Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1896, p. 4

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Tii. best famicheapest wal eoating on the market. Ready fer use b ing with cold WVill net acale or ruia off. Apply with an ordinary brush ................ FOR 9AEB' WlLLÀ CHEMIST & DRUGGIS'I MEDICAI Brook Street, HALL, Wi WHITBY, APRIL 24, 1ý Complalat Of LibeL On behalf of Dr. W. F. Eastwood, C mont, Messr-s. Dickson & Jolinston, Toi- bave notafied rHE CHRONIcLE of tbeii tention te t#ke action againat us for libe account of [lie following sentences piinte an editotial li this journal of Mai-ch last - "He (Alger) tried to place $17,000 lifi surance on his dyîng wafe whom lie kuei be in the last stages oC consumrption. applied for big nisks on lis daughliri- his owa, and nushed his hined men anto îng risiks. He did s land office busir and for a time was the bub of the mii graveyard ansul-ance frauds which have c( te lîglia in Pickerii g township. T'he agi vied with ecd other in caterang [o bis ri ieus desare for policies, wlile the doci wrote down and ce: titled to whate answcra lie deern-ed neccssary [o carry has scbemes. They are al îrying ta get of it now, by book or l'y crook, and la laý as if be vilI have ta suifer for ail the gaaj welI as himnself As to the part takeai in these insurai vagaraes and fi-suds by Dr. France%~ Eastwood, aud Henry Trull, we have tI own admissions and we are able to fo stncng opinions. A jury of twelve fea ~>Alger guilty, but the gi-ester jury, [the pub knows [bat Fie sbould flot bave been sent penitcnaaary alone. With two doctors ti diflarent points swearing in court that C, believe it is pcrfectly honorable to ma (aIse reports to deceive [hose who are dyi and want to robi an insurance company w « heur last breatb, iutas no wonder Pickeri 1Ytownship is saad [o be recking with gri * yard insurance. Messrs Dacksoa & Jolinston do net poi out thie particulsi- statements [o which th take exception, and we are only able analize [lie matter from conjecture, whii ve shahl do as fai-ly as possible. [n [the fir paragrapb it is stated [bat [the doctors wro down sud certafied to whatever answv Alger deemed necessory [o carry out h scbemes, and [bat Alger and aIl the restaia tnyang [o get out of t l'y book or l'y crool Alger [ried ta get out of it by den>-ing ever, thiaîg; Francey by turnang Quectis eV dence; Dr. Eastwood by liringing [o ligi bis confidentias letters [o [the London Lancashire nurance companyexposing th wlîole fi-sud sud anforimng [the compan *that hi. examinastion of Mrs. Atger was ir *correct. In an editorial surumary of th case on Mai-ch 20th THiE CHRoNICLE statei [bat Dr. Eastwood at once warned the L.à L. cqmpany that a Ci-sud was being a[tempt cd, sud not ta accept lis exaruinaon ai final. We have neyer r[i-ed to make it ap pear [bat Dr. Eastwood souglit to defraud à company or anyhody cIse, but that lie wi-ot. down sucli -answens as led Alger toecxpec -ils would be [the result. I oui- comment, of Mai-ch z7th we assumned that oui- i-adet-i knew [the facts, wîich we had twice fully i- pted *n THE- CHRONICLE, and ke h irrancey was escaping penitentiary by turu- ing Queeu's evidence,' which clearly explaina why we heîd that AlgersbouId notbhave goue to penitentiary alone. Wethinksostîîl, and -Franccy admitted se, repeatedly. As te [the second paragrapli quoted we 'have Dr. Eastwood's admission that lie made -au untrue examinatieaî, and we have also a -statement of his motive, whlch vas [opi-- tect tlicinsurance company. He aIso ad- *mita that lie believes a doctor may pi-operly - aislcad a persan who is unfit for insurance wbere pnactice la at