Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1896, p. 3

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The Mnonth - eee r f the above lgêis, TM1O~ council vas field tte tOWft n 1 Sunderlan(II on SaturdayiStaO a:0I$. mi 1~r Mcmnersal presefit. in -Of- t m"'& UtlAW fè WLô~ ,~ Reeve umnphreY took the chair at 0hvII~WI o tSIê.4 *6 Jd~ ok~IIth fy labor. ~~~~Viuioi u oruomo aWn ,0. 3o a. , n Cî~ umition Of Mr WaWgf. 61-8 tevore hw:R ,vMIiItd bîtk l Miue !i~ eeting ra adord.rad to b. paid te 1118n Mpuvifs, Mesra.J é wP oo .iWOSDg-n order. ra n uoion o 1 ~ ad iss Nlai >4i. _Wifr l -o p t e s f .X m 0 V The trtstees of school section No. bulboli are 1 adoted oudel f schoap ear tibeorn Neo n bi otion dof Mr Wei r $7 .0 'W"s ord. MNEW Li zzie HYland bas be n taying à - Aw T tu steesand clai ed bat th e onncl ot o n 1p to M> 1w A B .Olla W afo r U . O. MOIaugh l'S. sent o t1 sad sCiol$ .8 ofb c a es. s o e p&!noW in &&01 of StaL&tL e Mr. H. Part, Port perry, w u5 lerking -Britis h- i se t o $ 6 7 of b c ta e . lab o r . b re in h is fa th er's ab sen ce. 11wconcl oinedou tatit had » of Mr t. hens $8 75 -*>88 Charîle, eldest son Of br.Jo.Nubt b reeîed th m ne ad on b pmdotioni dedsud nly n unday, April l2th. U n cu rii one uet a ad t r as s Day for ae u d uy 0! - e therefore rnot lable for the amount. *1ovelling snow in road mi"vision 17, iiin On motion of Mr. Tbompsofl and 610088 of .taLttelabor. b Meewee iss Atnme ryer inM.A , Darntn, r \lr. Cull,Alex. McDonald, an indi- on motion fMrForedigne-MoiLlglircosfl r.A B rye wa rne 5issed on b. tresantot in fayot o01 the man' hiCftgO. f r.Ewads ndMr o., c PXtesfor éoeln G N foundl1> dg hOf MrreigaMO ý rckeeifl Yemf Buke n d- 6 M lo oo ,12; nd -Mr IR The bridge beween Seugog date for E, -e r e n e d a n u resa.n d - 6 6BryAl 1 R , 8w rig h t j, e n ie rg e d . b y m u d w a te t b rien  rm N NirMcC II , s co ded by rBrma n t io, o r #1b $1v- r êt threo feet deep, i t being i i u bl for ,~lfl)vd hase o rhe aSt uar o ter bhop id to Mr John Park for repair e uan or be st to travel 0v Corne? in e ni ove . .a ndth north -haif.q ulot er, done to bridge a t M anchestet. M r. H erb Prout SP MOb.Sl ud ay wit.h Si n o o n . 4 a13 c o . t, bal lo t lf . co n 1 5 , O n i m o ti~ o f M r R e &' $ 2 2 8 w uv es s tr , M n . S J e ff rt . l o ! .~ucahefo road beatlo 8 o odrdthpadto1,conM3 r Richard Honld- froheu te r oad beato o 67, and at erslaw , $21 88 to M r W m H ooper, and Ki gst j ergho mle u e ' c he e ~.lh.t e oxt end a at N .E ,as d h t$8 to James Baird, b.ing two.third ls ei igti.i o e a a if- berespeotivOly snstained by Lbefl, in having TheW. F M.,fuithe pebtiehra2 iprs n.Sand that Mr. Thomas Evans b a nomber of their sbeep kiled by doge chiirch had a u$sulmeig hr- mntrea eîd pathmaster-'-arried. O motion ot Mr Weir $8 wua rdered day aftierfloOflatMr. A. Kinsmnan a. $in0.090- 01111l diurfed fo dnner. tw be paid to Mr Jos Bro n and 50 cents@ Que..