Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1896, p. 6

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TINO ON FRIDAY -APPLICATIONS .f4tOàKPtC1CERING TOWNSHIP W- NaRkED.-NoNE ]EOR ASHBURN.- 'SAINTFiLD A>ND SEAGRAVE HELD OVER.-ALL TEE OTHERS GRANT- BD. The annual meeting of the Southt On- -tario License Commissioners took Jplace on Friday afternoon at the caun- cil chamber here. Dr. Rae and Mr. joseph Watson constituted the board, M r. John Tweedie being absent. In- spector Ferguson acsed as secretary. The board was not in a position ta grant any licenses to the applicants front Pickering township, and as .the township bylaw only aliows twa for Whitby t.ownship, Mrs. Wilson. Asb- burn, was denied a license as usual. PETITION AGAINST LICENSE AT -SAINT- FIEL D. The undersigned electors o! Poiling Subdivision NO. 4 in the Township of Reacti abject ta the graflting of a i- cenise ta the premises known as the Centre Hotel in the village of Saint- field within the said polling sub di- vision on the grounds that the licens- ing thereof is not required in the neighborhood; that the said premises are in the imnmediate vcinity of the methodist church and the public school in the said village. and that by reason of the close proximity of said premises ta said school there is during cvçry reces5 a large number of pupils around said hotel to whom the example of those who frequent the hotel is very injuriaus. and if the license is granted tbe quiet of the community wil h dis- turbed, as the same has always been disturbed during the period the premises have been licensed. The said botel bas also iately become a place of resart for boys who are mninors, sonls of farm- ers in the neighborhood, some of whom coming into the village ta attend the cburcb do not go ta churcb at ail but yresort ta the tavern instead. Your pe- titianers theref are respectfully pray that for the foregoing reasons and for other reasons whicb could ho advanced by aur petitioners. a license ho flot again granted ta the said prem- ises. (Signed) John Park, Samuel Baird, M. Hamman, Joseph Thomnpsoîa. Iahp Christie, James Malyon. G L As- ýiW J Raines, John McKay, James Cowperthwaite. Wm Bell, jas Mc- Millan, James Leask, AIez Leask, F W Love, Gea Real, A Ewen, A Gardon, sen., A Akburst, Ale.x Gordon, Alex ¶Lee, John Michie, Robt Michie, John Tbroop, Thos Phair, D W Luke, Ed. Bewell. J A Miller, T GulIy, L Salter, A Everett, Wm Whilford, Wm Mc- Kay, James Miller, F Ward, J W Phoe- nix, Henry Lave, John Lave, Richard Cragg, Tyson Lee, C Cragg, S Dusty, .Geo Lee, H Love, W Peoenix, Isaac Beare, John Beare, John Reid, R Real. eaFranklin, T Franklin, W Manning, W R Nîcholîs, E Beare. P A Stone, jas Lane, A Wells, W Lave, T Cragg. kobt Somerville, Ralpb Somervilie, L Burnett, A F Phoenix, R Branton. Wm Clyde, Gea D McMilan, John Ewan, * Wm Arkhumst, Wm Mark, James Blair, Jas. Lee, James Gardon, D Till, J W Burton, C Love, S Love, B LUne, W E Bealon, Jas Biakely, Jas Graham, John Milner, A T Homne, J 0'Lcar, John Miner, A T Homne.'J O'Leary, Jas Ewan, 13 Word, E, Acton, Jaa Burns, W Word, no Clyde, D -Whalen, Jas Wallace, P Harman, D Truox, John Foster, John Lee, James 'Cross, Wm Perkins, John Somerville, Gea Brush, J M Real, R T Hamrngton, A1Home. Wm Tbornley, E Phanix,;. witb Mr. Newton, the present hotel keeper. t is wliiskey selling they want swpped at Saintfield. (3) There being no public reading in the place the hatel is the anly public resort for young men. and boys ta spend' spare tine. Believes that many young (ci- Iows take up- drinking under sncb cir- cuinstances. (4) The' icense law is not kept, and there are often great noises at nlght. (5) The methodist cbîarch is only 70 yards distant and the schoal îoo yards. The cbildren f rom