are not compiete. witbout a pretty set of waist buttons aid cuf hnks. You can gt-u the pretticat and newest Plated Ssust .... 350, 5Bon1d Slver set. ut 500. at Je Se B rsd's,9 JEWELEIR, WHITBY. 7,.-i.hed S/rer Riuekle.a, Pi: s, S/zk and Hat? pi;n ,.4jde Io look lake 'zeu,. tiom of any looai paper ta Canada FRIDAY, A.ARIL 17, 1896. LOCAL LACONIOS. Scott repairs ail kinds of pumps. F-resh Bread. 2 pound loaf. OnlY 4c. ai la, kson's. %Ir. Guy l)arnell, Dominion banir, Tor- onto, is home on his holidays. Auction sale every Saturday cvening at the west side boot and shoe store. Latest styles in bard and soft bats ai ex- cr-ptionally low prices ai W. G. Walters'. Mr j S Wilis. eciior of the Toronto Globe, %was in îown Tuesday, attending the funeral of bas relative, Mrs. Elleker. Iv ",dater shoes are so coinfortable 1 sleep in thero. Go down andI see theni ai the New s-hue Store, M W. Collins, East Side. A recîtal will be given ai the Ontario Ladies' college on Monday afternooni neit froin 5 to 6, b>' the pupils of Mrs. Bradley and Prof. Harrison. The public are cordi- ally învited. A repeai order of dress goods in black sicilians, lustres, tweed efiects, etc., which left Glasgow per steamer Furnessia on Mar. 21-t. we expeci 10 arrive bere Saturday. -see tbein ai %V. G. Walters'. The Rev. Newton Hall, of Omemee, must be a preacher of remarkable power. On S-undav befure lasi he preacbed a sermon againsi the use of tobacco, and the Lindsay Watchmnan's correspondent affirma ibat some of the villnge storekeepers were so in- pressed by it that they have given up the sale of the weed. MIr. A. Bugbee. of this iown, has letiers stating ihai the ire ai Demil college, Osh- awa, caused such a hnight reflection that the people of Lockport, N.Y., started in large numnbers tu drive to Olcoti, twelve miles taarth, believing that it must be afire. Eveit Olcott is fifty miles south of Oshawa. ltits safe îo estîrnate that the ire was visible a hundred miles. Dr John Hoskmn, Q C, Mr D'Alton Mc- C.îrthy, Q C, MIP. Mr W R Riddell, Toron- to, NIr W Kerr, Cobourg, and Mr B MI Britton, Q C, Kingston, aIl well known in this district, have been elecîed Benchers of the Law Soctetv ut Ontario. Dr. Hosin has been a Bencher oî the Law Society for' ,o years, and s now elected for the Sth iîme. Noue of the Berchers who were elcci- ed ai the saine lime as he was, 20 years ago, are now holding office. The friends of .Nla)or J E Farewell, Q C, of ibis town in- .isted on puttîng him ina nomination, but rieglected to do so lu time and te vas left a -w behind, not being on any" ticket." Runnîng independently snd laie in ttc field lie onîy came a fcw beharad, aa'd tad more votes fhan inany lawycra of provincial ce- putation. The best Anthracite coal. Nut, stos-e, egg, $475; No. 2 oui. 5$4 , ai yad J. H. Downey &'Co., opposie post u i. ce. b. 0. E Benevoleuce Mrs. Tremeer bas wriiten the iown Sons of Eugland ibankingîbhei for many tokens of kandncss lu coonection witb the destit of 6,-r late husband, sud also acknowledging the receipi of Siooo insurance from the order. Such letters tell the worth of an as- s ,ciation, sud ve cong-ratialate bhc Sous of Engiand on their truc broiherhood sud prompt benevolence. John Smith s aaigment. A meeting of the creditors of John Smniit, d rover, was held at J. H. Long&s office on Saîurday afternoon when it was made 10 ap- pear tbat if Mm. âmith doca flot put in a dlaim thse estate wili realize nearly 8o cents on te dollar. A sale of a large quautiîy of live stocýb_ i ordered lo be IseId on April 2ý5tb, aItét Mi. eei'ahotel 04»on, sud ttc real wÃjte yUl also A full liat of itai ;v11 bc found' - er columu of tiis issue. Wc su1re assiu that every- ting in the une or chattels la first clamin value, and our readors know lte lands are good. To test."M~. $O$kh'a signature on ttc notes la question one of îtem bas been sued la the divisi court, and thse trial vil corne oSt