,ith feathera whimb had been %est golnt in New Mexio ansd ha since been -trav- elling <from place to place uutil it b1s reached tii nortiherua country. At eaich office a tasgbas been Iput on, untul there gre upwards of forty cf tbem round its rîm, giving it quite a Ilwild indian " ap- pearancé. Thé curioslty was Ilpaaséd on' sud may continue iLs traveis for a long tirné yét. Mn B F Keafl has an interésting relie cf thé long ageo. which hé discovered on the top of a high rock on Parry Ialand, Georgian Bay. A two peund weight ses sheli frorn thé Gulf of Mexico leached perfectly whité with thé resta and suts of centuries, but atili hard sud geiid. The owner nay have hid iii on thée 'ut of the way aummîiît when about Vo start on the wam path and neyer réturned, or i niay havé been left by the fieeing Hurons th thé ue of thé Iroquois conquert ah h '.%I. Wallace is describing in "',5eleof the Past." ITtwus a strangé tmaffic nvdlvin- much labor sud isk, Le .uî,tvey fom thé Carribaan ea Vo thé (,emri,'liiuBay off Lake Huron gréat shelas t, ,bt fashuoned into béada and othér or- autenta. Thua shell was not an ordinany ecbut bad a pnolongéd point of both ili amilttel) of the convolutions. nov con- midemably îujured by timé or rough usage Dierdérir honte ralded. ý n Monilay night a bouse of i11 fame 'the utskuts of thé town vas raided > y ('îîastbles George Clark sud W 0 ansd thé keepér, two inniatés and :wo feuenters brought béfore Police 'Iat,-,strate Laffety on Tuesday. -Janet ~athe. jroprietres.was fined 820 aud 'StS, May Murray asud Lusa Trowley, in- mates, aiso coîîtmîbuted 910 and co)sta -ht4) the town treasury, and the two ;ýSLtuuîeîl veuthe wéré let off wth a se North Polo near ortilia. Frein the PIarry Se-und district sud MNLka reports corné there s very ltiUe snow is on thé ground. To the aatýjh, cornmeuîcing at Barrie, thé beau- t:ful- has almoat eutirely dîsappeared, toealportions, br 88rbo oi light about two leet .wide It was very clear and bright, with Sharp, wchll- defined edges the viole length. I1t did flot stay long as the. writer hadathe- curiosity shortly afterwards'te get out, of bed to look again. but it had vanished. Elseulte for tes. To the editor of The Warder --Dear Sir-Thinking this might b. of interest te other housekeepers 1 enclose a ne- cipe that I have found very useful te me when in a pinch. very cheap and very nice. Yours truly, Housekeeper. --Dissolve one or two pieces of cern- pressed yeast in on. pint of warm milk or water (net bot enodgh te stald), add one teaspoonful of saIt. piece of lard or butter as large as an egg. and fiour te make moderately stifi dough. Mix thoroughlv and mould into pans at once, and when quit. light bake in a moderately quick oven. This recipe will gi\'e ou biscuits for your table in one boum and thirty minutes. Warder. -1 Teek One-haifBottls cf South Ament- can N ho umatié Cure and Obtatlued Perfect , a.11.r-Tbts f smedy Gives Roeitu na ?ew Roumsand UhUUalY Oures a uôue t. Three Days. J. H. Garrett. a promineut politician off Liverpool, NNS., mnake for thé benefit off tbe public, thé following tatement: 'II was greatIy, treubled with rheunetic pains for a numnber of years. On @éverai occasions 1 could net wqlk, non éven put my fef t to thé floor. 1 tnîod everything and &Il local physicians, butýmy suffériniz coul inued. At last 1 was prevailéd upon to try South Aménican Rheurnatic Curé I obtaiuéd perfect relief béfore I bad taken haîf a bottle of thé rémedy. sud te- day regard it thue only radical curé for rheumatism " South American Nervine, Agnév's Catarrh Cure, ARnew's Heart Curé, sold only by J. E. WiIhie, Whitby. r Triag erit. Iarn gla4 ,but siuee a ES L b las lu. pamlhla la a (-t1 pbiee, "~T-@Mao. ARETIRED BRITISH SOLDIER MAREýS A SWOR-N DECLAR- ATION. Lngered for Sixteen Years and Unable teO (ccupy His Bed-Found Great Relief in " Kootenay Cure," the Sureat Known. County of Wentforth, Province of On- tario. To wt: 1, John Hughes, of the City of H.am- lton, Connty of Wentworth, Province of Ontario, a retired Briti.sh soidiers, resi- dence 126 Wet-avenqe. N. D., solemnly declare : That aft.er lingering for six- tt-en years with that terrible disease Sait Rheurn in such fori that 1I was unable te asleep or in fact Vo occupy my bed wthout suffering excruciating agony, I procured a 'bottie of "Ryckman's Koot. eîîay Cure, and was so pleased with thé result that 1 wroté Mr. Ryckman, sating ,hat I was benefitted and expected to be c mrpletely cured. 