Whitby Chronicle, 8 May 1896, p. 1

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*1 -' I VOL. XXXX. Childre Cau Come-.. Our plan of doing business viakes it as safe for a child ta buy as for jrnsthemnselves. Under no possible cir- c Irnstances can you fail ta be saiisfled. No llter If a blind persan makes s purchase ilere. the purchase mnoney wili be promptiy îuiun11ecI it the buyer want' il. We haven't tej lt,.st desire ta seil anything ta a custo- r-ýr If t isn't exactly suitabie, desirable and \V.bli e are neyer satisfied unle-sa aur pairons are satislled. People who trade lhere once generaîly come back; not once or îw~.but regularly. They seeni ta like te .tort, and the trealment. LOCAL NEWS LETTERS. CKBOIcLI CoaasspasvrzNc.c -o-: 03RNWOOD Mr F L Green vsted the city on Saturday. Mr Sam Quigiey, ai Wbitby, spen: Sunday with Mr Jaos Shae aud frienda. Several f rom bere ateuded the funeraI of the laie Richard Colins ai Pickering on Manday. F L Greeu's aid Tom is dcad. This is the second horst Mr. Green bas iast t.his spring. He uowv sparts a new driver. A five year old child of Mr Gerr's, wbiîe fbol. ung wth a cutuing.box anc day asat we.rk, acca- dennally cut a finzer off by the first joint. \VE DOCN'TJ. - Mr John Shae, jr., in spending a lcw days un. pretend t selI goods at lcss lîhan they der the parental roaf. He speaks in high termns costof cty lite, but says there Ls no place lîke borne and Greenwood. W E . Mr Peter Perr, who bas been warking near gise Our customners just as mnuch for Audley for some tisse, spent Suaday in aur heir money as the nisi pretentious midai. Peter is greatly taken Up with Audley .idcrtier.Mr W W Gee, having finisbed his course in a I? E JU'fG. business coilege in Toronto, has returned home V .E:.Hiti, LS AND AiL PATENTS. ta resumne his dunes as farmer. Glad ta have you in aur mdst again, Wes. Owiug to an extra rush in business last week, ilX 1, ý 1, w-e ere unabe ta prepare the usual itiems for ter adrof the CHROtN1CLE. If aIl goes well . IlJ- \ I i AN1) RUG JO.I Cleaning Up the front sud back yard@. as weil WHITBY, ONTàRIO asu house cleaniug, bas been the rage here- for the pas: "'eek or so, thus causîng a great Lm- pravemeut in the appearance of the place. w Severai of the boy@ naw owu a wheel sud NPtIIN T ~ ~ some very handsome wheels have been purchas- strangly of iuvesting in one before the summer Houseclealifl tim 18 ere. i oe last writiug a bicycle club bas becu or- We have a larger and better assorted stock ganized and the followîng oficers iustalled: of window shades ibis season than we Tres, W L Green; sec, F W Meen; treas, R have ever sbown before, from 45C. up. E lohnstan. They will be kuown as tic G F. We use the best baud paintcd opaque 1B. club. shade cloth, îith Hartsbomu's spring Mr *Sam Stewart sud part of bis family moved roler, ta Peterbaro last week. They înteud ta keep a Al-so a fine variety of cornice poles. boardiug bo--se there ibis summer. Will is go- Ask ta sec aur lalest style of window ing ta work the farn aud hîs sster, Miss Mag- screens, ta fit any window, aI 30C. each. gie. ta goîug ta keep bouse for him. O)ur baby carniages- are ail of the latest de- Eniday was arbor day. aud Teacher Ward, sigus. wiîh the assistance of the pupîla, cle-aned thiugs (cive us a call before purchasing elsewhere. ap in great order. Several shade sud onamen- tai trees were planted sud tht flower beds were We arc taking special pains ta combine