Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1896, p. 3

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The above pUniiil snb>m obtiea St apreviefll ueitiug in &hat bohaif a% towuwhp hall, Brongbam4iAno Moud&y, Aprýile0h. Monibers eu.'1 , mussii t, e Gerew iu the chair, Minutes of Ui4t Mneetinig read ud adopte,& James Lidgett t'as heard re his road division. W. Sadier was heard regardl'hg bill for shovelling show. E E English wes board wltb regard to the sale of a road machine. He repre- sent@ the Copp bros., of Hamilton. A petitien froin Oco D Linton and 14 otiiers asking for a grant of $75 to repair the fifth concession mast west of the Brook road. (- P Ferrier complained that the drain 0, sideline between lots 84 and 85 in ôth con., was net sufficient tb barry off the w ate r. Mr Parker was beard regs.rding the hýad state of the Kingston road. John Aýnnan having offered 8 toise stone free wbiech wae accepted. A petition was reoeived frein T C 08. borne snd 12 otheru asking for aid te M1rs Proctor, Andley, an aged widow in destitute cîrcumstancee. A petîtioti was prese-nted froin John M Gerow and 15 othere askîng for an noder- groand drain froin Temperance atreet, flroughsm, to an outiet east. A petition was reoeived from Siu Windsor and 183oabers asking aid for Mrs Btimsterick and twe grand-children of %~hitevale, they being in destitute ,losiah Evans. everseer, wus heard wîth regard to snow blookade on 9th con, opposite iots 14, 15 and 16 The statete labor having ail been expended, lie waa cotnpelled to hire shovellers. Ile also reported that a culvert between lots 16 and 17 in 9th had been wasbed out. The standing committe on sheep kilied by doge.report.ed and recowmended as follows : payment to E E Pngb, for two sheep killed and 22 darnaged, $60. Baid amonnt being two-tbirds sworn value Qu motion of Mr Richards, chairman, re- port was adnpted. Tbe standing oommiittee on contingen- cies reported and recoormended the psy- ment of the foliowing snme of meney: W J Clark, printing blank notices of meet ingB, $2; James Habbard, on acconut, $8. On motion of Mr Mowbray, chairman, report was adopted. Týour standing committee on indigents beg leave te report and reoommend as follows : Payrnent te John Gerow for oee cord of wood suppiied Mrs Tripp, $4 ; J & D McNab, goode isnppiod H Elson, 01; Dr Eastwood, inedical attendance on French woman, $15 ; Dr Brodie, inedical attendance on Freneh won at Clare- mont, etc., 87 ; D Daoe., aid to H Elson, 65 ; Geo Pbilp, wood supplied the Palmer family, $6; E E Pugh, wood supplied Thos Lee, 18.50. Your oommittee have had before tbexn a petition frein Bilai Windsor and 18 others aaking aid for eue Mrs Bnmsterick and grand children sud would recoin- mend tihat they b. psîd the suin of $10 Tho@ Carter beiug commisiner. Aise a petition from T C Osborne and 12 others asking aid for on.eUrn Proptor and would recommend that she b. grant- ed the suin of $8, R R Mowbray, cern- misiener. Ou motion cf Mr Is, ehairman, re port was adopted. The standing committee on roades ad bridges promeut thc following report mak- ing, recommendations:- Payzuent te Jes. A~ gay' eftegk For five T'ai-s la lu Mr Mel llcines whleb d ulien[ou. lia there vere b that 1 C0u14 ures mn 1 hmdtaken sorenese ha4 ho' second the od esa. lon livretg neutarycOanai pu E4 are5 ia ia ured là«.i L Poveas. CURE. 4d Ham m. ..d aa tBoxa&5 for, Nxw YoUt. la la ArnertU . roui-ht beoc le pape! fm au No inteiigSft Yeara, N'S Mi- I»Ove.