Whitby Chronicle, 24 Apr 1896, p. 8

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1ro~mr. ?Iac~ S wheri looking for. ci Pure Druga, di Perfumery, diToilet Requisities Toilet Soape, Fancy Goods, Spectacles, Anything in the Àf....Drug Line, 's Ryley's Drug Store, Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. OSHAWA, APRIL 24, 1896 OSIIAWA PAGE BUSINE-SS NOTICE.- Oshawa subscribers or advertisèrs xnay transact any business with the CHRONICt.E, or may obtain extra copies at any tiine, front E. E. Rogers. Farmers will do well to cali at M. E. May's for boys' ready mrade clothing. t will psy any parties conteinplating briy- Mug an engagement or wedding ring to see the large stock of Feit Bros., Oshawa as they will seli this montb very cheap foi cash, Genuie diamond 14K, only s5. They are also making some special ofers in Gents', Ladies' and Boys' gold and silver watches. Sée thein. Feit Bros. Miss M. Stanton spent Sunday in Toronto. '. Mr. T. Miller, of Havelock, visited with bis sons last week. Mrs. W. Brimcombe was in Toronto for a few days last week. Mrs. Rankin was the guest of MIrs. Tbd, Bowmanville, last week. Miss Dela Wilson, of Toronto, was the guest of Miss Bailes last week. r.J. T. Gouid, returned home Iast week *fter a three months absence up west. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Home, have gone to Evereit, Mass., w here they wiGl reside. Mrs. Young left for Toronto last week to spend a couple of months with her sisier. D-T.W. G. McKay, H.G., and S.M., of Trnouniversity, is the guest of Dr. Rae Mrs, W. Cotter was taken to St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, last week, to be treated lor cancer of the tongue. Mr. R Fife, who has been in the employ of Mr. J. Guinett, for the past year has re- turned to his home in Strathroy. The Mes-.'rs. Feit Bros. have each been favored with a legacy of a couple of thousand from a .deceaseoi aunt in Massachusetts. We congratulate them on their luck. Wirid [ails of this kind always corne b rmen wirh odd names. W G Ruttan was badly burned by elec- tricîty on Thursday last. file was putting 13p a guy wire at McLaughlin's, and in Ilinging a coil of wire over the trolley wire got bis harids andi face burned by Pot watch- ing carefully. lHe will bo laid Up for a week pr two yet. The insurance companies are cutting off $2500 from the Demill college risks for over-' viWuation, and tisa is quite natural, consider- ing the decrease in property witbin a few year past. There are tliousands nf meni pay- ing insurance rates on risks whicb are far -larger than tbey can collect, and trne bas corne wben eacb business mari or bouse-- hbolder sbQuld look into tbîs anid aee if he ia ntot throwing money away tbrougb over-in- surance. Jno. jury, graduate optician of Detroit Optical College, Chicago Ophthalmic Col- lege, and New York School of Optics, bas paid several visita to Oshawa the past few montbs, fitting sorre complicated cases of defective vision and bas met witb sucb suc- cea and encouragement that final arrange- mente have been completed so that our citi- -zens wilI have the berieft of free consultation witb this eminerit specîalist every Thursday during the coinrg summer. Mr. jury "Ã"k up the study of optics wben there were but te* optician» tin Canada, and is recognized as one of the moat successfül opticians in Ontario. He cai ries with ýhim a mont coin- plete Uineo f the nioat scentiflc instruments k-1nqn to the profession for making the most delicate testa. -Messrs. jury and Gregory art--to1 be complimented for their enterprise ÃŽn this new venture. At the last meeting- of the Oshawa bicycle club the tollowing officers were elected: Hoan. pres-idents, Mayor Conw., Ho 1nJohn tanks wbon a fire is raging. W. hope tho wbole matter may be invesîigaîed, ai noth- Ing would ý be 'more clearly ilemonstrated thâan the Vili s fl-'oIIneea1 1u attacktingt the fire brýgàde, wben the,* townm council