Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1896, p. 2

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- -- *. 1L I !li'J"'7 Ayer's Pufis *,1 u-ould like to add my testlxnoy to that ofat ilers whc, have Used AZyer J>ila. and ta aay that 1 have taken te kw m-2ny years. and always denved the bosS resu&=ram heirus For Stomach and user roubles. »d f1rthe emte c beadache ca"sd by these derangemàents, Ayer's Pilla cna .euae£ When my triends ask ie ttla the best remedy ter dtsord.rs of the sbomiacl, Liver, or Bowels, MyI' nvariable aserl, pins. Tak'en in seasoe ÂWre'a up cold. p"reent la grippe, ebeck lever, &nd reculate the dicestive organs. lbey are easy 10 Iae, and Are the best ail-rOund tamily fhedtene 1 hamve er kSwo-u- - M r& . r «oesaxM a de Ave, New york Ciy. AYER'S PILLS Ktg,.. Aards at World'sFait. ree vernpavrUfJ'.r the blood. OORRE8PONDERCER MIr. A. T. Trickett. who has been on a visit to has relatives in Bîrmîing- ham, England. returned last Thursda%- aftef a sojourni on the old sod of a little over three months. Mr-. Trickett was much surprised to find the quantity of snow we had left over from our winter stock, and reports no snow or f rost in England during his visiL I-. Herb Furniss left last week for a tnp to Brtish Columbia. Mr. Fur- niss will spend the spring there. Mliss Annie McKay is home from Toi- ronto on a visit to ber relatives here. MISS Major. of Toronto, is visîting at Mrs. Hurlbutt's on Mara street. Mr. A. D. Morrison is having a fine bread delivery wagon built by Mr-. jas. Birchard. Mi-. J Treleaven. eldest son of Reeve Treleaven, left last week for the far west, where he hopes to build up a goodly-sized fortune and corne home to Beaverton and paint the t.iwn. Suc cess to you. jack. NIr. Moriison, of Thorah. among the number who left WVestern Province last wueek. is one for the One of oui- oldesi- business firms, Messrs. H. Wesi-cott & Son, is nov soon i-o be a i-hîng of due pasi-, due busi- ness bavîng been sold last veek to Mr-. G. Kelly, lai-e o! Gipin's bar-du-are store, OnîIlia. We trust Mi. Kelly wIl find i-bebai-du-are businssi Beaveri-on ali-bat lie expects. Mn J J Hoînies bas purchased ithe Gordon block. J J is evidently ber-ei-o si-av. We are glad i-o learu of due graduai recovery o! Mr-s. Duncan McRae She is steadldy îrproving. Miss Annie McKay left on Tuesday evening lasi- for New York, vbere stie has secur-ed a lucrative Fosiiou in one o!fi-be large bospatals of i-be Yankee nietropolis. Mr. C T Young bas re-pnrchased i-he woolcn muil and will move ber-e fi-ou Lanark shortly an-d take i-he mill oser fi-ouiMn. J. Richie, vho is runniug i- ai- at preseni-. Mr. F King is taking in due horse show i-bis veek. The river is extreoeely higb just nov and bas over-loved considerable land at low points. Thse rush of vater over thbe miii dam is tremendous, and watcb- ing tbe toireut vhich fiows belov the bridge is some fun. The appeavauce of the river put& one in mind o! Eldon anad suckers. The. base for thbe nev systern of fine protection bas ariived. The next ou the list is the cart, and ilthe energy displayed by i-becoemmitte, vIse bave, tIsa pari- of thse busium -inlbnd, - keepo up, lu won't be long- before k itii lie Miss A Watson loft on Wednesday mmornsug on a fev day's visi- ita Toton- Thse îie on thse lake iast breaking, Capt. R H Glibetmon avis #eus Iret*kto ake chareOfhàboat for %bc -imediat X Mre d n rlativeof thse ~~C~iupvattd8 and a large umber of haudmome andvaluable presents vere preseuted to the bride. AfÀer a sl>or bridai tour Mr. sud Mmu Brankley take