Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1896, p. 4

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ICOLDWATERO The buat and cheapest waII coestng on the mnarket. PReady for use by mlit ing with cold water. WiIl not scale or ruh off. Apply with an ordinary bruàki................. FOR 9AIE BY JdE. WILLIS,ý CIIEMIST & DRUGOJIBT, MEDICÂL -: - HALL, Brook Street, WHITBYY MAY 19 Whitby 1896.1 Gemora r Diegtm It has been definitely tlzed that the grn- eral clections for the Dominion of Canada viiil e beld on the 23rd of j une. Altbaugla not unexpccted, as hcy say wben vnting obituariea, Uic eveni cotes upon us raiher suddenly after ail, sud occurs under mont distressi ng crcutustances. Thanga have gone a Lttle ton veli ulîli us in Canada, and likre many,?another people wc do not se i, and ar-e gel ring toto stife. The tr-ade question is a bot one, bat ane whicli admitted o! discussion and compro- mise,- Uic building of canais, railvays sud other public wor-ka la a malter foi general consideration,; the making o! lava is ose ulaicla requîres the serions and urited con- sideration of ail. Itla souly vues religlous questions corne up tht there la serions dan- g tet the Dominton. Wc are just entcr-ing tapon a strif. vbacb promises 10 le mo bot sud so bitter thai no person can atempt tw pr-edict the end o! kt. To make mattera more cossplicated Sir -Mackeszie Boveil bas resigned and Sir *Chaties Tupper lias been appoioted ta bis place. Thu vwe- have, in addition ta Uic other festai-es of the trying situation, a new gorernment, and, probabl>', a. sew policy- We arc vithin a feu veeka ut a genteral election, end ycî men wbo sîudy politics arc ata ioto 0knov vbai Lu ihink or say about t'ie situation.- * One comforting thouglat is that thie electors are lie. Their voice can le cast vîîhouî coercian or intimidation. Confronting sucb a tr -aag situation il behooves men ta keep cool. A des! est slaould le îurned ta Uic irebrands vhe in a few days viii go Iarougb the country spreadiog a plague o! biternes and 11-feling The mani vho loves bis home and famiiy viiinot b. ligLitI> led ava>' (rani île vise and cale consider-ution of iheir internasts. Electora uho love ibis Domianion sbould find binbtis a lime for dr-opping al oiher conasdermîions but the geneial gooýd. ahort Notes& An incident which stir-red up a greatsiaitc of irrtation and exciieent in Englund and thie United Statcs Ibis veek vas the sentenc- ing ta deatb o! live Englishmen and Americ- ans who tookt part in the recent relellion in tbc Soth African republic. Under sîr-ang pressure, vhich in dipiomnacy amountd toaa thr-eat ofva4r. Presideni Kruger next day commuted the sentences. If we hadto e sed forli bel by a j ry of ont brother editars o! Whitby, Oshava andI Port Perry il vould go bard with us. verdict o! guilty vouId le proiuptly render- cd before the action would le taken at al It wonld suit themtu 1 have us cosvicted and lb. boni ides made known afterwards- And wby la this ? Simply lecause uc do xiot chaos. 