp~ AMwicurV Wuchse; R W D maî WflsmLs.u 0 . M Mr. John Cale bas been quite indisposed fo sorse Lime. Mr. Albert Alles lu attended by Drs. H-owart and Ellot. Mn. J. H-. Ellioit is homne frora the mnedica scbool, Toronto. Tht Misses Potier asd Ranton of Enniskjlies visited bere Sunday. Mns lasses McLeas, Bowmanville, bas beez here wai ting on ber'father. Mr. J. Cole. Miss Lord, Newtonville, bas beta visiting wiîb ber racle, Mn. lobs Lord, of ibis place. Mns. Edward Hastings bas neturned hors, aller a pleasan-t visit witb ber son la Rochester, Mn E. Hastings netunned frors Hamnilton Sun day week, where he bau been attending tht Su- Mn. J. L. Brown wilsot beable ta, finish his assessing is the aortb part 0< thetownship until the saaw subsides. Mn. F. L. Ells, whom we reponted being hurt wiib a horst some weeks ago, is stii conifined te the bouse, and împroving slowly. Tht funeraI o! tht late Mrs. Thos. Skelding, took place fors tht residence of ber soa-ia-iaw, M4r. Simson Taylor, la Orono oemetery os Mos- day week. Tht water havisg flooded tht roads Suaday atternoon, Rev. E E. Howard had ta, leave bis horse at Salina and walk home, part o! tht way on tht fences. Tht wamen's rsissioaay society of tht Hamp- aon methodigi ohurch will give an enterlaisment n Good Friday evenîsg. Refresbments will ho srved and a good lime is expeoted. Miss Mary Rogers has saftîy returned Rfier a ýwo manth's visit with fnieads in St. Thomas. ýho is nov busy giving instructions ta bet unerous pupils on the organ and violia. STise fniends and ueigbbors af Mn. and Mrs. absn Mari,, '« Boyue Water MilIs," surprised àem on Monday evening Marcb 301h, il being te ansuversary of their aoth weddtng day. A iandsome combisatios dirîner set was persenttd othm. numerons speeches were made and'a ,ry pleasant evening vas spent. Tht village o! Tyrone had a very large amount r snow piled uzaâ4.stht streets durnug tht lust iow stanm. Mi-.'Hlcks the shoemaker, had bis hop so0 cosspletely snowed in that 'ho could ïak'off tht banku osto tht roof. Mn. John bhair vas so completely ssowed in that he could ot opta a door and vas campelled ta open a elar-window and frai» the insîde dig ont sufi- ieat Jow 10 make bis cxit frami» h.The oldest %habitants aptee that j: was unprecedented. d) DO .ILV A iige. On the ist day April one dollar each wil be Solicitors for Assignee. Pald for twenty live black squirrells, uninjurpd by n ~(rap or in any other way. Address ]BOX 79, AUCTiO SALEBroughamn, Ont. of Household Furniture, Piano, etc. The eundersigned will seil by public anction, at Go0se Wheat for Seod. the residence of MR. A. A. POST, Kings- ton road, Pickering, on THURSDAY, A quantity of goose wheat for seed can be APRIL th, 1896, a quantity of valuable seèured at my premises Lot i, 8th con., household furnuture, consisting of : i grand Pickering. square rosewood piano, by Decker Bros J. 1. BALSDON, N.Y., cost $8w; wantrt drawing room suite; March rth, 1896. Balsam, P. . u p h o ls t e r e d in s il k r e p . ; w a l n u t e x t e n s io n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dining table, walnut dining chairs, walnut tsideboard,' mahogany sideboard, oak and 1, ANTFED-YOl!JNG OR MIDDLE ) walnut bedroomn sets, fancy walnut and Wi AGED MEN of charuioter Han- other tables, piano stoos and music stand, dreds foremost in Canada, started with us. one adjustable reading chair, rocking and About $14 a week to hegin with. THE other chairs, lounges, curtâin poles, large BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO., LTD., Tor- British plate glass mande mirror, (gi onto, Ont. frame),' brussels, tapestry anc' other carpets, hanging, bracket and other lamps, i dinner set, complete, a quantity of dishes, crockery, Farm for Sale or Rent. etc, coqking and box stoves, kucen table, chairs, pots, pans, etc., washing machine zoo acres, lot 34 in rear Of 3rd con. Whitby and wrnger, i leather top phaeton, i covered township. First classa land, good buildings cart, i demnocrat, 2 cutters, 2 set of single and fences. Water in wells and creek. 39 harness, i wheelbarrow, r new easy lawn miles frorn Whitby town. Possession this mower, i lawn roller, garden utensils, and a spring if necessary. Apply o Wm. Baily, nnsmber of other useful articles. Nearly ail Whitby. the above furniture i.s almost new. Owing Whitby, March 26 1896-2 in. to Mr Post's removal aIl wiIl be sold without the slightest reserve whatever. Sale at one FOR SALE p.m., sharp. Terms-$2o and under, cash,; over that amounit 6 months credit will be One Yorkshire WhIÙte Pig, z year old, bred byt given on furnishin approved joint notes, Davis, of Woodstock ; also z pure-treti Berk-t on which, if not paid when due, interest will shire Pig, 2 Vears oId. Both registered. Apply be charged from day ot sale. Six per cent. to MRS. JOS. SADLERý, Kinsale. per annuni alîowed for cashi. Special terms March 26tb, 1896. foriano made known on day of sale. LEVI FAIRIBANKS. auctioneer. Whîtby, March 27th,,z8g6. w ANTED-Trastworthy men and YYwomen to sdvocate a popular cause at home. $4o to 86o uionthly, to suit- able persons. Address, Drawer 29> -Brant-e ford, Ont. c si t' t' il s wi Pl ic SATURDAY, APRIL 4ih, 1896-mortzage sait of Reml Estate a:tishe Que.as hotel, Whitby. Sale at 2 oloc p. M. Foi pardiclmrsapply to the underiged, . Fa-irbanks, aisctioneer, ,-Oritn TrnsIÂyD, APL %, îS6-Sajeof las laold furajîdreand effect of A. Klugston rmPceig.icu t*umy oth.