up tbeir residence in Megantic. Quebec. vhere Mr. B bas his business connections.L Tventy-flve 'years ago Mr-. Frank Marks set sail fi-oiLverpool for Canada, eventually stopping ai Lindsay. Since i-bat time Mi-. Marks, like many another froru the old land, prospered and accurnulated soine of the good tbings of i-bis world. Ne=t June Mr-. Marks sails for Londoin, England. where he will reside in i-be future. No doubt be vilI be glad i-o se any Lind- sayite wbo may bappen i-o si-roll as far as the great ruetropobis. It is u-hispered by those around i-oun who ought to know, and wbo wish tbe names suppressed for the present, thiat a promînent and popular Lindsayite bas corne into possession of a fortune lefi- by a relative in1 England. The interest on the money t is said amounts i-o $40. ooo a year. The fortunate gentle- man will leave in Company wu-h lau-y- ers to dlaim poss-eision. in June. If we were i-o divulge the liame the lucky one would probably bave more friends i-han he would find convenienu.. Th.e laysaet sarutg. " In the spning young men's fancy lightly turris to love" This rnav be true but it does not'apply to i-be smalb boy. His sole ambition is i-o attain perfection in the basebali lîneand keep bevond the reach of is mothers caîl. Almost any day you rnav see on any vacant piece of ground, 40x5O, tu-o small boy basebaîl nines fighi-in it out. Of course they are iagged and dirtv. That is to be expected in vieu- of Lind- say mud and considerîng i-bat i-be pro- ceedîngs are punci-uated by f ree fights. the period being reached u-ben everv- body pitches into the umpire. Other sports equally as invigoraing engage their attention. not to forget the half- hourlv boat races dou-n the ditches, which probablv accounts for street overseer Walker finding so mucb debris in undesirable places. aurgisse agalt. Burglars are ai- it again. having done somne uor-k on a srnall scale i-bis u-eek. Early Tuesday morning Mi-. Ceo. Fox heard a noise of falling glass in duhe cold storage rocom. On investigation i- v-as sbo-n i-bat some parties had broken the glass In i-be výindow facing i-be street, reacbed in. i-.rred i-be lai-ch and eîtered. Had i-be fallîng glass not aroused Mr-. Fox consîderable bavoc migbt have been muade in i-be su-eet t hings abov.e, or in the cash boxes. Mi-. Fox bowever, armed with a revolv- er courageously s-rode forth and ut would have gone bard with the u-ould-' be burgLar-s had he corne in contact widu them-Sunday thieves eni-ered Bailey's bake sbop, back of Fairweah- er & Co's store, and rnanaged i-o secure some sixteen large boaves of bread. Sunday nighi- a privai-e residence in i-be soudu yard was eni-ered, and several Jars of peaches, wine, etc. taken. It is undersi-ood that the police bave i-heur suspicions and u-ill aci- speedily. - Wardei-. BEOUGELA. Mv.. Laidlaw is abl. ta lie about again. T. B Wnllus vas vith Pickering friendâ on Monday. Mm. Emmersanecontinues i-n a Tory loy condition. P. Hogle bas rented the Robson farr sud rnoved thoveon Tnesdy. Tii. rads are very muddy, but in a fev day. vil ho mach improyed. Tbos. Brown, is home frein Tarento, bis pariamentary duta.. basin6 terusin sted wish lait veek. WlId doksanar plontiful bereabonsa, sud our sports are grieviug hat they are proteeted. la fact vo are an.iined ta think tisas soin. poacbiug lu doue.. Tise remainsaof tbe la". Casper Btotta vore ixaerred lu the Cisibno emetevy bore on Sauday, vbero a largenombor of former friands sud relatves vlsessed "u lmst »d ries oxteuded s50oe e vo bas resid.d hereaient. for iny jea. Wodaesdiy, after