Whitby Chronicle, 17 Apr 1896, p. 8

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'when looking for-... -i " pure Drugs, Perfumery, Toilet Requisities Toi1et Soaps, Fancy Goode, Spectacles, -, " Anything in the Mr. Éd. Baker was in town on Mouday. Mr. Reuben gIamlin was la îtown ou Mon- day. Aic - Miss lc Coad left on Wednesday for Orono. Mr. Frank Cole, of Toronto, spent Sunday in town. Mr. and Mrm. Geo. D. Howe left on Thurs- day for Everetl, Mass. Mr. J. Runusîls, of Port Hopè, was in towu on Thursday. a Mr. W J. Chaplain, of the Cedar Dale works, spent Sunday in St. Catharines. Senor Tesseman, of Toronto College of Music, is arrauging for a bigb class concert on Apri! 3oth, '96. Mr. J. J. i4enrpxly, of Peterboro, was in îown last Thursday, in the interests of the Standard Life Insurauce Company. Mr. W. Robinson, an old Oshawa boy, but now living in Philadeiphia, visited bis sis- ters, Mrs. Haight andi Mrs. Jacob over Sun- day. Messrs. Clarkce & Dyer have dissolved ~ ~ pariuership. Mr. Dyer continues the local Dr g LAAe, ageucy anti Mr. Clarkce wiil devote bis lime 10 the inspectorsbip ot thia district for tht is Sun Lifc Insurance Co. On Friday atternoon last as Mr B j Rogers wîtb Mrs Rogers were dri ving on King street near the roller mili îbey met tht motor iith a freigbî car. Tht horst became frightcntd B yleys D ru - Sto esud boiting up Meçhanic street upset tht buggy. throwing t lie occupants out on the road. Mrs Rogers was somewhat dazeti by tht sbock but was in no wey injureti. q Tht owners of tht Victoria univeîsity Simce St soth, shaw. ibuilding anti groundis, Cobourg, are tryîng Simco St.sout, OSawa. to sell it tb tht Ontario Government to be matie nto a home for homeless sud ueg- lected chiltiren. It bas been inspected with that end in view, sud the price bai been - tfixed at $25,000, provitied the sale ts matie. Thefirst rmeeting of ,olf enîhusiasîs ever I~i1Ih Id in this town will be belt inl tht town bal on Fritiay evening, April 17th. Mr Provan, au tidti tme player, bas worketi very hard during the winter sud bas secured a liîs of about sixty, who are wlling to jamn a ib anti secure groundis ta play in. The OSII WA, PRIL 17, 696eleetion oif oticers sud other business wil be transacted, It is requesteti that all interest- ed in tht game wili be present at tht meet- ing. ;OSIIAWA PAGE BULSiNi&ss .NoTicE.- Oshawa sub-cibtrs or advertisers muay tîmansact an>' business Witit tht CHRONICLE, or ma>' obtain extra copies at an>' lime, frotu E. E. Rogers. Farmers will do well to caîl ai M. E. May's for boys' reatiy matie clotbing. Il will psy any parties conteînplatilig bu%- ing an engagement or wedtimng ring ID set the large stock oif Feut Bros.. Oshawa as they will selI ibis month very cheap for cash. Genuine diamonti 14K. oniy Sý. Thev are aise makiug some special allers in Gens, Ladies' andi Boys' golti anti silver watches, Ste themn. FeIt Bros. .: Mr McQuay, of Pickering, la lu îowu this weey. Miss A Linsay, oif Milton, is visîiug wîtb relatives. - , Mrs Dr MeBrien bas ganetot visit ber sons inRochester. Mr endi Mrs Frank Guthrîe visîîed at Audlcy last week. Miss Dufly Balue la vîsiting her sister at t St. Joseph Convent. Miss Lilian Lukre, of Rouge H.11, is the guest of Miss Alice Hobbs. Dr Louis Mark~s was in îown this week. re- isewing,olti acquaintances. Mr H Cole, Hampton, who bas beeni visit- Ing frîends returî'ed home last week. Miss Nellie Biekell, tof Columbtus, is'the gucat of ber brother, Mr Fred