tbree ont of four directions have ta pas the botel. Dr. Rae-Wbich was erected flrst ? Dr. Park-Bath sch"o and chuirdi were there before the hotel. (6) Gaines 'are phayed in the hotel. Liquar is sold after bout and'on Sundays, arid plea- 'sure seekers côme there on Sunday fromn nigboring towns. Inçpeçtor Ferguson-Why not give is ic'1oçmati n ubeiIiudtýbti O(ûI. Dr. Park-We do not wisb ta figure as ipies 4nd Inforners on a neighbor, but thit tothes ad luàtm rabave de- &"te Uniweilutrying ta gbolish tiis Ntpr p. tk i hae ha telces and Ã"i~1 u54 W url thégfar eli- dee~ at~~uf t i s1r 7g-. mothers feel that there is a great dan- ger tbnîtr families as long as this li- censed barroom continues at Saintfield We now transfer the esponsibility ta the license cammissioners. Wm. Stovin appeared as chief spokes- man for the continuance of the license. Said Mr. Asling's cases of people wbo are allcged ta have been ruined by this botel were flot correct, but the members of the deputatian at once rose in a body ta declare Mr. Swovin was incorrect. Mr. Stovin went on ta say that hc is a temperance man but believes a lquor license is necessary ut Saintfleld. Dm. Park-Do you think it is neces- sary ta sell liquor at Saintfleld ? Mm. Newton-It is flot long since Dr. Park tbonght so. Dr. Park-I neyer thougbt so. Mr.- Stovn-I wonid rather see Mr. Newton sel] iquor with license than somebody else seli it without anc. Dr. Park-That is no answer te my question. Mr. Newton says none of the ruined (armers namned heme had lest their farms since be ran the hotel. No minors.bave. been sold drink by him. The school would be witbont water fit wo drink if the children did not came to, bis' hetel -for it, e-el tbeoe cause thc âtorekeeper wilùethandle- it. Manv of the naines attached ta, the petiin* had been obtaîned by strong influences.- Rev Mr Leitch-I have often head boys suyin 4he church ahed on Suaday night that, they would -go ta the hotel and gel cugars. Inspect>r Ferguaon-;There is ia thing lu the icente law conxpelling country hotels tao close. thcirri,.rs n Sun4ay4. Rev. *T. Letchi--If tha* ho so thein we have s a Wstrô ~r -,argptenu .thaî shoemaker at Seagrave who does not find sufficient custom out of which wo support bis family, so he rents somne iand and does gardening for the bal- ance. What better is the keeper of a bouse of accommodation than a trades- man, and why flot allow hum to go inito the field and work part of the time, in- stead of making him a leach upon the public for a large part of bis support whilst he goes about in idleness ? Rev Mr Elliott said he is told that many hotels along the road between Port Perry and ?4anilla have been clo&- ed during the past twenty-five years, and the same argument about accommo- dation was always set -up to save thein. Yet when one of them was closed it wa.s neyer missed afterwards. There being no person to take.,the ýopposite side of the argument Dr Rae said al the matters laid--before iecomn-. tuissioners would be fully considered." -uoed a'-deeision arnived--at-wben -th.* journed meeting takes place on Thurs-ý Ti then adjourned. conuâdd 'y'e~ws Garm For Te e Ued the R.nioy ma is cu. en vi -,éhad ict their Larme bog di thký, -Eight 'h4 Ch'uoI ~ur within 'anc mie a! alntfe. ti.e hotel for it ail. Wnl McMillaa remembers the case eft every ruined farmér mentioned by Mr. Asling, and could naine1 many others near Saintfteld. Is opposed to the sale of liquor ag a beverage, and winuld urge that no further license be granted at Saintffeld. M. Harman has passed the hotel on bis way ta and from business for two years, and has seen enough ta satisfy bim that no further license sliould be granted. Mr. Geo. Wallace bore testimony that no license is needed there. Rev. Mr. Leitch said the