s arteetd ue from oenmupiou, E blianabreathed ber 1aut Deeeased vas thse only dangli. ter ef Mv. -Mos« Linton. Thse nter- menstecok place au Fviday to the Christ- ian barying-ground. Tie beravd moti er damnes t. thanisher nmmons Broug- issus fien&ds"vho seindly alsia"odhb botis by word sud deed during ber afftite- IVDrSmOA11L Im woe FIM8T OIi'EA T REQUI8ITE il Pure Blood ind Strong Nerves. PAINE'3 CELER Y COMPOUND GIVES THESE BLEBSINOS TO EYERY SUFFERER. Thse Oly Medicine that Thor- oiighly Banishes Disease. Au Ol! Lady& Experieuce. The. fi-us great requisite for a condition of(perfes ,beslth for every mn, voman sud ehild ast tus moson, is jure bbood sud stron«, bealtby nerrea. Tb.y give us ü»e beath, sirength, vin and actvicy i-ba& v. are 90aeager ta possesal, 90thaï, wo may be fortified tCc mecs th. enervai- iug weather of our boS summers. Thr.e-four-ihs of our people rush inCa the. partais cf smmcv vith systeme cbarged vith impuriues sud poison. The. blood in foui sud stagnant ; th. liver sud kidseys vork impcrfectly, sud are vevy oftu diseased. Witb many, rbeumsi-- ism dyaptepsia and indigestion are daïly toruaoutora. Constipation, hoadiehe, duil hcad sud beaw-y brains, weak aud tired feelings sud sbeeplessu.ua, make fif. a misery for thousands. Life is flot suie vhcn, sncb ymptorus and diseases are permitted ta i-un un- cbeeked. If vea, reader, bappen ta b. eue cf the many auffering from any cf the. forma cf disease jasit referred i-o, do flot fail to give Paîne's Celery Cornpound a trial ai- once. It la jour only safety- jour cnly rue and certain delivery frooe penls that end in deatb. Pin..9 Celery Compound i an abso- bute sud certain specific for the. troubles i-laStbresten jour lhfe; il bas ured tbonsands, and viii do Lb. same izood work for you. Oc. hotie vill cost you leu tihan a vsit to a physician, sund vill convi-ueeo e of ils pover ta cure . Mmr. C. Ferguson, of Refdiekviile, Ont., aye : "1Fer :elght yes IuI a sorely troubled vith neuvalgia, nervons debilhty aud in digestion, for vbicb I tried varions ad- vertised modicines, sud vas treated by five dctors.L did nos receive aoy good resul te from auj saumrcertil I vas recom meuded ta use paines Celerj Compound Meore 1 hsd used oee bottle cf the. com- pound I foand mymeif mach botter Aftor using tour boules, 1 amn nov alrnast as velas ever before in mv 111 e. I leev weil, appetite is Rood, sud I feel reuewed and atreugthened.' Mm.rs Or enoavbs e t last almost disappoar- ed and the veatiier in siti. more spring like, especiail1y vben w. hlisten taonu Mars baud. Tvo men were seen lait veek veuding their vay borne and by tbeir appearane tbey vere tveuty-fonr bours bebind im. Mr Martin Healy i. progressiug favor- ably aftor hbu long ibîneus. Mr. Neil J. McDcnabd spent Eeauter ai- Bark'm fails aud returned homo Tuesday. Auma&l round vood-bee vas beld as, Mr. John McD)onald'a last veek. Tii.t-otal eut for four save beiug e eacrds in nine hours. Beat ts i yon eau. A large nnmber cfounr youug people &tteuded the. At Home at the presbyter ian manse, Uptergi-ove &ad speat a verY pbewaat eveniug. The sm cf $18 vas eollstted in aid cf tii. Foreign Mission Saeiei-y. Mr~ George Greenvood, veunuderstaud, bas moved bis fainily ta Kilvorthy, vbere ho' bas secured a lucrative positon George v-I beh greasly missed by his msny frieudu. Most ofLour yonng men are bnsy ra~k img srup. It la no vonder they are swect lookiug. Miss Liai Syminrton rotnrned borne 'from a trip Ca Buffalo, vbere mii& bas been visiting ber iser, Mns. R. Robia- Son. E. F. Dafoe, teacher, of