- ,u Mr ,Wo*m$ey wlwaw. tj, plaos. ut IIoIoÎurne asponndkoeper. provide forih.pD&Ymelýi t aàbonus lu certàin oeiitoi, the.baldhigýudmaia tenance et vire fenoos in the Tp. et Pickering, that the sae be read a firet saend rn e, and that theocouncil go into a ommittese thé whole, with the. reevo lu thb air.-Oarrie&. Conucil ini commaitfe of the whole.- the reeve in the chair. Committee ef the wbole rose sud i-e ported b ylauw ith tbe blanke filled lu. boneusfaed at 12J cents pei- rod, for fonces bhuât and maiutained on the King- stou, Kinsale, Brook sud Altono roada, the 6tb sud th concessions, and ou any othor i-cadi wbere a wire fonce May be dcemed advisa1.le. To obtain bonus the person preposiug tg build fences muet file wit.h conucil, s certificat. sigued by at least là ratepayere acquatnted with the road, ahowing that thbe road is suthjecti in tb. winter season to beavy dri.fting te Sncb an extentu to te de or #top pub- lic travel, that a vire fee.ou oue or botb aides et road would likel>' prevent driftiug. Applicnt shaîl alec file a de- sCription et the proposed teuce, aud shs.ll agrée W maintaîn the tence ubere- ereoted. Before bonne is paid, the building ef sncb fonce, the style sud kind of fonce, muet receive approval cf conucil, sud fonce muet b. built snd comapieted te satisfaction cf somne member et the council or of s commisionor te be Sp. pointed for the punipose. On motion et M r Hilta, seconcled b>' Mi- Mowbi-ay, the by-law was road a third time sud passed. On motion cf Mi- Richards the council adjourned until Saturda>', May' 2Brd, at tan o'clock a. mi., for the transaction cf genem rIbusiness. The successful farmer has iearned by experlence that same grains require far differ- ent sali than athers. He knows that a great deal de- pends on right planting at the rlght time. No use camplaIn- ing In summer that a rnistake was made In spring. Decide be/are seed-h>ne. The best tîme ta treat coughs and colds is befare the seeds, or germs. of cansumptian have begun their destructive work. Scott's Emulslon of Cod- lIver 01,with Hypophas- phites, pramptly cures lung and thraat troubles. Do not neÉectyour co/d. '%COT*g EUI.SION bas beau yth inedical profeulon r twenty yesr. (Ai* »wyouctor.) This is because It in always >.atak-.iwoys mmform -aways contaet ws I&P"Meo-wqidma CJd-liw 0 nd H"osphites. We are acri->'te beai- that Meusrs. J. ilan, J. Burne, J. Leaak sud J Wat.son have soid thoir iinporied drauguit stallion, Loobinvar lad, te John Davidson, ot Ashbnin, wbo imporlied hlm. He le the. best stallion Mr-. Davideon ever ouued, sud ho has had some cf the ver>' bout in the cont-y. The prospect et a big ses- son vas good, but Lb.>' did net like te re- sist the totuptation cf a big prie for their beime. Hie colts are comiug np fi-at clam. Nov la thbe ime that tai-nera ought tic have colts coming tue sud thi-e years old, as hear>' herses are b.giuning te sel ueli, and ther. are so ver>' feu in the cunt>'. Well doue fer Greoubauki Mr-. Lecu- ard Buruotti teck firet ou bis aged bull at the Port Peri->' priug tair-; Mi-. Jos Watson teok firet ou hie yearling bull sud fi-at for bis agricultural brood mare ; I-. James Leaksk eept everything lu the fat clas-fi*t sud second for fat boitera, sud firet fQr hie Toi-enteosilvor moda bull. This