.'-, - .. -, T'-' ~4a NO. 21 WHITBY, ONTARIO, RIAY, APRIL 21, 1896. Children LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. C an Corne. CxnosxlcxECoaxxSPoSDElCE. Our plan of doing business n ak s s afe for a child to buy as forTO N . tTnd-er no possible cir- T W II ly oeil* r ilce line velry, Su.ý nt prce You ar . A 9tore) Our boys are spiaing along on tbeir wheels agaio. Snov banks and May floyers at -the saine turne seetu quite a nov'eliy. inspector McBrien vsited aur school last week and thse chitaren got theun ususi hall holiday. We are sot-ny to say that Mrs. Sylvester Mackey ta laid up witb rheumnatuc fever. We understand she s sorne better. S-ev.-ral ftmr in aur neighbot-bood atre obliged to plaugh Up sarne of their tlu whest, t being badly damaged by front. Mn N tel. the new tenant on the Esyden fatrn, s qie setled and seemis to be rushung tbe busi- ness nghu aiontg. We wîsh him veil. The Brooklîn cheese maker was canvassinR aur farmers in the uuîerest af the faetory. We have flot heard what bis succeas was, but hope t -«is good - The McCulough' fat-m bas been sold. Mrs. Mc(Uulough iniends rernaning on the pà ace un- til falI. Mr Van \Voodruff af Whitby îs the purchaser Si $3 too. Haruy Janes. of the Towriliue-corners, ueed flot be e\pt'ctt'd ta be exactly accountable for anuytiiing hi- rnaà y say or do these days. He vas C 111 - I A )L) RUGI ST, .1uie p u A i is bae o ,-n(ly ýs, in *as nmade the' happy faîben af fine uwîn daught WHITBY - ONTARIO. et-s Our congratulaatis Hat-ry. We believe ail at-e doîug weil. M-r Manulng was arourid interviewîng smornfa cur people on the subjecu af having a social un our uetghborhood lot- the purpose of raising ~Iw éva'lundi, tu hep pay sorne indrbiedness on the parsouage. WVc believe thai. uden the preseni H ouse-cleaning time is here. existiflg circut-tstafles. our people seern (utte unwr.llung ta take any action in ibis direction, \.have a larger and betier assonted stock not knawring bow soon îhey may be set aside ofwicdow shades Ibis season than wve imb some othet- circuit, as seenis ta be the plan. i.uive ever showu before, ltrn 45C. up. A meeting aI the Tawn Une tootball lub vas \Ve use the best baud paiuted opaque held on Friday evenuug for the put-pose ai eleci- -rade cloth, with Hart-thrus spring ung oflucers tor the following yea-. 3Tbe followiug ru;Ier. are the cicers: Hon-pres, Han. Juo Dryduen, AI'o a fine variety ai carnice poIes. presidient. Mn A H W-st ; vice-pt-es, Mt- W Hi..l, St-, captaun, k M Stewart.: secl. S T -reestoufitatest sîyle ai vindos h.Kenîpthoru ;treas, B T Davey ;assut-capt. F -~ 'esta ilau vido, 1 3e.eah.De Hart , camnittet' ai management. A O (i.-auhv carriaget. are al of the istest de Cochrane, C tevý .rt, F Davey, F koa', eutaoi, ,gris. -Colonel Duniop i he boys at-e uaw t-tady tu u- rs a caîl bsfore purchasing elsewthere, eceive challenges ltrn local team3. Sec. T. L. \'u at-e taking specual pains la combune-F.B.( egatuce wth ecausomy in price anrdAULY genvra utilitv. \ho bath ntot had a sueket- (T ir sock s compiete ru Hlouse Furusîshiuigs. Se\erai have cornrenced seediuig. \Ve invite buvers la come aund sec us. Miss Edih (;uîhrie us siightly indisposed. t wul sav muuey.Out- publuc sclioi attendance now ta over Leadîng Undertaker,-5 orty. Fr ank Smitbh i out again afien the la E. J. JOHNSON) rpe BROOK ST., HITfl. I unday schaal bas ils lîbray lu full eutcu- F. Nt cQuay was li Toronto on Tues- iday lasI. LS n.uannu :.