Stouff;villo vas visitiug ore las eek. Mr. Frank Bolsu, of ML. Ahbrt, has ronted s shop in Chii place sud intends carvyiug on the ailoing baaines T'h. public soheol teacher gencvaily, in Ci" vxamsy. Ccok sérsûtoeocf thse nev liv regarding Cie exensonof the osat., hoiday.. Did--On S&Uray, Apr tI 1 M I9, EdiCi, seon"d dughtev et Alo«. So Hanter, &P&d sx yoesud aMx moutis.. T'he funarat vwu eld on Tue@day, 14th, toms. mon emetery. Thse Sons of Toqmpereac oegu hm " cnmtquerter ane: W.P, -IL G. Irn; WÀ, Mm stie D"fo; *ILS., Jo.. Sugdeu ; .R.8, Nm X N. h@iap- a= ; PA8, W. E& NcIaod . m0os., A -_oles; c Il. -.111 o. Wé- a ., M M a s A d Wison;LB., Ell Wes'y htl.Pe Port Peury c6~uzcil as its meeting1 last week imsed'a vote of thanks toi Mr. Cbapple, M. P. P., for sccurig the pasag-o the Port Periry Debeut- Mm-. D. Hoyle, for many years a resident of this town and vicinity. bas gone to Brechin to reside. He.r son, Mr-. D. Doyie, of Brechin, wasin town last veek coking after the movïng of the furnitume 1% l'.iette raiIway. Mr-. E. A. C. Pew, the promotor of this road, has written to Mr. Fostei st.ating that the Huron and Ontario Railway bill bas passed both bouses of parliainent. Also that Mr-. John M. Roberts, banker of Dungannon. bas been appointed to receive the balance of subscriptions from dthe local coilect- orS. Mi-. S. Kennedy. Of 7th con. Scott, fed two Cotswold sheep for F. Harding ot Wakeshaw, Wis.. and on Tuesday sold tbe wool from tbem to Mr-. E. J.. Breen. The clip weighed 5o lbs., or 25 lbs per fleece. Mr-. Breen al1so pur- chased a big clip ç6zo lbs) fi-ou Mr. Wm. Thcumpson of the 7th. The clip averaged over 16 lbs. to tbe fleece. lh Waikrvmle ceiom. In a letter frous one of the boys at Walkerville, he says the Uxbridge settlement or colony there are ail well There are eight of us bei-e now-Joe and Oliver Hamilton, W. Gray, L. Doyle, F. McGuire, D. Turner. John Maynard and W. Sim, and over the river there are six or se-ten families. so you see that a feliow can inake himself right ai- home. A iuky m18csk. A pair of boots, destined for Mr-. S. B. Todd. were stolen from Browns- combe's delivery wagon Saturd.ay night at the back of the store. On Tuesday' a young man named James McNeil of near Siloamn came in with a pair of1 boots for exchange, saying i-bey were1 flot mates. The cierk tbought the boots wete i-be missing pair and Mr-. McNeil was arresi-ed. He afterwards admii-ied to Consiable Frankish that he had taken them and also that be bad stolen a caddy of tobasco last fail fi-ou the same store. He was brougbt be.. fore J. P's Harman and Hamilton Tuesday night and commici-ed i-o Whitby for triai. Mr-. Bi-ownscombe believes McNeil is flot thbe only pur- loiner from wbom bhe bas suffered and will enforce the law in every case of theft around bis premises--journal. BANDTOILD Mr-. Wmn. Skene, cf Uxbridge, vas ina ont village Thursday. MissAlice Taylor bas retnrned borne ai-ci-r isii-ing lier brother in thbe ci-y. Mr-. Wm. Horner is putting the finish- ing touches zo Mi-. Brawn's bous.. Wben finished it vili add oue ta the number of fine private dvellinga. lira. R. Rarwood in quit. indiaposed having cani-racted a evere cold. MissTopping. cf Markbam, vas the guest of Miss Bella Dick last veek. Miss Jean Cairrtbere in borne on a viait for a short ime. Mr-. Chas. Byam bas moved iuta the bouse lateby occupi.d by Mrv. R. Har- Wood. Miss Lotii Phulipps, of Udora, t@ visii-ing at 1fr. T. Thompeon"s. Some young sports held a cocking main bore eue evening lait veek. it will not b. vel for i-hem if ià reaches the