Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1896, p. 6

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'heo 1amby'the Ptovîncia.l U siature, Ydra its -last session as inaY be of 4=iiràl'puiblic intercst. SHKIztFFs. The office hours are to be from îo a. m. to 4 P. m., except r .diung the long and Christmas vaca- itions, when they are to close at 1 P. m. The sherifis of Toronto and York are to have a haîf holiday each Saturday. SUCCESSION DUTI ES. Provision, is mnade against evasion of payment of these duties by disposition of property in anticipation of death, or by purçhase of annuities. Piroperty brobght into Ontario f rom without the Province is imade liable to the duty. ALGONQUIN PARK. The superin- tendent is to be ex officio health in- spector, and the park rangers sanitary inspectors of the park. 1 ~STRATION 0F BIRTHS, etc. The act vhas\ been revised and con soidated. THE L'AW COURTS. Provision is made for the removal of an executor or trus- tee, either for cause, or upon his own applicatio 'n. When the estate is $i,ooo or under the application is to be to the countv court. AIl actions against municipal corporations for damages arising f rom non-repair of roads, streets or sidewalks are to be tried by a judge without a jury, and iu the countv in which such road is situated. W hen two judges only cani be obtaincd for a Divisionai Court,.'if these iudgeî ( 1e the case can be reargued before three. A notice requiring a jury ks to be grverc within 4 days after the close of the pleadings. lncreased fees of officiai or 1 r professional witncsses are to be in th( dîs-cretion of the court. C tN ouwRI. The urisdic- tion is now largelv cxtended. Titde to land may be tried, where the value is under S2oo. Also the %valîity o! bequest flot exceeding $200, aud where the value of the estate does not exceed i ooo. In liquidated darnages or debt ascertained by' the act of the parties. -) by the signature of thc deft. to $6oc (formerly $400) and to ans' amount ir such cases where the parties agree tc try in the county court. In trespass ci injury to land, where the value of th( latter does flot exceed $200. In part. nership niatters where the 'Joint stoci does not exceed $iooo. In actions t( recover a legacy. not exceeding $20o and the value of the estate does no exceed $ïooo. In actions to enforce lien upon land where the sum clairne( does flot exceed $200. In actions fo redemption where the sum involeq does flot exceed $200.- In creditor actions to rank upon an insolvent es tate, where the claim dots flot excee( $400. Power is given to tran.sfert the Hîgh Court whenevcr it appear that the limit has been exceedec Abandonment of excess is permit when the limnit is exceeded. In cour ties where there is a senior and junic judge and the population does flot e, ceed 8,000, and there is a vacancv one of such, no second judge is tot parties fail to agree upon a referee t county judge may nominate him. ESTATES 0F INSOLVENT DECEASI PIERSONS.-In case of deficiency assets, creditors holding securitya required to value the same; faili this the judge may fi a value. Cred ors can be required to assign their curity at an advance of io per cent. such values. FRAUD 13V DEBT COLLECTORS. P, sons using colorable imitations ofa o! the forms appended to the Divisi Courts Act. are made hiable to a fine $20 a day. JURORS AT CORONERS' INQUESTS. to receive 5o cents for each dayo hours, and $i. oo per day for any IonI period; also io cents a mile for trav Iing expenses. j urors on a gaol inqu aretflot to be entitled to fees.- HIGH- AND COUNTY CONSTABI The appointment of a High Consta is made iruperative. and constablesi placed under the supervision of the spector of legal officés. .,On-the-ctli cate of the magistrate and thie recr mnendation of a county judge, a c stable is to be paid'by the treasurer per cent. oflus accoulft withoLlt W, _gin for the passing of the same byý may' allowto àa 'cônstable at eàsolâ aniolt it a4i1? 