-ARGAINSs Last week we told you about oui new Silver Watst Sets of Linka and Buttons. Xvery one wbo saw them was pleased with the style and prce ou wiII be e qually delighte and sur- prised at the value of our SIL VER MOUNTEO BELTS. Fine Silk Ribbon Sterl- ing Silver Bocklee ...$12 Silver Woven Belta and Sz¶ver Buckleis........... $2.00 sîlver Plated Bucklea and flue Sîlk Ribbon... 600.1 Black Mount&s............. 500. aç,- ets Leather Belta, Sparkling ~)U iJ~.Brîglit Cut Silver Buckies. '1*' Offiiai C@uaty Organ.-garget Circula-1 tien of aUflocal011 Pper tu Canada. FRIDALY, MAY 1, 1896. LOCAL LAOONIO8. This îs May day. Mr Rolit. Holden, Toronto, spent Sunday at home. Fresh Bread. -2 pound boat. OnlY 4c. at 1 a ckson's. Childiens velvet tams only t9c. each at WV G. Walters'. Mi. and Mis Rolit. Brown, of Port Perry, i*e visiting in town for a few days. Childien's heavy rîbli cotton hose at ex- ceptionally low puices at W. G. Walters. 6 piece solid walnut parlor suite, plusb, with silk plush bands, for $3,2, vworth $5, at W~. Tilî's. Rev J. J. ti-are, preached educational ser- nions in the Division st. methodist cburch, C.obourg, Sunday. Mi. Rager Rice, express messenger on the local, spent Sunday with his parents, Mi. and Mrs. Thos. Rice. My Slater shùjes are so comfortable 1 sleep in themn. Go dawn andi see tliem ai the New Shoe Store, M. W. Collins, East Side. Mis. S. H. Roberts returned to her home in Toronto on WVedne-sdayl, after spending a week in town the guest of His Fionor and MIrs, Judge Dartnell. Ada A. H. Richardson, daughter of R. Richardson, base line, left this we.ek fnr New York city to visa lier uncle, Dr. Toper, (oculist,) and before returnitig expects ta visit relatives in Philadelphia, and Dover, D)elaware. The writs for the general eli-ctions are re- .urnable July the î3th and parliament is called for July 16th. The returning officers n thîs- district are :-N. O)ntario, %V. E Mc- I'nee, township clerk, Brechin ; S. Oritarlo, I. hn Burns, insurance agent, Whithy 1W%. (<nîiario, Chas. Kelly, merchant, Uxbridge. \V Durham, Frank H. Mason, agent, Bow- r~îiivile. The Voung Conservative club met in their roýorns on Wednesday evening for the pur- pose of perfecting their organization and rnaking general prepauations for the camn- p.sîgn. The club will meet hereatter on \\cednesdav evening of each week when al m~ill be welcome. On the evening of May 6, %Ir. Wrn. Smith wull be present and explain h!s stand on the diflerent political questions oIi the dav. The best Anthracite coat. Nut, stOve, egg, $4.7 5;NO. 2 nut, $4; at yard J. H. Downey& Co., opposite post Entez-mg the golden pet-bd NIr. a nd Murs. W. H. Warner will cele- braie their golden *edding on Saturday nexi. Ibis worthy couple have gained in the esleem of their many friends every day durîng their haIt century of wedded lite, and wc joîn wibh bbe hasts who will tender theîir congratulations on this golden occa- sm'). Wehope Mu. and Mrs. Warner may he long spared to enjoy life. WeLI înerited appointmeat. Mi. W. T. F. Tamblyn, who graduated wîth the class of '9ý bas been appointed toaa fllowship in classics ai Columbia college, New York. During hie undergradnate course ai the Toronto university Mu. Tamn- blyni made s brilliant stand, gaining firet place on thc honor list and rcceiving medals i n recognibion of bis ability. Slave graduat- îng lie bas becs pursuing a o-graduate (ourse in Rome, Italw will tend t qualify bimn erninently for the position4 recently awat-ded bim. The appotutment lu regaîdcd by uuiversity men as a good anc and as well meritcd, for, besides being1 young and clever, Mr. Tamblyn possesses9 such qualities as are calculated to make hlm popular wbereverbe goes. Wbat about .prayieg. Last year about this time all oin fruiti growea-s and