Whitby Chronicle, 10 Apr 1896, p. 2

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au; Al >/oý, ram À éhQ E y *A Common- Afffiktion PUR.ami cwti WTatb AVERS "uaaffietudor qsijarswt0f rnaiy odltue vieh vers hli r- omnondd, utnons gave nme relief. I vas at ast advised go tryAr's au$&. parisl, bY a frlend Who tol me that 1 mqe urhsestbo sud nu tem aecoring u dt ",",y1elded te hie ~<~us1unbo~t the six betties. andS ofthre et tee but- tios vithoUt oiiulfg »Ydirect bosct. ffore 1 bad 6flnlshe o OUrilbo"l, My bauds voeeus Free froniEruptions as ever they were.My busIness, vhlcb la dchat ot a cabdrtrer, requires me te be outi n coid snd set voamther, Mten sithout gluves, sud the trouble bas nover returneLI- THuàa A. JouRME, àbradurd, On. Ayeî's TheSaum-padiIa mâ t he a l .Worid'u Pi0 Ouarioua Miitary Relic. Last week the CHRONICLE toldo the inspection of the 34th battalion' armories by Capt. Cartwright, of Stan loy Barracks, Toronto, the adjutanto thus militar district, NO. 2. When thq routine of the last inspection had beei completed at Columbus, Lieut. Anne drow the attention of Capt. Cartwrighi Lu a relic of early times in the militar- affaira of this counV(, of which No. 6 or*the Columbus company of the 34tlý is the proud possesser. viz: The sei of ules dmawn up on a great sheet ol parchinent pasted to a fine large sec. ion of clear vine board nailed to the door dividing the ammomy there intc two ooms for the arms and accoutre- ments respectively, and which appar- -ently originated with the officor wh< orgnized and commanded the Brook- liai conpany of volunteers out of whicl o.6 evolved-Capt. Thomas Hodg- son, afterwards Major Hodgson, wh<o died in Port Perry several years ago. This curious and interest;ng document, TH£~ CHROINIt LE, through the kin4- ness of Capt. Smith and Lieut. Annes, who as the olficers of the Columbus company are responsible for its saïe koeping, is enabled to present to oui readers thmough the following transcript of it in the original speiling, and alsc for a short time to ailow any one sc desirous to see the original itself by caliing at the office. I3ROOKLIN COMPANY 0F VOLLINTEERS. No. i.-I have caused those rules to be placed in the armourey where they cao lie zeen by the members of the company, and to be guided ac- tordingly. The instructer having no- tificd, that he wili in future keep a strict record of ail drills attended by every indeviduai member of the corn- pany, ho wiil see the roll caied at hall past seven on drill nights, and afrer the company is laid off no one will lie ai- Iowed to fall in the ranks of -the coin- pany. They will lie formed into a seperate squad and drilled by his ini- structions No deviations froin this rule allowed. No. 2.-As it should be the ambition of every Officer and Member of the *company to promnote its eficiency and to maintain its Honor as «-r Military or- ganzation, every officer, non-comission.. ed oficer and private should evince a steady determintion to give strict and cheerful obedience and affect to the qamne, andi to discountanance and rep- reheeti anny infraction thereof. Mero- bers of this, company absehting them- selves for a length of ime and retardi- ing the prre"s of decipline carriec.lon by our able drill instructer is unsatis.- factory. They are caleti as men pas- sing a military spirit to meet in future at dffil and make theîuselves acquaintei ith the different parts of the rifle ex- orise 00W luù the course of practice, and make themselves qualified to com- pare with aia other' company in the province, and pk btain the goverrument aoaneof pa -id honourable men- tion of them mnade by the Genueral, or <411cr-insipcçiag filti officer. No.,3.