10 le content to pabliala a sbeet for Whitby and ricsnity. lesving a amali ter- rltor-y 10 each other paper for itss-dr-y oas. Onr brethren could see us jailed and mulet- cd sud cverythiug cise because THEF.CRuo- ICLE camres a bigger circulation iu their owu tovus than amy o! them cas boaut The merchants of Seagrave sud Saistûield ar-e opposcd tw lth use o! tobacco, regarding it as a vaste, and cousequent in. Hold- ing this vicu they refuse to selliti in their business places, sud il lias to le kcpt for sale by tarerna. No persan can help but admire the unselfialineass o! mer-chants who vwill not sml a commodiiy thc use of which la inful, sud one's respect for these mes is jncreascd uben they cosse before the license commiasioners sud petition for the cancel- iiug o! the botel licensca iu their villages, they beizag highly interested if anybody la in keepiug botels goiug. nona4uay Bitua& The bal! yearly non-7jury uittinga came off bere ibis veela, Hon. Justice St-cet presid- ing. The followiug barristers were in co urt during theweek : A B Aylesworth, QC ; J EFarewell, QC ; T W Chupple, M PP; F N Raines, J B Dow, Theo A McGilhivray, G'-Y 4Smiî-h, O Ormiston, F M Yanold, CA r~d~ -m i4m.sedw re- 0( graana ugeeseo101hSaùdutU bki *L mitanc. P. c lie cam e alog, «d de h urged a a miner of coemgwt te travelm HaIlam'aigtsoredPa4gles latter asbing for' »d hsumsiti ta animal a b tu bold h an expbiaathuS he vent ta TorSoatousee kept ai Suaifll, and vas sgner!by about -about iL. wbbe h gt thr. b.iod that orne huadred polsae up eitramvelieru, Rlluin bd paWd aU tbemoouey tw McLaqgh- insursuce aud other agents, residents 0f Uz. ILn.a wuts vas i»»ud against Haiam maubridge, Linday, Port Oerry, and otber z89â, but Lb. muil.ewuva« otposifedbecause tauns.Yeuedy, Azrilyth,the commis. Priagle cmmldun upse h.moerytecarry sioMer i am uin mt. eireprcedntc ~ abu Eu Sit MLitgl" bfogaghttoob 5ta ispectur Ferguson mid t bc h evideoe a lettesof= dthe bâd seat tbmwisbed tw pass a funhber resark as 10 bu bank, unaler wbicb Pringle d&eu the uooey, stuiemeut made ai Friday's meeting, ubea but wbich Praugle claloed lad neyve oe h. hd mid that tbe law did not compel I eomanlcated w hlîm inamy way. A country batela wo close their bars on Sutiday. lawyer nmmed làkPhâiaIIsof Toronto, He would 1ke 10 add thai any botelikeeper turnedl up wbo suere that he had ezplai ned who kept bis bar open on S'onday vould mot iicLauthlin'es ide of Itmh itain transaction be recom:mended for a r-encwal of bis licens. to Pringle at the time *cf Pringle's risit 10to th next year. Tbe seling of liquor in a Toronto to sec Hallam, and ihat Mr. Pringle couintry tavers during prohibtied houtsisj -had admitted himusif satisficd. Thest quite as illegal as in a town. Dr. Park then Plainuf the latter emr«ttd noath. re-opened the argument regar-ding tbe Saint- ?ni ls sore thai bie bad er been field bote]. He r-ad the law showing that called upon 10 deposit u'arebouse slips ini comrnissxoxaefs ucre empowered to listen tc the batik or iD j05ur-e the vool as sptriaed petitions for or agaiust lb. granting of in MIcLaugblîn's letter of credit to the batik. licenses, and that one of the matters men- The jodge took the ground thai McLaugb- tioned as a proper matter to petition about lîn's mouey bad been used througboaat, andis a hat a ta vrre iceuse la oct peeded. Th ree- that the wool should bave boen atored in bis lourtbe of the people of th. po!ling division nasse Uroughout, and that Halla.ns did bave signed tbe petition agalums a license, rtght in payaag hlm the. money. Dow & and 1.0 large deputaions have corne ber-e ?4cGiflvvay and Aylmswortli Q.- C- W piff; te wel b. commnissioners. As to the op- J. T. Montgomery, Toronto, for dcft paan eiûmn, thcy consist o! nasses of FugLi vm Gree.