remodelled anid filled à-th'the choicesi and rai- elegance wîth economy iu prîce aid est flowers obtainable. general utiîity. Mr W H Wilson, who for the pasit woansd a Our stock is complete in Houso Furnishings, hall years has beau cngaged in the blacksmîîb We invite buyers ta corne and sece us- business in Brougham, bas given up bis position It will save money. there. He Ieft ou Mouday for Lindsay wbere he bas secured a good situation in one of the Leading Undertaker,- best biacksmith shape in the place. Walter was S M a general favoaite smong the young people sud IL Je OIEINwill he greatly missed by them. May he bave a prosperous sud happy lite is the wish of ail. BROCH: ST, WHITB-Y. Died, in Toronto, ou May 4th, Saphrona __________________________Reynolds, beiaved wife of Mr M Gleesos, in ber 42ud year. The bereaved buaband sud famdly Established 1849. of five cbîldreu have the heartfett synipsthy ai the comtnity iu ibis tbeir sad bour of affliction -- in thtebls of a Jovîng and faithfui wîfe sud mather. Deoeased bas been à resdeut of ibis villaRe for a nusuber of yeams and aimmys proveri Whi1bý Steamta be an aimable and obliging negbbor. For the past tbrce or four montha deceased bas been in tht city doctoring wîth the best doctars there. but iu spîîe af the best medical :reaîm_-ut sud M a[bI arnd everything lvn red ol osewscle beat earthly frieud--their moîber. Hem remains wo-re folowed ta the Beugor cemnelery on Wed- Clanil WA Snesday, May 6th. by a very large concourse af sorrowing inendsansd acquaintanzes, Dund s S ~Mr. B. Loie. of Gre-nbank, spent Sunday on .kaà aà a - FI% % f ,11 1 '- wi Ch the îslaud renewing aid acquaintances. H ITIb Y. Miss Savage aud Miss Hamlin, of Port Penny, ________ ________ iere visitoon tht iglaud on Saturday Luts. Mr. sud Mrs. Orr Grahamn of Part Perry irere Las. Ha. S n i visitors ai Mr. Thos. Grahames on Sanda>' las:. (Formenly Wolfeuden Works. )Im Misa Clana Madden sud Miss Stauton. ai ponter sud Dealer in MARBLE A',DL Raglan spent Sunda>' on the Island vîstiug a: GRANITE MONUMEN'*TS, Etc., af Mn. D. McDenmott's. tic latesi mnaienal sud de-sigus.A il A mosi favorable spring up tg date. Tht kinds af Cemet.ery wark. Ou workI farmers ane about ihmauRh sowxug aud noir we guarauteed. mait for nature ta do ber work. XAISE'4u FOR DE5siGN.S AN~D PRICES. To gel gel id ai hie Thats why tht>' are att shows tht people ki BARGAINS are. On Saturday, Tht services last Sabbatb mere weIl atieudtd sud tht discoursea were pnactiiel sud rsgbt ta the point but no doubt of a rathor close fit iu some individual cases. Rev J. H. Malicti reianned on Frida>' ai las: week from Belleville wbere be had becu wiing on bis examinations. We are pleascd to, repont thai he came off successful. 1Our Indian duiel, we uuderstaud, bauRb: a stock ai goods. south-of -Port- PeM man ta mnal au Saturda>' ways bus>'. That for tht alleged offence ai kssiug bis wie. Sucb noi ihere tht a white man oaghita be deali wt@ sevemel>'. Tht case was setled b>' tht defendant. The quateriy meeting services will be beld ou Ot ySanda>' morning ai tht centre cburch commeuc- Ifl. t.I 0 O IUI.A. C z.A O lm tfl . n hn ire selI Neir Dress Goods:1 2-;-in. Tweed Eflecis 7C., reg i2%c. 40-in. Mohairs Checks 25C., reg. 40C. 44-mn. Lusters 5oc, reg 7,5c. 44-mn. Lusîer & checks 5ac, reg 7.. 