hsd, neyer giVeri a tbougbit to the protection of the college trom» ae. Deputy Reeve Haie fell from a Iadder wblst pruning trees sud la riew supporting bis infirmîties witb a crutch.. A carload of carniages froin McLaughlin's carniage factory was destroyed in ttarisit 10 the west in a railway smashup. John Stacey, Courtico, bas taken the con- tract 10 build Henry's cold storage ware- honse for fruit ai the Oshawa junction. The Couithard & Scott company have doubled their usuàl output this year and wlll be about aoo machines short of the orders that are in sight. There is more rivalry in basebaîl this year than there was last faîl between the Bones and the Bowena. There is the senior Osh. awa club, a plain Oshawa club, and several other clubs of the Oshawa breed. A freigbt car set out on is own hook on Tuesday 10 mun an excursion 10 the lake. lu started at McLaughlin's factory and went soutb along Sinicoe street as fan as the Be thune college, where it had to stop for breath, hi-ving no trolley connection. Tbe lake trip had 10 be given up. Oshawa senior basebail teain organized Monday evening ai the Qucen's hoiel, and appointed the following officers: Pres., J W Ray ; vice-pres, Frank Niallett mana- ger, Alex Mackie; capt., A Powera treas., A Bowden sec., L O'Connor ; executive comnittee,J Fair, J Stapleton, J McHenry. Work on the bicycle track at the park commencedon Monday. Mr. Dean has the supetvision of the work. The dining hall and restaurant 3oX6o feet is also under way. The 241h will find Mn. Edmondsou ready with the best athletic and recreation irrounds between Toronto and Motitreal, barring none. At the lacrosse meeting held in the Queen's hotel last Thursday evening, there was a very large attendance of prospective players. Ater other business was tran- sacted the iollowing officers were elected: I-on. pres., P H Punshon; hon. vice-pres., A E Mogan; prea, E S Edmondson; vice- pres, W Ray; sec, J C Nott treas, L G Cassels - capi., C' Crowley. Messrs J F Leader, J N Reid andJE Cook, a committee from Prospect Lodge, I 0.0 F., Toronto, were in iown on Saiurdav arranging for the 24th of May demonstration te be held here. They expressed them- selves as delighted wiih ihe park and say that when the work thai Mr. Edmondson noix bas under way la completed it will be the besu picnicgrounids withîn reach oi To rento. They eTpect to hning 700 or 800 here en their excursion, probably more. Mr. James Provan and bis great golf pro- ect have dissolved partnership. He carried a membership liai round lI;; fali and on- thtised aIl the aveil fellova in town mb a ub- scribing to the furida and articles of govern- muent of a club. Fort>' acres of land vere spoken for as a field of operations, and Ehi Edmonson, landancape map artisb and em- bellisher, was engaged te mêtke a map of it. as s drawing card 10 bring excursions from New York and Chicago into iown. The unap waï 10 contain a picture of Mr. Proven n the foreground of the fortv acre field Doised 10 hit out for a home un, as they say n basebaîl. and wearing Scotch knicker- b>ockers and a Scotch pot on bis head. Be- hind hlm vas te be a large crowd of ladies ;and gentlemen, watching him let aliver at the baIl. while in the distance was te be a club house wheme Scotch reireshments rnight he had, etc. Mr. Proven caiîed a meeting the other nighî, but mont of the chappies had to attend religious services ai ont place or anouher and could not be pre- sent. This greatiy disgusted Mr. Proven, who holda that golf is ahead of religion as ahvsicaî exercise, and he threw un the chief promoitership of the ides, stating that a pro Fessional golf pîaver like himatîf wouîd not he humhuRged hy the praver-meetinq ex. cuses of a lot of danged dudelets who could nover cut a fileure in any game except Iawn tennis o>r poker. We understand that the subscribers are now making an eflort te or- ganize on their ovri hook, te whiîe awav a few sumumer