lull bas nover been boston, sud ho shows botter nov than ho ever did. If nqthiug bappens hum ho vil1 eveep everytbing next-taîl &gain. TAURTOI Walter, son of W. T. Oke, met with a painful accident last week by gettng two of bis fingei-s cusbed in a chaif cutter. Mr. John Glover bas leased the- Courtîce fam. Mr. John Luke is around again after bis confinement. Mr-. John Lee, Kedron, attended the funemal of a relative in Toronto recent- ly- LITTLE MIONETUEDD How fto Dren ge Touapter Diamond Dyee eKeop jlo be idreà- in ITyttbote eo lv t o l up AU su burg, w, xuoe hereonouMonds>'. H#ol the ato th h"sloat a draft on tii. Imon= etàbnk at ~hspss u 41M ,whileobu, his way hors uxne h 4ago, Whers; h.liait disposoei < fvé a 1dafbeof ostfÉe. Mr-."DsIs~ [Ihat hie wus for many yesrs a reaident cf the boa uship eofEniily, ewuing a large tsi-m at Downey'e Cross, as Downeyville vssfermerly oallud. Stanley, the 8 year-eld-son cf Mr-. Robert Martin, et Providence, Mariposa, waa drowned on Satni-day afteruoou while batbirg in a deep pond near bis father'e residence. The water wus cold, and the lad wus seized with crampeansd sank be- fore assistance srrived. The parents are heart-broken, and have the sympathy cf the eut ire cemmunity. Early Tucaday msorning a couple of fol Iowa who, while intoxicated, were eu- deavoring tic effeot an outrance inte tihe wrong bouse, were i-un in by Chiot Bell and Constable Reevea. They were brought before P. M. Mclntyre sud rnulcted in thbe sm of$13-20 each, which took aIl the fun out of their jamboree. The water in bhe Scugog je higher than fer many yoars past sud for some days has been pouring over the alide at the looks in the wildest mauner imaginable. Sunday the new wharf vas pai-ti>' ub- merRed, sud at the «-est end, where a big poplar tii-e stands. the water " boiled'" over the bank sud whirled and eusbed around tihe gnaried recta cf the tree in a wsy that afforded much sport for dozens cf beys who had gathered. Young bRas, perch, fi-esh wat.er heri-ing snd brook trout-the latter carried dewu fi-cm the brout etreama of Cartwright b>' the hiigh water-we-e caught ad libitum b>' the beys, some cf wbom fermed dams with their handa, others used tins for dip nets, while net a few j uat awiped thoin eut with boards. The water in ver>' muddy and will siford a natural protection fer the 'lunge againat bbe feilow whe is gon eraîl>' to be feund up the river with a apear as accu as the ice disappoars. John 'K.erueys wateh fouu4. Monda>' roining about nineo ocloch Cenetab'e George Foister, who bas been untiring in hie efforts te procure addi.- tionai evidence iu the Agnew inurder cases found in a ploughed field usai- the Logie boenestead, about thirtY>'Yards frein the road, the watch owned by John Kearney, uow coutlned in the jail bore for the allegod ninrder cf old Mi-. Agnew on the ni lt cf Mai-cii 7tli. The watch found ry Mr Foater talles exactl> witih the-description given b>' John Eliotit in hie evidence at the coroner'a inquest, aud lator before Police Magintrate MOltyre, aud bas been miesin ince the. date cf John Koaruey'a arrest. The point of the minute baud in broken off. This in an important link lu the chain of circuin- atancial evidence that hau been wielded against John Kesrney, aud mu,,-h credit la due Chief Bell sud Constable Foster for thbc dorer way in whicb the>' have hsudled this case. The chain belenging