Whitby Chronicle, 3 Apr 1896, p. 8

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Tho ' raFe.r ?Iace 'When looking for... ci fiPare Drugs, Ji ciPerfnînery, di ifToilet iRequisitie Id if Toilet Soaps, di diFancy Goods, ci diSpectacles, «C CiAnything in th< ~~Drug Linel 's Ryley's Druq Store, Situcoc St. soutb, Oshawa. «I~rnnîc1e. OSIIAW7A AIýlRL- :3, 18 OSIIAW PAOI OSHAWA. B us iN F.s NOTICE- Oshawa subscrîb( or advertîsers nay transact any busiai with the CHRONICLE, or mia> obtaina exj copies at auy lime, frotn E. E. Rogers. Foi-mens wilt do wrellto1 cailah M. May's for boys' ready mode clothinag. -Il watt pa>- any parties conteanplating bu ang au engageenti or wedding ring to0 the large stock of Fett Bros., Oshawa the>' witt seli Ibis monîh veny cheap fot cas Genuine diamond 14K. ont>' ss. Theya also making some speciot oiers an Genit Ladies' ami Boys' gold and silve- waîcht See tbem. Feit Bros. Mr. Go>' V. Dixîgte was an Toonto %tu Mru. K. Carmitchael I lesttng lin.t ,ot>. -Mis ç. bonts w Mi~ lar Mcrie le~IsllngrélUve naparents for i feu' days: The flOsawa rink closed tant week after a .Braterd Fifel tbid, season. zi he Over 50 fromn Mt. Carawell division vis1t.- Thce Oh McCao. rntor w RideWaasn.ed lla it week and were treated most Mr. WiII Tod Ieft for Chicago Wednesda-; Miss Kate Talbot, of St. HiIda'o college,. Dr. Marvîn' will preach Easter sermons where be ha. secured enployment. Toronto, la home for the holiditys. at Etbenezer wheli the eductional Vund col- Miss BrzmalCombe, Bowmian ville, is the A tramp named james Wilson called upon lectioni wîi be taen guest of her u ncle, M r. W. Brimacom be. FoLeteCins anr ai nTus a H aacliect and builder, was in MsM.O'Leary ieft Saturday to asbist day evening last. and asked bis rates for Torônto last week 'pi'ôcUring material for Miss K a M vt tedsnkn. somne work. Whilst the two *ere taling his summner contracts. Miss K. Harneît withthe drsmaigntemtter over Wilson. spied a goid watch Ladies of the W. M. S. will hold an At Dr. Jebb, the eye specialist, wiil be at beiongiug to the celestial, and _tezed il and Home in the schoolroom Raster Monday Ryley's drug store on April 6th and 7th. ran out on the street. Lee foluowed but %,,as comxnencing early in the evening. Messrs, N. RAe and N. Farewell are home unable ta imitate Wiison's speed. The lat- Mr. John. 0. Short, Moolefield now a ýs from the medicat coitege for the £Easter ter kept dodging acrose and bock on Simncoe smiling grandfather le here for a few days. holidays. street, goig onue street erist or one west ot Mr. S. S. Brooks shipped two crates of Mr. H. Salter bas thi contract for building each tack, but working southalal the time. sprng îatbs to Toronto for Raster. a stone founda.ion aund remodetting Mr. R. He finally came on Simene street and di- Grierson's large barn./ rected bis steps ta tbe station, but bad flot 8 8 No 6 The second editiori of the deluge of mud gon far wben Chief Constable Hainan or- The followtniZ shows the standinz of the purils is gai tahan, bt fom resnt pper-esîl him, and he was locked up. Next of S. S. No, 6: Chrs -Lorr'e Brunt, Arthur ans giln 0 bau bth fromprsenfa. apa-mofning Magistrate Farewell committed Barnett, Frank Colby. Class I[-Clarence Hol- oncs wtI lo eqot hat0flas Cai.hizm to Whitby for trial, iind got three man, Jesaîe Barnett, Laura Hoirnan, Jessie Mrs. J. Albert Sykes, wiîo bag been very months. Routly, Earnest Coiby. Jr lJI-Fred luts il] ail winter, bas gone to Brantford to spend Chri <1ot rII-hrodBut Ab some lime with Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Palmer We took particular poins to look over the Chte aI-i -rnett 1IF-hrad nt, bin The Reformer's anonymous tetter machine Reforer of iogeetahicbhe hod p rom- Avimer Robinson. V-Frnnkie Cc'uiîis, John twas ciosed down iast week for repairs, TH ettauofdigs which be ledus 