Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1896, p. 1

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- , ~. r- -'i ........ 1 hve arithe itles , ai prîv'e )ifA WA. Store, ER-- Vale IC YCLE8, 1896. .'îîd Comet ln',alids /me I li~. l~>î e. "t. -!\ '-S. awa3, They inds of in the cr von-c. ces, VOL. XXXX. _____________________________________________________________ i TOWN LINE. PORT PEU?. col uneii sisuuld investîgaît. It issu leaked t tisaI lu une Lire ibat ou bauels isad becs - .. - ~aii~&~ gmaguasq mu 4 i ~F"I mmii:. fi Wyeth's Eztract of Mal the great appetizer au llood purifier. - 35 cents per bottie. illier's Tonie Iron Pil enrich the blood ; increa the appetite. Caîl andl g a sample FREE. Ou-r Own Sarsaparilla Large $1 bottle for 5C A. H. A LLIA CIl1E NI1 ST, WIlItBY. 61, 6nd gt >Oc. LOCAL. NEWS LETTERSe CHBONICLS CORR SPoWDEN CE, -:0:- RLAGLAN Mm Thos Fewester is on the sick list. Miss M A Harper la visitiîsg frienda in Toronîto. Mr Thos Stanton spersi Sunday visiting friends in Prince Albert. Miss Madden, oui teacher, is spending hem easter vacation at hem home in Prince Albert. Miss Vera, daughter ot Mr. Ed. Hoiliday, who la home fromi the childreu's hospital, is ,rnproving rapidhy. Mm. David Thompson, we are glad te re- port, is improving. andwe hope to set hlm out among us agatu. Visîtors : Mr D Lyle ab Miss Harper's Mm jas Fewesber ai his home ;Mr ElU.a Hezzlewood at Mr Groves. Mm. joseph Warflhbas engaged for tht summer vibl Mr. McCuloch, of Prince Ai- bert, where be întends te move bis family. Mr. Watson Hodgson, while going te the barn to do bis chores, had the misfortune te faîl and break bis leg. Under the skillul came of Dr. Starr lie is pmogressing favor- ably. i11IdRIi-i,ed gnem!d tI-*5gm4 _About the only excitement arouna bei-e at tbe present lime la the organizing et a beet ring. We hopie they may be succmsful. mesThe new mode of doiug business shows that th b rer no hat tbey are about. M il ý U D L Te D G W P Wm Weir, assisted by the G C T Ross, instahled thet olowing officers House-cIeBflifg time is here, for the current quarter; P W P, H Demb v, WP, j Wedge ; W A, A Moffett R T, E %ve have a largem and butter assorteiti stock Wýýedge; A R S, E Hezzlewood T S, J oi wîndov shades this season than %ve Hezzlewood -, treas., A Ormîiston; chap., bave ever shown befome, from 45C. uP. C Mladdeni , con., J. Angle , i S, T Stanton, \Xe use the best banal painteal opaque 0 S, T Hawkins. The contest vbich bas shade clobb, witb Hartshorns sprîng been carried on for sorne lime past ended iin toiler. favor of Sîster Wedges stde, Sister Mofett's ALso a fine variety of comnice poies. side furnsbîng the treat. The oyster sup- Ask Io see our latest style of window per was belti on Tbursdav evening, wben screens, to fit any vindov, at 3oe. each. the memrbers aIl îurned out and bad a very 'ýur baby carriagei. are alilet the latest de- enBEENWOOlim iBrtb-Thiursday,, April 2nd, the wife of (,ive us a cail before purcbasieg elsewhere. 