-Actîon to recover the parties n residents of the vicioity, being rainue of a qîaanuty of wbeat delivered ati tinowv u 1as and not known to bave an defendant's fiouring twili. E E Pugla as a interestiIn any community. Mr. Phoenix lam er living uesi- Claremwon. and made a aaid h. carred round tb. petition against bargain uitb F L Green, Greenwood, lai iceansd ond that tbose vbo dectined 10 June as to the delivery of a quantity of sign it wotild not sign for a licenise. M r. wheat- plainiift's contention la thai Lie was Harman said lie haid heard unsecrnly noises to bave a dollar a bushel for the wbeat, sud b in h barroom off this hotel on Saturday in consîderation of waÀting three ufnothls for nights and Sund.ays. Mr. Michie clamed his money vas to bave the beneft o! any that the old argument about hotel accommno- r-aise that Wbeat miglat take at any urne daion is played ouL In many places in during the three months, but vas not Reach and vicinity titis argument had 10 take lesa than St per bushel if wbeat served 10 protect licenses Wo a long tirne. went douil- The delir.ry of the wbeat but aller th. people %aid rebelled and cornmenced ait once, and vas carned out by the licenses laad been refused no harar Pugh's son. The tickets for tb. first tbree bar-m bad corne of il. No càlamity laid r-e- loads u-cre markred $i per bushel as tic sulted. Inspector Ferguson asked where price, but aller that ail but one was ssre would Mr. Michie locale Ivo botels in Reuch, as being placed in store vithout pnice- One as the law viii nol ailow thetun b issue less. hiad neither price nor storage marked upon Ni W hePlc ie br- h poi i.Abhaut the time the deu'ver-y of the vheat vant th!mW do not want theni a Saint- had been completed ther-e vas a sudden and field. Rev J M C&mer-on said that there vas unexpected decline in the pince of ubeat, sornetimes a <c-ar that ve might legisaîe' which vas immediaely folowed by a lettei ahe a 1 of the counry's intelligence, but there fromn Green to PugLi finding fauit with sorine ta no far in this c-ýse. Public opinion is ripe o! the wheat and akling other statements for canceling this hotel license. iMr John and suggestions lcading to the idea ihat Lee said he îhought the vicinity could gel Grevr did not cotisider the whe-at as heing ai ng witheout the vhiskey. Mr James Mc- sold to him, and asking as a avor that Pugh Mlillan and W-rn Wallace t'ok thc grouad that Kive tutu a couple o! vork's notice when he business requir-emenîs did not call for mach would decide to selI sud collect the money. accommodation at Sa!ntlield, and certiniy Defendant'. contention, vas thaftb. vheat no liquor sellirg. Mi jas Allun, Marsb Hili, vas 10 le placed in the mili in store, and, spoke against Uic granting of licenses. Mr. that Pugh vas to curne whenever le pleased1 R Hculershav said he bas muany childrex and set lb. price ai current ssarkct figures. and grandchi Idren and feels a grest i n- Greein farot to telilahis men to mark the terest ini laaing vlaiskey setlîng stopped in tickets as elvery in store. and they follow- Saintfild. His faniy ami friendsamar no ed thc r-tle of mnarking th* value of Uices"ler than other peoples famill'es and( wheat on thec 6rst îbrce tickets,- but hie tben friends. He beats much about the cornforis ordcz-ed thein 10 mark if as stored, and tbey o! th. travelling public. If the hotel keeper told Pugb's son about it, and Lie told tbis hnd ta lave on what lie gets <from the rer-y few father, but notbinit came of it. Severa] o! truvelers who go on the r-aid it vonld le a *Pugh's ueghbors testifled that h. Lad stuîed very pont living. No, îît ic hedninking ai ta thern tuat ebaid bort offered jla a bushel haine thît keepe up the hotel. A neighba for bis vrbeat, but vas only