10belieeWWite, Stella Robinson, John Robinson, Minnie CHRONICLES expose of its workings having be very clever audeed. We were oid yClts Lizzie Spencer. made il slip cogs. a severe disappointment. This blatant ENFKEllD. The tetter in last week's Vindicator bY coword, who from behind the petticoats of Mr. G Arnold bas been. indisposed for the Edalorjames, of the Bowmanvilt Statesmian, the whining old women of the Reformer, pasi week, but is about again. concerning churcli union i. worlhy of careful was going to give " this J. L. SutIilvRnan M.Aho"iitdteQle ct nStr perusal. He bas seen the resuits of union set brick, bas gone imb obtivion and left bisHe Ashoa fin sidthe Q'sping ocsity o aur >and thereby knows what he is writing about. boasts bebind as a legacy ta store away witbHehainsokofsrggodinow TIhe McLaughtin carniage works are again the mean and cruel stabs and insults of the The contest ina the division *D-losed last Tues- conpeiied 10 wortc over lime in order ta thousand and one anonymous and mostîy ail day nigbî. It resuiîed in a viciory for Sas. Hait'13 nleet the large demand for their carts and imaginary cowards whom the Reformer bas side. carriages. This firm bas buit up a reputo- hidden in the recesses of its qanctum. One Hurrab for spring !Maple syrup is the next lion for themselves not oniy in Canada but 'feRture of Ibis dastardiy anonymous tetter- order. May thm mapie of Canada be neyer a also an foreagu countries. writinz is that tbe witer na snealc away thirag of the past. Theconitin f be sree i frnt f te npunisbed whenever be findfs Ihat things Mn Snell, of Ennikillen, ofiia'd here on Meicaif street mneîhodist chunch is very miuch ae gîig 10hlfrhm Counr- Sabbath). He is an earnest young man and has compla ined about. The kicking parties say ageous and rnanly modern jounnalism de- a bright future beEore hîm. the street is useâ, as a siding in whach lu mands Ihat wbenever pernonatities are in- Ouvilg acsitM.Hrb, uiy shunt cais out of tbe way, and that asties b)' dulged lu in print, eiîber the w riter shah Our ve mig lcsm,îh. Mn. lasshunibt, s buHel the ton are dumped in the road, rendering sign bis name or the editon he beld doubi>. suit-ate famerking oinetii-tcls hnow.H it filthy and almost impassible just now responsibte. It witi flot do for otd gra nny MrR eyodwgofh-, ohabe) b suit b wom en who figu re as editons toaitlow danty MnR eytseîofbiwohu en The subject of the ciknsitbtencortespondents to cry down people who a% sufferer for sort im i-e with a pRinfut disease, Lenton and Smith as getting a littie sta t, have courage and who'serve the public coni- we u'aderstand as no betlir. Hi#; many frit-nds but we stili have ta say tbat the Vindicator scientiousty. We will now find Diogenes sympduhize with him, anid hope he wilI bave a Thesjud2eps che as lbfortepuli. goiug back to the oblivion from wbich he comnpepte recovery. Th-ide' hag wsno ivnin OL neyer sbould bave emerged, after peiîing SHIRLE!r person's fayon, and certainly flot in Smath'S. nîud at people 10 bis heart's content, and Wlien the Vin. insinuated thiat we bave sorne the editor af the Reformer wiîî seelc t, pose The first robin was beard on Sunday aud reason for favoring Lenton il shouti bear an as one flot ho biame. its notes are tnuly weiconie. mind ils own action in adopting our state- Mr. jas. Moore bas arrived borne fnom ment of the case as îîs own. Our coîem's Looking for adventure. Toronto for a six months vacation. course shows thal il as taking the unfain Vindicator : The fourteen vear otd %on Traffic is aimost suspenided around bei-e part, and flot thal we ai-e. of Wm. Guy, counciior for EasIWbiîhy, bas for a lime, owing to tbe bad roads. The feeling bere among botb Liberals and dislinguisbed bimsetf by taking a rusty shot Visitors : Miss Peucb, of Scarboro; Miss Conservatives is that Dr. Rae must be gun Ibat he puncbased