~ 89 oilcl a t o 'cldocr Pdi to Mr F Orchard for s*ioveling show per Mis Armis, teacher, Mapie Grove, Q e i.1. Ruttie camle before the council Instruction from conil. yoDanger-b mind et t3t he did flot have a On motion of Mr Weir 8262 vas Mr. James Rundie. De 1Kalb, Mch., Prospecte ,jnade oand tasdtobreued orrd be paid to Mr N Clsughton, and Miss Minnie Kerr, Columbus, (reat Br Ill iî,he pa d as ed o ax. andd $675 d t o M J W ro ier for shovel- vsited M r. R. F. Richards'. d an cam i On Motioni of Mr. Brethour and ',1r. ing snow in tbeir respective roadJs. ditceviste rsie, iwards, W.H. RutteIa Iad $1 ione in exces of statute labor. Ms a.Cutc iie e itr g (i g tax collected 'in errer. on m otion of M r Roe 1.2 wa s or r.Mak o . T o r tt e cey an di n )n ,lotioni of Nr. McCully, seconded ered to be paid to Mr. Wma Bowisfr M r. J.1. RohertS . ahr t Pttsbure \ Nr. retour leve as ranted te hoveing snow in exceas of Sttute labor another wild goose hast e. venture ntr oduce a by-law to equahize school On modtofl of Mr Weir $1 35 W5 Mr. L. M. Courtice is preparlflg bis arter dai Nos. 5, 6e r an irs and econd t e Martin, and 4 to Mr E J Wbeeer, for Southdowfls for the f ahI faits. vîcim 0 t,.nd itw ea anCirsgo andscodmltee o euin e fow in eîcoss o! statute labor. Mr. W. C. Barrett, Newcastle, very of nevigi the holetheron, ith eeve r h On motion of M.r Roal $22 25 vas acceptaffly supplied for Rev, Dr Marvin Foreign-1 î1wwhietheeo, ît ReveUmh-ordered w be paid to Mdr W Stophens bunday. the latter being in ()rono and war offic ýcu in the chair. By-.haw read a hirst being amouint of expenses .cre o ecsl rahigeuaifa e- e and second time. The trustees o! the 8attondance, spuie ad ur oferthewonstl Alarmilctina sr e t hiois ntees insai shoe setin tLe olMon Bollit, the townhip o!f NMr. Fred Nichols bas bougbt the M atabel was heard on the matt.er. and-after the Whitby topuy 0o»18baih o! said expenaes. Sot am detie iÀh Bwaf- te Cul iliscussion the follow* 2 ing ro-rtiS.wEre4 On motion the ecuncil adjourned. ville Statesman.th u .ttacned to S. S. No. iVIvz:S .'~*6c 10t 4, Con. 9, containing So acres fromA eficoerat1t.Cswl ~S. No. 6, and N. W. ý4, lot 4, Con. i division. Mas' î3th. Save the date. cntainilg 5o acres; also N. E. S.W* ICh jîdrens meeting next Suridav a. rrn.. Canadien <ot 5, Con. 6, 3o acres from S. S. No. N lE when Dr. Marvin will conduct a suit- toba ce s, and the clerk wos autborized toV l i able servi1ce. They wi111 occupy the bomele notifv the personS interested therein to* u i centre ef the church. AhI be there Geners attend at the next regular meeting o! i l al.$8,00û, the counicil and that the same be now y me ose 1r.C W son ilitia read a third time, that the same do nwPoutaseter h s ece ntiis..W Oson gar die çîasS, that the reeve sign the same. and meansthe preverttiefl of scores out andrsrE.c lns, yrn Foreign- that the seal of this corporation be of caeVcrriadMs.Ac.a.renTroe .tfxed thereto. Read a t.hird time and cassofclds, coughs, Mrs. D. Pollard, Oshawa, and Mrs. R. try toi passed. bronchitis, pneumonia, and Philp, Cadmus, were guests of Mr. L. crowd4 On motion of Mr. Fdwards and Mr. censumption. Wet feet do M. Couttice, recenthy. menia McCuhlv the Cherk was instructed te net ietymk the em Mr. Sid Brooks shipped another car- netifv, Mr. John Sackville