-I further propose teuing the oernpany off into - 5,diferent qa, ffaioitach a'UçPo coinsionedoie to ech; Whous diuy it shail ho. to kcep 'Sme th"y are -kop li safety and'good ortý and to secure thofr r tu t de ý oel iw c entote âM-I remoývel. fr deatilof theiÈr 4o~~'.Thct sah'ho nn""y'.. Cs n- t 7y 't )f th ay îhirÏ*lie o! beae& toë-t Co00p nsd thé ture to lbc bmiti tétt ati foirova0 or non a roval, No. 5.-Every applicant for enrc ment must lie recumepded by one n( coinmisioneti officer and one privai and the captai» commandingn either admit or rejoct the applicatioi If aproveti of ho yul thereupon ho r questedtoL sighn an engagementi obe,. observe, and fulfil aU laws go, emning the Militia of Canada. No. 6.-No non cummisioneti offici or private shall in anny case unie! legaly discharged beave the compati without giveing at beast six mont] notice in. vrigbting Lu the officer con: manding ut bis intention to do an.- NO. 7. -At targate practice the con pany viii appear on Lbe grounti at th appointeti bour, and after the ir round is fireti nu other person yl b aIlloedt t take part in the practice. A rol ut the company viiili e ke; in the armoury andi the attendauce c absence ufthtre mou marked thereor anti the buard vili make a return quai tonly for the information ot the captaii ail drills and parrades attendeti by ovor merinhor of the company. Nb. 8.-Non commisioneti officer and privates' shall appear on duty anc ail genetal parades wltb uniform, clothing and accoutrements in perfect13 clean. smart and serviceble condition, anti witlasucli atontion Lu personaý appearance as is essontial tu the credii of the company. It shall ho the duty of the non comînisioneti ofllcems Lu in- spect their mon upon this point, anc of the captain or subaltemu officers Lc order ail faling therein to fail out of the ranks. No. 9-.The comruany may torn a fund. Contributions fmom the officers, non commisioneti officers and mon tc ho coliecteti suually trorm their Gover- ment allowance, when the same shail lie paiti and such fund may ho governed and useti in such manneras the officers, non cotniisioneti officers and privates uf the company may determine on. The company shahl appoint its owen treasuer, wbo will keep tbe accounts of the fund and discharge ail liablities in- cumed by the company. The treasurer will sulimit ils proceedings and ac- counits quartemly, for the information of officers andi mon, and iL is hopeti the treasumer vill nuL have cause Luoex- haust the fund, andi ho enabled tu keop t as a prospemous institution. THOS. HODGSON, Captain commanding. Booklin, August. 1864. eà 'p- le, iay )n. re- Le oer ýss 'y 7s le Pt or n, r- in ry rs A CORRESPONDENCE 0 Rev. Jno. Harris preached an excel- hlent easter sermon last Sunday. The choir sang suitably. > Mrs. Dr. Jones, of Windsor, who lias been spending a few weeks at her fathers, has returned home. Mr. Chas. Mackey of Enfield, easter- ed at home. He retumned to bis acad- semy of iearning on Monday. Our pedagogue holidayed under the rparental roof at eastertide. t Mr. Fred Rogers has taken a trip to the Queen City, and should he drop into a sui'table situation ho may romain therc. We would like very much to hear of his success, but ho wili ho much missed in and around Kinsale should ho romain away. Fred was a general favorite and a perfect gentleman. f Mr. Grady's sale on Monday last vws well attendeti, Kinsale being wel me- presenr.ed. Our Sabbath school is taking stops to procure a new library as soon as pos- sible, We trust a much hotter class of reading matter may ho secureti than heretofore. 1It is a bard nmtter to make a proper selection of iterature for the young mind, but no doubt our officiais in the scbool will do their best týsescure a good library. J. W. Salton is stifl connecteti witb the Sun Life Insurance Co. Our town mercbant, Mr. Orvis, bjas of late been taling very strongfly of giving up business in Kinsale and going westwamd to some younger country. We would regret tolu e our store- keeper, and hope ho viU consider wel before taking his departure. We regret to chronficle the recent tl illness uf Mr. Geo. Ayres, who is under m Dr. Moore's care. We trust lie ray suon lie out again. 