1r.Prine fasn We are taking speciai pains to combine elegncewit ecnom inprie ad Mssr. W. S. Green anJ \V. Gleeson elegnce îtbeeonmy i prce aîd suent î,ood Fridav wîtb friends in Torontto. genetai utiiity. q 'uj stock is complete n House Furîîîshings. W'e invite buvers 10 come andi seu us. LBa.ding Undertaker, EL J. JOHE BROOK ST., WHIT Estabhished 1849. madeI and Glanitg woks, st-) Dundas The Misses Gee, of Toronto, spenl the easter bolîdays witb their cousin, Mliss Etta BROORLIN. Miss Nellie Kest.tr, of Oshawa, la visiting friends bei-e. Wall paper; fresis, uew stock at lowest prices. Holliday Bros. Miss »Brooks bas te-opneal ber dres makiug establisbment over Holhiday Bros. store. Mis. George Buralge. 0< Oakville. is bersm visiuiug ber parents, B&r. sud Mrs. J- E. Knigist. Mr. R. H. Walkm. B. A., of Lindsay. basu been spendiug bis Eastcr vacation at- bis home- bei-e. Tht flames that consusrrnd Demili ccllege. ait Oshawa, on Monday cveuîug coulal be plainly seen trom bei-e. Mr. Frank Tomliuson, wbo bas been lu King- ston for nearly tva i-cars, arriveal bome last Tuesday te, malte a brief visit. Mr. Somerville, wbosc serions illnesbas been sevenal urnes rfeWred tô lu these nuots, la nov nîuchbektter andl able te bu out. Mis. Psyne, wbe bas sptat tise wlnber wits ber sister, M n. A. Roberta. bas guise 10 Torouta ta vinit fiieuds reidiug tbsre. Mmr M Valleau is bard ai work getting tise cheese factory in fimat clasm condition foi- the comu- mencement et operations un May t. Rev. J. R. Webb, pastai-ofuthie Annette St. baptist churcb Torunto will eccupy the pulpit lu the haptist churcis bers mornlng sud evening on Sundai- next. The Broeklin elevatoîr bas been purchased by a joint stock compauy, composed et local men. The companv vnIi ether i-un tise elcvato- tbem- selves or leaseit te a competent warehouse man, as rnay seem best. Mr. John Vipond intends taking bis two bre heoses.' Emakine Style." and "Wisitby Champ- ion," 10 the Toi-unte boise show oexl week. Both animais are is fine ecndition and wnul be sure 10 abîract attention at tise big tat. Theme bas been considerabie anxiety i vontis- fui inds as ta wbether achooi would, me-opexi on Tuesday of this week or net, but tht new megm- lattons wbich gives a larger holiday ai Raster wau considered as being lu force tis year and studies vilI net be resumed tbih nexî Monday. Fmom Manitoba Cernes the sad news that Mir. Wmn. Horton Ir., vho weol to the prairie pi-ev. ince nmre four or five years ago, bad died there onth ibe t tofeMsrch. HRe vent 10 Manitobe fmom a faim near Prince Albert but former1ý liveal on the pth concession et Whiatby, newa rSpencers ý,chel bouse, Mauy farmers nov fiud that thei- fecal suppy has been worked clown Io pretty amail compasi and are havîng to put bbcir animais on sbor rations. Turnips andl potatoes are siU pleotifu -and are betng made gocal use of. It is bopcc that genuine spring weather will soca set in suc start the grass growing. We we . Dleàsd în.seMr Jobn Northeots on Mr, Richard Rodd, of Pickering, is mov- onW" nÀdylat h8 ste it ieh nggm tb e bouse laî&ly occ upied by Frank o 'dedyls.Tn sie6s ieh rhomsoi.bas been ln the village since be met wiîthte.c rbomsera foi e tn IMr '(rd,-scdent that vas repoited in this column ai the 'N SON j g elerfl fronstock-atdtenul)eiMr. son Mon-' ure inhappeneal. Bc la nov enhy able to get sav.eo astock .