somne monîbs ago Hambiy, teachen, Mt. Carmelt Mr. N. and appoinîed counîy regastrar, and one party is fnom a compaulon for one dollar, and ac- Miss J. Hocken, Bowmanvilie; Mr. and C as anxious in bis bebaîf as the other. The companied by a friend bis owu age, son of Mrs Geo akoo alntn Conservaltives are wiiling lu part wi&h the Edward Cote, Geneva, striking out to con- Ore. JaconC.of ed ahingîon. san gerfiai and worm hearted doctor for the sake quer tbe world for himseif. The boys bave neur eL.of CE.nbid a ver>' plasth of shipping a most ardenit and locîful Liberal been logZether a good deai, but wene flotnekisoalnFid>eeigtth J worker out of towni, and the Lîbenals necon- schoolmates. Wili Guy attended Conlin's home of Mn and Mrs. Jno. Coates. The cale themselves ta the parting for the sake of scbooi wbile young Cole atlended Pere- gentlemen att seemed lo be in need of a new securing a very dean old fi send a good fltman's, but îhey wene togelher on Salurdays neckîie, judgitig [rom file way lbey bid ta situation and the attenadant relaxation duriaag and put up the sebeme between lbem and gel une. The proceeds amo0untang lu $10-35 bis oid age. Everybody is therefore salis kept il well ta tbemselves. Il is said that are in,.0111 ofîthe cburcb funds. fied.C--- . 96 le ns tra E. uy- see a s sh, ai-e as, ies. Un- ns. ýng in nrd 2k ng er nou dos'. Miss Lister, - Hamilton, is visiting M Pu nsîotia Birth- Du Mai-ch 231h, the 'vite of \V P-lunamen ut a soaî, Mi-. and Mvis. W. F. Cowan iiitend takai A tri p sotatti dut îug the spi n g Mi-s. Thos. Conanut oad NMass Cýouant ai-e Barrie eutuNing an easler va.,îî. Mr-;. W C. 'Nilizinson and Mi-s Edwal Galle>- are visîiiiîg Is. E. 1. Rowse. Re v. S. H. Etstnî,t siî a ssi>îiuig an t! exanîs at Knox coilege. Tori-to. tuis wee The stages beîweeu hii and D'ihaa have haîl a b.înd lame of îî sauce the spria thaws set in. Mi-r Ed. Clark bas been appoM'ited hun, mi the wareroooîs of R. S. W~,illams' l iai companati> ah Lndo-n, tOnt. Mr-. Natter Fîench was awaoded the pain nOf hockey skates ottei-ed b%, Presîdent L, G. Casseis for the hoctceyiîe who scored thie grealest numben Of goals duning tili seaso3n. Hon. Wni. Thompsîîtî wtîo cultivates 300 acres Of tond niean Raglan, has 4o acnes in fait wheaî. Thiis as the langest acreage sown b>' aia one man an the township of E-ast XViby. Tie Ko-no-la medicine concert compan>' has been bei-e for over a week, and is dnaw- ing big bouses. Thean nemedies and spec- ili preparataons seti ver>' fast, and upon the whole the>' are doiug a rusbing trode. Sunda>' 29th was the fit-st i-cal spring like day we bave bad tbis year. The snow dis- appeared napidi>' and the indications aiong the creek were that a flood would follow a fcw days of such rapid tbawing. The spriug freshet bas donc considerabte damage 10 the raiiwa>' compa 'y's !ine 10 the harbor, bbc new diii beiîîg easiy washed away. The township bridge on the road going nortbward froma tbe barbor is also Injured. Mir Pope as moving into his new bouse, corner of Centre and Lloyd Sîs., Mms. Campbell being obtiged to pack ait her ef- fecto mbt a part of the bouse îo rmake room, Mr. Pope baving by Apt-il isI to vacate bis late residence, recently purchased by Mr. Pedtar. Mr. O. Hezzlewood gave the Demnilt col- legte pupils and their friends a lecture on the Canadian poets on Friday nigbî. His ad- dress comprised short biographs of the leading Canadian rhymsters, 10 whicb be added selections from tbeir writings. At the close Mr. Hezzlewood was -tendered a hearty vote of thanks. The millinery openings were beld yesîer- day and attracted the (air sex in large num- 'bers. The bats tbis spring are large and are Urinmed, an a generait hing, witab bgbt cotord fiowers and féathers, and chiffon ef- Ie are. much sought mfter. The pariors pr ell supptted witb modela wbicb were frery muci a.dmired. James