1 now desire Vo atlimm that béfore finishing thé third bot- die 1 considered myseif a "'Salt Rheum Cure."- 1 confidéntly recommend the rnedicine te &Il others suffering from the samne disease, as 1 beliéve it -te b. the snrest cure yet known. And I make titis solemun deciaration V conscientiously beliéving it to b. trué and knowiug that iti s of the mane force and effect as if made under oath and by virtue of thé Canada Evidence Act. (Signed) JOHN HUGHES. Declared before me at the City of Ham- ilton, in the Conntiy of Wentworth, titis l9th day of F'ebruary, A. D., 1896. (Signed) W FRED WALKEB Notary Public. An Omemee -chap dropped a quarter i nto Géb. Fox's gum machine last week, drew his gum and waited for twenty- four cents. His comipanions thought they had a good joke on their innocent. f riend, who bore a striking resemblance te, the edior of the Mirror. -GUùru machines neyermake change., Iu hisiaddree-before "the last counciÃl meeting'Mi, Bairon stated thatbicycles were uséýd'throughout the niverse.-, ,Wil Mr. Barrota please- explahï wliat, kind cf wind î lmy use lufilIihI% pneiî-, matic tires., Perbaps e Use the tewest st le of bômt<#jà ëùî KOOTENAY CURED WHEUE' 50 DOCTORS FAILED. For a number of years 1 was greatly troubled with a skin disease. 1 went te Hot Springs, Ark., and I actualiy believe I consulted over fifty doctors at different tmes without getting any relief. I took one bottie of your Kootenay Cure and it bas cured me. Previous te, using it I was unable te shave. It is no doubt a wonderful mnediciiie. 1 recomnuend it most highly. Yours truly, A. TRUMAN, jo0) King St. E.. Hamnilton, Ont. odwod The Misses Dickinson spent their Easter holidays with their mother at Thorn H ill. The teachens around here took ad- vantag4 of the new school iaw and took their extra week's holidays. 1 have heard tell of anti-shaving, societies but I think the dudes arouand Goodwood have organ .eda sha-ving society as they are ailgetting nid of the hair on their upper lip. I guess the baud took the bit and I arn very pleased they dîd 80. On Saturday night, their rçgular practise nigbt, -evelry member 'was in is iePlace. They had an exçýeillet pra-ieJ Cep to it boys and in god hape forthéii 4h, Miy.- MrJae MaaIéy, of -Browubill, paid us a flyïng visit. - Miss Sarah Todd 'ehwhi> bbeul-1 ina ibbrggh~,t*~tT Lon, mli Gall te in fa Can <c t d Spc c goWbea t obe- 00 buhels, Moditbhl smWlll asuin; Of navigation asPt pit wst Mmse of Remenlal biU pssd. idon, RUIZ-Kruger neyer even an- rered invitation to visit Bntgland. -ýMayor offers $50 revard fer de- etion of parties assulting women. kid Truuk Ry-Half yearly meeting 2London, Eng-Traffic reportimatis- letory. SATURDAY, A&MIL il iadieu-Mdichael Brennan, Barrie, ound puilty-To b. banged May 29th -Thé Houée of Gommone bas béén in esasion over 100 bours-WiU probably it tluI Sanday morniug. erican-Wheat firmer in Chicage 65î u-President Cleveland urges Spain eseutle with Cuba-Biahep Ryauia ead-Thé nayors of Brooklyn and qev York veto thé Gréater New York Bll. orte-American athlètes vin nearly ail] at Olymnpian games at Athens-Start- ing machiné for herse races a failure at Mémphis-National leegue basebali opens next Tbursday. IdONDAY, APRIL 183 Philsdelphia-H H Hoirnes confesses 27 murders-Burned two men alive- Srnothered several. Ottawa-Sir 0 Mowat offered Liberal