ears of on.r J. P. It appeara a gaine bird of Gris corners vas pi-ted againat ail cornersansd lie proved ta b. a stayer. The reanlIt of the baste is net generally knov-n, bat repart saya some of i-le birds are minus one oye. HAIMPTN. Mr-. Jahu Coloebis moved into bis bouse on Mill Street, Mr. J. Nolboir sud vif. arn viaiting friendsataSBovmauvilBe. Miss L Trenonth is Visitung ber sater at Miple Grove.' Miss Anni. Ashston speut Sstnrday as Bovxnanvîikl. Mr. sudMua. T. David, Pickering, are viaising As Mrt. J. Bradley*&. (lid ta report Mr. T. Rowe condaesý- lir. sud Mms T. EMU-tviitai friends iu Toronto lasveW. Mise Ettio Gifford, vs visitiug ait Mr. F J Groua soser Sunday. Exbacum àw ae - oee4nuk Umm Sas, Llfde-Dodd% 's Kid.s W Pm" lesfit fe .KUBOp&a Offvoek h vbmt ywxS'deo am Oe oMM Ovwwo*et myWad do UcSïth «rÀ%it Jut à itdé.Mm essrsrem1e tqul mub« - 5g ý -304W112:- -:-1 ne wboên au miaéý- . usmivnoen Svomas e-ver reafly * A ko e pibe anan content until she is athe m ot h r of Sa liealthyb-aa p py cbil&L She ne-ver -' - reaches thle ful de- grec of u-omanly de- '1 velopment uni-il she lias feu- ithe pleasiug \ responsibilities' cf matertity. AUi -i healih f Uic ei ifd teendsonil i hetali ohemiolasere ing io e ndazskfbi frt- cadc inthif.Ng Cc cthatsheou cannai- Weakt nes z- t csalalyedwthe vheah Nthg motarayan b noencesthot bea-f Ila shie. orefople soeadraemnt hcai-- daeuse chf lie.Thntyfme cigb sans. Pousitica viii ureod a iuroubls, vithi natre. her langut, ess-vrk u ibis ad mnt, sudtherbce ta n £ ou caaot. exet Farite Pre spisondaie ans roly tsud ot f-ofy uzants- sudansasnd p tht te euarper- disi-eae of th e ust ral feiuctiraB& PFresiteripfo iptiuxan 'trsotild hof h nre- Thybere rvwno gn"sduriabtise eiue sttme ntere o i-a m l ht 'Wvnà t. cptoms sud r cas, estesprethà Msumi t d F.*In, Constj lhd Pain ith* Back -*" meam R«t.,0j r«mL ofMu muv for* , wmo bdm&bId W.dtuby-udqfo , N. '2r.,he. bel basssuu a good at K.Jà& A& jI. ou, ur r habu yoang daugiter. mm .James Cojie sad&a leIft for BuffMe ,W.dnu.may to joinbar habed. Mr. sud Mms. (3yle'amomay friends in "i seotion viab Ibsua every aucceein cbair nev home. bit. Lyteil vauOODi.ed t thebousm a Iev datye st ve0h sbroughb»1114 ubut vo are pleaeed to note ha ia able go attend ta hie duties a. . Mins liff Olonnel spet luti veek the. gnus cf bar 81s5evin Orilia. Mr. Tboe. Eagan bas xnoved frein tbe station Cc Simca. street oa&. Miss Maria Moeesuof Sehepelor, is the gnons of lber amuser, lira. Thos. Ragan tins veek. Mr. John Stewart bua rrîved borne from the nortli. Mr. C. Ramsy peut lImt week aft i. old home in Rama. Miss Lawlor, of Rathburn, va» tUs enes of ber sister, Mr@. M. MeCounel during tb. Laster holiday. Mrt. Will MoPhe.e et Easter at th. old boxnostead in the village. Mr. Chris. MoRse, cf Beaverton, va the guest of his uncle, Mfr. G. MeDouàld, Friday liat. Brecliin vants a constable, s loek-up, but no dog tax. Mr. Wm. MeDonald, cf Uppor Micai- zan, is the. gueut cf bis brother, Mir Duncan McD)ouald Quit. a qua tity of maple syrup ba» beeu made i-n this vieuaity snd in selliug as a good figure. Mr& hoe. Roaeb. of Toronato, speut s fev day. in the village laut veek. Mr - KW. Cuddahee gavemnsàafriendly eaH M ondaylaut Some mii'ereant dsubed a couple cf pieces of meat over witb parie green snd placed i-hem near Mr. P. Clarke's houm. No doubt its uitended to poison the. dou but mighs bave poisonod hie doge and caulse, bad h. noe discovered. An- ci-ber aet cf this kind and Mr. Clark. vil psuvent ail parties from creesing bis fartas.Bath Mrt. Clarke and Mr. Timn