Whitby Chronicle, 1 May 1896, p. 8

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-NJPl 'wben looking for... "Pure Drugs, " " Perfnery, " " Toilet Requisities "Toilet Soaps, " " Fancy Goods, ci "gSpectacles, 44 ciAnything in the ,dm.Drug LUne, 's Ryley's Druq Store, Simcoe St. south, Oshawa. OSHAWA, MAY 1, 1896. SOSIIAWA PAGE ]BusiNzss NoTicE. - Osh;àws subscribers - r advcrtîsers may transacl an y business with the CunoNICL or may obtain extra copies at any lmrom E. B. Rogers. Farmens will do weil te cail at M. E. Mnay's for boys' ncsdy muade clothing. Il wiIl psy auy parties couîeinplatiag buy- Mng an engagement on *edding rnug 10 sec bbc large stock of Feit Bros, Oshawa as Stbey wili mdl 1thîb montb very cbeap for cash. G»eunue dlamcnd 14K. ouly $%. Tbey are alsc making smre pecial offers in Gents', Lades' sud Boys' gclid and ilver watcbes. See tbem. FeIt Brou. Mrs. Rev. Kunes is visitiug with relatives iniOttawa. Mm. WE. O'Brien visited with friends iu London iast week. Mns. Wm. Funsey, of Zion, 15 the guest of -ber son ru South Oshawa. Mn. Melmose Gould is borne frem Toronto university wilh the messies. Mr. J. Hamilton of Chicago, is visiting 2 frieridsansd relatives lu towu. Mn. Arthur McMillau is borne from Toron- to practical achool of science. Mn. sud Mns. M. A. James cf Bowmau- ville, speut Suuday wîtb Mr. John James. Alex Mackie of Oshawa is kriocking trade eilly witb the great Wigh'mau baukrupt stock. Mns. Graham, cf Whitby, witb ber two cbildren, are visitiug hem paments, Mn. sud MI". Wakcly. Mr. Wm. Argue, cf the Eveuiug Star staff, Toronto, speut Suuday irn wu, tbe guest of Idr. R. Pye. Mn. aud Mrm. W. Youug, sud Mr. G. Teskcy of East Toronto, wcre thc guesta cf Idrs. J. Drew lait week. A. Mackie tukes aIl kinds of fsrrn produce iu exchange-' on gooda at the oid reliable Wightmau staud, Oshawa. S.. A. Mackie'm lettem iu this issue, b. is a great boomer, sud ncîbiug pleases hlm better than t.c undensell ail competitcns. The Flowcr Mission will mcci every Fmi- day afternooo lu the librsry noom of the Mechanics' Inslitute dnniug thec mmcm months. Say people, west sud uortb cf Whitby, lake the train for Oshawa aI A. Mackie'm expense sud gel youn share cf the bangaius as they go. l Mr. McKay, cf Paris, bas been eugaged by Murray thc talIon. His comiug la quite au additiou le tbc alrcady fine choir cf St. Gregony's cburcb. The birthduiy panty, unden the auspices cf the ladies' aid cf the presbyterian chunch, on Tuesday night. wss a grand succesa, the basement b.ing filied. Mr. J. W. Babcock and Mn. A. Adamns left at wcek Ion s trip to Rntlarid, Vermout. They wili also visit Malone, N. Y., thc home o! Mn. Babcock's father. The uew read making machine, which the council bas puchs, le doing splendid work, 10 the great satisfaction -cf the streets =ud rmprovemenî comnittee. A. Mackrie is aeiiing goodsataIpnices before unheard cf lu Ibis counly and h. actuaily paya customers fanes fnom the Whitby station snd nelumu wbo show thein ticket ta biru at Oshawa. Mr. Wm. Smith, M.P., was iustalied a member cf the Independent Order of Fores- * 1cm, aieng wlth two other M. P.'s, at Ottawa lait Wednesday niglit by Chief Oronyatek- ha. Whiîe Mr. P. Goyue waa workiug lu the blacksrnith department cf the McLaugLhiir naoit .theft goutti .pïgbu OIse-cleag- * W* it ý eOi o Ii e" th~wl loecmsoé wbuldfô#b. tWhýýe=l-sad dosà liettèl clIn tu "ir baeI'yÂrdal'Md la frontiofJ Mr.- .E, T.Slemon.whccled 10 Haydon'on Rev. jas. Kines le spcuding the week ln Ottawa.1' Miss A p nie Hyland bas returned from New York.