Bickeli. Prof J N Dates, B. A., of Kingston, the guest of MIr B J Rogers, bias returneti home John Vicktry, who was working about tbe car shedi Isat Thurstiay apraineti bis ankie. Mr Hawvthorne bas soiti bis propert, occupieti b> the Rev J S Clarkce, to Mr Wnî Hollauti wbo will take possession in July. Suntiay was a fielti day at tht ruins of -Demill coliege. About a thousaud people visiteti the place tiuring tht day. Mr anti Mrs Fred Cowau starteti on Wed nesday lait for Asbvîlle, N. C., to join Mr andi Mmm W F Cowau on their trip îorough the southeru states. At tht meeting of the wbeeimen Isat Wed- neeîday night it was tiecideti to form a club. ~the membersbip fet wîll be Si iuciuding tht admission féete1 tht C W A. - W J Smnith bas appealeti againat tbc weedict of the jury in thechcicken case of 1..enton va. Smith lu whlch tht jury gave the plaintifi Lentoît saoo damages. Tht Oshawa Railway Co'v uow bring th eir express anti baggage te their uptow s i station by ont of their motor cars instati of d.rawiug it up by tem as heretofore. L K Murton badte l siaugbter a valuabie cow on Monday because îî wae affecteti witb tuberculoW Tht animal was k-lIed anti on examination it was founcl that sbe was În the Iast stages of the disease. Mr. A D Henry is raising tht roof of is boat bouse at tht lake anti otherwise imi- proving iata match Mallory's maguificeut project. Mr. Henry's boaba are ail good, aud are being polisheti up for public use. Tht appintment of Dr. Rat to the county iregistrarship anti of L K Murton ta the pol- ice mnagistracy of tht town mette with un- animous approvail hete, where botb of these getiemen are known te be giftti of tht high- est quallfloationti for tht office. The R S Williams & Co. are goiug te builti an addition to their large factomy. The addition is t0 egîti 5 o feet west, 50 feet norbh anti frai 6oor te gable 5o feet. This will b. useti for erecting pipe organe. To tht uairtb wili bq a metal noom 16 x 5o feet. Tht committ're haviug thteI1O O F anni- versary service; in charge have thc cousent of Rev jas Kines ta preacb their annivcrsary sermon on tht 26th inst. Tht church will be decorateti by tht comminittet« whicb bas matie every arrangement for the succese of tht Tht Reformer gives a word of tirneîy ad- vice to sonne of aur young bicycle ride rs.1 Pie counicîl oftifis corporation are vtry leu - tent ta the bicycle riders iii tht matter oif 1 riding ou sîdewalks andi a greal manv of tht rîders appreciste this privilege and do flot ahuse it by trying their speeti. There are a ftw, mostly young ridera. who are very reck- e.is, sud endeavor to csee how (ast Ihey can ride. The outcomý willi be that an accident wili occur &orne day whtch wîi resuit in a complaint against tht bicyclists being made to the.council, sud îhty wiIl have, in the future, ta keep off tht sidewaiks. Wt hope thal tht young riders will be more cousider- ate lu the future ofi the public anti keep theni selves wîtbîn bountis. St. Georges shool bouse was fillied by a large audience last Friday evenîng,- it being tht occasion oif tht aunual recital given hy tht pupils of Miss Bambritige, one of tht leading piano and vocal instructors oif tht town. The programme was very lengthy but the diferent .slecmons were so appro- pruatelv chostu anti so well rentiereti that the audience were ver>' sorrv wheu thtecuti oif the programme was reacheti. Tht foliow- îng took part, Misses Farewell, Cooper, Luke, Hoiden. Farrell. Drew, K Hylanti, W Warten, S