= r1' Bavorton oct. le; 'LL ho Iýe&e. slight improvement had taken place. and tram that out 1 slowly but surely p)rogressed toward recovery, until, as you can see for yourself, 1I tm once more a healthy womnan. 1: is impos- sible for me ta express how grateful 1 feel towarls Pr. Williams' Pink Puis, which under God's blessing have re- stored me ta, healtb and famiiy andýI friends. 1 feel that the world should know my story. so that some other sf tering sister may be able ta find health in the medicine which I believe will neyer tail." The experience of years has prxoved ýhat there is absolutely no disease d eý ta a vtiated condition of the blooýd or. shattered nerves, that Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills will flot promptly cure, and those who are suffering f£rom suclx, troubles Would avoid, mueh misery -and save money by prompltlir reso'rthing 10 this treatmnrt Gçt the glenuine' Pinkç Puis every t7ii-e ai do not_,b*'.per.. sItaded to take an imitation or.-sope- ô6t1âr remedy efroux AI idkiv Who.i o* thetke~of ti.etraprofit tOhistifU may~y e just as 'good».' Dr.WII. iai ik P antd cure whzotherý ~WWux. eiu Ml ý C - l' 1 1 Resait of a Neglected Coid. DISEASED LUNOS Whtch notor.?MWia t. e4h CURED BY TAKUNO AYER SPetoal -I contractsd a severe eÃ"ld, whloh seld <n myun, and 1 did what in often dons At ucb cassaneglsctsd Itlkn to r way sA cm;butIfond ter a fil le wile, that the sllghtsst emrt pained me. I thon Consulted a Doctor who tound o @eraminn ylng,1m h upepart ot the 1sf: one was 'badiy a tets vrezgave me some medîcine whlch I took as ci rected, but Ait dAd not seem to do anY good. Fortunately I happened to resd Au Ayer's Almariae oi the effect that &yees5cbelTy Pectoral had on theris, and 1 ds rilned ta gieu ril c> tkn ewd" à uble wus relleved, and befoe I had ln- i s bed the bottle 1 vas cnred.',-.1E-Mr, à y watcehmaksr, Orangevile, Ont. Ayers Cherry Pectoral lm nt Aard atWorM's FPair. Agar,# pSU.s C.wIisdd z.ugton.. HOPE WA$ ÂBÂNDONED. THE l>ECLYLIAR CASE OF MRS. HILL, ()F WINC[HESTER. The Doctor told Her thal. lier Trouble was Consumption of the Boweis-- There was noa Hope of Recover- But Hiealth was Almost Miracul- otusly Restored. From the Morrîsburg lerald. Mrs. H ill, wife of Mr. RoMt. Hiîll, oft'Winchester, flot many months ago 'vas looked upon a-, one whose days were numbered. Today she is a hand- sonie, healthy woman showing noa traces of ber formier desperate condi- tion. and it is therefore itr.le wonder that her case has created a profotund sensar.în in the neighborhood. To a repýîrter wba called upon her. Mrs. Iiii expressed a willingness ta give the ston of ber illness and recaverv lor publication, and she told it with an earnestness that conveved ta the liS- tener better than rnere words could do, bier deep gratitude ta the med citne ,which had brought about her restara- tin ta health and strength. "I feel,' she saîd, -almost like one raised from the dead, and my case seems to nme lit- tic short of miraculous. About a vear ago 1 was confined, and shortly afier 1 wis- taken with canker in the mouth, and sutlered terribly. Although 1 had -ood me dîcal attendance 1 did flot >eem ta get better. In tact othcr corn- plications set in which seemed fast }niIrying me to the grave. 