- Mr. Luther Ourtis, Bowmanville, was lu town Sunday. Mr-. Allan Williams, of Bowmanville, spent Sunday in town. Messrs. Chas. Owens aud Gregory*were in Newcastle Sunday. Messrs. Weeke%, Hastinigs, Brathwaite, and Thompson spent Sunday in Bowtnan- ville. Messrs. Mundy, Symmnonds, McCaw, Fife, Morgan, and Butiand spent Sunday in Pont Hope. E. B. Morgan, cattle inispector, leaves te- day lu resitîme bis duties as cattle inspecter aI tbe port of Mfontreal. Mm. Robt. Rowe, haif a mile cast of here, bas gone to Travers ciIy, Mich., and bas ieaaed bis fruit farm u Mr. Thos. Dowriey, Myrîle, wbo is amply qualîfied to baud le it. Mr. James McTaggart, since assurnug conîmact of the Oshawa and Myntle stage route, has bad the stage repainîed until il looks better tban i ever did. Mr. Barn- bridge made a fine jéo f i. Parties wishirig to travel or 10 send express on Ibis route may leave their orders ai the Dominion ex- press companys offices, Oshawa, WVhitby, Bnooklin or Myntie. The Ontario govemument bas by an onder- in-council appoimed the county court judges commissioners, under the act passeel ai the recent sitîlugs cf the legisisture, te di vide the prescrit counities int counîy councîl dis- tricts. J udges Dean and Benson perform that duty for the counties cf York, Ontario, Peterboro, Hastings, Lennox sud Lauark. The riew îown oad machine bas been at work uuring the past week, and bas beer ini- specled by mostly everybody in towu and ouI who takes an intereat in oadmaking. Il bas beeri found equal to any clsss of work for which il la recomrncndcd, sud shapes Up sîrcet lurnpikes wiîh an expedition sud per- fection wbich is sîînprising. The town has been lu need of sncb a machine for years, but itla seçpecially serviccable now since the heavy taffic bas been nemoved fmorn the streets, Vnrd a ligbîer ciasa of road-making will serve. Golf Tbe adjourned mectîniz, of the golf cen- tbusiasr.s, of the îown, was hcld in the îown bail on Monday evening asat. At the urgent requesî cf Ihose present, Mr. J. W. Provan, the chief proînoton of the gamne, t00k the chair. It was resolved that the club be kriown as the Oshawa golf club. The elc lion cf officers esulîcd in the following gen- men being eiected : Presiderit, Mayor Cowan, vice pres., E. i. Rowse ; scc.-treas, E. T. Slemon ; green commilîce, Messrs Kaiser, Cinnamon sud Scot; commilîe ci management, Messrs. D. Henry, R. C. Bab- bit, L C. Smith, C. F. Nicholson, and F. L Fowke; green keeper, Mr. J. Lenton, The club bave sccured the driving park grounds foi bbc acasou and play wili b. commeuccd iu a few dayt. The Vindicaîor eagenly quetes the frank sud manly apology made ta Dttective Greer by cur Port Penny correspondent for an in- jury donc tbrough misinformation, sud then wmnds up by saying that no responsible pub- lisher would retairi sucb a wrîîcr. How many limes bas the Vin, mari seeri apologieb in the leading Toronto papers on tic very smre lnes. The tbirrg whicb tronbles the bead cf the leari Vin, mar islanet a (car that P goverrimeut detective may be injuned. Bro. Nicholson lias been boping anid paying that some person connected wiîb bbc CHRON'ICLE stafi would gel mbt a scrape, sud hales ta sec the iricident pass-awsy wiîhouî trouble. On s like occasion a yeam ago we t00k occa- sion te pncpbesy that the Vindicator wil neyer gel mbt trouble. It prinis uotbiug but usmnby-pomby stuif wbicb leaves ne chance cf falling into erro: incurrig any danger. On Tuesday uigbt ahortly afller 9 o'clock some would-be murdenen placed a large bouider on the strcd nailway about a quarter oCsa mile north of tbc Grand Trunk înackm. The atone would wcigh about 15o lbs. It liappcried that befome tbe passenger car weni down ta smash int it, thc freight moton was takeri out sud sent to the juriction for a car. The driver rsaw the atone a 11111e distance befome unning upon