Parks, H Wo-,on, L King, M Morris, E Jennmngs, M French, L Moore and Master F Armnstrong. The marier lu which the dîfferent selectmons were rendered show- ed Miss Bamibridge to tbe a very painstaking teacher. Htr ciass is vcrv large andi ber qualifications as a teacher warrant so many pupils. Mr. Chas. ,Ilory, - who is îransforming Oshawa-on-the lake int a great seasîde re- sort by building a 2xio concert hall uwith kLichen attached, - gave tht local newspapei men anti a numuber oif others a trolley trip to the harbor on 'Monday afternoon, 10 show them tht beach (tir tht iast time before it vanishes anti re-appears as a fairy sceut. Tht sands were inspecteti andi a few tears droppeti for' aulti lang sy'ne, after whmcb a pile oif scantling was viewe-d with which tht framework of the traîîsformatiou iS 10 be matie. l may be mentioneti incidentally that tht part>' eut such s figure on the route Ihal horses were frighîeut-d out ofîbheir wits, oue animal almost mauufacturing a catas- trophe. We understandti tat a petition is to circulateti arounti Cetir Dale asking the township counicil of Easst Whitbv Io con- strucl a lock-up. No inference is allowcti to be tirar from Ibis, as regards Malory's fret ridiug party. Tht Virîdicator swtats to the exteut of nearly haîf a column because the editor of THE CHRONICLE visita Oshawa weekly 10 write Up thet own news, sud more particu larly because we ventured fsoie criticiamas sud pointers bearing upon the action of tht Iown council. Our excuse for the criticisin irk that we make it for the benefit of our reatiers, anti if îhey do't agi-et with it well anti gooti. As 10 the suggçstions, we are aware that everythiug would go 10 pot il tht councilibad to be guideti by the meagre brain oftbe Vin. We merely coîet 10tht rescue, as it were. Aide from the great utility of our observations we migbt remnark thüt Ibis is a free country, anti Joe Houltien's pessenger stage runs back sud forward be- tweeti Whilby sud Oshawa twice a day. Tht Vin. ian rides bis female bike ta Whit- by once a week when tht roads are flue in surnier, anti la neyer takes a hair oi our head, although early devotion to goati causes bas bareti our noble brow ta soine exteut. The subject isl not wortb discussing aîong a free peoplt. W. clip from tht Vindictor tht followiug sumary of a report of tht meeting helti on Tueeday night ta, consider matters prtain- ing to tht e-erection of Deinill col lege : The mass meeting calleti by Reeve Coul- tharti -for Tuesday evenîng on a equisîtion of the citizens 10 express syînpatby with Rev. A B Demil l ntl4é lame of bis college by fine was thoroughly epresentative. Tht town hall was filled 'b the dooresud evemy suggestion of financial aid being given to restore tht institution was heartily applauti- cd. At tht early part of tht meeting Mm. L K Murton introduceti a resolution expressing regret at tht becs of tht college by fime, re- coznizing thtetutti-prise, energy, permever- suce anti zeal which no obstacle seemed able lb daunt, niuch less conquen. 