>IQ Nlessirs Thanipsoan sd Pilkey have rnoved - orn theirnuorth places. Our mayor bas ardcred ihal aur football teaun be ai once re-ot-ganized or he urtîl take 1bý stt'ps iovat-ds coercîon.f Il lias bs-en proposed that a race îraek Ire esîablibheu.lirn uur village. Num-erous colts IarbIB and are ru ihe process af breaklng un. uInspectot- MeBrietu vtsits-d tht' scbools ou Niondlay last. He canimerittd upon the o)pen-hteartedness anid spirit aI tbe pupuls sud ýiit Wark gave ilheniahulgl compiirnetst for theut- inter. sst inaii csus.Te uiswet-e al undas St.,glad ta ses- hîm sud a pleasaut sud profit- able afî ertîoon was spent. He tewaded -thens wiîh a holiday ta Ire taken ai the dis- H I 1 B c etelon af the teacher. H-1 T B Y.Faut- fishers vent outinto the west, ouI nti the %vest after the sun vent down. But La . EL S itsaas, they dîd nat relut-n tili the sun corne Las ~ . D~AJ.A' faek. Hiavirug uo st-ing tied ic te0 re Furmerly Wlfs-nden Works r ilm- tiev lastit in tflc dense fog. lu their etn- 1,,nier and Dealer in 'MARBLE AN 1) deavor ta teach Audley they lauded on tbe ,RA.NITE MONUMENTS. Etc., of flfïh aud near MIr. Squires barnyard. One ise latest matenial sud deslig-ss. À%l r would flot think that such experîeuced men kinris of- Cerneteny work. Oui vos-k vould wander uorth for soutb suddIre unahie guaranieed. ta itell a lane lt-rn a road. 17,ND FOR DEssGNS AND PRICES. We have read your article ne the supensti- _________ oua mnoon Mn. Editot- and think itian article wortb perusal. Too many pe.ople do alt thein work by the moon sud laugb aI us Zwben ve dat-e kili pigs in the " wt-ong af the flflfTTUTI mt-u.' We once happeucd ta live in a MUVEMMUplace vbene the tîrne af sowiug peasavas lu dispute between tvo ueigbbot-s. Their fields vere ide by side sud one, wbo claimed the To get gelt-rid af bis stock ai goeds. mnoon had notbirîg to do vitb it, burt-led up Ehats vhy tbey are always busv. Thal bis land and sovved as soon as posslible ta -bows the people krtow whet-e the show bis ideas. The ùther bsd bus ready PARGAINS are. Oun but vaited a veek or sa ta catch tbe moon. Whaî vas the resuit ? Tbe early peas von. ituiday * 2 thThe moon man's vere useless lu the fait. atur ay, e 2 theSo rnucb for the muon. Sow yout- grain as we sell New Dress Goods soou ati ready. un. Tweed Effecis 7C., reg 12%ac.KISL ,,,n. Mohairs Cbecks-25c, reg. 40C. R. R. Movbnay attended counicil aI 4-t.Lusters Soc, reg 75C. Broughamrn a Monday lasI. 44-ru. Lustet- & checks .5oc, reg 75 Our posmaster losi a valuable caw a fev 44 iii. FanevSoc50, reg 75C. dy ic.Cueukon .ý n. Black do. 25c, reg 4ae. dy ic.Cueukon 4u in. Set-ge 2ac, reg ,,oc. Rev. E A W Dove bas becu lu Belleville 44 in. Black Brocades 35c, re-g 50c- this veek atcndîng bis exams. 'We wisb - c--------rhm succeas. Af, in. Black Hent-icîtas, silk finish, s5e, Owiug ta the regular quarteniy meeting at reg 70C. Gieenwood on Sabbath next theue wili be black anid Fancy Crepons sud Pougees, no service bere. i21 cts. Homne Cii-cie met bere on Monday nigbt last. The circle s ual so large as il once ?EC1A vý as, but is stitI in a healtby conditioti. L- 51 atty of the tarmers arc busily engagcd Ladies' Blouse Waists 25c,,t-cg 65 rts. vorkin-g upon the tuqpd. Fail wheat is not Real Brussels Carpet St 45c, t-cg 75 cts. as gaod as vas anticipatcd sud quie a pet- Felt Hats for men aud boys lto-an25c up. ceutage wilI be plaughed up sud resowu. Sîraws ior men, vamnen sud chidren. Olci missionary Mat bas been tbrougb here looking up cattle for cauppng pur- w ëiposes. If bis missiausary anecdotes are Ladies' Trirnred HaIs from $i.aa up. Se thcm. Ladies' Trimmed Walking Hats at 3oc. GROCERIES BOOMING.r ON SATURDAV Eddy's imatches 8 cts a bo>x. N. P. $ oap bet 'thau Zvou'y Bar, x 2i, rpg ac ;SnoUlgbt Se; Morse's 4c. RIce S C~ ~. Yiuî !uiin ce n~m~ags O 4.n t% "aSe&'ýrZ o. fdà dC .