leadership, but declined-House of Cominons sat the week through with out adj our mon t-PaemediSi bill will not be passed this sesbion. England-Canadian herses likely to be shut ont neit on the glanders excuse. Toronto-Premier Greenway here- Rumored that ail t.he local Liberal premiers will join Laurier. Chicago-Wheat duil 64 le, TUESDAY, APRIL 14. Prob-Warm; showers at nigbt. Chicago-Wheat firmer at 65ýc. Ottawa-Debate on the Beinepial Bill resumed-another continuons session probable. Philadelphia-Holmes' confession beld Wo be bogna. Five alleged victims dlaim to be ahive. Toron to-Green way gene to Montreal. Proposai to cut down capital stock of Onta.rio bank from $1,600,000 to $1,. 000,000). London, Eng.-Canadian herses to be barred ont.-Irish land bill introduced. New York-McKeever, Phila., defeated Young Griffo in 21 rounds. Denver, Col.-Great snow storrm on Monday. Bloekade and business damage. WF.D-ESD.AY, APRIL là . Toron to-Lien t. -Col. Fred O. Denisen, M.P., dead. Ottawa-Rumor of Sir M. Bowell's ré- tirenient.-.-Remedial bill te be with drawn for this sssion.-Sir C. Tuppér déclares only two M.P's have béen druck in the législative chamber. Peterbro-The Grays tried for arson, and &gain acquitted. Foreign-Mrm. Dyer, of Leading, Enig., an a maie accomplice murdér 30 or 40 babies.-An explosion iu the Bran cepetb ceai raine, Eng., his eight men and entombe 20 otbers.-The police say that Homés is thé murdérer oitetn pc' pie.-Wheat iower in Chicago at PRIEBT AND PARISHIONER. miss Maggie Melody, cf gamilton, Use Dr. Agnew's Celebrated Catarrhal Powder, on Recommendation of B.., Father Hlinchey, and Found it a Grand R.emedy for Influenza. Having himseof been beneffted by the use of Dr. Agnew's Catarhal Powder, Rev. Father ffinchey, of St. Joaeph's church, Hamilton, Ont., followed the counsel of the goed book, and earried the good news te ethers. One of the. parish- joners, Misa Maggie Mieledy, hâd been a sufferer from influenza. Father Hxnebey knew how mueb geod hi.s remedy had doue in case ef eeld in the head wisb bimmaeif, and reeommended7 ilteto Miss MelodY for ber case, who over ber ewn, signature, bas written: '"I bave nsed Dr. Agnew's Catambral Powder fer influenza and foued it a grand remedy. In <sot it gave me relief almoet at- once. I eau with pleure bighly rêoommend ilt toa&U who are suffering froua this malsy." One shbrt puf of the breath through thé Blower, aupplied with eaob botde of Dr. Agnew's -atarrhal Powder, diffuses tbis Fewder over lihe surface of the nasa passages. Painles ansd del!ghtful te use. it relieves in ten minutes aM perEastxit ly cureg oatarrh, hay ever. colde, head- ache, ore tbroat, tonsiitis snddeneas. 60 pents. South American Nerme.- new's Catarrhal Cure, Âmne*'s Hesr Cure, sold only by J e WiIlis, Wbilby.-, Qu orTo oe fSuh ,ucp KldeyCue lUG'Cam u~Ii field, were here Sundav with Rev. McLean and wife. Miss Sarahli bd bas been indis-ý poed writh rheumatic fever, but is slowly impreving. MNi. and Mliss Hughes wene calléd suddenly te the -city through thé il]- att tic hai ha ed f r Hg Wa pr th, Willie and Maggie, Bell, who are ,ending high school ai Toronto Junc- Dn, are home for the holidays. R Bowes, of Uxbridge township, %a decided Vo, become a resident, anxd s rented the house, recently vacat- 1by Jos. Collins. Joseph Slack has safely returned -ýrn the Grand Iodge of Cs.nadian orne Circle held in Hamilton, asd ,s much pleasad with the trip. A concert wili soon be held, the roceeds of which will be devoted to, ýe rerlef of the suffening Aninenians. The bear show on Friday evening wsa failure. Ornly 8G cents was taken in at the door. Our people have almost been drained of their 1 . 1 - Ii--f,-y, ,,, getting wagons fitted up, and will likely move when the roade will per- mîit.