44-an. Faucv 50c, reg 75c. 2-7-iu. Black do. 25C, reg 40c. 4a-in. Serge 2oc, reg 30c. 44-mn. Back Brocades 35c, reg 5oc. 44-mn. Black Serges 25C, reg 35c. 46:in. Black Heniettas, silk finish, 55c, reg 70c. Black aud Faut>' Crepons and Pougee, I 2j cie SPECIAL-ýD Ladies' Blouse Waisis 25c, reg 65 cts. Real Bussels Carpet at 4,c, reg 75 cte. FeJi Hais for men and boys froua2,5C up. Straws tom mes, momen sud children. NEW DEPARTIENT!1 Ladies' Trimmed Hala (rom $i.oc Up. Ste thetu. Ladies' Trimmed Walkisg HaIs aI 3So. GROCERIES BOOMING- ON SATURDAY Eddy's matches 8 ets s box. N. P. Soap, botter tian Ivor>' Bar, i 2i, reg 2e ; Sunlight Se; Morse'. 4c. Rice 4r- Saga 4c. Fine Raisins Sc. Casé Carrant Sc. Salnmon zo cta. Cntd Cors 7C, Tomutoca 8. 4ib1 Waaig Soda Sc. Fruit Vlogr 2ci XXX White Wlno 35, M 50 cli. SPECIAL-Seedioss RaWsis 5,eg, çc Rasphe> Jî l oc; eon v 12JC ; fine(e'o 5'i5SCp tg 4d good genor blci, , r % $ bekat Cofleaoc, reg $. ,OSU7TRR AXON O G6S service a recepiion service mill be held, irben al ihose irbo have been on trial for the required leugib ai ime wmli h admîitted into full member- ahip with auir churches. COLUMEUS Miss Edti Ham is ver>' iW. Mrs. 1JLawrence is onthe sick list. Mr. Robt. Wilcoxou bas moved ito bis nom bouse. Mm. L. Beckett la rcuavaling the luleiar ai bis bouse. W. A. Hoilida>', ai Brooklilu.took charge ai tbe christian oudeavor n the preebytemman cburcb ou Sunda>' evcning. Mr Wslter Momre bas campieteri bis education at the Wbitby sebooal ai elgrapby, sud isuair ready for an engagemneuL Mm JaimsHoblis, late!>' of the Pedlau marks, Osawaa. bas securod a good situation lu Lindsa>' and lestes for there lhis mcci, Mesurs. Hairden and TInk are tht firai me bave heourdaita finish solfiln g ou Aprfil3«àb sud May izs,rsp Cuvl>'. Qut. a sumber hotu bort artend.ed the qqart- cri>' services lu Kedron on Stans> menîamsu ilu lie evening the>' returued tbm viait. Oh oh!1irbat aborneto besare, nl baulking beUnergiup As Coambus see omma la Mr. WilM ffal, Who for -lie lamt axiclm a botu vsting frimuda lu tht aid eosnyrlu ed home on Thtesd>' maiireWéD ea iwlbis trip.t Farmers artjubilant< otlgc TMis NO. 23 PORT PERAT le arrived Lflice Une3 veiry, sît.- ~at pricea YOU are .......... eler. AWA. also open out a shoe sbop, a dress.madlnR shop1 and enlarge pictures. We welcoine Mr. Bullert ta our village and hope hoe wili be successfut. Report of Columbus achool for Âprl. Class1 IV.--Jennie Minty 1301. Maud Wicozon 1271, Bessie Smith 1243, leunie L.anghurst iiiac Ernest NIMzLaren i1o9. Albert Fîncb zcq6. FrSd1 Kiel769. Clam V Ir.-leunie McLen 5 Liliy Hann 53. Violet Gu 485 Gea. BrOwbe5 4-54, lames Lake 405. K;achel Beckett 4oi., L.awrence Ormiston n~2, Minute Wotten 388, Minnie Harper 38. Clams II.-Robert Smith 61o, Mabel 0idf eld 573, Harr Wilcoaon ", Tennyson Pereman 5oi. Ilattie Richardson1§<» Tom Bamdl 442, Violet Luke 433, lenale Mo- Lean 427, rn. RicbardsDnu.1k». Kale Hsrpez 356. Class Il.-Biccle Guy 5_52. Aunme Purxves 532 Louie Mc-Lean 47t. ADiJ e Woten &mà Millard-McLaren 417, Annie Tink 35. àUerUS Tink il. Geo Harper 309, Tom ioughngbht 254. Fred Farrow 56.,(21555 Il Jr.-Iwu Ormistoln 412, Blake COud 393, Annie Wotten 366. Agnes Hem 2!, Fanny Stork 12_. PartIl. -Paul Purves 27.4,Cecil McLaren 217, Norman Guiny 90 Sam Nîcals 149, Gertie Siork 52. Pt. I. -Frank MicFeanAnmue Ploughright. Wesley Tink, Frank Richardson, Bruce Smitlh. Charlie Holman, Ethel Brizht, Peaul Harper. Members on roli 64o. Average 49 M. A. StiI, teacher. AUDEZT Miss Guthrie Sundayed in Pickering. No news this week. Ail are busy seediflg. Rev. Mr. Harris lectured b.re on Tuesday evening iast, on the history ai the bîke. The lecture was instructive. Prayer meetings were opened here on Sun-.