-4Is this éeason. Wbile Mapter lrankRggers vas ontggt cutting vaod a fev da.ys mince, le ie batJel mitiontune ta cut himaeîf. Thlic woun4 vas drecsed by Dr. Starr and Frank will 1 jcà be able, ta leabolit gnga., -- TIc public udtuai iInspector gave,. rIu acaduedsyilanlng a au oà cn Moods - luit. IHo f ot ithIngoIi excellenit: #obnIWi S,& ' ni ensl'ae £éthe e wu n taobl!bl u.tl a good turfi out, snd dld excellent work, bis remarks being very instructive and in- teresting. His visita ta Kinsale are always appreciated. A goodly number of our villagers sallied out on .Monday evening ta see who could secure the mont fish. Some took borse and buggy, and some took two horses, but nonie returned wîth an extra bag of suckers. Of course the season is yet vaung and the fishermen inexperieticed. Look out for trip n0. 2. A few of our local sports went aut a few evenings since in a fishing expedition and owing to the dense fog and disappearance of their light they followed up the wrong stream, and after wading ini the mud for a considerable time faund themselves behind one of the soutbern farmers' barns. Afteil mnaking use of the compass and recourttmg the catch of suckers, they wended theur weary way homeward. They are now an- ticipating another fishing smnack with the comnforting experience of thein last trip. Uxbridgo. msuýýances can you faau ta be satisfied No T OOif a blind pet-son makes a puirchase le,ýe. the purchase money will be promptly 1 .' InIed i the buver want'h it. We havent ,tn toi eyre to seli anytbîng to a custo- i S1ut exactlv suitable, desirable and ~bu\Ve are neyer sà tisfieti unleqs our meut satishied. People who trade f uegenerally conie back ;niot once or 1itfut rgularly. They seem to like torr, andf the'treatruefit. WE DONT-'-,-- î te l sel goods ai Iess than they I,:;.c unr ustomierS just as much for ih-mne as the miost prettntious X L AU -PIiL , BROOKLIW. The roads bave improved tapidly ince the nain of insu Fniday. 1Mr Thos (Jbampiin ta moving Ibis week ta bis fat-nu i ent-Raglan. Mrs R B Parts bas rteurued frarn Toroantoi where she spent tbe winter.1 Mr 1 E Pirie bas been muakiug a short visit ta bis sistet-, Mis Beneduct ai Foxboro. Mrs N Baker. af Ouillia. bas been in town for a few days, the guesu ai Mrs Geto Macdonald. Sucket-s have camne up the creek lu large numb- et-s sud several big catches bave been made duis yeek. Fali vbeat presents a isplendid appearance al tht-agttIbis section. Thene bas been but little killing nul îbrough tbe vinter. I arn tequested to announvce ibat the meîbod- ist Sabhatb achoal will meet si 2 a'clock nexi Suitday iusiead o ai a 2.3o as usuà 1. "Beautfui Canada" bas nov neacbed part six, and is increasung ini interest. Gîven free uo cash customers. Âsk for particulars Holliday Bras. The annual sermon af the I. 0. O. F. vil be preacbed lu the meibodist church uexi Sabbaih afternoon, by Rev T W LegRott. The sermon vil begin at 3 ac ack. Sevet-al members of thse Royal Templars arc preparing ibe drama IlOui lu tbe streets," and are rnalng good pragress. It lu boped to bave lu rcady for presentaioni about bbc middle of May.1 MesmA Bggs and T Oakwelbave becu eoiaan uthis season