-i The band boys intend to ereet a stand on the corner, just north of Hoppers store. This wil surely netjn open air concerts during the long summer evenings. The concert was only fairly well ettended. Mr. Eddy performed the dnty of chairman, and did so in an aceeptqble manner in- deed. %Chll11dren should be happy and plurnp. A child of seven should not be thin and pale. wlth the aged look of twenty. N~o aches; no whlnes; no house-plant. Ruftning, Jump- ing, laughing. Chlldren should grow ln weight and strength ; eat heartily and sà how plump cheeks. S5cott's Emusion of Cod- Iliver ffl it ÃŽh OoHypophos- phites fis- out the sunken cheeks and gives colo r tbthe ips. - It furnishes inmaterlal for the growth of bone, aând food for the brain and nerVes. it lays a strong fourndation for-future growth anî dy1o4 ment. SCOTT, s EL.at« -à b e 0vd e 04 0ormae 0 . . ï e *nt seu~'tit bfdsn Toronto, Mis Mni. OGould is with City frienda Ibis week. isAliceHyfield la with Myrtle f riends thia wo'nth. MmrsHickiugbo'ttom le not improv- ing very rapidly. Miss Jessie Gerow is home for vaca- tien from Whitby. Miss Scott, of Agincourt, iB visiting at "Spruce Grove." Jos. Collina heu taken possession of James Birrell'a place. W. léeaper and daughter spent a few days recently in the city. Samuel Bundy and wife, of Toron. to, spent Sunday hère with friends. Fred Gentie, of Toronto, lé hère this weék with his numerous friendg. Thé McFarlane farnily, of Toronto, were hère ovén Sunday with friends. Miss Jet-mie Pilkey and Mis Ma- diii are home f rom Whitby for thé vacation. Mrs. Peter Macnab and family visited f niends in Toronto during thé holidays. WValter McLaren, of Oshawa, was hère over 'Sunday with Fos&r Hutchi- Fson and nife. Ne Castoria. - Camberal e elum ufldnefor <cbI1 dieu. Mothers ave répsatefly WiId me ci Ih. good effect upcfthe& olWdrea." DR. (G. C. Oaoon, .Lowéil Nasa "CtoVtain thé beat rernady' fer cbIlw aof vbhhi a= acquainted. 1 hope thé day la net far dimnt vhe n mthersviliconalder thé rosi btiioc sof their children, sud use CaaselsIn- wead of thsvsrlowunse nostrumswhcam destroying thefr lovsd cnes, by foreng olgum. mnorphine, soothlng ayrup sud ter hnrtf ni ageMutsdown their throsto, theveby sndln Umem te prématuré gra&es" DIL.J.?P. EnçmoNa Ccmvay. Ârk. Castoril. 1 rocommSod Il assuper toay ptseipUM kuovu teO e. L ARÂOMU94 IL Di 111 ie. Oxford St, Dro<*l MiN Y "Our pkhyal n lMthéchMMre'i daput- mmutbave spokeu hlgbiy et thslr expul' ence iunathe& outaldeprim vuce wlth s.i and sithoqgh w. only bae a Oures inei lsupplias what la kwevu msregular prclducts, yé& *é are fréeto conbt UItha ments cf Castmls bu s va Io o* lth favor upon lt.1% Uwrno RourrAz.A»DsiW& ALLEN C. (sNRTR, Pra., Tii. eatar Comsui,'n Ku~ Shot, Nv Yok *y. - îniab land billlu nthe mous. introuduoed the new Britiah House off Cer- When Baby -aa uek, we gave her Ca«Sti&. Wben she waa a CIId, @h. crled for Casins When ah. became MIM. as eching te Castoia. Whnî ahe had hildren, ah. gave them entorIa. Lizzie Greifeubahn, a Iteu-ysar-old girl, wua killed st Guelph by a falling wali. A GoeeooU0ev. (Published b>' Requesi) Dear Mfr. Editar.:-WilI you kindly n. orin the readera off yotir vuuable paper that 1 will gladly send FREE te any suiferer fromn Lest Mvanbood, Nervous Debility. Night Losses, Varîcocle, Impotency sud the r-tults of youthful folly, particulairs of a simple and inexpensive tneans of self-cure which miîter be. ing humhugged. and imposed upen for years by quacks and patent medicine sharks.