ï day evening Iast. May the spirit of good take hold upon those wha attend. Mr. Sparks, of Frenchrnan'5 Ray, visited according to appointmenl, aur Sunday school on Sunday last. He commended as upon aur good order and method of conduct- ng the schoi. He exhorted the teachers flot ta weary and the pupils ta put into prac- tice what they learned from Sabbath ta Sab- bath. He also toucbed upon dancing aud gave a fine illustrat ion of the gaod effect pro. duced by a yaung lady's refusaI ta dance on principle. It is our opinion also, as Samn P. Jones says- Dancing is bugging set to music. Our boys have not yet organized the foot- bail team. They came out snd had a kick last week and we believe it was resolveri ta get a teamn up for carupetîtion at Greenwood on the 25th inst. Why not get a move on boys and hustie things inta shape. We b.- lieve a number of our boys would expect ta win without anv practice. As we said last year we are not in favoir of picked teams and think a teamn ought ta be camposed of home mnen. RAGLAN The enquiry of the day. Have you your house-cleaning doue ? The farmers of Ibis vicinity are neaîly tbrough with their seeding. Miss Em ma H ezzel wood is at home at pro- sent under the doctor's care. Mr. and Miss Stanton and Miss Madden spent Sundav at Prince Albert Quite a number from bore attended the quarteriy service 'ield in Myrtie on Sabbatb.. Our dressmnaker. Miss Hambiy, bas re- tumned ta the village, and wîll be glad to have ber aid customers eall an ber. gin et 7 P. m. instead Of 6.30, as it has been througb the winter months. The shed in connection with the S. A.c barracks, which was sa badly brokeii down by tire immense amount of anaw that be- cameeuiled up on it last winter, is being e- Mr. Wm. Purves of Columbus, the repre-c sentative of the Whiîby Sabbath school as-t sociation, will pay an offciel visit ta the Presb"~erian sud Methodiat scboois ber e n ext 'Sabbatb aftern oon. Tiie cheese factory received the first milk for the. season an Monday morning. The quautlty was sot large but will soan in- crosse. Mr. Vallesu is making every allier1 day f«r the present.1 Mr. M. F. Chinn s original farce, "The grave robbers, 1 is ta ho given ai the Green- wood concert on the Quccn's birthday. Il is likely that the Messrs. Chinn, Gea. Gilli snd A. Milis wiil represent the characters. Mmr. G. W. Arnold bas purcbascd from bie brother, Mr. C. J. Arnold, the laiter's inter-1 est ii tbe farm belonging ta the estateaof1 the lâte N. Arnold, and will have possession af the whole property for nexi ycam's crap. Cattie buyers are payiug their spring visita ta the farmers' stables, but prices are so lor that feir are selling. hoplng to Fet sometbing better s little later. In addition ta the. local buyers tira gentlemen from ColUi4gwood were here this week. The Royal Templars have chosen the 21St mest. as the date for the presentatian of the dramea "Out in the Sireet.s. " Make no ather engage ment for ibis date. In addition ta the graina a splendid musical programme Iwill be arrauged. Pull particulars will be given neit week. About twenty members of Beethoven lodge 1,00OF. drove ta Whit4' on Suuday afteruoau ta attend the annuai cburch ser- vice of the iodge tbere. The faci ibai quite a number of the inenbers of the Wbitby lodge wre not sufflciently