1 grew ,wcaker and weaker until at last 1 was (')nfined ta bed, where 1 lay for three ino-nths, My bowels were in a tMrrib1e irietor. wuth reason- IC E., ,ciden-t to. ance Co. nt. o aIl -d te the I vithout beath or LL, W Iitbyf i)ronto. tr flllizig raters at he City. ls Oxani- à charge. st corner ER.I iplà k u p u ss.v . uwia wne mskrshpeor.pj<m, ay advau- sieved by- Dr. Williams' ]Pink PM&s Aak yeur dealer for ihem. ', Tii.. Pilla are mannfaetured by te. Dr Wiiam's Mdicieù Company Brook- ville, Ontario, snd Schenectasdy, N. Y., and are sold on) y in boxes bearing the. firm'a trade marksad wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Tbey oay b. bad zrom any dealer, or wiIl b sont by mail on receipt of prise. Dr. Wiiiamns' Pink Pillearnay b. had- of ail druggista or direct by mail frein Dr. Williams' Medicine Comnpany fromn oither addresa. The prie. at which the pilla are sold make a course of treat- menti comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remodies or mediesi treat.ment - There is a certà in class of youne men in the world who think that the>' can run everything, when, in fact some of temn are not able ta keep their hats en their heads. especially should they happen to be out late at night. They oughftot be taught a lesson of manli. ness betore they are let go out af their own back yard. OianRturilng m have aIl beau sleot.dfor à ïub~~Miion oiec tlons.-A ohild burned fodetth in Tor- onto -À miek manq at ]rad<wd Éhloed on the. road by his fami1y te dfi.The goverument wiU recogniz o n anti-r. medialist Conorvative. Foreign-French inistry .resigne.-- Trouble in South Africa growinq morqe Serions every day.---Umive-zal suffrage in Anstria refused. SATURDAY, APRIL 25 Canadian-The Welland canal vili b. opsned on Tutsuay.-Sir McRouzie Bowelicxsi ected te resiga to-day.-. Parliament will meet July lObh.-Sir Donald 8mith to, be Higb Commission- or -Great Laurier demonstration at Mon treal. Foreign-Bvitish vioborues 'in South .&frica.-Epemy dbfeated witb grea: loss.-Riot at Paris on aocount of Cab,- inet cris.-Twenty new torpedo bosa c'rdered for the. Britishi navy. ITONDAY, APRIL 27 Canadian-Two youthe drowned iu Ham ilton bay.-Harry Emmes, of Niagara, accused of commit ting a oriminal oper ation on Mins Muicher.-Toronto &gain vins at base bal-A, Merrick ville man suicides ratiier than go te j ail. Foreign-Italian victory over the. Der vises, 500 killed.-The Matabeles again defeated wîtb considerable Ias -The Enozlial cattle exclusion bill net likelv te be paased.-President Kruger re fuses to visit Englaud. TUESDAY, AFRIL 28 Canadian-Sir Mackinzie BowelI reBigus -Sir ( ITurper is premier-Thonsandri grec: anti rernedial members in west- crn counties -Chapleau, Meredith and and Bugh John Macdonald stl talked of. Foreign-Liberty granted England to transport. arms through Portugues. ter- ritory into Soutu Africa -A. nov French Mini@try formed.-The invita tion te President Kruizer te visit Eng- land withdrawn .-Sir Hercules Robin- son sumtnoned Homie Ior instructions WEtDNFEDAy, &PRrL 9th Canadian-Bowell refuged te join Tup- pey'. cabinet.-Mr. Duncan Grahamn, warden of Ont. Co. çvas norninated ais an Independant candidate ini North Ont.-Joe Martin, a bore. dealer sand bagued st the Woodbine.-Premier Grcenway is in Tloronto. Foreign-The leaders of the. Reforni movenient in tbe Traneval ssntoiieed te deah-Tbe Matabeles vopnlsd and discouragd.-A nove, nchCabinet formed. t I I Fine Drivers1 cansot be made e of forms t at are Z out of condition. 