Shearin, the switcbman for anany ,Vu caroaIthe Oshawa junction, bas received frein th Brtish Admiralty bis parcbment entitling hlm 10 a pnsion." He han served ini India, China and J1apan, and le aow on the naval reserve force to report at Halifax wheu cailed upon. The annuity commences at C12 zoa. and is for-life and increase yearly. .tMr. George Brept bas been reeommnended asà the new caretaker of the ire hall, and ail the diaties of the town hall wil be added to Suc asmaybe requlred by the fir. cons-1 pac., e Mquallied tb r» lme fie eag in ce f emergeney, and will have tWôký ifter time finmmta'squartersansd keep> lb.. in order. W. u ndorstmud Eroat'.mmlry4 'vi m:per 4ay tIe yaur rOund ýeay set acjeecà Itt@ te»I Pensons wishing 10 spend an eujoyabte and pr-ofitable boui- siould lake o stroil thi-ougli R. S. Wiltiams M- Co. lange piano facîory. You con teann more obout the daffenent parts and the construction of a piano in that boun thon' if vou bad read a couple of books upon the subject. Tuesdays aand Fridays ai-e thein visaîaîîg days and bbc> ai-e always pleased to show visitons througb. The ii-ni evidenîl>' believe iin the old adage : 'Cicanla- ness is next lu godliness," for fom the top) w the boîhoni fiat is aiways lu apple pie onden. Osbowa-on-the- Lake is guing t0 boum Ibhis I >ean ton sure. MnI. Mattoný lbas corne luan slant buildiang openations as soon as the gnound dnies up. He witt cnt-ct o building 2o X 50 feet witb a bénd stand on the end of i nearest tbe road. A venandab 12x48 feet watt face the waîter. 'lle piano stand is 10 be nside the building. Close to the waîer witi be anotben building scated on boîh sides waîh a sbîp game in the centre. The park is to be cteancd up and seals fi-e 10 the public wilt be plcd anioug the hi-ces. There also, wiil be a ticket office and telephone conrîec- lion. Mn. Nortbcuîî bas agi-ced to muve bas stable and banna su Ihat nu catte cori reacb the gi-outuds. Ibiîs proposed toho bodo Qiacetis Biithday and a Dornaaaiionî Day cetebroîlon bei-e Ibis sumnier. The board of education bas ap- poanîed a commitîe 10 confer witn the citi- zens of the town fui- the purpose of uîiîing in a Young Canada demonstration on Domin- ion Day, and inspeclor J. L. Hughes, To- ronto, is lu be iiivited 10 brirg duwia a Boys' Brigade lu the fancy drill performances of the occasion. The Oddfeilows bave takren the first option on a 241h of Ma>' celebraîjon, and we presumne the 34th battalion band wiil control the cisric holiday performance. Prof. P. Edmonson as working aI att in gi-coi shape, and will nu doubt maire it ail suc- ccssfInî, as ver>' favorable railway rates bave been guaranteed. There bas been a change mmadc lu bbe owncrship of the Myrtie stage line, Mi-.J. McT&ggart having bought the stage outfit from Mr. L. M Brooks. On. resuit of the change is that Mr. George Skamcrhorn bas been laid off and Mr. Thos. Scott, Oshawa, appoiuîcd 10 bondIe the reins, Scbamer- born's position bas been as good as forfelîed ever since bhe Saooo express robbery at .Myrtie last falt. Not bhab anybody suspect- ed bim ail, lor lb. local Domininion express officiaIs are unanimaous in expressing bbc belief that be is entiret>' free froua sus- picion, but because he coutd flot say for a certainty that be locked the Myrtie safe on the nigbî before the robbery. The bead officiaIs of the express company regardIbis as negligence, and especially so an the sale was standing open next morning witbout an>' person but Scbamerborn knowing the com bination. Mi-. S. Trew bas resigncd the leadership ot the 3.th battation band in favor of Mr. A. O. Geiger, Who Wlll be band instructor fer tbe future, The institution has donc well- under Mr. Trew, and the boys feît that his sacrifice of self-interest iu resigning li fayot of Mr. Geiger was worthy of recognition, so they lnvited hlmn and many other friends of