neariyccyoy icwr chuck fnl oara egey vere running about ta sec it donc, aud wcre Ieaming te1 business with great- enthusiasm Hll were bcîng hired aud lecturer werc goieg Mr. C. L. Vickery, Port ?erry, wuafl- "town yesterday. Mr., A. Wad4l, Stouffvillii viuted Whltby, Mionday on busiess Mfcen'. ready rnade tweed pants at $z per, pair, at W. G. Waltera'. Black lustre and Siilan cloths at excep- tionally.low prices at W. G. Walters. Mr. Wilmot Pike, of the Woodruff bouse, spent Sunday witb bis parents in Stoufivile. The weatber ls dry this spring, but neitb- er as dry nor as bot as was the case last year. Editor Clark of the Pckering News and Township Clerk Beaton were bere on Mon- day to bear the court proceedings. Mr. Wm. McBnien, son of Mr. Hugh Mc- Brien, left for Grand Valley yesteîday to leara the business of hardware clerking. Mr. Walter Robinson, after spending the winter witb bis parents, Mr. ance Mis. Geo. Robinson, leit for Torono on Tuesday ast. If you want a cool, sweet and lasting smoke try a ta cent package of TONKA Smoking Mixture. Sold by M. C. Lawler sud J. E. Willis. N'r. Geo. McClellan, of the Standard bank, Bowmanville, wheeled into town on Satur- day evenizîg t visit bis parents, Mi. and Mis. jas. McClellan. A new wandmill bas been erected at Mc- Gearys livery stable this week. It is poised on a steel trame sirty teet high, and pro- mises to be a splendid machine. Mr. Guy Dartnell, after a two weeks holi- day, Ieft fr Toronto on Wednetday. Miss Beatrice Dartnell accompanied him and will rernain in the cnty fr a week visiting rela- tives and fiiends. The ladies of the W.C.TU. wiIl hold an at home and sale of fancv and useful articles in theur roomns on the 2oth May. Icetreani and cake will lie served during afternoon and evening. Rebecca will be at the well to serve lemonade. Candy will be sold. Dont fai! to corne. A very quiet and pretty wedding was cele- brated in St. James' cathedral, Toronto, last Vsednesday night by the Rev. Canon Du- Moulin, the contracting parties being Mi. H. H. Saunders, of Bowmanville, ta Mary Elizabeth Giahamn, daughter ofa wtlIl known oyster meichant of Cornwall, England. The groom wau assisted bv bis brother, Mr. C. Saunders, while Miss Thompson, of Eng- land. companion of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. None but the irniediate friends or the parties witnessed the ceremony, afteî which the hospitality of the young couple were enjoyed foi some ime at theiî new home 76 Bond st. Route Buis. THE CslaRONIcLz is prepared to do route bis for stock bot-ses in fiist clasa style, and at the right prices. 8Bargaims. zoo pairs of ladies' and children's shr-es and olippers at 5oc. per pair. See thfe bar- gai ns outaide the West Side Boot and Sboe Store. Frt.Cheapest. Go ta Toronto by aternoon ou evening trains of Thursday, Mav -/th, or morning trains of Friday, May 8th, good ta rebut-n until Friday niglit._ Tickets at railway sta- tion for $t. oo to Toronto and îeturn to Wbit- by or Oshawa, Tbis excursion is che3per thjan Queen's Birtbday or other holiday rates. See posters. Formulas for spîaying. Fîrst application. betore the buds burst: i pound copper sîzîphate ta î15 gallons water. Second application, jusb betore blossoms open -copper sulphate 6 lbs, quick lime 4 Ibs, wateî 40 gallons. Thiud application, when blasiruns bave fallen. Use Bordeà ux mixture witli Paris green, t lb ta 250 gallons mixture and repeat in 8 ta r2 days. J. E. Willis, chemist and duuggist. Look after the boys. Boys are a valuable institution, and arc in a sense the hop e oftheb country, but thcy are like any ot er institution, bbcy require a good deal of training, sud constant watching. Their inherent desire for fun causes bbem to make sport a study, and their budding genius iz. also giftcd