'The able stifi was cao eferreti to, tht resolution cloeing with 'thé sentence. " This meeting further wimbes Ici exprèes the opinion that It le the duty of thet own concil -te confer promptîy with tht Rev. Mr Demi1 anti as- certain bis intentions andi plans and set what course cau properly and judlciously be adopted-:to îÜÎ,ngtben andi enoeuritghim la the workôf r.erganlztatlon. Ttesluiinj ýwaa s rc numnli dirma 'r Father Jeffcott bas takten, tlip cottage -t the lake that was occupleci by Mr. Cowan last season. The Oshawa Railway cowpany is hand- ling on the average fourteen car. loads of freîght Per day. Mr. John Wilson received on Monday a carved walkîng stick sent by L. Adamus, of Boswell, New Mex ico. Four candidates were ballotted for at Cor- inthian lodge I.Q.O.F., at last meeting and two were initlated.6 Births-In Oshawa, on the 241h uit., the wife of Ed Coedy, of a daughter. In East Whitby, (lake shore,) on the 2nd lnst., the wife of John Boddy, of a sou. In Darling- ton, on the 2nd lnst., the wife of Andrew Wilson, of a daughter. In Oshawa, on the 3rd inst., the wife of Chas Welch, of a son. In Oshawa, on the 4tb mast., the wife of Wm Coz, )f a son. ln Oshawa, on the8ft Inst. the wi(e of Mr J S Murray, merchant tailor, of a son. In West Whitby, on the 9th inst., the wife of M J Holliday, of a son. In Osh- awa, on Apnil 14th, the wife of J F Dickie, of a datIghter. In Oshawa, March 27th, the wife of David Sayyae, of a son. The Vindicator bas a column and a quart- er 10 bpare this week t0 show that the fire- men and ire anîd water committee are responsible for the destruction of Demîll college by fire, and maintains that the steam fire engine squirted water over the top- of the east wall of the ruins, anai could have put out the fire hsd il been on the grounds in ime. The fact about the spouting of water is tbat il did flot go twenty fett higher than the ground, and there wss much laughter and chaffing in the crowd about the very (eeble effort the water made to shoot upward. ro show who is to biame we wili takre an illustration (rom Whitby. The Whithy college has no town protection (rom fire. Suppose it were 10 burn would the ire ~brigade or ire and water committee be blarned. Nol at al Tr ev put out fires if they are provided with machinery and water They provide nothiug except through the town council. We would flot bother tii argue this question only that we are sorry 10 sec it go int the press history of the town that a helpless brigade were responsible for a great calsmity. Mr. F. L. Fowke in the Reformer very properly places the responsi bilitv on the cotncil, and urges that body to make amentis. So would the Vindicator if it dare face the counicil. It is cowardIv enough to strike the firemen, who have no biz advertisements in its columns, and no jobs of printing. The Reformer treats the malter with more fairness. It admits that the efforts of the brigade would have been useless, but urges that it mnight have gone through the mockery of hauiing their engine to tht creek more promptly. Had thev arrived there in five minutes after the alarm was rung their helplessness would have but further emphasized the neglect of the counicil to locale wster tanks for the protection of the coilege. Oniv a smnall portion of touvns like Ohawa and Whitby is protected (rý m fire The attention of both councils is beiug con- tintially cailed to the (set. For every lime $fooo is saved in tht making of tanks $100, 000 go"s up in smoke for the want of them. Hundreds of househoiders who psy for fire protection have none, and ire brigades aie only a mockery bo themn. They blame the council rightly enough. If the Vindicator had ils way the tnwn council would go fight- ing tht ire brigade at this lime iustead oif taking warning and providing the brigade wvith tht means of quenching fires. And iî objects tb the -"saze (rom Whitby " giving opinions to the weaithy men of Oshawa town council. If wve hati nothing better t0 sug- ge.