by theWlitby Hedge Fence Oo to take charge of planait- for t-eau. They expeci bo work in Eastern Oniart-o aud Quebec. The expcuiive committep ai due Whitbv Sab- bath scbooi association mnet bot-e an Monday afiernoori. Mr Wm Purvis, of Columbuis, presidçuu ai thse association. presided ai t-e meeting. itvas decidcd ta bold ibis yesr's con- yention ai Asbbumn.on the 2fbb of May, and a programme vas dravu aut for the occasion. W. A. H. BRAMaI, 5. - Isuer of Marrilg LiceurMS Residanse opposite Town Hall, Broobil. W A MoNE»rir, D V S.-OGradu.ate o!f t-e On- tario Vetsirfxary Coilege, Toronto; Ilonargiy mezuber of the> OnteriameoiclSocety. Treatsa aU diseeeses of the damenUetlrtd animalJ by the mosi prrdctid.AI pariulrattention taasurgI uc_ @ ei't@l sd dentlsty. Day or nilt Cam attsadsd ta. OfIMce à uuloc t ASEBUEN. A very înterestlng mock parliaxneflt, lii con- Port Pm~ Euatnegs Droetoey. Miss Mqggie Caisie bas gone to Toronto, as housekteper for her uncle. e We reg*t to state that littie Gertie Savage ls flot imptoving very quiîckly. G. T. railways canelessness Mr. llobt. Ker- t-on gat bis furniture an Tuesday of this week. The farmers bave started work on the land and with continued fine weather will make a good start in their spring work this week. Master Welington Pearson ba-, been con- fined to the bouse for the past 1ew days vith an attack of la grippe, but is about ail rigbt again. We welcome Rev. J. Ratford as presby. teriati minister to this place. H-e bas already entered upon bis duties. We bespeak for him much success. Mr. jas. Wilson, of Toronto, was giving his farewelt calis to bis relatives in this place. He intended leaving for San Francisco an Tuesday of thîs week. Best wishes for safe journey. Miss Lizzie Anderson, who met vith an accident ln falling down the cellar at her home, ip progresslng favarably. Tumbles neyer corne singly. The Ladies Aid Society, of Ashbnrn presbyter- ian congregation wil bhold a social in Smith's hall on Tuesday eveuing, April 28tb. Tes served from six 'clock until eight after whicb a short progrmme wili be given. Admission t-oc. Mesçrs John Davidson aud job White st- teuded the bor-se show held in Toronto and both were successful in securing prizes. Ashburn alwavs holds its own as a centre for well-bred stock. Honor to whorn honor is due. The ladies aid are maklug splendid pre- psrtalons for tbeir social at the hall next Tuesday eveniug sud their efforts menit a veil filled bouse. Everyone corne. Srnall admittance tee of ten cents only will be cbarged. The christian endeavor society is rapidly incressing in membership and efficiency. Good meeting every Wednesday night for an bout-. We need your belp and encour- agement. The debate to be given under its auspices wiii take place Wednesday May 6. Mr. jas. Anderson, who lately left this vlciuiîv for Dakota, is undergoing tresîmnent at the bospital at Grand Forks for scarlet fever which he took upon bis aririvai there. Altbough daugerously iii there is every hope held ont for bis t-ecovery. We hope to be able to report ini next issue that he is out of danger.1 Trade bas been unusually active ibis spriug botb at the stores and sbops., Mr. Birchaîl, aur tailor, requiriug extra bauds. He vent ta Port Perro Tuesday evening to secure a fit-st clsss journeyrinan. Good value 1is always given at the stores and stocks are s lways fresb and up to date. Ont- shops slways turn out the best. We solicit your patronage. GREINBANXE Seeding opemtious are nov in fuil