iuterested ta at- tend the service, was a surprise ta the bretiren fram here. Just afler my correspondence for last wcek iras written, notices irere posted calling a meetinF for the purpose of reorganîzing the Broakîxu foot-bail tearu. This iras ta have been held ou Saturday niglit, but the rain prevtnted a large attendance and a past- poneuent irab made for anc wcck. All who are iniercsted are requested ta ho present at tbe council ro--ni to-morrow (Saturday) at &30 P. M. Mr. Carson, of Meaford, irbo bougit a large quautity of apples througb thià dis- trict last faîl, is here again. This time he is evening a discumioq took place toeme i stepo were necessary té have the Csrtw roaoàway put into good shape agai.Il dîne sometbing was doue as it.plce Cartwright people at a great disadysu in coming to town to demi sud outmercb; cas see the difference in their tr9de ad tbe roadway bas been bupassable. An exciting runaway took place ouMM nesday lorenoon in, towu. 1Mr. Ne Luke's team attachcd -té £ deucrtW was ued to apoxst là frt oJou0- .&- and *cared'ibe borseswho ade qdt ran towards the lake, they vémd. mê" elvtor and the. tongne strnck a teiê post brlnglng the. team to a standutili tbey wer e canght.'*The euly dautag bd a broken tongue, neckyoke, sund, plec the lunes.Lîckily ;bey had a ècar ÇOf and did igot strike any other rip où.A way.t a aquestion f sonie megMabc not be brought up not W bavemso luapY-' tied to postaon theomaisusrt. ,la'thigg it did sot occur, but otiier runsawap. taken place when rip lIn front of om"r 1 have been mn s lto by runaw>ys.ý W. J o G. 13. WILImmON, brber, asxtt ot 00W MI11stock of IDIU u IV"W~ tm ont ayata el styosa"ol ow pidé*1uq W E OLImI bas tu, m- bnSguo tu ih.y t od ol rgaau For the and f111;IrteetO CHRoNhcLEsudoits P Pacorrespond tet CNConrig hant ofP brsponensed b>' îbem one cas'î expect anyîhing better. A skilful operation lu surgery wias per- formod îast Frida>' ou Dorman Corbusan .by Doctors Clemens, Proctor, sand Meilow. This youuglibd bas been a suflerer for ofgh-- tou montha past from blp-joint dises..;. Wo save bis life the afffected leg iras amputated at the hip-joint. Tht patient la doing as ireti as cas be expected. Frida>' being arbor day, teseher sud scholars cîeaned and pianted 15omers lu tic schooi yard, making a great improvement. Mr. Watson Hodson, irbo bas hotu suifer- ing wiîh a broken ieg, bas so far recovered as ta be able ta iralk by tht aid af crutches. Mr. Walter Rose iho bas been borne for somne urne suflering from blood poisoning in his baud. under tht akilful came of Dr. Archer is impraviug. Tht barns sud ouibuildings beionging to Jas. Graves icre burncd on Thursday after- noon. Cause ai fire unknoîu. boss caver- cd by insurance. Hazel Bray, daugiter ai Wmn. Bray', fam- ely ai Ibis place, died lu Toratntaofdipb. tiensa. Tht many fiends ai Mr. sud Mrs. Bray extend their sincere s),mpati>' lu their lbas. Another couteel bas been started lu the division. This trne thc ioseing aide furnisi- e straihorries and ice cresa. A temper- suce sermon wiii ho peacbed in connection wiîh tht Sons ai Temperance at a lurtier date. Mr. C. W. Bateman is as thteroad agais Ibis season selliug goode for Mr. E-c. Halli- day ai Raglan. Arbar day was duly observed aI aur school asat ieek b>' transplsniing trocs lu front ai the yard. The C. P. R. limne table tiaI 100k effeet op Mauday ai thie ek, hbis tic aitemnoon ot evening express gaing ires: due bore ai 