it, but did net succeed lu stopping îLe car inu lime to prevent the smasbing cf the frame lu front cf the whecls. What migbt bave beeri the nesuit il the pas seugen car had corne alung finst ilas matter for the exercise of people's imagination. The car always runs aI bîgh speed Ibere, as veny 1111 le passenger traffic takes place so ricar the iurictiori. Il is easy te su ppose that the car migbî have been ditcbed sud people injnred or killed. The case is crie callin for thorougb inirestigatiou sud severe punis hment, sud we have no doubt thal the railway wili take wbaîever steps it may dcciii uecessary te pnotect its patrons. Get banknnpt stock sale. 1 amn plessed ta intimate 10 bbc many neaders cf theCnxîoNIcLE that I arn slanght- crng the grealest banknupt stock ever The Oddfeilows Lodgcs cf Oshawa celc- brated the 77tb stuiversary of the foundiug of tbce rder lu Arucrica by altendiug divine service at Siincoc St. Metbedist church ou Snnday aftennoon. Sone 2w Oddfellows îurued ont sud ftlled the ceutre seats of the church. The sitar was decorated wiîb fiowersansd banners, aud emblems cf the onden weme suspeuded froru the choir rail. The atteudarice cf those not members cf the orden was considenable sud thc Rebckabs occupied seateou the soutb aide. Rcp- fesentaîives ftoa Port Pcrry, Bowrnavi»je sud Whitby:were aise in attendance. Rcv. jas. Kîies, ' G. M. cf Quebec, occupied tb. pulpil sud ccngralulated th. bretbren upon the suctesse aud prosperlly cf Uic ordçr. The onder did flot neglcct things spiritual as was sbowu bW ther ablendance at bbc bouise cf God. ýTbs4t bev were moral and God- 1k. in-the l*w of humaniîy îthére ouid b. Mo dôub. - Th<Me wereDn-inûdels, in tb. order, tbcy could 1101 b. Oddfollol, if le wcre- The ùb>,ct cf the- oder -wasto ýre- ileve a brote i-distrçms, çare for $bes1 , conaf«rl bbe ptow and 'r"Ide for lb. or- phbans o' deese ro th ey.. "Titigo- cîeb ow~.~reven1ae of$7>ïooooo an4Iâu Mr. S. Urqahart. who bas bien in, Ha -mil- buc fur Uic puet twe montho, eturSethomc lag week. j- MIRS -Maggl& Foley *turncidJiome last V/eek afler aWltee mouthls visit wtb friends s"d relatives in Berlin. ..Mr Tb Péon? of Cobourg, who bas been visîting his uncle, Mr. A. Thompson, bas se- cured work in Creig's Carniage Works. One of these plcasing eveuts whicb evcry- one enjoys îook place at the residence of Mmm. Moines, Simncoe st. north, sat even- ing, il being the marriage of hem dangliter Edith to Mr. Fred Branton, both of Oshawa. There were nu invited guesta, Mr. Prank Braithwaite being the only one out of the famuily present. Rev. Mm. McColIl ied the kuot in the usual solid mauner. The happy couple wiII reniain in town, so, that Edith's smiling face will not be missed from smong us. We exîend our heartiest congratula- tions ta both iMm. and Mrs. Branton on this. their new venture in life. A nepresentatife meeting of the lawn tennis players of the îown was held over the Western Bank on Tuesday evening. Rev. J. H. Talbot presided and officers wete elected as lollows :-Robt. Williams, pnesi dent ; RJ Mackie, vice pres ; Bert Woon, secy-tmeas; P H Punshon, capt; managing commitîce. Arthur McMillian, N Rae, N Farewell, A Williams. The club îbînk of purchasing land sud fitting a tennis court sud bowling green, and appointed R j Mackie, j H Talbot and R C Babbitt a corn milIce to investîgate and report. The pros- pectu are that tbe club will bave a member- ship cf over 8o. Another meeting will be hcld at the âame place Fniday evening, Ma)- Sth, to receive reports of committees. Methodist church union. The plans Cor the enlarging and modern- izing ol the Simncoc stneet metbodist church in case of the contemplated union bave been dispiayed this