stake, pnovidcd lie -makes a private report te [heie nsurance cdmpany siatiug [the facts. It may lic a professionai expedient [o do so, but wc cat- net subsci-ibe [o saîcl a code cf menaIs. Jaidge Falconbridge dissented frets Dr. -Eastwccd's lin, cf acasoning on [bis peint. We bave Dr. Fnance's admission that lie did sot makre private reports [o thie compan- les -about bis cnooked examinations sud [bat -- Ma. Alger was deceived l'y it, and we bave aise Dr. Eastwood's that lie and Alger came - te an undersr.auding as te, the untrue nature -of bis report whist Mns. Alger was outside the rcoan. *Wc neither in the articles compiained of nor any other article changed any inient or- desirc to commit fnaud on tlie part of Dr. Eaistwood, aud bave at ail times given pi- -minence ta the tact [Fiat he claimed [o Fie pi-esecting [lie company against fi-sud. The files of Tus CHRONICLE will sa[isfy auy -person on [bis point,.lun[the whole of [the -article coaaplained of w, bad but one end in -vlew : [bat of cemmenting on the Alger case, -asi it appearcd from t[he evidetace breuglit -out at [lie trial, lu sucli a way as would tend 1-o do away with the sbady clasa cf insunance }daswhicii are soc mucli talked of,. and had no desire ho maire any maansa case look tun- siecesarily bad. à -drct tiho 'the, fverument en :hly but bis falue teets andi glass oye W'bout 4eIghivau a ab~~a(rd imo n lbè Véry masiy thnes Iately It liasbie painful duLy te record the. deatb of the old landwajcks of the town of M but neyer have we becs called upon t 'a'flY of the- record of a more worthy citizc water. more faithful public servant tban T Heuston, wbo passed away on Sundý der exceptionally painful circumstance ceased was born ait Ballymena. Co. Ai Ireland, in [825, and camne o Canada ir Ail that we know of bis early historyi his father Intended be sbould ente minîstry, but lie beld different views his future. He was welI cdu( and was appointed by sorne bus Stirms to take charge of ship cai at sea. He woould often amuse bis fri hy relating anecdotes o( bis sea-faring which was a career lie liked. It is tht tomn in crossing the equator for the saîlc Eput green seamnen through a sort of hi called Neptune's sbave. The7 seize greenhorns at midnight, bedaub tbemn filtby soap-Crotb, and shave them with ai piece of band-iron greund [o an edge. utby ally one of Mr. Huston's voyages jar bim in Quebec in the spring of 18,5 an, decided to make a trip up [the St. Lawre When lie reached Kingston bc saw ahi1 the harbor, and bustled down to visit th The irst one lie boarded was that of C James McAllan, Whittyy, a schooner ca -Scotiand -WÃŽitb this schooner lie cara Whitby. Capt. McAlIan wa-; harbor rma 8 96. here at that time, and, flnding Huston qualified to keep accounts and check b ness, lie appointed deceased [o act as d uty during the absence of the schooi Shortly afterwards Cliristopher McDerj w1ae as app<onted har<bor master by the owne onto Velsb, James Dryden, John Nichols, Rc r i[- Mitchell and others James Rowe &i elo were the warehousemnen at the barbor that tiine, and Huston ait once found a siti ed 'In tion n lu[ear counting bouse, alongside 27th Ex-Mayor Blow, another immigrant of ti ya.There was a big business done fe in-b;hiby hakrbor at that time, and the clei were often employed ail4ight cbeckî 'w ta goods off and on steamers and other vesse He Ail the goods sold in [bis part of the count jiife, as far forth as Beaverton was unload tak- there, and ail the produce was sbipped frr. ies there te foreign parts. In the course of tv ghyyears, bowever, a vast change occurred rnatters of transportation. The Grai ýents T runk aly was laid, and the