te the piamner is aitil missing. but an active search will at once b. made for it. - Watchman. Mr. J. Gilbert and tamily are A Port Perry at Dr. Arche?'s, where Mrs. Gil- ber-t is dangerously ilI with inflamma- tion of the heart. Mr. and Mrs. J. Arnot. of Taunton, were ai Mr. J. Niddery's last week. Mrs. J. Hurîbut and Mrs. R. Vu-tue are under the doctor's care. Miss Mary Huribut. who bas been in Port Pe. ry for several years, has me- tuined to live home. Rev. Mr. Drew, Blackstock, preacb- ed here Sunda>'. Mr. and Mrs. N. Martin have been visiting at Btackstock. ~>ISTiNCTIvEFE FATU(REs 0F KO0TEFNAY-.«O* Itsapplication wo a vide rangecf diseasen. S8oo cured in 6 months in two Cies. The potency cf tbc nov ingredient in combinabion curing Homori-hago o f the Kiducys. Its starthing cures of Locomotor Atuaiansd Blood Diseases. The restoration of * htand heariug lostthrugYih the f paaysie. The ret al altraces ofrnercuia p.io.n from the syste.. p"%fChronic RheumatULs MRMTEFOR PAUPULET Sf STIUISCMRE ~çoLuuaUs Mr-. K. horse show M,.Ho The Mes one ot the15 tuîug l-ovr4- Richardson attended the ordwnlg peite ii. esibition of 190Zonaeur Mntis ts autor, dos Dot propoé. to ams ?, 1 u 1 gers to the lunar regions iu an a. idcar, ut he expeots to bring down the.moon te tthe racah et people wboao vision exteuda, aay, six miles frein tth. earth. The plan le te constirnet a telescope neari>' 200 feet lu iengtb. The objective glass wili bave a diameter oet sometbing over four foot three luches, the. largeet in the world. The colossal tibbe wil b. placed horizontali>', sud the image efthtie moon will be refiected b>' what la termed a mini-or plane, six foot in diametor sud fitteen inebes thlck. The weight wilI b. 8,000 Ibe. The special testure et the idea in that the. image cf the moon shahl b. thrown upon a acreen placed lu a hall large enougb te b.old 600 spectaters. Astronomers ca!culate that with an S paratus et these dimensions it wl possible te disceusily objecte cf the asize cf tbc Notre Daine cathedral towei-a, sud te dietinguish the evolutions cf a luai- regiment. Shnuid the opening cf the tweutietb century b. aignallized by volcania eruptions i in hemeuntains ef the moon visitore te the exhibition would have a grand spectacle. Funny Thigs. Peddler-My dear air, do yen know hew mnuch turne yen loe dippirig s pei into the ink ? Ton dips a minute mes C0O dîps an boni- or 6,000 dipa in ten heurs, aud each dip consumes- Busiuess Mau-Yus, 1 know , 1 bave fignrod it aIl eut. 1'oddier.--And yet I fiud yen atil writ ing in tbe old way. Business Man-Yez, I am n uing the fountain pen you -sold me about a montb ago-uaiug it in the old way because it went write auy other way. Pedder-Beg pardon; Iluinluthb wroug office. Gocd-day. Mîstrea-That ycuug minu who callod te s.e yen lust nigbt Jane, staid ver>' late. Jane It 'waa my brother, mumi. But Jane, I bave noticed bhirtiy-aeven different men in your conipan>' witbin the pasti twe years, sud each eue, yen saidt vas your brother. Yee, muin. Poor foika allers have large families mum. I KNhow IN 'SLINIMENT vil sur ;zcbVilàg& Joui D. BouTiLLIE. I xov MINARD'S LINIMENT viii scr croup. Cape Islands. J. . F. CvMnoUAu. I sxow MINARD'8 LINIMENT in lb. besi reoed>'on mai-ti. Nervi>', Me. JoisEPa A. SWow. Mi- J A Oonkey, ef MeuntIses Qiove, vas instantl>' kiied vhile ti-ying te board à train atB4edvood, N Y. Dont