'Merely te feed plenty of oats isot enougb. A horse gels run down the saie as ama and needs a general toning up. Blood Purifier I I IUMW V V lu a scientifie preparation in the forin of a povder. It purifies the blood, trength- ens the digestion, tares a reugb coat into a smooth and glossy one aud puta the animal 6 in condition."' He thon bas "good lifo " and feels ike holding up bis head and lifting his.feet. M1LCHM COWS are greatly benefittod by it. The vbole system is toased up. The digestive organs being strengdened, more nutriment is drava froi tho food and the flow of milk inci-eed. DIck's Biood Purifier vill pay for itzelf ten times over. For sais b7 driggists, at gencral etoes or s"nt posu psld oun eceipt of 50 cte. Dick & Ge., P. 0. Box 482, Mentresi. vvwvvvvvvvv ~ Wood'S rbO$DhOdlfle.-Ake Greal £nglisk Remdr. In the rumbi of over M5 yers beauiig thousad of cases wth aU known drug%, ntA at last vo have disoovered the true rsmedy and Utrsmot- oembtnatMon that vii effect à prompt and permanent cr la aul utagemof SczuoJ Dely, Abuse or Ressu, Nervon, Weakaffl, Emsiubns Mtl Worry, Pwes,+pe Ure of Opirm, Tobocco, or Akcoà oUc S4fmwlanU, aau of whlch soon Im.4 b Insandty, OoasmpUon and au early pave. WooSe "ffr aku. Phosphodine bas been uaed succeu.tully by htmdreds of cases that semesd almost hopeles - cases tat had been trested by the most talented phyui. M clans-casesthat ver on the verre of depar and lussanty-cases tbt wet re mm totbsrlng over th. grave-but wfth the continu.d and persevering use of Woods Phosphodine, th.. es thaUt had been given up to di%, vers retorsd tb manly vigor and bnfth- sdr you need cet deepair-no mat- ter who hmn given you up as lncurable--the remedy la no-W ithln YOm' reach, by Its use you cm b. ressored to a liteq of uaetulnenand happinesa One w=U plese, dw guaronterdta cure. Paanphlifres any addremou.ugo The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. 1 MtSt T . Wood'& Phosphoige là aold by rapoaslbl. wboleaanmd retaildnagla ths Doubdi. Some of the pioneers say the raads were neyer sa bad. Man), of the tarmers are plowing and some are startinlg seeding in this vicin- j:>'. No:with-s:anding the bad condition of the roads there was- a large numuer out on Sunda>' evening ta the praver meeting of the Y.P.S.C.E. M rs. NI. N. Bethune being present gave a very tauching addre.ss an the subject - Wbat should we be doing ta save the last. ' A numteer of young men signed the temperance pledge. An overwhelming petitian has been sent down ta the board af license cam- mîssioners asking themn not ta grant a license ta the hotel. Surel>' they will not fail ta grant the request if the>' r.ake ane look a: the sin and sorrow it has caused. Mr. Wm. Yaung and Mr. John Windatt wen:ta Uxbiidge ta the meeting of the Board an Tuesday ta lav the reasons before themr why the licence should na: bc granted. When will the women bave a vaice ini putting down this accursed traffic ? UARKHLAM The McFadden block caused con- siderable excitement Wednesday atter- noon and at the same time settled the numberless opinions as ta ils stability, etc., by partiall>' falling. Since the f rost commenced ta leav-e the ground the building bas been cracking and Tuesday the nort corner stane, the corner stane of what was ta be The Sun's new office, felI, but even that did not canvince the skeptic that 'sbe' was going ta taîl. t vas thought that if the water could be drained out of the cellars the -building would still have a show, and John Kellett and W. Wagg were set at work ta open the drain. About 1.30 P. m.,.without any warning the nortb store feil