harb ,pac. business decjined to such an extent th lors~ Huston's services were not required. Hui ever M cBnien, hotel-keeper at the harbor, decîdc otto seli out because his trade diminishe, fî out the samne reason, and he took a contract, >oks furnish the G.T.R. with wood for its locomi g as lives, and as his clerk and paynaster Hu nce McBrien's health failed and lie went out( Dr. business, but luck camne [o Huston as usua heir Benijamin Yarnoid, town clerk, resîgne( rm and Huston's known accuracy and dexterit und with his pen caused bîm to have the backin laic, of James Rowe, John Watson and othets fc t the place, and what ýhese men favored ii 'om those days was sure to be done in Whitby hyMr. Huston was appoinied town clerk oi ake June 6, 1859, and treasurer on the samne fay ng The méýmbers of council of that year were ith Mayor, J H Perry, counicilors, H J Mac ing doneil, Carlton Lylode, Joe I Bigelow, Dra Ve- Gu nn, jas. Rowe, Chester Draper, Gec Hall, Wmn. McPherson, and John Wat int son. Dr. Gunn is the only survîving ieymemerof the council oC ha yeaia toThe building now used for evaporating was ch the town hall ait that time, and lie ofllciatec rst there until i88o, when Hopkins' hall was te purchased and thle town had a new and pre- -s tentious citidel. Mr. Huston was a neat and hi-wonderfully,skirful and correct booir-keeper, re and lis records are a model. No crpra th own wished [o partwtht.H waýs a most cbarmîrg man, smnootb, politic, cning, akilful, and sure to convince al and have bis way without incurring the Lslightest illwilI froan even the Most obstinate He neyer uttered a harsb word. He neyer had a relative in Canada, therefore lis beart naturally warrned to Messrs Rowe, Watson, McDermott and others of lis early benefac- tors, and lie feit it keenly, wbeu deatb called [hem away, one after anotber. He married Miss Hannali Soutbwell in 1855, wbo died in 19-_OC tbeir union their was bers tbree children. Mi-.. W. Adamus, Witby ; William late presiiient of Woodstock college, de- ceased ; and George, a priinter, cf Provi- dence. R. I. Deceased afterwards rnarried Mrs. McBrien, wldow of bis former employer, who survives hlmu. The tewn council ad- 1 jeurned on Monday niglat eut cf respect for the memiorv of deceased, and turned eut in a body te bis tuneral on Menday. The pal bearers were Mfayor Rutlecge, Reeve King, 'Ç and Messrs Jobn Stanten, Robt. Willis, John Blow and J. R. Philp. Town&oms. Mrs. F. Mudge is very sick. Sprîng ploughing 18 [10W in full swing. The Young Liberals meet Ituerday niglit. Mrs. G. H. Sonley bas becs dangerously ili all week. Fresb Biead. 2 pound loaf. Only 4c. at Jackson'. A fine chance to rent. sosie gardes lots may, be had on enquirig at thc CERONq. vy 'lae fM23it,1& e-'i - - * - % 1,1 1- Z 3 everr. rt io -m c, ~ ?l Th , > OUn~ candidate for F1" 11 i~ IUL. M to vu verk s d tes rr Hia years of M U Uà vv u1 V Ww m .~anstraining witii the Iate Mr.Hsonclesy qaslisncsaytu maire hlm a worthy successr te AL worthY mas, The almoot unanimous feeling lu town lu that Mr. White should bave the îWappltrent, and we dout ee ur SOL that the council wll carry it into effect. "0> YOU W ÂNT TH E BE IT ? f oney ofEETI -We IaY especial stress on the excellence of our Goodg, always keeping the- t 0 treat T he roads are gettng q w mte good , I: Q U L T ~ r b / i o n a d P I E o n b t e L w j ~ en or a Mr 1 Parka is buildhing a new barn on bis U 7Y ubI eHl;éidiilad RC S ont teLes- oras premises, l u. Mrs 1 Wilkinson bas bees on the sick list fer ayu-tbe past week. We are pleaaed te say [hat she I re o A~ L L ~ ~ *41 ~ ~ ~ ~ ..,.. sDe- as improvig. I orde to dmonstate tuuv fc ts 4~we wil