to temnove c îetymk em load o!' caives anid lamibs to Toronito the fence (-)à the public road aîîowance ofcensumption appear in the ast week. ï: betweeil lots i8 and î9. Coli. i:, Brock. Ilungs; but they do cause \Ir. M. -1. Gibson is attending school On motion o! Mr. lrethour and Mr. Coughs and celds and inflam- in Oshawa. Edwards ahI parties requîriflg grarits oni mation cf the throat and lungs; fcethee aR . . snea r.a Fli R' roads. bridges. etc., must have their fc hs as t il .iîlplicatietis in the Jiands of the (ounicil weaken the whole systemn. In -R n ormeoteonofMr. McCut and'.\I..this ccndk.iefl the germný cf AB"ÛWreck )n mem.tion e!M.Mcuiind Mr. fheînd --of tha conatitution may follow in the trace of A. Carig l3reth, tir a public meeting wiLl he held. a dgordered systern, due te impure blood or 8vi n thetotwfnlbal, 'Sunderland. on May in which te work. inactive liver. Don't run the risk 1 The pro- i uth. i 8c6. at , 'ockin the evenirtg 5cott's Emulsion ef Ced- prietors of Dr. Pierce@ Golden Medical t)iscov- aie te dlkcuiss the advisability of erecting a --- ery take &Il the chances. Tbey make sa porheuse in thîlS countv. ie Olwt Hyo os their retuedy f ails te henefit or cure in ail dis- Count3 Mr. retoti andMr.phies 1 aMost valuable remn- orders and affections duo to impure blood or McCuiv.thestret cmmisonrs fr ey fr inctie lverThe erms of disease circulate FMrmiioi ! dg a owingw the act ping with ber sister, Mrs. James Lavrie, vainut in the oit hen fiffing the l"nPBlthe hiss o dog addid o n to the a w who is sriOuly ilL. and it vil1 gise a bright and steady light. Car] due. J r. R Z Hall vas in Toronto laut week. Stockings veto unknovfl in bible From Mr Franklin Dure resigning Ais Mr. Richard Beer s making extensive times. Historyfit nioshe a office as pathrnaster, stating that it would. repaire on hie bouse. havîng been woru in ltaly about the year not bo convonient for humi to retain said Meurs. James Mannl and Aloi. Col- 1100. office,.ville, Bowmanviile, were in tevu Tues When bamboo furnituro is dirty it May T Front the city clerk, Toronto, reqiiest- dy b.cevdwt mi rs lpd' q ineac ni to cni fom opentarioh miss Minnie Truhi, Wbit.by Ladies' varin vater sand sait. The s mall will riol] Legisiattire such legisiation s viU onable Colloge,'vas homo over Sunday. prevent the bamboo frein Lurnfg yellow. and municipalities to onjoy the* 4lmt to Mre. John Carveth la in poor hoalth. ------soft estbhil uncipl FreLnsran.. Mesurs. John and Aloi. Lavrie, Bo- WRRiIESI KM1FUI 189R I[M No action vas taken on Lbe. âw"e manville, were at their brother's Mr. J. commuinications. A.. Lavrie, on Sunday. A communication vas aise read freinM r.W.Htla simrvn fen ynt DoSa Net Corne EasY the clerk o! the township o! Uxbridge, Mhr. efeca o ollàimrn re. 1tu te BiCIL sag tatt g po 81 revard o! $500 is offered for the con- M dassauelbron the townline o! Acio o orfie8ug.oiurag6ffl6ft and Despair 18 Uxbridge and Beach during the year 1895 1îto !orlr us while Beach had oniy performed 19 days The long talked of steain ire onigine Their Lot. and asking reuuunera.tioti frouî Beach for put in ts appoarance on Friday. Lu wwu the ezcess-612 days. brougiti froin Oshawa, vhere it hus beau South 1A.meric&U XerVine DrWSB te The Clrk said on reception o! the for sorneime. For the pflrpoue cf show- DeOPS.IX .