here-ou May 2ud. Diphtheria.1 Tiiis ratber a b..d lime ln thse year for' diphtheria to break out, tneigbbors. The1 hol sun vI soon ho pourng ipto bgcký yards, aud if tIse yards b. e ean d tidy Its raya will very opos aveeteu and make dbci healthful ; bul #f4fie yards ho dirty, a poot; water ber., pile c( rubbushtier, and suw old boards and doors inanaother place, thse- sbiuiug of thee -but sun vl! probably incas the deatb of somne chldr.n close _by. I il e- ways accus o as i -lp0SIwity W £1do ci ailness bas ,ér y1eeedbW4 1~ e , - -lsiiWrlMs-c, 'l_î ait tolb. soppepor EuhI réa *0e o nm lmn.d4sI4. LA 0. i. Hemi~d last. o! ~het on! es', i oè Mr. Bert Hollabd, Toronto, vtsltedwth the Meurs Stewart over Sissday. Meula reýdy-mnade tweed pants at $x,oo,' $1.2,,S8i-5, $1.75, $3, at W. G. Welters'. The ladies of the W.C.T.U. will hold a sale on the r5tb of May. Further particu- lars later. Complete new -stoeck lace curtains, ln white and creain, at 25c. to $7 a Pair, at W. G. Walters'. Secure a Sent nt Willls' drug store for the recital on April aStli. Plan of hall open on Friday, April a4th, at te aSn. Mr. V. -B. Woodruff bas purcbased the McCullough farm, west of this town, for $3,500. The farmn comprises about 6o acres. $xo reward will be given ta any person who can buy boots, sboes and rubbers cbeap- er than they can be procured at the west side cbeap boot and shoe store. Auction sale every Saturday evening. Be sure snd hear Miss Archer and Mr. Somerville, in the town hall, Whitby, on April 28th. A treat is protnised. Adais- sion only i5 cts. Reserved seats 2o cents. Plan of hall at Willls' drug store. Tax collectors cannot seize the goods of a tenant for taxes unless the tenant is hiable for the taxes.* The collecter is allowed te attacir the renta of the premnises by muerely notifying the tiant te pay it over to hum un- tiI the taxes are settled. For weeks pasi Mr. M Collins, sen., bas been missing from his place of business, being very ilI, but the beautiful sunlight of Monday last brougbt him out once more. He was the reciplent of many hearty con- gratulations, and we trust will make it a long time before be ta again confined te the house. Resulis of exarninations, Model school, for terni ending Match 3 st, '96 :Jr IV--65 per cent, Victoria Tain blyn -,5o per cent. and over-Willie Nicholson, Mabel Mow- bray, Edwin Richardson, Douglass Stewart, Norman Richardson, Mabel Bewell, Bert Manning, Maud Ctesswell, Lawrence Kean, Robert Dow ; 4,5 per cent. and over-Blake Henderson, John Rice, Bertha Camnpbell, Maud Newberry. Sr 111-65 per cent.- Charlie Bell ; 5o per cent. and over-Eva Brant, Herman Hyland, Bessie Gilpin, Edith Barnes, Harry Wilson, Maggie Dewey, Carlson Sturgess. Herbert Pingle, Minnie Mussen, Lily Nicholson: 45 per cent. and over-Agnes Sturgess, Robert Campbell, Earnest Ard. Ethelyn Scott, Vina Wb ite law. To Rent. 1. R. Philip bas three bouses to let ai a low. rental.-2 in. Clubs on a cash basis. Those wbo bave sent in for papers on our clubbing rates should bear in mind thai we have to pay cash in advance for ail papers we order, and expect our subscribers to pay the money in acivance wihoui laul. Ve trust that no person will overlook this notice. M ore lhghting. Mr. R. H. Bradburn bas this week wired the residences of Mr. J H Downey and Mrs. J Richardson for incadesceni ightlng. Mr. VDownev's bhouse will have ten lights and Mrs. Rcbardsons iwentv. Coun. Jackson bas had a tbirty-two candle power ligbt placed in front ofthte town bail, wbicb is an improvemneni very urgently needed for years. t is stated that insurance inspectors require parties usir'g lights to use adjusters, which cosi five cents each, insiead of tying knots in iheir lines as is now the custom. Court Motion. The firsi motion in ibis couniy for j udg- nient under the new rules of court, exLen d- ittg te powers of the local judges, was heard before bi-, bonor Judge Dartnell on Tuesday