Wall for lhe sik Xoor The exponleuce cf physicians sud the publie proves that takini- BStoi'a Emulsion produca an immediate inorease ln fiesh ; it iu thevoforo of the bigbest vaine lu Wàsting Disoes sud Connuptiion. The f useri of Baron de Hi-sb teck place at Paria, the romains being interrad in tb. Montmartre cemetery. A Inev Club Naine Suggosted- fer a New Social Orgauiza- tien in London. LorçDoir, Spocial,> April 2t-It bus beau facetioual>' suggested thal a novw social club mn pi-om. of organisation lu tbis oit e hould b. entitied "The Dodd's Kidue>'Ph lub» as the preset inemben siail&Uenthutisslo advocales of that remedy sud An cominon vit inu> other citizen. ioulai-e Ibat in ail cases of kidisey troble ne ethor ageut bas boss touai se eom- phel>' effective. Ms: Londonor.'have at tei- fingers' omds tho panflmlao ftho asum ma.velloue cures througb tue use cf Ibis ae lie. In over>' dvug store in the oit,t lb. id oine ie kept lu largo quantites sud va-zml> o oomsended. Atlan Aldrtcb, a traveller for H J Hotus. Co.. Pîtteburg,, Ps., dropped d.sd ln Hall Oo's store, Hamilton. Eseljay's LiÀve r Losaes do net veaken ouh& Ese)jay's Livor Loseugesi-o the. but blocd purifier. Wtat i. t t,' k Castorla te Dr. Samuel Pitcher's preoerlpbk>n for iuftt sud blidren. h côatatna zaelther Oiluin, Morphie ner other NarcotlosustncIt la a harmiesssubstte for Paretoulo Dropo, oothlng SYMpa, and Castor OU. ht la Plasant. Its garne. Io thlrty yeaWs'us» by WMions of Mothems. (lstorladestroysWornu and alla"u feverlubness. (aitorns prevents vomltiug Sour Curd. curesDlarrhoe ansd Wind eoiW. Castorla relieves teethlng troubles, cures comstp0on sund fitulçey Castorla assmlthte food, regtoe« the stoniac sud bowels, givlng healthy and. maturai sleep. Casa toia in the Ohfdlda sPanacer-the IMothor'. ffend. CaStori&, ensoM aans eeSllotmuesbin.fer cul- irez. Nofhoeshave repeatogdlysoin .et 1un good esctupc.thdduldrL Dm. G. O. ofcon Cum' l MeIa Ssb -muWId>'for child-sa0 which 1 amnacqumlnted. 1hffpe .dayilanot fur dWotsu1 uen on wOllcodertbereu knataruotefthotr ebgde adiou Cua tau- stesdof tsvalomqmsk udmsvblcham deouvinghsfr Ieved cmes, by foebIgeqîtuu morphtne, .o&ing sy.up&sudcihr mful - eMdOua thethr tbmost moby muin lem to iprerngature pav'w Dm.mJ.. LNOE L Ceâtoria& "Ctcrta isweiladptdtoédromlia huoua to me." ni x. ord8&. Broi.IO, IL y. u"Our- phyclsn la thee hidwn' deffl. ess a» aespokea bWy et tuirexpari eSuc ln thoir culais pi-se e vhCas a"d altbougb , vo a>'.baiâs àog medimal aqiplies uat la homam as uia produotiu, yme mosisfes mto -cornUes bat thes mnr t Cmoei& bas won uw te Io*k vud Caver upan iL" Umm En ourniLA» urm9 Au& C mm fiee. Tne Cateuv GommyTi Mm"q au-**%NewT.koe, Il Wbm Baby vuas icývsge Smer <aoela.. Who e we a CaQili, @ho ausd OeCautoris, WhoeâelMre mI dis de CUngteCautosill Wb dmsb" datdl4 me gavetbo otstà Durluq the les tunyeas lbe birh "abin Outarie baugreati>'dscrosed. Maisi atiaMam oi amis ow sw» A nov compas>' bauomfoi-i-so e ork s sopper mmne norlh ci Treu.aou. Curai W.akEmam er a Momte For tuo e a I vas diosd, plOd, sud pis.- toi-ad for vreak bocI4k, qldugunad con- stipatio, vitheut binsait Oue box of Obaae' Lfdme>-LivoePilla roli.ved, Ibre. boisa âi-s IL. J. Smith, Tkoeto, Qne pdl a dose, pe 25 oent& It in reporStedIbalt tn tbeussud BsitiaL troopa viii bosa$ te thé.Soudmin a be sutumu. A aomas Ol oe (Publùhed &y Reqei.) Dear Mr. Edilor .