week in the window of Rowse's store, and have been the sub>ect ol a grcal deal of scmutiny and comment. It is seidorn Ibat there are no parties stnnding there in anumaîed discussion. Ibose wbu have kept pmetly close tab on the opinions expressced say tbal people appear t0 be ai must unanimously in avur of the union, and iî is certain to take place. There are only, tîwo greal obstacles, one of money and the other cf money anid priciple combined, but mnosîiy money. The cost is the great oh stadle, and, besides, a great many Crmr the Mletcalfe church profess to b. opposed te pew renta. It la esîiriaîcd that it would cost $î8,ooo or Wosxto remake Uic Simcoe sîreet cbunch so as 10 seat 1500 people. The Simncoe street cburch. is s5ooo in debt now, while Uic Metcalfe street cburch would sel] for $2,ooo, wbicb is the amnount cf its debt, les ring the parsonage, organ and funnitune free. If the union dm ont take place now it la sa fe 10 say that it will riot be Cessible for a quarter cf a century, as the Iwo chuncbes will require te modernize anid enlarge at a cost cf (nom S4ooo 10 $8ooo to cacb, and then union talk wuuld be ont of the question. The annual cost cf maintain- ing the Metcalfe chnmch at present la 814,50 rr aunum, that oC Uic Simcoe cburch 82000 ith the increased debt neccssanry 10 incur ini makirig better scb00l roomas for eacb the cost would lu mp up t $4000 a year for 'both separate. This amnount would payaS $1200 salary foc the cornbined congregations aud psy ali the debt oi in thinty years, and in- stead cf having old edifices wîtb rnakesbift improvemneuts the whole wonld b. magnifi cenlly established. Therç lanrio reason wh) îwo methodist churches sffould exist withir, a fcw yards cf each othet' in a town cf the size cf Oshawa, except that the memben are deîermincd te stand apant. The exten- sive womk donc amorig the young people of the cburch is beginnirig 10 bear great fruit. arid more tacilities must b. provided for car- rying il on. It is incoristent for metho- disîs 10 talk about their love cf cric arother, aud about union cf al tbe protestant churches, wbilst îhey cannet agree amoug themselves in oe e own 10 commune with God in the same chuncb. Ail these cburches contain at prescrtit l a big auditoniud# eà.cb for preachirig, the extensive epworth leagrue sud cîher society work and the Snnay school work beiug allowed to shift for ther»- selves. & L. VICKERY, barber. Simcoe street BROOKS' LIVERY, Sizuco. street, north. 'SM. OLPE. barnunmaker, SirncSoestt r. B. MOTERSILL, butcher, Ring 8St, Wesrt. Du. PATTERasO, Dentisi; office over Rovees store. k. J. 8'rÂLTK-Dominion piano.sud organe, Simeoe street. C. C. Wsxxa, Veternaury Surgeon and Deutist, King street voit, Oshawik, Ont. WiLLiAM J. Dp.&,-ça, Dominion &Bd Ontarioe Land surveycr. Civil Engineer. Box 57.0ab- s'oa. OomMuzaciaL HoTx-J. C. Weon, proprietor. Modern heeteh-y. usat and comifortably equipped. D. M. Ton. -Caterer for Balis, Asseni blies. Wed- dings, Suppera, etc, etc. Aise a&U kindu cf fioyers. Oanava Bcoxseoaz-Fic Ue of bocks, utationery sud taney gooda. E. E. Rogers% Simco.e treet. Ioe. NoviLDE - Whltby-Oshawa stage line. Lesves Oshawa at 8 a mu sud 2 p m,, and Wbllby Mi 10 à m aud 4 p mu. beex oCEam, manufacturer of!fiue carrnages, carte, wagons, sud al] kinde of cuttens aud sleia. ,Repsirlng a speclity. JORN BnuwPn, painter sud decorater. Dealer in w&ail spers, ceiling decerations, paints, oul, varishnem, bn"s. vindev shade., etc. JaxsPeLCisiàw, dealer lunsborpa, turnace,tUn- ware, etc. Large stock kept coustantly on hand. Jobbing a "pcWaty. Sirnce street north. L. K. MUERTON, B. A. - Barriater, Boliaiter, Netary Public, Conveyancen, &o. bMouey te lend. OMfce over Dominion Bank, aScoe Street; Osha'wa. Wbeu couteniplstlug puttlng on Lite Insurance, soeeW D UwTzî of The Unitucd 'States Lite. Their policies are the mcii attractive. Langesi guarantees. M. E . MT.