0. bils tanif (or a adanenot exceeding i li &persns suspectcd of-t crime,.lA - tîfl cf4 siprowi*JgÉated, 'iicréM "'theces t saie oae-,no byi ota lyi.. a laror propoet o:Na trtfe*a a pontfbedo t o £ theexes o fes eyudtbios no bc kuonc as "hM Pblic LibmryNo sipular.dfor. Baud." The governmelit grains, areCchat AsSOIIEST AN PRFERNCU %~flOk>ner initcd ta the swii of ik6,$ coul INSOLVENTS.-If a creditor fails to 008 bSu tu itoflas yer. tw vale isseurtyieWCt Sgiven t u ausmyapoint their own treais- Bave judge to bar hï is lii a Maaaist tuibe CLge estate. Contestation of dlaims may be ASSESSMENT AeT. Goods and chat- mak decided by the judge in a summarY tels on the premises, flot belonging ta et. manner, and without bringing an ac- the persan lhable for taxes, are not to noti, tion. An assignee may distribute be subject to seizure. The restriction A assetU in ths samne maniner as a sheriff is flot to aipply when the property is 'Ihu under the Creditors' Relief .Act, and in claimed by relatives. The goods and hou that case the provisionis af that act are, chattels of an owner, if found.on the -by for that purpose. to apply. Inspectors premises, are to be hiable to distress dini are not to receive any sum above t.heir whether such owner be' assessed for wias travelling expenses except by resolu- such premises or flot. A tenant who the tion of the creditors, such allowance has flot agreed with his landlord to pay the flot to exceed $4 a day. taxes may pay same to the collector and neiý ASSIGNMENTS FOR BENEFIT0F CRED- deduct the amounit from his refit. 90 ITORS. Provision is made for the ex- TRAVELLING SHOWS OR CIRCUSES beil amînation of any person who is or has are required to pay a Provincial, in ad- rp been an agent, clerk, servant, officer dition to the Municipal license. Sal- it M or employee of any kind of the assignor. aried Dominion and'Provincial con- not Also for compelling the production by stables to have free access to such, and clut an)' person having in hi§ possession any alsoi to every horse race, agricultural, ten book, document or paper relating to horticultur-al, or industrial exhibition. eve the debtor, his Jealings, or property. THE TREE PLANTING ACT is repealed sp CHATTEL MORIGAGE-S. A tariff of and a new one substituted. An in- ci fees is prescribed to be chargeable in spector of trees mnay bc appointed. ive respect of seizure and sale, contracts, The Provincial Treasurer is to recoup sut iwhether in writing or verbal; to give a to.the municipality one haîf of the pre- mortgage or bill o! sale are to be deem- mium or bonus pai1d by them for tree ed tnortgages, or buis o! sale, and are, plantir.ig. Persons tying or fastening tas against creditors' subsequent mort- any a nimaIs thereto, or injuring or de- gagees atîd purchasers void, unless the strovîng any tree planted upon anv Chattel Mortgage Act is comphied with. highwav, or cutting down, Or removing A MECHNIC LiEs. xistng Ctssame. without permission, are hiable to ar MEpeaHdandtaLINS.Exisong eActs a penalty of $-25 and costs, and in de- are rpal hang es one:enaced fault o! payment, 30 days imprison- i wr The prncial chafuneshae: en o ment. Haîf the fine to go to the in- i wrk r ateialisfurishd ponOtformer. The ik_ý penalties are im- O r in respect o! the lands of a married posed in respect of shade or ornament lx woman with privity o! her husband his trees on boundarylines. i Iinterest is presumed to be lessened. Y'.osANO BL.ACK KNOT ACTt.