sufer much froua peopie ou Sondsy sud other day.s crossiag and recroesing their fime. There vas a Lauge gasb.uing at tise manie on Friday nig" it ilvasfor the foreigu n-ismons sud ad antage wv a t& of il to present Bey. 1Mr. Baebas, Ch" pastor, witb au excellent cossy aud bad- some futrcet sud pair cf gaundu;a," nîooy worded addreu wua read. 1fr.1 Buehanan made a feeling reply. Xwid- ently the rav gentlemen is warmly emu- abrined in the bearu. cf bis good parisb- ioners. For Tvaty-Six Yars t i <Time0gtiily Meetinlg of wu b1 vs eld at -the SembMaei Y lait \ l é Uinplrey toOk t-h io 370 a.m- and called theý or e C. 'Mntsof iast meetini ejopted. Trhe trustees of school 3, Sunde-1aid, appeairedý -counilC and claimed that owed said section $6.78 0f The couricil pointed out never received the mon trefor fot liable for th(, On motionl of Mr-. Th M.Cully, Alex. McDon ger~ as granted S5. on motion of Mr. Edwil l3retbour, Geo. F. Shier i~ for keeping YoemnaniB gent~ for three days. J MMcC-ulY, seconded son, mnoved that the nori' lot 13 conl. 4, and nurti, conl. 4; also south hait. be detached fromn roadiI attached to road heat N said beat extend as far Con. 5 and that M'I-. Th, appointed path master-ý Couficil adjourned for Asserrbled at 2 O*lý w. H. Ruttle camne r, and made oath that hec dog in 1895,* and a-sked1 the Sihe païd as0d,1 On motion of n- i Edwards, W. H. R uti being dog.ta-x cOU lecte(l. On motion of NIr. NI" by Mr-. Brethour, Iea%-, introduce a by-1a"w tc sections Nos. S. 6 and by-law be read a fi rst ai and the counicil 'g()n the whole thereon, witi rey in the c'hai- 8v- and second time. T Yý, schoolS interest in sa"v was beard on the matt discussion the followin~ attacned to S. S. No. lot 4, Con. 9, containil S. S. No. 6, and N. 7, contaifling 5o acres lot 5, Con. 6, 3o acre- 5. and the clerk wý' notify the persons intt attend at the next reî the couricil and thTat t read a.third time, thai pass, that the reeve si that the seal of thi affixed thereto. Rea, passed. On motion of Mi-. McCuhly the Clerk nlotify Mr-. John Sa< the fence off the puýb between lots 18 and i On motion of Mi-. Edwards ail parties rý roads, bridges. etc.. applications in the h on or before May 9t, On motion of Ni-. Brethcui' a public m, in the town hall, Si 16th, 1896, at 7 'cI4 to discusS the advisî Reach The. regniar mee vas bob! ou Mc members vere preu thse previots mel firmed. TIse clerk read a csions* ,OunefrouaMu. rdisssimc f dog th bis dlog bsd been1 Fi-eus Mv Wm remiWsicuof dog lasdoglaWddied 1 Eroin Mr Fraul otfie. nvni Froin thse oty jng BeosCoe tnaw to cobtaini Leg slatnre auiei eatabiiihM nl Doç=mSetionas. boelerk of the slin that Uxi 4ffl, satteit luîbvidgesud Re wdaiaem a E mmun iatemalpte à 0( me". C~ oE et thbIa, ont ~~O. LHoodaco . wIim s. 01 Fp, - -..w.berof P 1 mIhaeenrc< wftb s a euutiUemI& shoetueas of Maly liUii*g k mccUm « ai nid adM flt uhver. I1vas that r niy UMY katKW out before hallthe & vas *radgnmt nimber a et c ij,- - enu troedtnur iooï ~ WCures 1 purebaaed a battis of! odl ad's w which =de me teel botter a&tene, i S-e= tinued Its use, having takos tlree botfles, a&W 1 Foui Like a Kow Man- i have a good appecite, teel as strong a.i eva cfld, and en"joyperlecs test asnit. i[w xnuch pleasw-e in reconmnding HaSdsa&.u .arUL'L" CiRta.LE S S'EELE, WIuI Erie ?Pm ierving Cao-ai athertne'. Ontario. M ood's PFIs are prompt and eacîpa-,y SI I o&ïv DUmCUU ((Vn ?bý M POLS&- N w»- hm e n eu riJl =br I=u09mv 1ý a it - -es r IitoKu zuemu IWw»mmnz I~t~sbyR~~cea Doria

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