lasi -, C. A. joues, of Oshawa, ap- pearing for the plaintif., William Glennie, and Mr. Farewell, Q.C., for the defendants, the widow sud heurs of the laie A. R. Fare- well, and John Hoskin, Q.C., guardian of the infants, and administrator ad itemp of the estate. Judgruent was given for the immediate sale of the lands, being about 2oo acres south-eaçt ofithe towu of Oshawa. Before these rules, titis motion and judIg- ment could only have been heard and oh- tained before judges of the high court in Toronto. This new practîce will fon ,a boon to practitioners and suitors, by saving te expense and delay aîîending a hearing oui of tbc county town. Captured a Tarantula On Saturday uighi Mr. Will Lawler had an adventure with a îarantuia, wbich is a poîsonous spiderlike reptile about the size of a walnut, and comnes nort in bunches of bananas. Lawler did flot suspect that te bananas were inbabiicd until the tarantuis suddenly popped out near bis band and formed in liue of batile. Wili jumped upon tte counter and puîîed bis skirts in close 10 his linI'bs, afier wbich be bad the deiivery boy brîng hlm a broom, wiîh the sinal end of wict te attacked the bananas. The buncit swung bac 'k and forward under te blows, and finally ttc insect became dixzy and fellîo lite floor of the wiodow, where it ran behind one of the round iron pillars and assumed a safe position for te coming fray. Lawler brougbt a step-ladder, suspended a baiied book sud lune froin the broomstlck and danglec i h emptingly near lte varmint, which merely peeped oui occasionaily and- then retired 10 iii fastneas. Il would not bite, so Will resorted to deeper stratcgy, and chewed up- a large quid of tobacco, lte juice of which te tried t0 aquirt int its cyes when it made is occasional reconnaissances. This f ailed aiso. Finaly a psul of vater was dasted loto the angle, sud wben il was wasted out Lawier dispatched it witb an old boot. H e la negotiating for a tbreshing machine to shelilte bananas off the bunches lu future. Ontario L.adles College. Hypnotism vas the subject of thse lecture on Friday nigiti in Frances Hall by Dr. Tracey of Toronto University. Tte Iteat- ment of il vas inteusely interestlug, more especially as Ibis towu, Uirougb Mr. Jos. Hodgson's exhibitions hem of bis ertraordln- ary powers as a hypîsotiat has become to a very greal exteat familiar vith this marvelous and woudenful science.,- Dr. Tracey told boy hypuotis u a been used lu varions forma froua the dawu of erestion tilI to-day vhen the exactltp4c of modem scl.utMç.çseth of research ws striping the-o! UiM rtbaubec u irrotaded. Ã&7e .xow tbree well-defiaed sobools Inio-.whIyinÃ"tls may be difled. (z-) TIio-.*bo bieve »there is an extremely v fatl id or substace wbkb, mresubtie- ,tbaes thse oter. 719 tIs er olllg léen çautnfromt opertr to tIse ub ew ( ùeût -nes wbo discreit tIe1 i. eIsc elRai ldý* in favworftbt beoXy diait psta u t ino-mviS., unm i- srritn alu .d1 setta et: $5, ~ I Walters~<.. - I Can s ee the Siaer sboes at m. W. Colline' New Sboe StoreEasat Sie. Men's ail wool navy blue serge suite, at $3.7s. Ask to see thern at W. G. Waiters'. Mr. and Mrs. arrived back from their casier trip te New York state on Wed- nesday. Lindsay bas two companies or the Boys' Brigade. What la the matter witb Wbltby aud ail Its mulîary men ? Be sure and buy the Siater shoeu and pr- long lite. On exhibition at M. W. Colis New Shoe Store, East Side. I Health Inspector Calverley requests us to state that he intends to start on bis rounds iu a few days, and people wthl do well to abute ail nuisances and clean up generally before be cornes. Mr. S. Quigley's stock of boots and shoe* bas been seizcd for rent and taxes at the in- stance of Mrs. J. Richardson., wbo owns the building. We trust thai Mr. Quigley will be able to adjusi matters and open out again boon. A recital will be given in thei town hall, on April 28i.h, by the pupils of Miss