0' Mrs. Jno. Lewis tthe west of us là said te lie sufferIug rom lagrippe. l 1The roads bhmeare in a miserable state,, not being fit for Lraffic of any iN kind. Miss 'Minnie Stephenson basfoS some time been suftez ing fxo rheum.- atism, but is now some better, colonel Deufis is going to tadulge in the profession of fatm Iablar -witl, bis, father, be failwg as bIsa ZMIL Ho vii probably atead cohlege, gi we wish hm b1mter succeos acuxt tlmc Dr. Moor5eassed, thrcne - toun S Sabbat.h. Tii j dy.fA ÈaardOn the top ofMr. G.Corn-. A &cries of matches ha"e taken place ish's chimney caught fire On Friday.- lately betveen members of Our curling The 11gh vinds carried the sporhs to c lub..on thse Princes rink resuits not rc-'the roof which burncd rapidjy. Mr. C. pored.discovereti it ain ie and i bOoical11> Dr Huff, of tuoroutt, btothort-lav fougbt and «etinguisheti the iflames. r L Rev Geo Brown occupieti the Metho- Mm. Thos. Rowe is dangerously il] dist pulpit on Sabbath both morning with. pleurisy. Dr. Potter is waiting *anti evening. on birn. Jus. Mitchell, of Wbitby, olti-time Miss Ethel Cryderman is visiting lier -curler gave our club monahors the pleas- sister at Sutton. ure ut seeing him- handle -the stanes" Mr. Gea. Avery is romnoving Lu Cati- for a short ime last week. mus whcre he wiil continue the black- Peter Diamr-nd bas r.aken possession sinitli business. ut the E. W. Evan's tarin.. Ar Evans Mms. Chas. Rogers bas hoon very sale last week vas a grand success, sick, but vo are pleasedti L state that at there being a big cruwd prosent, and ime ut writing she is recuveming. satistactory prices realizeti. Mr. Albert Allun, youngest son utf The f rientis ut Erskine churcb are Mm. Wm. Allin. vho bas been in. deli- desirous ut securing the services of an caLe health, dieti on Tuesday. Thei efficient oganist, Full particulars on funeral on Saturday vas largely attend - application to W. Bell anti D. Macuali, ed by relatives anti sympatbizing neigli- committce, Claremont P. 0. bhum. Rov. E. E. Howard conducteti Mr Milne. grand urganizer for the A a short service ln the bouse anti offici- O U W in thist district paid ounr botge ate at the intormout. The horeavoti su official visit ou Monday evening. tamnily have the sympathy ut the entire During his short stay home, wim.b the neiglaborbooti. assistance utfanoeut the bretbern, Mr. Fred T. Allun bhs been quite iii soyen nov mombers vere initateti into for anme days, but is improving. tue lotige on the above evening. Mr. E. Trenuutb anti son (masuns) Our mnerchants are laying in' a fine have the contract to erect several goti stock of spring anti summer guotis, dwelling bouses this summer. Jr Claremont as a village stands second to Mr. W. Aillin, Toronto, vas home at 1 noue in hoing able to bost of the st.abul- hsbohrsfnrl ity anti honorable dealing of its business bis rothernsfnr hslagel.feUet men. XVe say'maintain this standard Acoii rmti ilg stoun and iL viii puy eventuaiîy. ly seon in the neigbborbooti of Zon. n Business is at a stantistill owing LuAWt-uv oa.Ctoi roe. the bad state of the oads in this loca- a ie4t m ZeanFatu J PJ ies of lity. They are drifts east ut here on Paie tst JusePlu. hr ol j Lan- < the 9tb con. that are from n to twelve goa ur f et oe a tie UniaS foot deep. It seoins this is the only puftd W.rth ef Dr AM&ua CaaialE part of the township where ratepayors Powder. TIb oefrre0dered, mefuse to assîst thie pathmaster in-keep- Sing the roads open when propetly noti- fieti to do so. The cou ncil should baca '4~u their pathinasters and make a test jcase, as wo understand the law makes -ample provision for sucli cases. S 1 IOYENEAUK. Mrs T Pliair spent Eastei with ber mother Mrs Wright ut Toronto. Mr Jsames McMillen bas been visiting Moinda in Detroit. rMr Hugh Petty spent bis Easter bull. <laye undor Lb. parental roof. Mur. sud Mis Robert A.klurst utos au. Cnwngton vere visiting Lh. frieuds ini Egypétheb.la"tfew days. There vas a good atteudauce ut the Easter sung service in the Methodist shnrcb on Sunday evening. The choir acquited tbemaelves in Lb. usual flrst claie style sud the service Lhroughout was bhiplasant sud profitable. The Bey J M Caineron preaebed ini Beaverton ou Sunday bis pulpit bore ho- ing &hlled in a vary exceptable manuer by Mr Hall a laie graduat. uf Kox cullege. The ruade bave been inu. simot M- passable 8tato for sme time. 1 lis centre ruad from hors Lu Blachetuel wuasoubad that Mr, Dusty, our faithful mail carrier, tbuught iL advisable Lu travel on foot and draw th. mail on a baud sleigbh. We helieve this is Lbe first timo in Lb. history uf Our village that snoh a meana bad Lu b. resorted Lu. W. beartily sympathize with Bro Nott, of Port Perry, in wbat lie eays as te the trouble. of a newepaper correspondent. We bave bad morne experience &long that lino sud have corne to the sme conclus- ion. W. have (ouud that iL la utterly impossible Lu pIeas.. core people. They eau swallov ail Lth praise aud taffy or tahe al lb.heelp yen eau gi. them in any undortakiug and nover s>' thanho, but let theufortunate correspondent drep a "en.that eauan Y va>' le con- strued te, mea opposition or diaepeet, then looh out for squalle. We have ho.. thero Bro. Nott ana kno. ail about h. Our nev merohant tooeposesinof- the sore on Tuesda>'. Mrt Wm Oliver-while ennag.d ou Mon- da>' draving in a staok ef hay fUflbao- varda off a load neadi> brushing bis uock. W. are pl.aaod t aithar" t i s motbing serions. Uns Taylor sud MnsWood hsvo r.- turued s»d started h*ehoig qan. Mn W Janson han been ounL.theh" liii for nomne it». sud &M .»Stappoar te improve ver>' rpl>'. The doesbave boon gotting -iunoau» Work latoy in t9"Y w 1 on rryg hep- The dogi viitedMr.ifloopor". ock ef W=e luat rida>' uigbi su' d wr~dfour 0 wha h dii<ie, fà vould mot *bjquU lfor theow0v»of utheb.dogu if t4 amai Mr. StOwafi\eKy. Who ha. boon over te the eld Mmd vitb a shipüîeofe borse. bas reuruod ropoting vr>' good Mr. 000. Ail'of bJil! ade aa ha 18PIooOp4rsWoodbue vas veli at"d , W y o th» resi ul hob mm aamuà ofnA~ In theL poison of the Roi John J Hin. *chey, of St Josepha ohuarcb (R C') Ham- *ilton, is found one who does the highemi t eredit ta tbe self merificing work in which sho ie engagod. His hindi7 heurt con- stantly prompte te deeda of love and goodnees, and iw thoe ity of Hamilton a&] r who know biu are raady to bear Iosti- maony to his high charactor and active generosity. Â resuit uf nfglect thinking more uf others dthbi moeif, lie bas bef n a ufféer from cold in the bead snd itu almost certain associate, oatarrb. Re cently lie made ueofu Dr Agnewus Ca tarrhal Powder, and bau found in it go great relief that ho deos iL a pleasure to tell others of the good ià bu done him. One short puif of the breatb Lrougb the blower supplied with eacb bottle of Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder diffuses this powder ov#er Lb. surface outheb.natal passages, Painlees and doligbtfül to use, iL rolieves in ton minutes, and perman ently caret catarrh, bey foyer, coida, headache. more thruat, tunsiliue sud deaf- z « 60c. Sample boutle and biowor lunt on roceupt of 10 cents in stamps or silver. 