blast.1 The thuiker storrn Ihat avepi aver Ibis part of the country on Friday eveniug last, vas the rnost severe for many years. The ligbtning vas terrible sud tise oldest nei- dents declare that thiey neyer saw so. mucis r-sm flu in sncb a short trne. Bridges vere sveot svay in every direction and eveny lîttie creek became a river that carried avay fences and everything tisat carne in its way. One af ojin farmers declares thateiuoo wll flot repat-r Use damage donc on bis place. Thene will likely be smre trouble for each« anc ta identify thicr rails, as many of t-cm have be-en canied miles and durnped in heaps. Bad an il vas, il is fortunate t-at it did not corne a tuants later when tic craps vould be ail in. UTICA. Mns. Enoch Kendel han retuned home frarn the hospilal, feeling fairly vdil aftcr ber long stay there. Mns. F. Laoughton bas gone ta, liv'e vitis ber father. Hem healtis is sobad it is fçared she is gaing ita-a decline. Site has been very iii for a long time, sud is nov foreed ta give up ber household work. Mr. Wm. Waggnor bitcbed bis teaxa to tise back end af Uic sleighs ta drav 11cm ont af Uic barri. He cailed bis uittle teu-y e»-old 1irlasd putting tise tanigue af the clcigh on Eer abouider, told bhr to hold h there wvi-e be drew the sicigi out. The tangue struck thc chiid tbravitig bem violcutly ta the floor, Wben lifted up ber collar banc vas broken. FORT iZAy. Miss Maggt-e Donaldsan la home frora Iam- gara Falls.. Dicd iPart Peu'ry an due 2 ist lest.,. ohn Calver, aged 6o yeans Mm. Dr. Gillespie boa bec uvlsîidug Irends in Oshavajtbs pai veek. Mr L Sebert bas reuîed the Central fair grounds for tiais season. Albert Cbrlsue, Zephyr, vwas home the first of thc veck visiting Mmc Dr Archer. Mr Wm-,Ç osieof aindsay vas visitiug ber motheu' =Otdailveshere ibis veek. imru.ivAmend luvisling lt-'fagherasd moite. Mr *d Mrs 1D Camtpblcl. The ic l *c -oim at Samday sud Sanday. Thl akeu laeô*eIer, sMd several bavebemen out ,,t< , i 0lberro Eushle is ihg ai tlie.residence of -er sistor, Aith.. is mthea A eCtion t te .F.M.S. of thmeth n on- acurchwits be du othr eveofgthe msubject oein, "R eolv e ibt freen issiothesbe oindouue." Te ea veigvas sonsted Mrsdne. The earse iss Thoas Mm Roste, Me DrydCJ en, rise n Toas, Mis Nos Uaf. Diryadieby MnCgsbellndMisn McLea;.the f debate was decaded in f avor of the negative. I learu on good autbority that tbrowing dice for drinks goes on in smre of our botels. Our hotelmen pay a license of $noo per year w retail liquor in their hou*es; it is flot rigbt ibat other places not hcensed to do tbat class of trade should he permit ted to do so. I bave a list of some dozen or more persans who ame known to frequent sucb a place. It would be welI if the attention of tbe lIense commissioners were cal- led to these rwo matters. On accotnti of these pctcsbeing permitted there are strained re- lao thnde liquar trade at present. dia Aen saftea aorspoer u nt o-i cie bicasacIon w it daslancorrthpondeansto geli drank. He expressed hirnself very forcibly in yards, and lu amounted ta ibhis, that ut vas a question af veracity beuween Mr. Bateruan and myseif. wîth tpe odds in rny favar. II vas sîratuge that tj howling ail came fram those who vere suspected of procuring tiquai tram knawn places ln towa for the Indians. If Mn. B vould punish, say tva ai the Indians, be would bave less trouble witb tbose men. On Mondav tva lsnk, lean creatures witb tva bears psssed îbrougb uown an their wav ta Ux- bridge. They ha.teti at the