qotesome of theBar usnis ,ntrim , M r Thos Foranan la eaving Our midst. lie 10 , 12 e 1 . an o v î n a pe s a ., , 4 e.c n 184. !iasrented tbe Tabe-r fars, near Port Perry, and H BCret t lci e, 5. a25.TninT pest80c.,85,.e4c.and 50,c i hti tPrescrit moving there. We are son-y, oTaety pt a a 28C, 30c 8ai and 0c. is batba Mr Forman from out midst, but such is abis .aetys~resa o. u,8c u 0.Ail W001 C"arpe a 70., 80c. and c85c. -r the, caUanDg, and we wisbh hru mucli presperity in bis Lace Curtains at 45e. 0., 75c., 0, $1.25 and815 pe pair. Il as t c pew ho m e. '0 . 1 0 , 1 5 e catedExtra Heavy Faetory Cotton at 6C., 70., 8c., 9c. White Cotton 8c., 9c., 10c. and lie. ae, The metbodist Sabbatb achool la thinldng of Ladlies'Costai2eapr. Lds'ahm eHoe25 nd8. s1nesa holding .n anniveryservice here on Sunday ali&Corsets t(26caek)ati.,Lad0es', 1 her1e., 20e, 25c. and 85c. ros2.41h May. There will be ne tes or concert onLaisCotnHs(bak tS.10,2e,15,20,25.nd8. iends Monday, 26tb, but instead s picuic on Satrday, Ail WooI Tweeds ai 25c., 860., 40c., 50c., 75c., $1.00 and $1.25 a yard. liCle, 23rd. A cormmua, as appointed te make neces- Lde'Goe i5es ar e' rcsa arfr2e ecsar" arrangements. Frhrparticulars ilie Lde'Goe t5taapirMnsBac t2pirfr6. oris ta) given ait an early date. the ng last issue we mrade [lie statement [bat a wih num ber of [e boys had gne west. The fst orf--~ ~ ni old their doinRgo seemte bave given others the cý 11 f ild »Sl 9 g li û i Fi-craze te do likewlse. On Faiday lest Mr Chas Fi-Boddy left te learu prairie faraning li kfanitoba Mnsa , * 20 n i4e n rîded On Menday Mr jas Muni-o left for Sudbury, e' Pants a $1.00,*1.25, $1.50, 2.*an 2.25. Boys' Pantes 754 encc. tailorn ertablieshe.red a psitheionysaMen's Suits ai $5, *7, $8, $9 and *10. Boys Suts ai *2.50, *2.75, $4,$ d$. ps ini much success, snd hope that their new positons $5thm p a d hem. ms&y prove saisfactery to [beir expectations. If you are wanting a stylish made Suit be sure and call on us as we are makîrlg hru lled P. C. GRAHA1M. $10, $12, $13, $13.50 and $15, in new, neat, nobby patterais. SURE FIT. eto kr No alteratiotis required with us. Lster Chr@uai lletin* Board. )usi (ConhinuedfJram pagej.) ...... Corne along with the orowd that fills the store where you get the ...... dep- THICRSDAY, APRIL 23rd. .......nost change back, at ....... ,ner. Canadiau-parîiamcnt dies to-day.-Eîec. mad [ions June 23. -Sir Chas. Tupper, Bai-t., ers, to be premier. -Chapleau and Meredith on to join the cabinet-Mi- Ouimet t.o be obt. Lieut.-Gov. of Quebec.--earon [to be Cu. Higb Coxumissioner to EngIanctI-Ldy DWM e RS at Aherdeen's carniage tipped iinto the Gat- ýu- ineau river, narrow escape, the borses of bctng drowned.-Hugh J. Macdonald to in Foreig-British killing rebel Metabeles in Dry Goods. Carpets, ] Ready-m ade Clothing. rks South Africa.-Tesa uses X ravsto ng photog-rapli the beart-President eve- trIs laad bas a i-nnaway mishap.--Greater try New York bill finally pased.-Bnitisî cd fi-m as [o Venezuela. an Hu s-IoN-At Whitby, on Sunday, April nd i9th, 1896, Thomas Huston, ini his 71st year. gh ADMINISTRATRIX'S ed or NOTICE TO CREDITORS. to ' Of 0f 11/ES SADLER, Dcease~il ia- -s.- Pursuant [o the " Revised Statutes of On- of [srio, 1887,- Chapter lio, notice is hcreby i. givea [bat ail creditors and other persans d, havang cai-ns againat the estate oC JAME-S y SADLER, late of [the Townaship cf Pickering, g in tlie County of Ontario, Laborer, deceased >r who died on or about tlie eighteenth day of in December, A. D., 1895, are required [o send ,y ivregistýered letter te, Messrs. Dow & Mc- >n Gilvay, Brock St., Whitby, Solicirors for t~Mr aler, of the township of Pickering .1,dm insrstri x of the estate of t he said Jame Madle, ýdeceased, on or befare thie 28th day of~A. D., 1896, [heur namnes and ad- dress wîth full particulars of [heu- dlaims - and of the securities (if any) held by [hemn.