-t a! a lime like Ibis than has the l'in. we would deserve to be hooted when we discuss these matters. - :000:_-- Oahawa Buatae» Dtrectery. 9 L. VICK19RY, barber. Slmcoo utreet. BROOKS' LIVERY. Sirnco. street, nortit. WM. ROLPR. hamneau maler, SIméoe street. t. B. MOTHERSILL. buticher, Ring St., West. Dia. PArrxa@oN, Dentilat; offie over iiowoe's store. A.. J STÂLTECR -Dominion pianos and orga.us, . 1 1EIT Mise B. Harper spent last week in Osh- awa visiting friende. rarmers are now ready for seeding opera- tions and are anxious ta, commence. The fail crops as a rule have wintered well, their being a larger amount of thie kind of crop than for some years. Mr. R. Hemn bas had bis bouse uewly r- shiugled, also lte nethodist churci shecds were sbingled an Tuesday by a bec. Titis has not been doue too soon. The condition of the roads is slowl y m- prvig Parts of the concession roa s are silinassable to loada but the fine weathcr of the past few days will soon make tem better. ]RAGLAN. 1 tell yau its hot boys. We aire gladt o report that Mr. David Thomp- son is improviug. We ali sympathize with bum in bis loug affliction. The joyful sounti of apring in 00W near, and the snow la fast disappearing. The roatis bave been nearly impassble. Miss Emmna Hezzlewood, who has been visit- iug ber parents, bas returnedti t Toronto where her eister Eliza in iu tht baspital. _ Quite a number here are eugaged in the mak- iugz andi selliig of pumps. Our îowa iS getîîng tu be quite a place, more business every day. The diviiton l3 silil progressing. There is talk of another contest anti it wili be a benefit if it heips like tbe other one. Twenty-eight uew jainers. SOLINA Mr H Reynolds was lu Toronto last wcck. Mr Thos Elford of Isiay. is viaiting bere. Mr Wm Ashton has la grippe. Miss Katrina Argue is at Parkdale again. Mr j T Runtile intentis sp.anding the sumn- mer in Chicago. Mr W W Pascoe is home (rom Trinity Medical Coliege, Toronto. Brh-At Fairview Farm ou 9th April, tht wîfe of Mr. Thos. Famnes, satiaughter. Officers oif Solina division SO0T :-WVP, Miss Laura Hogarth; W A, H Arfine; R S, T Short.aidge;, A R S, Lîzzîe Argue; F S, C Werry; Treas, Mi.,s L Montgomery; Con, Rose Ashton; 1 S, Miss j Hudson; O S, W' Clarke; P WV P, jas A Werry; Organist, ias L Clarke, Dtp W P, Eu Pascoe. - GILEENWOOD Look out for a weddlng scion. Mrs R Wilson, sr.-, la under the doctor's care. Miss Nettie Johnston is on the sick list. Miss Ells Get bas returned to the city after spending a week with friends in Green- wood. W. Cook, of Toronto, is visiting bis brrthtr-in-ýaw, Henry Adamson, to tht tait oif us. Wil Stewart bai eugaged witb Mr. F. L. Green fur the summer mont.hs. Mr R E Johnston has 10 walk uow as bis driver eut îtself badly whie piunging through tht deep snow south of j Gibson's s few tisys ago. Spring has corne at last and with it lots of mud and work, buit no rain so far. A good rain would do any amournî of good to the new seeds and (ail wheat. At thet ime of writing the prospecis for an abundant crop of (ail wheat are ver>' sln,. The league un Wednesday nf iast week was weli attended. F M Chapman handled the subject, 'Private prayet and bible study,"' in remarkably good shape. On (peiing the mreeting he told us he was not a nieinbr of any league and not accustomned to the manner in which it is carried on and asked- to be excused if he made any mis- taices. I think 1 can truly say his sddress was highiy