5.33 insîead ai 5.5e, some tirent>' five minutes tartier. The grain elevator here amned b>' tie Mc- Ka>' Ca. until a short time ago, bau becu soid ta Mr. Good, Uic tmas tuai aperai.od tb. elevator the last season. We anderatand liai tht pretty dwelling bouse thaI Mr. Moshure occupies bas also been bougit b>' Mm. Good. Last îeek a car toad ai young cattie (ire tbiukr bougit b>' Mr. Margaaf Oshawa) mras sent froua ibis point ta a ranch iu the~ North West. Os Saturda>' lasI theMesars. Ormistan siipped tira car loandeaf fat cattie iduding lira barses t lie aid country. It seemsa that the farmers justet ofaieme could not get satlsfaclosy prbces for their stock, sud oneofa the abovo samod men bas gane wltii the stock ta try tii. oil coîtru> makel. 8HINGLE8, Western Lime, gmt>' sud Blacksmitb's Coal, at C. P. Myrtie. W.. LEDINGHAU. April --t-b-, 5-t--S mite, and PL. statian, rAimeetlg in b.nbeiomaswth ths e k..i Thtwa li o li rus froTuortorr thrôughek Thebride, Bmflrnford eeot-Seibumne sudà othier oisraKdfardiBtn slu aie alu bthrandies totheàrdlaendIl la xpcted Ibisncsumer of er8g6 sucx8. It l exse duo lise in aperation. > Causcillors Rundie sud Batenuan iad a - ratiier peculiar experience a loir days mgo fiO, îorkis their ira>' tatii. gravel pit owèvW mile islnd. Betireen fear sud pluck th. got ta Ibeir jouruey's end, but cipecte té ,t b. dumped into the matery marsh, howeu,, tbydd geltbrougii, though wiltb lear UuI: trembling and accomplisiied their mlSsi& on wbicb tbey set out Balaam a ZIoas. If ail ls true tIlit is told we might spare a citizen or two. Mr. Brion Linton Jr. will engineer affaira foir Mr. J. S. Wilson Seedlng is slow work this spring on acoount of over moisture of the land. Mr. S. H. 'joues bas disposed of bis beef cattle to a heatben or a missionary or something of that sort. We are glati to have Mr. George Johnstos again in oui mîdt, re is a good frend ad i neighbor.1 T. C. McAvoy bas engageri the services of Mr. Hick wbo wiUl be ander the supervision of Fore- man Caibert. Rev. J. Harris preached a splendid rmrmon ou on Sunday evening wbich t:baugh is notbing new as he can doas goodif nat beat the best any dime. Mr. Wmn. McAvoy bas joined bis brother Walter in Manitoba and are busy putting in their crop in the prairie province. We arm sarry ao Jase the boys (rom Zion but we wish them succes in beir western field.1 Business Directory. W. Phulp, cheap boots, iraI papers, staple aud fancy dry gaodm sud groceries-W. Everett, bars. sboeing and general good blacksmithing -. W. Dianoy, bamness maker sud genersi repair sbop, work guaranteed-T. C. Mc.Avoy, a gaad supply of baney alirsys ou band st reasanable prices-Wm Harbran, mapie.symup a: rock bottonspies-W. F Joues. dealer in the ceiebreted Page Wire Fence-Mr. Birkett, represents tht Farmers tusurance Co., af Colm- bus-Miss Hoitby sud Mr. Hlubbard, distribul- ers of kuowiedRrt sud understauding aI reasan- able term- W. H. Coultis, money ta IeudIv at reasonable rates-W. P. Joues, Shortborn catle-J. W. Duan, pound keeper-Wtn. Edwards, pathmaste-S. 1. Hoiden, J. P. AOEEBEN. Seeding about flnishd. Our services are being better attended aine Mr. Raiford enîered upon bis duties a: ibi charge. Proclamations for tht generai elections are posted tbougbout this localit>. Electors mil gavern themmlves aocordfingly. Tht collection taken up Wtduesday evening lu aid of the sufteving Armenians netted $575 wbich we conaider ver>' liberal froin aur youug