petitioners are not influenced by any sentiment but moral growth. The feeling of peo- ple around Saintfield is almost unani- mous in favoring the abolition of liquor seiling there, and the people have re- sorted ta the British rigbt to petition against it. It injures the moral feel- ing of the neighborhood and is a dis- grace and incubus on business and pleasure. Has every respect for Mr. Newton and bis family. It is the hi- cense that is being attacked. As (athers we feel a great responsibility rests upon us te have this thing abolish- ed. Wbat else could have drawn 50 many leading men of that vicinity tw- day from busy fields of labor ? We must be true to man and ta God. The children are taught temperance in aur public schools by instruction (rom gov- ernment. The evil effects of drink art pictured to them by cbarts and lectures, but on their way home (rom school the children find that the same govern- ment licenses a public bouse on the Most prominent corner in the viiUage ta seli liquor. and disgraceful scenes mark its eflect before the eyes of the pupils. We as men bave been young and know tbe temptations we bave escaped, and whilst thanking God for the strength whicb enabied us to do so we should use our utmost endeavors ta *have it abolished. Has attended the deethbed of several taverfi keeFers, and found that tbey had a terrible fea> of dying wbilst in that business. Mr. Samuel Baird keeps the store at Saintfield and was born and brought up there. Ras a knowledge of the evil a botel causes. At one time there was ten times as much travel on the road then as there is now, and there was no hote! nor any need of one. Haa knowledge of every case stated by Mr. Asling. Many of the sons of those men are nov following the downward road pursued by their fathers. Cutting off this license migbt save some of thetu. Knows ail about the commer- cial travelers wbo visit Saintfield, and none f rom whom he buys goods stop over nigbt at the botel. Belie*ves it wili be a favor ta bath Mr. Newton and bis family to take away tbe license. Without it Mr. Newton would be an bonoi to our village. A T Horne endorsed all that had been said. There is ne disposition ta injure Mr. Newton, but to do him a favor. If Mr. Newton will flot keep accommodation without a license some- one else will as was the case at Green- ban k. Rev. J. M. Cameron came here ai elace- of aceoniotioii. Perq ou going a 41stafce traiiçl.,b ~iale.QUr good roads facilitate trvling. We are only sevcn miles from, Port Perry, and travelers seldom stop here over night. (3) Our hotel, being at a dis tance (rom the inspector, cannot re- ceive that close inspection a licenised hotel should receive. Temperance peo- pie do flot wish to be considered, and in our case the hotel is left without proper care. (4) A country hotel bas great attraction for young people. Its homelike -familiarity causes Our young men and boys to frequent such a place.' Numnbers resort to the hotel to spend the evening, and are placed in the way of 'temptation, etc. (5) We support churches, Sunday schools, etc., to teach our young men and children to be law abiding citizens, and feel that our ef- forts in this direction are greatly hin- dered and in manv cases overcome by the influence of a licensed hotel. (Signed) Wesley Elliott, D Town, E Frise, W Minge.ley, T Midgeley, Wm Rogers, S Griffiri, A Miller, J M Wake- ford, J H Leask, H McDermott, N Houck, Jno McLeod. Jno Hemn, John Horn, Thos Cragg, A Stewart, 1 John- ston, John R Town, R Reynolds, Win Moon, J A Brown, John Boe, E Boe, Alex. Boe, James Boe, C Rennil, John Leask, sen., James Woon, A. W. Whittier, Geo Clements, Chas Gordon, Geo Baird, D Wallace,J as Knox, J S Baird, R Houldershaw, J as Baker, E Baker, Frank Hooper, Sarah A Horn, Geo Wallace, Wm Wallace, John Mal- yon, R Baird, J,,L Crooks, Geo Wallace, A Soper, John Branning, Wm I3oe, Jos Town, S Reynolds, John Leask, jr., Wm Hooper. Thomas Clarkson, Alex Fleury, James Munro, A Orchard.