appreciated by ail pre-sent, and as for mistakes, there were none. Thbe boys deserve to be praised for the manly way în which thev conducted themsel Uss that even- ing. The league is rapidiy increasing in numly-ers, still there are a number of emptv ptws that couid and should be occupied by both the oid and young people of the neigh- borhood. Everybody is welcome to attend these meetings, at 7:30 P. m. every Wednes- day. The Hot Su11 has probably burnt out your CURTAINS. You will flnd it out when you attempt to waeh themn. carts, wagons, sud &Bl kinds 01ou ntieril snd fle Haye Splendid Valuesi .lee, Repuig a p.olaty. Joux. B=auvu a pnser sud doozsto. DOmIez _______ inU7 , , oai ao&rhatl pate,' JÂAIs PIow, dealer iu stoves, furnaca, lin- vara, etc.L&rg stock kept oout&utly ou baud. Jobbtugs aspeclatly. inicca treat sortit. L. K. MORTON, B. A. - Barrtater, soJicior, Notary Public, Conveyaccar, &o. lonay la lend. Ofie over Dominion Bank, Bmcooa Street, Oshawa. Whenontemplatiug pattlug on Lil. lusuraute, am W D Huwntam, ot The Unitedi Slatas Lie.. Their policeasiare tha zmsm t thactive. Largest guarsulees. M. B. KAyIrlein u rooerieu1 Pancy china, Crockery. Ttnwa, sud Fancy Goods. Pure Teu nesd Coffeas. Boys' raady M&"ad ua speclaty-very cit.ap.- AucTion gàSaLus-Tite ubcriberwmin b. In Omit &wak aI lthS Central Rota0 i, d"ÀS.of embi eilfrom one b aol1oek p.m., to mako m' sugemaentiu witb partieas wishting to ha"esmlea. L Parnxasu utlonéer. sd gants' Iurnlahlng bouse» eî,a Splendid asuortmoet o!twaa4s W«Odg, browmrIùgu, shirts, colars, seu, al"ys kap la stock.. i FuxoeBnos - Wàtcbmmkars %»a Dealera lu val*ta aIe* m j4106#14*ô' u rplaing ad pidglu4 W i Fine valcb, k, ;mnd ja»Wary eiIg Hyumom -& awme - Imnpormtamiu lu f"eras', um-tue'sd bous fug supplias.m s rasl>In wm -id- oas tpI 11 bad. Î= reple"faet 0$et NMr.J.L 4pdater bètng laid up -fIr i wlth~~ -uimmtof the lage. ~sr~u~4 ~wçês House-cleaning wilI soon Commence. Perhape you require a new Carpet. Yard wide Union Carpets 25 et& Yard wide Union Carpets 40 -ets. Better cnes at 50 ets. and 60 ets. Ail wool extra Supers at 85 ets Pretty new patterne in Tapestry at 50 ets&, 60 oIe. and 65 cts. Trwy the. "AKcado" when you need Household stuif. Caiut- PELLO'WSY and see b:is Wrought Steel Mlso his COA.L OIL $5 OO and GAS STOVEB -FR OM1- $P5.50 tO $25-OO. Grand Trunk Ry. Coloniat Trains and other Special Service for the Canadian Northweet. To accommnodale settiers going bo the Canadian NorthweSt this Spring. it 15 in- tcndcd, commencing Triesday, Mar. 3rd, sud ever>' Tuesday thereafter during Marcb anti April, to run Special Trains, leaving Toronto at 9 p.m.. cnabling setlers 10 travel witb their stock anti housebolti cifects, there- by ensuriug quick time, reaching destina- tion at the samne lime as their property andi have good accommodation en route. Colon ist sleeping cars will be runi on these traius, the births in wbicb wii be FRE.. COLONIsT SLEEPING CAsRS, lt Pa!ssen- gers wibh ordinar>' baggage, wlll run througb to Winnipeg c uring March and April. leav ing Toronto at 12.20 p.m. every Tuesday. For full information call on or write to W. P. STERICKER, at Oshawa Raiiway Cos Office, Thomas' block. RC.Carter, Agt. Mar-. 2oth, iS96. - OSHAWA. XVe have always a general anti vaieti stoc zta select froni-lateet designs anti fin ishes. Prices igbt. Untiertaking deparitlfully stock- cd, anti embalming according to latest methotis. Picture (ramîng pmpl!v sud salis-. factorîly doue. L uke Bros., m Oshawa.1 I ru.ated It ls your attention that 1 wart a>. rested, sud I want YOU 10 stav in cusîody long enough t0- tell Y(ju that itl o1i.s.... . IForgory... 