the baud ini town to meet at Tod's on Frida>' evening Iast and join in a 11111e blowout. It was a welI laid supper, and the enter- lainaient wan very pleasant throughout. An address was read to Mr. Trew, anmd a fine oeeeracbauan pipe t'arown lu. Speeches were -made by P~r. Rae, M&r. Gelger, R. Davideon and others, and songe vere suug by ever'ybody that coud using, ana some Wbo could not. It le apparent that gieat bar- tnny existe aanog the membersof the banYd, snd if Geiger proves a better letrc- tor than Trew a fim clas musical organis- ton ma>' beIoig4fr Tise Oshawa braueb f tihe Upper Canad BIbIe00cley beld Un a anai meeti« nhle n cbtela bùmb ,onFidây even. MU.è . ,Mortonpr d. ,su t 1c* Riooper ad 1Mofian ofTcri. -TM aseoi uw sietl, bigt s r.stgeot" w l 1 b fon some lame past oui- boys bave been giveèn naune>' 10 attenad the enterîainments Igiven in the îîeighborbood, but did flot go, giving os the reason of t-eu- apparent tack of intenest that they wanted tu save thein mone>'. In Ibis way young Guv bad accurmuiated some seven or ten dollars. He bad read the Boy 's Dwvn papen ond gave no evidence of havitug tus head tîamned bv the flot 100 sen- sationai stories for boys, to he found in ifs pages. Last Monda>' the boys took Ibein guais and wene seen at Columbus and uontb of tbat place, but since h-en their parents have had no tidings of their wbereabouts. As nias be exp-cted the paretnts are some- what distressed aI the son's action, and bave insîituted etîquiries that have badl no i-e- sualts. Il is said a nelative from Haliburton visited Mn. Cole a year or s0 ago and il is tboughî possible tl-st bis stonies of life in the woods ina>'bave stirred yotung Cole's fancy ane indticed hlm 10 1->' bis haud at il. The fact that the>' trok guns indicates that tbey are bound for the wrsods. (The boys were overbaîated ina Muskoka and brougbî backi. -ED. CH.) Oshawa Business Directory. L. VICKERY, bai-ber. Sîicoe street. ROORS' LIVERY, Slmeoe street, forth. rM. ROLPH. harnees maker, Simcoo streot. -. B. MOTHERBILL, butoher, King St., Wpet. R. PATTEBSON, Dentiat; office ovor Rowoei store. L J. STrÂx.Ba-DomainiOn pianos and organi Sixncoe street. C. WANxÂN, Veterlnary Surgeon and Dontiol, WILLIÂM J. DEÂNs, Dominion a.nd Ontariu Land eurveyor. Cili Engineer, Box 57, Osh- B r o 4 COMM"ROII. Ho-rxz-J. C. Woon, proprietor .Modern hosteir>', abat and comforabi) I D. M. Toi) --Caterer for Balle, Assemblios, Wed. dinga, Suppors, etc., etc. Âloo ail hinds o: OsRÂw BooxsTo»-p'Ul lino of books, stationery and tancy goode. E. E. Rogers JOB. Houuaxiî - Whitby-Oshawa s3tage lins. Les Oshawa at 8 a mn and 2 p m, and Whitby at 10 a m a.nd 4 p m. JlosxPH CBAXO, manufacturer of fine carrnages, carts, wagons, and &U1 kinds of cutters and slelghs, Repalring a .peialty. JOmR Bn»WxE, painter sud decorator, Dealer ln wallpapOrs, eeiling decorstions, ýpaits, oU,. vazuaishnes . bruahes, wtedow shades, etc. Jamna Puxxow, dealor in stoves, furnaces, tua- wsf~~,, Lrge tock kept conatantiy on baud. obting a upeclalty. Sixuco. oste north. L. K MUE<~1 B. . -Barristen, Boliter, Noiary Pbb ,Convoyancer, &c. Mono>' 10 land. Offie ver Domilnioà Bank, Simcoe Street, Oehaw. W çn tamp la tli.a on e Insance, ePILaT0Ie he Untedatates Lite. Theïr . ion are the mont attractive. M & E MÂ-1kJaern aGrooenies, p"nc hina, CokrTInvaM ne, d Panay' GoodL&pu»e =Tes sidCoffees.Boy' eady ms~e aila a AumotIONBàaLS-The subeniber vili b. lin(Rab awI stthe Centrai Rotel, Frida>' of each we rom onae lio 3 0olock t.m., te Mae Sa azaemets ill Patlewlsjnto bhave a«je. snd amb'tribing bouse oOn& la sto.L 'I Ms D w Il in Bao - Watcbz sin h stbs 0~e t ver pa&mn -leu. m a Mr. ilso GeoUmisitdhsfinsa Mn. WgIslsondG. o iie bsfin a ScugoEg Hwad iIslaud.a peia Rasev.serEmoward ilraho pca Miss Clora Clarken le home fnom visiting her sister at Coesanea. Mr. H G Pascoc has losî several sheep from gui-blin the head. Mr. W. Werry had a horse badl>' kicked. Mn. jas. Heattie V. S., ver>' successfutly Mtîht.hselwoudso. edrdafn r Mî. Cahrsel ida ivison endr.edrafne pi gi-yarn hcreidathe ci. Mn.Fnan Go veservalyled dthlenharoRfiteain( wenjosbeve nd Il pnnopoitbea THE ARCADEI Spring Btock--e- complete in every department, rnte resling Nove/lies in L)resj i VE HAVE OUR--- SPIiING MIL L NEfY OPENINOS IJESDAY, WEDNESDAY' STHURSDAY of this Wooe Everyone Welcome. 