storing it, as lac o! bis wbo daed had mortgag.d bis farn foi expccted a much higler price vithin a very 1700 to Uic hotel keeper. Spoke o! an cdu- short trne. His lordsbip said Uic mater catcd tman la knovs wbo could car-n $700 a vas put ely one o! fact, no point of lau being year o! a salar-v bat who cannot coernnd a involvcd. The bar-gain as contesdcd <or by salary a ail. Shouki a bouse of refuge be Pugh vas too one-sided sud lis contention buâti n tis county thut mon looks take a vas noct eli supported, while that o! Green likelv one-tb spend bis old age bin t Rer. vas backed by mach inde-pendent îestimony M r. Leitch mid that not one of tle petitioner s The case vas disSissed with cost a.Fxe- to have this license resewed laid cornelier-e weil, Q C, for plft: Dow & McGilliv-ray and ta back it up. Wby did neotmre o!fîlaem Ayles.worth. Q C, for ddt.' corne ber-e to face the matter ont ami meet Pailister vs. Medd.-Action for s65ato t- îles. stalvart men who bave cosse here ta cover the amount o! a note made by John oppose ils continuance. The community Medd, deceased, who resided on the 7th cn.riscs as one man tb oppose further licensing Pickering. After Medd's death Mrs. Medd ibis hotel. Dr Pirk wound up b>' paid interest on the note up to1889, sud 1- by saying that uhile the head ai every farn- neyer since paid knytbing. When sued for- ily round Sainîfield bas sîgned againitt the arnount and oin-est sbe pleided th liceii5e and have appcured largely hete tb statute o! limitation alleging tht uotbing back it, not one laead o! a family except Mr. h-ad been paîd for six yciis previons10 the Newton himselt laid corne ber-e tb avoritis action being entered in cour- The plaintiff conlinuance. He r-ead a declaration rom alleged tbat lb. interest for 1g889vas no one James Couic o! Brock, stating tha;t Le puid until the month o! March, i890, and in laid purclaased and dîunk liquor 2t Mr. New- support of ibis John Keast, who drove Mrs ton's hotel en Sunday. Commissioner Wat- Medd to Pallisters place to make the pay son moved that the license le not granted. ment vas called,'and testrfied tlaît i vas He knew the commissioners have the legal bel veen the ist and 24th Murcb 1890 that nigbîta grant this license, but the>' have nkot th- ine-es» o.-The.r- vasia- edhe moral riLit.Her-emember-svbeiiReacb aIma in ber name <or a balance o!f50 h boot ssouey os the trade. McQuay sold thia mortuage to him sister, bira. W. D. Gor-don, Pickering, Who nov sues Mmrs Warren t0 redorer Uic amount. By Uic foreclosnrc o! a mortgage bits Warren hait lost ber daim tb th. prorerty befo)re ibis action vas taies, The defence vas that bita. Warren neyer had suy peracual fuuds invested in the propcrty deeded to1 ber by McQuay, sud liait insaignlng Uic mortgage for Uic $5o0 ah. vas osly acting in a capacitt of trust for ber husband. It vas, therefore, conteuded in ber behaif Ihat the personal promsete pay Uic $5ow should mot be held agaima ber, but against her husbamd. His lordship hcld that there vas no evideuSc cubher vi-Itten. or oral to show ls ita M-. Warren.s conhectiou with the deai vas one o! trust, and ibat ah. la responsable for bbe personal covenant to psy the money to Mc- Quay provided lue could sot realize it out o! the prprty, As M-.Warren baspr~el in Egad viaicia as given la her ya maraesettlemeatit xll inow be hetto atisyhis j udgmeut of $500 vitbh interest suce Jau. rith, isg,,and couts. C- A. j oses and âaaevell, Q., C-, for pif ; P, W. Lamey, Toi-osto, for deft. FreataBlead. 