-,hngàd mpil fotheon Mon-ab~out a litîle vîtb the aid oftcrutclies but hapes to BY. Liae. Ms vrîîg idwI o adscions beas ight as ever. tMer. Wl shoofUbigI a eggd The roatis heeabeuts ai-e stilbl is very had Mm. iiiAshonof rbrdge ba enagei icondition. Ln places theme is still quite deep wîtb Mr. W. J. Lievitt for the sommer. Wilî snov. 1 have heai-a numrnsous compLaints hie- is a bustier ai football and will be gladly cause ofttins condition of affairs, seme clatming w elcometi by the boys. 1 that the pathisasicra have been neghecttul in oct Messrs. XVes Get- andi John S bat, of Tom-. having maire sbovelling doue soa ta wheels onto, spent a fev divs of tis weeL- renew- - could nov bc g=eer.y used. ing acquaintances in andi arouide oui- fair The Liberai nxusing Scil in the maisoiie.sll, vidlage. City ife appears 10 agret faîrhy on Tuesday atternoon vas nol largety atteaida, I ehI with tbem. owiog te the vei-y bad condition o tise raads, IL is strange boy husy seme people are but there vere represeutatives pres.ent trom each just nov or at east would like people tu of the sub-divisios of thetbovnship. Dr. Stan think tbey are. They are so mucb so t bey w as elected chaimman and Mr. J. F. Pirie secre- h av-e tu sboiider their guns and go sbootîng I ty, and Mm John Sinclair treasurer. The fol- on the Sabbatb, the day set apart for test. lowiiig chairman vert electeal for tht dificrent Stmange to say, îhough, those same parties poling sub divisions: No. 27 Mr. Wm. Young, do scarcely anythiig turing the week but C). 28 \1 R PRogers. N o. 2z) Mr. S. EaIl, N o. bang around bbe store anti backsmîtb sbop 3e, Mr. John Davidson, or other public places. Come now boy-s Ex.ster promotion examinations for Brooklo 91 '1e ip this disresýpecifuI piece of business Juflior OIiîsiof. S W H ITiB Y. a nd Ire 10 speind your licsure hours in a Baîlley, 0 Cheyne. C. Colion,1 F. Scot t, M ____morl)e ;prfitable way.Chno, A. B.ack. 2ad tablet 10 ist class-f ___ A delegation frorn Brou-ghan were down Bîly D. Delong, M, Cowle 1. Grass, C Chuas. ]EL. Siiithq here one day last week eîîdeavoritig tbse- Eîot .Bcl s ls o~.I-.Cla efromJ. Hueson. R Cheyne, E. Cheyne, H. Buiev, Formerly "Wolfenden Works.)li îtbrom Lanilord l)wyer the (reenwood C. BaileF elG CleT hn.P potrand Dae nMARBI, AN otalgrounds fOr the 24th Of May and the I ey, F. l-. RellGhoile, . WChien. RA TEMONUMENTS, Etc. f 1îst of July. However, the were doomed Col,1>RenJ.110 r. l- the latest inaterial and deý-igns. All, to disappointrnent, as the rc~enwood man- Dclong, M. Wbee)er, G. Cowl.e, L. Fr4ncis, S ksuds of Ceusetery m-ork. Our wurk getment conmittee had-tready secured Hueson. Sr. Il to Jr. 111-G. Colwill, L guaran te ed. po)ssession for the annual celebration. Be- Sebert. L. Colwili, j Colwill. F. Vipond, E ý'eSEND FOR Di-siGNS AND PRIcEI. sides the B-rougham gentlemen were unable Franciâ.E. Bra-t. ecooemended-H. Colley, to taise the required amoeunt. We might V. Armstrong, J. Hîslop, 1. Colton. - I ust mention for the betiefit of our frienda W. A. H. Hotter and Better that the Greenwood clutb is here to slay. BUIDaD1iTMY. The annual Sunday school meeting was OUTy & CO., grain bssyers Sh eld in the methodist church on Tuesday BEA&LL, . s. - 1 U&risgo LicenSe G oes Lhe IDaL ie evening, and everything was found W besn B.gidenSeopposite Town £[&Il, Brooklin. 1 a very satisfactory state. The following of- W A MNNEELi, D V S.