-Deainmn oceenles. Faney China, Crookeny, Tinvare, aud Fancy Gouda. Pure Teasansd Coffees. Boys rosdy made suite a speciaty-rery cheap. AUCTrcu SiLEa-The ubsonîber vill bo iu 0mb swa. at the Central Hetel, J'niday of esch wêek frer mie e u8 o'Olock P.m., ta ruake ar- fflgements wtth parties vishing tu have saoes. L Fmaxaizxa auctioneer. F. LXBRIT t oxa-The leeding tsfloruug and get' fîlrnlshing house Of0f sIua. Splendid gOseîrimeut of tweeds, worsteds, in W cn.~hnlollare, etc, slways kept eu tc«.$' ForA, Boos-Watbmakersand Jewoleru. DeaMtrs In vatches; adocks, lewelery, silver- vare, spectacles, etc. Enravn, goj.4 And silver plating. sud old gold rings md rr Fine watct-eoioek, sud jeweluzy repabng a specialty. Ivnaa &Ewxm s- importer" sd11e&, r là tarmle.s',mauufm>ctnrcrmd houefuib log supplies.. Xsulaturoen otUàw11.. Y' bicycledobpled koO"lUiIU - Mm.E, Gu 1</ct amie 4y ~ag..,- ML Cii. Bo of ,Brooui, als bqêo From the name one would suppose that Dr. Vandersmisan,-whoue two lectures on "«Faust," in Frances hall at tbe Ontario ladies' college on Thurgday and Friday lait were splendid.specimens of the scholarly series of lectures in the university extension course there,- was a German, but he is a native Canadiari, and with bis monocle and very English mariner presenîed in evening clothes a very BritWsl appearance. It is worthy of note that Dr. Vandersmissen is the finIt gentleman cf ail those who have ad- dressed audiences at the college in this fine lecture course wbo bas donncd tbe conven- tional garb of men when the sîjades of nighi have fallen and there is either a social func- tion in progress or tbey are endeavoring to ente rtaina public gathcning. The irst iectutc îreated those parls of Goetbc's great drama which wcrc written previous 10 1790, viz: "the earlier Faust," written at Frankfort before the poet's re- moval t Weimer, 1773-7,5, the continuation un 1786-90. and the "Fragment," published mn 1790. After a reference to the original iegend of Faust, the magician the reasons which had led the hero to despaîr in bis searcb for knowledge, and induced him to transgresthe divine ordinance by having recourse to the forbidden art of msgic, were outlined, and iilustrated by quotations His rejection by the earth-spirit reduces hlm anew t0 despair, and now Mephistopheles, the cvii spirit. first appears upon the scene. Then followed an analysis of the tragic tale of poor Gretchen's love, fali and doomn, in- terspersed with numerous readinigs of smre of the most beautiful and powerful passages, and ending with the weird dungeon scene. The lecîurer then proceedcd to show that, according to the easiest plan, which the poet stili adhcred to wben the "Fragment' was published in 1790, Mephistopheles, whose sudden appearance is not, at the lime, ac- counted for in any way, was inîcnclcd to be an emissary of the earth-spirit, deputcd lu satisfy, as far as possible 10 a finite spirit, Paust's unquenchable tbirst for absolute knowiedge and absolute truth. So ar, t00, there is no Creshadowing of the hero's ultimate regeneraluon and salvation, and for the present we must give him up as lost- and de'iervedly so. To hlm "Feeling was ail in ail," a creed which found its fiîting commentary in his fiendisb suggestion 10 Margaret, to administer the sleeping-potion1 io ber mother.1 In the eariier "Faust" was seen thei triumph ini the hero of the lower, cannai soul, wbich "10 the world witb obstinate desine And closely clinging organs still adberes." In the new "Faust" us