in deviltry. There are always some bouses in bawn whicb have been vacated during the winteî, and the glass in the windows of these bouses at once suggests itself as a barget, Ib 50 hap. pens bliat tbe birds always camne in the spring, boa. The tact ot these bcing twa such elegant marks ta shoot at natuually recalîs bo bbe youbhful mind bbc cataptaît and we sîl know the result. We sugg-est bliat thc chiet constable be authorized ta offer $5~ reward for the conviction of eacb person caught usiug a catapuit, or birds- nestiug or breaking thc glass in windows. These depredations bave ual commcnccd yet this spriug sud now is tic Lame ta pre- vent sucb tbings. The New Couuty Concils The qualification of connty coucillors will be the same as at preseut for reeves, and tbc qualifications for electors shall be bbc same as that for municipal electors gen- eral y. No member ot the county counicil can b a member ot ylllage, tawn or towu. sbip council bereafter-sucb dual represent- ation bciug prohibited- Reeves sud depnty reeves, however, will still be electcd, snd be members of municipal counnus, so as flot ta distnrb said councils as at present form. cd, sud also because reeves have certain powers as magistrates, &c., which will con- tinue. Special provision is made for thc nomination of connty counicillors, but the polling, if a contest, wilI be held at sanie lime and place as that for the ordiuary municioal elections. Electous will have two votes for couuty councillors, and eu vote for two candidates or give both votes fgr anc candidate. Iu other words; what is kuown as «'cumulative" voting will be per. missable. The waidcn of thc connty wil.l Lave the appointuient of Uic returuing offi- cer for Uic election of Uic county council- lors, ta be eligible for Uic coanny conaici candidate must be a resident of bhc county. Toua Council The adjourued meeting of thec town cort- cil loch place on Friday night. A letter was read from thc Women's Christian Temipes- ance Union asklng for the 'use of thc vacant store lu the town haIt. Referred 10 propcrty committee. Messrs. Ormaiston sud O'Dono- van, Uic auditora, presented their report, sbowing the state of Uic late trcasurces mc- ceunu p t1 tetbc neOf lbis desbh, wbîcb was ou motion -adopted.' A petition wu read fromt Rose Bros. ad others lun fayot cf having tbc streets watered. Court. Deercll read a report from Uic streets commlbtee in fayot of paylng Uic followlng accotts : B. Bazrett ok, :; Johan Connora, $t. 03 Tam Connor -, $a902iktjr.,,8=4oc'; Robt. johnstonz I;LR.Poça-y s~ 'fThe report pasacd.. Coqrt. Sobrpx for ttaeptlubing Omtteýbtwit - ex. ception Zof c.te j SCdtma eiê pot WaS act Coua. 3hckeon rcporte4 for tbe- comaitee on firoasw à ,fgvt of &09 the fon f saecmmt 1t tee aorcivdowertore dm4s At W. TiU'a. 4tévs;71y li.Alex. ClsOlmh , Toi-utN, vaslu bowu -Oyer Suuday. Mien's ready made tweed snitsa aU375 to UL50~ at W. G. Walters' Ev u Cali aud sec bhc Sîster aboc ataid. W. 4m3fC111 I Çollinsl Nà w Shoe Store, Smt Side. Wby don't the wbeelmen of the taun gel htda together aud organize a bicycle club ? Teav A fine chance ta rent nome gaz-dca lots assortment, may, be had on eaqniriazgi the CuaRoal'-ne opt ICLE OMM fece.et Mr. E. Elleker bas reuted bis bouse toaa brother of a brother of Mr. Geo. Bulîton, wha c a le a railway man moving into town froni a You a western point. Mr. j as. j ohston 1 bouse on Green st., bas been sold, by Mr. Levi Fairbanks, auc- tioneer, ta Mrs. Geo. Wallace. The price realized was $8-20. Adjutant Miller will lead meetings at ri a. m., 3 and 8 p. m., Sunday, May 3rd, and Special Envoy Malcolm MeTaggart, of Oshawa salvation army, togetber witb Hill Kelly Whiîby, will suppy at Brooklu S. A. barracks at 3 p. mn. On Monday night Mr. Frank Elleker was passing