- OR TE BS VLE N TW N g And notice is further given that after [the --O H ET VLE N TW N . said asat rnenrianed date AdministratorslAI n awilI proceed to distribute [the asscj of [the Wallra er B b Ca ia s a o rqu t if F n Sain r Isaid deceased among the persons emiUled y s thereto, havang regard anly ta [hee daims of - which notice shail bave been given as above A limited quantity of the latter onIy, Ieft at HAL' R C . A rr hne 1 required- and [be said admuinistrators wîilI I R C . A rr hne nat be Itabile for thie said assets or any part Secure sorne before it ail goes. thereof o ay person or persons Of whose fr <'4n sotree. The oseand en e insto e ifr.it - nmr, lYsod i él;i a r9 e There isa good atone cellr Tm s nw are, IIyrs old , ibay flly, 2 yrshd ; 1CiflFmYGOér- ---ësC fence'lisge pir.mreonmae : r ld ufohxba JCeJloo a 1Fr iy GrtcEc. TaCofe th a ontnpoet.M.jhtnbay gclding, 2 7rm old ; 2 aged horses, ~FutEcEo he >aecesdJobuto en proenîv. Mr. obueatn herse, 5 yrm old ; 1colt, 2 yrs Old ; 3 fat frCahI Jaù lis rcsddno t rtuutaWhtb [ ia-e sdsteers, 4 cOws giv urg sik, 3 cows in calf, 4 Ce therefore will sel! this home at a veny reasonable tes 2 ycars 01<1, 6 heifers froan i te 2yrs, I pnîce. For terasappiy te the undemsignecfd d 3hefr aves, i steer caif, i bull caif, Chap/r Csh r T a. dti ims Lh cirvi FA r .AK .Or~ - thoro-bred, 2 brooci soya, 6 store -igs, 3 LEiF&Acneer . Veuduso sackig igs, i Ceaxthard combiueddril!, i D ntb Aucioee. V nd r' SlIcto. ovredbu gy ieutting lbo, heepower o 't b Y before c w ng and e a l m and 4 roda zi set of trucksbolegs, tihe stock and Prieéfor"' IO Tow Lo8 Fr Sle.sulkey plow, verity plew, ires y@ui'i01se conL t o ae f d ul ans (long tu"a), hay rack, LE Am t 0 tocultivator, ,gang plow, single plow, disc M AE O The utndersigned lias been requested teiatrow, double wagon, single wagon, sud ,sll y e de r t erie ow ot os th rarile t oY e omu o eti n 2e11 bynd zer tof r oerwie twn lots s te rilstosmru ems plan sud ai east o Brofk aWret, ry SadRA ST lan, foth anPrd, wn fWlty«Ad .A Rr kuaIutu er ncestnut streets, are well fencedin l gooýd condition, wlth a tream of water running across oue Of thesi, very coflvenient for irregation or pasturage. Efor further particulars apply to ROSS JOEINSTON. ro Let or for 8aIe. A desirable Brick Residence, situatedi aorth of up-tows station. GOOd orchard .nd 8 acres of land. Appîy ah MATHISONî ['[Os. z a i Ga,*de,> Lots to Lot. Three ac rof arImmyleanland as fine shapefo gardelgsu -ge e Osa t &ock street Apply Caaomicror _______________ sGet your fla-osgaes rs rbic o' -lininge for ail k dtisof stoes, rangesior House t a ent. m"«S otes frnce.frtsJ.-clntyre. 'To des"y aii-stiasted Wbrikiouswitb stable verybody flourishes ln Gi-est Britain but Arctl ilb gvnisteuvn aad dma frut, out wSt of -14,le. Y. Smith' rarmerÃŽ. He bas to psy capamneus ret- er, assisteil by' Miss Archer, oneetf Tor-CSkSau. F L*,eI ? l [ 5 twIl hbc mode e ut iâd dieu .h o cmpete la the prodiace oute's ancet popular viollaste 'r-M.SOmue syAr.,~~ il S3Td, xA--f katvid ti. hepes laorlu li ved.ville, of Toronto, wvi osessea "ê ebas. *et with thvoacpestsldbUictuthe Corrd. Socs -tand the.W 'iesàacewbeat ih growu lnucormus cit<iby issB» er U o atitte la adIa sud Argentine, countrien AtNu. Mme' i ~ ramtiiat the inliabitants vear vcry litl. The. ladies of the W. C. T. U. vii old -an b'u aae tolsl wockstit Iug and do not requir. te est tacat or At Houe a, the rTonus but Wedies cl a modis rèaed u", r «xpensverdrch ho oolie tirenate alternSn-aud e~lg m u, d t"s coii. The condition eoftiie British ~j 41turlg hbuvea theg metget pr iittaesl m' atnd bt. et.Fnttg ihnst expedmeas Wastbir ad« À=' ùàj - teauy4tteu*p(s i proved 1. South half of lot 43, sh co., Tp. of Whitby, sud part cf rond allevance adjoin. ing, kisowu as Uic Hayden fa=n, costaining zoo acres, more or legs. TItSis u excel- lent pasure lot, havig a runlg treani and geod shade, sud veIl fcnced. 