people. Our paîtmaster shouîd takre note of the dang- erons condition of aur sidewaiks. Tbey are a memnacot only ta tht achool ebildren irbo ddil>' use thein bu:ta ail passers by. grafting apple trees. He founci a lot af poor A mistake mas noticerin lu bt week's budg«.t. keeping varieties lu bis buying last seasan, The convention at Asbbumu mil isa eplace con ibichlie liehd ta take, but in whicli there Thursda>'. Msay 8th. inssead of May' ath asc iras a bs lu ever>' case. Iu order that g sted il sat eeks issue. there m" beas little as possible of lisin ui Mr.Tuas. Pearson wlllbe busy forsommetmeE the future, he is getting rid of the inferiorasr ba been engaged to ereet a p ale a the grades b>' grafting in first class stock.. The acbooî a: Chalk Lakte, sud ta nm _Imrae reenît muet ho a decidcd advantage ta bath muslM i brha Mnbse,- poe groireresud buyers. Mrt.Bnbbiavlal os uMu Mr. W=. Raicliffe, of Columbus, iras un-IM.W rs etavaubehq nMn ablie ta 511l hie appointment in cannection day.Ont of the tesattapiui Stéman mm>i iriti last Sunda>' evcning's meeting of the knocked the otiier horst doun brealu its Ieg.( Preebyterian C. R. meeting. but hie lace M.Shtfoin Jbstoifle ddh ultnewt iras ver>' acceptabl>' takenb y Mm. Purves,iShtfasbsrl. assisted b> the Misses Stokes. Thce ex-j Somne misciievons boy, mitdi me energy than changje of leaders iras coxupleted by Messrs. ,iii, placeda lar% pile of rals ou the road J'P býe nd A Hlliaoin¶ to Coluin. aknostoppeutzt Mm. W . Caqfl M. 'e- - bÙ&utgl'sik nf5uà-t ay oeld of aad-bis jwroved verYhosatis&ctory ta bath socetues ea ndr eteeil bapuil is wtt! bc . sud -trlght -tried b! others wmon tic>'are lmof suci fRN"sbPrani desirous of infusiug neir lîfe sud intereet A disappolutrnenî iras in store fr tie peeple ia their meetings. irbataiended the endeavor meeting Wednesday On Friday last, arbor day, the teacher evening epeiig obear s debate betircenr sud echolars af the senior division of the Myrtie and Âsburn. Tht Myffle debaters school spent a vcry busy day in decorating failed ta conneci -as sine af the speakers ooald the schoot rootu. As a resuit, its hart, sot attend. Henoe their non-appearance. We barn like appearance ia a thîng ai tht past. hope ta have the pleasure of eujoying the debate Tht irals are noir bung îiîb beautiful pic- lu the Str future tures, neatîy framod or mauuted as pasels, u io*oe sud ail tht windows are filled witb flowerng plants. Tht aId ebeemiess atuiospheme e ~Mms H. Beirell, af Port Ferry, bas been visît- gone sud there is soir a hrigbt attractive- iug ini this viciuitv. ness about tbe place that cannaI but have A gaudi>' number froin bere attesded tht sac- an influence on tbe younc characters hoing remestai, service s: Wiek on Sunda>'. inouided there. Mr. Holmnes sud bis mlii- jMm, sud Mrs Joseph Rosl, of Orono. and ing assistants bave donc their part exceed- Heur>' Bemelî, of Lindsay. more vsîung bere last isgly ml sud it would seeni a fitting time week. noir for the trustees ta show tbeir apprecia- We are giad ta beau that Mms.1Jas. Ashton, tian af the efforts put fbrth. I îouid sug- mii. ias iluaa cidea odton.snmmc gest that tht>' procure a clock, sometbing betr UI"io.snW aë that bats long been iranted. A gif ai thia Romember to so armauge- your business as kisd froua tie trustes mouîd be fuly mp- ta lie abiJE ta attend the presbyterian Sanda> preeiated. The lamer ootu, Miss Gallo- scolan esaymMa>' auh sud a5th. The way's