- ai Insurance money is to take the place o! Countv counicils are now empowered ta c r property destroyed by fire. Lien hold- aponKnisetrudrti c.t eers of the same class are to rank pari apidanastthol inspector eths and t pas,çu. Wages, mean monev earnedth to act as local inspector where none a -for labor, whether by the day, or by has been appointed. T epiece work. The taking o! àny' secur- -THE 1.ORI0S DAY ACT: Farmners' ' eitY is not to 'affect a lien, unless the aenwaddt h ls fprost a parties so stîpulate in writing. A lien prsbtdfo xrisn hi ahn e holder is entitled to demnand from the drhbtdfo xrisn hi aln d owner the terms o!. the contract w ith oN Sunday. FNIATAD IL ,t the contractor, and is 1iable to an action Cte n on a sals bi yr in case of refusaI or glving a false state- t]isadton a sahihpbi o mnt Aji~de s epoerd o aA slaughter houses, and charge fees to y, ordr fr he roucton r nspc-defray the cost, the loca board of n an refothprdcino np- health to have control. The local o tion o! such contract. Actions on bortaieporomeetpesn r liens are to be commenced by st.ate-bor aemlyc ptn esn i emerft o! dlaim, and other lien-holders to inspect aIl slaughter houses. meat ft - srve wth otie f tialar tobepacking establishments, animal, car-9 servd wth otie oftril ae t bccasses. and meat brought in and intend-& ,k consîdered as parties to the action. edfrhynf0.As npc ik oSuch actions may be tried before aad ftest fooercloins c il ,local master or an officiaI referee, and a BAKE SHOPS. Provision is made for )t procedure is provided for. The costs thlnpcinedreuaine uh a Ln the aggregate are flot to exceed 25 THE GAME L.AwSý. The killing o! r d per cent. o! the amount received,. in- de n rimdaevatrlaig c:d hldiefisbuto etls hIs alien-hewater is prohibited. A'license to hunt ýd hlde fais t esablih hs lin, e must be obtained, the fee for which isc s'may still recover a personal- judgment. to be $2. Attached to the license arec s-A mechanTic who bas bestowed skill, to be 2 shipping coupons, one of which *d labor or material upon a chattel so as is att.ached to each deer or part of deer c toto acquire a lien thereon, in case he o hpet n acle ytecr Lrs remains unpaid for three months, shall oninvand at onceofles ythenar-n ýd. have the right, in addition to ail other re narvia on !dsiain ~remedies. to sell by auction the Although the hunting season commen- ~ catel o giin oe eeks otce ces on 2oth Oct., no vension is to be or by advertisement, of the timne and placesipeuniîtNo.adntwihu x- o! sale, and leaving notice with the a coupon attached. Countits. or parts o! oner.of cou nties mnay be set apart in which oe V4AVsFR AFR it shall bc unlawful to kili deer. Set- wC)R K. Provision is made for the tesaepoiie rm sotn orotctio 1of1m-loees.whentheon-moose, elk. reindeer or caribou before the LANDLORD AND TENANT. Section Few ministers in the Presbyterian the four o! the act o! 1895 is repealed and ohurch of Canada, are botter knewn than t a new section substituted which sets at the eRo. Munge Freser, D.D., cf Hamil- rest any doubt as to a tenant's right to ton; His great talents have been over Ef remove his fixture.,sud over again recogmzed in the chnrch o!LIE INSURANCE ACTS. Sanie a- courtM. Ai. a preaobernenba few eqamii, are mendments are made herein. On pay- and the. people cf Knox chureh, one of ing ment of a commuted license f ee, Insur- the lreiPsbyterian churcbesin Can- st- ance corporations undertaking contract. stdaeb W i*ve ho stasomte ad cf in is s-o! insurance with its own membersla.U a ufrd ss ayi i on shall nôt be compelled to register it profession suifer, from oold in the head- agent indvidully.a serious hindrance te tho.. who have 3er- agentsididay.mnal work te do. Dr. Âgnew's 0&a- -MUNICIPAL ACT. In townships, flot tarrhsi Powder wus brought under bis any divided into wards, nominations mnay notice, aud over bis own signature ho bas ;iOn 1,take place at i p. ni.