8 G Detehon, 44 Chnrch et. Tor- ontou. Sontb ,Americ&n N ervine, Âgne wvu Catarrh Cure, Agnew's Heurt Cure, sold uni>' by J E WilIis. The following is the standing of the pupile of 8 S 'No. 18, Beach, for Marcb : Jr Pt 2nd-Mary Parieli, Edîrar antt. Donùie Munro. Sr pt 2nd-Lucy Pariah, Fronkie Watson, Thomae Heyward. Jr 2nd-Wil!je Dewey, Cecil Tait. Sr 2nd - Minnie Moon, Florence Sleep, Fluree Clenient8. Jr rd-Walter Moon, Ada Butt, Clara Parish, Florence Lane. Sr. 3rd-Juhn Munru, Edward Dewey, Liihie Bligbt, GAurRe Heyward. Jr 4th-John Watson, Liii. Clements, Rose. Coatea, Clarence Dewey, Edna Mou». Sr 4L- Flura Watson, Hogli Munro, Lile Draoan Willie* Webster. I Wua Oured of RheumutJ.sm in Twentiy-tour Hours. I, George Eagibh, shiphuildor, bave -lied in Ohaarnm, S,.ovor fort>' ysare Luat e= 1g Itook sevore àilainMY kue. uh eb, obined wush swoiiing, laid me ""r sil weeks. duriug.whioh cime I ou ur.d grau affering. I saw South Amorlean Rheumsatio C*r. adi.,- ised in the Oha*auWodrd, sud pro- dur.d a botU.. Witbiu twoutt-fonr boni. [wuas aitaty free from, rhoua- tiam, sud have aot bMea trubWe with iÎt ine." 8oo;t Ameriasu Nérviui., Ag- new's Oaturh ,Oum ,Agnav'e He@rt OU, mold ony by1T Ii Qvaduatu e-ofeQlI Urnvomlty -in"New Sb.ld,tbeir Oh* unaldinner.A 8.veot" amvaum*t Of Mitoa!niest eesuvd the dpe of >x». ~Iwa.,g~ueh uêpad te0" rrtom Wum. Wfla* t1uooupapmù WobrthQaiI *k Iwwi Mo fsSo et*ê upDw tu mu ~ ~ ~ e w 6"e '1im a ut ufceL L la - La. uoeaooçria 4V~JEUttsj .uy pi St John'. Mi 34m, P h4Ï nu't. i '. rri aslcuvs t m ber owhsadevrw ho purcbased huom WinI O-Gra4y. Men arc being bimeti right antIl Loy vages. Don't forget the fout bail meol here on SaLurday evening. ýElec Mre Prank A fine progain va presentoti by the literamy society on the Thurstiay betore school closet. Ater secretary's anti cnitic's reports vore reati the tollowing were renderet: Recitations, Alice Westnoy, Susie Matidaford. Jouie Mc- Brady, H. Calvert; reading. A. Eti- wards; twu dialogues, B Willingpand Walter Fowlie; song, Annie Matida- ord; music, Jas. Doyle, sud su inspir- ing description ut the lite ut Go». Grant by the teacher. Several ex- pupils vere' preseut. anti madie con- gratulatory speeches on the society's success. The society bas closeti ils meetings for the winter nov, anti many of the larger boys bave gone Lu the farm. The folloving is the report of the, school for the winter torm. The stand- ing bas hoon arrived at by means of a written exain. in ail but the primary classes. Entrance class, max. 525 marks. Abram Brown 377, Winnie Chapman .33o, Wm Westney 276, Freemsu Brovu 269, Annie Matidatord 266, Hernie McBrady 262, Agnes9 )'Leary 175. Jr. Foumth, max. 475 narks--Bennie Willings 337, Alice estney 174,. Walter Fovie 173, Alionzo Etivards 161, Sherman Brown i i . 2nd classa-NeIl Calvert, Lorne ;auntiers, Frank Westnoy, Harolti Mc- Brady, Arkland Smith, John Elliott, Vill Calvont, Gus Matidaforti. Sm. Second class--Urbin Blake, Harry Blake, Henry Brown, Susie Matidaford, Lorne Puckerin. Jas Doyle. Jr. sec- nd class--Josie Mcflrady, Albert Huntley, Daisy Huntley. Sr. Part 11. -Hama Calvort, Earl Lynde. Altred qyndo. Jr. Part II.-Frank Eiliott, [ohm Calvert. Parents wiii jle nderstand that the naines of somne are >m itteti, as they vero not bore for =ams. Average atte-ntance for Jan- iay was 42, while attendance for Feb- Liary Wcas 21. Measles was the cause fthe loy average. Chiltimen whocome, Toegulamly or only parts ut days must .etainly buse. Numtuer ut visir.s by rustees-none;: by parents-none. F. K. Chapinan, Teacher. tIng iich Ioft. ting tiofl h oshie work. The office mnan rLSinatcnoa win- the, exercise he meeds, neither takes the proper time for eatiug. It is smnall wonder that the digestion of botb gets ont of order. Nature work-3 as hard as she eau, but there are soine things she' carnot stand.