-WIII.you hindi>' a- rosi t e rds cf jour nahbe m tb d Lst Maâbocd, Nervous Dailit>, N'ght Loes, Vaukleeklmup nud the i-asIe of yethfalfclly, prluasofa simpl, sud inepmans mes=s 0f self-cur wbleh aller be- iîag humbugged sud hnpcsed pcn foe yemr b>' quachesu d patent medfidus abars-b. geumre a'e ina sfeu veeks. I have uelblng to Sai-or 9Mv aus>', nerarn 1 advertIsln 7 ptent' niediue businessbut vii b. pi ý toe iai- fi-cen an>'suifi-Pr auxioqese ofind a'-curetcW bis cosuplaint. te ubom 1I vIRexpn i osdeb- eialy hou- sud b>' hat ineane I-vas.sured. Ruide have boom cured, throbah i.>' ad- vlca Qocse odt6 ehIm ubat Iuibii de ci dollarsto fidudti.Addrfss eonft- dauda>ansd encls tmp If couvonaut. D. Q.OWEN. Toi-onto, Ont. RieleP.O. l'h. stosmér Lake Supeior b --ba140 fuguai termorabon"d ter Mmstos HE WANTS'ÉoTI#»-RS TO KNOQWt Deur Mct BujouaNm sabould not b. negleeted. To plisssu ko.p the blood pur. it la P60.8sar> tie a V noe" -OPen-air exorciseasd keop lb. digeetve «rganewmkbêss. adi-o aud the systomi-eg"la. A detrad. Lest âmes vises for abelt-ving laatve tho uec4tme la <"0 Euejay's i ver Losongesj. ,ott~.,fimi M Meline-hbassucoeded lu formuaMcd- w. orale Republican Cabanel ta Franceoe MvILo 1h-km tbere la ne Radical olomout, at b. The propfte f sla'sLvrLoagsdé> a are touloas l a s le. &Tiios uenodis piis tsat are violentIl ~ive ake a lasad of 1Pon di frei audden aud -mutedvepantua - Ofhusieu %iWoos fv. t m bst la>' v troi ok US0 PW WILL B-UY THE' WlkyiGe~ .0111ý FOR186 Hendereon % kmon etl. At 5sud percent"-* Apraee. orCanada P &jahgCQ., Deciubr~x~,893. pl SCOt27wn toise sitone on Kingston road, 87.50. Wilfred Sadier fhi- shovelling snew in bis road division, $3.75. John Brown for repsiring wasbout on 6th con., $6. Gee Leng 25 yards of grave], 82. Yonr cemoeititee begs tic acknowledge t1he petition of Samuel King and 21 oth- ero asking for a sufficient grant te grade between lots 2.4 an~d 25 from the Ring- ston road te the 2nd con. Your committee beg leave te scknow. ledge the petition ef Geô D Linton aud 13 others seking for a grant of $75 to ri- pair bill on 5th con., juât east of Brook road. Your committee beg te acknowledge the petitien of John M Gerew and 14 others ssking for underground drain 12 inches in diameter frein the corner of Ternperance street in the village of Brougham te an outiet ea8t. Your cemmittee recommend that $25 be gxanted to repair bill on let concession opposite lot 85, and that James Hilta be comnissioner toexepend saine. Ou motion of Mr. Pencher, chairman, motion was adopted. Mr- Richards, seconded by Mr Hilta, meves tihat the reeve grant hie order en the treasurer in favor of the pa4ies re-' commeuded in tbe reports cf the varions standing committees as preseute this day. Mr Pencher, soconded by Mr Hilte, moves that the requeit of James Jackson with reference te renting the north end cf siderosd between lote 14 and l15in Brd con, be gand Mr Mobray, seconded b>' Mr-Hâte, moved ibat the reeve sud'fli-s-depUy> reeve b. appointed toeconfer with Ki- Howden and otbers respectifig the,_ pur-- chas. cf a rond machine au4 report at next meeting of, this opnoiL PRJIC& 10 ye&TFýu 1 are undeubi t , and ai-Ord ' $13 50 to $11 bL, Whitby st hy ai vii inost durablE <rdinary 10~ -nps. Sampi t store of gt hie neces5* L>sofl's Pui~ ry day. Whitby, W-JT," wdalit --7

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