division, bas heen decorated îlîb pic- prnceAlbtNchir wdil be hem., and dount for- tures thîs meek. Tht younger nuemben ?ofget at i. James Balfour, Grembnlsk eavor- the scbooi more just as mauch iuterested ilu tev"o isluleader. tht gaad îark as ment the seniors sud are wt oiifen oa&M.Nwo.w justas mch leasd wih te chnge hatcanna: but congratulatthe people ai Ssinthield bas been madIe. onth r of se"egthe lm asi l- W. A.H. censecl or raffic in tbeir nidst. Dr. Park suad bis band af stalmaris bave- fonght a bard GUJY &COpun ua b ansd cam ont victorlons. And tie hbe> 00., grain buy.of it is, it is not a mm er.ioporar advautagifor BEA.LL, a. - Issues0ai Mriage Lieoses. ta reStle liceuse miii equire a petitbol signei Resdes o pposite Town Hall, Broklin. b>' at Jeast ont ballaofthe. rtepayers inthe Pal1- W A MoNmvifo, D V S.-Graduate of laie fOn- ivainsd mliii the. tmperanc-m nlut inria Vetsrinary Collffe, Toronto; Honarar>' 30 ii :laquit. safe ta p>edic't liai se M"c meniber of the Onts-riaMediesl Society.nme odevbcoW d -Go-l ýîs Treatu m&U dlsesees of the dom.mistmed ubroadeebotle.Go-y is muinsa b>'them ost mpproved me$hodt. . Aisey>, asivam SahnUifd lu onoeMed. particular stienilon tsurgical opesmiions As menoiied lm tvoi, it bas b=o 6ds sud deanisti>'. Day or nlght os-li s poîlyt uldm i.admds iao m s attend"d ta. OZ" nsd resdono. kilo pull.dm the lu 0<115< in u uz..Nèb u Ontario. td a s ein b ue«ti liai mtin b duarc. l ii. nlat stt rmplusia- ervice b $inJr I) TIM IL~Iomd IIapo. iio.ae m ll alon -m day ftorinphal erice n't l*Ju ttoves n . de- ceIblouh g WE HAVE ALL KINDS 0F-.., i1i*w~ Smuw wIi be - Th!esk FieId ad Garden xvp frI i. oon the wibsubq P*OtorsRoeet4 Flower BEeDe, Etc. Euoyu<zP and de Rat, MW.~Mbiu SPAD)ES, HoEs, RAKEs andi SHovEts, PLAIN and DBARD.- RD Wuoe, and ail kinds .cf la M. Joeph Vlcrkey sud fa=Uûy have T - moed ta Ouhawra tas week. Mr. c'W. Coniy is @mpzaeoe calTa' under th. reaideuce M. GI. vla»tlu L e. Bol'a fo ve -M.eo& fa. Cýtw >1w ArWIl.b'oecurd ostinlut closeat prices. andera.I orNe.,Wê ir-abW Iba 2taof- ray . ~aust..1 pàë eïrs Ã""'. O' WIIITBY, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY -Se 1896. Saper bas J ust brought iu another Carload of sugar. N. F. Paterson, of Uxbridge, iras In taira on Monday. Mr. J. M. Davis, of Toronto, was in towo for Ibis week. T. Daucaster, of Canuington, was bore on business tbe firit af Ibis week. - The Rayai Templars at borne os Tuesday,,, evenlng iras vory succeseful. Jaoiesos's watering cart made its firet ap- poarance is the streets iast Saturday. J. W. Curts' egg wagons are bringing in large quantities of eggs frotu the uortb. Mr. Leonard Burnett, the Reform candi- date, was bore on business on Saturday. Mr. Wm. Smith, the Conservative candi- date, was in town last Friday on business. The frog pond chair bave a concert every evening in the marsb-free gratis of course. Mme. Graut-Duif and ber inother, Mrs. Brown, reîurned ta Landau, Eng., last Friday. William and joseph Clooney, near Oroxioa; irere visiting their sistor, Mrs, Gea. William- son, last 8unday. Mr. Dulmage, fur dealor from Belleville, was bere lasi Friday sud iu 24 bours bad boughl on the raad io000 muskrat skins in tain and ailier places. aie ' YCL ES. 1 Cornet ne ISHING y retained I mpaired 1 Trouble N utnive able &fte, reenti as giti. nother ack or -eguar )Uch a Sh ey inds of in the vork. Ne w, sold ices. g fori

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