--asst. of tbe Oa- WI!9~A~~ Jcers5 were elected for the the coin ing year : rso Voeorinary College. Tosronto; Bonorai-y Superintendent, W. Wilson; assietant sp. eie 1téOtrowdclScey ââââIMàI ,bson -lîbratian, Winnîe Meen. It was animale by the zmoat approvsd mathod. Atso RAY inu S s pa.tiuular attention to suiszgO& operationi i ecided' not to have the annual annîiver- and dentimtry. Day or nigist eali prornpt.Iy eosarv and tea this year. ai*nded za. Offce and reideacs Brookfln, 0 isM W11TZV&LEg. Ontarlo. NEjW SPRING(;OODS AT HAYWARD'S'MIS aggie Tait of Norval is visiting --cheapert ti-an ever, niotwithstand- with her mnother MrsJos Taylor. --ng the adeance in prices I Jno Besse says lie can eut more lutuber U I than any other man in Ontario, lie eut on a New Dress Goods.. wager 9.60 feet in a minute the other day- Nw Prints............. Te fatiners in our neighborhood are of_____________ Sectings ......... te.piio....te..l wet aswitAe wl.Alarge average was sewin in this Ginhams .. . locality the Holen B.os. have 65 acres look- Shrtings ... ...- ig well. 3 1bs. California Peacisas foi-.... 25C Teeds ......... .........Alger trial bas been the subject of a great 2(pGi-a SelaRnP nke or f r .Bis.uits) Cottonades... ... deal of comment in oui- village both hie an d (Grcambst almonfor...........ts) Tikns tc,~c..the Dr. beinçr well known by al the con- 2 cana Fin aln di for. ... 25C Tickigs, tc.,etc .. snsusof opinion is that the sentenîce was 2crsFna adefr .. 5 N ew Rats and Caps very cheap.I too severe although he is by no means dlam- 3 boxes scaed Herirmp for... 25C sed as an angel, stili they think halt the 3 cat55 Corn, Peas, Beana or To- number of years would have been sufficent, matots.......................... 2c of course it is only justice that sncb at. 6 lbs. Rice for .................25e NE EAT ETtempta at fraud shonld be stopped, stili a 5 1bs. lPearl Tapioca fo.... 25C N W DPRM N ~great many are of the -opinion that lite in- 7 lbs Bai-loy for........,......... 25C srnecompalsys aeby n easthe only 4 Pkes. Peeries Washlxsg Coin- teinstitutions subject to sucb conspiracîes. poundt foi-se ...@ - .., 25C Ladies' .-i[inmed Hata,th We have heard of a great inany fires in tht s bars "Best, 9 "1Eclipse,1" "Xlvoiylp very latest styles, newest de- county where buildings have been very - Mottkd T.#o S T-i50" o- ti C signa, fi-ou a large City heavily insured and catght fire ver! myste- -fGpe Nl or...... 5 blouse. This enables us tg rlousl.y ;we have hati the= inoutr village nilIbo. Rqlled 0*$*0fo....... 25 sali fine gccdb at leua pnices and I have nu doubt sonie bave occnri-ed 12 lba. 4"Gold ID Oi(ruMea fr in tisecounty town. Il isveryseldom n'sw Bibe. Floe Bu f«*....... 25; than ever en in Whitby. vounearuof a fi-e but where a policy baâ 3pg.Co"SaOf.. . ..-5 OPENONbeen issued for ail that eau be p!laed on the OPN N-+-1building and 1 arn certain tlst if the bottom K - -*M Pop"" Satur4day, Mar. 21 St, '96. could ouyb Oce'o ÃŽ1fnd agreat ~~~- $2036 wortb of Grocerie. OniiSS 14 at 37 cts. on the. Dollar. Report of Columbus sebool end MwrOi h> Yes, they go quick. No Wonder. Scec m4r.