2. The southcast quarter of lot no. sd part cf Uic soutlawcst part of lot ne. :, zut conu., hovu of Whitby, coan &lg acrem knon as Uic Cameroa&mfart xSleuj lan4, goo ci uew lam n tu 1. - j- South XM ef lot no. z, 4th cou., Pick- errg, knewn as the Dutop far=, le acres, gooc house and fair outbuiidîg considerable piece of sttdigvodoutl p a r e l .o t ! 4. A numabcr of deskirle town lita in thc south yard in thc toywn of Wb fthy. Ternisof male--clattcî jft Cattlcpiga a ud &Il slm me t of I* bd u 4cù as ; ve $10, c redit - vil e give a n ti O t.xÃŽia 14g6, -On parties fiuSltfu--ppred JÃ"Wa noes. ô pet ccnt~,pRe»i naum dlsoogt for ANTED-YOUNG OR MIDDLE ~TB lrvn,* W AGED MIEN of cIaampct,. Hun. ciiOMItu#AI dreds foremsat in Cadstrcdvtb us. OF es e, O t.88p~ - - - > - __ AblAK F-I~T>~ ouawjE,,Phi.. 14Rua uwsçk to been ÃŽtQiIe4iTUE 'r.. IL Ucftu,&wTot. onuout D4t1 USOnt.~osg Man4il,'dA i.. FL !afe 'BO~ADa OFhI hTO".i ýprju are net complete w:i waist buttons and ca get the prettiest and Plated at Je Se 1 JEWEL« Tarniçhed Silze r Buù, B(tns ikad OmBw AI Cay Organ tAon of a"y local P LOCAL L.ý Scott nepairs ail kindý Fresh Bread. 2 pu Jackson'. Aurons borealis curt sky os Tuesday nigit. Mi-. G. M. Deckcr, town on Sunday last. Auction sale everyS [the vest side boot and s The roads are stili ii whcre thc suowbanks wi Secune a reserved sea Fidîen's css recîtal at day ucit. Mn. J H. Downey h. frm Napance, snd Y% Jolinston bouse. Be sure aud buy thieS long-lute. On exhibition New Sboe Store, East S FMI wbeat is saad to sean bei-e, but looks There is a good deal oC The Farmers' Advoc, gives a plan of tlie fine erected l'y Mi-. Chas. Ca The description shows ,onepossessing maay ad' Mn. J. L. McCullough. child's bain niblion on M, upriglit young ruan[ha tis office [o be adverti were a young lady's ha have krept it and adventi! Tbe best Anthracite coal. Net, stove, egg, $4-7~ yard. J. H. Dowuey office. A big ptoughing bee. There was a great big1 Isaac on Uic Aunis far lot of land turned over2 neighborly co-operation. A fine -bouse by Anction Mr. James johaiston'4 street, east of the ice rii anctien on Thursday neý Royal hatel. This la ki residence sud will l'e body. Sale ait 2 o'clock Fi-at, Cheapest. Go to Toi-onte by ai trains of Tbursday, M 'trains cf Friday, May until Friday nigbt. Tic tien for $i. on te Tor-osto by or Oshawa. This eý thian Quees's Birthday ,rates. See posters. Four months ln Central James O'Neil, lxbriÈ make an henesh shillin -dchivery wagon a pair down here at week for ,day vas up before Ehs1 ha= u in -a scriminal c Coity, and vas show, Pareivdl hto have been wefl, se thej udge gavi ssronths in thec-cenhxal pi Base Banl meeting. A meeting v il lie he] evening, ah 8 pnm.,.im e cPuroeof 0rgnz U is sot likely that lana here this summer, sud to- let the summer p. Sports of somc ýkindh,i athietie gronnds outsîdi *& iose vise are intereste kind i- vi $ase attend -c Oh for Mamioba sMd HM SP_ÇCisi mxeci trains .--Aprl. -Sec Stepliensoi captickets for Engh RaniBvlshColinbia, F awu UsIeci Sttes a a u y h e e , . v r s « e r , -la ùf the .1 U 'il 4/0 E,

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