aiternoons ryir'g to learn tht only gaine on earih, as Proven assena., The citizeis' commlîîee appointd te in- terview the town counicil and Rev. A, B. DemilI in favor of nebuiîding. the Demili coîlege, has reported upon a double headed schemne, which tht>' wiIl subinit t0 the coin- ilte oi the town counicil appointed for tht saine purpose. It la proposed 10 taire round a combined stock liaI and subacription liai for tht signatures of citizens. Unden the stock beading each signer agrees 10 psy se much mont>' as a gifi wben the college shal have been rebuilt, and lus charter being se worded as te prehibit is removal froin Osh- sýwa at amy lime in future. Under the sub- acription beading lu is povided that the amount of the subscriplions shaîl becomne due and payable on)>' vhen the towu bas given a bonus of a like - amounu to tbe col- lege and bas declared aIl the conditions ef the saine fulflled. This gives citizens two chances : firaite take stock in the college sud run il as a chsrted institution on the chance of profit, but ti any case 10 bave a say in future as te coutrol; second, te make s grant te Mr. Demili partI>' in subscription front s few and partl.y lu taxes frorn the wboie town. As to which of these p lana la best the citizen» of Oshawa Who feol dis- pesec' 10 aasisî vill have t0 decide. and ve don't see that il makles mucb différence ex- cept tai ifsa bonus be grantcd itaif of thet grant vilI be spread over the shoulders o0f the viiole town, wbile the other baif will be placed upon business mcm who are amxious 10 sec the coliege go on as an Ositawa insti-1 tution. We have been ignorantly rebuked1 several times for offeing advice to Oshawa people but we -veniture at Ieast to nernark that a ladies college ila aulce tiig to bave ti towif, an4ý that we do not appear to ap- preciate such thinga uritil we stand Uic chance of losing tbem. Oshawa bas pleut>' of t.aptaI to ruri bauka, ban companies, factories and aIl other Unmes cf business. and wiil not miss a4fu thousands put into a fine college ton gdirs wiil b. an ocSional bregking but cf the old leuda, wbtch are knowu but net ackriow- ledgêd 10extit. When smorn f thenu friii there will be an admixture df.curdWe spittie left on. the other's cbeek. The flesh ie weak, you kîiow. Stili amalgamation appears ta De qomîng, anid if the methodiste oxerclise a little more common sense tIbm some of them have. of the grace of God they wiIl al be benefitted ini the end. Oshawa Butassa Dhwsa*try. M L. VICRERY, barber. Simcoe sla-eet. BROOKS' LIVNRY, Siincoe street, north. WM. ROLPE, barneas maker, Slmoooestreet. r. B. MOTHRRSIIL, butcher, Ring St., Wesut. Da. PÂTTimnO, Dentist; office over Rowses store. t. J. STÀLTH-DominiOn pianos aud organe, simoce ftreet k. C. WANàwN, Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist, King etreet veet, Oshawa, Ont, Wu.LUM J. DweNs, Dominion mmd Ontario Land Surveyor. Clvi] Engineer, Box 57, Osh- avm. e OoannacuL RoTEL-J. C. Woon, proprietor. Modemn' hostelry, neat and comfortîably equipped. D. M. ToD .-Caterer for Balse, Assem biies, Wed- dings, Bllppers, etc., etc. Alto s&] hinds of flowers. OsajUw BoozaTonz-Fuli lino of books, atationax77 and fancy goods. E. E. Rogers, JO&. BOtLDEN - Whitby-Oshawa otage lino. Leavec Oohawa au 8 s m aud 2 p mi, and Whltby st 10 a mi and 4 p mu. Jogy-pn CRÂle, manufacturer of fine carniages, carte, wagons. and al kinde of cutters and ieighs, Repalning a pecialty. fo0KM Bzzwaa, painter anid decorator. Dealer in ws]] papers, ceiiing decorations, peints, où, varniahînea, brushes, winaow sades, etc. JAva Pzr.row, dealer in stovea, furnaces, tf n- vaxe, etc. Large stock kept oonetantly or, banid. Jobbing a specia1ty. Simcoe street noniîh. L. K. MduBToN, B. A. - Barristes, Solicitor, Notai-y Public, Oonveyaucer, &c. Money to land. Office over Dominion Bank, imcoe Street, Oshawa. Wben contemplatlng pntting on Lite Inauss.nce. see W D HtINTER, of The lUaitepd