~ ijr*iotlk~ s0 ne of tbeieprlces .:2 W Mbar iSoap nî,o»s hm 1fu c.r 8c,. suprise cSunlight Morse s 44 J B Muttti 5c. eWasing lb5-2 4W M SC,55~ 4f~ Rice 4c, Tapioca 4ec. good cookus Raisins 3C elctd 5e, new Cumrulsa i.. a.Wiý eg týtof- 5c bst red Sluifon xe, esuneti 10MCM9 ýcsa.. gIs* Toates&c, .T«s eeandl>laek) VM, - W W40C vesC, iii eb25 wrh40-1ý &n GroeHes at sMd below-cew-,, Hlgeçw1pSt 1 we bmiw - 1..c Ait 90g4o-Ids î 1, s eew Mi-. anal Mrs. A. H. West spent G'ood Fr1- day vils relatives in Port Perry. Our choir gave us same weli ezecuteal anal appiupiIéte music for easser service. The big fi-e tisat vas so plainly visible on Menday evening ln tht tast, prcved to be the DemilICollege; ut Oshsawa. Oui- Veutrable frienal, MT. Wray, was isset ftomn the congregation on Suuday. Ht was vilsiting friends aI Brooklin. Mi-. andl Mra. S. L. Brao entertained s goodly *Uimber ut relatives on Goed Fiday, sud s vely enjuvable time waa spent. Mn. Tàylor, et tht town lune soulh. felI asat weli aftq ustaintd injuries tisaI have con- fintal hi i lu is bcd, buit is.morne better at pi-tacet *riting. Cunsldérlng tht reccnl flood tht roada were lunfairly passable condition on casier Sundmyb, Tbe clrch vas weil fillcd sud al tisorougM enjoyed tht stlriIng ser-mon by Rev.3 MManning, un tise timely tople* Th i-taarrectlon. " Leat visilurs: Miss Allie McGregor, ot Torontok at Walter McGregor'5; Mr. T. N. Davey, of Toi-unie. ai borne ; Mmi. Wmn. Arinitage, uf Toronto, at ber sister-In-law's, Mmi. S,. Ç. Bown'a;- Misa Mai-y McBrien at Mii. A. Richardson's; Miss Malurnt andl Miss Stîh, ef Kingston, guesta ut Misa Lottie TruIL day evtniu Eat th Al o u vion Tuos- fory letendngancethe ahor t blusies sessyi tndurn cb filer ashanal comits tesin wti apolstei, ht feandecormtht tee "Infe pne et th ei-ld" vasforlte upo nlence b th prdnt.Thts ere taiy alltisefl i-o he an det- Tuhe spona- tacd te the ollnidbengaent. Tht tel.on ld olx fetcam ies oefflae nal hoi- loiuateesePrs rs LBoe vice pi-scoFir- tee :P s SeL-reMown vBe re; lor- eneu 9 crs e Freank ReltoeBrodnlooLi- zie CoCk*.eeil, Lillie Rove, Arthur Mackey ; commitIt on rnusic anal entertainment, Miss L iRove, Editb Kempthoru, Maggie Blove, Carrne Brown, Mamnie Stark, Mary McGregor, S Kemptbomis. We trust these meetinzs may prove bots interesting andi beneficial toalah concerneal. Mr. Lewis McTaggart, et 'roronto, vas borne on casier Sunday. Mrs. Richard Bligbt anal daughter, Mrs. F. Bnlggs, veme ai Lindsay visiting trienals on GauÏd Friday. Wc made smre enquimy et tht scisool boys abaultishe extendeal eastem holidays anal withoul exception it suits there. Mii. Charles Mosher went te Port Hope on Saturday evening laut, te set ber tather visa vas supposeal f0 be dyig at tisaItcwn. Mii. Davidl Brown, of Toronto Juoctien, vas here on Sunday anal Monday last lu see hem siser, Misasbals Briggs vbo has been very 111. Thi-et car-icads ot horses vert shippeal frorn heye last weeh, une by Mr. Hai-hises anal two by Mi-. Wamd, tise latter usiug tise palace cars. T'ht fiploviug ane thse efficers ofthie dlvi sien ef 'S, ut T. in Ibis plnce fSr tie present qarier:-P W P, Mr WR Kent;-W-P.' ) Pai-s-R S. Mn C W Batcsan ; ARS, Miss Mary McTaggar- F S, Miss Nettie McTaggart; T, Mr- T Dovu.ey; Chap, Miss Stella Hoalges ; Con, Mr J Moffaît--: A C, Mr- 0ODovney;I1S, Mr R Robson;O0S,Mr G Bligbt. Mr. Moses Kerr is able to be out again. The Terupearence bouses look deserted. Mrs John Swain, who bas been ill is sotie better. Mr T Roache is visiting his sister Mrs. McKibbon. Wmnnie Creighton is home for Easter vacation. Miss Maud Taylor intends going to Win. nipeg tW live. Geo. McLaughlifl gets thec contract for our new scboolhotue. Joseph Taylor bas been