&W&Y. foi communication ho vas satiafied the ing the people of the villgo Whbst ould . -.. statements it contained vero unteliablo do in Lthe vay of extin uishiiîR fit. a test -BECAUBEA&LwàysB EFOTXYm as to the number o! days porformed by vas made -on Batuda under the dit.& Beach, se hoe badl taken occasion to ln- ion of Mr. (J E Eiig uagt t oLthe An Unfailitig Refliedy for Ilnd1g<, vestigato Lb. mater wiLh the following WaLerons Engino W>,s o. This test- aad Nervous Troubles. >, result: in place 19 days asesot fortli,;h. ,proved mnottaisfst*ZYtSU11buit wiev ftnds that Beach hbas performed equival- vwoee so potdcdagainte t u . ~"I OI t85S$11~O~ ont to 84î days and in support of bisgneast. 0 veuto look a&t it.- statem ent e in possesion o! vo oers iWate a ate thLbepndover n t cent. tu i.a wô trinto atmlSOT hose road di the bank ad tru 0!>feto ba IIII 0* are contiguons t. the townlino ahowig, oiror thue bigh.sstê à village. fTJuë in dotail. ho number of dayesos perforSn doatus of fit. ro tl i re metývit ed, as folove:- John quinlin 4 days. M n slp0utf aê*s4% fl k1S~ Wilkinson 4, Jaob Tqlôv 8, 1 Sepheù- .1thà oie'v b. ýtksu teoýa b th son 5,010HwsG6 WASllr ,tlh.pureba"-eoftu F B roxall 4, _8lacrïX»U191, jo1)b-ý Armstrong 10't U1emai in1, ', Due8totol 71A 4 4te i day.s név w M oueêb2~U b. add il <,ot ùý k o a un< - Beach,4., total cf84 si 'ubridge in p On Motion eof o! (rret Brtai, bto me tuKof 1APRI 18l i~1b8.I al'8 DIboeO I" -zpdn. te a" trop orfout AfDo-frprgolDO S otiIf yue o4Cso U Bfritisi ouan bbt men- ..~t sog arteotaulryyeos'tbe [.H.,,,pa CooklaaLibersacandi -ea S i hreB t JhnS h lzDiliD lt b*!S Caa1 gtriAdOsty mêYSW Md 4 audafls >Te tn i p g s o r dSyuth a f.i.T 8fo l eo S S C 8 tl% 0 0 l t br t y lg B o u C 1r d , ELfCokrb iddell to andi-reo cure Diarhoa nd WIIIt Colle. astOiiu and lzve etinga in ILondod-No revi- tâth,, troube1, creScutP*O sa ltl»7 ,ninion votera' hiet thie year. CasIt agghBilatm the fOOd. reguIW4W lthe sik8Ch IiONDAY, APRL 20 adbwlogvn mti U g M 16 au lira. Bell, Of Ottaa, geLs life 84 o W steS, glviug heaand entrals .Cs ent for abuaing children- tral h hllO15~nOf4t oIe' ned aaks Dominion grant o! atra for oxponsos o! World's fiar atra asô~S -Great flood at ichmo nid, U golab n clnt me efo r ehil- uO t ra s ve d5 t i1 drn. &moh lb&O iee5" I7 oi inkwsIre o m lt p W W P Iteat fire in Phihadephia- g gfeau o h i dr e.4M" i 'Levute mLeD. o B ritish in So th A frica- D a Q . .0 0 0 9 fl L r o ] -r is O! Horne Ruile for C ba- U "ý am , u >.o.nnthe . fflBrookhuusN.Y -itain b o n n d te pu b he S ou - îô&int e b t e W o r e e î f Mm b"On t pbym LdSi iS ID t O c fldt b l u d - ýpaignm nt hbv1 &pokem9 he&g1lbc" theedry in ne fa APRIL 21 rswa4 oierth o nce ta theit Ou Walispa m Ih O tiI -Tr onto byAl) esi bo ton byt efl' o thefr cbildreil, s d use Catmiin- and slthotih e we niy arO aaueg oe quw ngum wieham Ined1Sl supplies vbst la kIoum us rogulaf -, T