States Life Their polioies are the mout attractive. Largeet guaraniîees. Àf. E . MÂy.reaier lu Orooeen.Fane y China. Cnockery, Tinvare, aud Fan cy Goods. Pure Tee@ aud Coffees. Boys' reàdy made suitea speciaity-very ceap. AucTioN SÂLe-The subscriber wIil hoe in Osti awe, at the Central Rotei, Friday of eaeh week f rom one te 3 o'olock p .m.. to muake ar angenionts wth parties s'ishlng to have sales. L FÂIinÂNas anctioneer. F. LÂmBEBT & 6oNs-Tbe leading tai]oring aud enta» furniahing bouse of Oshawa Se dassortment of tweeds, vorateds, troweerings, shirts, collai-a, stc, always kept iu et0cm. PELT Baou - Watchmakers and Jevelers. Dealers lu vatches. edocks. Jewelery, eiiver. v&e, spectacles, etc. Engravlng. gold aud silver pisuirig, and oid gold rings made over Fine vatcli, dock, and jevelery repairing s specialty. SrvRzsoN & HÀw-iwxry - Importersansd dealer@ i fermera', menutfactuu-ea' and houseurnish- ing supplies. Manufacturera of tiinware. BEy-e troughing and other contractiug done. Pur- riaces, chandeliers sud lampe. A stock of bicycles kept on hand. WICK. Tht communion. wbicb vas to bave been ~,-bserved here last Su-day, bas been post .oned to tht ii-st Sunday of May on accouni ofithe bad roads. Seeding la late Ibis spring, not many farmema having commenced yet. Tht gmound is flot dry, and it wil] likely be laie t-elore seeding la completed. Scai-city. Feed la ver>' scarce this spring, and fanm- ers are hailing with deîight tht prospect oi early' grass. Already we notice a numbher of cattle turned out to flnd feed for thtmn- ,elves. Tht meeting of tht Mutuai Improvement Socie-t>' as withdrawn on Tuesday night on accouni of tht singing school meeting. Next Tueada>' night it wiIl hold ils meeting as- usual. Winter seeds. Faîl wbeaî and dlover and grass seeding looks exceedingl>' weIl this spmîng. Tht be.j>' mantie of snow protected it ail wintem. Tht absence of irosty nighîs ibis apring bas leit ia with scarceiy a seec killed oui. Spring. Rarel>' bave we seen s0 sudden a change on the face of nature as that wbicb bas taken place durng tht past wek. Tht veather has taken the sudden transition frein vinter îo midsuminer beai and new whcre a wcek ago the snow was several feet deep the grouind la qujte dry and the grass grewing up green. Storm On Fnida>' nigitu a exceptionally beavy thunderstorinstsruck ibis viciniîy. The thunder snd ligbtning vas terriflc, and tht rain camne dowu lu torrents. It caustd fan greater floods than when tht snow veut off, and wasbed ont Uiree or four culvents lu the rieigbbombood, sud ln sente places cnt up the fields badiy. It la reported to bave been even verse fartiten soutb. Ralsing. Tht streets of our sometirnes quiet towu vert gresîl>' enlîvcned on Saturday after- noon, the occasion being Uic raising of Mn. Collins' blacksrnith shop. About 2o willilng banda turned out alter dinner, and worked until sundowu befere getting il up. Tht work bas been pusited on since, aud nov the building adds .greatiy te the appearance of tht corner. High vater. , Tht vater la bigber ln the marsh titis spning than it bas been for a number cf years, It la upte the- buba cf tbe buggies for several Trata Blackvaten, sud ou the other concessions It la aaid te >e even higiter than titis. It la aise over thc railroad track ln some places, and trains have to stop aud go over it slowly, and are ofteu delayed thoreby. Thie amalgamatiofe tht two local mietho- sin.igcho dist churches' la à frulîful sribject otý con- Min aeniec vorsation amomg thse methilats in tovu. nc.eting boreonr Tueada' The bye congre-gasons aré cCrl-ainly two poe-. of grgaçuizing a ai difterent classes of people. and they b ave forga#esoi years tâhen the curse best calculate4 to e -t widen the brçâeh, Now titey sre draWiug so together, and find the Uiorns .Itey ha. dsin planted in tUse »s iddle ground. , se resuit talen Of.tfii estr g hin as been that tfiere is tivationits iL- cedi not. insuffiicat rocs» lu the.Simco. atreet citurcitfor*tI, >nd tle expesse f elrigSgi bS will ho se veéyhea*y that betveen i. loea Soule peisons vitd cf -valuceihemetcafe property, mdtii. Mr. Quinn one »igbt la coato(ez.wto-Iu lseSrnen stotbürch Dasii lwpbercd &, a great apàýt,1uatobe bIdu4W-ovp.