laid amide froin business for some time. Thse sale of the late P. J. Taylor's effetes was quite successfül. Lîghtnitig was seen for the firat time tlis season, Sunday Mai-ch 29111. Miss A.Adie Hyland is very sick at ber sister's, Mrs W Cowan'se Borketon. Communion was obscrved ini the Presby- Ici-ian cisurches on Eastcr Sunday. Mfr F F Wright of soutb Dai-lington bas taken possession of the Portier farin. Mercisants report business du11 frominm- satisfactory conditions of the roads. Mr-. Ham- Duuselow wbo went to the Old Country about six weeks ago bas returneti. Consecration meeting of Y. P. S. C. 13. Presbyterîau cha-ch, Thursday nlgbt, wau well attended. Messrs. Mimne, Pîeld and Swain arrived be-e from Britain looking hale and hearty afte- the oceans tnp. Mlissi*ouar sermon were preacheti in the methoMstcbnreb Ester Sunday by Rev. D N M#Àaus, Port Perry. ir. WM. MuMseýad1bas retted 'his tari and witb bis wife inteu*ds living with-'bis brother-in-law Mir C R-UdgettÃ"n. »«T. Win Pgrt is about leuaviûg g bere4.for Fort Poi-y. Xr R J mç$i#Uy, ws' rtni e Mr i- Soooey.,wbM -~banw swere bméid by lgheui stùiif l ïpse to Me- whs.w luslim. r=te«a. tarin MiÃŽ Mis tht is t J4 the vrs Wm Bond, of Toronto, is a guest of s9 L.ottie Bond. [las Birchard, of Beavexton, is a guest of -Misses scents. [rs. Conley of Madoc. is visiting friends his vicinity. ones & Co. bave a new saleswornen ln person of Miss Thomas, ot Oshawa. castt hclidayu vils relatives in Lindsay. lis tht case et Quten vs. Taber, the charge1 sgaînst the deleudanb vas diarnisseal on a tcbnicality. Died, le he 3i-d con. cf Reacis, on tht 615 must., Violet Alice. daugbîer of Mr Thoamas Spencer, aged 3 mcntbs. Appropriait tester services vert binl tht presbyteriais, meihodisl sud anglican churcises. Beautitul music vas reudereal by tht choira is alh tise churches. A spriug tain viii be belal in Port Penny on Tbursday 23i-d April. $122 ln cuh prizs ai-t offereal for tht bei horsts, catîle, butter anal vebicles on exhibition tisai day. Walter Dunalson anal Frank Williams are ou tise sick liai anal nul able te attend to lhiser dutiés. Mi- Frank Raines la alsc very 114, bia evening ut lite us almost endeal. Fimhery Inspector Watson was in lewis Ibis wetk. Rumnor bas it that be bas several parties in the toia for snarlng mas- hinonge. A bagtul ufthIis fisis vas seen un une of the hotel sheds a tev days agu. W H Hayes, cf the 3i-d con. et Reacis, vas untortunate ini losing bis dwelling Monday noon by ire, threugh a detective chimney. Tht contents upstairs vert ahl lest, but thse contenta behow vert nearly al saveal by tht neigbbors. Tise depatmtnt et agriculture, under Hou Jno Dryden, bas sent eut a report to tise members et tht tai-mers' institute un this county. Any fariner perusing that te- poil must teed veli epialfor tiese uall amount it costs te joie tise institute. p b c 1~ p c i NO.. 19 ou sel oc fi-c ta ne afi ra Lu la lin w fl Di ai si ls c ri i fi sg a I h c c f f à t On Md le thtfronts o ate Roas .Laing a ýl»earrnthefsonsdof thedRbomsLaynght i onsolidaîed lnae Gela C.bflon ythe.i ihesss.ovin dPaed C P o. ofareruontme-Ç aesrs.g tt iesfend blCk eJ Power aus e spairing h ieslivblockstablejPwr George H. Wallis, who was burned out inc the recent ire, wihl on Saturday ofthis week opeu out in the east aide or the Blong