'hi:o.' huellr i on, ro the Fros AMPBELL & EILLIO'IT, -will give 38 Ibo. of let cia..Flour, -10 * lba. of Bdtuiand 4Iboof Shorta for a buùeho f Wleai. They kope by "hi iduo.mênt te> daa Flou,, Bvansd Shoi!t-Ïlwayff o& bauda4~low~ wolealpruce. *o PEILOWSY and see his Wrought Steel -AT- azgd GAS STOVES ,P5.50 to $25-000 GandTerunkRdy. EFotr theoPubie. FARES-Single First-cloass Pares. GOING DATES-Tickets may be FINAL LIM lT-At tickets gond 10 returu leaving destination flot later thon Tues- It le YOnr atention thAt I wouî ar rested, anad I watn -you 10 sta y in custody long enough t0 tej la that il 1à Dot ................. Forgery 1 confemupolate, but mereI'ly 14. you a fluer cimes of gOdý ,:0w than ever before. 1 bave ari--ved at the ...... ........... 1 can do this. 1 bave a nace jýn of Watcbes, Ctocks, Jeisei->' sat. verware, and Spectacles, at prices that will surprise you. You are wantedby......... BINd STh ESdwee, KING ST. WEST, -HEADQUARTERE- BookStore,« sotd Tickets will be issued to Teachers and I>upits of schools and colleges at first- class fane and one-third on surrender of certificate signed by the Principal Tickets good going from Thtarsday, Marcb i9th, to Satunday, Aprnil 4th, a1896, inclusive, aud good to returu leaviug destination flot lter than Monday, Apr. 131h, 1896, inclusive. For fuit information cati ou or write 10 V. P. STERICKER, aI Oshawa Raitway -os Office, Thomas' block. R~. C. Carter, Agt. Mai-. 2otb, 1896. - OSHAWA. i y d L Ou S z B3 Ec 'I WVe bave atways a general -and varied stoccz to select froni-latest designs and fiaishes. Pnices right. Underta" ing departmcnt fuit>' stock- ed, and emnbaiming according îo latest met h xls. Pictîre fnaming promptl>' and satis- facl-onil>' dune. uke Bros., - Oshawa, equat quanliîy of Cod Liver Oit. AU druggists. r ,a 'ighting Against Well: GAnDEVl "PERFECT," -DOMINION," BEAUTIES 0F 1896. Mlso One Good Second-hand Cornet for Sale. E. E. ROGERS. For Delicate Children, lnvalids and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine This palatabie and HIOHLY NOURISHING Wine, prepared with Cod Liver Oil, is easily retained and digested by the most deficale. For Wasting Diseases General Debility. Impaired Digestion, Cods, Catarr-hal and Brouchiaa Trouble and Louas of Muscutar Toue. 0f great N utritve value to Adults and Chidren. .1 A marked increased in weigbî is noticeabie after taking a few boules of this Wiu-, which repre-sents ais We are selling more lines of Boots and Rubbers at prcticlly ost r e a eerbefr. EOryonre admintofstye. Wrgeatkow o ines Our close-cut prices. JBBERS-Fresh every week. NEW SPRING STYLES-Now, being delivered. TRUNES AND VALISES-A large new stock. O SIIAWA, AT THE MAIN 4 CORNERS. ~JJRNS & CO., We do repairing at 10 per cent. lese than ordinary prlce8. ldmondson's Provender Milg, 0Oshawa,, ard dine vey agade Theyýls - Grn-Finer'8eèdanstartd aillkindsthe county is doing, or caii do. -Their )RN MILLS are. doing spl r~. YAK -s' r i. 1 $ P50.00. iý m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 -FROM- OSHAWA. SCIIOOL VACATION FOR ----mur Welland Vale souna A We know it! You can see it ! Goods and Wash Fabrics. AT THE MAIN 4 CORNERS. are doing very large trade'. They Grain Also his COAL OIL Grand Trunk Ry. ý Oshawa :: BICYCLE801 1 Furniture. Toronto. WRNS & co-ý OSHAWAY THE' PRO VENDER MILLS#

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