- A L Orchard, Thos Couch, John Blight, Jacob Orchard, John Watson, R Munro, James Ruttenbury, L Parish. Isaac Turner. John Philp, Thos Bache, E Bottomn, J A Ross, C Rose, Wesley Rose, Thos Dewey, Wm Dewey, Ù Moles, E White, Geo Lane, Geo Mark, James Moon, sen-., T Webster, James Moon jr., 0 Sleep, John Munro, Wm Ruttenbury, C Tait, Wm W'ales, R Thompson, S Moon, Alonzo Snider. Jno Pearce, T Stephenson, Alfred Sleep, jno W Thomnas, Jordan Houck. Rev Mr Elliott, leader of the deputa- tion, said they had very littie trouble irnducing people to sign the petition, which contaîned the namnes of 97 Out Of 137 voters in the polling division. We regard the seîling of liquor at Seagrave as a great detriment to the community from a social, religious, business and other points. Three motlhers had said to him whilst securing signatures that their sons had been ruined there. It takes grain to keep a grist mill running. and it takes grain to keep a barroorn running. But one turns Out flour from its grist while the other turns out no good but e'verything that is evil. Mr. Broad is giving up the hotel, and the people look upon this as a most oppor- tune tie to withdraw the license alto- gether. If it is argued that by taking the license away from this house we injure the owner, our answer is that by renewing it we do inestimable evil te the neighborhood. If any other man cannot inake bis business pay we do not license hirn to injure bis neighbors for his personal gain. We can guaran- for Kldney Dwmsea ss adder anu nuy difeutiea, LaT Back, and the. numbex. lmi rosuils af dlsorderedKkidssDO.u' Kldney Pulls. Be sure to gel D)0»s& Prioa.fiftycenie per bm or " e.lby -FOR SALE BY- J._ wJ WILLIS. Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street,' WHITBY. Mr D'Alton MeOsrthy win opeu bis cami- palgin Ontario by speaking at Owen Sound BEND FOUR CENTS For Six Faney f0118 With Extra The manufaturers of lte popular Diamond Dyes have.a taking noveliy wbhbey aesni u eevery oiiyl, tovu an:vllgel Taa a is nov- elty is knov stoDann Dye dl vith extra dresses. six af the". dous with extra4psaes viin be sent te ssiY ddrees UpoN receipé cf foui cents in sSlaps. These dols are very artistie sndomantladdeih thtyoung people. M éh cfwlenjyou order the dolle,su It fr onrd oo foyf samplee of dyed .cloth, sud boofdiretions for dye- g vi ih Dlam. ond Dyes; ltme me arsul frescf0$f,. Weesàk icbadso Co., m:0 Mouinta Dr Bootb.e fOdena4 ,S 'biokmn vi* s*iOpiey wb" i ciing ce hi. f rn sd drop-: Pet deâd. Âk fehld aausedfcopb'ds< w8etéb W rrPtora.AnIb<bi shows tbe, ueasnty of bav$pg A?,' er Mr; iý*d ArgaliOsaws, vd lfriands heme 8undày 1fr. R. lýnokhinWestern asikt, Oh- &Wa, spent 8uday at home. Rev. 8. T. Barlett, OCobourg, wfll preach annivermary sermons in oennec- tien with the. Epvortb League on Ma.y Mr. D H L.ent vdl- deliver a series of lectures on Prohibition and Politios under ho auspices ef the Royal Templars in te Music Hall nent weoek. Mr,. C. W. Barrett delivered an address ini Clarke churob on Thureday evening asat on the recent convention beld in Belleville. A number of our yonng peeple attend- ed the anniversary services at the Lake Shore sobool on Sunday. Mr. Edgar Aluin, Providence, visited at Mrm. W. Alin's over Sunday. Mr. and Mus. Brokenabire, Haydon, were guests et Mus. W. Piokard, recent- ly. Mus. N. T. Selby is quite iii. Rev. G. H. Copland preached an elo- quont sermon on Sunday merning on spiritual development. Miss Ethel Thomas bas purchased a new bicycle from Mr. A. Waldon. Mr. P. Keniflo had bis shoulder