block a brand new merchant tailor's stock of fine weeds, worsteds and ventas, and will maire up stylisi s uitata a verylow price consistent wîh good work. Give him a :ail, as lie wiil do bis best for bis mimerons patrons.a Tht annual vestry meeting of the church of the ascension was hehd on Monday even-t ing 6th imat. Rev. j Fletcher presided. Nlessrs. Alex. Bruwn and T J Widden were elected church wardena; Mesrs J Kirsten a.nd J Rolph sidesmen, Messr-s Yarnoid snd Brownî, auditors; Messrs Rolpis, Brown and Widden, delegates to Synod. Voles cf thauks were given to the ladies aid society for- lir valuable services the past year ; ta the choir and urganisl for their renderlng of çervlce of gong; sud lu the cisurchwatdens, (9-~rpervices. 'IWI'ber"sfle to- e eSouday ,é:- week and wauted a i-triaction publisbed of what I wrotee mmi week. Hetrn-ed te ex- plaie certain matters ut stock sud otiser chattels being disposed uf a - ter the assigis- ment, and before the sale. The more be t-led to explain tise worse he made matters look for Taber Bras. 1 do nul know the course of procedure ln assigaments, but those wbo do know say 'things bave been dune tisat Ure very irregniar. F W Taber promised bo write a letter explaining mat- tera, but up to the time utfemailing (Tisurs- day) nu ietter-had been reccived. Buteir visitai-s: Misa F. Reynolds, Lindsay: A. W Parlsb, Paisley Mms. R. H. Mitchell, Fred Brown, Miss M Wilson, Miss M. Nott, Ai-chie Burn- ham, M rs. J. W. and Geo. Isases, Toronto ; Miss S. McBmide, Bradford ; Blake Deollttie. Colunbns;- Min. A. H Clar-ke snd daugister, Toronto Junetios ; Ed. Rîsadle, Reg. Boi- bain, Osisawa ; A. lien. T. Gencw, Orillia. Several townspeople went ont uf town te>1 spend tuster holidays. Death ef Mi- Pbwell Died, in Port Penny, ou. the 4tb msat, Eliza, beloved wiie et Mn Orvin Powell, in, ber 3îis year. Tht bereaved husband sudnd littie fanily oft Ove childi-en' have the îYùpa-- tisy of aur citizens in- tiistheir: oure ainictio n tihe Icés of a kind andflbu motiser.. The deeesed b-ai been a resient- of tisis town for maany -yeans and proved te- be an amziable useighibor aittiacqoatiice A we-ek or ten days befure being eufiîsed ,. ber roons tbe late Mis Powell t<it sfi" iserself. In s tew ,dsys pleùn>re-u a-o# set i,aud ln spite, ot goud asedical wtr-ý-" nIejt and everytiig tbatloig e14 euLd do, ase wum taken fi-cm ber.l1tt*ý la ml y w w ill s" dY Mm ss be lî be t e ath ?r fi-ethli î ter. The fuuinsiaos Satan- day wasattelided'bymaiiy f-ed u e 'Shortiy ain bigiýS noôioumonday one Of thxas littie surimynages tisat smtint*@çCiii teck.plsèe as toift betweep au outsidm aOl ne00'ctissisa. 1The nôù*ýrept(n 1apousieit citizen) là oue ns*ed foter Ãœ- tai-y ptowg Inuthe-34tbitt0lon 5% onçof ienmaleuty 9 ou_ TOWN LIN£. 1 one-States posftély iwn;ueagamýd ut. Borne siy *tisa tsefire-vws or tsi-et difitreut places ba- nii Whea thinga couse IttiIpa are those lu lewiswho'casisqt gio il hi lime Ibat tise lnsntne oui- tuvu eonuàcildid,,0l'51slu vho causes ti-sossujoe o1 1 do uoîtisktisaa't t 9rs ai-y, uer do 1 thitsk 15 are ail- but tis h iat-do noî-laok nor"ai are accidental asould invesa-t anc fi-e bug weie cautïttand eiý ample ut oui- suppsa accdetat cone ta au eud._ w : WHITBY, ONTARIO, FR [DAY, APRIL 10, 1896. 