in, the front wal falling out on Main st., catcbing Kellett with but a few bruises tram the failing brick. The crash. soan braught a crowd ta the spot and the secand store front lookîng ver>' dangerous it was tbought best ta make it faîl. Tbe soutb store is sa far intact-Sun. Af <or tveaty-two peara. It wilI be remembered that Mr. Wm. Maoody, wbose relationship with the murdered Williams couple of Cooks- ville brotight bis name prominernly be- fore the public at that lime has had an inmate of his home, Mrs. Elizabeth Tosb, who had lived in bis household for over 20 years since the disappear- ance of her husband. The circum- stances of the murder preyed upon her mmnd ver>' much, and some tinle atter- ward she died, leaving a lad bearing her own namne and a farm valued at $î 5oo. There vas no vilI regarding the disposai of the property, and Mr. Moody applied for letters of adminis-. tration on-behalt of the lad. These were about ta be issued, and ail the preliminaries had been arranged. when an Thursda>' the womnan's husband, who it vas supposed had been dead man>' years, walked inta the lawyer's office where Mr. Moody sat settling the malter. The others were amazed vhen he announceti himself and declared that he had camne for the share ta which be was enîiîled. Moody, vho knev him -welb betore his disappearance 22 Vili On yor feet this, weather ? The"e ii syle li' te r e s etin batik Each ycar the Granby RubbersM d Oveuwhoesam modeiled to ft ail the fasbwnable shapes of boots. They ame tMin no as to prcent chunsy appearanoe and feeling and to make theijism neceuitates the use of the fineat quality of. rubber. Whilc Granxby Rdbbersand Overshoes are up to date in StylesFil and Ftinish, they meain their old enduring qtiality. Oiranb4y Rubbers wSr lke Iron.: WALL. [1 LWEST Belo.- AMERICAN - PA PERSo Borders to Matc Corne early and gotfirat coeie. P. B,- WARAM, Brook St., Whftby- DOMINION. BANKO 1Qapital Paid up, -a$84 1surplust General Transaoted. - *1,50000ê BAVINOS DEPABTMENT. tuter s Uowed st i ht suo.ii E. J.mOUP, 8TONEBOA T8, And ail kmndb of custonuUIgm O North Star Milhl.Write'Cforlopiac DONALD CHRISTIE, Raglan. The fariner. in tii section are &Hl buisy socding. Soins are nearly through vili) otliers who have iower baud have jea etarted. David Martin bas gene to work for Wm. Gorrel. NeIson Fraser takea bis .place at Mr. A. Roach'a. Birth.-The wifset Mr<'C. Englihheo s daughber Miss Selina Bra'bazon i5 Tory weak 'U"i nov aad haî suffered a long time.Hr em trouble la iu the lange. Owing to thbe quartuerly meeting being beld at Sunderland ther, wil ho neno Sreaching service hore ou Sunday. The un day achool wiilb. lwld at 18 ooclook inztead of 10.30. The S. 0. T. bore intiend havmn sa_ open division on Moliday evciing 'the. Ilîh May. An interesuing programmue vil) b. given oee fsture cfwhlok wiil bu a debste, resobveti that veinaithamdogié more for the. sevation et hulusai4'*Ithon Our budget thla week îa raiuher ans) nova bas been very soarc for .pu tov weeka which amcuais forU 1ln silent. frot esoefutous, O=iaCr "op 44wseut- tt be Kivu. Dr. Pieros f edi" udwuout ý m fty. for pudry i -buo-od. WÉ7aios ix, i 0 0 Whas le muo f' t ts .t$ldre. .P$..e te odults.As in à ppeuuluçj mtersà ti,4I - sd brdngs bïek be"aiaslgi. lreolglogifi oua i s"'ad o.5" t ____là '_ sesuçw frî uuss~ oas uobeef Tus' Prnsh Isu a~oq - aie 4$ugi0psrpu ib~r 4su~ - aafstp Il.. lu tootKvtstI - PRICESf OROPIO Miss Kybe and Mi"e Elhsw, Belleville, are visiting at Mr. Albert Leigb's. Mn. James Linton bas been repainting the. front of bis building damnaged by the late fire. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Adams, Bowman- ville, spent Sanday at Mr. Len Gamaby's. Mn. Wm. Rolland bas movoti into bis old sbop again in the Linton block. Mn. Leslie Hall apent 8unday at bis fathen's. Mr. Jcffeny, Tarante, spent Sanda>' witi bis danghter, Mrs. Jas. Richards. Rev, S. T Bartlett, Cobourg, occupicti the pulpit of the wethodisi churoi on Sunuay monning and evening. Mr. Robert Dobson, of Picton -igb school, was in towo this veek attending thc funeral of bis brothsr John. Mn. J. L. Boys bas been indispoeed. Mn. R J Hodgson, of Queon'e Univer siby, Kingston', a former teacher in Orono, is visiting old finonda. > Miss Minnie Linton bas retiurned frein Peterboro vbere ase has been viaitlag frienda. Miss Lil. McLean spenti Sunday iu Oshawa. Mr. Fred Osborne, left Tueaday Moru- ing for Winnipeg, Man. Misa Winnifred Bsitb is ulsîting lira. W. B. Wallace, Port Hope. Mins Prover vas the guest of Misses McNali4 College bil, Port Hope, là "t week. MT. Robert Beitb, M.P., is home frein Ottawa. Mir. Frank H. Ma.on,- secretary ef West Durhamn Cousorvative association, bas been appointsed ietiarning olicer for the. Dominion elections. W. congratulate Messs. 1. Cotkhi, J. P. Berry, J'. W. Baumer and e. Jeffery on their succees at the. exminsions ait Victoria Una*veraity. AU have gained honora. Mr. John COlver,. formerljy of Bow- manville, wbo died ou kpril 2l;st, at Port Perry, bad been- bfi saince. Imt fali freIn coauiluption, but a fatal endlng wau net sntioipated m o "u. ui da'gh- ter died of oonaumpùion but Ibres weko ago. Wiib a son suecumb&tma e dise..luasunsue. lu.- aves'bebina1 hlm oesgrovu up- swu,, snd, s. 'dsugtew but twviel yeanod.-SttesMs. Mir. Wflm Taylor, -Port Perry, viwtm- Ixutijig be other. Fareie w. b seediW. EN!IYIILLEN. Mrs A J Lockbart, Bevinanville, bas been gu..: of Dr. Mitchell. Mns T T Jardine and Mastcr W Jar- dine, Oshawa, have been gueas of Mr. P. Maroney. Miss Clans Mantin ha. ro:urned hoe tu L1jjIà sdaIe af tej a pleasant viait ber.. Mr. F. W. Le. viaited bis siatier, Mrs. Remmer, Pickering. b&iss Byers in visiting f riends in Mark -i bam. Rev. Mn. Drow, Blackatock, preachcd an educational sermon in the church Sunday evening. He gave a good dis course. The fair.fly of Mr. Maroney received a severe shock on Friday Iset lu the nova of the death of their son Josephb near Orilia after a severe illneas Universal syrnpathy ila tkfor the. family ln their Sorro w. W. hoartily congratulate Dr. T. E. Howard on auocessfuIly paasiug the State Board Examinat!on lun redieine for Nov York. We underatand ÃŽhey give a very rigid examination, requiring 75 per cent. The doctor intenda rsmaining ini that State. À FAMOUS MANIl Wbst ab Iessarches a»Do»s for the M orAd. Ai Uoeusf1 Ud dIstifguished men >,have imits.torsand Dr. Cbase. the" well- - kno wu author Of CaesR-cflp.!Book, -prolveaDo:neoxepion ~tu the -ue. Dr. - Cho es leiuoverien hav mauy pretoud- ed rivale». blat. n Ds.< O a sL oa s e.lir beS pro i eo Chase. l y- lïop:Is ud -tauê' Oiut~ , ue l o ertou are $ce à ld8 and' lute ticI nWmiOISI ~e555da~dTUrPetila efor 00188 .and,- 500.001) amua8 of h ~ ~~ Wllitby. Ag.oy BankIngr 'OOD, ETC. ,ast of 1ER. ,<,crib- enviDe Eare%, long- Artifi - en ces 'HOS. South- idon - )t -e that 0 ,W. havie FiLePlest.1 tiennlu oyn of thosi BEAU TIFUL r- I I -'. a ýv .JL