«estao if thlae à&cke1nzoo Sm e t z 'doc -p Do not fait to oaU on us this Spring ýwien making your Carpet seleotion, as we halve one of the beet assortments ~to be found in any retail store in the county. C MP R I S 1N G .Uý llems a 10e,45c., 5e,, 20c., 65c. per yard". Tapestry at 23c, 35e 40e 45e, 50e, 60e, 750, 900. per yard. Ail Wool at 75 ets., 85 ets. and 90 ets. per yard. LACE CURTAINS and LACE CURTAINS. ranging at 40c., 45e,, 60c., 75e, $1.00, $.5 1s and $2.00., ALi Peeka-Bo Musins 1520 . and 2e. per yard. Peek--Boo1c M15isat2c. and 20c. per yard. Our values this Spring are far ahead of anything ever offered before. -ureandZeethM fo Ready-made Clothing. NOTICE TO ORL O/TORS. ['n the P ia fier of JOll/N SM/TII, Droi'er, c/c. , Ilfl7enl. Notice is hereby given that John Smith, of tht Town of Whitby, ia tht County of Ontario, carîying on business aI the said Town of Whitby as a drover and farnier, has made an assig-nment under R. S. O 1887, ..hapter 124, and Amending Acts, of aillbis estate, credits and effcts ta Jeremiah H. Long of tht same place, assignee for tht general benefit of bis creditors.* A meeting if creditora ofîthe said John Smith wiil be held aI tht office of Dow & McGiliivray, Brock St. Vvhitby, Solicitors ton tht As- ignee;* on tht eleventb day of Apnil, 1896, at the hour of two o'clock in the aflernoon, ta reeive a stalement of the affaira of tht said ýsol vent, ta appoint inspectons and ta give lirections with refenence ta tht di:%posal of helestaîe. ereditors are requesîed ta file fatîir claimai duly proved with tht assigute )n or before tht date of sncb meeting, and otice is hereby given thu-t after tht founîli ay of May, A. Dl., 1896, tht assignet wihl )roceed ta distnibute tht assets of tht r- lebtor aniong tht parties entitled thereto, iaviag regard only to thet daims of which iotice shall then have been g-iven. Dated at Whitby tht Secand day of April,- Pr de ha nc yory Goods,~ - Dry Goods. JUST 1RECEIVED~.. Choice ffe wGo o ds. China Glassware and Croekery. Dinner and Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family 6-roceries, Teas, Coffée, Fruits, Etc., Etc. Ckecpjor Cash or Trade. Prices (o Suit the Tintes. )on't buy before calling a.nd ezami«in th sok n p es oa ursel 0F Y~*m~m *Ibs a. ofrem, CaIeImpements, etc. The A LL 'subcrier as ecevedinstractiopa romý etbe oet.ate of the late JNO, M4cCULLOUGH, to sel b public auction, at the premises, cent.reo 7Lot No. 2, 2ad conceeslonof bel No, rtownship of Pickerlng, on' WEIDDAyi APRIL Btb, z1461the folluwuig rvauabl prupt - Horseý-i geldng, -7.,yemr Ol*;IMYýz4y« lëld* ^illy,iàs'aoi& Tb* 4attle-i-imtlch cowlbredNov.. jet; z1upilçh 'cowi bred Oct <-tb z*lkh cowl>yoej Nov. zotli;x ýt t rliqg ser cri ttiUre tobuy T.. WESTERN BANI 0F CANADtu Oapita, Authorized $1,000,0OS Surplus 1008S00 BOARD 0F DIR9CTORS. OHN COWAN, ESQ., Presideai. REUBEN S. HAMLIN, ESs2., Vice-Pres. T. H. MCMILLAN, -. - - Cashier. General Banking Busaneeu transae<J Drafts issued, payable in all parts of Can- ada, United States, and on London, Eug- land, payable in ail parts of Europe. 33 per cent. ailowed on Savings Bank Deposits. and credited balf yearly. Special attention to collection of Farmer-s' 8ale notes. Tendçr il e received Up ta thet irst day of Aprl, z896, for tht purchase of TOWn Or Whitby Debentues Issued under 48 Victoria, Chapter (On- tario), an Act to consolidaite ebI dÇt iown Of WhitSy. h Thse debenînres, forty in flamber, are made payable at tise Domini-n- 2."k Whiîby, yearly, during 40. Ye,!' frou tise firsi dayofijune,,j8g6, with uinter at -t rateo o!four Per Cent. per afintUI4, psyabl Ifalyearly, on tise isi day oif" ra june in tach yndadlsuds ~I1 h sunas for principle and in terest sisal! be as nearly equal là tacs year as nay b, Anisual payments ofîg4 est, $115445.. Th-lowest or muy tender flot iecesliy- Wbiby; Marci8tbh, IIO OLD WATERD 'l'lie be'st and cheapest wall coatiuig on the market. 91ack Sqqjrrels Wanted. 1 1 1 Ilemps at 10c., L4C., 150., 200., 25C. per yard. Unions at 35c., Art'-,,Muslins at loc., 121c., 15c. and 20c. per yard. z Cretons at 10i'D., 1 r-ýýESTATE OF IELAMPTON. tf IONG, Aq-qio-net- 1 1 Goodwood. 1 %.-4 %-.P 9 bue aosing«. sure and see thèm for Md, ý, ý"rTITGHER,

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