corner of Queen and John att-sets long enough ta allow the two men to go up îawn sud exhibit the performing bears and coilect s few coppers; while the tva o oen, vho were bard iookiug specirnens of vomankînd, each of vhom had a baby alung over ber back in a piece ai canvas, venu beggiug ; both cbildren vere munching ginger cak-c. The borses were only apologies for hanses, one uf vbicb vas bardly able to drav one af their peculiar bouses on vheels. Re Detective Greer Since wriung my article of last week regsrding aur ht-e troubles 1 have Learned tus: the detective spoken of vas Detectave Greer, sud have also ascertained frotu Coanty-Attorney Farewell that Mn. Oreer pentor<ndbis dut- fully and honestly l ten as \netioned, I vas under the impression tbat it"as mre pivate detective wbo bad tbe case in band. 1 must say uit-e- servedly ince leat-ning the tacts tbat 1 vithdiav evet-y disparaging word used in regard ta De- tective G reer. and tender an apology for the language used. 1 placed toc mnuch coLfidence un the %tatements made ta me by parties wbo vere not posted in the details ai the malter, but I arn nov aware beyond doubt that Detective Greer taok gret pains in the matter and made a fall report ta the officers of tbe crown. Wbeu the thunder roared sud the iightn- ing flasbed when the weary laboren had re- turned froni bis dav's toil sud vat, witb bis family, eujoying the ý:vening rneW , when the weary sud footsore clerk was closiug up sbop for tbe day: when the wild winds blew a perfect buruicane, tearing Up trees and îunibliig aven feuces; wben the t-sun poured in torrents lt-mars clouded sky ; aud wheu the streets were deset-ted,' save fan the weaury wandet-er who knows no home, snd the ever faithful mail carrier, who kuows no fear of wind or weather s pair of Uxbridgeites- maie and fernae-wend their wav ta the de- pot af aur busy but-g, and take the 6.'30 t-sun fo't the north. No kund frieuds were ihere la bid theni fareweli, andi none but waiing winds and pealing thunder bemosun their de- parture. No pet-son beard tbe timud young man ask frt the tickets, and the Qtation mastet- allowed the instance ta pas brevet- from bis ms-mot-y. Their bagitage Was meagre, and rnîght weli bave been coutained un the proverbial t-ed cottan baudket-cbiel- Alas!' t was an elopemeul, the fit-st aur tovul bas kunowu for years. On Thursday eveninfg lasi Anuite, daughter of a Mrs. Jackson, who lives at the eastet-n lirnits of the towu, went, presurnabiy, toas neighbor's ta spend the evening, but not corning home the sanie night het- mother vent to the ueighh>or'5sud found that ber daughîer bad flot been there ai ail. Further enquiries disclosed the fact that the girl, who is about sixteen, bad left lawn ou the 6ý30 train in company vitb a young m-in narned G3eorge Raberts, with whorn sIre had been keeping cornpauy for sorne lime past. The couple were tt-aced ta Peterboro by Constable Frankisb, aud lt-rn thence he tolioved theni ta Ornee. whene Roberts let the girl whîle be went ta hunt wouk un Lindsay,. ruesday eveuing the lwain vere brought back ta town by Con- stable Fraukish, aud Rabents vas charged with haviug stoien s ev îrifiing thiugs frorn Jacksou's bouse. W H Hamnilton, J. P., ad- journed the trial tli Wednesday at 2 p. t-m., s0 we are unable ta give the resuilt. Po. E. M WIuKobarberu It»tremroy. Oct, Uth-O Mos. UnLnE. -Nim Tinoxpsoei haM rocved'her nov fafl stock of millinoWy and la prepared to turm ont firut.