-The, down,1bis maple rup- Simcoeûatr.Uodgregàtiou Ije,.& v rpopd-tbey put -liin, paland,ç -oee, Wi'dtUabs*iî nmelfe street eth l trous i, th a nGe aM Sunderland, belilas Ly uight for thte pur- ainging schsooj.,Ht id o rganized a.good 1be -vil give ales- aght. Tit is aastop Titere aWplnty tcf nov meive the. Cul- the sugar bush or Stwk . and usisil Mr. . Emer»s' other là in ver feeible bealth. Mrs. Smith Cochrane anmd farnily moved to Brougham lut week. Messrs. M. Gleeson and Levi Mackey visited the city orie day last week. Mr. James Harris, of Uxbridge, spent Sun- day and Monday with friends here. Mrs. McKittrick moved ber bousehold fur- niture to Uxbridge last week. The bouse iately vacated is now occupied by ibe ton- snrt, Mr. Stewart Corbeti. The league- next week will be conducted by Rev. Dove. Subject, "The Young Christian at hot-e' Il 1: being consecration meeting a good atten dance is asked for. Quarterly meeting will be beld in the mnethodist church here on Sunday, April 26. As it is a circuit affair it la expected there wlll be a largo gathering from far and near, to partake in the sacrament that day. The boys had a kick at the football Satur- day night, uhe first this seasori, anid as the field was raîher wet consequently they did flot plav very long. They are making great preparations for the celebration on 241h May. Football teains are expected froin aIl ove? the country to play for the valuable prizes that are to be given for tho best team. Tbey also intend 10 have a grand concert In the everiîng, the programme 10 be given by the best talent in the city of Toronto and sur- rounding towns. Things are looking splendid. The snow is ail gone and the roads are in good shape. The Vice brothers are going 10 atart to work thîs week. Mr and Mrs L. VanNest are visiting at Walter Vice's. W J Reynolds and W A Tom have rented W Rundie's place. Messrs. J T Rundle and Hurlett Rey- :oids have gone wo the old country. W J Stott has returned from a visit to To- ronto. He is working for W A Tom. WVanNest bas gone int the chicken Eusiness, hatching thernby steam; success, William. NEWCABTLE A smnall break in the fishery dam bas been -ýasily repaired. The schooners Rapid City and Black Tack ire in ai the harbor. The Trader's bank have put up an awning n front of their business office. Mr. W. Brent is at present at Redrierville looking after Dr. Thos. Farncombs practice. John Maloney, the celebrated basebaîl lAcyer, ia agaîn engaged here, working for .gr. Barfett. Albert Walden has been appointed agent for the Cornet Cycle Co. and has already iold severai wheels. The break on the G. T. R. ai the stone bridge has been repaired for the time. A ne'. bridge wiil have 10 be erected. Prof. Kent gave one of bis interesting lec- tures on Wednesday evening ; there was a fair attendance. It was quite a pleasure to iear the professor again. For the BEAVER and SUPERIOR, and HORSE RARES mrade by the M A SsoN M'F'G Co., aud NEW MODEL Seeder made by DiîyauL,, can be obtairied aI the Joseph Hall Machine Works, 5i-OSH-AWA,----a they havîng bought ail their pst- terns, templets, etc. . 