B. Fid. ler, assisted by Miss Archer, one of Tor- onto'a inosi popular violinists ; Mr. Somer- ville, of Toronto, who possesses a fine bas voice - and the Whitby Choral Society, con- ducteà by Miss B. Fidiet. In 1895 the Ancient Order of United Work- men werc obliged te levy two extra assess- ments over the maximum of sixîcen, as fixed by the relief law. This necessitated a cali upon the supreme lodge for relief. This year the supi-eme lodge bas remiîted $26,ooo, whicb amount bas been placed in the bencficiary fund, and bas been used te liquidate deaîb dlaims for March. The assessment for April, owing to decreasp in mortality, has been rcduced to one dollar instead of two. During 1896 a special puait in organixation work will be made by P G M W Milne, the sum of 56,ooo h.aving been set spart for that purpose. A portion of tbis sum will be raised by an assessment of îoc. per capita upon tbe membersbip, the bal- ance to be taken from the generai fund of grand lodge The A O U W is one of tbe strongest, best managed, and cbe-'pest of the many be"rficiary associations in exis- tence t0 day. For an insurance of $2,0oo it onlY costs about 817 per annum including lodge dues. Anction business. Parties wishing te employ me to attend iheir sales can maire art angements as to termns and dates aitbe CHRONIcLE office. L. FAIRBANKS. Two hour ga.mes. At the lacrosse convention at St. Cathar- ines lasi week a rule was adopted making every gaine last two hours, the highest nuin- her of goals in ibat ime winning, instead ot the firsi four goals as heretofore. Spectators will therefore be given two hours of lacrosse, regardless of the score. The Rai1roaÂ. ht is now an acknowledged faci ibat te Wabash Railway is the shortesi, best and quickest rouie from Canada 10 Chicago, Si. Louis, Hot Spaings, Texas, Mexico, Cali- fornia, and ail southwestern points. lt's train equipinent is superlabively the finesi in Amierica. Full particulars froin any R. R. agent or J. A. Richardson, Canadian pas- senger agent, north easî corner King and N'onge streets, Toronto. Western Baak of Canada. The fourteent annual meeting of the sharehoiders of the Western Bank of Canada was lield ai the hbcd office of te Bank, Oshawa, on Wednesday, the 8tb inst. The report of the Directors is a short and a most saîisfactory one, as even a cursory glance ai its contents wîll show. Lt is one of tbe mosi flourishing institutions in oui town, and titis us vers' largely owing to the îborougb busi- ness capacity of the manager, T H McMil- Ian, Esq. The sharebolders are to be con- gratulated on thc way in wbich their inter- esis are conserved by the manager and directors. White there bas been widespread business depression, the Western Bank bas concluded one of ttc mosi succesaful years in ts existence. The net profits of the same am)ount t0 $5969919i, oui of whiçh divi- dend 0f seven per cent. per annum' was paid. The Resi now stands ai $105,000, 01 about 28 per cent. of te paid up capital. The same judgment bas marked ttc care of the Bank's business in is branches as aittce bead office. There have been no severe tosses du ring year, sbowing the judiclous manner in wticb bbc business la conducted. Judging by thc report, tbe Western Bank stands on os firra a basis, and is as well managed, as any of otîr moneiary institu- tions. Fallacies regardlng the moon. There la a new snoon this wcek, and we douht not ihat perbaps fifty millions of people on this continent bave been takîug stock of it to sce whetber the weather for the next four wecks is 10 be wet or dry. Ttc monn on ibis occasion lies weil on ils back, aud will hold water. Wc really torget wbetber il is a moon which holds water or one wbicb spilis it that iq rcgardcd as a sign of wei weather, but il does'l malter for what we bave to say. The moon la two huodred and tbtrty-seveu îhousand miles from this earth, white the atwosphere ouly reaches forty-five miles from the