-elaiu mill ery in the lateut stylos and loy pre. tmping dons to cider. sept. I9th.-3-mom, W a bAE as fer sale Obregood Second- bond purlor bouters vlth ovenm,.hich ho vii sel] chnap forcash. Cmii and Inspeol thoni as they are good bargains. For the largest and finest stock of furniture and lowest prices go to Jessop IP Furniture Co., Port Perry. Wu Jx NOTT3 MANAGER.' W. L. Parrish, WALL + PAPER VERY CE.&JP. WINDOW BLINP8 40 Ce89t& CHEAPER than théACHEAPE8S The Presbymey met la Oshawa oeTnusd axai fSaemoo a feaou e m Lorn, olua*usmrtor, -Thé, devà t exercie ert coducta- w .*y-. Ioisa p4euel t epo tue-,* himrove- VOL* xxxx. This lady had ber fit-st sprlng Mill.inerY Open- tug lasi Friday and Saturday in ber nev store in be Blcung block. Miss Lattie Bond bead Mil- lier, exceiled berself ibis season un the beautilul tats and bonnets displayed as the resuit of ber kinli in înumming. A vsry beautiful bat vas one nade of green sursv and net, stt-av edging and rovn. trmmcd vith sequin gimp, osprcys and plumnes, and nev vide satin ribbon aithde back sboving viîb nicoefià eci. A bai made of green chiffon vith black dotted net. wlîbat-av top and t profusion of the pretuy seqi in gimps, five block tups and green foliaçe aud flover s.trtacued -- tention. A lunchjet bonnett vos vcry nmqty. with bauterfly jet bow ai the back, long, soit os- t-revs and punk roses and piuk -tolage and iaoe, T-e showroom vas prettily arranged witb blooei- ing plants. drspery, floyers, rlbbons andi plumes. Whsle Miss Tbompson's dlsplay vas nt-oiarge, on accotant aI thetune siuuce the fire every lady adnsired the very beautiful goods on exhibition ; large crowds wcre ln atteudance and »alcs saisfactory. Jouies & Co. as uilnery opeauing. Miss Joncs bad the pleasure of shoving to the ladies of ibis tovu sud vicinity ber displuy of sprmng millinery. and vas very creditable ta thal lady as an artistiç millîner- Travellers and lad- ies wbo arc good >adgcs of fashionable miilifley said last week ai due opeuingu ibat tbe dispisys made by Joncs & Co. aud Miss T'hompion would do credit to city mlliners. The attractve bats and bonnets turcd oui by ut-ose tw@ cstb- iisbmenls are beanuifua t sions o1 tht eilhlneY art Miss Jones showed a star-sbsped bat UM-ý med vith variegeted rosse% il and osprey ansd Dresden ,ibbon. A eream Ie<hoes plctnrbat vitb fancy black sud g<iii oowUtimnd vili blaek Prince of Wmes feathers black velvet tii bon sud Rhinestoues with vide lunck touettm The Ducees ot Fyfe vill be osie ci be Ieadb*i chapes in bonnets-ibis smaon in'de, vIh,,*beb trope sequin, greehand yu rab@ esa la atecside wilubL c etettis T ba n a r y popular diii svlng la h$-, wl yeilov, brovu sud'gresu. Tht MlllYiney*W- noum ws nicely draped Mndnticer âffl «M eu'b fore. bMis Jam eistoti w Mies 3efed. Ther wu =wd ota&tbecstigoudisi.. Aiter the tpihiuey -V"seevttt~1i brilliantice9, ScÃotchtweed, efeits, CeSPfl *s %bot efecte. Tus vwSbe a agmt sessn-fS vasbable goeliciks.dukk,UtOaisnsd Lcous. Laces viil b ie ou r ummîln=- p ially lu the new butlirsa"d - ain là vexe vert surprise~us= n$&à a- a nd at socer issa Desuler o. . >la î4*P thaï vwu ever là ,th i or, u w1igStI aresugh bythaeI W ho btdesir.st7flius mente.ýon r Oatw ý 1 - n.ea YCL ES. CITY, id cornet "iRSO rvalids ime BuS H ING %y reuained 1mpaired Trouble N in-itiVe- fable afier ots.o i:hs1 Clran tul perfect wý CIb ALE. s E: Si iawa,li They kinds of I in the. heir w ork. SF OR] NEW DEPABIMENI I Ne' SPE à 1 % f 1 ,o 4--býng%-PORT Di zA in- Black I-)erizes 2rc, reg vSc PLPRRT.i