1 i fe atbut nserely elg you a fiuer clame of goonds ow than ever before. 1 have arrived at the ...... ............... convcioUon 1 cen do Ibis. 1 have a nice ie of Waîches, Clocks, Jewelry, Siu- verware, and Spectacles, at prices that will surprise you. You are wanted by...... ....-... Boyd the de weler, KING ST. WEST, Osha wa Book OSHAW. Store) -HEADQUARTRB--- FR Welland HIGH ::GRADE : :-,Vale BIC YCLES, "PERFECT,' "GARDEN CITV"." -DOMINION." BEAUTIES 0P 1896. Also One (;ood Second-hand Cornet for Sae. E. Ea ROGERS. For Delicate Children, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine Thtis palatable and HIGHLY NOURISHING Wine, prepared wid> Cod Làver OUI,is emffly retain ed andl digested by the most delicate. For NangDiseaagem Gerl tebllity. lImpaired D For sm ods, Catiialand Bronchial Trouble Lo o Muscular Toue. 0f great Nutritive vaine ta Adulte and Children. qA xnarked lncreaad ln weight ls noticeable after taking a fém! bouleaof thia WDne, wvit represenus a equal quaatfty of Cod liver 001. Ai druggista. VOL* xxy cbildren C Can Corneo.- Our plan(i juakes it as safe for a ch;I parentsi thernstiveS. Unde! cuiflatafces cao yau (ail tuaý mnatter if a blinti persan rma bere, hepurchase money % Irefunýded it tic buyer want, the least desrre to sel] an%-! nier if it isn't exaetiy suitahj reliabît. We are neyer sa' . patrons art satisfied. Pt"ý here once geueraily came t.e, twicc, but iregtilarly. Tl, the store, and tht treatrnt- WB DON'T-Z+-- preteto asel] guoti-. cost US. IWE * give our custorners- their mioney as the - advertiser. PUýRE DNUGŽ'- PU7RECH.tiL- CHEMJISI AND) WHITBY, House-Cleaning ti Wc have a larger sud bette of wiudow shades thîs have ever shown befor We use the best hand shade cloth, with Ha roller. Also a fine variety c Asic 10 see Our latestm screens, to fit any w.in< Our baby carniages are a:l signs. Give us a call 6efore purci We are takîng special elegance wîth ecanor- general utiiity. Our stock is complete in Hý Wc invite buvers to it will save money. Leading -Undlertak IL Je JOIE BROOK: ST., WH] Established Wear You High Grade Boots. W ill FindÇÇ) -fevr a fine new stock of stylish Foot Wear, ofevr our shop. It ie said of our goods that description, at They are the Cheapest and most stylish in town. We guamaute a good fit and perfect satief action Every Time!.JE) REPrAIRING doue neatly aud quickly. Oshawa, April 15, 1896. W~JHN]-BÂLE. THE PRO VENDER MI LLB. Edmondson's Provender Miïls,. Osh-awa, m--IoeHm Col are -doing a very largetae They Qriu4Fji~.Soeds aàk Iinds of- iGrain ftùeri,,;than'any sel mif iiithe' county~s doig~ orcan do. hi ý-àe ar -doing lp1ndd.work. 1849.1 Whitby StBam MadeI and Dundas St., WH ITB Y. Chas. H. (Formerly Wolfenc porter anti Deaier GRANITE MONI tht latest material kinde of Cemetery guaranteed. _Jr.NY FoR DEsiG:, To get gel rid of h That's wby tbey aire shows tht people B.&RGAINS are.- --wese»Mr4ew DressA > 2-mn. Tweed Effects -- 40-iu. Mop haCeck 4In. LustersSoc,r 4;-in. Lueter & cbec] - 44-in. Fancy 5o, reg 27 - Z-!n. Blackr do. 25C, 40ý-ia. Serge 2oc, r-eg 44-mu. Black Brocade- B-Il.iack Serges 2ý 46.111. Black Henritt reg 70C. Biack andi Fancy Ci 12J CM. Ladies' BlouSe WaÎ Real Bmuieln Ç arpel 'elt liIs for men ai - , Straws tormenc, wc ~OTT, - - - o' o mie_ 1 1

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