2 pouud bal. Only 4r- Bt Creain and wbite lace carurtat azae. co $75o per pair at W. G. Waltms Dr. H. C. S. Efliou sd lM. T. E& Godmon, bsa'rlater, Tarouto, 4ere gans o!f1Mr., F. Howard Aunes sereral days 1mai eela. WMldo ijudjes ofûgood Chewmng oco in 9t o gtag guine BRAMMREIg It bas no equi.. Refusecheap iittius Pro! CAe chigaits Musical uWoder, is nw uvewâg ati.glOstauio gi VIDng He offers " S fr à eumi, snd roI '4 a me" !a Quicgo'u rMfir; Of! Lbge*- er on xiiintee 'Ls xac SAu-zTts--GR&AuA.-At St. James Cathedral, on Wednesday, Apnil 22ud, by Canon DiaMoulin., Mr. Herbert H. Saunders and Miss Mary Elizabeth Grahamn, both of Toronto. For tb. BEA VMR ud SUPERIOR and HORSE RAKES made by the MAssoN MYoGCO., Sud NEW' MODEL Seeder made by Drirz.z cSn be obtained at the Joaeph Hall Mfachine Worka, they ha"ing ougl au therpot- tersa, teipiets, ete. RL Wooi & O.. Apr. 28rd, 19-1i AUCTION 1S1ALE Household Furniture, lavis moire r, gi -ser o oi has reoed lstuti. ataction, ai bthe etuc~o LLEKERi Smorner oDn- id acbpoloom don carpeta, Idi*ieIl1andam&U of mhU noibeds, iv-- " Dry Goods. T~~E lau 1ci :M: TI* STORE UIT cmu -siCE Menas PunIsa a $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, *2.00a Mfen's SuitsaIa $5, $i, $8, $9 and $10. ma $2.25. Boys' Pants ut 4.5c. and ~ Boys Suits. ai $250, $2.75, $4, $5 and6 ÂARNÂ: Last veek we-t-i oui new Silver Links anad Buttop Who saw thero &-i the style and p-i lie equally deigt prised ai the val% SI VER MOUNTE Fine Silk Rîbb< ing Stiver Bockl, Stlver Woven Bý SutrtBuekles... Stiver Plated 1 and fine Stik Ri Black Mounta.... 50 ets. 'JahrI If you are wanting a stylish made Suit be sure and caili on us as we are anaking tbem up at $10, $12, $13, $13-50 and $15, in new, neat., nobby pattern&. SURE FIT. te No alt.eratiotis requîred with usýL ' .......Corne along wil the crowd that fuls the store where you get the ...... ........ ost change back, at ....... M. ROSS' - Ready-made Clothing, TOr -FOR THlE BEST VALUES IN TOWN iN- WaII Paper8, Baby Carrnages, Wagons, Croquet, d Fine Stationery. A limited quantity of the latter only, lèft at :RALF PRICI. A rare chance'. Secure some before it ail goes. 'v4gency for Scijool Desks, Bullerick Pa/terns, and Br.tIzsk Amet-ican Dyeing CO.O DEX~mRJILLS ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Of JAMES SADLER, Dffeased. Pursuan to tb. " Revlaed Statutes of On- tario, 1887," Cliapter i xo, notice is hereby given that ait creditors and other persons baving clbims agaîsu thebm caae of jAmEs S&DLim. laie of the Townsbip of Pickering. in the Couxaty ocontarlo. tab.&1.ore, deoease. wbo died on or about the eighteth day of December, A. D., z895, are requîred to send by registered luer w Memsr. ow & Mc- Gîflivray, Brock St., Whitby, Solicitors for Mary Sadie, of tbe wwusbip 0f Pickering, Administrafix of the mte oftbesa»W James Sadier, deoeased, on or before te ff d of MAY,IA . D, t896, their aund% dreus witb fuit parioelarsof their édas9 and of the securities (if amy) held by theer. And notice la furtiier iven thoaaft er tbe mid iast moniosed date AdmimLstrutouu wlD proceed Io dWaribute the- msof the mmi deceased among the. peinom ns mited thertoha~ egad only tw ue.dams fflo whfr b otcLihve ors iven as abo>ve requirmd;amd tbe MidM nusrauWin n«o be labie for lb. mid amaisor Mly part thermal toa"uuy ezuoeorr U .. Of wtuoe cdaim or dâais notice Mbat!no.bave beec reoeved by ber or bur SolicitorsaIth*e tine aforeid. Datmdat Wbftby Ibis ad day of April A. D., Sg6 DOW & MeGILLIVRAY, &rock St., Whtby, solicllm forAdiurtiz MARY SADLER, iosale P. 0. let. deceaâed. 