Warner's wood yard and noticed that the woodpile was on ire. He secured assistance and stopped tbe blas-e. It is sup- posed that it starteçl tion a sznouldering spa.rk eîupted from the engine. Aibor day will be celebrated in the public scbool this (Frxday) afteruoon wbcn inter- esting Programmes will be rendered by the pufils. Many of the rural schools intend ho dinmg interesting proceedings in which tree plantiug will play an important part- Il is easy to decide between liard and soft mnaples at this scason of the yeaî. The bud of the liard maple is small pointed and slow ta develop, whule that of the sot t maple bushes out eaily in a shape wbich almost amounts to a floweî, and in quite gaudy colors. The sale of the John Smith popet-ty here on Saturday came off satis actorily. The chattels sold well, realizing $8oo or 900o. Sonie quarter acre lots were disposed of at $25 each, and the Camrnton fat-m of 6o acres waspought by James Maynard for $3,000. The grazing faim west of Stotey's marsh was not sold, but w,- understand the a%- signee bas offers approaching $3,000. This would leave the Dunlop fat-m cleai to the creditors, ail but aId Mrs. Duniop's dowry, and the prospets at present indicate that the estate will nearly or quite cleai oùi ail the outstanding claims so far as tbey bave t>een iled. St Johns cburch M. W. J. Southani will officiate on Sunday next. Public Library Meeting. The annual meeting of the public library takesp lace on Tues.day night next. There shoulÃdbe a large attendance. See adv. Bargeais. zoo pairs of ladies' and cbildien's sbocs and slippet-s at 50c. per pair. Sec the bar. gains outside the West Side Boot and Sboe Store. BazebalI Club. A meeting of the town baseballists was held at the Royal bote! on Priday night last and a club organized with the following of- ficers : Honorary president, E. Armstrong; bon, vice, Fred Hatch; president, Theo. A. McGillivray - viceE. D. Warren man ager, D. Matiaison ;captain, F. Bryan; sec. - treas.. W. L. Barnes ; committee, F. Burns, W. Correll, C. Barbon, F. Perry. The mem- bership tee was placed at 56c. Another meeting will be held to-night, Friday, at bbe Royal ta complete the organization, and then regular practice will be establishedL The Young Liberals elccl officers. The Young Liberats of this town at a well- attended meeting Tuesday nigbt in their club ro ms in the Get-rie block, their ot-gan- izer and first puesident, Mr. F. Howard Annes, in bbc chair, elected officers as fol- lows for the current ycau : Honaîary piesi- dents, Hon. Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Oliver Mlowat, Hon. John Dryden;, President, Mr. T. G. Jackson : Vice-puesidents. foi nortb ward, Mr. John Noble; foi centre waud. Mi. Chas. F. Eastwood ; south ward, Mu. R. L Huggat: Vice-presidents fou Whitby town- ship. Messrs. %V. S. Gold and Elmer Lick ; Recording secrcbary, Mu. Chas. Smithi; Cor- responding secretary, F. Howard Annes; Treasurci, Mr. Chas. Stewart. Cammitte for folîowing subdivisions-Na. i. Mr. jas. Foley ; No. 2, Mr. D. Wilson ; NO. 3, Mr-. WV. H. Jobuston ; NO. 4. Mi. G. A. Rase; No. 5, Mu. W. M. Van Valkenburg. Modes off Warfare. The Whitby Gazette of hast week states that the CHsRONICLE bas not sand enougb ta figbt an action for libel. We presumne tbat people will ualtbink lees of us because uc arc ual buiît on the bnlldog pattern. If we find that we have nnwittingly censured a persan in tic wrang, uc always scek taxre- pair the injury donc ta bis feelingsl, even tbougb wc may sometimes feed that tac doca ual deserve very mucta consideration. It doca ns na good ta injure any living person, aud uc have notaing ta gain by libelli-ug peopleTo show hou Uic Gazette man fight s libel suits sud repaire Uic damiage donc in sncb cases, wc print the tollowzng