s o r eo n t o b l e r o u B R t o b y e e " c i s , yîe m r d n W e S r r e e t o , S f m th a t U nh on the streota Of Hamiito'in mS~plin, mothing syrup ad oter hrLal mani ai Cste$ I svatutIokvh krk Yo unfg Crovley dead, the M M dofl thi r th oat, t erl udig fvotiO lt."l » U MN " if a bicycle ollijion-OPning g3b5fl t 1 t mgraes "U numBoston, uDum a u. atio iun te St. Lavraice- tua. . . xnscuaiz $ Fra&,w IDU -Great activity in the Britih C u aAr. la'C a isI e, T w etr e e A r m d ( l e r m a e , a r r e p o r t T " C R I W O P U 7 ¶ l M I U t s . N i oe pouflI3 into the Tranuvaal- ng reporte !rem South A! ries- les badly bost-en by Lb. British rt gays that Spain bas yiehded te bans-'Wheat veaker in Chicago WEDNE5DAY, APIRIL 22nd .2- A n th T train lead o! M a ni. o B b w vr e g " b Ceh t ' 8se farnuhies at Threo Rivera.- on ah. becme Ms e cll2ng teouators. lh electiones es t for Juino lOth. - h no ebW C W W ,â Og v hm C a m s ON0 te be @Peut in arming the WL H ,,-Mary Shea, a Raihitoii beg- ,W L U H es Worth $300. -British vinning in Sont" .-French Sonate forcing~ Minis- The Synod of EHaiiU)tn'd Londnta eet-________________ resign.-Turkish prison at Marsh îng in Chattisi. led wxth fevor.strickefl Ar,- f oir (J'uôlised b>' Request-) - ~Dear Mr. Edilor :WIlyen kindIy n. - forn the readeTs of YOut ,auable peper th&' 1 iii gladly send FREE te, anyr suflere? freinN 40l 511 test Manboed, Nervotis DebilitY. Night Losses Variccel. Impoteicy and the r3-sult of yonthful fotly, Particizeîc sml n ULY MBELU ESCAPE inexpensive means of soU-cule wbich aftcr be- lT îng humbugged and imposed upon foR years >.(M ELGUT YEARS 0F L. by quacks, and patent medicine sharks. --ieu afwwes.Ihv otigt el)o I IC .B eton Couby M n Fels T at ~ give away nir amn 1 adseitiilg Siy Patent letnCott anFes btamediciiie business, but viii be plessed w bear _____________ woru Decis.ration is Weak Expros- frein sny suffelerf sxious te find a cumefer bis un o theGrattudeUs Fels o mpisiltta whom h viii explain confide- on oftheGraitue lè Felatotiafly bow and by whs.t mem 1 I as =uud. isBeue.Hundreds hase been culed uhrougb My ad- F R 10M jy o!. Gai-loton, te WiL: t dreds o dolflr te find out. Addiess Cetifi- hoeorge Charlea Armestron13g, O!fLb.deuiay and -encose staip if cenvcuuiCnt Df Ottawa-, in the CountY O! Carie- D. G. OWEN. ...Or 0. i sohemniy declere that 1 livo ut 184 Tronto, Ont. Riseraide PO SB u Ser street in the city o! Ottawa. and igLsa irty-!or yoars o! age. Lt gises me Mgr.Laurent, pester of st Mary,@ Oburohbin.ias pha &r .ad MY tostmutiY as te Lidsay, bas benc ceaed a Rloman Prela by ,zclhoit u iht e ! K otn y th Pope.- N ot.ary publie for Ontario0 n hi tst eo terove stiains from nmarbie imix Tw Lots (or 81e.UMatwelsulr1 aiO cuztti !lemon luice snd Vit-vi We $iestin it ti.mitre 30 N .~m u~ 2 vet« o! Ero*_ s d~. d < LeiiTROr. o0t1 àndapl SoubADIH OGRSce udctb*Z;Q tuyo q r W a h m Wt h wiMS b b à$ tO-, »K70?CHOICE1UGilGRADE iny- Ar. ,Deoelved Wbtu Byng . tflJ Di na lADye. 8 tw n u - M -.y èsy.l m eje w tb.ygô 1Q ~~ lNsmntud DVsa. boy - N. tr 1 1

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