- In cities and told cf the preat bouefits il bas ceuferred eof towns the deputy-returning officers are on bum, as it dom on a&l whe use ît. at the close of the poIls forthwith to One, short puif of the breath througb are proceed with the ballot boxes to the thbe biower, supplied with each bottle-of Of 4 office of the clerk o! the munîcipality. Dr. Âgnew'u Catarrhal Powderdiffuses Lger Councils (except caunty councils) are to tuai Powdor over the. surface cf the asa Vel- hold their first meeting on the second Pass8ages. Painlesa and delightful lu use, îest instead of the.--thirrd Monday i ian- relieves in ton minutes, and perman- uary. No -by-àwg fior payment of ently cures Oatarnb, H*y Pevçr,,Coldo, Es. monçy are to be passed, nor contracts HoDche, 8cr.60T0012M.. oh liti and able enitered inté, Ùnor officers disMissed D4es.-6 ens Suh mria are after 3 îst Dec. in eàçh yegr. Council Hu ue edol yJ .Wls Iu- maly offer a reward, for conviction of Weat Crsodol by.Bo.la ri&- personators. Farmers and producerM _____ oi- niay sel produce at stores aud shops at ore= . <« con- any jkour of the day. Actions against -- 75 towns, or Yo un_ had -a woo-ead citiès ns rîicorporabed villages od- nigh nd ,Tat- muît ,be commenced within seven days the Of the accident; thc limitation, of thirce Miss Sa.rah Wagg is visiting with ýidit monthé'in the case of'township I u- iss R!intie H1utc1iso11 this week. able aiterd. The change is nqot w appay tw RobeFt Dafoe , had an At Hiome a fé-w res. cases of aëçide'I happ nbefore "thie nghtsa a inclui#ig an A, 1 tagty Pull.,. ~adée7th'-Of A'>iil ,f this year., .Thie tt»ey. is.(DL ,and * -Johif ~~~~~.ao~~~~~~~~~~ ilwi1y< eaanth ~Jkp~y ht5o rougz ,were visingt Of'Af A 4 g àuýya ~oï co un j .~U.DôenWMouday. ,~ winats 1 iud ofany i ' t Oîga,çqun$y.ýrads a that~~~~ 'tt I1A BEITÏ~ --ge MUNICIPd ALan 0wikBioAUTIOS.-v - w*i1tâb. ir;,soa ru iral Turrstr&d lmi okfo'ii rth -WestsguÙMinIt wM be a good Age for the younig man siter bcbng ftned âU l wier wo the hônse at bis dies. He advises ai young =en to ethdir earuiugs i the sunwner and at some books as in the vinter it kes a nice tidy job for cold, weatb- Its, a hon gtume since 1 got in the on o! climbing. - 1 ittle to the north of here on ursday hast about noon, the dwelling ase o! Wni. Bai-ton was consumed fire. While the famihy were at iner, alarni was given that their bouse s on lire. By some unknown cause fi re broke ont at the ridge pole at end o! the gothic. The nearest ighbors kept the fire at bay tilI a Ddly number arrived. The wind ing high at the time the fi-e imade id headway. In a very short time was evident that the building c-Duld tbe.' saved, 50, it- was at once con- ided to empty the house o! its con- its which was commenced and nearly erything was got out and set a i-e- ectable distance from the fire in good ndition, very hittle broken comnparat- ly speaking. Did not hearn if in- ed or no. A HERO 0F MAGDALA. LChat Wlth a veteran Who Wau In the Memorubie Battis. or>' vastrigsonge. hmr.ofGa.nstoln, ry13 anstreenorsa ngMr e o Haigtons est 13nohn svretn. A mas neof mil bear- g.s manîficvenhsiquemandofgeaial per- lit>, hei asendhiqureresntatîenof therbeat aasy of ish sldier u reprsnaieorte Mr. .înson Breaih sogae a intre.ortrail hc prîde of a citizen of that empire on which .e suri neyer sets, Mr. Kingston saîd : -I arn iDevonshire man, born near the banks of the Feign. 