seen the victory of the highcm, the spiritual sou], which, ever upward soaring, attains at last a pinnacie, ooking down from wbich he may say with Tennyson's "Evolution," 'I have climbed to the snows of age, and 1 gaze at a field iu the past, Whcre I sank with the body at times in the sloughs of low desire. But I hear no yclp of the beasî, and the Man is quiet at lest, As he stands on the bcights of his life with a glimpie of a beight that la higher." k'nowled ge is the goddess of the cariier Faust; wisdom is the goal of the second. The great ressont why tbe old drama had re- mained a "Fragment," lay in the deveiop- ment of Goethe's character and intellect. Alil gocthe's works are parts of a great "con ession." Faust was most closely akin to bis own spirit, and alone of al bis creations conîinued to live on"with bim, but whcn the original bad ceastrd 10 resembie its creator, he was impelled 10 give it new live and shape. In the mature wisdom of bis manhood, the poeî cou id see the difference as weii as the resemblance between bimseif and bis bero. While be, like Faust, had drunk deep of every draught thal intoxicates humanîty, he bad not suffered "Feeling t be alinail." Like thenew Faust, amid aIl bis errons, he had ever been couscious of the one truc way. But the old Faust, as pub- lished iu the " Fragment," was too ubstan- tial 10 be spirited away, and be had to bar- monie the îwo as best he might. The lead- ing idea of the new plan- was "The Faîl and in Part II, wbere Faust haviug obtalned a strip of tb. mca shore as bis kingdomn, finds bis bigbest pleasure in lt.egood of others, and exciaims: Freedom alone be earns, as well as 111e, Who day by day must couquer themn anew. The lecture closed with a bni outllne of ýGoethe's wonderful and resîlcis activity as. poet and marn of Lettcni, as regeneralor of science and art, and as a mari of affaira, a parallel being drawn between bis caiecer aud that of bis hero FanaL This Frlday nigbî Prof. Squair, of Toronto University, lectures on "Pascal." The man wbc, bore tbis name was a Frenchman wbo flourîshed about the middle of the 171b century. A Parisian, be displayed wonderful gilts as a geometrican wben a child. At 12 years he was capable of solving the most abstruse probleus, at 12 lie inveuîed a system, and at 17 issued a treatise on couic sections. In later 111e he became a devo)ted adherent of tbe Roman Catholic churcb, espousing the cause of the janseniats against the Jesuists. two extremne sects ' f thal faith. As il is of this latter an- tivity of Pascal's' wblcb the lecturer will treat, the ubjeet la amost opportune one wheri a religious' qu*ori that is the oul- growtb of Jesuitical enterpria. in thc pioncer days cf Canadian history is to b. passed upon in the politcal atruggle uow on. To the .]Favi'm.6. CAMPBEIL ]HLLIWOTT, 0 0 o MiLLERS) W'llgve 384beof 4 b am FI onr, 10 Cn15i'»rM 4h4rt 4fO1r a 1 eil at PELLOWSý and seebis Wrought Steel R~Â~wc3cEJs -AT- AhOOO Mlso his GOAL 011 and GAS STOVES -FR O- $p5.50 to $25-000 ar-and Trunk Ry. Colonist Trains and other Special Service for the Canadian Northweet. To accommodate settiers going t0 the Canadian Northwest this Spring, it is in- tended, commencing Tuesday, Afar. 3rd, and every Tuesday thereafter during March and April, to run Special Trains, ieaving Toronto at 9 p.m., enabling settiers to travel with their stock and household effects, there- by ensuring quick time, reaching destina- tion at the same time as their property and have good accommodation en route. Colonist sleeping cars will be run on these trains, the births in which wiil be FREE. COLONIST SLEEPING CARS, tor Passen- gers with ordinary baggage, will mun through to Winnipeg curing March and April. leav* ing Toronto at 12.20 p.m. every Tuesday. For fuil information caîl on or write to W. P. STERICKER, at Oshawa Railway Co's Office, Thomnas' block. R.C. Carter, Agt. Mar. 2oth, 1896. .OSHAWA. We have alwavs a general and varied stockc to select from-latest designs and finishes. Prices right. Undertalcing department fully stock- ed, and embalming according to latest methods. 