earth's average surfae. The moon bas neither ligit nr heat lu it so far as we know, and iberefore cani have no effect upon any other body, except that by refiection ft thirows ltght to us frein the sun duriug the night when the carthi lail a position nearer the sun than the< moon la. There la heat lu thc suu5s raya, but the moon doca not reftect that heat fat enough to affect the carth. Nov we cone to thecnolut about the moon this week. Those w6o noticed il yull rernerber that the moon followed the suai dowu by from one to three houri, apparcntly sctting la thse ame. place. The-ana la about nlaetyfve millons, of miles away froua us, and thse mous lit Sunday was atmoit dlrccty betei us sud, the sua. By Mouday night k b.Wg&« a little bebiud the sun in settlng;- by- Tuesday It was neanly two hours bcbind, and wlU loue uearly anather bour ever day outil it vill Oet lspula the «seuttbt sene tsel Sun sets lante est, and vil!tIsen b. iL Then instesd of<the man bels esam t bctween thse cart d d m'lui h ii bave f akest a ponitionu veM oe ueawlbetweèu- thse Sun and usonS. ,If sec veto @*tY 1-,. tueto thse suui ud moos tiser. Oosld h-éa total eclipft of<tbe. suoSu.but wc arnot-uo7 situatedaà t tsiaéhUMe 'WIIswwere"ay- in&g, ;Zeà wb[ re~been Tigt ,*etj tIse sas4étyvssn u Iess j U~-to-d~~e 1 CNEW CARPEr8, la C/R TA INSP maêng Your .Purckases~., DRAPERIE$,*, The savening season o&rrisý-,forrard tii. OÂRPS~T moveiruent. The hsudeome patterm.e imagmm aasortment, and deoreued -priées? betllin our favor, with acotinmlating power. If you're goïng Wou new carpets ai ae this sprin,it wM ipay you tb huy now. You be iii Style and have the beet fitting and best made Spring weight Suit or Overcoat in any ofthe vr newest maieriala, and the. muai fashionable goude, for prices thai nu one can bea. We'd rather be known by our high-elass tailoring, at unmateh ahi. prices, than by anything d.1. and always wiil be the ieadling feature o fO. IF. TEWARTI business. You get the.oustuom made Style, Fit and Finish for less money here than you'd have to pay for fatoqj productions. ON 0 SÂTUÉtDÂY, O BÂIRGAIN 0O DAY9,"ý we will sseU a new lot of CORSETS justin. seoure a pair. Se e aur NEW DRESS GOODS, i W. G& Low Prices, coupled with big values, is the combination that wins your trade in our elogant assortment of SPRING and SUMMER NOVELTIES. The + RUSHýýIý is with us.' Our stock of fine gooda appeal to the. peoples' good judgment -and a shopper han rarely left the store without a parcel. The quality standard in every line w. sBell up every season. This season's stocks are supreme iu quality sud variety, and our price. are lower than you'1l find anywhere else. NEW :: DRESS ::ýGOODS.. Black and Colored Mohairs, Estamene Serges, (ail colors), Black and Colored Hff SiIk and Wool mixtures, Tweed effeets, Menetians, Priestley's, Black goods. G,-Specia/ Une in 56-in. Black Sicilian CIotk on/y 75 cents. ýDD We import them direct from the manufacturers in Great Britain, and ean gi-îvo you b l value, with a larger assortment to select from, than elsewhere. All prices ini creamn.- white, from 25 cents to $7.00 per pair. .Men'8S, Youth8' and Children'8 Ready-made Clothin7g- .~LOWEST w. Califorrila Dried Regular price 76c., ail b go st 60e. &-pair. Be sun te MILLLJNERY, CAPES, Etc. No higk prices hem. F. STEWART, Fruit§ PEACHES, EGG PLUMS, APRICOTS, N ÉCTORI NES, PRUN2ESO Finesi Fruit. M. O.LÂWI Noted for Fine TEAS and coé WI*imi', j., fore. WALTRS'> PRING 0,000 0,000 res. ashier. îactod. )f Can- Eng- e.4 eposats Pl of ranch. WALTE RS, e.0RIES0 Whitt WM. TILL, STOP ÂND - TRIffiI. Befor. you -pu rohasyout itrepoky 7out ,,m siore for 'a short Simnee1 GOOd Mized Mate&%84',gooêi le first ase of ures. ý, (On- of thc r, arc Bankr mi thc ai the Sy able et- and iat the ttc as inter- 'sari ly )cal or ry snd itrees, n and -tissiun 'enses, when nada. and ) suit- Irant- 4, Low -Prices. Wist- red 1c Go Laee ourtalane Laee