document, wbicb will enable the public ta j udge between us:- "l'ns SIwuDNTUR-E made bbc 7h day of January _in the year of out Lord one thousand eight tanndrcd and aine- t -one betwcen SEVîLLE M. NEWTON, Of etown ot Wbitby in County of Ontario, publishe-, of the- first part and HzmnNIrTÂ NEWTON, tais wite of the second part, whereas Uic aaid party ofthbie PIz-t Part as posseesed of the goodp sud chattels e el- aftcr set forth, descfibcd sud eazumerated, sud bath contractcd sud agi-ed withthebb sald arty of Uic Second part for bbe abso- ltCeta ber ofthei same, in cousidera- ioua of nature.! love sud affection and of an apüi-,mPtial agreene'*nt*sd of the sumo0f, oee dollar. Nov tbis Indeubure vituesatit. titat tu pursuance of tbe said Atecmni sud lu considerabion of the promues sud'ot tbc sum of orne dollar of lawfid moncy'Of Canada, pald by bbc said party ftbe Sc ond Part to Uic aaid party of te Iz-t Pait, at or belore the seallugqn*d delivet .offles Prserns ; (Uic reccipi wkceof k 1tai ereby acknowledgcd.) lHe, tbbc ud aldprY ýo! tbh Piret Part dotaBaz-galu, s=1t sas igu r fer, sud set 0,cr, sud by tesePreft do Bargîsinoeil, si" ,t =-ferlaacst ove uuithchi~a~rQf 0bbcà ù oi4 'at, be iho e cid goodi a" wcbttel., oIwin iha i lato u«y : orne Piano1, M U-s, N ;ý- = eOUpdWe t of mw oULone oak ýdock (elgbt, s)~~tfrn alr whith!i ornae frbahatmev me avmà isfr r Someling .Sec Our UP.oé-date 41i'PETS, e. 1WV h,t b- WM. -TILt,> * . n au u~n * e ~ _____ SPr'ng Styles ceoemakine your PrksL~ UUIr I N8# Icing 50580fl oarriee forward the C&R PET movenient. 1-h. hsndsome patterim u and deoreased prices, tell in our favor, with aooumualating power. If you're gigt n 9at all this spring, it will pay you to buy now. Il be iD Style w and have the best fitting and best miade Spriug weight Suit or O0vercost in any of th.e~ newost mîsterials, andi the anost fashionahie goods, for prices that no one can beat. We'd rather be known by oui- high-class tailoriug, at unmatohable prices, than by anything Tailoring is and always wiIl be the leading feature of 0. I. STEWART'8 business. You get the ounstoin made Style, Fit andi Finish for lese money here than you'd have to psy for fsotoé4j productions. ON 0 SATURDÂy, 0 BÂRGÂIN O DAY , we wiu sBel a new lot of CORSETS jiist in. secure a pair. See our NTEW DRESS GOODS, h "-e Low Prices, coupled with big values, is the combination that wins your trade in our elçg"4 assortment of SPRING and SIJMMER NOVELTIES. The Regular price 75c., ail to go et -50o. a pair. B.esure-tu MILLLJNER Y CAPES, Etc. Fa NVo higk priaes kétv. STEWART& ,-SPRING + RUSH-ýDý is with us. Our stock of fine goods appeal to the peoples' good judgment and a shoppM has rarely left the store without a parcel. The quality standard Mi every lin, vo eilengom up every season. This season's stocks are supreme in quality and variety, snd our-priièu, are lower than you'll find anywhere else. NEW :DRESS GOODS~ Black and Colored Mohairs, Estamene Serges, (al l *ors), Black and Colored 811k and Wool mixtures, Tweed effects, Menetians, Priestley's, Black goode. Qf-peciat tUne in 5Ã"-zn. Bià ck Sicilian Clotk on/y 75 ccnts.,lP) We imnport them direct from the manufacturera in, Great Britain, and can, give you value, with a larger assortinent to select from, than elsewhere. Ail price iin crem,î white, from 25 cents to $7.00 per pair. Men'8s, Youths' ~LwE8Tsr wl Go WALTE RS, California Dried Fruit PEACHES9 EGG PLU MS, APRICOTS9 NECTORINES,, PRUNES@ Fiest Fruit. Noteé for PFix 79.4$adCOFL id 75c. mnd S6ý and Chi/dren'8 Re&dy-made Ctothing_ z mes. ................ )0,000 )0,000 Pues. Cashier. 2ascted. î ofCan- m, Eng- spe. 334 Depos, ts (ion Of B3ranch, sbed b< lb', Nos. Prry'î r. Samu 'ce, amt witt a >ftbenu +Low Prices. in noul DRAPERIESil, style Ur r A qwiDoý Laee