801R? FOR SERVIC I bave (ormserisuLot s1, cmoL?, Ws Wbbll 4st.e ss regatte) 3rlald RBLjOCXK, W~I'rBY. ZUST RECEl vD-~ (Sm ) o Ohoice Iew -0od China Glaesware and Crookery. Dmer Mnd Tea Sets, Cheap. Choice Family Groceries,, Ton, Clo., Fruita, Etc., Etc. Cheapfor Cash or Trade. Pnces',to swdt the Tùw. Iho toc aM prucosfer yomruoI *1a. 4eds fammreus la.iiiCuada, slalted wIML U AbOut $4 a week ta beglu Wfhig, T Omo0, Ou,. STRAWWIR--Y PLANTLY iït Q7ýt 06101M Qouaty orgauL.-M tien of amy local paix FRIDA&Y, MAY LOCAL LAC, This ia May day. Mi. Robt. Hoiden, Toron at bome. Fresh Br-ead. 2 pound Ic J ackson's. Childien's velvet tamsc W. G. Walter-s'. Mr. and Mts. Robt. Braiq *e visiliag in tawn for a <ei Childr-en's heavy ribbc ceptianally loy prices ai VW 6 piece molid vaînut Pa vith silk plush bands, for W. Till's. Rcv J. J. tilare, preached nions in the Division si. n Cobourg, Suliday. Mr. Roger Rice, expicesr local, speni Sanda>' vith and Mis. Thos. Rice. My Slater shocas arec 50 c- ia tbemn. Go down ani see Sboe Store, M. W. Collins, Mis. S. H. Roberts retu- in Toronto on Wednesday-, week in lava the guesi Mrs. Judge Dar-ineil. Ada-A. H. Richardson, Richardson, buse uine, ici New York cii>' la visit er u (oculisi,) and le!are rebut visil relatives in Philadelp Delaware. The vriis for the generai turnable July the 13rh ai called for J ul>' a6îh. Ther in Ibis distr-ict are :-N. On Phee, tovnship clerk, Breci John Buins, insurance agei Ontaîjo, Chas. Kelly, merc W. Durham, Fr-ank H. Ma- inanville. The Youog Canservative roornu on Wednesday eve pseo! per-fecting theirc x5akring general pr-epaîatic paign. The club viilmt Wednesday e-vening of ec viii be welcome. On Uic Mr. Wm. Smith viii be Pr-' bis stand on the differ-entp of the day. The best Anthracite coal- Niaistove, egg, U .7; yard. J. H. Dovney &c office. Entering the golden period MAr. snd Mis. W. H. Il brute their golden *eddi> sext. This wortby couple the esteen o! their muuyi durisg. their bal! century and vejoin villa the bo tbeïr congratulations ouon sÎGU. Webope Mr.asud M belong spere be njoy 1Ife Welimoâls~ aniownmet. -Mr. W.i T. F. Taxublyn, wilt t. clama o! '", bas b. fomp 4~U clamcoat NwYorl. -During tais rcourse at the Torouto unhi hlys smade a brillinlmIa, la79#onthe.bonor liai andi ? WItos o!is abllity bmb em aprsuimg- course lu Rosse, Il!Y, Wh y - bihlm ern etly rýecâàly awaa-ded hlm. Tt ýikýgtdd-by=Inveuuity mes *n s en cmerited,-0, vol= u cae, i.Ta sauci qsities as mare lul pouswherever hegees. ANDREW -Carpets, W-,tGeO- ý 1 .% &ETÂTIE ~~"0 TOU WÂNT TEBEST ? -W. lay especial gtress on the excellence of our Goodi, always keeping th.- CZýýQUALITY upbt te Hzghest Point and PRICES down to t/te Lowes.2ý In order to demonstrate these tacts we will quote some of the Bargoins: Hemp Carpets at 10c., 124c,, 15c. and 25c. Union Carpets at 30c., 35e. 45e, and 50c. Tapes$ry Carpets at 28c., 30., 85c. and 5oc. ÂAU Wool Carpetsata 70c., 80c. and &5c. Lace Curtains at 45c., 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 per pair. Extra Heavy Factory Cotton ai Se., 7c., 8c., 9c. White Cotton 8.. 9C., loc. and ilc. Lâadie' Corsets ai 25c B pair. Ladies' Cashmere Hose, 25a. and 35c. Ladies' Cottion Hose (black) st 80., 10Oc., 12je., 1 bc'., 20c., 25c. and 80C. AUI Wool Tweeds at 25c., 85é., 40c., 50t., 75c., $1.00 a.nd $1.25 B yard. Ladies' Gloyes at 5 cia. a pair. Iten's Braces at 2 pair for 25c. th

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