1 entered the Bntish army at 19. and crved fourteen year3 in India. IXVas through .e Abyssînian campaîgn. and fought ai the ;orming and capture o! Magdala, King 'lheo- ore's stronghold. Here the king and hun- dreds of his army fe11. Napier, the F itrao!o Magdala.' was created Lord Napter o! Mag- dala for his splendid services. After this I re- turned to Old England, remaining about five years.' when I was again sent ta the sunny soutii untîl My 21 years' service was near>' up. That is the place ta gel kidney and hiver troubles, and I was no exception. I was rent as an invalid 10 the Netly Hospital for invalid soldiers, and for mont.hs was a suffening nmate, finailly beîng dîscharged as a hopelessl>' incurable invalid. Two vears after 1 sailed for Canada, and have .uffered more or hess ever since from the constant miser>' that kidor>' trouble entails. Piercing pains in thé back, headaches and urinar difficulties were seldom absent. so that when noticed Doan's Kidor>' PI advertise- mient I1got a box frorn Zimmermans drug store. e ief came from the first few doses, a.nd before 1 had talcen two boxes, the pains had left my back and I feltI llk a new man- I :onsider Doan's Kidney Pils a wonderful medi- cne. te more so because my complaînt would îot yield to the skill of the bet physicians in oe of the greatet hospitals in Quen Victorias dominions." Contînung. Mr. Kingston said: - can re- comnîend thcm as a quick cure for kidney troubles witbout hesitation. How could I do otherwise wben the>' have given me back the heaith and vigior of long ago?" 1-. ]EL w iILLIS, WH ITBY. iti ie oen m ph ya, .fruaf cott's@Emusion being neosecret ; but ne suc- csaf ni imitation bas ever ben ffered te the ubi. Only yearu cf experionco sud stucly an produce thé bout. Lena Kiajewiski, who tnck csrboic acid hast Frday, ia improving sligbtly in St Mchael's îospital. Spru isntfale ofte resito he nddecanstu ionmperoale sudo ethe subr scf hees-o tion.aur Tonputtherstin i conitionf10toer- son. theset elsothugi seoendtit ve as com yers araparila. nTakit inov.fetvee Ae' somons bas be issu orRW Mrk for muat on Thons. Lavlor. Maithib Maidock. vbo soe a nabor of ai- liis from A F ROuer, vu aset te jailfer a week. The polic maçiutrte bas ordered Daniel Roken to psy LzaeOsier8P75 arearu0e agu. She worked for OL50 pet veek. plsjneOf any kid sed at oaoea bottimf Dr. J. D. KoUog's DyunteryCordia sd use it sceerding te direetipa It uots with onderfui rspditin lusuduing that droadfal disease ehtweskem hestoumgstmm w ad thai d u i s the. young s d delicte. T hom. ho have n".dt-hi. choiera nidiolue sMyit ases prompy. and nover fa"l £c ee8t;sthoreugh Ourm. farinrsho wili take up ad I ~ ~ ~ ~ M BazV MN.D' IIMN i* pro= >çwb~iisr Baim Cou uaa . P lla L, Q. .,- .ty- hcao.Offic- BouSIkWM flS niBuWhiiby. Jjajggi VTILEIM ýSt, by pm.rewe linhR tledge, na ii , ]Bétesi Brook St., Whitby. DAVID OJKI8TON,9 B. A-, Âàttorney-at-Law, Solcitor i ObmnaOTYs OODVO»O«,etc. Osfce - 11 the Offic Sotho tepost office, iMMlI' Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. VOUNO SMiRTIl. LL. B.9 Barrister, et.,-Mconey to ,O=,i. Isue? of Marna4ge Licuss. Offce - Smith'$ Block, South of ]Market, B' ck St., Whitby. DOW & MceGILLVRAY9 Br >ck St..'W hitby, south cf Ontario bank- Drs, Warren 1 ooe .1. i. Moore, M. D-, . Warren, M Offce huris 9. a. M. Office houri i &-m to il a.i. to 2 p.m . p-Prwvale TelePhO1e CommullWicahm D. P. BO(ART9 1D,... physicaû, Surgeon and Accouher, etc. Offce and esidence next o Ail Saint'@ Chaich, Dund&5 Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surger-y in all tis branches promIty attended to. Dru H. Winqhtmafl DETZT ler Gros & Granger's. r- L11I9ct vey actua to. W.E-Y NLDL8. (Iointy Survéyer sud Drainage Enginsée Port Ferry, Ont. A. A POST, Archtect, laté vth Langley, Lsgleyi Burke, Toronto. tesigfls for Curchei Villas sd Cottages àapcialty. Draing prepared for rmoedling éisting tructurei office-Pi-t fiat over W. R. Hove's dru store. tirP O Box 202, Whitby. WU. CALVERLEY, D. ag aving moved into our new prmises, wo are preared to, extend thé range of business MdI woXl pertaining to the harnés-flikiIiS and saddlery business vil)b. done to isati- faction. Collars a specialty. Osil and sec my shop and stock. W. CALYEBLEY, Second