- If a man gets somne foreigu .zubs-tanlce into thse works of bis watch, he doesu't expert the watch to run until the impediment le re- moved. Hi-, Own digestive systei lea much more wonderful and delicate mechan- ism than that of bis watch, and yet hc neg. lecte it and abuses it. Rie lots it get out ()f order, and refuses to help it. lu the end hi% neglect racts with terrible force upon- himself. The reaction cornes on grdually, however, 80 that somnetimes lie scarceiy sus- pects the cause. The cause of nine-te:nths of thc sickness of the world le constipation - a condition s0 commuon that four people utof five take it as a mnatter of course. prom tis o«Me cause corne indigestion ; disorders of the stouch, li:r and kidneys; bloses beadaches, flatulence, -hesrtbura, ipr ef the bloud and tite squIons comicatjimi that follow. Te bcgij itb oct~.i$ a little thingan&da lineetihtg cure ai. lYr. Pierve's Flouant ta are tîny, sugus- cuated gmule& Tbeygive te nature'lma the littie help ishe uced&. Tbey are us gentie as they are efficient end viii er.ý &MctY curethe vent ces« ef COUSUfitj There is nothing in th world Ithethher, so theve c eau n othing "ju«tmas ood.1'The druqistwhd tiie& te-mcli ye« umethint else bas bis Ovu luterest in view Mmd uMt yonrs For afree mmpe. ekgcoffr te 7 aum oIreu ipng ffo'W %" aouedbm éK eeet vM t ýWi aim toeSat' e 7-lu sy v Itie UJoe~ Mrad ComumitlonLcw Cond ç Et». .,am Wvau Toronto, Ont ?our yeas & go hIle ia taie 0< ounw England). miY dauglutor Haunali vas sent avay troin trie ospuinal lasvery l bs Oitr wMi counumptli o! ofhe l*1u9 and bowels, u4 weal action eoftthe heurt. The trip acrou the mrater te I"iscountry smmed to make ber feel botter 'fer savrlle. Thon utbe fl oCg morse, ma" fer 14 seekes MWvau unable to ut 0f 0u.bo& .ste gmwv ve rtove fliOhq aod lest the nueeoflber libe snd lover part of bojy Mud If site mg Up la led had to b. pruppw up wu hpilWL v.Phymiclm Sld $ho W»s Put AJI Heip andvwautodme to moud ber t thie ,'Home for incurable*.' But 1 muid a. long as i could hoj Sy baud up &hoeshoulit aut go. We thon bepa Hood'sCure$ te sie brh 1 9Srsaparlla. h. la getcag strong, esarounit, hae ot dooru e-very day; hae Do trouble vWUiber trotam sudinuCoUgf,, ma" b«eruiert meos teÈ! rlgt 8h bas a fat ehm à ettaw e rlarat e]r e, Marlu 8reEa. am pae, eto taie n Hooe lie&ai. paM rlvgesat e- poehotiy Imrmiefl. SON b~AU drugalats. me. I 'j* - LL7Ly, ?*0*Eei~ I~u5albyaIiDguggsmw.oe.4.m Dp.». J. K~ND4LI~ COMP*gy, g.eugmo~ ,A&Ls, iv. I Tk~soh~Muk.I 4 :1 kowa . Yor -.5-- -ing. The r and tho dis the -Canadia ed at your tmoiUJg a, lavnye tta tii Coita as tihe o ee+ý, 1 7,P _»Ome- vm 1 - B L ul ru of iri ce 1 and 141,,3 JnoSý=ü-à. ý A qa WilNout'se, son. NIourse, of Whitby, inBoston, Mass.,N iewod lq the Wor r which lie entertainii bis experioiice in- G;azette gays Mr. W. J. H. formerly local niane was in town lait perieloOs As aC with th. Nule expe der General Wolsl4 rnafly Worcester n bis armoke talks. were many andi the opportunities5 lmforniatioflwhicf' of the. present exp Arabs of value. In Mr. Nourse'~ Kitchener is theg er of Ara.bs. Hi puage a.nd their cc social, andi is able in diegnise with the Wolseley cai and hia boat comn ing up the iver -wben tbey passeti an jirigation wbe to keep to the -voyageurs laughe they ran agroun cended to the ba excellent. English 1 told you to ke, vas Kitchener, t] and an Egyption get into the secr Such a man shon vweli. r Moreover, mai ing man can ha~ trains in that co~ or.' Re knows -Aaa to prevea Ho wil divide u the eneniy to va~ bua a plendid 8 Mr. Noumso single barrel ma weapon as the dozen barreisa, si torner cam pi soon gets cbogg lie difference dozen barrel word picture of un the Arab horrible. They d reds befome Srnokeles 0w4 not approve sereens the me the snoke the hip andi natural dead]y. With dinar>' should after a fewh soldier is knock constant rocoil

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