disho- cat.ed on Monday while working at tite new Royal buildings. Mr. W. Pickard in making extensive improvementa in bis driving bouse. Mia Ward and Misa Newman, Toron. to, are guesta of Mus. C. Parker. Mr. Charles Penfound ba& returned (rom Cabawa. DOANS Kidney Pis firul proved to lb. people tbat Ldneydiseaseis curable. Belng the original Ldney reznedy in pfil tom, th. euru they bave made, sud the faine they bave attaîned have opened the way for a bout et imitations and substitules, but thmon b ave boa» oured of te 2 p.M. p-Prmiva1e Telephont Comnmunicatw". D. P,. BOGART, M.D., L.D.M. Physican, Surgeon and Accoucher etc. Office aud Residence neit to Ail âaint'u Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery ia&U its branches promçtly attended t. Dr. H. Wughtman DENTIS T. Over 0Ton &1 Orange's. Whltby. Kie' Open every Sturday nisrht. W. 3. IrAIRSOLD, D. L.8., Oounty Surveyer sud Drainage Engineer, Fort Perry, Ont. A. A POST, &roldtect, late wlth Langey, Langley & Burke, Toronto. Demig»' for Churches, Villas and Cottages a speclalty. Drawinga Drepaied for remodeligeising structures. âfie-]Pùrst fiat over W. B. Bowse'u drug store. rp O Bex 202, Wbltby. WUM. CALVERLET,9 HA.1NU5 MAIS, WlUTBT. HavIng moved into oui new preonises, vis are Pre» e te extend the range cf business AUl worepertaiflifg to thehaua-kfl and saddlery business vill b. doue te aos faction. Collai, a speclalty. Ca» mad se, My #hop and stock. W. (IALVEBLEYt Second door veut cf old shop. Dundas Street, Wbib JNO. NO BLE, -DEALER IN1 ALL KIWDS OF- LU-mber, U»Ingles, &S14 DoonsMds3»11N5 TusuS5g #Md F%4t4laWtD. MAil orders or information ca» be obtalned frein JOHN NOBLE, Dundas Stet htbyopoie -u A. C. Wil- son ' eidenclopsieM Whltby, April 4tb, z894. WIjitbg Ebhrou ick, EsUMBlihOd 186. i per »asm in udvase* otberwiae 61-60- subsoriptlons alvoa upayabl0e t theofiee cf pubUesimo. The publisbeii do »oi undertake toe 4.11théb.papUSet MY ut -office -buLt h y Au ' temae4UPosotlinu as a matter os ~,7 AvrtIi »t«raieunesa by eau- .:ýU'mtopuline, nospasil gratin- serties, sudàS euls pari Uïe J imbe- quen i nsrtion Loealu, 10 oasp«rlub. ~AIchanges for yearly adverilsemet musi b. brouht iniDoti laet tan Touday morulng.; MESN STANTON, Poreiaui. RaIlay imeTable GKAUD E ~A»D KILA» 0e Expres DalMie......:4 No. 6 Bxpr.ss, daly, *xoept Sun lgo.' .0 mml~Pe~p 'NO.~~~ m,~ - 0 JDulia .7i~EL Buaster oeuhy OrGvu Attonsia5 Oounty aclcitor. Offle-'4Onih Igof court flouse, lWhltby. JAJES ItTj6lEDu,&E Barrister, etc. Ofice fermer! y oeluPied by Farewel & Butledge, neit RYal Ro0tai, Brook St., Whithy. DAVID OBEISTON, D. A., Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ln ChaucerY, Conveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south et the Pott Offce, ini MCM'111aa Block, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SUITJE. LLe 1B., Harrister, etc. ,-Mouey te Loan. lainer of Mairlae Licenses. Office - Smith's Block, South cf Market, B7eck St., Whitby. DOW & SGIiLLIVRAY, Barristers, Selicitera lu Chancery, etc. office in Mathison & Havken'a new block Brook St.,Whbitby, sonth ot Ontarlo bauk. MUtô~iraL Ors. Warren d Moore# J. J. Moore, M. D. F. Warren, M. D. Brookli». Whltby. Office houri 9. a. Mn Office heuris Ila&M JB. FAREWELL, Clerk of the Peace, Nov LIvoIy and Sale Stables DundaB St., Whltby, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. CommerIm esmon berally deait with Teamin« dos st reasonable jprices. Frelght and Baggaehaulýed' st reason- able prie«. A-mu soliclted. LIFE INSURANCE. Manufactuirera' LIfe & Accident Ineurance- Co., -Toronto. l.argeet Capital Stock Lif e Insurance Co. on the continent. Nlnety per cent.o al accumulations of surplus la returned to the poliey heldeus.AU l aims are pad vithont delay or discount on proof of death or maturity of edowment- Feb. lot, 9M la. J3. B. POWELL, Agent, Whitbyf 1-.EL ý-IGGS. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. Par the next three mongthe I amn giving special attention te ati2ents fronta adis- tance. Amrn ml gplates in rubber, 88, oeeluloiýd $10. Golgi sud silver flUa verk erovng by fiuat-elass operators ai thie most reasoable rates inu lb city. whealÃŽthéeitel,-i n UAssd lot me elm- lue pour iesth. 1 ma"e noee1tra*charge, 0. IL RIGGB, Deniaist t eàut eena King sud Tange SB", Toronto. Wu H. WARNER. DEALE INS MOAL LiTE,9 LUNEERLZ, SINlU' OOIDWOOD, BLABI, ETC. f AGENT For the PEOPLE'S GOAL (00.# ITORONTO. Office and Yard j.ust East of Uptown Station. Wbitby, Oct,.. 2Sh, 1894. A8K - TOUR 8TA TIONER SPR T, VOUNTY 0F OBTABIO 1896. Jan. 3;, Peb.83; MatchS; April 2; ]gay j; June 2. July 7 Bep. 2; Oct. u4; Ni,.8; Dec. 2. oslu.wA-1l. 0. Mdedneli, Whbb, Clerk1 Jan. 4; Feit. 4; Marché4; A pril 8; idgy 4. lune 3; July M; Sep. 8; Oct. 8; NOV. Dec. 8, Buonaiu K. lisse», reenvoo, Cler.-Ja 6Idaroh5; May 5; JUj7 'Sep. 4; Nov. Ï. POiRPIBsar- J. W. Burnhaxn, p,1t Pevry, Clerk-J&n. 29; March 9; moy 15 july 20; Sep. 28; Net.- 18. UiBamuz-Joseph E. Gould, UXiidge Clerk-Jýan. 80; Mirait24; May l9tk; jui 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16.P CnrNxÇ oToÇ- George Smnith, Cam ington Jan. 81; March 2b; M ay 20; July 15; oct. 15; Dec. 17. BUA&VETO- Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton Clek-Maich 26; May 21; JuIy 16 ; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UPTEEGBOCV-F J Gillespie, Uptrgrcv8r Clerk,-Mdarch 27; May 22; Iuly 17 ; Oct, 17; Dcc 19. By erder, The Doctor told H was Consumnpt There was no But Health- v ously Rest are From the Morrisbu Mrs. Hill, wife of Winchester, noi was looked upon were numbered.1 some, healthy wr traces of hem form, tion. and it is ther that ber case ha_ý sensation in the ni reporter who call Hill expmessed a wi stary o! her ilîne4 publication, and s earnestness- that c( tener better t - ýn n ber deep gratitudt which had brought týon ta bealth and she said, -alrnost h, the dead, and my c tde short o! mimacul ago L was confined was taken wi'th cý and suflemed terribi goad medical attý seem ta get better. phications set in hnrrying mhe ta weaker and weakeî conflned ta bed, w months, My bowl condition, ani1 at1 he -,càuld do no r the other campli( sumption, of the and face becamne t heat became we seemed ta havei became- simply ai skeleton. At last that I was beyond skill, and that furtl paru would do no g tinte aer my frien bedside thinking ei me breathe my hast et the- urgent solici was decided at this jncture io give Piîsa trial. I e sli1ght improveme atad'from that ont _progresseéd taward ý,you ian ,se fori imore a healthy. wc suble for me te exç -feel towardsa pr.V which u nder4od te-1cý October Tth 1895. 1- -te l a=n. \ pj7- Resuit of Negli DISEASE Whish Douterý CURED E AYE R 'I contracted a sel en m= y ugand 1 13li as esnegtecO 9 ti CW while,i t ha:t î pained me. I then Consultei 'wlio found, on erain "ppr part cf the left adi ret e, but t h de ld Fortuinateiy, I happi Alinanue0 the eff e Pectoral had on othei gve It a trial. Aller trouble WUs relleved, isbed the bottle I wa.j vatchMinar, Orangel Ayer's Che HROPE WAS THE PECIJLIAF HILL, 0F V KIDNEY Comaplaintets hroughieuse cf ttiîs won. derful mediclue, tou. vhoe lame bsok is nov fies frrn psn,.thoee vhe nov have no beadaches, thous vho have encaped froin " .deati grip od Diaeles and Brlghl's di.... by lte use ocdDamne PILL ar e .on wMv » e pin io s aui& When âsers of M"etpoople core f orvad and tell publialy thai Doan'. Kldney PiUs oured tem afin other Means failed, là la avidebacét lte enly CURE 1-1,

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