'U.23d J896-21-4in. The Rôt Sun haa probably burnt eut your CURTAINS. You will find it eut when you attempt to wash thernl. WHe Have Spleodid Values1 Hlouse-cleanîng wiII soon commence. Perhaps yen require a new Carpet. Yard wide Union Carpets 25 et&. Yard wide Union Carpeta 40 ets. Better ones at 50 cte. and 60 cta. Ail weol extra Supers at 85 cte Pretty new prtterns in Tapestry at 50 cta, 60 cts. and 65,ct&. Ti'y the. "Airoiado Gani at PE LLOWS,ý and Bee-hie Wrought Steel -AT- $50.00. £.so hie COA.L ORL and GÂS STOVES -FROM- $P5.50 to $25-000 Grand Trunk Ry. Colonist Trains and other Special Service for the Canadian Northwest. To eccommodate setlIers going to the Canadian Northwest this Spring, il is in- Lended, commencilig Tuesday, ilfr. y-d, and every Tuesday thereaften during Manch Ind Apnil, 10 run Special Trains, leaving Toronto at 9 p.mn. enabling settlers to travel with their stock and househeld effects, there- by ensuning quick timo, reaching destina- tion ai tbe same turne as their propenby and hiave goed accommodation en route. Colonial sleeping cars will be run on these trains, the biths in which will be FR SE. COLO-.isT SLEEPING CARS, ion Passen- gers with ordinar-y baggage, wiii run through to Winnipeg( uring March and April. leav ing Toronto at 12.20 p.m. every Tuesday. For full information cail on or write t0 W. P. STERICKER, au Oshawa Railway Co's Office, Thomas' block. R. C. Carter, Agt. Mar. 2oth, 1896. . OSHAWA. FPurnituro5 4... We have always a general and varied stock 10 select froni-lateat designs and finishes. Prices right. Undertacing department fully stock- ed, and embalming according to latesi methods. Picture framing promptly and satis- factorily done. L uko Bro8., Wear You a fine new ztock of styliah Foot.wear, of every our shop. Xt in said of our goods that They are the Cheapest m Oshawa. It 19 your attention that 1 want ar- rested. and I want you î Cusiody long enough 10 ll tyo'a that ih l net ... ............. Forgery 1 coufemnplate, but mnereîy seling you a finer clasOf good t now uhan ever before. I have arrived au the..................... I cari do Ibis.- I have a nice lne Of WatChes, Clocks, Jeweiry, Sul- verwaire, sud Spectacles, at prîces that will su rprise you. \ou are wanted by-......-... . Boyd the Jeweler, KING ST. WEST, Osha wa Book OSHAWA. Store, -EAQUARTERB- FOR-~ Welland Vale H-IGH: GRADE BICYCLES, "&PERFECT,'; '(;ARDEN Iy "DOMINION,"1 BEADUS 0F 1896. Mlso One Good Second-band Cornet for Sale. E. E. ROGERS. For Delicate Chlldren, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine This pa4iabie and HIGHLY NOURISHINO Wine, p'e-ared-with Cod Liver Oïl la asflyretained and diffest d by the most delicate. .ýrFr ai* Di«im en"Debility. Impaired Digsrin~Cids Caansd Brorichiai Trouble an oaof Muscular Tou.0f great Nutritve value to Adtsansd Childreu. %A maz-ked iricreased ln weight là notdccabie afr quJq asty of Cod Liver 011. AMdrggs description, at and moet istyliah in town. We guarantee s goed fit snd perfect satisfaction Every TimexFn REPAIRING donc neatly and quickly. Osb--awa, April 15, 1896. J~oHN B13aL THE - PRO VENDER MILL&# Edmondson's Provender Mille, Oshawa, are doing a 'very large tradee,. They Qrlnýd Fuie S8d and alkinds of Grain finer than any, atone --mil in the county is doing, or can- -do. .Thèir. CORN MILLS are doing-9splendid work. when you, need Housèhold stuif. I TA,:. MhZ CIEL To -the. I - rmoe~} VOL. Childre Can CI( makes it as sait- parents îhemnselvt cuinstances can y, matter if a blind bore, the purchasi refunded it the bu the least des;re w ruer if it isn't exa( reliable. We are patrons are sali! here once general twîce, but rîeguli the store, and the WE DON'T- pretend 10 st cesi US. 'WE * DO- give or cui their money ad-vertiser. PURE DRITG-, PURE CHEMICAL CH EMIST WIHTBY, We have s langer of wiudow ahý have oven abc: We use the. b shade cloth, rouler. Also- a fiuei Ask to sce our screens, te fiti Our baby carniage signa. Give us a caîl befoi We ar-e taking elegance with general utility. Our stock is cornp We invite bu It wiIl save m» Leading Un BROOK ST.,. Maîblec-a; %làie e flundas W HIT E Chas (Formeily porter and GRANITE the latest m -kinda cff Ça guarated .SAMV*x F OIR 40-il. Serge 2o -44-mn. Black Br - -in. Black Se 4U.Black MH Black adFanr -SPECIAL Ladies' Blous -Real Brusseis Feit Bats Rf«E Straws tr MI Liadie'Tria iSce ttu,.L L*OWs'Trm High Grade Boots, ibt (Ë,#ronl*tlt.

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