0 9 -a 0 Picture framing promptly and satis- factorily donc. L uke Bro8., m Oshawa,. THE CORNER Arrested£ It ls'your atteto h 1w eant a1., rested dI 5*ot Wut OU1 -'tay lu cusFocy lotg enough 10 tlu that it la net........ 1Iofmpae but merely seiling you a finer cls Of goodl .w than ever before. 1 hâve arrivd at the ..... .. .............. ... 1 can'do this. 1 bave a nice l:ne Of Watcbes, (iocks, Jewelry SI- verwarc, sud Spectacles, at price that will surprise you. you are warited .by.....-......... Boyd the deweler, KING ST. WEST, Oshawa Book OSHAM-.- Store) -HEÂDQUARTEE8... FR~ Wellan d HIGH ::GRADE*: ::Vale BIC YCLES. "PERFECT,"0 *'GARDEN CITY,x -DOMINION,", BEAUTIS 0F 1896. for Bale. E. E. 'ROGE~RS, For Delicate Chfldren, Invalids and the Aged. JACKSON'S Nutritive Wine Thia palatable and I*IGHLY NOURISHINO Wine, prepared with Cod Liver Ol, laeaa"y retained and digested by the oeoe deicate. For WDisease, Geaeal DebMety. Impaired aDigeuoColdu, M C atarrheand Bronchai Trouble ofd L.0<Muacuur Ton*. Of grmt Nutritive. vaine to Adults and Chiidren. e A m=aked luaeaaed in wulght la aotiiemble after takinga few bttles of tixiaWIme' whlch rpreseuta a eqmùquaùty f CdU'ver 011. Ml druggZbm. SHOE STORE. - Aother Drop in Prioe&. In our great effort to hold trade from goiug to Toronto vo have ruade another A~B 1G DROP IN PRICES.>ý,--: . Inepect our Window this Week.-Largest aaacrtment, Black or Tan, Fashionable Gaitierettesand Patent~ Faced Shoos. REPAIRING.-We charge nine cents for tacking a pair of 80ole.5 rgula frice 20c. Other reduced price. in proporton. When we touch a -me. the price becouce reasonable, BUJRNS & COU) OSHAWA. Strog -ftti Rnook About Boots in groat variety. JLwhat 75 Ct. .and 8t.0 will by. THE PRO VENDEI MIL LS. Edmondson's Provender Mils, Oshawa, are doing a 'very large tra 'de, They Qrind 'Fine BSds and ail kinds of Grain- finer than any-atone miii .in the county is doing, or can' do. Their CORN MILLS ~AIA I# I If VOL.X OeIL Com Our mnakes il as safe for parentstbernselves. cumnstfuces can you f3 malter ifsa blind per% bene, the jurchase mc, refuuded it the buyer lhe least desýre to sel' ruer if(11 isu't exactlyi reliable. We are nev patrons are saîusfied bere once generally cý twice, but regula-rl, the store, snd the treý WB DON'T«! pnetend to &1gý cost US. wE * D -P% gve our cuitot their money as advemtiser. PURE DR VOS. PURE CHEM41c:.LS CHEMISI ANI WHITBYY Hou8e-cleardt Wc bave a langer and of window sbadei have ever sbowî W. use th: bes shade cloth, wil roller. Also s fine van$ Ask ta, sec our la acreens, 10 fit an5 Our baby carniagesa signa. Give us a cali befone W. are takiug s; elegance wltli e geucral utility. Our stock la complet4 W. invite buycr It wili save mont Leading Undez ILJ.Ji BROOK ST.,1 Established lh Whitby Steai Maîble, and Granite Woîk Dundas S Chas. H (FormerlyW orer and D GRAIE the latest mat kinda of Cern -gu.aranteed. JAVSzcD FOR D To gel gel nid Th.at>s why Uicj shows the Pc BÀRGAINS asi -we sai New Di 2 7-In. Tweed E -40-mn. Mohairs 44-in. Lusters 44-mn. Luster &. 44-mn. Fancy Six 27-in. Blacki do. 4o-iu. Serge 2ec 44-!n Black Bru «-m. Blacki Ber 46:1u. Black Ht 9eg70c. Black sud Fan' 12J clu. .SPEOIAL- Riid&'wb c are doing spIen did work. "-mMwmmMý i ronidt.

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