dor west of old shop. Dundas Street, Whitby JNO. NOBLE, -D-LumerN INglS.OF Bs"h. Doors ani BIUds, Turanf&Bdand y aawt5g. pe All orders or information can be obtained frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Stret, Whitby, opposite Mr. A. C. Wi- seu's residence. Wbitby, April 4h. 1894. e E9stablishOd 1856. ile ofie e »aubUinoatloU T h lahiu do net ubsertio e ilwasthepaaberai the omsioffice bt Wuty. The yJblsP te Do cli ikat. desiinhe ail@ii b tr* act.ls tes eanpaeBIi. si», ad en tfistper lise -6 i suse- quetWy.nsertn Lees olens p lias W'AII changes for ysly adverthwents muai ho broughti net later thailTUisdai JOHN STAON, Pereman- RIwyTtme T able G24ND TBUSNR AND MII>LAND Neo 8 ExpreseDaily Mal..... so.18Pssn7 .. liq. éBx-rsdiye~p u Nqo.4xpeB9 ,i L ý:tl;t àù 09 8:410a MAI m CoUETT 07 OUTABIO 161. ?Ob8 F.Smaoh; Apri 2; Iayis 3w» i.. Bof ip. 2; Oît. 2; l, Doc. IL CsÂsD . Maedozell, Whiiîby, Oîérk; Jan4;b. 4; MarCh ; hPril 8; May 4; Tlùye; hfi; bop. 8; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; BfoflemU -m. Gloeson, Greenvtod, Olerk.--1m i ; »aieh; May 5; JuhY 9;j sep.,&; Nov. b.- Pou' rPuni? -J. W. Bumuhani, Port Perry Clrk-4&'- 29; IMarcb 9; Ma 15; huly 20; sep. 28; Nov. 18 UxnimenlgJeOph B. Geuld, Uzbridge, Cetk-Jan. 80; Maàrch 24à; May 19th; mJ7I 14;Oct14 ; Doc. 16. Ç,,sxmaTon-George Szaith, Cannington, Jan. 81; March 2b; May 20; JuIy 15 Ot 1m; Dec. 17. BnÀVBnToN-GBO. F. Bruce, Beavertoi, Olerk-March 26; MaY 21; Jîsly 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. 'UPvzuouovz-F J Gillespie, Uptergrve, C3lerk,-March 27; May 22; Ialy 17 ; Oct. 17; Dcc 19. New Llvory and salesStablo: J MEI AX, WITI Dundai; St., Whîtby, T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. Ccmmerciai mon hiberahly dealt vith Teaaning doue at reaaonable prices. Frelght sud Baggage hauled at resson- ,l.prîcos. AWcall socited.- LIFE INSURANCE. -:0.- lanutacturera' Life & Accident Insurance Ca., Toronto. Largest Capital Stock Lif e lnsurance Co.' m the centinent. Ninety per cent. o ahi wocmulations oi surplus in reiurmed to the ohicy beldeos". Al dami are paid without lelay or discouint on pr-oi of deatb or maturity of oudevuent ai di DE-NTI ST. Car. King & Yonge St. Toronto. tace. Amn still mskîng plates in rubber, $8, celluloid $10. Geld and silver fiMlng work crowing by ûiret-elbas operators at the Most reasonablo ratels lu the citY. When iu the city caîl in sud lot me examn- iune vOur tecil. I make ne extra Charge. o. ifBIQGS, Dentist, scuili esst corner Ring sda yoe Stei., Torouto. Wu He WARNER. - LATI OORDWOODP BLAM8, ETO. AGENT For the PEOPLEÀ'S- COAL Co.,- T(»ONTO. Office and Y3r'd just East Qi' Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 189. A8K TOLIR 8TATIONER TAK 1E NO':OTHEI i U5315t 83 *1Âyer's , as a bloed-v its eff ects 4reatinent ç a".onil.hed rnedicine th tried them and eff eets Ayer's San Augusta, MN Ayeîls Âdmlitl à YOU CONFINE1 MOI An Intense tbe Mui Reduceý ton. From the U~ Mr-. 1. V,ý of the Royï important à man Weil k out t.bat seci sorne lookiv Freddie, wbh age intellige very severe Means t;e % not so geneî o! the caser some otbers cember, 189 was Confine.- tii Mai-ch,1 ciane wero m3ess. OneE otber that 21 le 9er. Ho pains tbrou: rmafter to take t-o 'winter, sui Re became and vas un Dnring bisi ing te tryi, shnid. Bc oui sud en S3iIIe sud1 out sud taki on the relu ths medi t er. At las nigtheiri 1- 1 1 1 lý 1 ]B-y oraer, J. B. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Pe&ce. Whitby. rm-- 1-nva 11 &.lm Brooklin. B. POWELL, Agent, whitby. Feb. lat, 93. HARý,qx» àfAKZR, WHITBY. -FOR SALE BY- DEALIER IN goop Xiaar«e Ltaim«t la the hqu& . 1 1 ,., 1 - 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 Il ýi 1 > 1 1 1 ' 1-- . 1 1 1 ý 1

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