1 1 1 y m rt il d ýd it 1 c 7qqsffl .on fire. 0f cuuric as a sit asire .curreal and everybody îisought It cangist >rn a defective stove. Another case wiscre man bougist bis stock for $150 sud guI il ,eii mui-ca anal >vishing lu get out ofered 'o persans $25 ta ire bis store, but tbf, aid ot result In a fire as thetlwo parties wcre [raid uf suspicIon belng cast on tises, or ther il would be better to say. îhey were - )o honorable lu do it. Ont big fi-m iniitise tt three yearseoat tise irîsurance conspanies iteresteal g25,oosud-1 arn told a warr-ant ïas out for tise ai-iest uft hose concerutan d ras neyer acted-upon. IUsa aliai uf tires ai have occurreal ln Ibis lcwn in tise last ýe vernsd several.oft ietpai-e.aicljtu be - suspicions oengin, se much soetisat there t ibtose ln Lovewisc rnake ne boues iin aylng attitraI were incendia-y.' How rong athis state uft tiinga teIst ? Is il nul lime ai- tnwn council touk steps _la stop such vork ? If not it moty be necessary fc oui- >wnspeuple lu fori-r a vigilance committe. rhe trouble is pai-tiy with the insurance Dmpanles wbo wyul takre tht prerbinas ail igbt on any amnount given tbeoe sud suint- mes nu questions'are skel,. but wheu a i-e occurs tisen the insurance inspectai-a do: ime tall talking abouit buildings being set )n fl-rt. It eveny man instired iad ta pi-ove » tise insu rance companits that îisey owntd tnd had tht praperty sbown in hls iuvcnlony )r stock book, sud isad only, two-thirdir or- fitee-quarters ingurance on his stock; hi woull isave lau mucb at iIsk lu set fire lu las pi-erises oi- contents. But wben a mati. can gel $SSo inanrauce on a stock tisat only cmt $i6eoi-r$200 thon is tise ttue we ita- ut bese accideistal-on-purpsefires Business mien sud tii-ms who are bouestly iusurod de mt want to feel tisat ibty are, atlhte 'môrcy 6f ire bnp by any meansi., An lsoMost btisi tess man minsfor protection iii eveut ut fire destroyiug bis pruýperly, nul foi- tise noneycorany parieular gain he mly defiVerý l-om il; au honestly lnsnirtd mas is always. alaser by fire. lËnsiness mn' wiso iie.tý heur capital in a business desire e tfel sak - ad thai uhey can carry on tst bsInes and net be at the rnercy ufincendarles, wboào< intentions are ut a devilisb natsl Tisej penitestiary lu toa good for tsat mosn 'w ill set ime or cause ta bc set on f- own propety sud cause boas to bis in îtigbbor or ether citizns. Let tise 1suI ui councilanal cihizensshow lu tise .usn ane comp iîes tisat tht only cane wva have' fi- their interests is not te gobisi e-fhéi0rý iusunance money sud take il wltbout. auY ic-m ples ou ut i-art I amninfo cm ot gooauthorlty that nea-ly aIl the fupco Who were bei-e lut week adjusting .1# Ss aaid ', there is somtthmng wrong w«ùiPth Ke Pery," (meauing wvus scinte o t s. ckiiéi andl ifanother big tije accora hei-ase), !- tise stock companits IWiII wihdrotlrcalî-'ýý tuwn. Do nul act un Lise:pi'il f~a1 ing thse st-bIt alter tise hdýe e15 t0IflY ,. believe I arn safe insaying rneatly-èveny, surnisce agent ln lown woulti like.-lut50- last fi-e stiiely lavegtigated---ad- lise ont or unes brongis to *jpstice.. Tie..-- businesspermmn,-vlz: Meusis.Nçw - Tiompsun, an-d Mi-. Wallis wcre l- bhy tise last fi-e, nL.e.îmCIV angle ut tise Lire, sdienrtbeir skalîýW bu cJepneàdAàui. Sou exisi êâk 1 1 MYSTLM. Biaekstock

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