ý cured ire in a few *eeks. 1 bave notbiug to SUi or give away, inor amr1n I isngan paent medicine businessý but will h. pi sedto hear fromn any sufferer anxieus to find a cure for bis complaint. to wbom I wiII exolaîn confiden- tially bow and by what means 1 was cured. Hundreds bave been cured througb .rny ad- vice. CSous notbing te learu wbat 1 psid hun- dreds of dollars te flnd out. Address confi. dentially and enclose stamp if convenieni. D. G. OWEN. Toronto, Ont. Riverside P.O. HE WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW. Dear Editor: Pies.se luinyour vuluable jeurne Jthat If- aMy sufferer fin Nerou De bi hewa Lesaubood, NighîLui, b. ii rt mue in ceu6deoei W i to e Iu by letterA of cfchrge, bow o btin prfo Came c s o e mue.livngmtlimgt<a uni. i kuowhbow IoBeyiDPSdiJzewitb tb.a. rsuffere.s sd arn ouly tee ilad toe sabls e- a' sitthem. I pmqwIeseveyeuatoue creeyým sudas Ido net, of cobu, ialateex Pm efîtbI dotsenDIl~I youiir ateto ge' wel, sted starnà P sda Lot Ito aa sd oaWestof Br«*skt~ I ,-,4 ý_ lu Henderson if, Gr' Money to L6 At 5 and -6 p«v cent,, ýacl uipounts aud securety offered, Appraliser for Caniada. Perl'mau SSivîug Co. Deccmbvl2,893. -SCOTT.;~ I ri the OriIlia district miany days.4un will EuheId. 4e required to kill the effecte of anow and Geo. Nidderv has hired for the frmat. A traveller, whose business takea season near Raglan. hîm to ail parts of the province, aya Wood bees are the rage here now, that the tenacity vith which wint.er Mr. Nichols, Mr. Niddery, Mr. Orm- clings to the surrounding townships is a itnadM.J culuhec a c.,nu ndru m h imaelf and others have f ailed ion and Mm. . AtcCuloategh ech had te solve Orillia sidewalks are impas- oeIs ek tta aeteewl sable, the traveller says, cornpared to soon be no standing timber Ieft. Iose of towna flot forty miles south, Mr. A. Bowerrnan and son, from where the boards have been dry fur two Port Perrv, are vîsiting at Mir. R. wýýeks past. Pascoe. flehorulugocattle. Mr. J. Dyer and son Emerv are at O)n calling at Thomson Bror,.'.liver3ry eet ik wthl rpp.1e las wekwe oo geatinerat n xan-Fannv Nidderv also is under Dr. iiiing their new dehornicg instrument and Mitchell's careý seeîng it work, also in examining biox of apern hornas taken off vicious catie lat.ely. The snow is graduallv disapern Among them were the borng of the vic- fromn here, but in sorte places it is four i,a brute that gored Mr J Jackson last and five feet deep vet. summer in Medonte. Some of the horna The following officers were installed ineaaure ten inches in cîrcumference and in the division of S. of T. here: F. are vei-y heavy. The instrument was Hurîbut, W. P.; F. Reynolds, A. W. mnade in St Louis, M o., and is a very fine p.;1. Powell, F. S.: L. Pascoe, one. Dehornîng cattle is somethnn few Treas.; E. C'ampbell, R. S . C. in this section of the country, but wîll NÃŽ-kev. A . 1.R asoCa net be ini the future, as it quiets the ani-j.-ur îbut. Con.. E. Wotten, A. Con; niaIs 50 that they are perfectly safet-o K. Ross, 1. S.; L. Bradley. O. S. handle or run at larLye. It also improves the beast's looks. They'f atten rnuch bet- Mir. L. Nîddery isrcev' large ter, and it will do away partly, if not en orilers thîs spving for fruit trees. Levi timelv, withi that terrible pest. the horers an enI-rgetiýc salesinan and deserves fly, that did s îinuch damage to catile in good patronage. this locality last faîl. Them paon Bros, V, Sa., are prepared to deherii any kînd ()f cattle, and would hike the farinera to Cens)ider the matter and cail and etiquire. -Fews-Letter. %> WILL BUY THÉF FOR, 1l896.6 SS8eeour -cita bing Liste. £DY IRE@ o yoaLr ber IRES i t tou i z îj with ~ertcU telligeut S300 a & co0., Cty* Rý END P ICE. y ars, rdoubt. are ré. te 815 ýil wh i rabe, ry lift amrnple of Mr. asa ry Ont 1 1 1 1 . 1 - 1 . 1 1 1 CantIons in Dr, amuel Pitcher'u proernpUn or nlttstà and OlaUdron. It Cogbdu1ap oither 0OMUM, Xer>hlne-aor other Narcotie isubstauceý. Et la a barmiém ustfut for Paregorlo, Dropi, Bothlng Syrupu, sand Castor M11 It In Pleasat. Ieh guarate. 1a thirty yeaWs use by Millions oflMothers. CauIons d.s«troWormgand allmys fevernlhuseCastorla prevents vomitlng Sour Curd. cures Dlarhoea and Wlnd Colle. Csorla relieves teetbiug troubles, cures constipation and fiatulencye, JasIons auulmlltes the food, reguisees the stomasch sud bowels, glvlng heulthy and natursi sleep. Cas torts 1latthe Chlidren's Panacee-the MotherPs Prlîpud. 1 -1 il !ý ý '